metodicheskie rekomendatsii dlya raboty v lingafonnom kabinete

Post on 27-Nov-2014






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Методическое пособие

для работы

в лингафонном кабинете


Елизова Т.К. Методическое пособие для работы в лингафонном

кабинете -Набережные Челны, 2008. – 57с.

Данное пособие предназначено для студентов и преподавателей

английского отделения университета.

Основная цель пособия – рассказать о теоретических

возможностях использования аудио и видео материалов и

практическом их применении на занятиях по практике устной и

письменной речи английского языка, а также при самостоятельной

работе студентов на втором курсе факультета английской


Составитель: кандидат филологических наук, доцент Елизова Т.К.

Рецензенты: Л.Б.Левина , доцент, кандидат филологических наук,

зав.кафедрой германской филологии филиала КГУ

А.В. Теренин, доцент, кандидат филологических наук,

зав.кафедрой английской филологии ЕГПУ


Наиболее эффективными средствами обучения иностранному

языку, положительно зарекомендовавшими себя на протяжении

многих лет, являются, как известно, аудитивные и аудивизуальные


Напомним, что при обучении иностранному языку важное

значение имеет характеристика памяти: долгосрочная (постоянная)

память и краткосрочная (оперативная). В долгосрочной памяти

хранится языковой материал, готовый к употреблению в речевой

деятельности. Краткосрочная память связана с быстротой и

правильностью поступления этого материала в процессе самой

речевой деятельности. Краткосрочная или оперативная память –

основа речевых действий. Объём ёе зависит в значительной мере от

способа подачи и приёма иноязычного материала.

Развитие всех видов памяти связано с использованием

наглядности, которая в нашем случае может быть слуховой,

зрительной или зрительно – слуховой.

При обучении практике устной и письменной речи,

преподаватель ставит перед собой задачу совершенствования

деятельности обучаемых в четырех видах: говорении, аудировании,

письме и чтении.

Говорение и письмо – продуктивные виды речевой

деятельности. Они служат целям коммуникации. Аудирование и

чтение – рецептивные виды речевой деятельности.


Говорение и аудирование образуют вместе один акт устного

общения. Аудирование является производным, вторичным в

процессе коммуникации, оно сопровождает говорение.

Устная речь имеет две стороны – говорение и аудирование.

Говорению невозможно научиться без аудирования.

Понимание устной иноязычной речи происходит на основе

определенного аналитико–синтетического процесса, который

осуществляется с помощью имеющегося опыта. Восприятие

иностранной речи зависит от способности удержать в памяти

результаты смыслового и семантического анализа в течение

некоторого времени, а затем объединить их в одну законченную


Аудирование требует определенных навыков:

а) навыков автоматического распознавания грамматических форм

речи на морфологическом и синтаксическом уровне;

б) навыков непосредственного понимания слов и словосочетаний;

в) навыков восприятия звуковой стороны речи (звуковых

сочетаний, интонаций и т.д.).

Наиболее сложным в процессе аудировния является механизм

логического понимания.

Для понимания устной речи не требуется многократного

воспроизведения одного и того же материала.

«Полное понимание речи на слух осуществляется мгновенно и

целостно при одноразовом её воспроизведении». (Шатилов С.Ф.)

Понимание речи на слух связано с темпом речи. Речь

воспринимается определенными ритмическими блоками,


смысловыми группами. При искусственно заниженном темпе речи

искажается ритмика фразы, нарушаются смысловые связи,

восприятие речи затруднено. Поэтому студентов следует приучать

с самого начала к восприятию речи в нормальном темпе. Замедлять

речь можно за счёт удлинения пауз между ритмическими группами

или предложениями, но не за счет замедленного произношения

каждого слова.

Понимание речи на слух имеет особые трудности. Если цель –

проверка понимания, не обязательно требовать реакции в форме


Следует разграничивать упражнения в слушании ради

говорения и упражнения в слушании ради понимания, то есть

аудирование. Слушание ради понимания является первой ступенью

в обучении языку, хотя на всех этапах обучения, вплоть до

последнего, это одно из самых трудных умений.

Самые первые фоноупражнения, на наш взгляд, должны быть

нацелены на акустический анализ произношения. Опыт работы на

факультете иностранных языков показывает, что даже на среднем

этапе обучения (2-3 курс) студенты английского отделения

допускают ошибки, связанные с дискриминацией звуков: долгие –

краткие;[V] –[W]; [ð] – [S]; [θ] – [ð] и др.

Приведем примеры фоноупражнений для самостоятельной

работы студентов в лингафонном кабинете:

1) прослушайте слова и определите номера слов, в которых вы


а) звук [æ ]: bed, bad, mat, met, cat, set, hat, hot.


b) долгий звук [i:] : peat, knit, sheet, Jim, pit, meat, live.

c) звуки [v] и [w] и скажите сколько раз вы их услышите:

‘A very vivacious and vain villain was walking wearily with a

venerable woman.’

d) одинакого звучащие слова: shoe – sue, show – snow, she –

see, shun – sun, sum – some .

e) звук [θ]; и укажите сколько раз вы его услышите: ‘ A

Thatcher of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a–thatching. If the

Thatcher of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a–thatching, where is the

thatching the thatcher of Thatchwood has thatched?

Подобные упражнения широко представлены в курсе

обучения английскому языку «Headway pronunciation». В

лингафонном курсе «Headway pronunciation, Cassette I, Units 0 -

4» предлагаются упражнения на артикуляцию звуков, интонацию

сообщений, выражения просьбы, согласие. «Headway

pronunciation, Cassette II» -включает упражнения на восприятие

грамматических времен (будущее, прошедшее). «Cassette III» -

содержит упражнения на дифференциацию звуков.

Задачи на различение и сопоставление фонетических и

грамматических форм с целью обучения аудированию

постепенно усложняясь, могут быть следующими:

1) Listen to the sentence pronounced with different

intonation, give the number of the sentence which is

said :

a) without great interest;

b) lively (interested);


c) urgently, with strong emphasis.

Here is the sentence: “What’s the time”(it is recorded with

different intonation)

2) Listen to the sentence: “I can’t eat anything “ pronounced

with different intonation. Which of them means “I can eat nothing”

and “ I can eat some things”?

Популярным видом работы на данном этапе служат

фоноупражнения, где нужно выбрать правильный ответ на вопрос

или высказывние из двух или трех данных вариантов ответа. См.:

Headway “ Upper intermediate.” Cassettes 1,2,3, а также “ Follow

me” . Cassette I, (Units 1 -15 ).

Аудирование монологической и диалогической речи –

связанных общим смыслом отрывков, диалогов, рассказов –

является необходимой частью всей работы по развитию навыков и

умений устной речи.

Тексты для аудирования должны быть типичными для

устной речи. Они строятся на изученном языковом материале и

могут содержать некоторое количество незнакомой лексики (3,6 –

4%). Небольшое количество незнакомого материала стимулирует

развитие языковой догадки. Тексты для начинающих (1 курс)

должны быть фабульными, с четко выраженной смысловой связью

отдельных частей и длительностью звучания не больше 0,5 – 1

минуты.(см. Тексты и диалоги в учебнике для 1 курса под ред. В.Д.



С самых первых ступеней обучения полезны для

прослушивания диалоги. К диалогу могут быть предложены

следующие задания:

- прослушать диалог, обращая внимание на интонацию;

-записать вопросы, в которых слышится повышение и

понижение тона;

-повторить за диктором весь диалог;

- записать предложения, в которых выражено различное

отношение говорящих к событиям.

Процесс аудирования связан с говорением и образуют вместе

один акт устного общения. Процесс говорения состоит из

различных типов высказываний, из монологической и

диалогической речи. Монологическая речь может быть реализована

в виде сообщения, изложения, доклада, выступления.

Диалогическая речь может быть представлена в виде вопросов –

ответов, обмена репликами, диалогов и т.д. Процесс говорения

включает процесс восприятия и переработку речи и выдачу


Процесс восприятия – это умение декодировать услышанное,

воспринять речь. Говорение осуществляется при участии

мыслительной деятельности, когда мысли переводятся в

слышимую речь. В процессе обучения говорению можно выделить

несколько этапов:

1) ознакомление и первичное формирование навыков;

2) совершенствование первичных навыков, которое достигается в

результате тренировки и многократного повторения;


3) развитие навыков устной речи, творческое использование

усвоенного материала в практике речи.

Таким образом, процесс говорения можно рассматривать как

проговаривание, повторение за диктором, ознакомление с новыми

структурами и как свободное, творческое использование речи,

направленное на закрепление материала. Овладение иностранным

языком предполагает не только осознанное усвоение определенных

знаний, но и выработку прочного автоматизма в произношении,

употреблении грамматических структур, слов и в использовании их

в свободной речи.

Занятие с фономатериалами способствует накоплению

некоторых языковых явлений, а затем использованию их в речи.

Практика овладения иностранной речью предполагает:

- предварительное прослушивание текста;

- имитацию прослушанного;

- использование непроизвольного запоминания;

- заучивание наизусть.

Фонозаписи могут быть различными по форме. Это могут быть

звукозаписи текстов и диалогов учебников, небольшие статьи,

рассказы, сказки и стихи. Для студентов 2 курса английского

отделения рекомендуем следующие фонозаписи, которые мы

расположили в соответствии с изучаемыми разговорными темами

на данном курсе.


Тема Тексты, диалоги, стихи,


Звукозапись в

лингафонном кабинете

I. Choosing a


II. Illnesses

and their


1. Dialogue 1. Meet the

Parkers. About Robert’s

profession (a dialogue)

2. Looking for a job Everyday

English (Т.Ю. Дроздова)

3. ”A Day’s Wait”, (by E.

Hemingway) (text)


Учеб. Англ. языка для 2-го


4.A Victim to 107 Fatal


. (text, from “Three Men in a

Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome )

5. A visit to the Doctor (a

dialogue, В. Д. Аракин Учеб.

англ. языка для 2 курса )

6. A Mother, a son and a

doctor. (conversation)

“Everyday English” (Т.Ю.


7. “Streamline English”.

1. Сassette № 1


Side B  Looking for a


3. Cassette № 2

A Day’s Wait

4. Cassette № 2

“ A Victim….”

5. Cassette № 2

Side A. “A visit to the


6. Cassette № 2

Side B (8)

7. Cassette № 2


III. City and


Bernard Hartley and Peter

Viney. “Destinations.”

Going to the doctor’s

(a dialogue)

(See appendix)

8.Dialogue 2. Meet the

Parkers. Nursing a sick

husband (a dialogue)

9.Dialogue 3.Tommy Wood is

taken ill (a dialogue)

10. Some More Glimpses of

London. (Учебник англ.

языка для 2 курса, под ред.

В.Д. Аракина)(text)

11.. Sightseeing. (a dialogue)

Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина

12. Sonnet Composed upon

Westminster Bridge. Учебник

англ. языка , под ред. В.Д.

Аракина (a poem)

13. London (Тексты на


14. Streamline (“destinations”)

“Los Angeles”

“San Francisco”


(Destinations) Going to

the doctor’s (Unit 65)

8. Cassette № 2

9. Cassette № 2

10. Cassette № 3

11.Cassette № 3

12.Cassette № 3

13.Cassette № 3

“London” (texts)

14. Streamline

Cassette № 3

( unit 40)


IV. Meals

V. Education

15.Dialogue 4. Meet the


16. New York (Тексты на


17.”How we kept mother’s

day.”(by S. Leacock)

Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина (text)

18. “An Englishman’s meals”

Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина (text)

19.At Table (a dialogue)

Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина

20.Lesson 9. Meet the Parkers.

Making a cake. (a dialogue)

21. Everyday English (Т.Ю.

Дроздова) .

22. A Freshman’s Experience

(from “Daddy Long – Legs”

by J. Webster).(text)

[Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина]

23. Higher education and

teacher training in Great

15.Cassette № 3

16.Cassette № 3

17.Cassette № 4

18.Cassette № 4

19.Cassette № 4

20.Cassette № 4

21.Cassette № 1, side A.

22.Cassette № 5

23. Cassette № 5


VI. Sports

and Games.

Britain [Учебник англ. языка

под ред. В.Д. Аракина] (text)

24.Dialogue 5. Meet the

Parkers. About Robert’s

career. (a dialogue)

25.”A Friend in Need” by S.

Maugham [Учебник англ.

языка, под ред. В.Д.


26.What makes all people kin.

[Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина](text)

27. Sports and Games popular

in England (a dialogue)

[Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина]

28. The Football Match

(conversation) [Учебник

англ. языка , под ред. В.Д.


29. Streamline English,

Destinations. “Keeping Fit”

(text)(unit 73)

24. Cassette № 5

25. Cassette № 6

26. Cassette № 6

27. Cassette № 6

28. Cassette № 6

29. Cassette № 6






30. Streamline English,

“Destinations”. Unit 18

“Where have all the fans


31. The British Isles (text)

[Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина]

32.Industrial and agricultural

districts in Great Britain (text)

[Учебник англ. языка , под

ред. В.Д. Аракина]

33. The English Landscape ( a

dialogue) [Учебник англ.

языка , под ред. В.Д.


34. Looking at the Map of

Russia [Учебник англ. языка

под ред. В.Д. Аракина]

35. “Seeing people off” by M.

Beerbohm (text) [Учебник

англ. языка , под ред. В. Д.


36. Different Means of

Travelling (conversation)

[Учебник англ. языка , под

30. Cassette № 6

(1 unit 18)

31. Cassette № 7

32. Cassette № 7

33. Cassette № 7

34. Cassette № 7

35 Cassette № 8

36. Cassette № 8


IX. Theatre

and Cinema

ред. В.Д. Аракина]

37. At the Station [Учебник

англ. языка , под ред. В.Д.


38. From a Railway Carriage

(poem) [Учебник англ. языка

, под ред. В.Д. Аракина]

39. Lesson 40. Meet the

Parkers Travelling (a


40. “Rose at the Music Hall”

(from “They walk in the city”

by G. Priestly). [Учебник

англ. языка , под ред. В.Д.


41. “Drama, Music and ballet

in Britain”(text) [Учебник

англ. языка , под ред. В.Д.


42. At the Box – office

(a dialogue) [Учебник англ.

языка , под ред. В.Д.


43. Streamline English

(Destinations) “Trust the

37. Cassette № 8

38. Cassette № 8

39. Cassette № 8

40. Cassette № 9

41. Cassette № 9

42. Cassette № 9

43. Cassette № 9


heart” Cassette 3, side B

 Unit 77

44. Dialogue 6. Meet the

Parkers. After the film (a


44. Cassette № 9

Во второй части работы предлагаются тексты и диалоги,

рекомендуемые для самостоятельной и аудиторной работы

студентов .

Topic I. Choosing a Career.


H arry: W ell, Robert, have you made up your mind yet what you want to

do when you leave college?

Nora: Oh Harry, surely he's a bit young to decide on his career? He

hasn't even got to college yet.

Harry: Not at all, Nora. It's wisest to decide in good time. Look at me,

for example. I really wanted to be a sailor, but now I spend my days

sitting at a desk in an office. Yes, it's silly to train for the wrong

job. And after all, Robert will be going to college soon.

Nora: (Musing) Now if I were a man I'd be a farmer. To see the crops

growing - that's my idea of a good life.

Harry: Yes, and to see the money rolling in is more important still.

Robert: Well, that's not the way I look at it, Dad. It's the job I care

about, not the money.


Harry: Maybe not; but you'll learn to care about the money too, when

you've got a family to keep.

Nora: And of course Peter - well, he's keen to be a racing motorist, or

else an explorer.

Robert: (Scornfully) Oh, Peter's not old enough to make up his mind

about such things.

Harry: Well, you haven't answered my question yet, Robert. What would

you like to do?

Nora: (Wistfully) Are you sure you don't want to be a farmer Robert?

Or a market gardener?

Robert: No, I'm sorry Mum, but I don't want to at all. I'd rather be a

civil engineer. I want to build roads and bridges.

Harry: Not ships? Isn't it better to be a shipbuilding engineer?

Robert: (Crossly) Look here, is it my career we're planning, or yours?

Harry: (Huffed) All right, all right, there's no need to lose your temper.

But you'd better win that scholarship first.


1.Listen to the dialogue and explain the meaning of the following words and


to make up one’s mind, in good time, to train for the wrong job, to care

about, to be old enough, to lose one’s temper, to win a scholarship.

2.Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Use

them in sentences of your own:


1.своевременно, 2.Смотрю на это по-другому, 3.вот мое

представление о хорошей жизни, 4.глупо готовить себя для работы,

которая не нравится, 5.видеть, как сыплются деньги.

3.Write these words in English and transcribe them:

моряк, фермер, исследователь, мотогонщик, садовник, гражданский

инженер, кораблестроитель.

4.Make verbs from the following nouns:

sailor - , explorer - ,builder - .

5.Study the vocabulary of exercises 1, 2, 3,4 and translate into English:

1.Ты решил, кем станешь после окончания школы?

2.Он еще слишком мал, чтобы думать о своей карьере.

3.Намного важнее все решить своевременно.

4.Если бы я была мужчиной, я бы стала фермером. Видеть как

созревает урожай – вот мое представление о хорошей жизни.

5.Тебе придется думать о деньгах, когда ты заведешь семью.

6.Он мечтает стать мотогонщиком или исследователем.

7.Я бы хотел стать моряком.

8. Я предпочитаю стать инженером и строить мосты и дороги.

9. Почему бы тебе не стать инженером – кораблестроителем?

10. Ну, ладно, не сердись. Вначале заработай стипендию.

6. Answer the following questions, using vocabulary of exercises 1-5


1 What are they discussing?

2 What did Harry want to be?

3 What is Nora’s idea of a good life?

4 Who thinks, that to see money rolling – is the most important thing?

5 Will Robert care about money, when he has a family to keep?

6 What are Peter’s plans for his future?

7 What is Robert going to be?

8 What made Robert lose his temper?

7. Listen to the dialogue and retell it in indirect speech.

8. Find sentences, pronounced with :

a) great interest;

b) surprise;

c) strong emphasis.

9. Repeat the dialogue after the speaker, mark stresses and tunes and

learn it by heart.

Topic II. Illnesses and their Treatment

Dialogue № 2

Harry: Nora! Nora!

Nora: (Coming into the room] Yes, what is it now, Harry?


Harry: Oh, there you are. Look here, Nora, I'm tired of lying here

on my

back with nothing to do I hate doing nothing.

Nora: Don't be sill, Harry. You've got a temperature, and staying in


is the only sensible thing to do. Now just be quiet, and stop

preventing me from doing my housework.

Harry: No, seriously, Nora, I can't bear it. Lying flat on my back!

Nora: Well then, try |lying on your stomach for a change!

Harry: Stop being funny I’m going to get There!| Look, I’m

standing up.

I'm quite all right. What's the use of staying in bed?

Nora: I think you, re being very silly. You' II only make your

temperature go up again.

Harry: It's no use talking, Nora - being ill doesn't suit me.|

Nora: No - and trying to nurse  you doesn't suit me!

Harry: Now don't be  bitter about it. You know I’m grateful to you

for looking after me. But you mustn't try to keep me in bed like a

naughty boy.

Nora: Well, you began it, by behaving like a naughty boy!

Harry: I’m all against this staying in bed for no reason.

Nora: Harry, being ill is reason… Now don’t stand by that window

and catch another cold ... . Let me see, half past eleven –

Harry: Why do you keep looking at the clock?

Nora: I'm expecting Mother-she's coming over for the day.

Harry: Good heavens! I didn’t know that.


Nora: Yes, I think she has something she wants to talk to you about.

Harry: Oh heavens! Has she? (groans) . . . You know, Nora, I do

feel a bit ill; perhaps I had better get back to bed.

Nora: (Disingenuously) Oh, what a pity! I thought perhaps you might

stay up to see her.

Harry: (To himself) .That's the very reason I’m getting back into bed!

Nora: What did you say?

Harry: Oh, er - nothing.


1.Listen to the dialogue and explain the meaning of the following words

and word-combinations:

to be tired of to stay in bed sensible to prevent smb. from doing smth., to

nurse smb., to be grateful to smb., to keep smb. in bed., a naughty boy,

for no reason, to catch cold, to feel a bit ill.

2. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases Use

them in sentences of your own: я ненавижу бездельничать, у тебя

температура, перестань шутить, я встаю; я совершенно здоров,

какая польза валяться в постели и ничего не делать, быть больным

– это мне не подходит, бесполезно вести разговоры, я благодарен

тебе за то, что ты ухаживаешь за мной.

3. Write these words in English and transcribe them: лежать (три

формы глагола), благоразумное дело, вести себя, непослушный

мальчик, без причины, терпеть не могу.


4. Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-3 and translate into English:

1.Я устал лежать на спине и ничего не делать.

2. Успокойся и не мешай мне заниматься домашними делами.

3. Попробуй лечь на живот для разнообразия.

4. Пытаться ухаживать за тобой – мне совершенно не подходит.

5. Ты ведешь себя как непослушный ребенок.

6.Не стой у окна, иначе ты простудишься еще раз.

7. Ты почему смотришь на часы?

8. Я немного болен, лучше вернусь в постель.

9. Именно поэтому я и возвращаюсь на кровать.

5. Answer the following questions:

1.What was the matter with Harry?

2.Did he like the idea of staying in bed?

3.How did he behave?

4.Did Nora try to keep him in bed? How?

5. Did Nora make fun of him? In what way?

6. Why did she ask him not to stand by the window?

7. Why did Nora keep looking at the clock?

8.Why did Harry suddenly go back to bed?

6. Listen to the dialogue and retell it in indirect speech.

7. Find sentences, pronounced with:

a) great surprise;


b) interest;

c) irritation .

8.Repeat the dialogue after the speaker, mark stresses and tunes and

learn it by heart.

Dialogue №3

Harry: I thought I was to be given some fish for supper, Nora?

Nora: Harry, I meant to get you some, but I was prevented from

going out. You see, Tommy Wood next door was taken ill last night,

and this morning he had to be taken to hospital.

Harry: Poor little chap! What's the trouble?

Nora: Well, I was told by Mrs. Wood that it was diphtheria .

Harry: Good heavens! That's bad. Any how, he'll be well

looked after at the hospital. I suppose his mother

went there with him?

Nora: Yes, so you sec I was asked to stay in and keep an eye on

the other children. Her husband is away, so she was left to deal

with everything.

Harry: Which doctor did she have?

Nora: Dr. Williams.

Harry: He's said to be very good. What a life doctors have! Fancy

being called out in the middle of the night.

Nora: Well, as a matter of fact, he wasn't called until this



Harry: Why not? A doctor ought to be sent for at the first sign.

Nora: I know — but then the Wood? are rather careless,

Harry: It seems to me that their children are badly looked


Nora: Yes, perhaps their children have been neglected.

Harry: So it's only to be expected of one them of catches


Nora: Oh, but it wasn't really diphtheria.

Harry: What? I thought you told me -

Nora: Oh no; I didn't finish the story.Mrs. Wood thought it might be

diphtheria, but the doctor himself wasn't sure; and when they

got Tommy to hospital they found it was only a bad sore



1.Listen to the dialogue and explain the meaning of the following

words and word-combinations: to be prevented from, to be

taken to hospital, to be well looked after, to keep an eye on

smb., to be away, to deal with, fancy doing smth., as a matter

of fact, at the first sign, to be careless, to be badly looked

after, to be neglected, to catch diphtheria, to be sore, a bad

sore throat.


2. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases,

use them in sentences of your own:

я имела намерение; из соседней квартиры; посреди ночи;

за детьми плохо присматривают; заразиться; быть уверенным;

представь себе.

3. Write these words in English and transcribe them:

дифтерия, запустить болезнь, воспаления горла, помешать

что-либо делать.

4.Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-3 and translate into English:

1.Я думал, что мне дадут рыбу на ужин.

2.Я имела намерение приготовить рыбу на ужин, но не смогла

выйти из дома.

3. Мальчик из соседней квартиры заболел , и его должны были

увезти в больницу.

4.Неудивительно, что ее дети подхватывают дифтерию, они

очень запущены.

5.Меня попросили присмотреть за остальными детьми.

6. Ее муж в отъезде и она управляется со всеми делами одна.

7.О нем говорят , что он хороший доктор.

8. Она подумала, что это могла быть дифтерия, но доктор был


9. Оказалось, что это просто воспаление горла.

5. Answer the following questions:

1) Why didn’t Nora prepare fish for supper?


2) What was the matter with Tommy Wood?

3) What did Harry think about Tommy’s mother?

4) What did he think about doctor’s life?

5) What did Tommy suffer from ?

6. Listen to the dialogue and retell it in indirect speech.

7.Find sentences, pronounced with:

a) indignation;

b) strong emphasis;

C} surprise

8. Repeat the dialogue after the speakers, mark stresses and

tunes, learn it by heart.

Topic III. City and traffic.


Mr Priestley: Well, you have been in England for some time

now: what are the things that have struck you most?

Frieda: The parks — Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Kew

Gardens — where you forget that you are in a big town., where you

can walk on the grass and you can see only lovely woodland and

flowers and birds.

L u c i 1 1 e: The newspapers were a surprise to me. Before I got in

the train at Dover I bought The Times, and when the train started I

began to read it, or rather I tried to begin to read it, for I spent


about ten minutes turning over its sixteen pages before I found the

chief news and articles. I was so used to French newspapers where

the chief article is on the first page that I couldn't imagine that in an

English paper I should have to look for it in the middle of the paper,

and got lost in a forest of pages.

Jan: One of the things that struck me most was the underground

station at Piccadilly Circus. It was more like a small town, with

its shops, moving stairs, lighted maps of London, machines that

give you change, machines that give you the right tickets for

almost any station in the 600 square miles of Greater London.

Then there is that thing, called "See how they run", that draws a

mark every time a train goes out, so that you can see how many

trains have gone that hour..

When I went on the underground I carefully put out

my cigarette as I entered the station, but 1 found that half

of the people there were smoking. The next day in the

buss I lit a cigarette, and was politely told by the

conductor that I couldn't smoke inside a bus.

Hob: What about the taxis—aren't they unbelievable? When I first

saw them I rubbed my eyes: I don't believe they have changed

since about 1900. A fellow once asked me, "What happens to

London taxis when they leave the streets?"

I know the answer now— they don't. And isn't there a

lot of traffic! What with that and the English rule of

driving on the left side of the road instead of the right,


you feel that you need eyes all round your head when

you try to cross the road.

J a n: I like the British Museum and the Science Museum at South

Kensington, but one of the most interesting is the London

Museum. You look at plans and .models and you can see how the

city first started round London Bridge in Roman times. You can

see the Fire of London with the flames coming out of the

windows of the houses. In fact you see London grow before you


Frieda: I love the horses and dogs here. I was always a little

afraid of dogs, but here they are so good and quiet that I have now

quite got over my fear of them. I like the way too dogs are given

human names, Bob and Jack, and Tim and Sally.

Mr Priestley: It has been very interesting for me to hear you giving

all these different impressions, but our time is up and we must stop



1.Listen to the conversation and explain the meaning of thе

following words and phrases:

to strike smb., to turn over the pages, chief news, to be used to



to get lost, a forest of pages, to give the right ticket, to put out

cigarette, to light a cigarette, conductor, to rub one’s eyes, a lot of

traffic, on the left side of the road, to cross the road, to be afraid of,

to get over one’s fear, human names.

2. Write English equivalents of the following English words and


Use them in sentences of your own.

Произвести впечатление, сесть в поезд, на первой странице,

больше походить на, тщательно затушить сигарету, зажечь

сигарету, внутри автобуса, невероятные, город начинался,


3. Write these words in English and transcribe them:

удивить ( три формы), прекрасный лес с цветами и прицами,

представить, потеряться, кондуктор, музей, преодолеть страх.

4.Speak about the following places of London, find them on the

map of London:

Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Kew Gardens, Piccadilly Circus,

Greater London, The British Museum The Science Museum.

5. Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-4 and translate into English:

1)Что удивило тебя больше всего в этой стране?

2)Меня удивили газеты, где главные новости и статьи

печатаются в середине газеты, а не как у нас- на первой



3)Меня поразила станция метро у Пикадилли Серкус.

4)Автомат выдает тебе билет до нужной станции и отсчитывает


5)Когда я увидел Лондонские такси, я протер глаза. Они

показались мне просто невероятными.

6)Кажется, что нужно иметь глаза со всех сторон, когда

пересекаешь дорогу в Лондоне.

6)Мне нравится то, как собакам дают там человеческие имена.

6.Answer the following questions:

1)What was Frieda’s impression of London? Did she like parks?

2)Why was Lucille struck by the newspapеrs ? Did they differ from

Frensh newspapers?

3)What was Jan’s impression of the underground?

4)Was Hob impressed by the taxis? Were they unbelievable?

5)What museums impressed Jan?

6)Did Frieda like the way dogs are given human names?

7. Listen to the text, mark stresses and tunes and learn one role by



Topic IV. Meals.

Dialogue № 4

Nora: Move out of my, way, Peter, I want to make a cake.

Peter: How do you make a cake, Mum?

Nora:" Fancy you being interested! 'Well, listen, and I'll tell you. First

you take some flour, and add the«eggs -oh no, that's wrong, you

mix the fat and sugar first -but you'd better watch me doing it.

Now look. First I mix the fat and the sugar - there, do you see?

Peter: Yes.

Nora: Then I add the eggs, one by one, with a little flour, and beat them

into the mixture.

Peter: Why do you beat them?

Nora: Well, eggs help to make the cake rise nicely if you beat them.

And then I add the rest of the dry things.

Peter: What are the dry things?

Nora: Oh, the rest of the flour; the fruit, if you're making a fruit cake, or

the chocolate powder if it's a chocolate cake - it depends what sort

of cake you are making.

Peter: Make a chocolate cake.

Nora: Yes, that's what I'm doing. Now I stir in a little baking powder.

Peter: Does that make the cake rise too?

Nora: Yes, but not until you heat it.

Peter: Is that chocolate powder you're putting in now, Mum?

Nora: Of course it is.


Peter: I say, Mum.

Nora: What is it, Peter?

Peter: What's the salt for, Mum?

Nora: (abstractedly) What salt? I don't put salt in a cake.

Peter: You did, you know. Perhaps you thought it was sugar.

Nora: What?! Oh-, good gracious, I've put salt in instead of sugar! The

cake is spoilt. What a shame - those lovely eggs! I'm always doing things

like that. Now I shall have to begin again and make buns instead - they

don't need eggs.


1.Listen to the dialogue and explain the meaning of the following words

and phrases:

to make a cake, to mix smth., to add, one by one, to beat smth. Into the

mixture, to make the cake rise nicely, to stir in, baking powder.

2. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Use

them in sentences of your own:

уйди с дороги; это помогает пирогу подняться; это зависит от того,

какой пирог ты делаешь; Я положила соль вместо сахара. Пирог


3.Write these words in English and transcribe them:


мука, жир, сахар, фруктовый пирог, шоколадный пирог, пекарский

порошок (сода), соль, перемешать, добавить, вбить , положить,


4. Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-3 and translate into English:

1)Я хочу сделать фруктовый пирог.

2)Я перемешиваю масло и сахар, добавляю яйца, немного муки и

все взбиваю.

3)Добавляю еще муку, шоколадный порошок, соду и все


4)Я начну все сначала и сделаю булочки вместо пирога, в них не

нужно добавлять яиц.

5. Answer the following questions:

1)What was Nora going to make?

2)What things did she need to make a cake?

3)How did she add eggs and flour?

4)What makes the cake rise nicely?

5)Why did she stir in a little of baking powder?

6. Listen to the dialogue and retell it in indirect speech.

7.Find sentences pronounced with:

a)great interest;




8. Repeat the dialogue after the speakers, mark stresses and tunes and

learn it by heart.

Topic V. Education


In Great Britain teachers are chiefly trained at colleges of educa-


Young people enter college after finishing high school, at 18 as a

rule. The usual training course lasts 3 years.

Besides there are university departments of education

providing a one-year course for graduates.

The curriculum in colleges of education is supposed to give

thorough tuition and specialized training.

The scheme of study work in a college of education is based upon

compulsory and optional subjects. Principles of Education, English,

Physical Education and Health Education are compulsory

subjects. .History, Handwork, Mathematics, Geography, Music are

optional. The key subject is Principles of Education.

All students of the college of education spend twelve weeks on

teaching practice in demonstration schools where they learn the use of

different visual aids and take an active part in discussing criticism

lessons under the guidance of a supervisor on school practice.


Examinations are held al the end of each term. Final examinations

are taken at the end of a course of studies.

The proficiency of students is tested by the Examining Board,

comprised of several members of the teaching staff and a

representative of the College Administrative Staff.

There are also opportunities for college students to get the degree

of Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) by means of a four-year course.


1.Listen to the text and explain the meaning of the following words and


to be trained at college, to enter college , as a rule training course,

department of education , graduates, curriculum, thorough tuition,

specialized training, compulsory and optional subjects, key subjects,

demonstration school, visual aids, under the guidance of, teaching staff.

2. Write English equivalents for the following words and phrases. Use

them in sentences of your own:

выпускник, программа, образовательный курс, тщательная

подготовка, обязательный предмет, факультативный предмет,

руководитель, семестр, выпускные экзамены.

3. Transcribe and pronounce the following words and phrases:

thorough, tuition, specialized, compulsory, Bachelor, Physical

education, Handwork, Mathematics, Geography, optional, guidance,

Examining Board, Administrative Staff.


4. Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-3 and translate into English:

1)Я мечтаю получить педагогическое образование.

2)Выпускники колледжа сдают выпускные экзамены в конце

последнего семестра.

3)Педагогический состав тщательно готовит студентов к


4)Программа включает некоторые обязательные и факультативные


5)Каждый студент имеет право получить степень бакалавра.

6)Основы образования, физическая подготовка и медицинское

образование –это обязательные предметы.

7) История, математика, рукоделие и музыка – это факультативные


5. Answer the following questions:

1)Where are teachers trained in Great Britain?

2)How long does the training course last?

3)What education do university departments provide?

4)Does the curriculum in colleges of education provide thorough


5) What are compulsory and optional subjects?

6)Where do students have their practice?

7) Do students have exams at the end of each term?


8) Who checks the proficiency of students?

6. Listen to the text, mark stresses and tunes and read it.

7. Retell the text.


M a s h a: You know, I've just finished reading an English book in

which nearly all the characters are college students. From what I read I

understand that the whole system of higher education in England is

quite different from ours. But there are things I'd like to clear up.

A l i c e: I'll do my best to help you.

M a s h a: What kind of institutes have you got in England?

A l i c e: I suppose, by "institutes" you mean educational institutions?

We don't usually call them like that. In Great Britain we have

universities and colleges.

M a s h a: By the way, what is meant by a "residential" college?

A l i c e: It's a college with a hostel which is usually situated on the

same grounds as the principal building-. All the students live in the

hostel, and so do the majority of the teaching staff. There are also many

non-residential colleges which haven't got any hostels.

M a s h a: I see. Now, what is the difference between a university and a


A l i c e: Well, first of all, the curriculum is different: colleges give a

specialized training, and at a university the curriculum is wider.

University teaching combines lectures, practical classes in scientific


subjects and small group teaching in either seminars or tutorials. The

last is a traditional feature of the universities of Oxford and

Cambridge. The course of studies is longer -- three or four years.

M a s h a: And at a college?

A l i c e: It depends on the type of the college. Colleges of education,

for example, have a two-year course, sometimes three, if the student is

specializing in some particular subject.

M a s h a: Two years only — and you get your diploma! It's quick, isn't


A ! i c e: Colleges of education, by the way, don't confer diplomas on

their graduates. They award certificates to them. Diplomas are

conferred on graduates of technical colleges.

Mash a: What about universities?

A 1 i c e: A university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor

of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc.

M a s h a: Oh, I see. Now, tell me, Alice, you are a student, aren't you?

A l i c e: Yes, I am a full-time student at a college of education.

M a s h a: Will you describe your college building? I'd like to know

what it's like.

A l i c e: Well, it is a big grey building surrounded by old trees. The

assembly hall which is on the ground floor is large and rather nice.

We have also a gymnasium with changing rooms and shower-baths.

There are some common rooms for the use of the staff and students.

Then, of course, there are many lecture rooms, classrooms, and a

number of laboratories.


M a s h a: Do students spend much time together? I don't mean during

the lecture hours.

A l i c e: Of course they do. There's a large number of students'

societies and clubs. Some of them have athletics as their purpose,

others professional or cultural interests, such as politics, drama, music,

modern languages, literature or science.

M a s h a: And who organizes these clubs and societies?

A l I c e: Why, the students themselves, of course! In many univer-

sities there is a Students' Council or Union which has the oversight of

all these extra- curricular activities.

M a s h a: All that is very interesting indeed.


1.Listen to the dialogue and explain the meaning of the following

words and phrases:

educational institution, residential college, hostel college, teaching

staff, non-residential college, lectures, practical classes, scientific

subjects, seminars, to depend on, to get a diploma, certificate, full-

time student, assembly hall.

2.Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Use

them in sentences of your own:

система высшего образования, общежитие, выяснить что-либо,

степень бакалавра искусств, студентка дневного отделения,

студенческий совет.


3.Write these words in English and transcribe them:

учреждение, программа, семинар, репетиторство,

специализироваться, гимнастический зал, организовать совет,

факультативная деятельность.

4.Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-3 and translate into English:

1)Система образования в Англии отличается от нашей.

2)Какие образовательные учреждения существуют в Англии?

3)В колледже с общежитием студенты не только учатся, но и


4)Университетская прoграмма немного шире, чем программа


5)В колледжах выдают не дипломы, а сертификаты.

4. Listen to the dialogue, mark stresses and tunes and learn it by


Topic VI. Sports and games.


Good evening and welcome to the 'Michael Parkhurst

Talkabout'. In tonight's 'Talkabout' we're looking at the problem

of soccer's missing millions. Since 1950 attendance at football

matches has fallen by nearly fifty per cent. Many clubs are in


financial trouble, and tonight we hope to identify the major

causes and discuss some possible solutions.

First of all, we'll hear from one of soccer's lost millions, Mr

Bert Woods from London, who used to be a regular Chelsea


'I stopped going five or six years ago. I'd rather stay at home

and watch it on telly. You get a better view and I like the action

replays. I'm too afraid to go now, really! All this violence, you

know. When 1 was a lad there was the occasional fight on the

terraces, but nothing like you see these days — whole gangs of

teenagers who aren't interested in football. Somebody ought to do

something about it! These kids aren't real fans, they just come

looking for trouble. The police ought to sort out the real fans

from the troublemakers. You know, J always used to go with my

dad, but I wouldn't take my kids. There's too much foul language.

And I don't only blame the kids. There ought to be more

discipline at home and in schools.'

'Thank you, Mr Woods. Let's go over to Brian Huff, the

manager of East-field United, one of our most successful clubs.


'I sympathize with Mr Woods, and there are plenty of people

like him. Anyway, we'd better do something about it, or we'll all

go broke! The clubs and players must share the blame. Football's

big business, and it's very competitive. Winning has become the

most important thing. There's too much violence on the field.

Referees have to get tougher with players. They should send off


players for deliberate fouls. The other problem is television.

There's too much football on TV, and they only show the most

exciting parts, goals, fouls and violence. People are bored when

they see the real game. Anyway the clubs started talking about

these problems ten years ago, and nothing's been done. We'd

better not spend another ten years talking. We'd better do

something, and do it soon!'

'Our next guest is a young fan. Kevin Dolan, a Manchester

United supporter, who is sixteen years old. What do you think,


'Well I'm not one of soccer's missing millions. I never miss a

match. I've travelled all over the country with United and I've

never been in trouble. I blame the media for most of this

violence. They only show young people when they're doing

something wrong. They ought not to give so much publicity to

trouble-makers, it only encourages the others, doesn't it? The

violence always starts when there's a TV camera near. If they

banned alcohol from football grounds, there'd be much less


'Thank you, Kevin. Our last speaker is Jimmy Mac Tavish,

the ex-Scotland striker who has just returned from the United

States after spending two years with Miami Galaxy. Well, Jimmy.

What ought we to do?'

'I agree with a lot of what's been said, Michael, but hadn't we

better look at some solutions? I've been playing in the States for

the last two seasons and I haven't seen any violence over there. A


football match is a day out for the family. More than half the

supporters are women and children, and there are much better

facilities. Everybody gets a comfortable seat. There are good

restaurants and there's entertainment before and after the game,

and at half-time. Football stadiums are old, cold and dirty over

here. We'd better take a good look at American soccer. I think

we've got a lot to learn! Entertainment is what football is all

about and we'd better not forget it!'


1.Listen to the text and explain the meaning of the following

words and phrases:

attendance at football matches, to fall by 50 per cent, to be in

financial trouble, possible solution, to be a regular supporter, to

get a better view, violence, to be real fans, to be looking for

troubles, troublemakers,

foul language, to blame smb., to sympathize with, referees,

deliberate fouls, to encourage smb., to ban alcohol.

2.Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases:

насилие, нарушитель спокойствия, обвинять кого-либо,

запрещать, воодушевить.

3 Write these words in English and transcribe them:


посещаемость, финансовое затруднение, возможное

решение, сочувствовать, запретить алкоголь.

4. Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-3 and translate into


1)С 1950 г. посещаемость футбольных матчей снизилась

почти вдвое.

2) Многие спортивные клубы испытывают финансовые


3) Мне не нравятся сцены насилия, которые сейчас

происходят на стадионах.

4) Нужно запретить алкоголь на стадионах.

5) Многие юнцы являются возмутителями спокойствия.

6) Судьи должны быть болле строгими по отношению к


7) По телевизору мы видим самые волнующие моменты


8) В Соединенных Штатах я не видел сцен насилия на


9) Футбольный матч там праздник для всей семьи.

5. Answer the following questions:

1) Why has attendance of football matches fallen ?

2) Why did mr. Bert Woods stop going to football matches?

3) Does he blame only kids for troubles?


4) Why does Brian Huff, the manager of Eastfield United

sympathize with mr. Bert Woods?

5) What is the reason of bad attendance in his opinion?

6) What does Kevin Dolan think about football matches?

7) What does Jimmy Mac Tavish, the ex-Scotland striker, think

about football matches?

6. Listen to the text, mark stresses and tunes and read it.

7. Make a “TV talkabout” between Bert, Kevin, Jimmy and

Michael Parkhurst.

Topic VIII. Travelling.

At the station

Passenger: Porter will you see to my luggage, please?

Porter : Where for, sir?

Passenger : I'm going by the 10 o'clock train to Glasgow. Will you

have this trunk labelled and put in the luggage van? The suit-case and

bag can go on the luggage rack.


Porter: Right, sir. What class?

Passenger: First. Try and find me a corner seat in a smoker, facing the

engine, if you can.

Porter: Have you got your ticket yet, sir?

Passenger : Not yet. Where ‘s the booking-office?

Porter: Come along with me and I’ll show you. Here it is. I’ll meet you

on the platform.

Passenger : Which platform is it?

Porter: Number 8, over there.

Passenger : One first to Glasgow, please.

Clerk: Single or return?

Passenger: Single . Do I have to change anywhere?

Clerk: No, no change, it’s a through train.

Passenger : Thank you..

* * *

Porter: Here you are, sir. I’ve found you a corner seat next, to the

corridor. Your carriage is next to the dining car, and you can order lunch

when the attendant comes along.

Passenger: What time do we get to Glasgow?

Porter: You’re due to arrive at 6.15.

Passenger: Thank you. Here you are.


Porter: Thank you, sir. I hope you’ll have a comfortable



1 . Listen to the dialogue and explain the meaning of the following words and phrases:

to see to smb., luggage, 10 o’clock train, luggage rack, suit case, smoker, to face the

engine, booking office, platform, single ticket, return ticket, a through train, to be due to


2. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Use them in sentences

of your own:

присмотреть за багажом, вагон для курящих, прямой поезд, служащий.

3. Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-2 and retell the dialogue in indirect speech.

4. Listen to the dialogue, mark stresses and tunes and learn it by heart.


Harry: We shall have to hurry if we're going to catch that

rain. What's Robert doing?

Nora: Robert's gone on to the station with some of the

luggage. He's meeting us on the platform.

Harry: Don't pack that book, Peter: you'll be wanting it in the


Peter: Oh yes, so I shall, Dad.


Nora: I wonder whether I ought to have cut some


Harry: No, we shall be stopping ten minutes at the junction; we

shall be able to buy something to eat there. . . You'll have to carry

this case, Peter.

Nora: He can't, because he'll be carrying my hatbox, besides

his own case.

Harry: Look here, we must get away or we shall be late.

Nora: It's going to be a lovely day. Are we all ready?

I’m ready; I'm waiting for you.

Nora: Have you turned off the gas and electricity, Harry?

Harry: I'll just make sure, dear.

Nora: Otherwise they'll be sending us hills for the rime we're


Harry: Yes, it's all done. Come along now; off we go. Shut the

door behind you, Peter.

Nora: Arc you sure you've got the railway tickets, Harry?

Harry: Good heavens! I think I've left them on the piano.

Peter: (Eagerly) I'll go in and get them, Dad.

Harry: No, it's all right, here they are in my waistcoat pocket.

Nora: Good morning, Mrs. Wood.

Mrs.Wood: Good morning! So you're off, then? Goodbye; have a

nice time.

Harry: Thank you.


Nora: Goodbye, Mrs. Wood. We'll sec you when we come back

in three weeks' time.

Mrs.Wood:I expect we shall be seeing you sooner than that; we've

decided that we're going to Brightshore for our holiday too.

Nora: How nice! Do tell me more about it.

Harry: Come on, Nora. We're going to miss that train.


1.Listen to the dialogue and explain the following words

and phrases: to catch the train, to meet smb. on the platform, to

pack things, junction, to be late, to turn off, to make sure, to

send bills, to miss the train.

2. Write English equivalents of the following words and

phrases. Use them in sentences of your own; выключить газ и

электричество,опоздать на поезд, прислать счет, закрыть

дверь, в кармане жилета.

3.Write these words in English and transcribe them: упаковать

вещи,железнодорожный узел ( узловая станция),

электричество, пианино, жилет.


4.Study the vocabulary of exercises 1-3 and retell the dialogue

in indirect speech.

5. Listen to the conversation, mark stresses and tunes, find

sentences pronounced : a) with interest;

b ) eagerly;

c ) with surprise.

6. Repeat the dialogue after the speakers, mark stresses and

tunes, learn it by heart.

Topic IX. Theatre and Cinema.


Melinda stood at the end of the garden, watching the sun

begin to set behind the orchard into the sea beyond. She stood

as she had done so many times thinking of that last quarrel two

weeks before. She remembered how Damian had at first

denied the affair with Tamsin, but then when she had forced

him to admit it, how he had apologized and begged her for

forgiveness. She sobbed a little as she thought of her harsh

words, and how Damian, the only man she had ever really

loved, had broken down and cried like a baby when she had


refused to see him again. That was two weeks ago and she had

heard nothing from him since. She had tried to telephone. She

wanted to admit that she had been unjust, to tell him how

much she regretted calling him a liar, she wanted to explain

that she hadn't meant to hurt him.

Suddenly the noise of the garden gate opening startled

her. She turned and through the gloom she thought she could

make out the familiar figure of Damian. Was it him,..? Could

it possibly be...? The approaching figure stepped into the last

patch of sunlight and the last rays of the setting sun

illuminated his long, dark, curly hair. He stopped, unsure of

himself. 'Oh, Damian,' she called softly. 'Damian, is it really


'Melinda,' he murmured, 'My Melinda!'

She sighed deeply and ran to greet him.

She took his hands tightly in hers. 'My darling,' she whispered,

'Can you ever forgive me?'

'We must never speak of it again,' he replied.

'Bui Damian, I never meant ...'

He interrupted her, 'It's all right. I know that now. My

darling, promise me something?'

'Anything!' she cried.

'Here, this is for you. Please, please accept it, and wear it

forever.' He drew a small leather box from his pocket and

leaned forward to give it to her. Suddenly the box fell from


his grasp. He bent to pick it up and at that moment his glasses

slipped from his nose.

'Blast! Now where have they gone? I can't see a thing without

them,' he explained. Melinda went to help him. There was a

crunch as his foot crushed the glasses into the gravel path. 'Oh,

no, now I've trodden on them!' he exclaimed. 'Why can't I do

anything right? Why do I always ruin everything?'

Her laughter pealed round the garden. 'Oh, Damian, you

silly boy, that's why 1 love you so much!'


1.Listen to the text and explain the meaning of the following

verbs ( give 3 forms):

to deny, to force smb., to apologize, to beg for forgiveness,to

sob, to admit, to be unjust, to regret, to hurt, to startle, to

illuminate, to be unsure, to murmur, to whisper, to forgive, to

interrupt, to promise, to accept, to lean forward, to bend, to

slip, to crush.

2.Listen to the text, mark stresses and tunes, read and translate

the text.

3. Answer the following questions:

1)Where was Melinda standing?

2) What was the scenery?

3)What did she recall?

4)Why did she try to telephone to Damian?

5)What made her startle?


6)Whom did she see in the last patch of the sunlight?

8) Why did Damian come?

9) What did he drop?

10) What happened with his glasses?

11) Why did Melinda love him so much?

4. Find in the text sentences pronounced with:

a) great emotion;

b) regret;

c) uncertainty.

5. Learn the text by heart and dramatize it before the class.


Нarry: We shall be awfully late home if that No. 12 bus

doesn’t come soon… Let’s stand in this doorway out of the


Nora: All right, but we must be careful not to miss the bus…

How did you enjoy the film?

Harry: I’d never have gone if I had known it was going to be

so silly.

Nora: Why, what was silly about it?

Harry: Well, no sane man would have married that other girl

so soon after he had murdered his wife. It was sure to make

people suspicious.


Nora: If he had been sane he wouldn't have murdered her!

Besides, the girl wouldn't have waited for him if he hadn't

asked her immediately.

Harry: All the better for him if she hadn't!

Nora: Yes, but then he wouldn't have paid for his crime.

Anyhow, I'd have enjoyed it he film much more if Elsa

Hollywood had been in it instead of Linda Spangle.

Harry: And I'd have enjoyed it more if we hadn't gone at all.

Nora: (Sharply) And I'd have, enjoyed it more if yon hadn't

been so rude to that woman in front.

Harry: Well, I shouldn't have been rude to her if she had

stopped chattering when 1 asked her.

Nora: I wish you'd behave better in public places.

Harry: I behave better! J like that! Why, if that woman had...

(Sound of bus starting up) But look, isn't that a No. 12

bus just going?

Nora: Yes, it is, and we've missed it after all. We should have

seen that bus, Harry, if you hadn't been so busy quarrelling.

Harry: (In injured tones) Really, Nora, I think it would have

been much better if I had stayed at home tonight and let you go

to the cinema alone.


1.Listen to the conversation and explain the meaning of the

following words and phrases:


to enjoy smth., to be silly, to murder smb., to be rude to smb.,

to be chattering.

2.Listen to the conversation, mark stresses and tunes, read it.

3. Answer the following questions:

1)Did Harry enjoy the film?

2)Why did he find it silly?

3)Did Nora like to see Linda Spangle in the title role?

4)Why was Harry rude to a woman during the film?

5)Why did they miss the bus after all?

4.Find in the conversation sentences pronounced:

a) with irritation;

b) with surprise;

c) sharply.

5. Repeat the conversation after the speakers, mark stresses and

tunes and learn it by heart.



“A weekend away”. Streamline English Video. parts I, II.



Travelling -- episode -1

Meals -- episode 2

Hotel – episode 3

Shopping – episode 4

In the Country – episode 5

Sightseeing – episode 6

Sport – episode 7

Photo -- episode 8



ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ………………………………………………стр 2

I. Некоторые особенности обучения видам речевой

деятельности…… стр.3

II.Аудиоматериалы для аудиторных и самостоятельных

занятий студентов в лингафонном кабинете (таблица)

……………….. стр.8

Тема “ Choosing a Career “ стр.19

Тема ” Illnesses and their treatment” … …… …… стр.22

Тема “City and traffic “ …………………………… стр.28

Тема“Meals”……………………………………… стр.33

Тема ''Education”………………………… стр.38

Тема “Sports and Games “…………………………... стр.45


Тема”Theatre and Cinema“………………………………………стр54

Использование видеофильмов………………………………… стр.56


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