memory box project

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Memory Box Project

Eva Cochet & Drew Goettemoeller

Problem Statement:

How can we help those with short-term memory loss maintain their independence and accomplish daily tasks?


Anterograde amnesia is the most common form of amnesia. It is characterized by the inability to store, retain, or recall new knowledge after the event that triggers the onset of amnesia. Patients in this state often cannot remember what they ate for their last meal or events from the immediate past. They may fill in gaps in their memory with fabricated events (confabulation). This is the type of amnesia seen in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Warning Signs

• Memory loss that disrupts daily life• Challenges in planning or solving problems• Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at

leisure• Confusion with time or place• Trouble understanding visual images and spatial

relationships• New problems with words in speaking or writing• Misplace things and losing the ability to retrace steps• Decreased or poor judgment• Withdrawal from work or social activities• Changes in mood and personality


Wearable Cameras offer help to people with memory problems and provide a tool for studying how the brain creates and retrieves personal histories.



How can we help people with their prospective memory i.e. tasks to be completed in the future?

Traditional Methods

• Checklists & alarm clocks

• Photographs

• Journals

User Persona

• 56 years old

• Initial symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

• Lives with Husband Hanz just outside of Chicago

• 3 children age 31,26,22

• Would like to maintain her activity level

Steffi Bloom

Steffi Bloom’s Activities

• Likes to go running in the morning

• Twice a week she takes the train to get groceries and supplies

• Works part-time as a paralegal

Common Problems

– Remembering recent events

– Remembering Names of people & places

Our Concept

What if we could combine traditional methods of maintaining memory within an application that could tie them all together with additional GPS information?

Memory Box

• Combines photographic, Video, Note, & Checklist memories into a GPS Navigation System that helps you see where you’ve been, and where you’re trying to get to.

How it works:

• User can turn on the app via phone or a web-based organization system.

• A calendar of events can be entered and will automatically sync and run throughout the day to help make sure that Steffi gets from place to place.

• Pictures, Video, Notes, and Checklists can be appended to tasks to help the user remember their objective.

•Start Event Button would be moved to only popup screen.

The Design

• Image based navigation

• Simple toolbox

• Several gray tones and flashy green

• Round shapes

• Memory Icon

Why start with this platform?

We chose to start with the android platform as we hope to incorporate our application with many of google’s current technologies

• Maps

• Calendar

• Advantage of streetview

Workflow changes

• Began Laterally : add event > doing event.

• Shifted to a much more integrated version.


• Easy Navigation

• Deciding which portions were most vital

• Gauging importance of memories vs. Navigation

What is Most important Vs. Most Used

Most Important

Navigation is most important for daily use, however Memories are most important for memory retention.

Most Used

Navigation of daily tasks i.e.

• add, view, and utilize events

Our Favorite Parts

Will it last as technology changes?

We want to use informational postcards with QR Codes which will be handed out in doctor’s offices and hospitals to access the application.

Updating the app can be done via computer or mobile.

As Technology improves, this application will only become more useful as GPS location efforts, and memory storage increase and become more focused.


Memory Box

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