[metro] 60 second interview: luke tapp

Post on 02-Dec-2015






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[Metro] 60 Second Interview: Luke Tapp



Luke Tapp

Is the job too big "for him and Dr. Cunt?"

I couldn’t comment."Probably.

Slinger Luke Tapp, 28, controversially avoided an EU ban last week after failing to apologise for last year’s Tappislava saga. We caught up with him in the lead up to Munich 2012, dubbed by critics as Tapp | Cartwright: The Last Cuppa before Tapp departs for the Middle East in June.

Big weekend coming up – how are you feeling? The first thing to say is that this isn't about me. This is mainly about Jim [Chandler] and a bit about [Phil] Cartwright, and some responsibility on Dr. Cunt’s [Richard Pardoe] shoulders too. I've heard comparisons with the Titanic in the press - I just hope Cartwright leaves the lower order a life jacket to save themselves with. It seems from various sources that unrest has once again unsettled your opponents… My record is there for everyone to see and I've always performed exceptionally at the highest level under great scrutiny and pressure. I'm not sure all of the Northerners can look in the mirror and say the same. The pressure's beginning to show, and feathers are getting ruffled. Cartwright's a big bird, but he's not sitting pretty. His flock are disembarking, his feather's are ruffled and he's running out of friends to squark at. It's all getting a bit ugly. What about Philip Cartwright as a leader amongst men? Phil is a great character, no question about that. Is he a good leader though? I wouldn't like to comment. I can look back at Brat 2010 Boat Race, Edinburgh from a few years ago and Aber 2011 legends game and in all of those, he had the better team, arguably the better players and failed to deliver a single victory. Vice-Captain of the North is a big job, made a lot bigger by events of the last 24 hours. Is it too big for him and Dr. Cunt? I couldn't comment. Probably. You and Andrew Wilkinson grew up together – is it tough coming up against a childhood friend? It's never easy against Wilko, I've huge respect for him. Were we ever friends though? I've always been more comfortable with labeling him as an acquaintance.

It’s been rumoured that Cartwright was warned after an illegal approach for Chris Mort Totally outrageous. I've heard about this and I am disappointed with this if it is true. I need to analyse what has been said but certainly if there has been an infringement of the rules, serious sanctions, drinking related, will have to be inflicted on Phil. Biggy T & Q Game – 2 big personalities have fallen at the first hurdle – coincidence? I don't think you can second guess what has gone on there but there's

Interview: DYLAN JONES

obviously big problems within the camp. I've heard that Wilko is unsettled. I've said all all along that Wilko should never have been overlooked for a senior position in their team. The transfer window is open, you get to pick one person from the North, who is it? There's great potential in there. I'm a big admirer of the passion I've seen from Chandler Junior in the past, Wilko I know all about him, MJ [Martin Smith] and Gav [Thomas] great for the football not sure about the boatrace so there's plenty there to work with. Finally then, prediction for the weekend… Football: 4 - 3 to the South, golden goal scored by myself. And Boatrace: a clear 2min win for the South. Next question.

Find  out  more  about  Luke  and  his  struggle  to  win  over  the  masses  at  www.metro.co.uk  

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