mgregor & · vol- xi...

Post on 08-May-2019






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The Dover Printing Company,l'UtlLISlItlH «»» PUOl'.IETORS.

Oni:» oa BUokwell Street m i t door toThe National Urnon Bunk.


O D O Y e a r , - - - _ _ _ _ $ 2 , 0 0S i i M o u t h s , - - - - - - - 1 , 0 0T b r e o u i i i u l l i H , - - - - - - - 0 0


1 WK. | 2 WSB. I 8 WM.

3 "4 "6 "ieoiai

75|» 1 !5|» 1 60 $ 1 75

2 758 CO

5 006 SOBOO10 0012 W15 0018 CO82 00

8 50

t 6 00

HO. S506(08 SO

10 00UK)91001IB.

flOOO17 002! 0027 0080 00810045 0068 00

x ADDED IOB uraufl. Loan, so-TIOM IE O1NTB PZB UNZ.


Corner or Blackwell nnd tjuiaoi ata,

DOVER, N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

florae* and CarriutfCK to Ltt .




p V,O. O. CUMMINH, BE. D.,



ot'rrci-: AT THE STICKLE nomv,,

DOVIitt, N. J.



SALOON,SUSSEX STREET,I l»iireeu tll8 HANBIOM BOV tffijml Bopul,)

DOVER, N. J.The place lias been entirely refittoil In ft nent

ttannner. h.lDlCff «r«l OlittMIE.VS 1MBITOTTINQ A SPECIALTY.


LAW,Cor. Blackwell anil Sussex Sta.

DOVER, N- J.I. II. NEIGHBOUR. A. 0. tililTH,








UNION HALL BUILDING,BUclcwclt Street, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tiio latest and moat improved styloa, forwarming imulkiiui. private buildings. A laru<

nsaortmoiit vt Stoves, cheap for canli.


STOYES,RANQES,Ac, Algoavaritly ot




A fltl apartment of



LEADI5BR, and HJ] kiwh otMilwn InrnvlJoc,dmic iii tho host innnnur and at tin* Blmrd

"ie . lllRlinEt priociB pftlil'for old Inin.

Oupp&j* Jead an.) jisirttr token ia cichas,

ALEXANDER WIQHTOK.D c e c m b i i i - a U l i . 1 8 7 0 . 1 - l v r

OEO.OTANNnil-- a en!] fr«ni nil IIIM rri.-nilsici li,:i [

(H.TNTO.N KTllftET, v, here f-.r l l u i n m ilit l,r ha-i n

FINK TOOL TABLEami a will fiftiil ntid mmpli.te


PI Ann



Ofliort over A. 17iffli!i>n's Blow ami im »tnro,17-U • ' •

THE BESTof its l.iu.l fur t-iijuyiin'tit in Uiis ^cdinu U

D. MOLLER'S,UUSKKX ST., (NT.XT TimiEiiitiwiF.,)

UOVKK, K..I,1 ami |,IK,T,1 in ,.uhilii.u TI1I1HE



Fool Tablest)i(! coli'lirali'il manufactory of J. U.


ORCHESTRIONliiw iilHo tunt licrn hi]|>plit<d with mv IIIUMCmill will iloiiRlit thfe prttfKing of tin- hmae moretlmii tjvcii1, liintinliitii; music eijual to a brassbaml of 0!) liiccL-*.





I>OST E'UKdEf ')•() ASH I'Ui; '1IIK

Celebrated Sin Chop Tea, only 60c, per Ib.


... i>uK- m fii.>f.lnn>..fllinNi'«v V,itk mil CIII.IEI T n ('•' . ]>..vrr. N. J, Hkind* |nwK<'KHii.t: fUM-lli'ii, ..iHi'itir.*.,!' hiitlviiml ili .vr, i-]-an in IHH1. fn nli «nml m m l byouiMi ilicliMBt lUii'kvm mi thi- Miunl „: Kurliinita. We piiiirnlii»«'O J " " "f> l'«i •'" il'-riii: t'::i:my !->r •>"-:••*-

\ \V Mummii,.,. t<i K i v o ) - » u c n t i r f *at U!ui:i(uii ill C O I T l ' K S itm. TEAK imlwltl i t i tuli iHlip. l i rcsr ' i i t . UgiuiiiH im< iiDt xutlitt i ictory [iliaiu r i ' i n r i i t l icm n t i r l j u u . hu l l l iuv" y c u r n

i now i-n.i. t e a uf IU.n x i n i i t l n l w i d M J i l r u p

t h i n i i A tn lit! lit K,i.











a W



C. S. JENSEN,Uycrntid Cnrpflt We«F*f, »(7rt.(!«will uiQct all their wiuts Ju dyeiii

fttiHDB to lli<*uud oarpot w

d vicinity Jba)

CL.EANING:Ijftilka Merino nnJ Cathmare DreSHes, Shuwla mid Clonkn n spenlislty; aiid nil kind), ofdriw iiro ueiifly tk-iiriK,?, «>j-ed ami Suinhod. Qenilomou'^ K a r i u e"H "(.BU, jMHila andhtH cliuineil or tlyeil I.D<1 neatly thiHliod witbonl riiiiins. By cleaning and dyeing t'udedd wurnclotliiiiRtli-y mi^Hbd in tin Horvio Able far a bug time.C A K P f i T W K A V I N G ! - I I « r i i i g l h a vo/y ba^t Looms for List and Bag Cnrpei,d everything filtail u]» for flrBtrolas« work, I think I wu deliver what Iho Indies want,

iftor they have tnk«» thp trouliln tn tut nni mvt their hi^s nifloly, iv good rag ear|iot, Itl b t f t l il l t l d o d to witli cure. V,iJ> tlie

m he ^custojiiorB nnil nil oiilem l


R dyod any colur. A te&Honnbla prioo IMU] for carpet men. Ctirtwt on hand forale. PJ«cc of VuiKinew iu tlia OLD FllEKUYTERIAN 0HURO1I, OOR. BLACKWELLLND n t o s r E C T HTS., DOVEU, N. J .

Dover, N. J., HPJIL 20th. 1881. C» S* JENSEN*

ma. EiiiiiiT«



always iirovidi-a fur tli

' S fackSlSrS"" 1 1 " " " n r ° ' MOLLElfS OPEIIA. HOUSE


Counsellor at Law,AND MASTER IN CHANC3EHY,

Office in the Nutimial Unimi Ihtil; RuiWiiiR

S F . A C F W ^ T . S T . , UOYEH, N. J.



BUILDERS,D o v e r , 3ST- if.








NO ehatgc for oitraotlne Whorenew toelli iiro iiimirtcil. Vi'oarecowroitk-

ing bofmtil'til Kf'tE uT tenth lor


Do*er,Bep[ember25th. 18JG.



haBaiwajH on hand a full anil frcih stock ofBtundnnl B<iodflftt


It itofiHn't pay (<> pciicrimeiit «'i!lj f)«nr. Askyour grocer for the fainuiw

VIOLA BRAND,ami tatt) no otl iT. It is alwayn Rood-can horrlioii uiioii every time. SandflrBon on thiscud brand iucrL'aBod blH flnur t r idt WO Mr

9 t *

City Restanrant ana Saloon,WARREN St., DOVER, N J .


Oysters in every Style.Canned Goods o! all kinds.


Every guost will bo trcivteJ in iho belt m&n-Der, »• it ii my Intention to make Uili ft wellordered resort for m? frleadi tnil the gen or*ipublic. 8-tf




taken wd mttotfalt ftwnU &rf.

Slate •RoofingWith better facilitleB I am enabled to put

on SLATE E00F8 cheaper ttan net ndognail»W th« bertqnillllj ol lUtund 'wplojlcg BtnUilani nnohanlcn. I em mar-anteematurial »na woik In ««rj partisn.lar. - Tte KboatbiDg Felt M»«J« on U n l

IW«J October-13li. 1880.

Spring Oress Goods!Best line of Dress, Goods

and Trimmings fit





Morris County Surrogate's Office-APRIL 17lli, 1832.

a tlio mnttiir nt Edmund D. Hafoey, Executorof Ann McFailan, dDCueod. Surrofiatfl'Border to limit credilorn.

r\ti spp)kntiwi tf the ahovo-mmoil Ex-l_/ eiuioi it l» ordered by tho Surrogntobat BRid Executor give pnbtio noticn to.LocrcdiUinortUooEtitoor eaH decednut tobring ID their tfebti, demand* and claimsagitiiBt tlio Binio, nndor oath, irltliin muemontliB from tliin date, by sottitift up»cop?of HUH order, within twenty dnja lieronflir. infive of tbo mast public pluses in ttio comity of" !H for tiro months, ipd M«o irlttilti the

twenty tUy» by ftdrarttBlng tlio samo in__ IBOIC EHA one of tbe vewnpapora oj tills

Stale, Tor tUa earae space of time (the flurro-' jndgiiift any furtbor notice to be iinnoo-

•?); and if no; orfdllor ibail neglect tnjft ilia or lier.dabt, detniad aad alaici

within tlie asid period of nine inocthfl, pnblianotice being given iBiforegaid, RUOII ortdttor•halt be forever debtrred of hia or her lotionlUcrefor aRnInst tha eaifl Exeontor. '

A trno copy from tho minutei.2!-10w OUJLS. A. QILLEN, Strrog»to.




for all kind! o! bnlUlngl, >nd ibo wmlnotlon

of bullalDra iDP«r(nMiided.

ilt bo at l i l offloe ln.Dofer. SI Floor of




Morris, SBBSOI or Warren Omntiej,

anabli prio«« are t l» lowlit. Bo lure anil

Next to Gen. Richards & Co.,


T E E DOVER LUMBER Co.offers to bmlders the bost oppoi'tunitioa iu iho purchase of LUMBERof every grudo and description inelxuling LOW PRICES ami tho greatadvtmtiigo of Iiaviuy

Lumber Worked to Orderby rajicliinory at tho pluca where it is purchiwoLl, groatly ioSBeniuy iiio

cost of building by tlio great saviug in mimuid lfibor. Ourstock iilwayw iiicludoa

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsami LUMBER of overy description, ami ospocinl paiiin arc tnken

to give Hiitisliitstibii in every parliculnr.

Spring GoodsTHAT

RODERBR & HEAGANliavo boeu daily receiving for the past month from Now York ami

Eastern nianufactarioa has Bwelled oar stock of

BOOTS AND SHOESto enormous proportions, such leading mokes as




and dozens otber equally celebrated miumfdetiirers IiiiveUioir quota to. secure our estoblishmeut in' the lead it has always main-taincil. AR raanufacturors oiusolvos wo stand in. tho front rank. Theloganoo and durability of ouv own make has earned for ua a loadingoputntinn tor over a quarter of a century. It would bo impossible to

give a description of our immense stock, but tho public are earnestlyinvited to call &iul examine tho olcgant stylos and eieellent qunlity ofour goiuls and the attractive prices wo are offering them at


OPP. D.; L. & W. R, R. DEPOT,DOVF.R, N. J.






For the benefit of a large proportion ofour readers wlio were beyond the reach oftlie extra edition of tbo Ea* U&t Saturdayaftenioon we reprint below the followingparticutara of the arrost of Jamaa Treglown,••he Hiftjpr of Minnie Oiilrgwin •

Nmmw,.K. 1., Jmua4Ui.To JofiN M. OissoNt—

I captured Jumes'lVeglowu last nigUt.MICHAEL DDNM, Deputy Bheriff,

Such was the gretifyiDg fctollfgaaco ra-Ofilved from Newtou lost Saturday morning,ffhioli spread through this commudty andcaused general satiBfaotlca.

ID a few minnlee ufter the receipt of thisdispatch we were on our way to Newton, ar-riviug at which place wo proceeded to theCourt House, where we met Deputy SheriffMichael Dunu and Frank H. Earl, theeaptorsaf Treglown, from whom we obtainedthe following correct details of the capture.


James MaPoek, an elderly farmer, lives iamountainous section of Pyram township,

near Rosevllle, which ia a few miles fromStanhope, on the road botweeuAoclimr andSparta. He was at yroik in his fields onThursday morning, shortly after bteakfaat,when a . travel-BtaiDed aad worn lookingyoung man came to where he was plowiojicorn and snid Its wanted work—that bowould he willing to work for his board If hecould get It. Farmer McPeeV asked him ifhe bud h&& any breakfast, to which the young

uiid ho had not llcPoek (hen Benthim to the bouse with Jostraotiona to bisvita to give him soma breakfast and foundsome work for him to do.

Trtglown—and euoh the young man prov-ed to be—bad his breakfast and went ontn$ out wood ou'tll (he farmer returned fromiis Hold at the dinner boar. Iu the af ter-

uoon the farmer kept him at work spread-ing tnanuie In a ft«]d. Mcl'eck nolicej thatthe youag mac took his ooat with bint andkept it near him vhereyer he went while *tbis work, a oiicutnBtHQQe whicli eioited binsnapioion.5. Iu the oveuing the farmer toldhim while vt aupper thai he didn't want himauylongor. . ,

DlRESS PATTERNS! -iu Satin, Blatiic Sergo, flannel, Liidiea Cloth, or any other Fabrio, or

I for a fine pair of





"**>ii gr r i t YRrif ty in Donea, find n. gfoat aasortinpnt or


Whitlock & Lewis,NO. 6 T$mW BLOCK,


At this Tieglown said La. would work forlie board atid atay aa ono of bis family. He

said LIH feet were tore, ftnd that be hud noplace where to go. UcPeek told him thenwag a miiio Qour wliora ho could gat work.Trrgiowu answered that he had never work-ed In a mice aad couldn't do that kind of•ork. Ha tlica told him that Uiera vraa an-

other farmer near who wanted a band, anilfie might be able to get work theru. Tathis Treglown replied that he preferred toeta; where he was because ha tlioutgt notmany people oamo (here. The farmer con-utudef to let bim stay orer night mi heslept in the garret. On Friiiy moraing the

.rmei;»g»in told Tretriowo that he wouldive to get work elxewhere. Treglown said

11 Ibe band you have got may leave younext yeir, aud if you let me stay I couldthen take his,place.


The farmer then said to him, "Yon bayeBBDie other reason for wanting to BtayhBre."

Treglawnsnid, "Yee.Ibave. I got inton row down at Fort Omot vith a fellow. 1don't know twyUiing about wh&t' tha,Eeanltof it, 1 want tq sti

iT, Soc'y nnd 'Ireas.I. Iff. SEXBINO, Ocn'I Mnimgcr.



always cany * complete

Dry Goods



Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,the beit (n the conntry.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to ind tram Eaf op«,

County Collector's Notice 1I will bo at tlio office of llift 8tirro(t»to, ttor.utnirtu tec (Jiff trutttaeUoa ul Ooooty bnil-

m-<*, »a Tlinr»iUy or each iroek, and at tbai)fn<r, »r Goorgo IlkhKrdH, Eiq-, Dover, on

Ooantr OollBOtor.

c Owtly mat frto.. A44n« T«» * Oo.,







K l - A O S T O N E S U U R B I N O ,




Bane Dint, Guana, Paniliette,LAND PLASTER, Ac.

WOOD sawed in stove lengths,OOAIJ.

STOTO, EGG, CHE8TSUT.Orders tn&y bo ndilrosfed thronRjithBPost

Office Lock Hoi 28, or left st A. Beemer'ioSiceulihcl'.wonm.,nctrButm, orrtthejud.BIACKBMITH'8 COAL oonsttntlj on bund,uazcd Brutes. t B.piuui.









MASON AND BUILDER;DOVEU, N. J. OdatractA iaben and materialsfurniihed. BIODO mil Oriok Work, Flftnteriogand JabblDir prninptlj kttocilod to. Ordenleft itWlltlun R. Btkttt tlan will teaelncweta! iai prompt uttwtlon.




CLOTHING!To thi; attention n[ intending purclittHerH, with tbf full nsniirauCD tliat a aeleotion,

KRlinftictorj in evory ri'spt'ct, am hu lniidu from it, We sbow

BUSINESS SUITS, from $7.50 to $18,ia all the intermediate gmdeH, unil cut both in Sucks ami Frocka,

Oress Suits, from $15 to $25, in Cutaways and Prince Alberts,

OUR PANTALOON STOCK )compriHoa mnny CHOICE STYLES, nnil al every prica, from tlie obeapest to tlio

beat gradpa. A complete lino of

NEW SPRING' OVERSACKS,from $6 to $18.S8F" Vfe mute Rpecinl iiuinoomeijts in our Boys1 anil Children's stock and ofiet

OUll OWN MAKE EXCLUSIVELY, and nt tbo LOWEST PRICES ever made."Aa fxtifliJnatJoi) of our gootli will coafma onr statcmonts, nnil any selectionMade, if not satisfactory, may lie returned or tlie money refunded if desired.

MCGREGOR A Co.,Iron Front Clothiers,


Aijeats for FairbaakB1 Scales niidTor-

willigor'B Safes.




AgilcnUtua Implomcnti, Beeds, FertiKtori,~ .iLlB, Olli, QUai, eta,

I. WOOD'S C s t a t e d




Sussex St. DOVEE, N J.,tro thoronshly fnrnishad tod efficiently



Ehret'H, Minor, Milwan'ion. Toledo, Onoin>nMI. Bt.Loais, Patar Doelge£i and XiouD»wotyLijjew. Thebt i t WINKS, LtijoowtodOlguaat the lair,, . . . . ,,

NEW MARBLE YARDpIIE utiiiitcrlbcr Urn tipcntfl •. now ,...„ „-„.L tlio coriuir of BLACK WE t t ANDlanociN st«., ami Ispreparei] to farnlBh

£ 3 "~*™ CD

and all other work in bin line. Cemtory lotionclDBoti wltli granite ind raarblo postB. Will)Ions experience md teaBonablo nrfcoi I Toi 'wmitddut tbit I can lalfufj the public.




I eliot ftt'ft friloff," replied Trtglown,id mlssei him uni hit a girl jimei Min-

nie Ohirgwin. Then I pushed her into the

Bat vthbt became of the girl; Bhe mayhnve been drowned," continued farmer Mo-Ftek.

Ko, Igueea not,wB*idTreglown. "Shecould wade ont easy enough."


After this farmer MoPeek told the youngan lie could stay with Jilm that dnj—

Friday. He said he had an errand at New-ton and the young man might work aroundill he came back, In this tho farmer hon-

estly believed, for, liTiag in an cut of theway plaoe, lie bad not heard aojthing aboutthe terrible tragedy.

Ju^t before letving town, however, Tre-gtown eald to him, " If yon hear anybodytalking about a stranger being around here,don't say anything About U.

When he arrived in Kewton he went tothe nia:e of Mn.-O'Leary, a relative, andalmost the ..tot question asked him waswhether he bad heard of the terrible crimeat Port Dram, •

He told her he had' not and Mrs. O'Learytold him the7 clrcrtmuianceB, Tbe fennerhnew at onca the murderer vies at bis place,and told Mrs. O'Leary tbe elronmi'tanoeB.

ady sect for .Frank H. Eari, woo toldthe furmet the description of Treglown at ittad been seat out. end he confirmed It.


Mr. Earl theo informed Depnty Sberifliohael Dunn, who proceeded <o act In

tbe matter. Dunn, Sari 'and MoPeek atonoe-otarted baok that evening. - To avoidsuspicions Dnnn end Karl slopped at, tbebouse of Watson McPeek, a son of the olderJlcPeek, which la about ono mile nearerKdwtoo, while Jis. Uol'eek went on aheadwith instructions to Bngage the family inoonvereatfon about the parade wbfoh badtaken place Out day in Newton and othermatters, BO HB not to put the criminal on hiaguard. Tbe yoQQRer MoPeek was over atbig fathered but toon afterward came baok.Dnnu, Kurt and thi yonnger* JfcPeek fol-lowed a little later, it buiag arranged thatthe latter should gs in the honse first and

iqaire fortt clevis for a plow, and to beready to seize Treglown en a signal' agreedon. Tbey arrived at tbe houao.k few tain-

before D o'olock. Standing In the yardthey looked through the window and ooold

Treglown Bitting with the sldo ot hisfiioe toward them, aud tbe workman withtis back toward tba door. All were at tho

table eating their eupper. Youngwent ID aad took his position at ttie side ofthe man.


Dnnn and Earl followed ForyqnieUjalitUeUUr and nnolworvod by the culprit. Thesignal was promptly given. Earl cangttTreglown'H right arm, MoPeek his left, whileDunn rannp In frontal hlra.with aand ordered him to throw ap hie. lands.He at first made A straggle and tried tobre»k the^holdt upon him, but finally threwup h.B hands. When Dunn immediately pu

tbe handonHfl. After he was futened lieBoarty ashed ''Conldn't yoa let me go

now T' Deputy Dnnn asked him where bewanted to go nod he said he would go ID thewoods. The Deputy then told him that liecouldn't nay anything abont hiaoase whichtbey didn't already know, and cautioned himto say nothing nbont it except to his conn.«el Tbo party UIBD took tea at McPeeh'sand returned to Newton vrhere they placedtheir prisoner


jbout ona o'clock in the morning. Onixaminlng hia person they found ft numberof small tiring*, bat no money. Among UBeffeetfl they fannd the smnll revolver withWhich^hfl had shot Minnie Ohirgwin. It ia

umall ieventihoat«r, whatiaealleda "BlueJackat," aadia 22 calibre. Xheie were seven

•idgas in the eliatnber. Four wera filledwith old cartridge* and three with newbnt one of the latter had been shot 'oatEarly this morning Mr. Earl flowed him »

copy of THE IBOH £ B I , containing hU pic-ture and that of Minnie Chlrgwh, Uponlooking at the latter he broke downcried bitterly.


Through the courtesy of Deputy DunnMarahal Kelley and the Em. represontativwere admitted to Txeglown's cell. Heognized usmidsbookhaudii when wo calledhim by name. Wo Uia cell is in a part ofono of the womt jails [n the country, but hasbeeu made comfortable mid safe tiy recantrepairs. In tbo corridor In frout of liU doorwas a large grauttn block, weighing -'»>pounds, with which the neck of FrederickCrill, who murdered hia daughter,oeutly broken.

Treglowu aat upon a bed on tha floor,fila looe wore a woebegone eipreuloti, andhis appearance and manner indicated thathe was completely broken down under tliheavy burden of his grief and remorse. Hiwould have been known anywhere by thepicture published ia the EHA. The clothinghe wore wero exactly tho game as those de-lulled in the published desoriptlonii, withthe exception of his shoes, which were oldand badly worn. In convBraatlon he admit-ted theBB weae not the outs be had on whenho left Fort Oram.


Deputy Sheriff HQUU, whlfn willing thatwe should converse with Urn respecting bishletory end whereabouts ulnoe the murderrequeeled that nothing Hhould be said abouttoe commission or the crime, as it vonld betaking advantage of the nriaotier before hebid opportunity to obtain tlie aiivioe ofcounsel. In answer t« inquirifl* heeaidhedid not know where all he bed been, butthat be was foot Bore and very weary.

Ho denied that it was Ms intention to goto Newburg, N. Y., where bin friend Chan.Sandy worked. Tuesday night, after the

irder, be spent within one mile of 'Wood-port, where he slept in th« woods with

hl to eat. The whole ot W e dwi8 spent iu walking about the roads, When

e was he ooulA not exactly tell, but he hadnothing to eat, and did not seek food. Hesaid further thut he did not meet anybody inhfs trarels, whfoh le&da to the oaiural belie/ttiit" he avoided public olservatlon, andconfirms the opinion of several people whowereo! the belief Llmt.they saw him IDthe neighborhood ol Woodport en Wednes-day.


Wednesday sight he again slept in thewoods, and while wuaderfng about (ha nextmorning came to the place of farmer Mc-P l ? ^ Twin the time ho left Port Onwt onTuesday night until Thursday morning hehad nothing to eatt md said he met no onealong the road with whom he talked. Thisfact and the fear he eipreaaed to farmerMoFeok, shows pretty oonoluslrely that hehad not been upon the public roads, bat hadmainly wandered abont ID the woods octllhunger forced him to rereal himself lo thafanner.

Biace Ills arrest bo had been well treated>y his oaptora,

uifi nieroR-!.T/efilowL said ho fltst IsndeJ in this

DOuttryonthefthoF Moroh, 1880, aod atoooe oame to Dover. He worked at first inthe Hoff mine, from there worked at theWashington Forge mine, then again at thoHoff, and flnalJy at M i Plwsimt, He hasboatieS at Ohlrgwia'e over since he here. His father died whea he vaa

five yearn, old; and .his mother resides iuGumboutne, Oomwull,' England. The familyepnjJJjtB of tbrsp ulatflre mid four brothers,l T h o D T B r e i«EngUnfl, «oept himselfand his brother Henry, the litter being nowat Central City, Colorado. He appearedvery anxious to have his brother know ofhis unfortunate position, and engagedMajor Mattlaon, of Kewton, to write to himthis afternoon, Treglowa Bald he would be21 years of age the 12tb of August next.

In the cell with Tregbwn was a youngman named Edward White, who la charged,with grand larceny, having broken and enter-ed a store at Deokettown, to iteal a quantityof whiskey.

During the wtola of the conversationTreglowu'B voles waa low and tremulous andhe seldom raised his oyea front the floor,\Vhen we bade him good bye his voice brokedown and the tears coursed down Us cheeks,He was the moflt abject and pitiable Bpeoi-men of a man we have seen in mnny years.

A great interest is taken about the affairand people in crowds have been permittedto look at the prisoner (hro jgh his cell daor.

Uheriff Howell went to Kewton (his after-noon to make arrangements for tbo removalf the prisoner. When ha will be transferred

to MotrietowB ia sot known.

Alter an. excellent dinner at the WardHouse, kept by Henry M, Ward—who has

o sriperlors Is the proper way of receivingand entertaining guests—we took the trainfrom Newton and arrived homo in time tolay these particolflra before the public at anearly hour.

Removal of T r g g l c mSherin* Howell went to Kewton with Dep-

ty Sheriff Fowler oa Saturday afternoonand made attftugemsnbj for the removal ofTieglown to Morriatown. the same evening.t was decided to take him ltt a wagon and

drive aoroes the country. In making thisderision the Sheriff was not actuated by anyear of violence being dons the prisoner if

he took him by rall,butheknewthere wouldbe crowds ot people, at the depots to see him,and that the crush would be unpleasant toBay tfai least Thvtafore ha sated wisely Intaking the course he did. The party startedrom Newton iu the early malng, and pro-,

ceedlng by way of Stanhope, Brakesvllle,Succaannn* and Mt, Freedom, arrirecl InMorrietotra about 12 o'clock at night aadhoused their prisoner in the County Jail


The Excitement Saturday Evening.When THE IHOR Em. Extra, giving tha de-

tails of the captare of Treglown, appearedon the Blreebi on Saturday e-veoias they werebouitht up eagerly hy hundreds, and thematter was the subject of disonsaion on thestreets. The fiflDeral impression prevailedthat the prisoner would be takes to Morris-town on the train vhtoh arrives here at half •past eight o'clock, ond at that hour a largecrowd was gathered around Urn depot, andwhen the train arrived M many as aould doso boarded it and ran through the oars, onlyto be disappointed for the trouble they hadtaken.

When the train arrived in Uorristownquite anumberof people were also assembledthen with (ha same ttpeclition, Aaomnibne passed up through the town fromthe depot a rumor was started that it oor>talned the murderer, aud quite a crowdrushed after itUllttreached the OonrtHouse,when Coroner Drake quietly emerged therefrom and the disappointed followers honiedaway to oonoctl their chagrin.

Minnie OMrgwin's FuneralOne of the hwUoachlng teatataa of the

deplorable tradegy wan the burial of tf innlaChirgwin on Sunday marning l o s t All theanger and eJoitenjent that h&il prevailed forfive days seem&d hashed and held hi tempox

rsry sbey«ooe at least by tba solsninity ofthe solemn occasion. The prevailing senti-ment was one of deepest sympathy for thairsspeoted Kmil r upon whom hud fallenaffltotlcra under whlah the physioal ifanngtaof the pjolher bad giren war and wblob hadimpreawd wliibU braoes of great lufar lngupon the mud ooautenuute of tha lather.

For • couple of honri befam tha funsral

people in o a m b a n might be Men oa theirway to Port Onus, and by nine o'al<wk tharoad between DOTST and Fort Omm contain-ed a procession of wagons aod people onfoot all going in tbssame direction. Iu f o r tOratn the people stood talking in groups olthe sad affair, aad raaay might be obunedin the doom of their homes with En* extrasiu their hand*.


The mortuary services w^re uciler tba di-rective of VaierUker Ju. JarOiue, of BUD-casunnn, aud all Ibe ainuigementd wure ofthe mostcoiuplateeuaruter. Tte remain*at half-past 9 o'clock lay iu an open casketin the frout room of the Ohirtfwin reiriJenoe,and from that hour until eleven o'clock asteady procession of people tiled iu at thafront door, past the casket and out at tharear. The ejea ot nil were niout aud manydiffused with tean as they weut out, whitstheir ooMnetita vtried between expressionsof sympathy (or the family, horror for thadeed, and remarks about her comeliness.

The casket was corned with white em-bvsaed velvet, with textile trimmings, velVfltmouldings fundasbriae piste in silver, whichboro tbo simple inscription,

Mintiie Ohirgwin,Died June 20tb, 1882,

Aged 17 years and 3 months.Although the years were but those of a

girl the form was that of a fine, fully maturedwoman. The features were strikingly nat-ural and in perfect repose. £van the stran-

er could aee that they must have been mostpnpoBBWlog when animated with Ufa*About the neck white laoe was arranged toconoeal the mark of dissection anj[ the onlyvisible sign of violeuoo was the black spotupon the npper Up which denoted where thnbullet from, the mvolvar ot the Jealous xnad-

had penetrated i t To tho beauty ofher features was added • wealth of darkrown hair arranged in heavy coils about tha

crown of her head. The crime of ber mur-der must hare seemed a tsrrlbleone to thosewho had read It, but could they have lookedupon her piaoid tad beautiful face the feelingwould have been greatly intenaiiled.


Af^r the remains had been viewed by thegnat numbers who surrounded, the hoosathe family—except the mother, who bad

ot yet recovered from tho terrible shookgiven her the night ot the murder—comadown stairs, and a brief prayer was offered

y Kev. J. F. Haoaulay. Then the remainswere token out la front of the house andlaced upon a bier, near whioh were gath-

ered the monrnera, and a choir of about ftscore of Binders, Bey. Mi. Mno&ulay read

10C4th hymn,

" 0, liord, uor help h agee past,Onr bops for years to come,"*

and the superb voices of the singers ren-dered it with wonderful harmony and touch-ing effect This ceremony, a Cornish cus-tom, was eontlBo.ed by the procession going

foot, Instead of wagoj?, to the ohurob,the choir singing all the way. The pallbearers were twelve in number, and about

dozen young Oorniahmau, who boardedwith Mr. Ohirgwin, including Hanry James,ollowed tha fatally as mounters. At tha

ohuroh door the choir divided ia two lines,and whila they yet continued singing, tha

ournful procession paasad between theminto the edifice.


The church wu crowded with people andthon probably not more than one-third o£

ioae who so desired could gain admittance,[n the pulpit with tba pastor were Crotbenfahn Cook lod Paul Ewtlae, loc&l ptcaah-in, Brother fcnatice announced the hymu,

" Ood moves in a myatarioua way,Hie wonders to perform,"

snd in the tinging tho whole congregationoined, led by the choir And accompaniedy brass and reed instruments. Ia thoatter of hymn-aioginy these Cornish peo-

ple excel any other we have ever heard, forith the perfect harmony and musical

excellence of their voices tlieie is combinedsomething which wo cannot uotter describe

by terming it heart singing.After the Hymn Bru. Eunllco iuj iu prayer,

invoking comfort for tho boreaved, imd»eobing that, there "jnigLt bo moroy inbosom of our God for him who had

one this wrong.1' He nleo prayed thatthis might bo tho laut, M it tins been tho

rst tracody in this communitv-

pastor then read from tbo Scripturespassages arranged for tho burial of the deadand Brother Cook read the hymn,

: Jesas, while oar hearts are bleeding."After the ringing of which Rev. Mr. MacaH-

y pre&cliedtHB SKBMOV.

Reserving to tho evening eornion thairiBtian lessons whioh Oils sad afflctloa.

teaches, he said ho desired this mornuagtcply to Bpeak a few words to sorrowfulearts, and announced for hia text the 25th

and SGth versea of the 11th chapter of St.obn.

" JeBUs salth unto her, I am the resur-roction and the life; he that believetb in me,though ha were daad, yst shall he lire:

And whosoever liveth and balievetu hi moshall never die."

Iu opening tbe preacher confined himself> tha narrative of the sickness, death anil

reiurreotlon of Lezamit, He showed thatthough iTeauB loved the family at Bethanydid not save them from being visited

with great affliction. Next ha noted tbaabsence of the Saviour in the time of theiraffliction aud plotured the gloom of tbadeath and burial. Then he Bhowed howoat of the impenetrable darkness good camsto Oat afflicted home. Tho luwa hg wnuliconvey to hearts now Borrowing was this:Niter, even ia your darkest hour, loae yourooniienoe in the lovo uf Christ towardyou. A* to the family at Bethany thereoame an explanation, so I believe to-day, i«some myiterioos way, known aloce to Ood,Oat of this seeming great calamity therewill oome great good to this afflicted familyand to this community.

His allaaion to the orimB was very brief.He did not believe that it was fore-ordainedby God, bat be believed thai Ood wouldrole it. In bis heart he had the oonflotlouthat James Treglown is alone responsiblefor the cricjo. It may be that at the lastmoment he was impelled by wttno evilpower, but far baok In his life was a smallbeginning whioh ho oould hare cruihrf.That (pve birth to f ealouay, and jealoouiy Inmurder. He f snook his father's Ood, hewandered away from tha boose of pnyer t

u d he fostered evil thoughbi whioh hareIe4 iip to tita culmination. :

The oonoltudon of the a«rmon was darotedto words o! comfort and lympatbj for tbsamily, bringing them the astawuM that

" all things work together for good to thanthnt lore God.",

Another hymn was sang, and ttu nmalniwart again opeasd and viewed by those whodesh-ed to look upon them.


Thefunsral oortege, which was of g m tlength, then tame hi wagons lo Donr,when a Urge number of people, awaitedthem at tfao Orchard street cemetery. Hereagain tbe remains were placed upon kbietin front of the grave, and the. choir n a g a.beautiful and appropriate ooupotitkaentitled "The Dying Christian," attar ithwlbwi read by Bro, Paul East W .

l ^ U iplaced a t rest basido h i r abuec who d U dabont t h h e months mgo, B n . Jofaa Oookreading l td bartal Mrrtoe a n d p r i o o u i i o l i ithe bcnrdlotlca. ••

THE IKON EEAT!ie Dover Printing Company,


BOONTON- <The Keepi ttielirorymon Limy,

Mr. Ford bai all tho order* ha cm attend to.FrtiU in looking none tbo best, probab ly on

KOf.nnt of the Iftle *pa»on.Oar Boanl of Health slimild make au inves-

tigation or tlio straw that came tu tbc OldBaonton Paper Co. • short tiinu ago. It iituld that there era noveral lioa«!j iu townInfested with ob[p float.

Itlireportcl tbtt tho proprietor ot n cer-tain hgtel liere in town iuvited one ol hiiBummer boarden to go on a fiahi ug eioarsioDTliey equipped tbemsekea with everythingnecessary, ezoepling bait, which tUey thoughtooalil bo fouud at the fishing ground. Asthey started off tliey woro wished good luck bytheir miraorona friends, and of oourao theyexpected to have it. They trudged along ovaithe lonely road until they cainu to what iiknown an Gallagher's basin, vhen one romarket], " I thinlc t'aJi is a drat rate piano 1"and they concluded tu try it. Getting thoirpole* am. lines in uliapu they eoniniencMl tosearch for bait, aad after hunt Ins about twoworms woro fonutf. Theao were pat upon ttnbaoliBind thon their linea were cast Icto tinbeautiful Btreara known as tbe Morris Canal.Tiiey waited patiently for some time tat a bite;lione came and they though t i t would be beiitto look at their books. It nan June, and totheir dismay it ww discovered that tho IIOOBSwore bare. Where to gn i more bait wan amystery. Finally a corn field was spied, abouta hairmiln away, Tlmlr pule* went laid <\<'on tbo bank and (hoy started for the field.Tbe Held was eoiroliod from one eaA to thooilier, hut only one worm was fouud and thisWKH eoon lost. Then tbey sat down on thegram aud tried to consider what to do tAt last ona Baid, "Let's toss up a penny tfwho shall go alter the poles." It was doneand tho task full to tho proprietor. AftiOi-orythlnjj find boon gathered together a lUwas nude for homo, wtilcli they reached inBarely, and were met by their friends to oon-gratulato them upon tlielr Bucooae. Bat theywere diBappoiuted ; nothing would do bat fortha proprietor to treat and as be didthoughts probably were that (ho life of aflslaernmn is a hard one.

Pure thonghtB aro man's btst mutivei, batbow many there tro who are ntdiamed tooiprons them oven npna paper.

Lait Friday morning while Joseph Cole, ateamster, was In the act of unloading emptyhogsheads at tbe lot of It. 8. Bhow.oc Cnnroastreet, his uoraos took fright and started offon a ran. They oame down Church street ata turtotiB gait and turuod into Main, oppejit*.TV. E. Temple's atom. They ran into WUllanMOISB, who wai coming up the stroet with luihomo and wagnu, and tore off two of tinwheels and tbrevr him undonioath the wagon.Ho prevented liis horso from mnntug away.When Cole'i team reached tho corner ofMechanic street they oatue on to tha sidewalk,tearing tba treo boxes and trees as tlioj wentalong. In front of Eli Wormau'a property thobind wheels became detached and turned npon tbe sidewalk. Tbo; thon made a tuin IntoDIFIBIOU Btreot aud batoned themerunning Into a tree. A team with a heavywagon attached and owned by Pegram Fran-cisco, stDoil In front of Ohas. Hunkele'a saloon.They turned snd ran down Main Btroot and atE. A. Backer's store they came In contact witha borne and wagon belonging to Giles Uao-dorTllle,' and sneooodud in taking off twowheels. Mr. Mandervilte's daughter was Bit-ttug lu tbo wagon anil was thrown outinjnrod sllglitly. This team fftBtooed them-selves ID tbo Iron bridge over the canal. Howit happened that there was no one killed is amystery, for there are generally a number orchildren playing on the sidewalk. Dole'shomos were badly hurt, but taking It all Inall It was a miiod up IROBB of wagon wbeuli,tree boius and boreos' legs.

Boonton was visited with a ifirios of thun-der ihowetn on Saturday evening. Theyhated for two hours and woro the hardest thathtBDverbeen known. On Main street, nearBrook, tbe water came down off the hill intorrents, and as tho onivart was stopped up Itleft DO chance for the water to run off onlyinto collars. The cellar of Mjew k Oollard,grocers, was soon flooded. Their fish andother articles that were in tbe cellar willprobably be a total toes. Near tha UnitedStates hotel there ii another large ettlvcrttbii also became slopped and In conaoqnenot

' tho saloon of Chan. Hunkolo, which ii In thebasement, ma flooded. At tbe hotel the par*lor floor waa covered with water and mad,which will probably spoil (bo carpet. At Birchstreet oroHstaR of the B. II. tbe water washedIt so that it had to bo repaired before tralmcould lit, ran over It. About alt of the streetsare badly damaged. In some places tbo watermade deep gnlltes as it came down off tho hill.Tlie gardens will suffer as woll from tbo effectsof tha storm. Tbc showers csrao from thewest. One shower aftor another followed inquick sucoossioD. Tbe tbnndor and lightningwas Tory heavy and it seemed as if (he cloudshad bunt. No accounts have been reoeircdof the lightning doing an* damago. It Isknown to have utrnok close by, but Ii haaprobably bit enly trees.

The commencement exercises of the Boon tanpohllo school at tho M. E. Obnrchwcrca coin<piela saccois. Great pains *crc taken by tbttrustees and principal to mako it interesting

' and enjoyable. The young ladles were dressedin wiillo and their pioces were delivered Ia »oWditiblo manner. MUBIC was furnished bjUr. J. Green and Mrs. ttfTnry Mindervillo.The church waa crowded to its utmost capac-ity. All who were interested in making itwhat it was aro deserving of a great deal ofpraise and credit.

A bicyclist passod through Boonton onBunday. His destination could not be learned,

The widow of the lato Di. Falrchlld died atParslppany on Sunday.

Tbo men employed by the It. It, track-men wore busy all day Bunday repairing thetraok that was washed by the storm,- It la said that a heavy ball storm prevailedoTer West Boonton at 2 o'clock Sunday morn-1

ing. IU effects were nut felt ia town.Since the recent storm all manusr of com-

ments can be heard about the road-maBter not. having tlie cnlverts ia proper shapo.

The Jubilee 8Ingcn sang to a rattier smallaudience, on Monday evening.

Tlie engine on tho Deovlllo accommodationmet with a slight mishap at Ketchum's switchMonday evening. It was oansed by runningInto a coal train. No one hurt, but the enginovie badly broken.

The deckers at tbe silk mill work until balfpast aeven every evening.

No weddings of late.AD old lady by the name of Collins, who has

been confined to her bed for eight yean, diedat Hanover on Sunday, aged 80 years.

Some of our town people will soon visit tbewatering places.

Boonton has four botchers and they ail seemto nuke it pay.

There fa room for some one to start in tbeice business.

Our city treasurer finds It more convenientto transact hii business through the bank atDover than at Horriitcwn.

Someofoar store keepers have commencedto dross off the inside of tbeir stores for th<Fourth.

Undoubtedly there will be one or two oarloadi of peanuts in the latter part cftbiB weekfor the benefit of our oouatrv cousins.' A large consignment of lager came in onTuesday for F. Hunkele'a bottling eiti.bli.b-in ont,

Th* Water Gap special mtkei a very con-venient train for Boonton folks., OniyaahortHraeagothereiruaneatpieketfence around tlie public sobool. It hat grad-ually disappeared until then is nothing loft of Ieither pickets or posts.

Bev, Thomas Carter eicbanged pulpits hutSuniliy with the Her. Ur. Wslser, of tbeBeformed Church.

School closed last Friday for three monthiBenjamin Booth, load-master, hail fab feet

badly hurt but week by having'a heavy atomroll on to them. He ii now confined to tnebouse.

Cast off doltiing will probably bo in demandOD tb» Fourth.'

The Street OotnmlsBlonflr has ordered tbewubed places on the straits to be filled inwith cinder.

The new brldgo across tbs river at tbe tilkmill will be DUron. It will also be ruwd eightf«et, tberoby making a gradual grade on bothsides. As it 1B now teams heavily loaded, com*log from either way, havo a tendency to strainIbe bridge, as the bllli are quite steep.

Tnwday afternoon B. bone attached to ameon and owned by one Patch, s flan dealer,• Ia front of bis plsoa of business onJkook stipct.- Tlie horso became frightenedaudsUrfeddownUieitroot. AbnurXXmouth,tkedriTer, Biid«sn;atttmpt (o atop him but

- if Ji t t i nselesi. Dcmootb * u drawn quits• 41 w i # s i i n w op tbe growl and coMiaan-

blr braised and scratched. Before reach ingtho corner ol Brook street tbe horse turnedsuddenly and threw hfmself in tho brook that

is down benlde ills street. It is walled opboth sides, making it a bad place for a

beaut to fall into. A crowd soon gathered andanatWmptwaBmailotogethimout. As fast

they would get him cm his feet he wonld lay>vrn again, Aftei bothering wilh him for

some time ho wan anally gotten out and foundto bo allright. Demon tli'i in! or lee were alight.

A man who in a subscriber to the IHOK EBAttayi that hln paper Is read by ten differentpersons every week and that two-tblrdx ofthem are able to buy their own paper. There

totd to Itniroir, as they aro sold by E. Q.'rs and J. T. Trowbridge, and only cost

five cents. Peoplu should bear this in mind.Some or the laboring men employed at theittl strnck tor more wages on Wodnosd ay,A dtuco la hold at tiie am Oatholio Hailrery Saturday evoniog,Some of our ycavg ladies havo heen seri-

ously banged. I mean their hair.Mr. Jodab D*»ideoo received a diapatoh from

HarriHburfr, Pa., on Wednesday afurnoou,tyinfr that hii brother had been killed.Newton Eltehell had Iho misfortune to lose

between Saturday aud Taesday one $100 andone *B0 bill. Tiiey wuro both rolled up to-gether. He offers ten dollars tewftid for thisame. Probably tho person who found tbtwholds a flush and will bo witling to go him

in better.Sheet iron aprons are to be applied over tbi

doors of tho puddling furnacoa for water todrop on. They claim tbit it hat a teudtmoy tokeep tbe standings cooler.

On Main street Wednesday morning a manlay deid-drank. His faithful dog lat by his•Ido, allowing no one to go near him. Passersby wonld cant a glance at the prostrate forwhile their facoi would turn, not to thatsympathy, bnt disgust.

Tho three stores owned by Messrs. Myers,Qrubhaud Mandorvillo^resentabuiy appoar-ancctofan evening.

Boouton longs for a oltaage in politic*.Biocti road-master Booth has been hurt tin

Stroet Commissioner has appointed cx-roail-iter Oladson to act in his stond. On

Tuesday afternoon Major Wormau came downon Plane struct where Qladunn wai at workand commenced to reprimand him for notfixing tho stroots to suit him. Hot wordipassed between thein, and for the time beingIt was settled; but they were doomed to mcotagain, which they did, this time on Main St.

front of Tuckor'H barbershop. More hanbmis wne etchinged. Finally, it Is said,

that tho tf nyor strnok aiadson, bat he did notretaliate. The Stroet Oommisiiooer notifiedQladson to do tho work as they told him, notas the Mayor safd. Thoro has been an ill-feeling botweep the Mayor and Qlidson for

» time, on aecount of aiadson havingboon beaten by some of the Mayor's friends ita cancnB tn Washington Hall four years ago,when Mr. Worman was running for Assessor,

It was noticed In tbe New York papers thatBonjamln Biro and others had been arrestedfor swindling. If the report be true tome o:onreltiEonsoan probablyrelateaome bnsiuegi

•ansaotlouB they have bad with him.Uxou,

MOUNT TABOR.From the advance issue of the Record we

take the following uotesconoerolDg that Bum-mer retort:

Among the eminent ministers who haveJgnifled their intention to be present at the

Camp Meeting) Ang. 17-38, aro Her. BishopAndrews, Bev. Dr. 0 . H. Pajne, PresidentOhio Wesleyan University; Rev. Dr. Dooms,Her, Prof. Mlloy, Ohapiain 0. 0. McOabe, andthat choien apostle of modem times, Rev.Wm. Taylor. Prof. Strong of Drew Bemlnirv,is expected to speak on the inspiration of theScriptures at some time daring the meeting,Bislihp Andrews is to preaeh tho opening ser-mon.

The Woman's HoUneia Meeting continuesirom August 26th te September 4th. TheMisses O&SBie and Lois Smith are again ex-pected to be present.

Tho religions services this season will be Insharge of the committee) appointed by tinConference, Rev. J. H. Enowies, PresidingElder ol Newark District, and Rev. D. Ii.Lowrie, of Bloorafield.

The Young People's Meeting will again beoondactod by Her. D, R, Lowrie, who has ledthem since tbey True organised, 18 years ago.

The Eioentivs Commutes have in handplans for anotner hotel, which they expect111 be open nest season, on the hill.A large volunteer choir will take part in the

services this year, oondBoted byPror.'Visber,the precentor and cornotlBt.

George A. Blsnonard, of Dover, hat openedthe Mt, Tabor S o u s , and will keep it up toevery requirement.

Honry E. Amolang, of Brooklyn, hi t rentedthe store, and J. H. Hahn, of Newark, hastakon the meat mirkot.

In addition to the Improvement* at thedepot, Superintendent Iteasoner proposes tofurther beautify and Imurove tho vicinity ofthe Btatlon by planting a row of shade treeson either ildo of the entire length of tbe plat-form. Ur. Heafloaer has also mads a sugges*tins which the Trnstem will probably carryont, to widen too roadway from the depot totho entrance of the gronnd to 100 feet, with nsuitable walk on each side and ft park iu thecentra, to be filled with shade trees,

Mr. Daniel Wiggins, of Bethlehem, Pocn.,la building a new eottigo on Fletcher Placeand Simpson Ate. Mr. Hattox is the builder.

The now cottage of Ur. F. W. OoolbaUBh,on Boehm Ave. and Shaw Place, is rery hand-tome and an Improvement to that vicinity.

Mr.OoorgoWfllto.ft builder ofPaterson, Iscreating a neat collage on HI. John's Are. <

About forty families are now locatod at Ht,Tabor, and others are arriving daily.

From July etli to September 13th last yearnearly sli thousand loiters were mailed fromHt. Tabor.

Nearly an acre of ground on the hill liaibeen laid ont by the Trustees for the purposeif srohery, croquet, lawn tennis and qnolts.

The average resident population at MountTabor, from July to September if about 1,600,

Rev. J. M. TuttlB, one of tho original Trus-tees of Mount Tabor, and a veteran in eampmeetings, 1B an tbe grounds.

Dr. A. IE. Sheets, of Newark, is occupyingbia cottage on the ground!.

NEWFOUNDLAND.The Preibjtorian Sunday School at Oak

Bidge is to bare a now library.~ iveetigations made by travel shows tbst not

one half of tbe road districts havo yet recelyada day's work. Overseers what dots thli mean ?Mod and any amount of eoss words in tbe fu-ture.

A Snnday School Is to be organised at thenow M. E. Church at Milton next Sunday. TheHer. V. H. Mel)rice, pastor or lbs charge, willpreach at tha Milton H. E, Church every twoweeks on Sabbath afternoooi, commencingJolyStb.

Daring tbo slight shower of Sandaj after-noon, the bain of Hr. Samuel D. Angle, ofNew Fonndland. wu struck by lightning andthe barn and contents bin-nod. The barsUr. Edward Sims about 160 yarda distantoaugbt flre from tbo burning building, and altowith contents burned. Ths house of Ur. BIicaught fire several times bnt was cxtingutahedwith bat slight damage. Total lots of both'buildings burned, 4700. No Insurance.

Tbe Fourth of July programmes are toonumerouB to mention, One not already notedIs that arrangements hare been made to holda Fourth of July fair and festival at Hilton, forthe purpose ot raising funds for furniture forthe new H. B. Gawd.. Ur. E. E. Potter, ofPort Oram, la engaged to deliver an orationfor the OCMSIOO, and Hi. Holes Blancbaru, ofDover, will read the Declaration or lodepond-

loe. The object is a worthy one and a goodtime is expected.

The dedication of the llilton H. E. Oburthtook place on Sanday afternoon, June 35tu.this neat little cbunb is located at Hilton nearHr. Norman'* atore bouse upon tbe land do-

ited by Hr. John Staniborongh, or Hilton.I t i sa t iUreet and well flDished throughout,walU have finely stained glass windows, slate.roof, and a nest and beautiful spire, capable ofcarrying a ball or 600 pounds weight. It basbeeuflreotedataoafltDf(l,SOU, not Includingfurniture. The Bev. V. B. fflgg was unableto be present as expected. The dedicatorysermon was preached by Ber. W. Stout, ofBloomlngdalo.H.J. Text from Hstthev.Uibdupter, 10th verse. Subject-'1 Tbe jokeswhich Christianity impoiea npon her disciples,"Being a very appropriate sermon for tbe oe-

n. The atUadaocn wu so largo that alarge coabar ware unable to obtain seatswithin. Tbs other ministers present wenBev. W. H. HcOonnlek, of Loier, who tookcharge of tbe finanoes for ths day, Bar. A. J.Freta, of Milton, and tht pastor, Ber. W. H.HcBride, of Hew Fonndland. The amountraised on dedication daj was l l t t , tearing anindebtedness upon the chord, of only tllO.The present Trustees or .he cfanroh are JosephHeidlej, A. J. Allison, (targe CbamberJain,rohn Htaniborough and Oeorge W. Allison.

i, r. o.

Dr. Hotl's Urer Pill" ire the but OatbartiB

HIBERNIA.At the Quarterly Oonforenoe Df the HibernU

M-B-ChurcB, Held June 18ln, Ihi Ber. O. 6.Colt, P. B. in the chair and many members ofIbe Conference being preaont, the followingreaolotlon was passed :

BEIOLVED, That tbo Pastor's report, Justread, be published in the Dcver papers.

compliance with this resolution I forwardthe enclosed.

The report for this Hibernla and Greenvilleohargn of the M. K. Ouurch, commencingMarch 18th, 1882, and concluding June 17th,1882.

Number of Sunday Schools, 3 ;

The Sunday Bobool re-opened In May. Oniy visit tbara, Juneltb, I found 35 scholar)

prescut, aud 10 officers and teachsrs. I waitold the average attendance was SO. The nnm-der increasing. D. C. Cook's scholan quar-terly, etc., are used. Peter D. Henderson,Superintendent.

CPFKB H1BEBHIA,Namber of scholars enrolled, ISO; average

sttendacce, 7D; ofBosra and teaahers, 19; vr-crago attendance, 8; in Infant clans, 30. Tbs

J dun in doing bettor than it wai. Thereis an fncreasiog improvement In the disciplineif this Sabbath Bohool. It needs more efficient

teachers. A class of Swedes attend, and areinterested in tbe lessons, D. 0. Cook's Schol-ar's Quarterly and Teachers' Quarterly areused. 75 copies of Bcholar'a Quarterly, 13copies Teachers' Quarterly and 76 copiei eachof tbe following monthly publications, by D,O.Cook, are distributed: The Qiant Killer,Tbe Choral, Our Sabbath Home, Trnib Seeker.These papersare 0 cents per year each. P. 0.Demorost, SuperiDtetidont.

I.OWEB BIBEBHIA.This Sunday Scliool is luoroaainft in inlerost

and attention. Miy 7th we had a large atton-lance. Hay 14th, a very rainy afternoon,60 scholars present, 1 teacher, tlio aroreUr.vittdtbe preacher. June 4th, attendance 184ttholara, 15 offleers and teaaliers. The BoreanSoholar's Qnaitorly and the Sunday BohoolJournal are nned. I tiKve talked to the 8uiday Bohool at Greenville, once; to tbo SundaySchool at Uppor Hibernla, twice; and to thSunday School at Lower Hlbernia flve times.I have had Children's Oburoh four times. OnSatnrday afternoon, at 4 P. M.. I have met tbechildren nine times this quarter. This < *Is growing in interest and IncioasiBg In num-bers. Its object is Instruction upon Tompar-aaoo, Scripture, tha Calbeohlsm and Beligion,This itiBlruotkm is assoalated with musfo. OnSabbath morning, May 96tb, we had a repre>seutation of the Sunday School from UpperHihernla at our Ohlldron'B Ohareh. On Sab-lath, June 11th, we obiervod Children's Day.In the morning very many children werepresent. Iu the afternoon the Bunday Schoolfrom Lower Hibcrnla mada a fraternal visit *the school npon tbe hill. Ths school housugwas crowded. We had tnuilo snd speeches,ID the evening, In tlio chinch, we bad veryinteresting exorcises. The churob, was decor-ated wltli fionurs. The schoolB are incroasingIn numbers and Interest, and yet I find tomechildren who do not attend. Some of themBay they navo not suitable clothing. Tliemembership la tbe same this quarter SB lass.UeraberB at Hibernia, 38; membors at Qreet)-vlllo, SO; total 58; probationers, 2. The fol-lowing pastoral labor baa been bestowed:Pasloml calls made, M; infant baptisms, H ;olaaa meetings attended, 0; prayer meeting!,9; sormona preached, 25; funerals attended,7; pages of tracts distributed, 1.GZ3. Weneod on the charge an increased attendance attho moans of graco. fiome of our membersregularly attend pniyor meetings and olastmeetlnga; others as regularly Btay away.

Wo have in this vicinity, within the boundsof this pastoral ohsrgo, according to the lastoensus, the following population :

Lower Hlbernia, 943; Uppor Hibornia.750;;Denmark village 134 ; Greenville Tillage, 439 ;Lower Greenville village, 30; Bosch Gloii v\\-lago, 195; total, 9,471. Some of those peopleattend the Roman Oatholio Cnoroh, bnt verymany of them attend no place of worship. Weneed an Increased number nf attendants atour week evenings and Baubath da; services.There Is much for as as Christiana to do.Truly! we may say, "The harvest Is plente*OUB, nut the laborers are few."

0 . T. JAOIBOH, Pastor In Charge.WHIPPANY.

dcorge T. FrtDmnn, of tblB place, who re-cently constructed a printing press, has itnowocmpleted and has applied fur a patent on hladevioa for counting the number of Impressionsprinted. Haater Oooi-jte, who is quite a geuim",baa been a student at tbe Morris Academy forthe past year and ii only about eighteen joanof age. He bas dona all tbe work conaeotoiwith the press unaldoa, daring bis Iclinrihoars, f*on to making the psttfrnB for ibbeastlngsi He has a printing office, fitted unwith type of alt kinds, cuts, etc., some of thelatter having been carted by himself, and is ft

I Job printer la a small way; the greater part othis work, howsTor, being done Kralituoatl^,for Day and Bunday SchoolB, Pairs, Pionloi,Festivals, eto.,lnaldofohurohes. Hobasalspmade application for two other patenla, thonature of which cannot at present be madepublic

John. B. Minton, a veil known resident ofthis plBoe, died at IIIB borne in Philadelphia onSunday evening, June lltb, after a serious ill-ness. Hr.Mintou was born In Ht. Hope, N.J.,but lealded here during the early years of hislifo, and was a member of the PreibyterlanChurch after it wis built, until be left thisplace for Princeton, N. 1., to leant his trade,that or a printer. Por tbe past quarter or aoflnlnrjor more lie has resided in tbe el'where he died, being connected for years withthe •' Philadelphia PreiH." During the admin.Istration of Andrew Jackson be was Oolleotoror Internal Bevenue i s one of the districts inthat city, but for the pssl few years bad bB»nconnected with the publishing house of JohnPotter it Sons. He paid a visit to this ptsoelast Summer in the hope of recruiting bta shat-tered health, and for a time after DIB returnto his bone appeared ro ranch better, thatblifamily and Mends hoped (bat he bad realisedpermanent benefit from his Tis.t. la a littlearticle written by htm shortly after his retarifrom here, he enoke of his visit, and of hismeeting with acme of bla old ssheol mates andfriends, but found bj far the greater numberor them qaletly sleeping In tbe old buryingground hen.

His funeral took place from hii late resHeaoa. Philadelphia on Wednesday, Jane » th . indsi largely attonded.the Lodge of OddFellows'

orwhlohhe waB-auamber.and the membersof the Typographical Union attending in abody.

Our national anniversary will be oolebratodhere by holding tbB anou*l picnic in aid of thiCatholic Church in the grove on tho hill biokof tne Eden paper works. The jonng folks

making great preparations lor It and antic-ipate a great deal of pleasure.

Those who attended the foatlral in tbeschool borne last Wednesday evening In aid oftheH. £. Ohnrch had a very pleasant tineand nearly HO was mined. 8. F. W.

Milton and Vicinity.There bas be MI k little mad dog excitement

In the vicinity of Longwood.The refreshing showers visit us quite fre>

qoently and tbe kind of weatber we have jaitmakes the corn stretch right np, and every-thing grows jnst as if It was too to.

The new Methodist Church, of Hilton, wascompletely ailed and ninninir over on Sabbathafternoon hut at tne dedicatory services. TheBev. W. B. Wlgff, who was expected on Hiet«casion owld not bo present, and bis placewas filled by Rev. W. Slont, of Bloomingdale,who preached the dedicatory sermon and Bar.W. H. MoComtack, of Dover, vory ably andbumorously conducted tho financial part.Withal It was a very pleasant and ft very suc-cessful occasion. Sobscriptiom were realisedto tbe amount or 1184; of this amount IW waspaid down. Mr: Henry B . Millet, of Newark,a member or St. Paul's M. E. Church, and Hr.Benjamin Oary, of West Kllford, were tbelargest givers. It will require a strong efforton the part of the church to raise the remain-ing part of th* debt, amounting to about f ISO,They will endeator to wipe that out by a fes-tival on the 4th of July. The church presentsa very neatappeiranee Inside and ont. It hasa seating capacity or about one hundred aidseventy, and coat tmwards ef 41,600, 0 . 0 .

SUCCASUHNA-Mr. N. B . Hopkins Is selling his store goodi

at atotion and will go West soon.Mr. Edward Bilpatriek Is baring bis Bam-

mer residence thoroughly repaired and fittedop for bis use tbls Bummer.

The La Twfce children gave one of their pop-ular concert! In tbe M. E. Cfanreb Tuesdayevening. Tbay ire a very good troupe. Thesongs they, sang were mostly plantation tongs.They sang them as only negroes can, with alltbe suddsn changes of mice and strange movs-menu. Mrs.YaringtonisasplsndidinasioUn

I and has a rery floe TOiee. Hr. Alex. Brown,' tbe basM profando, bas a very powerful volo*.Their andionoe were greatly pleased and wouldlike to bear them again soon,

TbB ladles of the Presbyterian Cliarth willgive an icecream social At tba reiidauoa of Ur.

Wiggins, Friday evening or next woes,tWir M »» eoroiaHy invited to attend.

BUDD'S LAKE.The weather baa been very warm—W* in the

shade Saturday and Snnday. Monday after-noon we bad a very heavy ahawor, with quitesome ball, the flrstof the season, Some of the

* were as large at good-slnd marbles,but not enough fell to do any damage ai for asI have learned. Since then it bas not been so

i. The wind on Monday did quite somedamage by blowing down the grain and grass.

A few families are al the Forest house, andabout tbe Fourth of Jnly things will be quitelively ftgaln In this vicinity. Mr. Cteo. Boss hasa few boarders and so has J. A. Bndd, Thelatter bas rented the Bennett cottage for theBummer to a family from the city. It wouldbe ft good investment for some of oar capital-ists to build cottages to rent daring tbe Sum-mer, as there Is much inquiry after tub classof property. I hope some of them will give Ita thought, Land can be bought for that pnr-pose ftt reasonable rates, and tbey would be agreat improvement to the place.

Mr. Mann'B fanilv bat moved oat and areoceupyinff their cottage,

Henry Tan Duyne Is postmaster ftt (he Lake;he and his brother Jacob a n doing a Tory fine

ceM ia the store. Henry Bayer is doinggood business at bis blacksmith, shop, Ii alwaysready to wait on customers, and does bis work

i a first-class manner,Quite a number of black bass are being

caught. Ttrt large ones taken last weekweighed four and six poundi, "Jake" Is oarboil fisherman. He bas tbe boats at the For-est House dock, and is always ready to accom-modate those wanting boats or fishing tackle.Parties visiting the Lake who deilre to (ahiway a good mess of fish with them will dowell to call on him.

On Sunday evening last tbe Itov. Mr. Young,of the Newton Baptist rhuroh.preacboda veryable lermoc ic the Lake Chapel to quite alargo cflngregfttfon, I bop? them will 1»rices in tbe dispel ergry Snnday evening.

Tbs topic of dlscusaloD Is the Port Ommmurder. I am glad to learn that Treglown h asbeen caught. If the eiolted party bad caught

tbe nisht the crime was sommitted theyno doubt would bave lynched him on the near-est tree. Perhaps it would hare served himright, bat I am not in favor ot a mob or lynch

The law will DO doubt punish him at hejustly doiem*. D.

CARRIAGESof every dosorlptlou made and sold at


Blaokwell 8t, Dover.Tlie best materials, latest designB hi con-

struction «od tb.3 most competent workmen,rae tbe specialties of the establishment.

Geo. McCracken., Dover, N, J., April 8th, 1881.

PORT MORRIS.As Otto Petrie, of Bouth Stsdbope, was driv-

ing Lunger k Uowery's wagon this—Thurs-day—morning, he was thrown from tlie wagonand broke bis leg. Tbe Doctor Bald his legwould have to be amputated and bo went tothe hospital on No. 6.

Hr. Uonatt and family moves away to-mor-row. They go to Soranton, Pa., where ~~Moffatt has charge of Iho Lackawanna Iron AGoal Company's ramaces. Our best wiabcigo with them.

George Burrtt his net yet received his coin-ilsslon as Justice of the Peace. He was

elected to fill tbe nntxpired term of BankingBrown, who died before tbe election, which Iknow to be the fact for I was ons of the pallbearers. Yet Secretary of Statu Keliey sajsthere 1B no vacancy to fill. I do not know'bctfaor there be any 1*1 i ties ia it or not,

Hr. Burrtt being a Republican and Hr. Kel-Bey something elau, D. J.

Schooley't Mountain,Quite a number of Newark citizens are to be

found at tbis favorite mountain resort andmore are going. It IB said that quite a num-ber of bachelor! harobeen attracted by theannouncement of a "houie exclusively forsdults." Lait Sunday, tho famous hot Bunday of the month, the thermometer reached

» there when it stood 18° higher inNewark and Hew York. It attained W° onoein 1B7B, but that is the highest, while tlieaverage la nov«r too warm for comfort. The

a never looked more fresh and invit-ing than at the present time,

HURDTOWH.Children's Day will be observed In tbe Hurd-

tnwnW.E.Otmcli next Sabbath, July 9d. Asermon will be preached to the children at i l lo'clock P. H., by tho putar.Rer. John Frome,aftor which there will be some exorcises bythe children. Made, both vocal and instru-mental, will be furnluhcd by tbe Hard town andBerkshire Talley choirs, X good time Is an-ticipated, and a cordial invitation is eiteudrdto all.

ALMOST ANOTHER MURDER.Oar crowded space lait week prevented us

from noting an attempt al murder which wasmade at Troy, In this oounty, on Sunday, the18th lost,, the particulars of which a n givenin ths Jerteyinan, as follows i

A man wb« had worked for Honroe Howelifor several weeks in the month of Htrch,under tho name ot John Whittaker, but whonowealishlmieir Joseph Wright, went to theresidence of Hr. Smith, aboat two o'clock P.M., armed with a large butcher knife, andhaving trouble to open tbe front gate ton offseveral picket! In his fury and speaking toHarry Smith, Itlclisrd'i brother, before hereached tbe house, passed on to tbe hsuse,and Hr. fimlth, who wai lying on a soft In thefront room; happening to BM him cominggrasped s pair of tongs and met tho fellow attbe front door where a fight eommanoed.Wright endeavoring to stab Hr. Smith andtbe Utter defending himaelf with the tongs.Fortunate!* a well-aimed blow with the latter

| broke the, butcher knife In flve pleoei, leavinga square stump of a blade only three Inehoslong t u t to tbe handle, and with which atremendous blow was struck which penetratedall Ur. Smith's clothing near the spinal cordand some six Inches below the coat collar.Toe follow wai knocked down bnt got up and

over to Hr. Howell's, a few tods away.andstarted back to renew the attack with a long

! handled shovel he had aocureit, bnt was fright-| ened bj the report of a revolver which Harry8mltafir«d off to ascertain if the flslolwaslQorder. Just then Constable John Adtmionhappened to corns along and all the partlenattacked the man and binding him band andfoot and brought him to town accompanied bythB Constable, the Smith brothers, aud Or.Cooper, bat when his (set were untied, pre-paiatory to taking him in the Jail he leapedont of tho wagon and crying murder I help Iat ths top of his voice, ran for his life, bstonly reached the corner when he was over-taken by the Constable and secured.

A large crowd collected In a moment andthere was great exoitemenl as the fellow keptup his cries in Jail until a rather forciblereminder from the Sberifi eauBed him to bequiet.

Wright ia an Englishman about forty-fiveyears old, and Is a desperate looking «hap.He 1B a woolen spinner by trade, he aaji, and

dts having been «irested several timesheretofore, but where, or what for, he doesnot state. He got a drink of water at MelvinS. Ooodlfs tbe same morning and also break,fast at Honroe Howehl'i where be stole thebatcher knife. He says be had been on aspree for ft week or two and had eaten nothingfor several days previous lo tbe affray.

He was probably sruy from ths effects ofram at the tune, as Richard Smith *n& be didnot even know each other.

He was committal by Justice Eaiton toawait action of tbe Conrt.

— ^ • •»Death from Blood Poltonhf.

James Lance, a ptomlnent eitiien of tbeneighborhood of Pleasant Orovs, In this oounty,dlsd a few dajB stnoe of blood polteainig, COL(noted by washing the face of a deceasedgnndebJld while it lay a corpse at hit bouse,it bating died of searlel fever. Hr. Lanoe

_ a small sore an his hand, he soon afterfound hii arm began to pain him and to swell,and in a short time tbe poison had spreadthroughout the entire system, and deaplle allefforts to save his lift be died In a short time.

Potato Bug*.Prof. Cook savs Paris gresn la the bast to

exterminate then and safe to use. A pureartlch at tha Brick Drag Btore,

•_ JJf J°n M" n • " R " °* djrspeptle try Oartw'alittle Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes youDerroDfl,andnervoaniess makes yea dyipep-llc; tllber one renlers von miserable, andt a m lltUe pills cure both.

A eepy of mniie-Swwt Saponax Polka- ob-tainable free at M T drug •*<>», Is the latestadvertising fteak or tbe proprietors of a new35o. tooth wash made In Newark.

, Dalicate Femalsi,The exactions of Moiatv, added to the oarss

ofmalamilytnd ths hottMfaold, have tested. . radD»nMifaefrailot>nitllotioflt.wfaIcb

nave been granted the nujoritr or women. Tocombat this tendency to prematnie decline,no remedy in th* world possesses tba and strengthening properties of H I M Bu-m s , They enrich Ois Hood, perfect diges-tion, stimulate tbe liver aad Jdaaeyi, arrastlnlcantlve weaknesses, and purify and vitaliseerery. function of thelemale system,

Henry's Carbolic Salve. . the best salve mr eats, braises, n n t , siltrhanrn, ulcers, toiler, chapped bands, ehit-blUns/cornsand all kinds ol skin srnptitns.freckles and ptmplee. Oet Bmuft CtrbotloHalve, as all others are cowterMU. Price

M A R R I E D .LODEB-DEAOH-At the residence or tbe

bride's parents. Dover, on Wednesday, JunoHist. l>y Itav. W. W. Hi Ho way, Jr., asuisledbvBov.J.O.Avorill.Bev. Aohlllos L. Lodor,of Qnnnison, Colorado, and Susan J., doagb-ter ol Dr. Columbus Beach.

THElLEB-OSBOHa-At the residence orDaniel Holler, in DoTor, June 37th, by Bev.W. W. Halloway, Jr., Aueuut W.Theiler audLottie, daughter of A.D.Oauorg, all of Dover.



DWELLING J.Also Carriage Trimminfcaud Furniture Up*


Liti tiers remaining unclaimedin tbe Post Office at Dorer. N. J.

Dovxn, K. 3., June SOtb, 1862.P. L. AndensoD, Jlr.Bprceu " Minister,"™" ~ ' " Wm. Stronso,

HifsMinDerSUiytBChan. Van Proof,Addle Wailand,Ohas. B.WilllaniB,T. A. William*.

Te obtain any of the al>orelettera*ay"ao%vertUed"tDdg(vedaterrthlBlist.


Ellis Hughes,J . Lapine,Ida Li tile,Peter Mellon,Chan. Hftnrip,W. J. Bicbardt,


June SOth, 1882.Chaa. Culienton, Orescenelo Liiurolli,Oeorge Cox, Aulotiio D. Marco,MlBBHary Faroy, Itaffuo'o I'. KevejorchFrancieoo Gsmt-joil, Wickior Pelterson,Rnpno G. Qeamballlta, Mr*. Mary It. Hyan,Jacob Hanu, Thomus W. Popo,J. Johns, Mrs. Henry WUIiatns

. To obtain any of the abore lottors say "ad-; vertiied" and fiive dato or this list.


TlyTYii-stern of Small Profits appreciated.l u . Quality and workmanship of tho Lost.

Hy thanks for liberal patronage in the past.Orders by telegraph messenger or telephone

attendodto.JOHN JONES, Undertaker.

My aookaway, N. J.

DENNET8-H0PPEH~0n Juno 21d, ftt theresidence of the b i W s parents, by Rer. R.B. FeaRlea. Hondriek Bannela, of Mine Hill,and Miss Oatherlue P., daujjhtor of DanielB. Hopper, Esq., of Lafayette, N. J.

XiAlTY—DORNAN-At the residence nf thebride's parents, Ht. Pleasant, June 181b,byBev. J. P. Maoaulay, Dsniel E. Laity, of PortOram, and Mary Doraan.

LOSAW-BLAKOHABD-At the BuccsnunnaM. B. Parsonage, June Sfitb, by lie?. IsaacThomas. George B. Losaw, or Snocasnno a,and Snslo 6, Blaooliard, of BerkBtiire Valley.

AGENTS WANTEDto supply Iho wido demand for the euthcntlcacconnt of tlio "Great Tragedy" (murder ofQarQtjlO), oxtraortlluary trial mid final

Execution of Guitcau.

Ohostnul St., FhiiadeipbiaT"

DIED.HAYCOOK-At Mt. Hopo, June 21st, JEHNIB,

wife of Wm, Eajoook, aged 20 yoara.ANDER8ON-At Hibernla, Jnne Slst, foil down

the shift, John Anderson, aged 28 yean.0'HEABN-At Rockaway, June 23d, MARY,

daughter or Mary and Patrick O'Hearn, agedS years and 5 months.

SMITH-At Hibernla, June 2Bth, MiNtm.daughter or Lev! and Sliu Smith, agod 4years and B months.

0LABK-In Dover, June 35th. Uarirarei wifeof Mahlon Clark, aKed G2 jeirs. ^

DALBTTMFLE-In Dover, Jone Sfitb, at tberesidence of hil son, William Daliymple, ofMorri8town,Bged68yeara.

PAIB0H1LD—At her home In Pirstppsny,Jnne 35th, Bupbamia M. Brinkerhoff, wire oiDr. Stephen FatrchUd, decaaued, hi the flflthyear of her ige.

GIRI WAITED.To do general booeotork in the ramlly of

Mrs. Mary Groff, at Starihopa.Applv to

FOR SALE.lialA pieoe of land containing two and

acres, on tbe southerly side of Ht. Hopo AInqnlre at the residence of the Uto

ABRAHAM 11098.Dover, Jnne SOth, 1882. 30-l


DOVXR, it, J., June 37th, 1863.The Directors nf thla Bank have this day

tleolared it sunl<annaal dividend of four percent, payable July 1st, neit,

80-lw GEO. D. HEEKElt, Oaabler.

FOR SALE.A »erj deilnUe ptop«rt7, lulubli tor .lore

md dw«UlD«. BltuktoO on Blukwell St.,Dover.Appljto

0. B, GiGE,Bad Ellale Aunt,

l»m . DoT»r, N.J.

Notice of Settlement.NolH; I . btrelij «l.«n Ihtl tbe uaonnu or

the wbicribor, Admialitntor of WltlltmP S * ! ii«»»K4.»«l be .tailed «naiUt,dbr UuSntrostte, mi nportid tor .ittlomcEtto Ibe Orpbtm'Oourl of ihn CODDII ot Mor.til, on U0Dd>T Ibe fourth O.r of s i p t b

Notice of Settlement.Sotiielsbenibr Kmn U«l the toeranli ot

tbe atbnilber, idni:ui.lnlrl< with tbo illl»»o . . . dn [E m B . F. Beii, d e o J , "ill be


DENTIST.Oo to HoDAVIT, tba Dorer Dentiit. and seti r i U l u . IU .si ol t..tb for ,™. » l i t "»t

<M no-.,™™ ««>th m 'n l r i c t a i t o " ! " *pUod » i» ne» nue. go eitr. .h.rgi I, madeDoli? H J " " W I a H T 0 H ' a »• * " .


lot, nitb able. For tbe f.lnllnj of Ibe OonrtHoaie and other eoupy baildiDoa. Tat tbeforalahiDS and placir.; of TentiUttaa: plpeirromtbB leraal t.'.pxile.boat tfae premliai.Uio i - i . . . £„ , . nadir, lo tbe .Irool. Spat.IBullon. mi; b« imn at tbe Sheriff. oSot,Horriatom, or at tbe atom of 0. V. Hopklni.Boonlou N. J. rropo.ali to be mtomei uIhi Oli.frmin. Oomnilll<» naene Ibe rlsbtlo njeot an; or all b!di.

Bl order of O< H.ft Jail Gum.90-3* 0. IT. EOPKItiS.OhamiaD.

BRITISH OILDr. Bislow1. Oelebnted Brltiih Oil of 17th

Oe»lonTun; Ii adnrllnd In a pap«r In tbtIntlime. AllotdenwIU bt HIM for Ibliran ell, Tbis Foorth of Julr oil will briajrreminlaoeDOM to a groat minj of their >oatb.Omti KbonD.U.n, Oranpe, Out^ Sore.,Bora,, fleam, ftoijn UaCi, Hpnrm, PaloIn » • Bide, Batk and Cheat, ID to.n orbeut.Tbuolllatboeeniliieorlsliialof that name.7or Ebentn.tlra, the oil or enenoo, 13M perquart; email bitll.., "ajtii.'ljM'YoioV'iilMtrlo WHM, lor oeaitj, or lor auader oof*.I refer 30a to eoninmera.


FIREWORKS,linkers, Tomeios,



C O N F E 0 T I 0 N E R Y ,and •rerythlng else for the

4th of July!

MRS. S. TREWARTHA'S,Sussex St, Dover.

FARM FOR SALE.The snliscriber offun fur sslo a duxlrabli

faria, located at East New ftlarkot, uoar Vimbridge, Maryland, on tha ChnBipoakc DA; .A rery snperior little farm of SI acres. 10 inwood; 1,000 Concord frrapsa J GOO peach trees,apple* and pours for faintly imc; 1 acio instraw Lorries, 1 soro blaokburrioH, and bud olaspnrugaa ; muck lu sbundaoce; comfortubledweliiait, nicety located, and ampin out-baild-iocs, all fu pood ardor; well at the door; 1mile from erint mill, J mile to soliool, 1 miletosawinlllTsj miles to depot, throo churcbeswithin two mile*. I'rie,, t9,000; fSOO cash andthe balance sn niortgftKd. Will bo exchangedfor property in thfn viclnilv. For termn ap--'- o JAMES TBBVERROW.

fiw p Ulne Hill.



DOVER.m m t T U f T 11 11 • n

ii noir oi)on and ready for Uualuesa.

GLOTH£S made to order,

OLOTHES cleanel and pressed,

CLOTHES repaired.

JUS™ A call will convince tbe

public that bd intends to give satis-

faction fltid remain iu Dover.


atill oontinuo8 to keop a full and froeh quail-lily of .

Groceries and Provisions,SEASONABLE FRUITS.

.foreign and domeatio, the best grades ofCANNED GOODB, and nil Bupplies of thehousehold iu his Una

Care wilt always be taken to secure goodsof the best quality and equal pains to sellthem at tbe most reasonable margins con-sistent with the purchasing prloe. SUSSEXST., near tbe comer of Blaukwell, Dove




WARRANTED A SURE CURE,which many prominent citizens can testify.

Ask your Droffgiat for It or address

!. C. MONROE & CO.101 J O R A L E M O N ST,,

Brook lyn , IV. V.SEND FOB CIllOULiP.. 30-Iv

1776. 1882.FOURTH OF JULY




GRAND STREET PARADEal»». H. under Urn direction of

CAPT. D.S.ALLEN, Marshal,a AIDS, ami componcd of tbo followinc


Moirislown Cont Baifl,CHESTER CORNET BAND,

Dover Fife and Drum Corps,

DOVER FIRE DEPARTMENT,oomprlllnsProtimlior, Hook md Laadar Co.,

Oit* of Dover Steamer Co., Vigilant HOBOCo., Mayor and Oomtnon dounoll luearriagea, OompanT OC FaDtaatioala,

Cavalcade of Honemea, andBD8IrE9Bian)TEb£

Rev.W.W.HallowayJr.wlUd«Uver t ie Oration, ana

J .S. GIBSON, Esq.,wilt read the DeoUration.

Athletic Games for PrizesWHICH WILL INCLUDE

Tub Races, Sack Races,Greased Pig Chase,

Wheelbarrow Races,Running Races,

it Tartan dlitaieei, and nag; otter iporti,


FIEEWORKS!In 1U1 eonngetlon tbe Commllko doilr. to

•latelbatthevpurpon tsmlMm lb>n," .n

°'£i"S lfE' l te" l"'cnj"ei"''Uhown. and hare arranged for a

( M Pyroteclnic Display,COSTING $400,

whloh will exoMj in maKnltnde anjtbing everbefore wHneand in Sorthtro Kew J e n e j .

HPECIA1 TBAINSwill be ran on the fllgb Bridge Sranob of tke

Oentral SaUroaJ, 00. n.Ue. of w S wlibt firm hereafter.

r.EFEFlENOES:WEST END IH0N COMPANY, K. H. HEFT, Bapt., Valley, N. J .G, SI. Mir.tKIt, Waterloo, N. J .I ' J IANKLIN lltON COiii'ANX, Fraoklin Forcaoe, H. J.HALEf & UUNLEV.OIieatttr, N. J .F, O'JUSILLY, OrftDKe, H. / .






Has poii livo moving notary Valvos. Will (jivo better roBuld than anv comproacor built atthe present time, whioh cau bo authenticated by pasties nov H8ing thorn. Tiiey aro alsoused to drlvo pumps In tlpep mines. With forty poaixte ol eteim will giro fllty pounds airprcamire. Be nil for doForipttve circular.




NEW GOAL YARDon tbe property adjoining tlieir toilii

nod are prepare*! to supply


Lowest Market Rates




We hare just received a

|1nrgc invoice of John Cross-


CARPETS, which range in

prices from 85 cents to $1.

Other brands of Tapestries

and Body Brussels at LOW




AU the now patterns of

the best goods.





Isaac N. Doty & Go,MAEKET ST., NEWARK,

MUST HAVE MOKE E00M andbegin extensive improvementsand alterations at onoe. Tofind room within which to dothe necessary work, we willclose out our entire stock ofSUMMER GOODS at GREATLYREDUCED PRICES; DRESSSILKS, DRESS GOODS, WHITEGOODS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, PARASOLS and Housekeeping Goods at REDUCEDPBICES. Remember we arenot going to remove from present quarters, hut will enlargethem to such an extent as toaccommodate our rapidly in-creasing business, and untilimprovements are completedall styles of Dry Goods, PanoyGoods and Trimmings will hesold cheap,


159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, N. J.



David Straus,







ami pru-fiultiont i.latithiorywithprattice.


jf opcratiuit, outiiLiuin,


ti-er 15,000 yoiuifr ami midilto-atjoil men luven cdncatt'd and Btartuil on the- roid 1altli aud distinction by tlio l'riuciiuil uf tinBtitntibfl. Woliavonuvaaatiuns, Evemubsua optn all tin: year.

SEND VOR CIROULAK.T. ff. PALUB, flsoretai?.

H. KENNEDY,would rfspoctfully invite tlio public to iuapectliia uovvly IHtwl'and fiirtiinlitsd reatnurant,(latolr oconpicd by (Jim. II Munson) Black-woll St., Dover, UBst to Sovereigns' atore,wliurolie is preparod tu furniiih


OYSTERS in every style,

ICE CREAMof tho fintstmatoB,


PRIME SEGABS, etc.I iiavo also put in operation a fino neir Mat-

t h e n SODA FODNTATK for disponaing icocold soda wntnra, iu all iiavorw, and Koot Beer.

Haviiiff enileavored Ut innko my place BEattractive in appoArmioo an [ingsiliTo, I ilevoto my fiitircieB lo HO snivirto Tor tljciwflntB of my rustomorn that tlioy HI.HU fi>cl aafully Haliulii-d with tlio innar proneioi. an with" inter aiiornniKiit. 28-ly

havo rpencil in1TIIEET with laihaecd, wiiioli im

liPir nnw place on SUSSEX70 and [rt-Hli nU>aU* jiirtt imr-luiiolullllncBof fiuo







THOS. BOIEPHO'S|City Restaurant and Saloon.


Meals served at all hours.

ICE CKEAMsold to parties wanting 25quarts and upward for 85ots,per rjuart Opposite thenew Briofc Moot, Dover.

Flpwer and Vegetable Plants.All *ho are deiinroi brobtuaiDir either voc-

LE8TBB, ot BaStEn H 1 / " K ? SB, L. wlltlamB, at Dcemer'i market Warrnn

• ' • 1« or 1,000, and lonalo aod cbbicrplinto ID larts or mill qaulltloi. ™"° l g '


MBS. D.8. KOBTHET, Proprlotrou.OAHAli ST., DOVER, N. J.



who lins just received largo qmnitilteof goods at great reeluclions. Offing •tllO TARUT SPUING lintl PUMHEK KEASOUmaniifiictnrers and impork'i's Uiive \irtcompelled to acciimul.itelitrfie quantitiof goods, wliicli, under other circiimataucos would havo been wauled wee"ago, and lias necessitated tlio Bcllinp,Inrgo lots nt n Biicrifice, a number o,wLich bavc been seeiired by the ubov.named Grin aut] will be opened lor an]Monday, Juno 12th, and coutiuue ftono week if not sold ont before. SOLpiecea wool filled Lncc Buntings reducedfrom I8c. to 10c; 200 piecea MolmiiCasumeros reduced from 20c. to 12c.100 pieces Victoria Lawus reduced frDE_ICo. lo 10c.; 2(10 pieces all* wool effectchecks Dross Goods reduced from lfic.; 2 casea of laco worsted Piqireduced from 15o. ,o lOo.

Ladies' l awn Buita,Ladies' (Jmgham Suits,

Ladies' NUUBVB"* 'Ladiei' Bu^ting"§t5ts,1'

Ladies' White Suits'ail rodaced in proportion to the above minif« i °n o l ""ltorl11- Also all PARASOUfmCladlnfi sn olegut Hnrtmont or every nov-tmw'RJSfe^T?8 1 1" B fllM "•ortnwnt oi

lpU(ln or aandl., all r .Sn.ed"'

DAVID STRAUS635 and 637 BROAD St.,



Queenstown, Liverpool,Norway, Sweden, Ac,,


B'-ii'fl Star l ine,

Inrann Line,Ouniird Line,

National Line,State Line.

E, Lindsley&Son.Agents.CARRIAGES!




ni ia a



PROVISIONS!AllkliulriofDllIEDl-lltTITS, a vorv choke

BBdortnifnt. CANNED GOODS, or overy kin],BclcctBil iHaorlniDiit of PICKLES ; 1 apceialtv Ismarie of rropli nnd (ino itUTTIJlt, CIIEESKEQQH, anil nil kimla nrCOUNTHT H.ODDCK.

VE(1KTAIH.KH.-M'o ulinll li«vn frosli i acliOay ill tint HGOHOBRb],! vocf tablPM ami a loluctcilslock ot Forpiun ami dmneiitic iruitB.

M A K T I N & B U C K ,House, Sip aid Drnamsntal Paittsr:,GnAINEIia, 3ILDEH8 and TArEIl nANO-E118. Conlraolalakenamlmntori.l,rnrni.te.l.Roams ilecorated ID fretcoo gtylna. IUVIIJR atlwrougli kiiow!eilf;e of IKIUBO aud BIKU paiiit-icg, we foel coaipetont to mod tbo denmmlsof all. Paint etiop over Mina Whito'a millmoryI" 0°'Bnci"l«3° T o ° B b ' * K l l lC»re' ' 'Iras »!»".

A apDoialty made of stencil cutting.

J.MABTIN. 19-lr i . BDOE.

FOR SALE.Tin naidnioe of tho late Hubbar] BticlK.

In Kccuaway. Tbc lot containH tire acres orland, well cultivated and wltli plenty of fruit.

ippljtoB.K.1O.W. STICKLE,

Rocla»a,, K.I.

FOR SALE!A good Beconil-hand Cnrrioge,

an open Sido-Ear, good as now; 1good Plircton, two sets light donbloharness, 1 set team harness, 1 sidesaddle, two sets single harness, 2good cook stoves, a barber's chairand stool. Enquire of

A. JUDSON COB,Bergen St., Do?cr.



" B E S T PATENT."Should your grocer not keep

it. You can order from the mill*For the purpose of fully intro-ducing we are retailing atwholesale pricea.

COHNEUUS STEWART,'" Clinngewatcr, H -J;

E. DUNN&BRO,,mproved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus

and all manner ofprirata and pnblio boi

104 MARKET St.•6m




MRS. GEO. FARR'S,"OHT0IUH. AeemplalBllna ot tbilatertodel In Hati, Eotn.t., Blbbona, Feitbrn,



CoBIOTo DoverOD tho FoutlbAnd enjoy tha laffftwtAnd fluent celebrationor tbe national anniversaryEver Imld [n i t t i part at tbe oonntrr.

Elomnlfigdale will oelebrato the Fourth,The working ot the BpUlrook forge b u toti

Bati|{8 will be futicm&bla next TooeiUy, if a110 other time.

rrenldont irUiar1* daughter, visited Morris-town last week,

The Ptnlppany M. B. Obnrfih ctnr«l WO It;a rtcent festival.

Congressman Bill voted for tUobiii to todnctinUrim. taxation.

Tim. J, KufeUhas Die fraud op far hisnow Uniting In SUnhopo,

Tliucl Hoover and n young Monti, or Stan-hope, Imvo gone to Colorado, '

Itev. Pr. Buckley And wife are &t ilia HoMbHODHO, Soboolej's Mountain. . -

Thi) V. H. 0. A. prayer mentln^a on Sundayaf let-noons will be anspentlDil for a few weekg.

Mr. Wm. Kerr, of Belioolofn Moniifafo, wi.1

oration on tlio FonrlU ot July &GJcii Gardne

TlKtiimnrancn ooaipaulett h

offer a rewardt fireiD fur t lie parttoB wbo canaod the recen

it< MorrMuwn.Tho liQiioo of Jobn Ogdorj, at Troy, wa

struck by lightning last Saturday aod qnltburfly damped.

Mm. Van Daren, nf Cheater, foil npon tbedepot platform nt Waterloo sue Say reuentlyniul broko a rib.

AHHOinblymnu JohnBon, of Chatham, BUI-t&inc(ln<]Gtnat;eor<1,000 to his crops bytlislormofUteWth.

Bishop Vfigner has appointud Bav. B. J. Bre-tiwrto be jiiutor of the Church ot Our Lady "Mercy nt Wliippany. - ;

Attend the festival and lector* at the lit.llopo M. E. Oburcb, to-morrow-SaturdaY—nrtenioonand ovoning.

KiBUDldtbat 8O1IOOWB Mountain mineralwater linn e. magical effect In nil cases of trfdne;(Ifaoasesefid general debility.

Tin- Banner, with a Wry faoe, takoabticlt ItimjuHl criticisms referring to tho sppotatWBn•if a naval oadot from tbti district. •

Tim Nutiotml Union Bun*, of Dover, bncl th_lion Hank, oj Mormtown, liave declared aem.-Hiinnal dividends of 1 por cent., parable Jnly1st. . •

Tlio CiiBHtor Comet Bind bss been eogagtfor tbe Fourth or July celebration In Dove.Tin•>- are well unlfornwa and famish, etcollontHniHii!.

Eliss noefeafollow, of Chester, has been ar-rcHit'ii For threatening to kill hli family and fordestroying hta furniture with an aio Williedrunk.

win bo facia In tlie groTO near tho Olondonciiglno house, at Uppor Hibarnli, to-morrow—Saturday,

J. H. Bcaob ft BOD, or Roiskawajr, bare builtfor John Ito»warne,0fBlbernia,ahaadHonioBitio bar BrowBter buggy that attract* mnohattention. ;

Tim terms of tbo pnbiio aohonta twJad tillsafternoon. Owing to tba Improvements beingm&da thare were no pnbiio eierolaes at thoDover aohool.

Tbe QQU trains on tho D. L. & W. Balltoailbare been ordered to ran at tbo rate of fifteenrollei sn hour, an iuoreaso of three miles ontho former time.

Tlie fnll particulars of tbe arrest of Treploivtiand tho Whenl of Minnie Ohirgwin, togetherwith other notes of the murder, ara given onuiir first ind latit pages.

During the tsbowr last Enfimlav aftornontiUiot'OUDoofSIr.OltflS.LaroBon, nesrMllltirnolt,was struck by liglitningacd tho wontlier hour daof tbo gable end knocked off.

Tim finest Btrawbcrrlea we liavo Keen this8QKB011 wero shown UB tlio otlur day bv Mr.Wm. rowoil. Thoy came fmm tlie place ofllr.Auroii Up, of Danville, Wurron county.

Among the 'fciirtneaR indnBtrU.H nt Dovornhich n'frc oYorlimkeii Jnst week wan that of0. d. ariffen, tli* carriaso pnititor, who is(liiiiiH a viiat nmcrant oi nrst-clnua work.

Oliililron'H Day wen olmi'rml in tha PtirtMwriis Gliapel lust Similar. Tlie speaking ami!»iii«iiie «[ tltc children tire Hfiul in Imvo beenesculent and the deeonUioiiB beautiful.

Tin' Alli-HtinviiIliillinRMill iirnpiTty wnnBoldon Tuesday hy urilurot t)io O u t for J20I),000,It woa incumbent to about tl.MO.OOO. It wasbwiK'^iu in the inlnrcst of tho bond lioldors.

Borne Mcimpa in Storm town practice tlieluck of tailnf,' t!m IIOFBL-S or gtrangcra tWitt|H)ut townniicl iLrtor driving tin::.: about Iliaconutry leaving them along tin roa4 flomo-

A nnuitcr ofyonua catilo hive dioil i-itlilu aft'w dajH on tlio farm of Wm. MnnaRh,nearMemlham, fro;u colil taken liy being on low»\vaii)|)y Inml, tlicy lieinp; |m»ture<l thoie ujgbtand day.

Miasanllio Bowers, iriio ban taught twelvetpnnfl in tit; Drakeitown puhliu school, xraslast week presented wilti n ImndBOmo bedBprcsil, r«r ivJiit'1) each of the girl pipUs had

Tbo ladies cf tlio HinG Hill rrosbvtcrinnClmrcli wilt (mi,, a fostlval hi tiio pro Fa &eii>tho i:lmrch to-morrow—SatimlBy—aftcmoonami fiVdnnj;. Ice cream, etrawberrlca and toawill bo provided.

Wlion wa mmlo mention last vfock of thdneed of crossings on Trospoct fltraet, wo- didnot kmnv they had already been ordered,Tlirt'u crotmiiigii will he made at con Tent en tPuin.a *bot'« CWtrint Btreot.

' Mr. 1U.1.CTI Q. Ely, tlie tailor, haB rcmovea"to tho ut;w tturc ou niacbwoll [Ircct, oppositeTardci; & Clark's. Mr. Ely f B an excellent wort.Ulan,", gentleman to deal with,and iaworthjof tbo iiatronafjo of tbo pnbiio.

Tliirty-sis children made a anrpriso vistt taPivd'lit) Bchwarz, on Suaeci street, last Wed-nesilay, omlwcra finely euteifanned. Rar. D.D. BluliopivaB present and contriinteil mncbto tbfi BinuHoroent of tho clilldtea.

Th? »nnual commence me nl of tbo depart-menl of MedicitiB anil Surgery of the Ttnivar-ajty ot Iticbigan, was bald yoslerJay. Amongtlio graduates was our young townimm,Arthur Condict, eon of Dr. I. IV. Conflict.

OalfwgroucdiatljolniD^St.RcceHa'BOImrotltnckana.y,arjdln tbe ball ol tbo same, theretvill be an enjoyable pie-nio daring tbe after-noon and evening of the Fourth, nbich FHJurTonl dancing wA other iimiBement to all -whoattend.

We understand the Mine Hill bane bill clubhavo challenged tlio (Hrfleidi ot Bootton toplay at tjje latter place on Saturday, July 8th,Should it coma off parties leaving bore on the2 F. M. train will reioh Boonton In time to nit-aesa ths gtaiB.

At tbu Ueotrnl lUilrcad election h i t Fridaythe fallowing Dlrectori were chosen : EenrjS. Little, John Kem, Edmnl Ohrk, SWDBJtShopard.,8amQi)lBloan,Boberiaarrett, Prank-

Jin B. Oowon, Theodore F. Rudolph and Ed-ward 0. Knigbt. . "

The annual ple-nio of St. Huj ' i Ohnrch, onlbs Fottdb, abnalti be kept to remembrance,Tliore win be "Unclrg'and iporti of Tanonskindi, reireahm«nt» and all that li necemryfor i good tfoe tvi kU ttader stub ioepifleitB frill guarantee UiepleasaniMtand tba beat order,

, a to interest, fay ths DGU>Wire, L«k»-iDn» ind WDBtPmlnliroul Crm-pany, Ipueci o r the road, by nay of toot,amonot to M.060,000, belng7 per oont. o n $is,.0ODtm capital, aotbat tlie hi, to It on tbe

i a a i t S H j B O '

Tbs Fourth of Jnlj will be celebrated atWoodport with boat tioot, FaJking oonteiti,g lm hall •hootinjt and aUtsr iporti, ThereW)J1 ilio be dindng, tor wbW a good itriogbind b u been renired, and nnreihinehti willbe proTldod in •hnniancfl. An; enjoyable dayla guarantee »I!»*°»M*iad* ,. Xlio n«w ohanaallen for the PreriyterianChnroh bats irtlTBd.hiTB been placed tn peti-tion,, tod *IH he mod on Sabbath ^renlng.Tbey woof aitUlfa deiign, add largeij to theappeaniDBO oT tba ohareh interior, aad will

* n m o f g m t utility In prowoUog 4 e ohqrchierrlce. by giving better URht

AyonDgnun of Drtioirilla, nttnrf BUT,WM .hooHnRr^i in the mill on Wedne.daywhen W» gun exploded. Tlnj Block and lookwen blown In pieoea. One or Barr'i eye* i ufaadlr powder bnreed, and lla faoe wu torn by

The rtwent fbntlval of tijo Eioliard MineOhn«b notlod *78.

To-day wii doao np the first half of 1883.QuiteaK waa cloted np ilio.

Tbo cottapg at fit. Tabor luva hom filliDgn p npidly dnriug the put ton dayi.

The D. L., A ff. B. B. .Oompiny I/u de-" " ' " " " " "of apercent.,pnyabla Jnly

IroprovBHienU i«U continue at tbt rollingmlUa, Taeroof of tbo rivet mill ii now beingrailed, .,

Teniior boWly pecUate an early and odd Pill.It ia lupponed ibat Mn, Vunnor bai a m.r "icqnn,

Pink-eya la bt'eomiag wry goneral amongtbo barsea and uany in Dover «ro eL-k with tbe" no.

r«. Wai, Hsnry, of ObDiter, reoeutly pro-•entod her bnsband with a third pan of twinchildren.

Tbo Fircmeu'i Belief JUnodalkm rooeivcaoearl? {KM from (lie mBtiranoo tax of KID pail8bt monthi.

Bow. P.ftoSora, or Kino Hill, and I. TbomaB,flfBnccasDnna.nill eiahauBo pulpits on Bun-day morning,

I . B, Bohwun }aapnrohiueil oF the KcFurlmatato tbe Mannlog F, Searing property on

Ollnton i tn t t .

Mail doga are Bttain about, having vUitodloominfidalo, Pompton, Milton and otber

partouf tbQOQHnty.

UrtvShidaaker Ukop thiujtB voiy oany in tbocounty jail and does not leein to be at alt vor<rlrd hi her iWHiHon.

TboEnA Fonrili of Jaly ProRrainme, a four-ftgo 1'npor, lia» been fssuud, and 10,000 copiesfitarebElnRoironlatod.Tbefatborof Wm. A. Hall, tho sbnoonrtlns

CorajitrolIer"H Olork, of Scffark, taofflii jxdiootlit LuTer many yam ftpa.

A Uooulon man sendti to ilia Eiu a RauBonp*lion for what be tenna "tho most coterprfsingnuwiipaprrin Morria county."

Tlio OtironiclB looks neat and umnoUko in itsnon dresa, ami its growth indloateH tliat il Inin the highway of pnbilo favor.

Beoty Heddcn, of Sforriirtomt, n-IH ran atrue four-horae stage between Dover and Bt.

Mary's Oliurcb on tbe Fourtli.

Tho ffatnonn Proeerving Company, oom-

Mii»Ha.r Gallagher, Me of Modiioc flqnare,is aamtBoriug fit Pomptoa,

The Madison Sro oompauy is about to forma flremoo'i relief association.

About forty funtiiei are now looatoil at Mt.Tabor, and others are airlciiiR daily.

Ber. Wm. T. Egbert, ol tiorritiown, bu beenelected Sector of Grace Oputcb, Kadiaoa,

BrtitUorOarrllonto( tbe Bulletin, will delivertbe Fourth of July oration at filoomingilala.

The Methodist people at. lleadbam bavetotrl?completed ahandiomo new paraonnge.

Eliilia B. Sarlea bw been ippolnted poit-nasUr at Mt. Tabor and will open the cMce atmoo. ; " • .Many of oar reader* wilt be glad to wo the

initials "D.J ." among our oorrcsnondenoe•ifaln. - -

TLe Do?er post oBce will close at 1 0 A. M<

The First Anthracite Furnaces-WB. EDITPS ;—,Iu an article ant le joath o)

Ur. David Thomas la your paper of June 24tlI ice roil have beett led mta att error. You H]''onJtth 4lb,)$iO,ht} putfutobltwt theflMtfurnaae whiob naoooisfally smelted iron <by the cie of aathrnclte coal," eto.

Ia <bc trane&otioaa of ths Amorfotn laitl


tnta of EnffineerH, you will andt h tpaper hj Wm. FirustoKe, r«ad at ths m

InHwleton,OOL, 1871,Inwotcn l t d ot*'Mt HiA imall foruaca at Han oh

the day.Tlio homo of Mr. Henry Rlobards ran away

this tnorntnff. Tho rotarnn renpeotlug dama-goa were not in at last aooounte.

TljeMftVorsml Common OoBDOil ofBaontonaro raikiuR »a effurt to aappreH tbe small boytill innrise on tbe morning of.the Fonrtb,

Tbo Ladles of tbo Sfendtara M. E. ChurchTTIU hold a festival in a large tent on the chare).property FonrtU of July afternoon and evenuig,

UoacB Olauobard, Esq., will read the Dotluation of Iniiortndonco and E. E. Potter,lnq,, will deliver tho aration at Milton on tho'ourtl).

k atrawborrv and lea cream festival will )>oidd at Hiberulu on (be Fourth, tho procuafa

of which will be Tor tlie boneflt uf tliu M. E,Oliurob.

Tlie widow of the late Major J. B. BasBlngor,of tbo old Morrbf ami EBSCI mnnixgRinent, for-inorly orDtnfillo, dlutlatbur ean't resilience,In Arlington, on Wcdnasday.

A young man wbn baa bad tbo walls of htaroom Jiufctiod with clt.ric blue calcimine 6lien RIIUU it altogether, but troublu other

rooms tu tho bouso ie usuil,

A literary and mmical festival nil! bo holdn the grounds by tho Mt. Tuber toitng Peo-

plo'i Aasoolation, ooraniaivclag tliroo daya boforotliD regular carap-mooting BarTloea,

A Blroko of lightning at Pine Brook fot\weak apllntarad &n isli two in front of HehonpLeoiiBrd'H lioneo. One nf tha Hpllniersired four feet ia leugtU and was tLlok a

idofttree ladies, ialerprlto atarted In Mntriatowa.

AFroe Uoiliodist camp mcetintt for Ilils IIIB-triot was bpgan at An.lo.or on TOnntltr md; MoFarlan'i, park lias been seenred for tho

e i t i ' j ton mile hoel-aud-toe walking matoli botwceaHope, and Frod. Fedder-

tvlilcontfnaelill Weclueriiiy aeit.

orksatDolbiohoni, Pa,

Eapbemla M. Brtnkorhoof, wljow of tlio latoT. Stephen FWroWM, died tt Ttr^ppnay on

Sunday In tbe eotb year of her ago.

In comoqnenoe of tbe oamp rnsotinproorees at Andover no aorvlwe will be held in;be Free Methodlet Chnroh on Sunday.

Tito various companies of the fire depart-ment haro atipolntod commlttooi to dlfioasstie inbjcot of a flroraoa'e pnrada Ibis fall.

Tie Ofcatbara U. E. Olinroli bus a ponny-ilay noolcty for raising a narnonafte fond. Tho

contribution* amount to about SO per week.

Frank Qios has juat completed tlio tnatonwork of three now bounas ti

P/nlffor, Join)aocan.

Tbo Oitlioflo ncopte tipeot to Imvo an enjoy-blopfa-afc at Bootli Staubopo on ilie Ponrfb.' intoxioatlngdriukB will bo allotted on tin


Qeo. Dell on Wednesday fell from tlieBoaffahif Marvin OrcBflon's now building in Stauuope,md bMko )iis inoo cap. Ho WBB sent to tholospitai.

Or, July 4,1819, Dr. West, of Obeiter, stuckInto tiiopronnd iu (ba foot of MB door hts atlok. To-day tbe circumference of tlietrunk in met! toon feet,

It believed tho statement that woodcockmnotbaHbottilltlieadof July in made in

:ho Interest of sumo abarp fellows wbo waut to;ct the Brat craok nt tho birds on the 1st.

Conductor Crook's exoursion to tho seioro en Wodnrsday wae another of Ilioge sat

:oamm for Tilik'liho h fimfnia, Alirmt QOOpcima vent and nil wero delighted vritU the• lp .

Tlio Foreman and Aesisbnt of tho Protuo-oils report snoxrclloot timo Bt tlio Newton

'ircuicn'n piiraiU1 Inst Friday. Tlio Newtoniinon art noted for tho way thoy do tkcae

npprcciRto I In1 Clironiole's remarks cotiftnB last wwV for tlio reneon that tbernot copii-d from TM»H HlftiugB. Thojnot qiiito nfl goo(\, but tliuy had tlio nu'rlt


r JohnWin. Dnirjraplo, father ofUlrymjjlo, a moat res period goiitlenian, aqoil

iH ytnre, dm] nu Sunday owning from a bleed'•K ennctx of tbu fico, from which bo had bconlfluriiij; for Bomo yeira.

Judge Wood has lidd Joha Irvor. Jr., in 1300bail to answer a cliargo of pushing Silas Dell

ho door of J. II. Baroholl'u ailoon laullaturdiyevoning, enuslog him to fall nponit faoo and itijnrlng him aeveroly.

We tre toU ibat cuatxmben, to ba crisp,irl tile nnd "nlco" vbonld bo soaked io cold Halt

itor bait an boar; bofore tlioy are aervod.'iifs ptooeai cxlraatB the alleged pnlioo in (lie

i etetnohtiofor&mp.

Tha Dover EBA JfapUvod oommandable en-';priae in ths Port Oram murder case, not

mly giving a very lull acaount, bat publishedj of the murdered R\I\ ami her mnr-

leror, aud uaocd nn extra aftef tha capture.—iBsex Begiator.

Jfr, Jobn B. OJ I , ofUenvilto, hu beon en-iReil aa principal of the publie aehdol at Loweriibornia for tlio coming year. Ha in wellaliHed for tbe poaltion anil many old frleudaII bo glad to bave him in that locality igdln


Ur. Oco, W. Bunae.l, ot Uloo Hill, Bout asthis waek four mammotli BlmtpluBfl Soeding

istooTerodtbobottoniofa goodlilted stuoct. One aieasnreti four and seven-

In oiraumferenoG and anotteilErinla.finir.nciiea. • :.. . •

Egg fcsthala aro tho latest. Each lady bringsmogB with hern: written upon tt. TheyTO dopositeit in a basset and before imy ara pa;acd around and e*ch gentleman

taiOB ODB, and tho tad; whose name ha drawabis partner for supper. .MflTBlial Kolloy on HornUj arrogtod eightjyB for uaflifns fo town In day time and tosK

bora baforo Justice Gage, who snspended sen-Tbnre havo boen a number of oom-

ilalota reHpoqting this of late, aiid it is hopBdIlia will Btop tha praotioe.One of tbe two tlileres who laat Aridity morn-l(j fltolo from Frank Komtler a lot of rsssors,

;30ia money anil •>' gold watcb,liaa. wrlttBitnk thit he ia sorry ho left him sod askingcome back anil work for him, which is

leoidodiy oool to say tho loaat.

Un.Hablon CUrk, of tufa plsoo, WIIJIB at10 house of her daughter, Vtn. Dabbs, Ust

. roda; morning, smlddnly dropped from herchair and died of heart disease, Bhehad been

llliiealth for a long time, and had been un-ibletolBydownrorajeartoda balf, * :,

Rev. E. P- Drw, the famons author of "Bir-lera Burned Away" and otlior vorki, onoo)reaohed In tho First Presbyterian Church ofLondbam ai a candidate for tbo pulpit. Bnt11 manner ami oompoiition wero thought to3 too youthful and be waa not Invited to eons.

On Tneidny a slater at work on tbo peak ofIbe roof oi tbe now oar sfiops, lost WuhoJd andWBB loot to ths ground with lurptising TSloo-

Bnt he landed inaoomforUblepoiliioninmidst of a fresh morlar bed and escaped

ijnry, altho.igb toe mortar flew In every dl-wtion, , 'A wedillng that attracted general mtortst

.poag out German and other residents oo-inrredin town on tV«Jne#d*y, ihacoaincilogpatties heing Mr. Angnst W. ThBiler, HIPtobaoooniit, aud Miss Charlotte, daughter of.. G. Oatrarg. Hay ibtir union be a long and

happy one. ,

The Morrifltoirn Jcrsoymin h u reaooed theIpo ago of fifty six yean, and itill it adlierea,o thB atotliio antlo Q! ORptlonlDg its oolnnm

Tarsei "Taetry," Its Intelligent readersjppreoiate the editor's ofTortf to olncldatemat-tertso thatho who roadi may ran awiy.-N.', Oommerciaf.

A dog, trnqneationtbly raaJ, ttarled frontBtootnJnedaJo Saturday, and ran through Itld-ralo, Pompton Jnnotlon and WynooWo, whereit was snot, It hit tho hand of a child in ashocking manner, ittsckod »rcral genttemevand ladies, and bit a large number oi dogs.All the dogs known to bare boen bitten hive

iwn killed.

Tho Fox mil gang of thieves bavo tikon to

Tno interior deoor&tiotiB of tlia Mt. FrouOomfit. £, Oitnrcb saving been compietou1, It willbo opflned for servioo on Biiadaynext. All tboformer pastors aro expected to be present,Rev. D. Halloran, of Buliway, will preach in thotoronoon and Bevi E. H. Oonkllu, of Bookiway,

i the evening.Among tbo graduatoa thin week at Williaton

Bemlu&ry, Ea?t Hampton, MIBB., was Ur. BoaBflrfow H«]ger, ot Htichol'a Station, Va. OuTocediiy evening he was me of tho lix Bpeaehoaon tn opntont for tho Whitney prizos of t50each for belt deolamatfoo. and (dub tbo ouaawa[doa to his sooloty. Mr. HIIBOJ is a nophowoCMrs.Dr.Boach.

Tliore bars* been but eighteen doatha oiBohooloy'B mountain during tbe laat eightyean nnd tho average auos wae 00 years andumo months, One lived to be 103, another to100, still another to 63, one to B4 mid tffu to 83,But oao potBon died uutivr thoaqootSB, Lastyear thora were but two deaths, aud these at

sgesnfOSan^Tl. . •

io Hnaaox Begiiter aaya " tho Dover Drumis created a iovorabte imprcgdon by good

musio and their neat uniforms" at the Newtonremen'sparsdn. TboHoraldsaya" thoy filled

tbolrpart of the progratnmo In t credltablnJBDner and io tbe Batlifaotion of tbo firemen.Good for the boys. We will let them go awayagain.

Tiio twonfy-Bocond annual oomraocflennof Bt. Elizabeth.'! Academy for young ladles, atConvent Station, MBdiion.waa attendedThnraday of last week by ahont 2,000 persons. Thi

rrtBOH were held In an unfinished buildingdor a eanvtug roof. Thorowere solos oi

piano, RpGaklug by tbo papits, and, lastly, thooratorio of "(Jiioon Esther" wna woll rendorod.

Tha Sires En Trouble-Fire men who havo been Indicted by tbo

W fork Gt^nd Jut? tnw arrcsdwl on. Tnsaday by DcUieiLvii-Bergoants Dnlan and Hoi del

ami locked up at Police, noadqnartcrtiTIiov Rre Cornelias Kont.of Kowark, N.J.Houry M. Johnson, of No, 252 Eroad*ay, Banitnin Sirs, a real csUte atjtnt at No. 23 i'urk

Itcw, aid hia two BOIIB, Koyur and Henry. Tbeirefl nro well known In Morris county and re-Ida at Morris plums. It 1B claimed by thealien that tbe prisoners hare swindled severalernons In New York oily out of their property,

but Kent and JobusDn wero indicted for lar-iy and tho members of tlio Biro family wero

Indlolod for receiving stolon goods.' Tlie com-itaQfs, as irboee affidavits the iniilotmeaiaj proourcil, are Goorge P. Sollct, of No.

231 Btcckor st., and William Beyor, of No. 4Into st. -Kellor formerly Vept a bakery and omred ao«o and wagon. He aavs that Kent and

Johnaoa pnrchasoi tbo bakery In 4prU hat,agreeing to pay for It in instalment. Theygave him a small amount of monoy anil Bpromissory notes. Afterward they gave amortgage to one o| the Slrei, who Immediatelyforeclosed It, Keller's hoiw anil ffagoa were;akon by Kentatd Johnson, and tho police saytbit the horse Is now at wotk on a farm owned

a Sire*, near Newark. Keller mt ejectedfrom hia bakery without receiving its tiimIn money, Jtmt before the 81re< forslofiod themorigsgfl pa Keller's l/tbeir, Kent and John-son went io the itore of Mr. Beyer, in Btato Bt.,and pnrohaiod 1336 wortb of flour OD twenty-four hours' credit. Sfr. Beyer was told thattbey owned tho bakery and he waa nferred totin real estato agents at No. 23 Park Bow.Tiio Birns recommemlda Kent ind Johnson,TIIB flottr waa sent to tlie bakery anil isshlp-ped toMuwark on tlio asmo day. When Mr.Beyer's agent milted tho bakery to got themoney for tbe flour be asoortainod thai thep]»oe was to be sola nnder foreoloauro. Tbopolioa were coninUol and MID detcottvas be-gan to search for Kent and Jchnaon. KentWBR arrested early Toosds}1 mornlvglnNewarJi

md tbu other prisoners wore Ukcn into ens-tody laier in the day in Kcw York olty. It Itexported tint many new 'complaint* will ap-tear against tbe prlBonera.

Waihlngion's Headquarters-Tbe ananal mooting of tho Washington Head*

qaarterB Astoolaiion waa heldliatriaturday.attho statoly and venorable mansion Iu Horrts-town. About shty persona wrro present, iu-eluding noil of the itocbholdBrB and Boreraltntlted guests- K mooting of tbo stookholderawas held in one of tba parlors of the honae andit-Congresaman T. I . VCMSB WM tilled to the:liitr. Tin annual rcportahows that tbo num-ber of viators dnring tho past yoar was incutthe same ai herttoforo.

Ex-Governor Theodore V. Bindolph madesome interestipgremaritflon thehistory ol thoHeadquarters ana concerning tho associationof gentlomea wbo now own it and maintain It.The question of ID income sufficient to main-Uin it properlybia boenona of aomc perplexity,SabaorlptioDB to tbe itook are, of coarse, grat-nJUoi, and thcaa hive' formed tlio principalmeans for the anpport of tbs Headquarters asa public raotnento. Tbe Governor aaid he hadob»rrefltb»tthBNeirbiinr1W,Y.)~' " 'Headquarters D had laiclj receivedq jn appropriation of (33,000 from the general

Government, and the Morristoirn iwociation,wbOBD property was more Interesting, and of atl»»t equal historical value, was certainly en-titled to boms cooiideratton. Ha Uioroforomoved tbnt a conmfttos or Bio be appointed

take thin nutter into conaideratlon and OH-avor to aeoore Ch>vcrnment aid. Tho motion

vaa agiecd io m i tho following committed waalolcoted: Ex-Qovornof lUailolpti, Ei-Oon-gresatnan T. % Peddle, Ei-Congromnan Qeo,A. Ealsey, Oonjireiiitnin Phlnean Jonos andansroifliBiD Jobn Hill.Tho business being concluded, tho meeting

adjorirned to the floor tboro wliero i handioiuacollation bad been provided. General N. N,Halsteadpropotea the toast to tbo memory ofWaahlnglon in a few appropriate romarks, andOovcnior Bstdolph mada ana at fafer nappygpcechoi. . - ^ _ _

A Fact-A Danlih lady here II studying onr language.

Two gentlemen wero talking on business nat-ters in an adjoining room and ooa tvti verjprofane. Tbe lady llBtonad and from the fte>

neflt OH or some words could repeat BONDoftheconvamUon. A nlntlve of tbo vonng

' lady camo In shortly aftvr, and she, to show1 their old trioka ofrobbiw imoiD JIODSCB and ( how BIICI was improving, Buys very iilalnly "you-

anariei nod enttiDft off tlio mines and tails goto" (a very warm place.) Ttio pernau wmthe aorsesaf ftraitr* sgainit whom ihey'ihoolied, bat ihe words wore repotted over and

entertain a, aplts. the Ictdonot tbo gang- ire again and it wsasomotlme beforo thia DanishinStaioPmanaudtlioir arrest have quieted lady could en kr»Undal,a rai ciing bad. Ian-tha oUiori for IOTIB Hmo bat lbs old propen-'goagb. a.RitiBaard»B>iiiU»oriingtheniselTas,-SaRiisr,) Orf»ft3, N. J., Jnne Mtb, •' ' •'

Chunk ian suooeasfully on anthraciteeoal fromJnly to November, 1B89. At Pottarille, P*a farn-o wax put In blaat Oct., 18M, wliiehworked Rsaceaafully for about a year. Bfta-villa FwmoD, at Danville, P*.,was built tn1339,andputm blast early lu IBiO. KoarlngCreak ifuruaoe in llontour Oonnty, Pa., waahhffa Iu Miy.lWD. AtPhasDlxBiile,CbBBUiCouuty, P«.( a lurnaoe was blovn In June,13M>. Oa.ambJa Farasoe, at Stnville, Pa.;WIB blown In oa Jol? * , 1840,a fornace wai blonra ia by Ur. Divld Thomai,Juijiti!, 1^0,

I lived in Potu.viilH at the tine ind waiquite familiar with all tbo facts above stated :and I fool quite certain that our late friend,Mr. Davrt Thomai, wonld not desire the pro-mulgatioo of auy errors in t U limtorj of Ironmannfaotnre. Aa we all desire to have atruthful history of events, I send you tboabove flita, in order that you ma* correctyour Btateroent; and I think your readerswould ho pleased to liaYo tlio infarmatlonabove»tated, Q.Q, PILUEB,Staobope,N. J

A Remnrkable Old Lady,A fe» weoia ago tho EBA gave o> sketch ofUndo Levi &ti)m, a remarkable old geatle-

nanofUoutvl.le," Bow itappoarBlhattbetti»es at Lower Ucutville an eJdorly lady who

ths mUty put, when both were young,kept company" vrith " Unolo Levi." This Is

Mr*. CdllRnl, wnfow of fioorr GoHord, wbo attbe age of 84, retains her mental vigor to soonKII extent that a talk with her about earlyUnion Is always plemnt afld entertaining.Her fond ot Revolutionary inuldenti, told herby her mother, ll mott intoresllng, Curing(hat period her grandfather lived on Bergenllelghths, and with bis neighbors Bufferedmuch from tbe depredations or British BOI-diera quartered In that vicinity. One day begive fair notice to nomo fdragers that somethem \rou)H got hurt daring luob operations,but tbey informed him tlioy "didn't oare a— for IIIB old flintlock," The uoifc night(Ley visited him, however, the oM flintlockvoal off and on the following day tlie body ofonowhohadbeena aaluUr In hia majesty's•ervioa was found not far away, covered withleaves. At that time It was the onatom or thecoIoDints to hide tuelt mon'ey in bruokB,mark<ing tbo places bj oOrks tiea to stridgi. OverBlxty years ligo lira. Oullard made »Journey Io

i vielt her brothers and Bistnn,

An Ehoitnoui Blast-hli morning reooivod particular

R h!*Bt uror ftradlnlbis seotlonwbichwaa made yeiterday in I he Hmeitomijti&rHes ot tlifl Qleodod Irou Oomptnv, ftGrleodon, uear £uton> The faoo of the rockwsa about 160 high aboFO grade and into thisat Kttda i tnnaal wu &rirc» fotiy-alx feet, attheeodof which'4ri/ts were made at rightangles, tUo one to the right being llOfoat 1OD|and tbe one to the left £7 feat tang, Alontheftrit drift tbree pockets wore made amalong tbe shorter one a alngle one. Int<thGBefour pockets were depoBited 13,000 lha,ct Jnanon perfder, it Itlng autioipated that ifw6ald blow out the nufls between tbe driftB,and the face of the rook, Mr. Frank Firm-stone managed tlia batten and fired tbe blastThe result far exceeded the anticipationsThe UUSB in Unni. 16 feet thick, 10) feet hie.and 137 feet long, was not only completelyblown out, hot fox 110 feet In the r eu tlmans was loosened all np and dropped down,carrying witli It a corn fie\d on tbe surfttoe

h i l wad toppoMd to be beyond dWJtfer, IIla estimated that the amount of rook blastedis from 120,000 to 150,000 tons, irtilch durccnstratei tba wonderful power ot tbo Jadsoopowder, whloh U Dannfaotared at HCG&IOB<vlllo, In ihia county.

Th« Fourth of July.I The Committee bave about completed alltheir amngojienta for tho approaohlug eel-itintlon of tlio Fomtli of July, mi tho per-motion of detail aasoreB us that it will be anccosB la all particulars. It certalnlv will boo If moooy and painstaktug will goon re the

, »einlt aimed at. Tbe parade and oioroises intho morning, tho atlilotio eporta in t ie ifiet-nooa aud tie tiUpIar o< llroworks in tho

; evening trill tfforH t oonBt&nt round of esjoy-ient from early morultifi till tate at night.J it ia the only celebration on a large scalen Iktt p*rt cf tht State thero viti probably bo

_iote people in town OD that day than tvurwas known before. A good Idea ot tbe procramtne tflgiven fa.the advertisement on toojppOBlte ptge, aud iull partioulars of ah the

i features of the day II*TP been printed in aseat little oewiptper, pabllahcd by tbo EBA,' a thooiand copies of which aro bolne gra-

, .-itomly olroolated In ever; direction, l i "partaofthe town.extonii'e precarationainaVlng for noelvlng and citing for tbo wiof tbe great numbers of guests expected,......

all who come will have .Do fault to find withthe facilities for

llicsan to viel r b s ,wbo had settled, there, and nays Ibat whiletliore eh a attendod divine service in a ohurck

twj at A msmjnoth hollow tree, inwhich had been fixed i door. At tlie lerviaewere present twcntjKilghtpoDple.ali gatheredwithin the tr«o.

An Eioellent Entertainment'ThoDulou Conceit beldon rrlda; evenins;

last for tbe benefit of tbe temperance cause,was one of rare oioellouoe and was highly ap-preciated iif tbe. delighted nndienoe. Tbamusical ability ot tbt Port Oram Choir li too

til known In tills section to need any com-ments. Suffice ft to ae.y that upon this ploae-antocoBBioa tba past repnUtation was follyi n Wilhout dotraotltig one lott fromthe praise nao tlio entlro cUoIr, 1 tliiuk I tnivbo Bxciisod if I maJie mention ol MIBBBB Hathepjpo and Minnie Oarvetb, who a»ng a duet,

Thoflbadow cf Angel Wlogs," in a mannerthat GvtnoedtltolraMityflBQBlind theaadlencs

Etch imp several BOIOB, ill ofwhich were received with manifestations ordelight. I will mention but two. "I ' l l marry

ttho Uriahs," eanff by Mtn Oarvetb,n&s received wllli a uoarty and prolonged pp Tho Drunkard's Child," by MIIB

Pupe, brought forto demonitratlocs ot welldeBDrve>1 appredation.

UeserB. 1'. VT. and H, H. Hoore, ot the Now-k Literary Society, added innoh to tho pleas-

ure of the oooaslon by interBboraiag tba ranalilwith reoitatiom nnd dlalogacs, ia a mannerrblch rellcotB much credit to tho ability ofliflso young men, beforo whom a. successfu)

future Boems tn waiting. LIBTENEK.

An Immense Circulation'Wo haro received gratifying evidence that

tbo enterprise) of tlio EBA, in furnishing poitruitH of the pnncipals in lim Port Oral

..edy !aat weak, tnd i« tilting the fallestand most accurtt* accounts ol tlio whole affair,was fully appreciated by tlio public. Onr reg-ular edition wai increased to 2,GW>copies, *Q<1when the extra eilltltm, Riving tbo account ortho capture of Tregtown. was ismiCwl at lialt-past four o'clock on Baturthy afternoon fcapacity of mir prcaa for a timo could not

•j> up with tlio Balcn. Of those extras tlicrere noli] that evening S00 copies In Fortim, 100 in Nowlmi, 60 In Bockaway and R1S

on tlie Btruote ot' Cover, and ninuj inure couldo been disposed of in otber towns if wo

could bavo reached them. On Monday morn-

FO wttra coBipeflid to print 102fill orders, miking TOUR THOUSAND AND BUTTOOPIEB tbo total of the emulation of last week'sEiu. WO believe oar brethren of tho fnlor-nity will agreo with DB that this iR the great-est circulation ever issued In

country newspaper in Northe

gi week by any

Now Jareoy.


The Engineering and Mining Journal of laatSaturday «ayi: s

AtEEiCiUf ?:a.~~Bti8iacBBi qnanllty, bnt thQ tone of tbe market is

tolerably strung, notably BO far aB foundrygrades are odnoorncd, Tliore hare been noBales of niagnitnae.. Woanote; Foundry K6.1, *24.60Bi!25; No. 3, *3a.50Q*23i and Gray

ge,Wl.W@m- Bessemer plsia quiet att2i@t24.5O, nominally, and Splegeielsen ishold more firmly.

SootcnPia—Dating tue woof, stronger id 'vfoes from abroad and a oontinood firm hold-\og of tnlgbiB, with wareity of outaide itoitn-era, havo tended to stiffen prices, particularly>s the qnantlty of Iron held hen la Compara*

ti?ely imill. Importers bare become tirea ofl g at a loss, and have been somewhat

taken by snrpriao i t the early tnra of theScotch market. Holders ere tiling higherOguicfl now, the following being their qnota-,fcnf, thcro being few cutnido lota: OoltnoBS,120.60 ;Bnmimrlee,$aff.M®t28;EgUnti>n,ttS.

The l-reight Handler!1 Strik*Tho great iirlke or tba freight handlers on

sJI the roads tcrminatiDR in Jersey Git; mdHoboken hut considerably Inconveniencedminvof the meroliants anj bmlneis men'Intnia section, IB woll aa everywhere else. Mlthe yards are under guard. ThoD., L.AW.roid have a few men at work afd are movinga Tew tr*ioi, Tba yard of this oimpany lamore trso from aolttment tb*n any DIOWroad. To oomplioate matters, on TuesdayabonV SOO coil handlers on tho line of tbeilorrii oaoal, ijetween Sowitk anitruok.

On Monday morning qm tea Urge wrco fromthe Dover oar shops wis the D., L. AW. yard at Hoboken to do gEanJ duty aodaeaist in uHndliujr freight, anil renuuncd therotwo days.

Didn't Know Hit Bui inm.A city ohap got on a train at DrakKvillo withfino string of pickerel and bssi. Oas of themaking car fraternity iBled him where bemglit them. Ho replied that ho didn't catchhem, bnt bought them of a " feller np al

Lslta Hopatcoag numeS Docker,* The manwas treated with silent contempt daring theremainder of uie trip, the crowd feeling thathe was devoid of tho essential* of lha first-ilasi angler who would have seornad to ao*inawledge that he hud bought a string of flihrhile a lie wn In tho rmpe or possibilities.

Runaway Boys.Last Friday tnoraing Marshal Kelley found1

OD a weit bound train a oonpte of boys, whomhe Bwpocttilloboroniwiji, and held them.His suspicions proved to ' be oorreot, tbeyhaving decamped from Brooklyn. Hie motherot one at thtm, mmtii O"Kei), csmo to Dovertho eame aflornoon ind realainfld him. The jither, tamal Gerighty, promised to go ttnight

bomo and wis Mowed ta depsrt la tlwered'iIng. When he arrived la. How Tork he1

dcteeUd three persons robblngamanaDdgavejvldenee which led to the irreit of [lie thieras,

Dovor Savings Institution*MOTTDS TO mrostioiB.

Notice Is hereby given ttut on uti altarn)y lit, ma, a diritlend of 19 per cent, trill

bo paid to the depositors of said Institutiony order of tbe Chancellor ot Sew Jersey.

-tymont will bo made by 0, 0. Bincbman attlie poBt-effioo, Dover, tt. J.

JQHX HAHO, ProBldBnl.DatodJnnt9Otb,18S2.

Lead and Zlno. ,The lead and nine oombloed, Then mixed,

ready for ow", only ooata (1,20 per gallon,at tbe Brink Drag Store.


• • '- WBBETQmnr,'©. 0.,'JQnfl^Outteaa wu hanged her* at 12*1 o'clock

Annual Day-We bad pro|»wed visiting Port Onmlat l

BatoTdaywith tbe object of nutting a n-part ot the proceedings ot the "anna*! day1

celebration by Exceldor lAdge, Mo. 1,Mitiers' and Mechanics' Benevolent Instl-tutlOD.of that place, but the arrest of Trt-glown at Newton compelled as to goHjitfwr Init&d. We unterwbaZ, however,that the day was moat ecjoyably spent bythe tnembon of Uw lodge, ilUtoDgh ooosid-»U1y aoddenod by the recent tragedy ID t ieplace. TheaddreaibyBeT. Ur. H "If aald to hare been exoeUeut, tlia musitof the Eaokettstown band fine, and the pax-ade Imposing ntUe the fettinl TUB such areal auooesa Out ibe haadBome earn of 0164was netted, whloh gou ta the widows andorphans of deceased members. From thereport of the Bwretaries, Joh& Uitohell andBioluurfS.Hi^ we geU Tory good idea of(tieuoopooftiiB work of ibis grand itutltution. During the past year two mem

have died, Btohard Donald and FhlUpGUbort.-wivea of two others, and the Sam-uel Fenrose and Wm. H. Hoaking, hav«passed away- The membetship ot OuLodge has increaaBd daring tbe yoar and:he financial results ate encouraging. Thereoelpta from dues, Usseaamenta and fiu««have been 92.10S.4K. For aioh 1

has been paid oat $1,1CG.G7; tor tu-neral bone3ta $230; dooationB, 145; mad.

nod salaries, 9474-07; paidIo widows and orphan", $127.r>0 |tbe total expenses, 151,685.7*. The bal-aooe en hand May 81«t, 1882, was IBM.1M,

1881, of tfi24r

Surprliei at the Public School,A very pleasant opliodo occni-red at tbo

Defer public sotioolyMterJi/sfterooon, whentwo of the teaohon, wbo ootBo tbelr connectionwith tbe school to-day/slisa Shoemaker aiMr. E. M. Tonnfi, wero merltorloasly rotttera-bored. MUe Shoemaker received from herolnas and Mioolate teifl^rs a superb album.Principal Kingbrigbt mailing the preaentallon•pencil; and thU wai quickly followed by thapresentation to Ur. Young, by County Super-intendent Tburher, of a biBdaomo and com-plete writing (leek, whleh>preBented tho oon-tribntlons of thB whole school from the toaoh-en to the smillest iclmlm. Both were BOooapletely surprised that they foundlt dlfBault

ipood, bat BUceooflcd at lait in dolag sovery graoefnlly, Mr. yonng, as before an*nonaoed, goes to Qostoa to complete bia miefoAl odacotten, and JUIsBSlioomsker will tesohthe aoliool at her home, Milling ton. Both willcirry with them the.boBtwiBhei of tha ichooland oommanlty. , ;

Mr.YooURdeblroBUita Bipreai bis alnoeroappreciation of tbe giftre«oivodaudhls tbanki

toall who ' ,

. Canada Thistle*A well-known genUemap of tbla Bectlou in-irns us that in eorad of 'the townahlpB Can-

ada thistle ii spread.njT U> an alarming extent>nd those farmnri who atrivo bird to kocpibeir flolda dear ot them aro annoyed andembarrassed in the work by the carolMsneBiof others wbo allow them to grow at randomThese oareloas pooplo shottltl bd rasdo to no-lenUnd tticy are liable to a Bevere penaltyleoauie of their neglect, and tbe enforcementif tho law a raw times would probably have

wholesome effect. An ant upon (be BtatuteBol the Btate, approved Maroh Sth, 184B, reads

) TollowB:11 If any person or persona owning, or havingire or obargo or any laud or lands, improvedr unimproved, enclosed: or nri(mol<ifli>d, in

ibis State. *iitt|J irnoivJn ljr, willingly or wi)-'ullj permit or suffer any Oansdn tblstlo togrow up thereon, and BUITOB tlie samo to stand"itil its aoodB got r|pe, lie, sho, or thoy ibati,

r every stalk or branch thereof so Bufferedgrow an, forfeit and pay ft fine of twent;'oof>nta,tol)H aue^ for ind rocoyeced,.wit .

costs, by any portion, in minarao, before anycourt DiDoinpatunt Jurigdictlon."

Tho Light of Other Days Has Faded.A abort time ago, looklngfor a place Iti spend

my vacation in, I wandered Aofta to my oldcamping ground at Lake Hopatcong. Bntwhat a chango met me there 1 Tho only famil-iar faces I saw wore tho Ingn.rna. I went n|

Sharp's Book, sat dotrn and thought nt ail;li6 old friondB f nseil Io meet horo : Dominie

i, aud tho sweet singing of hie obatminiwife j (be pleaBant hours X had epeot witli tlia

rinse of fisherman, W, Poster; tho silvertones of Robertson's flutes; Ihe grand recita-;iona uf Sir*. A. Bush, ana numy oitiere, wuameB I do not recall) whom I naod to moot at

I'B. Some alas, hsvo oroased tbo darkrivcri others deserted the place. I oould nol

isko up ray mind to atay, for X felt like omlbttttroa(]BalonoRomflbtna,uetlinll and I ro>tnrnod to my desk a sadder if not t wiBBrmti

Brooklyn, 14. Y., June Sitb, 1683. I. C.

Ths Singleton Silk Company.k mooting cf tbe Directors of tiio. Singleton

IHkHitJDfMtaring Ccmpmy was held on Wed-nesday which the company executed

lease of the premises for ten years ta Mr.3ao. Singleton. Sir. Srnglelon pa/s M,£» per

rent, wbioh ii equal to torea por cent.ipon the capital itook. He alio agree* to payio taxes ou the boilers, engines aucMilk

chtnerj and to keep the same insured for 180,-000; The company iu Hum agnos to pay the

HUB and insarauce on the bniidlaga. Thustbe business of manufacturing passes Into thehands of Mr.'Singleton Instead of tho company.In all his transaction* he hu acted most hon-orably, "id the stockholder* trill net from

inmtnwDt thotnti legal me of Merest,white thoy will have tbe satisfaction of baringdding largely to tbe ludnitriOB ot tbe plaoa.

in oommon with tbe •tockhnldorg and Diewhole pooplo, wish for Mr. Singleton the lar*

•uoceis, .•,*;*'

Silk Mill Product!.We were OD Wednesday Bbown the first

)leo8 of weaving turned oat by the loomstf the Dover Silk Company at the silk mill,which contained ae?tm and a half dozenhandkerchiefs. It was expected that theweavers being but learnera the flnrt peioewould be spoiled. Ou the oontnry itproved to be it very handsome pl«oe ofworkmanship, wbioh highly pleased themanufacturers, Tbe silk toe the weavingwas thrown by tbe Singloton. Company, BOthat tlio whole work was done at Ibis mill,The trix looms now working will make sixtyiozoas of handkerchiefs per week, and:iert week they will begin Increasing the

lumber of looms. The Singleton Companyare also getting ready tt pat the dye houseIn operation.

Obituary.Wednesday, Juno 2lsfc Joan Anderson,

from Sweden, only four weeks la tbfs coun-try, last bis life by falling down o mine iaHlberniB, HB was killed instantly, aged0 years, On Thursday, Bt 11 o'clock a. m.r

J!B fellow workmen and countrymen assem*aled at-hte boarding house to hour a funeralsermon by Bey. Joseph Frisk who preach-ed appropriate to the occasion. One of bincountrymen gave an impressive discourse ISwedish, and the funeral procession wasthen formed and prooevded t» the cemeteryal Denvllle, N. 3. Tha Methodist Bervioa

the crave wns read by undertaker JoaeaEnglish, and fa Swedlah b j one of his

ouotryman, who all posaed around blaernre, casting au evergreen sprig on theBox enclosing hie coffin. He will lung boremembered, though his stay was so shortamong UB. Amiable and correct in bis life,his genial anils won the beasts ot tboasrho know him.

. A Wondarful Bar of Iron.The Iron pabllcatloni were boaiting last

reck or a rolling mill producing a bar of three-larter mnad Iron 188 foflt In lopgth, which

ru olttBied to bo the loogcit of that stec ororl l t f a T &y r [

Himmoncl tried hit h u d to Bee what ho coulddo al tbo Dover rolling mill and eaoeeeded Inrolling a perfect bir.of throa-qnarter nnnd1S9 foet long, on a ten-inch train. Tbe engine

not Slach under th« ninia allliouth u r -ryingbutiiitj ponnii* of iteam. Mr. Ham'mond and the men naturally :feel chtea overtunng rolled the longest bar or that tbu arertrodnoed Ia tbU country.

Suicide ofan Old Man.Oo Sanday last tbe pod/of JohnHorriion, a.boilng aanagod74yean, wai found in (housaia r lnr near the Swincfldd briflge, in

Bhsthatn townihlp. L ih l s arms were deep»ihBi InQIoted with * knife, Al bo waa a hardrinking man and bad burn on asprett tbe sup-

poiHlontathitlieattemptea sulclda by cat-f, and falling into the water wai

Irowned. Coroner Drake held an inquest onEonday and tbe jury rendered * verdict that

h*<3 ootse to fail death bj- aommJitiog iol-ico. He Itivcs fonr cDUdren, all adnlti.

Central Tim« Table,A new fimo tablo went into affjot on thellgfa DriiJgH Brantb on Monday. Tbe morn-

ing train going down fa the tamo. The flritaflernoon Oewn train leaves Dover at.8;2E and

o second at 6;S9. Oomlng np the morningi\n arrives in Lover at 9:07, tha noon train12:07, and the evening train at 7:21. Tho

timetable ie mnoh better for pnbiio traTelin tbe old one, and would hayo boen com-

ilete if toe morning np-traln was only half anioar eirlier, allowing a qalck connection withiorristown, Newark and New Tork.

AHnr Many Yeirt-Alien Taln»ge,Bonof tbe late Wm. Ttlmago,

rbo went to Georgia some thirty-five yearsago, Is at present visiting hU uncle, Sfr. Job

.falmaxe, Pnrt Oram. The late Wm, fri-nge carried on Oie blaokamithlng basinm

wben he first went to Georgia and afterward•bllibeda paper mill and a foundry. Hevery mooetifnl in btwinew, am'

iwioe fanrned out amaBied a eonslilerabtoIwiee burned out amaaiea a eoualderabto fortune. He die] at tho ags ot 60, leafing a

ifo d f hildren—two girli and twoHe die] at tand four chi

4th of July.Dover will be packed witli people nn (noIk, mijnrlty of them stranger*. Ths qnos^Ion willoftenbB nko4 where wvn t get tba

beat cigars or s nice bottle ot perinraory orhatr oil. • In every caaa al Vonght k Eillgoro's



Moving Maoblae Beotiont at Berry's.TeeOi ex t rac tor25oesUat tbe Brick

Drag BUm.

For limber IE my quantity alwaji goQ*orgtHtt«m'f.

- Iron Axle Espresi Wagou for »1.26 atBeny ' iHaidnni ton.

HoweU'* Fatsnt PtrU Oreca Sprinkler,alw ctoaxa trwmm and Bafrigmton atAllan A Uoalogtoa'a.

The Eoonomlit, 8tsi, Qritntal, Triumph,Uiyflower.and Qoaan OU StoTttfor sal*bj AUen A Ifoningfca,

At tbe requert of many customeni Kan-|&y i» now Jwepiflg Day's superb ioe ouam

which b Uu n t j best

They never matomUtakM, and ceveigBtdbappolntedinttiB quality of goods orthe'pdoat, who bay their toaB,aoffeefl and SDIOMot the N. Y. and Oblaj. Tas Ocv

The propriety of hanging GuiUaa admlUof various opinions, bnt the universal ver-diotlatHat Lunger A Mowery, of Stanhope,

abeadof allriTalflIn goodiud prtoM— • . . • • » • .•• .. .• —

Dorno's Catarrh Snnff cures all affections ofthe nncBB mombrane,of the bead aud throat.

Don't be Alarmedat Brlght'a Disease, Diabetes, or any diseaseof tbekiclneji, liver or urioary wnttt ,ai HopBitten will Dertafniy aod lastingly canyon,ind it is the only thing that will.

i. pare, "Iioleiomc dfat)lhtl<?n ot witeb hixelAmorieau pine, Canada flr, roarlgotd, clove

omi, etc., fragrant with tha healingices of balsam and pine. Saab is fian-

ford'a Radical Cure for Oatarrb. CompleteweattnfiDtfortl.

Ur, Albert Kiugsbury, Kuoue, N. H., troubled'Itb bid humor on liau'lB and neck.causod by

ioad poisoning. (He'a a painter.) At time*il would bfl>*k out, oraclt open, and tha skinasparato from the fieab in Urge pieces, infTor-ing groat contimul itobing and atincring.FuruKftsad jou: remoiboB; UBIHI Calioor*flOBolvotit Liioraally, and Vatioai* antlOatl-onra boap oitern*!!/. and In !»«« than tlireemonths effaoted a oaniploto cure, and has notbeen troubled BIOCO. Corroborated by Ballard" Foaler, Druggiati, Keeno, N. H.

MOTHER JHED FROM IT.J . V. Adams, Newark, Ohio, aays: " O _ -

.ara KemeJiua aro ibe grcatoat medicines ouearth. Had tho worst cast, salt rhenm In thiB

untr. Wv mother had it twenty yean, and._ hot died from it. 1 balievB Ouftoura wouldhive iivod her lire- Uyarraa, breaa'. and headrera covered for throe yearB, wbloh nothing" id or cared until I ttssa the Ootlour*

ront (blood parltlor) internally, andira and Outloura Boap exturnallv.

SOIUASIS.H. £. Cirpocter, Eiq,, Bonderson, H. T..

cured of Psoriasis oi Leprosy, of twenty years''andinr, by the Cuticur* Uesalrect iBteraally,id Cutioura aad Cotlcura Boap externally,

.he most wonderful case on record. Corecertiaod to before a juatloa ol the peace andprominent citizens. All afflicted with [tollingand «c»lj dlseaaof shonld sead to UB for tbii' itimonUl in full.

ALT RHEUM.Thoie wbo h*»ee^perlenoed tbe tormenti of

Suit Bbeuta can appreciate tbo agony I endured'or years, until cured by thB Outiouia Beaolv-ct internally and Oa tic ara aadOotlBura Soaputernilly.

Mas. WM. rzM-ijfOTC», Sluroo, Vis-

Naw Bridges,The Committee or tlie Board of Freehold-'s upon tha bridge at the point of ths

mountain met In Dover on Wednesday toreceive proposals. The contract to build aaewiroa bridgaat tha point was swarded

Post &• MoOord for 12,175. Frank O t aleaured tho stone work and Jl J. Vreelandthe carponter work. Proposals are cow be-ing offered for the construction of a newToot bridge alongside the Snssoj street.ridge,

Sunday Scboo! Gatherings.Tbe Washington Township Bntiday Bolmolsaociatfon liae arrangud to bold a SonJay

Soliool Insfftute In cacti school in tdo Comi'ilp aa followH:Wedncaday, Jnly Sth, Oernmn Valloy, S r, MThursday, July Ctli, LfUlo Erook, 3 i>. M.Friday, July 7th, NanRhtrightvitle, 3 r. u.Saturday, July 8tli, Unionvillo, It p. «.Pio-nio for all tho BCIIOOIB; at Bchootoy'tlountaiiiin tho grave at Belmont Ball thelost control and ninnt beautiful place in HIEiwnship, on Wednesday, July 19tli.The orilor of oxcrcisos for each IaBtituteweUng will bo :

1. Eiaraination of tlio 3. 8, Loisonfor thoallowing Babbstb, 30 mlaatos.2. Address, 19 raionto*.3. Volunteer roniaika, SOmlnntcB.1. Queations asked and answered, IS mln-

lies.[ntorspersea with pnyor and singing.

: •'• - r B.O.Hsait,„ Towmhlp SnperlQtetideut.

. Morris County: Honors*IntheaollcKeeomniencemeats this year an

il number ef honors bave fallen to HOT-it County young men. The latest to win dis-

tinction is Ur, Wm. T, Callin, principal of theMine Hill public school, who at the commonoe-oaol ot ManliatUn College, in tbe AeadBmy"Musio to-day, oarries the first honors by 'Iverlng tbe Master's Oration androcBhlng the

degree of A.K. Vteuagmtahtehlm apatitinctlon h« has won Tor blmielf and themor Uebas brought io his oonnty md Btate.

His elocutionary UtentB an becoming widely"mown and a promising future is beforo hii

The New Fire Belt.Word was received to-day that tho new fir*

bell. had been shipped from the Uenoely~>unilry at Troy. Xtnolgbi 000 pounds andlas a sharp A tone, thli tone hiving boen de-Mod upon after an Inquiry whloh led to tbe

discovery .that fire department* generally areirdinu tho deep harsh-toned bells and•ihgtbeaoinpreteneoOB. A. belfry ii

oetlhlghwiUbeerectodon tbo hone toworfori accommodation, but il will not be ia resdl-IBs by tiio 4th aB was expeatod.

Stumpf Ahead.Thoie who havo not tried Horton's !c«earn, sold only at J, H. Btumpfs reatanrant,> not know what real good ice cream is,

Stampf says be has 10,000 qnarti in How YorkIty, awaiting shipment to hit) order for the

of July, and that he doesn't loteud torn uliort. Parties, famillei, and others who wantee cream for the Fourth will do woll to Bond

their orders for this QeMom cream. HeA issued a regular bill of fare for the Fourth

and cheap prloci will prevail at bis oBUbliih.iont. . - •

0UTICUEABeoiBdies are for sale by «11 foagglits. Prise

rOntloura, a Uedicinal Jellej-amill baxeB,.Oo.; Urge boxau, II. Outioura Resolvent, thenew Blood Purifier, SI per bottle. GutionrtIfedlclnaiToilet Soap, 25a.; Outioura Medic-inal Shaving Boap, 16o.; in bars for barbersand large consumers, 35e. Principal depot,


When to go on the Fourtli.MtB. B. Trewartha, on 8DIMX jtroot, is mak-ig great preparations for the entertainmentthe pnbiio on the Fourth, and for a good

rnBr.orwfteBbnieitti o/aoyklod Until beandjnittbe plaoeto go. Parties who areneed of flreworka, ancraoksn, torpados,RS, fine frnlti, eonfeettaDorj, and all otherlinga neceBairy for the day will Qnd that[is. Trewartha has a moBt abundant aod'ell iftleotod tnpply, md is able t o nell (hem j

low ss tbe lowest. ,

The Hot Season.TbtB Is thinly weather and men saaroh forimmor beToragei tbat will unit their taste,la a nofaceablo fact that all dealers who gel

ielr supplies or lagers, BOUIS, mineral watan,c, from Alex. Kancme'iJ«KeeataWfibinealDover bave the run of tbe trade. The rea-

ls tliat bo deiU only tn the beat, and every-Ing &• soils is rare to meet the pnblfo tuto.

. Bust, Buc«.WberfldtdyoagetyonrParis GreenOfaar.

iy"atTonsbtA-SiltgorelB. "DidIt kill tha- •' Yes, it aid 1" "I wish Td bought mine

there. I will gat some of tbeir'aat onoa. Imow they arereliablD drngglits?"

Flavoring Eitractt,Pnro Extract Vanilla and Lemon at the

Brick PmgSlore-W, H. Ooodalo,

right,* DlieasB of the Kldneyt, Diabetes,No danger from tfccio dlaeasea If yoa w

top Sitters; bc-Bldci, being tha oest familyoodloino ovor made,. Trait no other.

- * H

Parents who allow their children to grow uprithtcrofulonsbomora bnrmlng from evarylore aro guilty ot« grsst wrnag, Tblo^ of

Utem polntjdoot asbraniled with a loathsomedluuc, and JOB will readUy proonre them thiOutlauraitemedlH, • -


E. Lindsley & Son's.PRICES I I I 1 1 .


OompleteindnlUbleBtookofJeffalryandOhBluioralldasorlptloii. TUoriQlioBtftssortaiflutot

Novelties and Staple Goods, inoluding Eogera' Spoons, Forks andKnives, anBorpofiBed in quality, Btylo and finish. Bole agont for thecelebrated ROCKFORD •WATCHES. Also WaUlram, Elgin andSpringfield Watches, of all grades. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. AsI Day in lame quantities and cot the lowest possible cash prices, I cancompete vim any house in this section of the State. Mjrspooial BU-Miroion is given to fine watch repairing. CLOCKS and JEWELBTcleaned and repaired in the best manner.


Sanford's Radical Cure.A sitigio (1QH8 iuBtinth riilinves tbo moetolont Hueoalng ur Ucad Colda, ck>ara thi.'ftd as by magic, etopa water)' diactiarKCi

ron. tlio noao and eyoa, preventn riugiut;IOIBOI in the head, cures NcrrouH lioailnclie^(l BUMHPS OhiHn and Foror.Ono bottle Kitdioal Cure, oao bat CnUrruaJlvoot iDd 8ai>fard's Inhaler, all in onu pack

.ge, of all drugging for U. Ask for BAN*OED'I*--"'*!. Hnuil, WKtKH A PlltTEH, ItOgtOO.

IOC times more cfTuclualUian acy otbr.r pltstor oroluctrio Littery tor ptin•ml weakneBB of tlie luiic*liver,WdiJB^B.and uricrgann, partial parnlyjheutnatiBm, neuralgia,byiterla, femalo woakncsB,

Toaa p*ias and weak-_._jseB, malaria and ferer

Hfittti. Solile^tywlisrs,


School houses furnishedsom»lete with DESKS,'ABLES, CHAIRS, GLOBES,10CKS, BLACK-BOARDS,

BOOKS, BELLS and every-thing required in a school.

1 hare taken the agencyor the G0SHEN SCHOOL

KS, and am now pre-pared to furnish schoolsltroughont. Also seats for

Lecture Rooms, &c. Alsoiigcnt for the " American"School Furniture. Pricesmd terms given on appli-cation to





No. 3, Brick Block,DOVER. N J .

IComi Coralj-—Sorrogais'i Sfiea.JUNE 90th, 1883.

tbe matter of Joifah Meeker, Adralnlatra.lor of Aaron Q Byram d & o u d Bgate'i orderOa apptietttao ot tho abate aam>.

Titorii ii ordered by the BnrroRite that thelaid administrator irlve pnbiio notice to tbeirtditors of tbe estate of laid deudent to bringi their dabts, demands and claims aninit the ILme.nnderoath.witblnainemDDthBfrom tailkts.V BBtUnu up a oopT ot thli order, witbln

. jrsntydiyi faenalter, In five of tbe mo*t pub-lioptaots In th« oonnty of Morris for two1

- inthi , and also within the said twenty daysftdmtlBingthBiams In the"Iaox But'»

SBfSh r t t t t notice to be n i

d i l b H i )^-Jlmw!ibinthi"tild[jerio<ditbs,pabiicnot(oe hehg g i n s ai"*- creditor shall ha forever fle-

tha ufcatN.












S. xi.the DOVER HARDWARE DEALER enters the Sum-

mer trade witli a complete stock of fteaHon goods.

Wheel and Revolvlnj? Hay Rakes, MowingMachine Sections, Cultivators, Scythes, Snaths,Window Screen Wire Cloth, Hammocks, IceCream Freezers, Grass Hoots, Boat Oars,Mechanics' Tools, Iron and Steel.

Iu face pverythiug found in a firttt-claae hardware

establishment at lowest market prices.






NEXT TO THE POST-OFFICE, DOVER,s prepared to meet it. He lias n large and elegant line of all[iad» of Summer fabrics, suitable lor Mm, Jloys and Oliildren,ias a first-class corps of workmen, anil is making aud Belling•LOTH1\G at prices which suit every customer. It will alsuie worth your while to see his new SdMMKR STOCKS iu




PJLItLOB WATER WHITE 130° [ PB1UB WB1TE KEttOSENE 112".H - MACHINBUY OLLS.-We toko ploaaare in introdDoinK to tbu triulQ our variotu gradm

.' URObfnory fced otber He»yy Oils. TheM goods Kra mtnnutilurod by ns st our works, ooa-?quontlT «e giro thsm tbe bennflt or oar parBoosl supervision, tad gnArftutoe thsm to glvsorteot BktlibMjtiaQ, botb In quslitr knd pn&s, or no sale.

So. 1 Engine,No. 1 Haobinerr Oil,Sbitting Lubrit

:tra Engine Oil, I'allov Engine Oil,Jark Eupne Oil, Spena Maohinery Oil,3ark JjttbricatiDK Oils, Bailroad Labrioator, Shafting Lubricator,7eBtVirninia OU, •'Crown" Wood Oil, Steam Bonoed OvlinaorOil.

• - asSpinaieOil, No.lSpindla Oil, Brick Preened C11 'V?. B, Whale Oil,No. 1 Laid Oil,Dark Oaz OU,Extra FaokW OU,Boiling Mill Grease,Axle Grease,

s» Spina Oi•. B. Sperm Oil,o. 1 NeuUtoot Oil,-. Pore Salad Oil,

'iinten'OU,[perm Signal Oil,„ , Alleffieaie,

L. BmUinhi Oil, 150° Ouollna, W>,li 88 ~ "

Primo Nsatatoot OU,W. Strained Primo Lan] Oil,W. White Oottou Seed Oil,W. tdlow Option Seed Oil," OrOvra" Ligllt Comconnii"Piu»aJo"DarktB. Beadligbt Oil, 1

1*8011110,880", GaBoiioei 86"] R. HeetkUght Oil', 160°,'Deodorised Naptlos, *\l Gravities.

TKBhB. Agoafs lor HOMH UQHT OIL. ill car Ollfl (iriotlypure. MoKlBaAM k Co., Wmar WOT OF Tman ATE., NEWAIK, N. J.

Rupturenanhui is , Ismsn,>ndolhen Aah»s bmn coma. Tns so UM B o h S T n i t u S t u S,, brim on m»nla P «•« "Wrara.toooerorI.Ur

idsOBitldotJrs.,iHkhlaKthflvoanitolil.nd^ "ITI fbr aoQialUtiaa t u b week i n UoDdmsujm Bt., VfofiPBsdftjrs, TbDrsdsji .ad S- Bt., ekta 1111 Surlimber.

rius on organfa dised and tbe old aseleisDdki T n d

THE BEST PUCEprocure a good female ser-

rantfsr any capacity Is at theTANT8' DfSTlTCTE,

oar 30th St., 507 6th Av«,,New York. A number of 6«r-nan and Protestant girls con-itantly on hani),


SEED B TTOKWHEATfor sate at the bardnre and seed store ot



Notes of the Tragedy.It IK reported that some of tbe young men

if, o wens IioardorH in tlie family of Mr.t'liir^wiu, nud wbu kinw of bin morose andjealous ait.jiQfiilioii, win- iu llm babit ofttuaiug 'IVnijlowu uliotu llm .tttculioii* ofotln-iB lo Miuiiic- However tlii* may In. itUwiid Iiy all win kiltnv miviliiiig ol tlietiircnuiKLmicim tbat Minuio wan in no aainea roqneUe, and alwttyn I r en tod him kindly

The luatinmi.y of Mix.W'itiieridgii at tliu im)nM, wLii:U i« tnij>-I»rltid by tho opinion of 'ithots, HUOWH tin..lie possessed Minnie's affwtiotih last Angus 1mid tlmt «be was tlion williug la marry liiHut bin jealous disposition, aud hareb treat-ment of the gir! whenever nuy one olallowed bpr tbe Btigbteat alien i ion. fieenishave alienated thi' n'lfl'n lovo and inulead OTWII to grow within iicr a fediugnVersiou wlticb bscniuft HO strong that Hcimld not endure bis company and BOUJJto ftToid his attfltitiiiiit., wbile strivingBIIOW bim iu a kindly w«y tbat they ycdiHtiwteful to ber. When lie found thaihad lost ber liis fnry became so great thatgradually brought him to tho well-defiudetermination that no ono else should poiness her and lad him to the awful crfauTlio trial may develop other theories, butpresent this Hoeim about tlie only vie1

which can ba token of tbe ease,

Two iiingular circumstance., of the(affair are the facta that Treglown and Miliiie'ti brother, Samuel, were working toRethiAt< partners In the Sit. Pleasant miln brother of Treglown nnd another brotbiof Mitiuitj'd aro lubimbgners in a niino ot Couttal City, ColoradiUpon which of them thu IIOWH of t i e(.flair fell the hardest it would bo difficul

Too much credit cannot be given Mr, EdB. Hance for his efforts to trace the muidirer. Starting for New York on Wediday he devoted his wholo time and euerftill Saturday morning iu Mending out descritionji, engaging detuoliveo uud in otherwiupromoting (he work. On Saturday niorninihe issued a call for tho people to meetHnuce's Hall at hnlf-paat ono o'clock •Sunday afternoon to orgatrizo a thorouglsearch iu the woods, but soon after doinglennied of Treglown'a arroat.

Coroner Drake and l'ronccutor Forsytaldo labored bard in tbis directionin bringing out the evidence fur tho inquoatTim Prosecutor bad alsotikeii thu neceswr;Hlcpa to induoo tbe Governor to itwne hiproclamation offering a reward for the aprbhemion of tbe criminal.

Treglowu'a trial ennuot tako place unthe October term oF Court, and an the Iriof Mm. Shidecker, for tbe murder of hehutiWud, in But down for that time, theOctober term will have cuiisifltrnble interestfor tho people of Randolph township, Thicircuuialauuo of there beiag two uiurderenin jail from one township hria never befoioccurred in tbe history of tha county.

We have boon pained to hear peraocintimate that the deceased girl had coqiwith Tieglom and thcu henrtlusaly jilteihim, making ber ID soine moaxure for tbe crime. This is not only meaiaud cowardly, but it Is UUJUHI to tbe poogirl, of whom everybody speaks 08 noble-hearled and kind even tu her lover after hehad by his conduct aliecuted her affections.At present there in no evidence whatevthat will jnalifv tbe intimation, ond whiwe do net wish to fifty anything that wprejudice the public against her slayer, <to prevent him from bnving ft fair trinstill we do Bay tbat no honorable wan vilimpute wrong motives to this dead gituntil there JB at least some fart offered thipnblio on which to baso them. We hav<had as good an opportunity aa any to jjeiat tha inside faoto of tbe case, and fromthat we can learn thua far we believewas aa jnro in thought and as guiltless iideed as auy girl in this or any otlierinanity.

It Is reported tbat Treglown baa expresseda, fonra to have Henry C. Pituoy and Oao.T, Werta as counsel.

The statement going the rounds of theprecis that the crowd the depothut Saturday evening would have lynchedTreglown is absurdly untrue. Itposed of a lot of people actuated only b;curiosity to see the prisoner.

The pistol found on Treglown'e pernmwas lusted, cither by perspiration or fromhaving beau in tha water.

The Sudsei Register says of tho affair ed-itorially : "The neighboring county of Mor-ris has acquired n reputation of allowing itmurderers to escape with light punishment.There is a demand now that the law breaker.;must understand that hanging Is not playedout, and Mrs, Shldeckor and Treglown arenot likely to secure much sympathy. In faolpeople have become BO charitable and sentlmental that they have no proper honor ofcrime. They sympathize with the criminate,and women make heroes aud martyrs of thamno matter how atrocious their acta. Somuch respect has been paid to lav, thatarlminala feel rare they ecu find an easycape, through the teohnicnlilieaanaquibbleewhioh almost any lawyer con easily raise intheir defense. ' Criminals ire becoming moreeipensive by reason of the delays which thelavs make possible, and the large licenseand mnwkisb sentiment displayed by some,are a strong argument iu favor of JudgeLynoVfl methods by thnge who (eel thatswift puniahmeiit should follow every criminal, if others Are to be deterred from imitat-ing their example.1

The Suissei Herald says of a visit to theprisoner t i e morning after bis nrreet: Wefound him lying on some bedding on (hicell floor. lie was very low spirited, andfirst made no reply to our questions. W<then informed him that we had a picture olMinnie Obirgwfn and himself, printed in thDover EKA, and asked him if ha would likto we i t He said; " Hare you the pictureswith you." On being told that we had, hesaid : " Yen I would ilke to see them/' oatinstantly arose from his bed. He gave onglance at the picture of Minnie, threw thepaper down on the cell floor, dropped downon the bedding, and completely broke down,weeping like a child for some time. We&es(td him if it wauagoodplctureof Minnie,and be said : " Oh yeB, poor girl.1

On Sunday last, after Treglown had beenlodged in the MorriBtown jail, It was dis-covered that he hid a wound in his bend,made by a ball just t ie siza of those used inthe little revolver he carded. He said b<-was shot at while fleeing along the canal, butbe foot undoubtedly Is that he shot himself.The ball entered behind his ear and traversingthe side of tha ht»d near the Hurface lodgedin the cheek under the eye, from where i twai eitracted by Dr. Douglas*, the jailphysiciaD. The wound nude is not at allseriana and baa not mode him much trouble.




Hi- it emu >t>! <u<l orJiitK J by (lioHfiltb of thu Tc»n of Dov.-r, Tlistit bli»ll IK- •!>• d l t id B d t

other mu.ifl . BWfB. vnpurt*

o . r , TlisB»srd ot

g utde iUV ouinauee, loti


8TJMUBIf Auiuiunduic JJUKUAl, JUNE JOth, 1683.

In the Jail he continues to weep a greatdeal, aud fcii regrets are unceasing.

Mystery etplained : Qua Do Smith calledntavery iaiibioaablo bonsa on AuBtin. aie-cne a few days ago, and acted so qneerlythat when that lady's hujband cams homeahesaid: "What is the natter with youngSe Smith ? Re acted BO strangely. I thinkthere mustbe a screw loose about him some-where." "Beckon nol I saw. him Mamorning, and be was tight all orer."

A tobacco hater sayR, "Two cigars a diywill supply a family with four." Fogg Baysbe buys a dozen cigars some days, bat hedoetn't find it any easier totnpply tbe familywith flour for all thai He thinks there n~-'be a mistake somewhere^

" Women ate so contrary," said BlobbB."Ithought wh'jn I got married mj wife

ld nara my Bocks and let me alone ; in-of that bhe lets my socks aiona and

dama me."

"5bmma,"Bald a bright six-year old boy,••amlinadenf dust?" "Yes, my ohild."••WeU, then," penitted the littla fellow," what road did I pome off of f"

A little girl was promised by her gnJother her gold watch wbea she ibould die.The child ipjjredated the delicacy of thesituation, bat after noine liinli hbr grand-mother waa pravailed upon lo nlow her tie}watch. " I wonder," said lha little one loher mother, aa they were leaving tho gnnd-

HVH house, *' if I shall get the watch in!- j io r l ta t the racer*!."

__ privy, nick, c"in-1pool, y% |<oa, Bisuehior bouteu, market plaoe, jlot, ODIIW, ytrd or bulldiug fuupnfed to be" ' 1 lit lioullh oi lliblti la produco

„._, JIilu tlii> u.>r]>urat« limits nf thoTown ol Dovur, tu prm-imd iurthnith tu In'ticito tlie Htuie 'ir cimie the eimn to tioinvatttkilcd bv tl-tt Executive Ofituuiitlce oI \w Httid Ruttrtl. and if HUOD aucb invemlnationthey tiud any vt tlie above iiauai-8 or placeB tofamttdieenBD or Ji»bl« tu pruduoc diHu&RO to.loclarc tho name to lw • nuluuuj md it «lia!be tha duty at Raid Board io notify the uwneior uwuerit, or prupriutiirn, lemob orIcsHueti, occupints, ti'iiantit or other person atuonuuM liuviiif,' clurL'D ur control ufmiid prom-IHIIB, hi rutiiiivu ur abate tlie saint; at hi*, lierurtbeir oxptiino witliin Uirue dayi sflur ser-vice of saelt imticc, and n\iou nygloot, failuruorrefiisil »o to do tu empower and antborixetlie Marnbal or tho Town of Dover inimedi-ately to remuvu or ab>te tbo aame. and su;purnon or |>Briuns BU oBundinK cliall be liabLtoi. penalty of twenty dollam anil coats Forcaoh and overy offent-e.

BKC. 2.13i> it furlliiTWiaotcd aud ordaiood byli • Suard nf Henlili ,if the lWt i of Duvor,

Tlmt iieroufttr no piiraoii Khali offur fur saltwithin tbe limits of Dio ssid town, any meat,llsli, tow], vogeUbti) ur milk, not then beingbealtby, fn?ub, uomid, whaluiiaine and safe forhunim fouil, nor BDV meat ur mtiat of llsli tbatdied l>v dineaio or accident, nor auy calf or themelt thareof wbioh at tlie dite of flu beingkillbd was loss than four woe Lit aid, or to Offerfor sale onv sickly or umvtiolosome fiah orfowl; snd any person io ofTonuiiifr Khali beliable to a pesalty or Aft/ dollars for each and'very otTonce.&2.C..S, And toil liirtbcienacted and ordainod

Tbat tivery bLlehur ami uvury person ownitij,',t iiHiijif ^1' [)ccupylaiu any uluuu. jraiuni ur builila

ing witliin tho limit8 of tbo uuld Town oiDuvor >vliero any cittlo or fowl may bu ur erebilled cr droBAoil, HULVU CSUHO inch place, roouur building ami thtir yards and sppiirtei.ilnceito be Ibornutflily clcaaaed And purified, and uloft*}, bluad, lit, garliugo, refuse aud HIIWIKIIU-

mattor tn 1)0 tliortifrooi reinuitul nt IUHBIn ovnry twenty-four hours after tho UBI

thereof for the purposon liercin ruferruil toami any ptirson no offeiiiliiig shall bu liable toa penalty of ten dollar* fur each and aver)offawo.

.. •. i, B« it further GiiacUcl mid ordaliiu'lTlmt ewry prujirietor. lotyoo, Unnat aud ou-

patitofaiiv oyslLT house, saloou or otherunifies wit bin the limits or the snd Town ol

__ jvor, vhnre any oysters, claim or any shot.orotliornsli ere con Binned or dolil, or whereinyof tlie refuse mitttor,oftal ur sbellx tboruof

Bcoumalate, Hhall daily oauiio all BDOII." '. ..ud reiitrc matter to bo r*movei

from tu BO mo proper place, and a bull koop bi

f. ai . B*IOOI

uro proper plan and promih Hlinhealtby smiHl and a

ace, and ahull koop bitises at all Union free

i l t i dll Union freeulation; sud

lible l- / pen on no offendinK shall be liablelOiiRtty ol'teu dollars fur uaeli «nd ovory oEeueo

SEC. 5, And be it lurtiicr ordained aud onacted, That ou md aflur tlio pftBsisn of thisoritinanoo no porsun or pcrsunH ttiall keep,urtct or tueintaiu auy IIOIIHB, oreot len or utriio-turn n-ithlu tlio cor|ioratu limlta of tbo Townof Dover, tu he used for ' ' ' -

limits of tbo Townr tlio purpoao of a

e for tbo killing andla lur taark t r II

skimming'nlmnl ur

of uniiimln ur fntvla lur taarkut orepnipofe ol boiling any offal, IKvo In ordirnirj aoaklug, nor aliall thuof bone cnialiinR, buno bolUnff, bom

Jat boiling, gut claaninK, nor tli

hi ur parts thorotif, nor i; glue from any dead

_ BBtabllsbed or carried _rtto Ilmita of tho Town or


tiou Ibat is d&iigoibeillb balioreaftewilbiu tho cor

in writ log hy thoBoard of Hualth of tlie' Tuwiuf Dorcr, undnr a peiulty of flrty dollars sac>oets ot suit for etch aui otory violation of:biH ordinance,

HEC. 0. Bu U further nrdalned a<;d onaoteii,Tlmt no person witliin tho Hunts of tbo To<mof Dover owning nr Docupyiiiff auy promiiCHfvllliiu said corporate limits shall allow anyprivy, cesspool, ranlt, sink, water closet, els-eru, stable or market itand thoroou, nor any-

thlnir io any room, eicavftlion, vat. tank,building, sttvble, ebod, out-house, pift pen,-nctoBUrc, promises or placu to beaome alulsaucooi OUCDBIVO, nor allow toaooamulntejr deposit ia froui or rear or any tnlldtng orstruuluro or idjiccnt thereto any nubBUnut~r mfttttr wliicli is ur may become a nuUanotrotTeuflirc m an t-o bu danfturous or prejti-

<li<nal to lire or hti l t l i ; and any person sooffending shall bo liable to a penally of fiftydollars for each mil 8Tory ofleaoo.

Sec. 7. Bo it furtiior wdttoed snd enacted,That no pcraon eliall discharge, draw orT or»llow toflow npon or Into any Rronnd, iilateor p tree I in the Tonn of Dorer the itontoiita oranj vault, privy. censpool or sink, mr pornutIhe contciita tliorofrom or any part thoreofto

themfrout or lo rise within two feat ofpart of the top or permit such contents to

become offensive, oar shall *uy privy or othererection in thin section mentioned, bo filledwith or oorored with dirt or earth until (laflltliyeoniontiebali be emptied ntider a pen-ally'of fifty dollars anil cogtH for eich midtvery violation of this onllnaDco. '

BKC. a Aud bo it farther ordained mid en-acted, Tliai wbcnoier any owner, lossoc, ten-ant or occupant of any premises within tbecorporate limits of tho Town of Dnrer, BIIIDbe notified In writing that anynecesMry IIOUPOsink, atible, store honae or privy shall booffensive or detrimental to tho health of par-sons wiihlu tho neighborhood of tho asms, he."ie or they shall within ttreoty-fonr lours'tor tbe service of said notice in nrltf na fromiid Board of Health of thn Town of Dover

Uisinreot the asld etrnotureir said ootlcethallno rcqalro or ibato tbe earna within the timeepocifiod In the first section of this code ofordinances under a penalty of ten dollar" andcosts for each aud every violation of this or-linance.

SEC. 9. Be it further onactod and ordained,That It Bhall bo tbe dull of Iho President ofthe Board of Heallb or tbo Town of Dovor,iranud iately upon report being mnde to himtli at any person is Hick of small-pox ur anyutbor inactions or neetilontlal dleetae withinthe limiti of said town, wlifah m»y be publiclyileclarml by the Buard or Health t'o bo danger-m* to the public health, to maintain and en-lorco a proper anu suRiclent qnatantlne toprevent tbo spread of saeb danfcerons eplctemlo)r contacIons nlteate. and tn *ffli to tbe frontmrt or tlie house In which Boob ilok personnay rcmia a slffD,upon whtch Hballbepaintedi largo letter! tbegu rrotds, "Small-pot," or

snoh other diieua aa tbo oaio miv -be, andupon tbe reoovery, or in oaao ol the tiuath otany person who may have boon »lck or auycoDtsKloim or pestilential (.liense, bu shallImmedtatoly nuso tliu hoaae or apartmen'swith tlioolothlns and beddinicof such porsotiBto bo thoronghly fumigated and cleansed; aodIf, in the opinion of tbe Board of Health It inDeoeBiary for the pnblio health that BoohjlothinR or bending or any part thereof ehonh>e destroyed, lie shall cansc It to be destrovedind report tbe sane to Bald Board with ansntlmito of t ie value of the property so de-itroyed, and ihatl within twenty-four boursafter fnmlgation aud cleansing of tlio premisesocoQpiod as aforesaid, ctore to be remove,from tbd bonso tbe nicn indicating (he natur<of tho dUcaiie of vrhtou <tach person wag any neraon other than tho ono authorised>y tbe Frosfdoat of tbo Board of Hualtn urictlpg under too orders of laid Board who•hall rtmovo front any houxe tue BIRO placedtbereoD indicating tho eilst«noe in each honse

lall-poi or other iufeotioaa or poatlloatiil

tte, or an; ponon rernsiog to comply inmy or tho above particulars, shall be hat '

At ' i4« A. M. '.liHbloii Uttil Traiit),con'iifcUnt; «HII ilit ilouuiuii Kraucb at Dtnviilfk,x Buuotoii i thu Oliuiter branch at Duvtif foiDiiccasUiiua and Cbtiit^r \ the UUASBX H *'ul WsUi luu, fur Auilorer, Newton andUoaB;lliel).,L.cV W. l i . It. at W n t . . . .fur Mjaumiku uuuuk, Water (ia.ii, BuumUliurg,dcraatuii, Qrcat Btrnd. Uiuguamton, Utitm,Jlitibtiuld siiriiiHK, Homer. Cortland.ByrmouAo,OBWL'UU aud puiuts ou tbo Lkohavauua andUluumiburK and J^ulaware and HudiouBaUroad«; aim at Ptiilipgburu with Latlgh T*l-luy itailruad and Lanigh aud rJuwuehftiiua B,[t. fur Uutbiuhoin MauobCbniik>H^adinffan

At *>M A. II. Oawofto Express (DnwlnKuuui OarB utaohoLi) from New York via. I Vuritou and lluuutou, run* through to WateiOau, Btroudalurg, ijurauluu, Qruat Uuntl,lliuchiuitou, Lisle. Marathon, Oortlaud,Uotuor,Syraouuu and Oswcgo; conuootiufiitDuvor with Chester B. B., a t Waterloo withriuastji It. B. for Andover, newtoa and all sta-tions ; at Delaware with BlaJrslowu By.,ii By., at

iu, with Dloonisburg Division for Pitti-ton, iilngHtOD, Wilieaburre, Danville, North-uniberlarjiJ, &a., at Binghainton with UtioaUivisiou fur (Iruene, florwioh, Utloa, andUlchllold Hpringn. rasaeager* taking thistram (rum New Turk, Faterson and Bountoncan couneot at Wwhiiigton witn train forPbUUpsburg, Kaston, Butblobcin, Uleulown,HarrisburKand points on tlie Lehlgh Valley,and Luhigh and Suaqaelianaft Ra.ltoatli • atPliillijislmrg with Bolvidero Division of Fa. B.B, forUnibortvllle, Trenton and Pblladelpliia,

At 10,10 A. M. Dovtir Aooommod»tion.

At lira P. K. Il'gliaiiUon EiproM, Dnwlns ltooiCirt »ttaotied rum through tu Watei Oip, Btnradburg.Boruitoii.BingLimtoD, Bfr*oaietodOiwe«oonnMtlnti al Scrmotou with l u k . k BtoomiboiL, It. bt Wttstoi,. Wyoming, Klntiton and WllkM-fiure. PiMBOgen uklng tbU tiiin from NewYork, Htrnaa and Qaontoo un couuecttt W»ih-

lioavfi New York "at 3.30 p , u (Easton Ex-preanOcumioctiutf at Waturloo fur AndoveiHtirtoUanil Brauohvillo aud at Pliiiliyeburwilb Luhigli Vuliev ltaJlruad aud Lehlgh auyitHiiuohaLiiH R, It. for Uutbleliem, Allen town,Ik-adniR anil Harrisburgi Ahiu with Bel. Dul,

4 i W P . l l . Water " a p Hiteolal, counecti alDover with train for Buccanuunaand Otiesterat Waterloo with Sussex It II. for AndovoNiwitiii auu Br&uuhvillo. Tafeo tUis train foiLaio llopatoanu. Build's lake, 3ohouley*iMoiiDlnin and Water Qap. Btupa stDjakeivillo to 1ft uff [lasioiiKcrB from New York.

4iB0 f, i l Dovor EiprcHB for Uumuil(Bermrdsville," " 1J - - ' -••—•-•--Pasaaio ami [

EipreHB for Uuni, BasbluKrlngu anJ allpointso

Passaio and Delaware Bailroad.) Chatham,Madison, Mnrrlstown, Uorna Plains, DenvIUe,Bookaway and Dovor.

At BiMu p. M . (Haokettstown Bxpress)stop-ing nt Uilbnrn, Bummit, Chatham, Madison,orrutou-u a d ll t t i n s w t to Hacketti)

Bookawsy and Dovor.Atorao

ping at MI _, , ,Morrutou-n anil alt stations west to H&cketU).towu,i!OiibG[!tiug at Waterloo with ttaln foiAudover and Newton.

At 1:00 p, U. Oawugo Expross froiYurk(nlaopiugcarsat.auheil) via. FateBuuiitun through to Water dap, Btroudsbuig.Huranton. DinpTiimtou, Lisle, Marathon, Oort-Und, lloinor, aytacuse and OHWORO, oonneotat Watortuu with BuBuex Railroad for AndoTOrnnd Niiwtoi]; at Delaware with Blaintownlty,At BiiiRlmmlou with train for Greene, Oiford,Norwicli, Utica, &?., TMB train ram through




I . M. Dovur A m m, Morriatown and Dover

dill Bktham, Morriatown and Dover,

or tiertiardsville, BagkiDKndgo, Lyons,iUBton.Btirlmg, Gillette, Berkeley Hdghl

snd all stations ou Passalc and Delaware B.II. (N.J. W,-*t Lino Bailroad) 0:10 A. M.and

DOVER TIME TABLE,Traina arrivo aud depart from tliiB station

UST 110UND A, U. WEST B0UKBFbilllpsburg Bpeo. i:85Oawego Eiprois* 5.UBDover Express 7:00HaekettB.ownEip. 7:112Water Qap Special 8:21Non Yorb Esp. 8:12Dovor Aocoin, 11:10

P.M.B'Khatntou Bxp.* 1:57New York Mail 2:44" )r Accoin. 5:45— JRO Express* 6:32Heir York Aocrm. 8:27

'Via. Boonton Branch.

P.M.Dover Accom. 12:11Easton Express 2:0B'ghanitnuEip.* 3:37Eanton Express 5:STWater GtpBpec'l 5:4Dover EiprcBs 6:17H'kottBtownExp.7:22Oawego Exp/ 8:34




A.M. P-M7.S6 ' "7.12777.»77.637.556.D38.10


Stationery,•/ Confectionery,




ETO,, 0 0 TO


1T-8DI DOVEH, I . j ,



\wy muy of tho above' particulars, shall be liable topenalty of twenty dollars for cash and oven

iffonce.See. 10. Be it farther cnaated and ordained

That hiwifter the Board of Health or tlioTown at Dover shall have the right to declareloy epidemic or oauiio of ill health te danger-

Borh»B*rdooB aa to n»k» It noceiurr lojeeanyor alt of the private aabools within

the limits of skid town, and toeeihar vdth thoconcurrence of tbe School Trustees of saidtown to clmo all pnblio sohoclt therein, andmay on account of the prevalence of any oou-tagioua dlaeaie, or tu prevent the spreadthereof, prohibit th* attendance of aav (eacbaror Bchotai upon anj richool thereto, tod n i ;specif; the line daring which sncht«aeb«r orscholar shall remain away from snch school,and m.y prohibit tlie attendance of any «a-va«aiiul€d ohild. who baa nofhadtfae small|lox, and thall also baVe' power with the con-earreue* of Mid tchool tnnletn to decide howar re-vaectnatlnn ihall bo required In saidtown if a case or casea ol amall-pox ihall exutIn said town; and any person ofondlnir affiinttany of tbeae parUcnlan ahall be liable to apenalty at twenly dollan for skob and over/

__.. 11. Be it further enacted and onlainri,Tbat tbe provisions of this coda of ordinanoiBhall apply to the Town of Dover, and everypart thereof and thn peniltv for violating anyof tlie provision* ol thli "ads of ordlnanooiahall us for each offence tho amount specified

iho sad of t;aab section respectively, ta bocoveroil with coita npon oatn or aturmation

mmdo aecordini? to law at a suit In tbo nametlie Board ofHaallh or the Town of Dover,

jfore the Major, Recorder or any Polloe Jai -ioe of aaid town or bpforo any Juatice of tbe'eaoe resfdinc within tbe corporate limits ofild Town of Dorer, and the trial thereof

shslt bs conducted in the same way sod raainertiR causes are tried In tho uoott for trtrial of imal. c*u*en, except tbat all proonsat.leaned shsll becitber In the nature of a sntn-mom or warrant acainst tho part; BO ohar^td,aud shall when in the nature of a warrant bareturnable) forlhwltb, and when byiommomiliall bs returnable in not leas than ono ormore than ten entire days; and If judgmentbe rendered Tor tha plain tiff and arsinit xheefcudant. he iball C»BH execution to laine

Tortliwith against tlio goods and chattel* andbe person of tbe defendant, and if ha refuse

ar neglect to pay Mid judgment and oontiIncident therein, anlesi an appeal la granted,

ahall be the dot; of anab lattice lo committhe defendant to iho county Jail for »DJT periodot eicoeding ninety urn , •ccotdinir to the

irorinions of aa act entitled "A inpnlesient toin act entitled an act concerning the protec-tion of the pnblio health and the record ofriu: fief, and slatiatici relitiTe thereto "^proved Uaroh eleventh, one thousand eightand red tud eighty, taldiupplemcnt approved[arch thirty-Ural, one thoDsaudeightbaou'rcd

• • • • • o. aignea.

T. B, OBnTENDEN,President Board or Health.

: WH. H. LittBUT,Bccordor ol ViUI Blatlitlos.

IBA C. COOPERflASON AND BUILDERI3ontraeli Ukea anil mattritU limliliid for

B U I L D I N G S , B H I D U E S .

1 ail kiQdf of irork, wba'ther or BR10K or- : . - ' • B T O K E . • . . •

IjQoa on atorrla itiaat. next to former IBOMB u bmldlo«, Sorsr, S. I. M-U

Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.OPPOSITE THE LUMBER YABD.

A fint'oUsi homo-Hhoer, or IOUR okporiencefrom tho city of Now Yurk io contuat attaod-soue. BUOOIUR dono in tilt moat tpprorct)URDner. Farlicnlar attrntlon paid Io limo•od interfering horsei, and perfect satiifao-tion KQarantoed in OTOry roipeot, lS-lv

Whence Comes the UnboundedPopularity of


P L A S T E R S ?Became they bare proved them•eirea the Beit External Remedyever invented. Ther will cureaathmii,coldB,cousliB,ueuraIgia,lheumatUniand any local pain.

Applied to the amall or theback they are inCallible'in backache, nervous debility, and allkidney troublei; to the pit oftlie stomachtheyareaaurecurefor dyapeptla, liver complaint.

AIXCOCK'S POROVS PLAS-TEKS are painlen.fragrant andquick to cure, Beware of Imi-tations that mister and burn.Get ALI.COCK'S. the only Gen-uine Porous Plaster.



DOVER, K. 1.

A O0OD HEAL ma. to obtained at >Dybanr of thB da; at roaaonable pneea.

IN ICE CREAM. INTO the/amoQi ,

HORTON CREAM,BBWemllj reoognlied tn the bent creammade, In »ll l lnon. Alio Oran(,e,L«D.oq andPine Applfl IC£a, an i at ill t im« a ootntiflta

iiortnwntof, - - -

CHOICE CONF£CTION£HVforlheiappl | of Woddlngi,P«rtlei, FMUTBIB,Flo-Niei,eta. I belloTe I cm make Indnoe-tnenta lo tho adraoUge or [ ursba.«ra.

Orwa delirered BDJ daj or the week, 8nn-tlij inelndo*], t t tho teildcDeo of the bttjtt.

IL0WEE MAKING.The inbaoriber Is deilroui of obtaining &

number of pnpila to learn the svrt of making

ARTIFICIAL KLOWEHS,of Wax, Wonted and Hair Imtrnotlon willbe given by tlie boar or term. I will altoattend to the till in a; of oidon for artificiallowwi, and orders aenl from a ulatanca will

be promptly attended to.HUB, WU. BEILEY,

281m p " * "•


Thli wnwdy win au tn barnow wltt th. Tt-mala wilem at aU tima, u i i abo immediatelyS^tiiibdomlnaJ and^teri" mnidw, and r*

i them U> •> bMlthy and •tronf condition.

to a»« Ul-rata ^-^wSff'^rSa

uit. For

i ana au tat Di. Mw-... Taktnootber.

FOB 8A1B BYV O U O H T i t K I L L G O K K ,

24-ly DOTEB, N. J.


BB and deflation ol the

SraalidmKlat*VNeW «l« 9lf«***OMatlse St*uU' "wBnrt •vna aalc lor>. iir.Tin.i'.1 na. Tikaoootber,

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Chancery of Now Jorwy-Batwccn Uahlon

Uinton, complainant, and Oliver H. Piiirsonaud Eliia D. bis wife, John Wesley ShiQk aiMrs. John Wesley BUnk tils wife. Alownd..Craig and Ella bis wire, Hittio M. Van Kirkand Julin H. Tan Kirk bet husband, PbetieLittle and Jonalhaa Littlo her husband,Paul Ltim, Jaliett* ». Messmerand Fritz (1,hor husband,GeorgeW.Horod.Walter P ' •'nud Mis. Walter SUwle his wile, IticBittln and Mrs. Riclisrd Battio his wire,Thorns. Bulzer and Un. Thorn** Bnlier bUwife, ThooiBB Mayo and BHzalwtli hi* wift,Mary II, Boped and Elilrn H. Hopes, Bnrvivins exeouton of Jonathan U. Bopos, dee'dMiry M. Bopf B, James M. Bopes snd BaraliE. bi i wife, Eliliu H. Bonea snd JoBsnUlneT. his wift), Augusta M. fiosalter snd HtealyB. llossitor hor husband, Ciiarleg F.W. Pelt,Ephnlui V. Folt, Jonathan 0 . Hopes, Mar-giret A. Bopen, Myra E. Adam, Harsh M,Covel and Jsiuos B. Covel her bnabaml,Gabriel A. Arnoai, Gbrlitlna F . OllberAdolph Alexander snd Urn. Ailnlph Alcisndorbls w)tb, Obristopber Ril.'.v, John LWalker and Lucy P. IIIH wife, Charles X>.Tuller md Ellen H. tils wile, Jamoe B. Mur-rav, M»rv J. Tallmadgo, Hudflou Uinton,Gordon ti. Wadbwortb, Bamucl H. Hurc1

Btcetvor of the Third Arenae BnvInRx Bnuof New York City; Otcar Llndatev, Fredtiick H, Lum, adniiulBtrstor of Sauiuel 8.TallinailRe.deo'dirhoniaBB.OJttll.aidigncoin bankruptoy of Elijah fl. Tallmadfiii; Ju.Bell, Nmvark Lirau A Commit Oumpno.v,Hiram it. Rlioadcs, Putor Dnreumn, TimFirst Natlocal Bint of HorriBlown, ThnNatiaual Iron Bank of Mormtown, Jaiuo» W.Brimit and Thomas 3. Jobneun, enrvlWiiflpartuon; George £ . Voorhcen, James B.VoorheeiL Jam SB B. Siyre.Jaiof* H. HIULIT,Ira G. Lum, AlexanderII. ShrovcrsmlmltmE. his wife, are debndants. Fi.fs.for salo

" ted premises, lletortiable loBIay

BY virtue or the abore atatcd writ or Hurlfadai in my binds, I .hall expose Tor enlo

at publlo vondtiB, at Ibe tkmrt HOUBO, HI Mur-rlBtoirn,N.J.,(in

HONCAT, the 17th day ef JULY next,A. t), 1883, betwoon tbe houu of 12 M. and So'clock F. M., tbat In to nj, at 2 o'clock In thoafternoon of Bald day, all thiwe oortalu lota orbufldlDg plots flltnate in the lowniblp orChatliara.In the Ootmtj of MOITIB and Btatoof New Jersey, (whlob are deilenated by reter-enoe to t map Iliad in the said Olerk'a offloe,eatltled "M»p or lands of tlie Now York Home-Btut d AaiociatiOQ" at Chatbam, N. J.), In orderfollowing, t in t la to aav:

FiasT-Lot Number Hilrfetn (13) in Blook D.HROOKD-LOU Number* Eighteen (18) Thirty

four(84),Tblrty-flvo (35) and Thlrty-iix (8fl)In Blook t ,

TaiBD-Lotfl NumlMn Eloren (11) andTwelve (IS) in BloukD.

FoDBTH-Lots NnmberB TireWo (12), Tbir-een (IS),Fourteen (U|, Fifteen (15), Sixteen10) and Seventeen (17) in Block E.FirrB-Iiot Nnntber Four la Blook B.BUTH-Lots Numbers Eight (8) and Nine (6)

In Blook 0.SEVENTH-LOIH Numbers HIH.HIU (10) and

Bevcnte«u(17)inBlockF.EIGHTH—Lota Nombers Tmmty-ons (21),

T«ontv-two (22) and Twenty-three (23) iu

NiHTH-Lot Nam ber Twdlve (19) in Blank STjurrn-Lot Nombet Twenty-two (22) in

EIXTKBTH—Lots Natnbere Twenty-three (23;

md Twcnty-loar (24) in Block D.TwtLttB-LotNumbor Thirty (SO) tn Block F.THiHTSiNTH-LotHNnm-wnTwenty-ouo (21)

tlid TncDly-lwo (23) In Block D,FouBTUiraH-Lot Nambflr Nineteen flS) In

Blook F ,FnTUHTH-LotaNnmberiTbirty-Beven (37)

Thlrty-etght (38) and Tbiitj-Dlno (89) in Block

BIXTIUIIH-Lot Nnmbor Twenty (201 inBlook D.

BEVEKTOHTB-LOI Numtor Nino (B) i

EiotrrxEHTH—LoU Nnmbcrn Fifteen (15;Sixteen (13) and 8e»onteen (17) In Blook B.-NiHBTEKNTB-Lot Number Forty (10) Is

BlookF.TwiNTiCTH-LotH NumberB Eighteen (18)

Nineteen '19) and Twenty (20) in Block E.LAaTLT-Iiot Number Thirty-three (33) IE

J)l<wk V.WH.H.HOWULL, Sheriff.

Dated May 8tb, 1RH3. S16 20


mumBlackwell St., Dover, N.J.


Spring Trade.A crest and nucqutiled nlook of now MIL-

LINEItY GOODS, including

Hats and Bonnets,n all tlie newest materials anil aliapee;

and complete lints iu all thi

FANCY ARTICLESio general use Tor the LAST'S TOILET andWQIIK BISKKT. It would be impossibleto enumerate all the leading articles inmy great stock, but an eiperience of 82jean providing for' the tastes of thoBd.ea of Dover and this part of Morris

County, has mnde me competent to knowand anticipate their wants, and has[.von me Buoh facilities for buying that. am enabled to offer goods at the very

lowest prices. I t will give mo pleasureto abov my Spring atock to those whocall, and oil are respectlally invited.


OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,


hM taken tbe shop on Btiiex atrect, l»toljoccupied by Ja i . BevrluR, ou Orat floor of tbebnllding. Jobbing ana repairing promptlyattended to. A leng axperienoa in tbe buii-Dtii, will, I believe, enable me to glreit.UH<Faettoti to ill cuitomert. Oonlnoti Ukon and

U r i l f U h d

IMMENSE STOCK.The largest stock or MIL-

LINERY, FEATHERS, filB-BOSfS, HATS, BOKNETS,&&, this side or New Yorkcan be seen at

Miss Nolan's,pposite Pardce & Clark's,

at astonishing low prices.Call and see her Immensestock.






10 Full Bets Golden Tongue Reads,


More Music for $90 than can be produced on anyother Reed Organ that cost $450, such as

sold by high priced makers.


Block Wnlnut, manufactured HO UR not to tnl.e dirt or dunt. Thoroughly seanoned and kilu-dried, HO that it will utaud tha tent uf auy climate, hauduome

•Huhbud Vnriiish finish and polish ; carved and orimmeuted wilL nrabesque~">ld, fret muBio deak, poetot, handles and lamp stands. It is built to last

Containing 27 STOPS, with endless variety of Stop ComlinatiouB, en-abling the performer to Imitate (by following the simple instrnrtionaBent) a Frenoh Horn, Violin, Piccolo, Baxaphoue, Full Orcliestra, Cello,

Pipe Organ, and many other beautiful effect*. In addition jou have the regular- " jit your command.

Finest Treble Bobber Upright pntlem, three bellows combined,with four Steel bpringe, with Automatic Valve Stop, an ingeniousarrangement for preventing an over supply of air

10 FULL BETH REEDS—Are of tbe Celebrated Goldeu Tongue (pat-ented), the tongues of whioh are secured to the block by dovetailing in-

. atoad of the ordinary rivet, which BOOU breaks or rattlee. Tho Goldetr broaia or wean out, holds its tone perfectly.

Superb, ThrilliDgly Swoet anJ Pure. I challenge oomparison with any infitrument over manufactured at four limon the price. An nrcpu like tbeabove, containing tho same variety of tnuaio would cost through htah-pricod

lanufocturera at leant {450. This Combination of Reed-Board and Stop Worktuiud, in the BEETHOVIH, is patented. No other orgau maker daro build il.

Tbe price nf this Organ, whioh inolndea a Muaic Book, Organ Bunch choicemusic, itc.seourely packed, and delivered ou board oars at Washinston N J

ONLY $90.00 -TRRHS.-The lei e K«l Onali. Bo rait I ai. may bo made bvBink Draft Poit Offloe

Mane; Order, Begfotored Lettur, or EXMOMB prepaid, whrn time ia .vented ItitercBt will boobamed atAparecnt. At IcaslHS In all eaacn mnBt accompauytlio order.

WABHAHTBI».-ThoBEETHOVEN I«warr«ntod Tor auyutrB. Ilia shipped on ono W «trial. If alter a year's trial it is not as represented, return it at my oxpiutu, »ud t willre ram] money witii fntcretit.


DANIEL f, BEATTY, Washington, N. J,


CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RY,j the Creat Control Lino, aflords to travelers, hv roaaon of Us unrlw

Braphloal poslllon, ihe ahortost anil beat route b*twoon tho East, Northeast nndSoutheaat, and the Wai t , North won nnd Southwest.

It la lltsraJlr and atrlatly true, that i t i connect lorn are nil of the principal l l n «of rood betw«n the Atlantta and the Paotflo.

By IU main Una and branches it reaches CtilonRO, Jollot, Peer In, Ottawa,La Salle, O«neieo, Molina and Rook Island, In Illinois, Davenport, Muvoatlne,WaahlilBton, Keokuk, Knoxilllo, Otknloosa, Falrflcld, Des Molnee, West LI bom,lOwaOlty, Atlantic. A*oca, Audubon, Harlan, Outhrla Gontor and Oounjll Blufta,In Iowa | Callutin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in Mlaaourl, and Leaven*worth and Atohiaon In Kanaae, and the hundreds of cities, village* and towns

"GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE,"A . It la Inmlllarlr oallod, ofiora to trn.olara nil tha advantages and eomfortaIneidant to a amootfi track, .are brldsai. Onion Dapota at all oonnectlna point.,Fa . t E a r n Tralna. oomloa.a ot COMMODIOUS, WELL- VEIlTILATtD, WEILHEATBD, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAV COAOHES) a llns of thaMOST MAONiriCINT HORTON nEOLININa OHAU OABS built | PULLMANSl a i x t l a l n M and handasmaat PALACE SLEEPINO OARS, and OININC OARSthataraaoknowlMaadblprnia and poopla to be. t h . FINEST RUN UPON ANYROAD IN T H E O O U M T R Y , and In whwn .ui»rlor m«»ls a r . a. i .ed to t ra . i ler . att h . l o « r a t . o H E V I N T Y - n V B OBITS IIAOH.

THREE TNAIN8 wioh war OHtOAOO nnd the MI8B0UR1 RIVER.TWO TRAMS « 0 > « a , n r a a . i l OHIOAOO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL,

"•"•"""ALBERT LEA ROUTE.BlulTB, a t . Paul, Mlnneapolla and Intermadlate points.

All Through Pa«aeng«rs carried on Fast Expreee rmsredt ta l l r i«MBpaono PolderA,whiohmayboobtninod &•

well • • T k * « « , at all prliMlpal Tlokat Offloai In the United Statee and Canada or of

R. R. CABLE. E. ST. JOHN.VlwPrM't A OMI'I Manascr, Oen-I T'h'f I Pa,.', A«'t





"whuiiiiii tiiKtoiGHS. TliayKlvt) the beat ofgatisr«utinu. Tdoyalio boop in stock

"THENEWEMPIltE"HOT-A111,0.18 AND DA.8E-BOB NINO COOK-ING HTOVE, tlio bunt b'.kiUff Blovo iu tlioworld. Also.n lurtfoaHinrtmout of other Htyla*of (JooklmrHto.-wt,,.unite*. Parlor 8K)TeB,fto.,Tor 8TJMHEU AND WINTER D8E. Alao, nihuice alack or

HARDWARE, CUTLERY,QISEB, WoodoD. Co]!]icr, Plalu aud Japaanod


Oi) Clothe, CarputB, Lamps, Paints and Oilsrputa, Lamps, Paints ami OatliorB, 1'ratt'g Aitra! Oil (lio

Also,bin] Cagi


Hoofing, Plumbing and JobWort promptly attondod to.


PairbRuk's 8calcs at Manufac-turer's prices;

The1.' R]HO liavo nne of [lie above acalea infrunt of lltolr ptano of bliaincpa lor

Old Iron, Coppor, Kn»t, Lead, RHRH andQrcBubacbH taken In nxcliBnge for 1,'Oiiilfl.

nnCES i IIUNNELL.Also, manufiolnrom of BDNNELL'S SELF-


Over 5000


PhysiciansHave Signed or Endorsed the

Following RemarkableDocument:

M6Bars.BeB.bnr7 A Johnson, Majraikotn*-in<r Chemists, SI Tlatt St., Hew York:Gentlemen :~Por tha partfew yeaw wo

have Bold vnrlona brand* of Poroaa Fla*>tan. Phynioliiiu and the Pnblio proOarBemon'aOapoinePorcrnj^^gter to allothei*. Wa oomlder them one ot ths verytew reliable household remadlea worthyof ooofldenoe. They are ssperlor to allotlier Porous Plaaten or tlnlmmito foresteruAl BBe.

r is a BonnFarmaceutioal prodnot, of the fforder of merit, and BO recognised byphysicians and drugfffsti.

When other remedies fail tret a Ison's Caprine Piaster.

You wilt bo disappointed if yon ueecheap Plasters, Liniment*, Pad. orHloo-rilKti t

AMI2B iw




r ilOd JS-Kr.

B GRAIN URILI* wlilLfi-i

luarkrt, o\di Planet Bec.1 _

Harrow, Eagle Whrel Cultlmen' Pavarilu GRAIN URIL - -tlllicr mtavUment, FIELD HOLLER!Snillli'* I'atent Waler Rlevuior*. W. t

JHIWE11B, HBAPEItS ANBIIVDEUS, Tliauim'lardH nnil AiUDrlcan HnyTrdiitn, PAHlanlH H i l A l U l c a i i yGRIST MII.I.,Tay)e>i-ti Ho

ll k l t f a t l' I'oivrm.uiul


PAINTER and"bECORATORU prepirod for thn Hpring Trmlit «itli the

grentcBl stuck c-ver HGUU Iti Dover al

Wall Papers, Borders,

Dados, Ceiling Decorations,and every Iliing in that line, eotiiprfslug I11111-dred of now tnd vloeaut ilcsf^ns, frittn tliocliesptHt lo tliu flostlkiHt, n d titliouoanihortloll l

Ht, nod lulue, A v

gontof thil

t l i u o a l r , Aatook wilt CDlivincii any tlmt I atri tlidosleriu Northern NowJtmy. I lia«i msdu

goineiits wltli tlia niatiufaclurers fur anumber of job lots til pn)wrn. whioh 1

iavo loft over from prcrloiiH yo4rs, in golilnd flat, whiuli 1 citn tiell fur twi-iitj-flfo por

b l the regular p lgaiiGO a HiHt

d flat, wnt, bolnw

nor-hnngcr,l coufulent

I InfortUnt wort excliwivuiy, 1if L'lvlug Iho fulluat rwtialaotluo.Alsoftfiro»timcof

PICTURE FBAMESoj every description, made in any Blzo to onlor.

Oil Paintings and Chromos,

S T A T U A R Y ,

Center Pieces lu> Plasterof Paris, V1, and many otlion, An immons

Stair and Floor Oil ClothsOP NEW PATTERNS; Table Covcra, WindowSlittdos and Fixture?, til or the lutngt andHost iiDDroTDtl designs. Frcricoliig, Qmiuine,nrtPn.ntintT<lonointti(i tiigbfist (t.vlo of tlia,rt. Iliava just received a eolendid line ofanipleeorrtescooB. HIGN8 paintod tuordurn o'ery nljlo and form. Dealinff with thoninufiiEturora direct and parolmnlng oil>,lead and paint by tho ton, I am tbuB onablcilto take oontraolfl at tbo lowest figure*-, whllo 1perform tbo work in the beat manner.

Cor. BUokwdl k Eaaox Bte., Dover, N. J.

Ninety cents per wcokwil

buy a new Organ. Best

goncls9 lowest prices.





Shop on Clinton St., Dover.

[fJr'oM.iyeipiirit'iii'o of 13 yi'iu

.. . . . work, in the guamibility lo pk'iHi! tlio jniljlic.latiofaclion to alt."

Freeman Wood,PIHE



,,TS.3.Legally autliorizoil agout or tho folluwing flrst.

ipaniea—tloboBtin the world:

LONDON nna L I V E R P O O L and

GLOBE, Capitol $20,000,000.


Capital $10,000,000.


Capitol 810,000,000.


Cnpital 86,000,0(10.


Capital 8300,000.

I 'EOPLB'S , Nowark. » 800,000.

UNITED FlEEMEN'a DIStFEAHOE Ooof Philadelphia, Assets $GOO,000.

Tbe London Aasuranoe Corporation o!London, capital ffi, 600,000.

Springfield Fire Innintaoa Oo,, MassMhu-

WeHtoUorter Fire Inmnuioe Oompsay folow York, capital »HM,000.

• ii,000,000

Of- «3,B00,(KX

- - 500,00<

Freeman Wood,ilIolloeHiglitrati

S , yklmta of arKt-clttait

8HBDH uud PEnTILlZEIlH fur fnniigurdrn.






Musical Instruments,

SHERIFF'S SALE!n Ohanciiry orNuw JorBfy-I^hvi-tn Azubii!Di'tniir), cotiiiiiuiniLiil, null Martini A. AlainlJobii N. Allimhcr Imrband, Elihh CIff, Hidiard W. l'Jltcr and Tliumas

dt Vi f l l

Pnl>].Is, I Hliall «tio«,> lor KK1UI tlio Court lluuuf, in llorri

MONDAY, iht, lfllli day or JULY rest,11. 1H82, butwi'On l\w limirs nf VI M. andluck T. M-, tbat u to nay at 2 o'clock in tcrnuon of ssiil Jay, all tUogu traetHrcflB of land and premises, iiordnnftDr puLilarly tlrpcribeil, Bitimln, lyinc (iiul boiitho InwiiRhip of Chatham, in iho Otmiity

Morris and Htate of Kuw JorBBy, bulled sin

THE FiBhT LOT, sitimte in villBgo of Madlmil bring lot Ko. 2 «a nnniberod md mark» map nt tbi

John W. Ham. Atlcn, the nortUweiiteriy"coriier"or"tho"iDTeyod by FrnnciH 8. Lathrop and wira

. ohn w. Hsncook ot»]«,, tnmteeB of tho Moth-oilmt Episcopal Clratoli in JtaaiBou, liy doedditcdJone 1,1800, anil rnanlng tbeuco (1>with (ho line of said lot sold to u i d traiteciuoulheaBlerly firty-ront feet tn the ionthwestorlj corner ot tud lot, l^ing OCB hnndrod aaifoarfcot nix ii.oben OiBt&nt t t right insleifrom tlie sonthcBstwly BilJe of Greoa rimtlicnoo (2) parallel wltk siid BontlmoBter»iie olOreca street, [hlrtr-eii (eol; Ihenco (1

Nn. 2 as numbered > u u ithis deed adjoining lot m-ook, dated JUDQ 1st, 1B0oint in tl H f i d

„ ^ _ . , . „ „ . angleB with tho•a-iiientlooodliiie flftr-«e»en feet elrfuche*<) wilh IIIJ Hoe ncrtlieutcrly thirty feet toiB DIBCO of beglnnlog. contttainff roar hnti'-cuthR of au acre, bo tlio sitne more or leie

- ' " ' ing »t tbe Imterlito Martin Welch bj

(U 8onthwBatefly on » m u S i " S Waobeli front line t*0 feet foor ii "

"!i nia ^> ' i rollDa, two feet {




; — n.- .^t thonortherlineroflhololcpnTfijod to said LathmpW T.

v&ettiin t l i e krie of the lot o'f the «»f tha M. E. Chnroh, ion bet to the....

s^JssiSiiSaffiiBgas;thirteen feet im

thorna (8) at nnlit tnRlet to thelioDed Una ton fwt to Thos.E.Aifience (4) alooit Allen's line thlrteonr lncliea to tbo tesmnlne, loiotbur r ln

S" d " " »'*s< anatmobalmcle.1 innnm andegress to tbe laid AlleD, bia belra and auiEnafomac, to and from tbi lot lutlr aboro d»-

f«rred to .nd al theJotofSoheaVwnorconthi

otrned byF.B.lAthropr«« l« irHth u b J t Krop atd Dcbenli, dated Alinn ( . f t j , i ? "

•u™ oi. a. unoeuawtre,

W1LU4MH.H0WELL, Sheriff.DaMUaH«t,lBJJ. t u i | ,

B L 1 C K W E U , ST., D O V E R , M. J .



arAEirao km BOARD TOB BOBSISf«ttosofa»klnilidoii».

S S S f J " ' * . •»•*»>'•. Ml

i i

tbaBoireli, Thrydonll this Lylatlnh J,,.,lltUaplUatadtKO, Thcyaravvrt'tyt,.^.^^Dot frrlpoorrurno.anauro aa i.uarij- porf,.^,.'.UpOBsibla fur n pill lobo. i i ' luu: 'Cold l y «lruBB!tii» tvcryivliuro or e



hasJaslurlTed from N™ Yorl, »itl,n<|,),»

Spring Millinery,HllCh M

HATS, IiON.VBTS,ltlllllll.\S, PKATII12KS,


woitld'tld woll tii Uivi' lur u ti'ill.

If you want your Horses shod

In good style, send them to

Chas. T. Clark & Son,Cor. Iflachwell RIM. Kfigfn Sts,

They %i\c the best «I liiilislac*

(ion in (lit! way of « uikmini-

iliip. Tliev UIHO do jtll Himln oi

BluckHiniUi work.

Morris County Surrogate's Office.AI'ItlTj 13t)i, 1SH2.

In t l o matter (if Hr'iiry M. itrlnkirlmlV, lln-v.ut»r r.f Hdiry McFiirlmi, 'Iftuarnnl. Sniu-Ratu'ti urdiT to limit cn-aitiarn.

f\S application of HIP [limvo-uiuuul Kx-U eentoritteordiredhytlioS'jrniBiitHln-.tlio Exoculor ^ivo yuUw j.oli.-.- ]., tlmcnMliturs ,i( thu oeintc of saiil d(•ui'il.'iit tulirin^in thcii ilclitu, IIPJIIUIKIS itud elninm ;i-iiiu^ t),vaame, oath, within nine moutliH fromHUB diitc, by BCttiiiR up a cony of thi« nrl.-r,withm twniitv dnyH licrcartur, in Jlwuf <))*niORt [inlilic yterua in tho Cuimtv (if Jh.nw Tortffo inontiiB, and alai witliiu tfjo «ai(l twntvdu'flbv ndvcrtiBins tlio tame in t ln i lm^ J'.iuono of ilio i i c v w u r B of thin Hlnte, fur Out BHIIID

?P"? "f. « n " < l l i e S l i r r 0 B B l " . I ] K!'!5 . "?.J"!rtor Khali

dluct ti

tor Khali noaluctmand nnd claim

t l b l i

exhibit bin or her cttlit, d.-ithin tlio aild iwriwl of niiiot i u bi;ing irivon HB iil"i;rnniiri,

d l d f hiinoiiliB.niblioBunlicreditor Hltftll ba forever dnl)arrud f tot her action tlmroior BEalnst tlie aaid Exutu-tor. A true copy from tlie minutes.21-10w CHARLES A. GILLEK. SunoRflti.


Opp. Central If. It. Depot,

WINES AND LIQUORS,ofiiilkindc. for

Medicinal PurposesAMD

llousiholil Uses.HunguriauauJFrcncli Wines,



oli anil allf d l t

il andnlterati

dtnlers tlirni

lected rstoc!;, warron, diitl pi-rffclly ii

iabout the Cosinlyi



OTl-'ICE ftiliDiniiid tlit Dnvrr Lumlur Com-|>:uiyViuill. Ofintrncth tQliiii, mid pkiii.ilkaiimm imd iiiiU.riiils nf ovcrv kind fui-WI lor liuililiniii. M b i n g u »|itci.lty.


lit Hinall quiroil, Ly oxji


from tho lust niiarn.-Hy ur car load, anil laid, il ilcoil norknion at low rat*s.






Joseph York*B-tf HIOHRISTOWN. N. J.

In Chancery of New Jersey.TO WILLIAM F. GIDDINGS AND MRS. WII-


BY virtuo of on order of thu Court of Cliaii-cery of Now Jersey, mado on the -day «1

the date hereof, in a cauao whorein Eflinimjiudiley. actinif Kieontor, ke. ol D«vld Estilc,

dtcoasod, is couiplnln&nt, and yon and oil.miro derendiints, yon are ro-inired to appearileau, demur, or answer to ilio complaliiam'*

bill, i»n or before the third day at AuRiiatnext, or the aaM bill will bo taken aft conformedagiiDBt yoa.

_Tho said bill In filed to forocloso a. raorl^npeby William Ooohinn aud wlfo tn Ephrumley, aotlsft Exoontor of David E*tili\

doe'd, on lands in the tonrndilp of JcrTerson,in the Oonnty or HorniJ, New Jeraoy, dati'dipril 1st, 1676, and recorded hi the M'>rri»Oonnty Olerk'B Office, ia Book fl 3 nf Mort-»Bf"i page W, *o., and yon William P. Oid-'.pm are mado a detoniliDt bsoanae yon o»-uita landR or some ptit thereof; and yci Urn.illinm P. Oiddinsa are tnsdo a dcfeniiantxaxae aa the wife nf William F . Giddlng",m may have or claim to hare some Iptereitlaid lands.

HEIGHDOUB ft SMITH,Bolioitore of Complainant,

Eover.S- J.3ated Jnne 1st, 1882. 37-Gw

Don't locale beforu seeingS U U l o a r Janiei Biter Setllo-ent. lllaa. otislnffoe free. J.F.MANCOA,

flUMmont, 8-.rrja>..Va. 28-4*



"DP LEGGAT BEOS.,0HAUBBRS S t , Sd door weit of BroaiiMJ.

Mir AewYork.



a woek in r«>' owi tora. Tora» »°fl •"oaut fna, Addnu H. HUAWT koa,,

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