metamorphosis lighting neeyah

Post on 15-Sep-2015






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Metamorphosis Lighting technicians

NeeyahEquipment:Blue gel light filter.The blue gel light will be used for the background lighting in metamorphosis. It dims the venue, setting a sombre mood, reflecting the themes and emotions of the play.

RED GEL LIGHT FILTER was also an option for the general lighting however we opted against this option due to the connotations the colour red is associated with, such as danger or passion.

Despite our decision to go against a red background lighting, during Gregors transformation, flashes of red could be used to express the shock a sudden pain.

Used throughout the performance such as the whole of page 79.

Equipment:Lamps and torchesThe lamp is used for minimal lighting, emphasising certain sections of the stage.It can produce small shadows creating a realistic feel to the scene. A minimalistic prop.

Used on page 81 between the two parents as they call demands.Gregor!Cash!Gregor!Shoes!Etc.

The torch is used for small direct beams of light. One example a torch can be used is during page 91 where Gregors door is opened. The torch can simulate the bedroom light.

SpotlightA spotlight is used to draw all the attention to a certain area of character.Used to create an intense melodramatic scene.Used:-On page 79 to reveal the family members one by one as they say their line.

-Bottom of page 79. After fade, the spotlight presents the family sitting together. Line queue,MRS.S: Gregor, Gregor?

-Page 80. Spotlight from low down to create a shadow of a beetle using Greta and Gregor.

-Page 80. Lights snap on downstage, queues spotlight on frozen parents.Effect:Black OutBlack outs are used for dramatic effect. They can be sudden or fade slowly depending on what type of impact you want to create. They can be used to indicate the passage of time or to mark the end of an act of scene.

If accompanied with sound the black out can make a dramatic impact on the audiences mood and make them think and feel changed depending on the duration.Used throughout the play. Fading at the bottom of page 79.Blackout page 83 when queued.

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