m'gregor&co. i - rockaway township free public...

Post on 24-Jul-2019






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ffioe onlBlaokwell Street nest door to tinHatloiml Union Bank.




"TlochS **8 "4 "5 "loolamn.


l lnoc.8 "9 "4 "6 "

[ "[ itI u , <

l w * . 2 WSB

$ 15]$ l yr.1 2G1 7 82 2 52 753 51)4E05 CO

10 002MO8.

I 8505 0 06 508 00

10 0012 6015 0018 SO32 00

2 602 76S GO4 sir6 lifi6 GO8 00

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M *o6 £09 00

11 OClIB OO16 2fiIB 0025 0041 01)

3 WBH.

% 1 501! fiOfl 504 E Or> r>i>7 008 00

10 2ftlil 0(1

6 MOH.

$ C 0010 0(114 0(118 <l<)21 002f> EO21) 6037 50tin no


jTrAHSioic UOVIK. '

Comer of Blackwoll tml Sussex BIH.

DOVER. N.'J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor,

Eoiaea t,ud CjtrriagDK ID Lot,






iEO. O. .CUMMINS, M. D.,





T 0. lMEIlWJnTH, E. M.





DOVBJl, N. j . . .Special offlcVhoura on'B&turdavg fruni B A,

U, till 13 M. - 17-tf



DisetBos of tvnmon iimt clifMren, and of tlieeye anil our, BjiecUltloB.

OKFICB I Sloft A.M.HOOKS. J 1 to 8 *nd 7 to 8 P , M.

OFHOB—In HnirliouMstreet.

OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,

ban removed (oTJ)iirbrr'BJicwbullilliiBr,iti tliorpir ufthe Ooutriv] Itailroftil draw br i '

NEAIt TUB CANAL BASIN,irt)" Jobbing ami rojiairiujf ]>ri,L,.......

ittomlejl to . Along cKlMirtonco in tlio IHIHI-

faetion to' aJJ cnatomora, Contracts taken nnrliunterUln lurniahml.




(liotwoon tbo MANSION HOUSEami Copot,

D O V E R , N . ,T.Tim place tma boon pntirot? refitted fn a tic.


M A R T I N & B U C K ,House, l ip S-E! Ornamental h i m ,UltAINBBS, GILDERS u i l PAPEE HANG-ERS. Contrasts takou mdmatorialafnnihibed.lloouis tleooratod in fro soon etjlei. H i r ing !tbaruufi1!! kiM»vJed(fo ot boaso nni) ilgn painl-ln&, wo fool eorapetoiit tn moot tlio demftauBof 9,11. l>Allit aliop OTor JUBB Wliitu'B tiiflllnorjitore, next t«Vonglit & Kiilfioro's drug niotn.P . O . U Q I 183.

A ejiociaity niatle of eteccll cutting.J.MAI1TIN. '19-lf A. BUCK.


Llo&lors in



C*n offor tbe boot ami u iw t l ibcul Iiulnct!-ifionts tp dcalura,



: nro offuring tlib choicest assortment of


AT SO c(». PEUVARD.The j aro Dqw rocciviiig tlnly

SPRING DBESS GOODSih 'choicest IICBIRTIS mil coloriiiEH fit prices

(prettily bolow aujfthlim j e t Boon.••: •-. ...i .. Thoir Block or

: WHITE GOODSinclacta X«I«ook«, Mnlli. •»i]il>rit«, Fis»ro,l,

Plild and Doltcil Bnlaii-i, i c .

•HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS,conitat in part of DrctoaucB, Ju te , Itamlo anJ

BDk lUDgiugs, Onitala Poles. Unrtn-h J B l l H U d N U l t K


K ai« pIiM.sctl to iufOJ'JII our patrons Uiat onstocJc is now i'<niipl(>ln for tho Spring Trade.

can sliow you Buys' Suils riiiigiuK in price from $2.0'to sfs.oo. Also mi immense line of Youths' Suitsail lliu new ami latest Myle spring patterns, such at!SOI»by SackN ami tiie Ilircc- and four lliilton CliestcrHeld Suits, (in all the jtopular siiadis.)

SLOOK AT si«,H|{ Oi'' Til l- ;

Men's All Wool Fine Suck Suits, $12.0i" " (in all shades;

" " (ircy " " 9.0)" (jooil JSusinesH " " . . . . . 7,01

Also (J«»rt Suits for $1.01), $5.00 nnd $G.5O.

FOR SPH2NG WEAR.The largest line in these goods we «ve,r hnd, iual

grades, nil uluulus anil prices, lo meet the times.

HATS asid OYou should see these while our counters arelinci

with them from the Itojs' I'olo, in nil colors anprices, to the Men's Latest Style Derby and soft lints.Also a full line of


Hut1. A J:iif;e aasortiiit'iit JIIHI received.


Our liiiiMiu (iiDHE c«(Kf<iK iiion! c<i»i[t)e(i} than » w n

Kuhber Caps, with or without Capes, Rubber Hatsllubher 0lores, Rubber Leggings, lhibber GossamerCoiits, from $1.50 up. We sluill do onr host to meethe times by givius you the very lowest prices oniverythlng wo offer for sale.




SLEIQHSIV "Irm-rijilitHi. A t-'INK STOCK OP WOUK in kiint ou hnntl wliich ivo arcll itnim-BK all jiKljjcn (,r R«:1I iirticli'N, tliat uiir mitlin is nnl niuallnil for tlrn

Mitiuo i>rires by any (leiiiisr in this neotiflii. We |uirtivnlai-Iy iuritoattention to our m^- n ml ^ k n d l i l Block of


•uivfiilly nlti'iuled to.




T T T E have msde.DTery effort to procure tho cboica of tho most tlGsIrablo Etylos IDIU (bo ibarfcet kijrt bnvo selcctaii tho Inrjfeat UKHOrtmeul of jiattorna in both t i e staple

and fancy utyloH, over HIIOWO. The lfitwliuKcoloraiutho mm " corkscrew "ittbricBiw ctit in tlio Intent styles of Backs and Frocks nnd one. throe Bad four button

ilaways. -

r are the only house in the State that has the famous1SAWTER" CASSIMERES in atook, and we offer nearlyFIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES of these roods alone. They stestrictly all wool, and we guarantee them in every partic-ular as being the best value ever given. Other houaea mayhave imitations. BewaTe of them!! .

Rfli 4o., »t otimBnal low prloes.


- . - - . - • • (BT- O i N l i BBIOOI:)

jj'fi. AiJClOBFELlER,


In litmiTand MEDIUM WEIGHT O T e r c o n t s wo hftro a largo vnrioty, nt prices fromi» to lf*2O. !iiT We flliov by far (ba mofit vnried stock of P n u t f t anTwiura. .thliifc,

cut ami tlagaiitly made, ntevory price, from tho oboupost to ttlB best. '-, ' . J -

IN 0VR BOYS' AM) CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENTwe UftTo exercised tLo Rama careful paiug, and proieht •&'• tbbtQnbaly artfntid, •< varied tmi

Cxlen&lvo nt«ck cioSnai>oly our own nifcka and ootwot ID ©very OtAiAU ' -'*- V

IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENTmy be fDind lbs beat poialblo iel«otlon ol both FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC QOODB• . • : •' i . h d a w - < * A U U d ' i n ! utlM*'ratten. » i f •% ™65T WE HAVE EOT ONE PBI0E TO ALL. Any MlKjljon niidi ffr *" •*• • — '

ve .obeorfttlly ^xohsnge or refund yonr money.


850 and $52 Broad

i > - U ~

(H'tmons aoron or NEWAUK* HEWIYORK'B.II. DETOT.)

Freeman Wood,



Iiogsl!?antbor(seditKeiitof tlia following arst' coinpuileii^llieUrtlatbcrU!


GLOBE, Capitol 920,000,000.


Capital 810,000,000.


5; • "flapitbl,«ld,0O0,0OO.

Capital 85,000,000.


Capital 93OQ,UOO.

Nortti British and iforointilo Insur»coo Oo.>r X ondon and Edotbnrgli; papital 110,090,000.

Com3ierD.nl Uhico AisurBnto Company ofLomloii! eapital $5,000,000. _

Tbe London Assurance Oorpontlon ofLondon, capital *f., 500,000.

8prij]gflel4 Flro InBnronpo do. ,wttfl, capital fl.MO.OOO. :

iritobesier Fire Insurance Company toNew York, capital |SO0,O(K). ,, :

GElMiH AMBBIOUt.,. ' ,„. ' . . . ,>. $1,000,000FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PffIt*ADELTHIA.

«,." - - - • ' - - - - «3,5OO,OM•u, . . . . . . . . . . . fiOO.OM


Freeman Wood,loo of tbo POKCB and Polino M? plat r i t e

i Oliancory of Nen- JorBoy-Bolwocn WilltnmMiiinhtui, complailimit, and William 11,Dicker iiml Wary l>(!e!icr lna wlfo, deffud-UT1I9, Pi. fi. Tor fulo of mnrtL.'agcd prt'iii-law. Kuinrniblo lo May Term A. D. IBSi.


BY virinu of tho ahuvn staler! wrll ot fieri(adHH in my ha.w)e, 1 shall nxpneu Tor raid

I'blLc: Vi-uduo, ill tLo Oo»it Uolihf.iu Jlf.r-u N J on

MONDAY, theD, 1S3J, boiw•l'i\'M V, M , , t l

aatU ilay of A

aiti ilny,

licit,innrs ot 13 M. BIIL .iviLtUo'cIncliiii HI.Jill that lot or jmi-, Kituuto, lyins ami

luly of Morris ami Htalo of Maw'.Torse/uiilcd iiinl dejorilw'ii as follow:IHUK Ida "on>fi tot ot tstnl that wascoii-i'd ti. Hit fund William H. Dooiior. by duct,rluii (Ufa Apiil Efltli, 167U, tfia said deeci tofk r bciuff nindu b j Patrick UulUnu and,'. UeRiiuiliigoln dtakeaiidliuapolBloiioB-lio sou tli »i<;o ot tho IJUUIC ruad lomliugu Dovor.'Norf Jeruqy, to Mt, Ho?o, bt-insHrHt corner of lot No. I,"RB nbowu ona maillotrj mado for iiid Patrick Bailtvnu b j

art-wir Itoaii. mirro/or, Aprill!3lii,lB7a, MII)ins thuntoBIODR the eontlieidoptnaid publiciad(l) duo east iilty feet toafltakoftiidlioap' Btouod at lite northwest .cornej'.of a naw1& or puBtiige wa| ftftoeu featflido, laid outBtionu on WHI man ; tLeiice niooc the West•~ * or-8trcet{ajioutlitlilrtj

-* -' - MBt^glilylhroo_ , tboDco [8) nortbD dL-Rtccs and twenty minutes west

, — to n »Uke and boap of atoiioa beingHO the Funrtb corner ol BalJ lot N o . l ; tLouco

•th tliirty ileuses and thirty mluulcBno bunclred loot t o tlio iilaco ni begin-lautaininR fodr tliouaanil tli'ij lianfirod

at the array of lmmufitctiircrs who contribute to makeour reputation what it is as boot and shoe dealers

iu tills community.


EDWIN C. BURT & Co.the world's best nlioc-m»kcrs are represented.

L0TOSBERRY, MATHEWSON & Co.'sgoods useg for (lie last ten years by Lord & Taylor of

; Now York

THE H. W. MERRIAM M'FG Co.Justly celebrated for milking the best medium priced

shoes in America.

, THE P. COX M'FG Co.'sgoods in ladies', Misses' and Children's wear.

SMITH & MARTIN,tho popular Brooklyn iniinuracturers, and the 1

State Shod mid Leather Co.'s, while in men'swear we keep the

"BURT"goods wliich arc acknowledged the best by every one.

STACY, ADAMS & Co.who ninlce a lino of men's wear second to none for the

price in this country.

CHAS. H. HOWARDwhoso make we have used for twoiiiy-llve years and

can testify from experience lo their good quality.

THE "WALKER"goods and also the Bay State goods In men's wear are full/


HI mapw roitirt

of anm new roiti or.itrc ( ) outL thrtlegrces »nd tiirty minntte cant'rfglily-throool ID & itako nod Atones; tb [S) tb


iled Fob. Sl i t , 1681.Stiatin.


SHERIFF'S SALE!ChunoiTj ff Now JuiBcy—UL'tiTron llnvld

>. Juoobi's, tiiumlaiiiaiit, iiuj Jl^rv VauiKiyiie, Joliu Ii. f i n Duyno amUtvoliul V,inUuynn Ms wifu, Nifliola< Vnu Dnynu ami" ' il;i-t!t Van Dnjiio liix 'vifc, ami KILi Van

IP, tliifoitdMitf). f i . ft. for u:ila of moit-.. d iinjitiidu*. itoliii 'QililutaU.iv'furm,

ft. D. im.J. K. SALMON, Bnl'r.

Y v l r l n c o f tlio iibrvti Blatcil writ ofilcri

iitiiliu vemliH', at iho Court HIJII'M'', iu"^^--own, N . J . , u:iJONJJAX, the 2fll!i ilay uf Al'It lL nuxl,J . l tHl , liohvoen thu liottra of la M, midink I1. H., t in t Is tosnv »t 2 o'cu.uli iu tlmoou o{ Haul day, nli ' tlus I'ulUivving i\

•ibml tract u r pr.rcol uf luii'l nml immuneatti, Ijiut; uiul bUuK in HID timiiHlilptitvillu, in tlio County of Murric, auJ Sia

New Jenny:

Most of the above have been used byus from ten to thirty-five years, the entiretime that we have been in business, and fromthe very fact that year by year we increasedour business and popularity is in itself a sufficient guarantee that any of the above makerswill give satisfaction to all who use them.

CO.OPP. D.s L. & W. DEPOT, DOVEtt.

Tliey » ; tiou art not ,To me tiou u « mat tairt

Asd itriiied wicldn mjr ttiOXal Uonrt,Tlilne Imaga dear I woar.

Inorory glance, in every smile,I we anamaleM graoe;

For IOTO of ndao, an angel'i MHU8hifte» lirougli tliy mortal faool

Thy hand Is tougL, u d brown witi tall,Totnf tHibiDmernla ;

Witl light and lootliiiig tomtit it &I1BUpoa tho brow of pain

The roflerer faela it* healing powerRob death of half ttiBltug,

And deenu that Mttla toiUUlnod handWhite at) au angot'a vtog. ^

And, BwoetUewt mise,'no vildorittg llgLtaKMh from thy uiodcat eyw j

Too timid U their downcast glanco, 'To BtartlB or surprise;

Vot would I baw them shining neat, 'To watoh mo when I pray, :

To kopp my heart trta woiJdly thought*,Swoot eyes of Kontlo gray.

Ho modera Cashiona tunr thy rol>o,So loftly fioffing iova;

Yet hangi a nameloss dignityAnund that Bimple gown.

HoprcttjfllBiperlogqucenofait,Nor slave to fashion thou)

Thy pure and graoloas wmanJjuortIs written oa thy brow.

A throne of tbouglt, tint virgin browIHdoe in tiij olusUting hair,

Of amplo breadth, that life may traceIts noblest rocordn thora.

" Not benuttful I"—wy peerloga nueon 1What idle-wotda they (peak I

IVho may not mark Lovc'h dawning bitShy mantling o'or thy chcok |

" Not boauaftil I»-wy bent beloved 1If atreot and hamble wortli

Crr.wbB not with perfoot IoTeUnflwi,Then nought is fait an earth,

Tho children fly from falree forniB.To, cluster round thy knee t

And that they doom thoo bonutllUl,By f Iieit fond looks I seo!

ayciilylor«l£woiiM not dareTaohanjotlieolflouuld;

To me thou art mpjt beautiful,Booauw thou art so good.

To mothygontlefawjmuatboTha loToliost ever seca—

The fairest face in all the world,My love, my star, my queen I

A Beat Heroine.I saw by tbe Philadelphia papers the

other day that tbe Grand Army postsbad given a reception to Mrs. B. H.Bonsai, and happening to walk down tiiestreet with Gfla. Sheriilan I naked himif be knew her. " Da X know her 1" hereplied, with a surprised look on hisface ; "IehouldBByldia. Tliutwomanwas worth a whole brigade o! ldiand several batteries of artillery down intlio Winchester caajpaigE, and sha wasone of the genuine heroines ..of t ie war.1

"Tell mo cbootliet.""'Well, jem see, I always believed in

fighting OD infoEmatioa. People said Iwas reoklaaa and daring, and si! tliat,and when I lmppaaed lo win a fight theyodd it was Sberidan's look. Bat I tellyon (hero vnan't any lack about it. Inever went it bUna, I always knaw whatI wag going to hit before I made astrike, and generally tried to strike atthe right timo.

'Aad down there in '01," continuedthe General, "trben I lay before Win-oheater, I woo led information of whatwas going on in the enemy's linos, and Iwanted it awful bad, I muBt hare it,don't you see; bat bow I was going toKot it I don't know. Crook was prettywell acquainted in all that country, andone day I asked him if lie didn't knowsome oue in Winchester we could de-pond on. He said there was a little


Butterflies ate prominent among nov-

Ho hanein Bwt WJio Lnnghe Lost." Yon'vo get Homo nice wood over there

yonr yard," said a sesay-looking



a will a

niilcil o


i llni nortli IjvlnuilH oi: AlliwiVnBmiJo l inU.VanNondju i i l lmuMtl . '>1 i l r s . Aim tjointur ami tUo l'it.mi\mi tlio nutitli liylaiid* <if Ji.lm Jl.Vit

...ml on Ilio WEBt Liy lamli <>f Jolm lilnv,ami A. J. Barber; aod IHIII^ inuutltii t

.11 ih 'llO ( .<il by tliu

l y of l'eijiill l

iry, A.f l l

tlio foimlrcd i a d tavet i iy^u, of t u iijila

ilia by hia futher.WILLIAM II. H0WELL, Sli

lateilPeb. 21-t 1831. *7 30

LIVER CHILLED PLOWStit-nt in tlio nmrlitl. 7C0 suhl Uj 119.

in: it ARROW.Kasfe Wheel Cultivator,

Cauariiiy ^lllky Plow,

rain and Garden Seed Drills,tlter A. Hood's Mowers,


loraas & Fieli Wheel HayRafceB,


Ter nnd Trend Powers,oil's Fnu Mills,Tliresliers Clcanen, &.C.,

Dtlicr flrgt-clnaa farming tenplcnicuts.


GEO. E. Y00RHEES,(Booccflfior lo Voorlieca Ztrotlicta,)


., Truypl^ng Agont.


H,M. 0, WHT' I NBUTI an Bniis T D E » -N r i » i t e e 4 Ac<S|)lq\ror n j ta r i Dz-

si.d^MiTi^ljiiB.riKHrnaH Notlrnih.n,hclio, Norvout Prnstratioa esns oil bv thnof aioohol or tobaooo. WakofuIncB*, Moa-DeprMiion, Sottoflfns of ilio Uraln romlt-itiftttnlty tnd^leaatnffi.fS mlMry, decty

ldo»th. '!PrMQ4tttreOia-An, fiarruntiQU,nn of power in either 101, ImolanUryMBOB tnd SpGrrattorrbfflk oiuiod bv over-;etUoa of tlie bttln, lell-aloie or ovcr-In Inl-

E b box oontilm cms tnontb'* troil-U 4 L » iias,.Qt«ixtOMiGrja, font by

II proptld on receipt of price.9DAn&iTESi s i xSi s i x iioxEis

ojyih order receivedlfcr-ili.boravMtompinlcd with IS, wo

I tend tbo parctixicronr written vnu-antoero/and tbe mosey if the troitmcini daai not0t*iBuro.rOn»ranl^oi liaaed aolJ

Notice of Settlement.totloe H hereby g


. .JolDAiurxr on h w a V r »iolow onrtfclai ohtnei and djod

First Bay of April,1891, to tlie fitoro now occupied by


tramp loon ACBUQ avanne" tes ," Baia;.tlio My ot tha bouse," I would like to cawy it in for jou,'

said ho. ," Mj baftband intoada to cany it in,'

she replied," Well," said tho tramp, " I wIHoarrj

it innm]pi!oit upnico if you vill givemo tuy brea&laat,"

At this offer Ilia lad; consented,tbo ttamp wetit (0 work.

Aflor lie had earned in a oonple ofarmfut p

o tlie door nj p p t t ie door nudfound liim Bitting on tbo pile with hieclaws on his knooa ami bis face buriedia l i h








" What is tbo matter ?" said ahe."Oh, lady,"said he, looking ap, " I

am BO weafe, for I have had notbing toeatBinoe ilayboforo yesterdfly," ani hongaiu covered his faco witb bia hands.

This Beemeil to rouse tho hdj'a sym-patlij nnd slie went in and soon returnedwith an excelled, breakfast.

After he had swept overjthinB fromtlio bonnl, and ho uroso and said:" Thauka, my flootl Indy, for Ibis sump-tuous rppiist. Now lot mo give you tliiaQtlvico. Novor URUIU let your sympathygnt awtiy with jour diocrotion. I'm ofl,Tu, ta !" and he walked mnjestically outtLo front gate.

The (tamp bttd gone ont a sliottdia-tanco whpu ho became deadly sick.

Ho seated himself on a bnrbatone, anda few uiomeuls later, having two or threeviolont Rpttsmodio contractioua of theBtomncli, lie lost his ill-gotton hroakfaet.IudL-od his Btutiiiiob would liftvo fotloweilsuit had it uot been thoroughly dove-tftiled to his diaphragm, He Iwlieredtliut be wus poieoiiei], and ho becamevery much nlnrmod. AB BOOB m hfi re-gained Blveogtb onongh to get to hisfoot, he slowly retraced his steps andfound the lady standing ia tha front"oor.

" Madam," he said in piteous tones,"my breakfast did not stay on myBtoranob. I believe I'm poisoned." :

" Tbflt is not to be wondered at*" saidshe, " I sospeoted jonr little snme, hat*ing boon caught once before in the sameway, GO t prepared myself for it by aba*ing your coflbe with tartar emetfo. Nowlet me give you a little advice: Neveragain let yonr raaoality get iawiqr, withyour breakfast,.; To bo a dead-beat benta:everything. Ta, ta I" and she ebct thedoor in his faec,;, ; . ' , ' . - ;

The tramp Blotted Bowowfally^owntbeslrectb vondoricg, no doabt, vhereami how ho could get' a breakfast thattcsuldsiay with him,' .

quaker girl in tho town that be tboogbtwofl all right, and I concluded to try her.

" Thero wm an old darkey who bada garden patch about fifteen miles frommy headquarters, add lie bad A pan togo into Winchester three or four times aweek with vegetables for tbe Confederateofficers and town people. I tied himbrought into my headquarters ona nightand naked him if he knew the schoolmn'ara. He said he did, and then Iasked him it he could get;a note to herwithout giving tor away. He said hocould; and then I wrote her a loiter ontissue paper, appealing to her loyalty,and requesting her to give Boine infor-mation of what was going on in therebel camp.

" I wrapped the note op iatfofoilifl slittle wad, doa't you know, and madethe old darkey carry it in his month.The next day be Tent into town with aload of vegetables and gave it to her."

"What was her name!1! .'• '• •.,'" Rebecca fr ight was her flame then,

but she is married now and hor hbs-band'snnme la Bonsai,"

"Did yon gat an answer ?"" Tea, tbe darkey brought me back 0

reply in which she gave me some veryimportant information, and provided toBendmemoro from time to time, Wekept qp a eoxnepondeaao attar that, sadI knew everything old Early was doing.After a few weeks ihe sent me word tbatKershaw's division of 8,000 or 10,000moa had been detected and was goingto join Lee's army. As soon as I learnedthat he was gone, and was far enoughoff to prevent bis' getting back, I mattean attaok and oapturod Winchester."

"Did you find the girl when yoa gotinto town ?"

Miss Nolan,having moved Her H1M.IIVEHY GOODS to (he lino new store

in the Brick Block, announce to tl.e people of Dover andviciuity that aho is now rendy ror linaineas, lluvlns

put in a new stock of




Ribbons, Feathers,Hats, Plumes, etc.



I % i i

fleius, for Hnsbands. .Do not jest -with yonr wife upon' a sub-

ject in which tneie is danger of Woand-ing her feelings. Bemembertliat ahetroasqreB BVery word yoa utter, U o notspeak of some virtae in anothor man's

•ife to remind jour own of a finlt. Donot reproach yonr wifo with potsonaldefects,Vior if aho has sensibility yoainflict a woiind difflcnlt to heal,. Do nottrentyoqr wife with inunction when incompany; it toadies her pride, and shetrill not respect 70a more or'Jove 70abetlbr for it. Do not npbrold ronr wifein tho presence of a tbird person; tht,sense of your disregard for hor feeliogawilt prevent her from acknowledgingher fault. Do not entertain yonr wifewith praising the beauty and accomplish-ments of; other women, If son wouldbava a pleasant borne and a cboexfalwifa, pus* jonreveninesandaryoarownroof. Do' not bo Btern ond silent inyouc own honso and remarkable forsooialnlityJot&nal

-Yintug India?

NBCBssAnr Pmtaamo*.—" My dear,'said the Csar of Russia to bis wifo," will you give orders to have the palacegates looked and tbo utreots for, onemile in every direoHon cleared ol peo-ple?"

V Certainly," replied the C«arina ;" bat what are yoa going to do 1"'

" I want to look out of tbe window tosee what kind of a day it is."—iWa-tlelphia Call.

Canadian cheese factories refaao Lo ro-ccivo tbo milk of eons wbinh arc allowedto feed on alongli gmss or drink slng-naut water, claiming saoh milk willalways prevent the nwnafaotara of good"*iee6e

of tho Country Gen-tlemitn advises farmers not lo kill tboharmless block and gnrter snakes ontheir trctniscB for tbey are itiG ;besfcflolilmonao,olitpiiiiiQk and moll catcliors


" ludeed I did, and my report of thatbnttla was written in her BOIIDOI room I"

" Was BLO over rewarded ?""Well, 1 got her a place in ilis rrofls-

ury Deparlmaot, and it wns thero BIIGgot ncqnaiitted with her habband, .I think she IR entitled to a pension !"—Washington, Letter in Qiicago Inter- Ocean.

Tim Limitations of Free Trade.A grocer who had announced himself

as acandidnto for tbo Legislature, nndwbo was trying to gain negro voton byexplaining how free trade wonltl benefit |the colored race, called olil John into hisstore one daj nnd said :

" Look hero, old man, I regard you asa kind of leader among your people, a \kind of MoBos,in fact." I

"Bleegod toryor, sah. fur do comper-nont," removing bis bat nnd havingwith that lmlf-comienl gravity so olisimo-terisUc of an old negro.

""Yoa cannot afford to paj exorbitantprices for the necessities of life," con-tinned the groeer, opening a " shnt" upbey sod closing tho stove door. " TheBepnblicans claim to bo yonr friead3,yet tnoy are not in favor of free trade,although they know that it wonld greatlyhelp yoa,

White French poplin, simple aad ele-gant, is sometimes trimmed ffith whitevelvet.

Black lace aprons over gold or redfiurau are a new English fashion. Theyare fastened by silver clasps at the waist.

Hosiery BDOWB several new departures.Among them vertical stripes, Highlandplaids in charming combination of color,and shot effects to match the new silks.

New bonnets that look wintry yethare a dash of Spring about them are

0 of silk embroidered net puffed overgold cloth oroKDB, aad the brim is madeof rows of umaU flowers thickly set with-ont foliage, sacli as forget-me-nots,daisies or mignonette. A group of tinyred birds is placed jnst inside the brimof a red velvet bonnet, which is of tboclose prinocBBc shape, cicept jnst at tholeft side, where the brim pokes outward.

1 if to take in the birds. A bonnet ofred quills is a curious novelty, the crownbeing of tbo quills and tbo front trimmedtith red ostricli tips. Braids of fanci-

fal colors compose many bonnets.Princess dresses shirred & little belowe waist are very popular Sot girJs,

Oaa teen during the week was especiallypretty, ft was worn by a Fifth avenuebelle of 10 yean. Tug material was asoft gray flannel plaid, vith rose colorand blue squares and Unea In a mixi ddesign. The guLbering jnst below thewaist consiated of a treble row of shirrs,aad the skirt below was finished bythree tuoka over an inch deop. Tbosleeves were slightly puffed at thoauoaldere and were oaught at the wristby pule blue and obeiry-eolored ribbons.Bows of tbe same ornamented tboshoulders and a large sasn ribbon of tbocherry tied at tbe book of the dress,just above the shirrs.

A very luexpenslvB yet tasteful cos-tume was recently worn by a Brooklyngirl of twelve. The material was aheavy dark-brown Canton flannel. Thoskirt, which was quite fall, was finishedby three tuoks above a hem. The waisthad front drapery looping high, on thotilpa, and was; bordered alt around bydark-brown military braid, while a'broad, dark-brown sash finished tboback. When worn with dainty linenooJlsr and oafflj this made a handsomeschool oosttime,

" YesseTs in fabcr 0' free trado, den,i s y e v b W ? "

"Yes/nbdlnm going to run for theLegislature; on tbat principle,"

• Glad tor koow it, sub, an' ef dat'sdo Bhino yer's gwioo tor oat, I thinksmyse'f dat ef trade wue a little freer, darwould be a better show far tie po' folks.Well, er a good flay."

" Bemember wlia't I've sail], John,""rUdoit.BBh.", \ ,. ,Just as tho merchant turned around,

John took rip a sraoll sack of float, heldit in front of him and walked slowlytoward tlio door. The merchant ob-served tbe movement and exclaimed:

" Hold on, there*" ." Ain' got time, boss," witboatlooking

nronnd. ." If yoa doa't atop I'll shoot you." j

"DenlBtops." •• '"What are yoa trying to steal that

flour for, you internal scoundrel ?" '•"Wlio's tryin'terateji] floor J" , '"Yon wre." •"Didn't yw say dat yer was in fcbwj

0' free trade? Go'se ver did, an' 1thought I'd ergreo wid ycr. A man kain'steal nothin' wbat's free, ken he ? Go'se;bo kain'. Ef Td er wanted ter atenl I'dertuokoue 0' dam big sacks 'stead o'diB little one, Dicta* wanter ride a freeboss ter death."

"I ' l l juBt call a policeman and haveyou arrested." !

11 Wbnt fur ? 'dose I'se a Tree tradepusson ? Yerso'f's do wus' wbito manI eber seed. Heab, tako yer ale Sour.,GoL oriclota au' hugs in it, no how," and:roaobing the door, bo taiLed and ndded:" Becollook dat ef yor gits my vote, yer'snot terming me down an' tako it awayfrnm me,"—Arhinsaa Traveltr, , ,

To a toast of " Tho babies—God blessthem I" i> railway conductor responded :

May tbeir route through life be pleas-ant and profitable; their track straight-forward, and not backward. May theirfathers bo safe conductors, their mother*faithful tenders, and thoir switch nevermisplaced I" '

"Can't yoa give mo a little money ontbnt account of yonw this morning ?"

" N o , I don'tbcllevo I can this movn-I-"" Well, will you appoint a time when

you enn? Yon havo traded with mengoad deiil and have ncTcr paid mo acent."

Easter Sshday.Next Babbath ChrisUans wilt celebrate

tho resurrection, of oar Savior. Tberois no donbt that this is tbo true anni-versary of that groat and joyous event.He was orncifled on Friday of the Jewishpassion week. That fell upon the fnllmonth of tbe vernal equinox. Daringtho Babbath after the fall moon {oorSaturday) Jesnsby f0 the tomb. Onthe flnt day ol tbe week (onr Sund&v)beross from tha dead, Joseph's tombwas opened and the baried Christ ap-peared to Mary Magdalen. What ahistory is that of Christianity duringthose eighteen centuries and a half 1 Onthat first Easter Sunday a few timiddisciples met in a private, honao iaJerusalem with cloaod doora (John XX,19), when Jesus suddenly stood in tbo

idst of them. Then the Christianchurch waa in tbat single room. Nowthere will be nawmblies chanting Easter

sin a million plncea, Tlie rosur-rectiou of Jeans will ho celebrated ingrand cnthodrals, in oroTrdcd churchesand in frontier cabins. Thoro nro to-dayover 400,000,000 of nominal UUristinuL

tho world. Tbo increase has beenconstantly accelerating from tbo begin-

ing. Tbfcre has boen no rapid conquest,followed by decline, as in tlio case ofMohammedanism, but n steady growth.At the eiid of the first century the num-ber of Christinns iu tlio world was 500..000. In tlio tliinl century, when Chris-tinnity became the religion of tbo RomanEmpire, tho number liad iucreasad to5,000,000, in tbo tonth century of tlioOIirMiau era tho number Jjfld risou to50,000,000 ; in tho fifteenth eoutury (0

100,000,000. At tbe beginning of tboproseut centuryitwn8200,000000. Duringtho first eighty yoira of tt[i8 contury tbonumber more tbnu doublod, and Pro-fossor Sr.hcmV estimato for 1880 is 41D,-900,000, liearl one-third of tho world's

A I'oser.Severn! olorgymen bonrded a street car

in Boston ona day, and one of thembearing it intimated that WendullPhillips was ia the cur got np and nakedthe conductor to point him ont. Theconductor did so, and tho minister goingip to the orator, said :

" Yoa are Mr. Phillips, I am told ?""Yes, sir."111 should like to speak to yon about

something, and I trust, sir, yon will notbe offended?". •.

There ia no fear of it," was tbe sturdyanBwer, and then tlio minister began toask Mr. Phillips earnestly why he per-fiisted in stirring Bach an nnfriendly ngi<tntion in one part of tbe country abouton evil that existed in another part,

" Why," said the clergyman, "do younot go Sooth and kickupihU fass,andleave the North in peace V

Mi. Phillips was not'the bast ruffled,and answered smilingly;

You, slr»X pzesame, axe.a ministerof tho gospel*"* - .

M I am, sir," said the clergyman."And your calling is to BUVO soals

from hell ?" ;"Eittotly, sir.""Welt, then, why don't you go thero ?"

" I know it. I nm a Free.-Trader."

A bow long bent nt last waxeth weak.A.civil denial in better than a rudo

grant .&. man without patfecce is a lamp

without oil. ,Tbo ahanrd man ia the man who never

c h a n g e s , - i . . . . • -.. . •

A day to camo shows longer than ayear that is gone. *

Life in too Bhort to kill timo witbfrlTolons ootitenliona,

A.good cause makes a etoat heart, anda stroog ana.

Vindictive ridicule saitably serves usthe oowanl s lance.

A blunt edge will sometimes do what, sharp edge, will not,Envy is a sjokness growing from other

mBn'sbapptness, nHe bos riolies stffiaiont vho hulh

enough to' bo charitable. 'The bnmility that can. yet talk baa

need of careful watching.A fool nny makemonoy, but it ro>

quires a vim man to spent it.Spend a confclcss that jonrnel incoma

atitlyoti will always he rfcli.


Saturday, April 12,1884.

PROCLAMATION.To the People of the State ol

New Jersey.

kElate adopted, and un tin• tweiiLj'fir»t dav ol ivh:' ruary, eighteen huudn

j tbe foih^iBE Joiu'tTw, blntlm:

"JolBlUeioJBtion relatlvo to the iiUutuof foreit trote.

1 11. Belt ff»ol rail by HIP 8etm»o null fteoei

O^renior °t!o'ind'Effii lercby"uifaoriKil toIf xne a nrMluutlm tnmalij, scttiuB «••-• -dayinAprllfortbe pUntiDK of forest t*pd lEComratndiBg ttitt thednj bo devoted byibe people to thu purpose.

"2, And b« it rewind,Tint tbla resolutiontakt effect ItnwedUtoly."

NowtLerefore, pursuant to tbe foregoingrerelntiou, I do lit-rpiij iet apart Friday, AprilciglitMMb, eighteen hundred »ml eighly-foiilor the pUntiQc or forest trees, and reoomniemlthU the day be deroicil by tbopooplla (btt purpose.

In Testimony Whereof, I have herennto list my hand and eiuaed tbGreatBealot Ihet-tste to be here-unto affixed, at Tronloo, tbtifoortb daynf April, eighteen bnudrcd and clubty-fonr.

LEON ABBETT.DytheGjvcrnor:

HEKSI 0. KiLtur,Stcratftry of State.


Wanted—a New Jeney Democrat whcan foretell the fntnre of hla pirty on tbitariff question.

If there ia a Democrat who knows any-thing about the tariff, let him eay w now orforever after hold his peace.

The political fortunes of the Democraticparty have reached tbe point of desperation.Ths Pwsidanoy 1B " BO near, and yet BO far.

When tha Morrison tariff measure was IDtraduced, Its author t u a promising Demo-oratlo candidate for the Presidency. Now itwould be hard to tell which has tbe leastlife—tbe Morrison bill or Bill Morrison.

One end was knocked ont of tbe lha Ohioplatform last Monday In Congress, and theother end will be knocked oat by the peoploat ttw ballot bot on the ftrat Tuesday IDNovember. There will be nothing left of itbut a Knell of wool.

Iht Democrats in Congress on Honda?decided that the baainea of wool growing,one of tba most Important of Americanfanning industries, that! bo destroyed here,and that the profits of tbe tame shall go intJhe pockets of foreigners.

A yonng Philadelphia!! recently confessedWiwmlag aitable. He said he hoped t<get hk same and portrait us a desperado ione of the sporting papers. Howloog arewe doomed to endure the corruption of thyonng by snob literature?

U*t jear the Democrat* cacried the elec-tion in Cleveland, Ohio, by a large majority.At tha charter election Iut Monday the Be-publicans carried the same oity by a majorUyof .1,000. Tlie aign* ererywhere pointto an unprecedented BepnbUoaa Tlotory ttiiitall. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Frank Hurd having eipreased tbo opinioithat Lo does not can who is the Democraticcandidate for President so long as the platform U for free trade, the Bun retorta tbat itwill be of little consequence who the candi-date Is If Hard and hla ttee trade friendsmake the platform.

Tbo Democratic Congress has now beenia iMatan four months, and yet that vast•mount of corruption they were going toshow existed In the Bopublioan administra-tion still remains vncorered. The onlypolitical oateoma or their gathering thne ffhas been the vweklng of their party onIbe tariff rook.

Th« Demoontle gtmmuont of Jeney•ffityfau beeftw ontrageonaly eorrapt and•incompetent that at the municipal deotJoD.on Tnetday Gilbert Oollins, the O i t i '*od Btp*Uicw oandidate for Mayor, wse•elated by 1,800 majority. Ail the moot-•eipal Boardi-EdnoaUon, Fin, Police, eto.,wow carried by tbe Republicans.

While tbe Minnaaota Democrat, mepledging thanwlveB not to rapport anycandidate who id not in favor of absolutefree trade the New Jeney Democrats wanti t understood that t&ey am either for fallor t-U-my proUotlon. The Democraticparty k now prepared to accommodate amm to toy kind of a belief on thtaqoaation.

Tbe Republicans in the oity of Bahwayfavored high HeenMand Increased the feefrom tT5 to $250. The temperance peo-ple ran a ticket against then on Wednesday_ad tbe Democrats came ont for reducing4h*license t o t " - TfaeDemoevada ticket•was deoled. How nraoh did tbe tempertanoeiKtplBinake by defeating the Bepub-Bloai-7

Afiferrlng to the Uorrison tariff bill theUnion Pall VfiU Otzstte saya: " Its pro-gress will be watched with considerable in-ierest by English eaporten to America,laasmnch aa it can hardly fail to tend iniWrfator, The aiders and helpers of theseKnjUah Biportew a n the Demooratio memtbern rf Oongnsa who a n trying to PUB theMorris** BUL

fraok Hurt aays he Is not so anxlonsabout who will be the Democratic Presi-dential nominee as be !• about the platform.He saya •* the thing to be a W i i t o get the

. Democratic party with Its faoe toward freetrade. Tha platform I want Is tariff foiveveoue only, with the Uorrison bill as thetfnrt step In the direction of free trade."iSomB of the) Demom- about here wouldtbavens believe that tariff formanne onlyHa • sort of protection by brevet

i-rof. Oeo. BL Cook, 8Uta Oeeloglst ofFew Jeney, ahowatotUie output of NewJemey Iron mines was only E21,*1C tons in1883, agsiDst 032,702 tons la 1862, a ratlingoff of over 40 par coot. In a single yoar.Without more adequate protection what bleft of the bmdneM will soon be wiped ont,mow that the Spanish Rovernment has take;eff tba export duty and relieved the CubananineB f ram UiaUon. Tet two-thirds of theDflmosnis(o OraBreMhavs deeland that itia to our interest to reduce tbe duty on Ironor* twenty per cent

IASI fall the Democrats ourlad the State«f Ohio by promising them that tba tariff onwwol should be r_lorod. On Monday Mr.Oanverse, a Democratic Congressman from* _ S _ t s attempted to radoem this pledgeky U-odaoiDg a biU to reston thli duty bnlIds partr voted against him so solidly thattbe mcastN o u defeated, showing that theDemocratic pntestatloiu In regard to pro-teetion about eleetioo time are absolnteljwortblest. After tke defeat of the meas-ure Mr. Convene served a ootfe* upon hUDemocratic bntkren that they h«4 destroyedthe last hope of Democratic! 11100011 in Ohioneitfall. ; ;

•Xhs depot at this plaoe Is undergoing tbot-,oo^hjNj>ttiri. Thefrdnht room Is separatefromwattlng room, and "Al." bas a newticket oflbc sad kconieqneiitiy nappy. -

Atepbea (Badcer Mid Uat Thursday to Dr.Ventworth and IJeiris Voorneea, of finders,i|300 worth, of fftnnl«i*p)aeliinery, We learn±key are about Inveatinc largoly In peach richsrds. This apeaka WCH for naudenenp r i s e . " : • . . • ' • • • • • • .

TafiwelgbtwcUbleatMr.TylerliawnBpe'tW M amnsins;. .The Udlea were bonglit forlu l f s cent per 111. Said ;tlio tittle suu ,•"Dear, I'm ali4 yon a n here," aa bis armi•did her waM eaviran.' Saytahe " I'm In aAt, 170, and sold at t lu prioe of old Inm."

Tke M>M»rt to b* held by the leading tins-«rs of Hcnietown, in tbe H. B. Church atSaeeasnnnatbe 16thInat.was*gruoA affair;we beard them and know whereof we apeak.


POET HOSSIS.new I must bavo becu drunk wbnu 1

wrote lost week or clue your types playedhub wittisoiueofioy •tatisticB. I would tint

the trouble to rorroot It ouly the fmuri!historian may take auotlou to make hiaturywith tlioftidofUieEB*.

What I Halil lent week wn* tlie exjimiMw nt'tbo Mutual Bwicnt AMiiriatbu nf tlm M. & E.Division, itir March were $366.7fi, and tho bnl-nnon to their oroilit nt tbe bunker'ii was $2,-WHI.53. If you will campnif) this state in mi tWith lust veeVa you will Me where tbo trutliif liistory uuaies in.i have heard uf u tempest in n teupot. I

lojw we won't have u tfinin'tt lu a born.My thanks are duo to KCT. Dr. Btoddiinl,

pusLuroftberrettbvteriaii Church at Sncvu-suuim, ior a delightful trump throuKB bwit-tfirianii, with the wd of lii» HMreoiitfuoaome splendid plutum. He it knownTon that 1 «itt iu tbu I'r«xl.,vi'triiti) Cbiuittunhoiie ior two mortal lioura, und yet ihir-mg that time, I saw tlm Sliitlarliorn ami nilIbe other uoriw, tlieglicien «wl KWtton, tborailroad thai goes under tbe Alps, th« old tic*,the track, tlio swltchc* and work won and tin'snow—ytm, morr, I B»W ih« nnitnalK Ro twoby two into Nuuti'H Ark, and the hirds HUW, tiacell its Noah and IILH wifa, his sous ami tliclrrlvea. 1 Raw nn orehiknt waterwhoel actuallya around In a pioture, with tlm witter fiiu It. Ho BIIUWLJ tbi! spot wham l'oiitiiuto ia said to bavo committed suicide, mmiy'«unt aftiir he had wiulicd liin huudn of thejlojiluf thu Inuouont I (Jouut meati liipvillio MkL'ktou or a loetuw tluit WHH vvr.v vaUilaimug uud iiiutmulivo. I BUW thn uhl cntlliof Cbliioii wliuli Byron lm« inmlu fnnmuiiminik'other thiiiBB. Yoit soo I linto to .fillnVM-iliiwny Irom tlm niibieut, but I b.ivt: to'i'liore in HOIIIO sivrrimm uruuiid Stuiibojii

ibimt try in L' to indict a dead mini, but 1.i>ckon the wUutwiM'H were culled bcloiu tl(Iriinii Jury of the County nf Sniwex l*cl«ili-utfisiimmonoililm inan'H Hiilrit to UIJ]KIbf lure Him who Is no rcupfleu'r of perwinwhu takn th« sou of Queen Vlotorb «n «»iM lia UikcK tbn onn nf Urx. Tod<I, mid 1'iiixUopnld will luivo to answer for his wdiviuliilnaMsurplyasJinimvTfldil IISB to «.>witr for tim IIUWIH duno in tlm body. 1 b

HOCKAWAT.Mr. .T. I'. Stickle b u fitted up tho plnec

lately oooaulod by Mr. Cnrlee Pope for Mnt.A. Kftufmun, who keep* a fitucy and •*—goods Htore.

Wr. W. I». (Ifloilnkv the nianiiBtP of thoBockawny Pharmacy, report* lltntlie in doinga very good buainfltts ft tar.

TIIKI^I vvero quitf a ii"H)ber of p^riiona prciIlifl H. E. Cltiimh l»«t Sunday to bear

o nee ha

w liagtor, Itev.e hoard liiBi-r

rie Aa foas liked v

> tlmitorv iiruuud town U, tbnt four vritntill were Bubim-nited to uppnir bd<(lr.uid.lurj to iirove.il NO might lie, tlmiiH'ttnhi li«uw> in lou-n sold liot r mid j:rut-enuiiluwfully. Unu of the witni>H*nn deiinii „biniaetf mimrtor tliun tli« nthurs, niudu biolini'fn bfiforo lie left town, »<> It iH rniii, tlintbewiiuld "il* tLut nil riftlit." Iu imwiiineeuf tbU plan bK i« snid lo JIIITC niletl two of theoilier wltnoH«f» Btnl hiniflt'lf mi lull tbi>t winthuy CHI lnwn to the Court lintwu *te\>*Newton th«; «U th»u foil up tbu BtupM ul theCourt linn™ nml itttri.ctei] t ie nt ten turn n'tbi! Jiuke. Tbu eimirt one lie mi\d LK wmitwtobutirKeit to BuitiB nlimo wliero they wol<nyatern. Tlio conxtiililo «aid lie would stiovhlinfftlioywoulduo along with him. Tlieywuut iilmiK uud IVtrli.,1 up iu juil. "Tlifs~ wn out look much like nn <J.V*tcr miloini,"_.ild tlio mimrt one. " Never iniucl," mild tbuConstable, "1 will gisttliom here by tunl bye."When dinner tlmo r-nmc au usaiwtant of thfShuriir brought tbeir dluncr In «c a tin plati" I toll you I want uysturs; I don't wout uu,suvh grub as that," flald tho 6taubo])0 mult, anhoaeut theplfito and Tictuula ujitowutdtbiCOIIIDR out of tbo liniidn of the aurvnut uf tbiSheriff. Thu Judffe kept tlicm in juil willthey were ctuuiutcut to civo tcstiiuon.v HIMlet tbum come homo tho next night—somewbnt witfr men it ft to bo hoped.

Tho Hufoi-w Club of Stauhoue net in Clark*Hull us usual, on Sundur nfteruuon. Mrltuiley wan loader, and odifroaitw wore niuiliby tlio Clmplulu of tbo Club, Prank O'A'cil11, V. lUItiM, A. S. Clark. G. II. Lunger aut.the talk ttHik a turn that I <ild uot expeut, andI think thu lusa t>uid uljoiit it tbu «>uner ttiutrouble, If there Uouy trouble, will bu over.1 way say that Frnuk O'Neil umda tlio upeue1-of the afteriioL.ii, and it diflj>layecl nut oulyBrent deal of knowledge of a kiwi tbut jiuHUit«il tbu ooeaBioii, but A good deul of tiiulna well. Oue u( tho brctbreu said tliut tbeiH

•mi not nriv beer sold in the tuwusbip of Uy-•Jim, hut ] BUUIIURO lio tneunt iu Staubopuproper, und cverrbody uyixud iu snvingthui thf! gtaubopo Kufnrni Club had beuu

hujto SUOCOM durum tho fifteou muulbH ota Jlatcace. It strftes me (but Robert llakl-lu and W. H. Nowuinu touk part iu

There will U e» Barter servleo iu tbo I'ros-bytormti Church ue*t ^uhbath uiorniuu, ulwbioli tome of t ie g»ubtth flohool uliililniuwill tnke port. SOT. Mr. Hoard in nn will

reach a short soraiou on tbo Jteiurrudlou.If tliey duii't lund Judge Marrow |o Jiitl u]i

„; Newtou there will be a temperimee loetun-by that gontlemau next Sunday eveslnff Inthe Stanhope Presbyterian Ubareli. TheMethortUt DougregnUou will be tbero »Ui>-

uuion nerviee.Kor.Dr, Bourduion's seruiou last Sunday

..reniiie v u on tlie life aud Inbui-s of bt,I'aul. It HUOW«*1 a great deal of study undresearch, «iud wounJ HI. wbero tbo prnml «1<1rimii was taknu outrid* of Hume n lit tin wujtiud executed, aud at hwt *'«or helglit.noi;ilepth, iiur any other oresture could neiiarateI'aiil the Apoittit from tbe Sfitnter whom lio

tveima well from the time ofbiicouvumiiitil liia death. I t was cjuoer, though, th

Hani of TfcNua, wbi. mweuut^d the CbttiiUatiPwiihallhli nilgUtiit ouotiiuo, shouia sufferfrom porfiecutiou us a CbrUUan hiuwelf atItuit

The Newnrlt Conference of tho M. E.Churcb hoc nturncd Rev. Mr. Anderson tnPort liorrin and Bev. Mr. Doollttlo to 8Uu-hope and Waterloo. •Jttr.AiMloraouiii it youngman putanluc bis ituillDB at Drew Heminurjjot, but ho KIVQ* very geutnd satinutctton Iitho i'ort Upnis folk* aud I >uUa my picas 1bo don't win htmaelf a UBUIO iu thu ileuumlunUanoflilBuholeeifholivPS,

Tho Methodists of Stunliuiie ecern, tc thiukTory highly of their piustor and Ida wife, amiso do everybody wllh whom they D«IW Incontact 1 gue;», whether they be Alotbodlala

AtntiiMtlngofthe Reform Club of Stniihopo, hdd on Wednesday evening In Clnrk'HHaUthn rwdguotlou of Ohaplniu Jobu JuyCrane WM sooepted, aud he aihed for au 1arable dU^wge, whl«n tho Club rcfuseigrant.

PhcenLx Kins ba« 41««>Tered o vein ol .eight feet wide on liiflplaM noar IIopateoiiK8UUonontbBD.,[j.fe W- »• U> I undor-stand he h u had aa offer of flUy tmt* a t<">for it in the ground, the party obllgoiii.Hselfto mine two lundrtd and fifty famn peryear, which he has refused.

It apowed nearly nil (lay April 0,1881, - -looks Bft* M though we were going to bavowinter all Suunier, though 1 suppose it willall come ont rigM fef the Fourth of July.

I me the jury in thti fudge Morrow canehave decided t U t tbe man wi£b tbe Dutchname, in whoBo ucor vat Mr. Morrow sworehe law a drowned rat, had no oanee of action.

T\i* Mite Society of the PresbyterianCbureh, tfUubopo, held their last meeting. Inthe uasemeut nf tho ohuroh list Tuotdnjovoulng. Demit* fbs icolcmenoy of thrweather there were a g«#d many present amthe lunch baibeta went aV Hit* "bu t onkos,1bringing nil the way from twepty.-flyp peiitsto a dollar and five «euU.

Who wns tbnt fnllow wbo wade tlie speechso interlarded with oaths, in tho If nv Joncylegislature that the printers, who were neverknown to swear, h*u to report him ID dashes,to whput minister Talmadgs refers In onehUiDl6Mrman«t You nond not tail every-body but &9K plight let your readers know, If

At the meetiaz «tthfi Reform Cluh of Stau-hope on W«4«ead» ftwing lost it v umoved that n commutee IMI appointed to asktbe Woman's Chriitlan Tmvfifwwi pnion tofurnish tbo music next Sandsy awr^oDn InCtarlc's Hall; scoonded and carried waanf

Mn. Todd, of Stanhope, 1B too etch to att«nd this uwion of tho fiuanei County Courtwhen aheuistagn indloted for selllug boerillegally, I hflflwo, Hbchoa just burled hersonandUaboutflightyyew«old. While thr•on waa alck sho WJI» up ,w^i bjm nfght amday (wliep he died and 4he reuciloji eatne slitwan ooim o* Jier buck, nek.

Qjieiti&nferd#b»ie: Dldthesluttingdownof the Stanhope funmae* bnvo an rnuch to dowith stonptngbAer sailing i« that town as thiReform Cltibt I ssktotiatumtDtien. D, J,

MiHiFiiniiiDMiittox, t lo Kubool teacher ofQrccu VillMe, was home, on u fbnrt rftoatloulust week aud her ycmiiii frkndu improved;be omiiirtiinily of tftVing bur a Hiir]irise p*rty

llaatFridnyovonliig. A »!)• pleo*aut UmoWUN hud by ttiuuc iu uttuuduuee.

Tlio ruinj weotlmr ou Titfwla.v evening loutnodoubtineventedrt «oodinuiiyfrom uttjud-ing tbo ratertninment Kiveii hi 8tieVle'« Hallby the Voting Ladies* Society nf the Prc«by-tenuti (luiruli. Thonglt tlit"re not beinLt avery Inriio crowd prusont, tboy woinnotitlnil illscoiiriiireil. On the wbnloit yasoed «fl'vcrv K<iod «iul wo cougrntulnto Ibem forfuii'liUL'dJDg mi woll as tliey did. About *iWwan tbe num ruullsed. Hucbaijiiu'B CornetBund eiilivinid the nrcosiou witJi aomo giradimiMiciiml (ill Kivothcin eredit for their fluoiiliiTinc wiuro ttiev bavn been under the ln-»tn'uiti<ii> <>f Jlr. flao. Ilucliuuan, of Dorcr.[t wns milil thev wurc to ncreuude tbe t«wuUnit iiwning if it bad been oleur. Alter thewenlbcr iH'comes pet 1 led nud more pleuwiut«-e liiiiio tbu boys will tavor us with evening

Wi- wisb to uortect u mistake mnilo lustwef-k i" rafenuiiiH to Mr. Wm. PollanI, ojDeuville, ttibiug potiositloii of Hit) Centnillintel. Wi Bupiuwed be bad, but wo uuiler-jtiitnd ho vilt not occupy it uutll sovoniltvet-ks hence.

At the Itnokuwav towimhip primalliebl in Stii-tEln'i HiUl on We ,

i, the dcieuuti'i rtieuted tu utteud tlicttnpuniiMiii State Convputimi were Mi-*sr\V. E. Kuuuell, Ediiiimd I). Hnlsoy, .lobNorriK and 8.1). Kynar. AUenmtefl, MaUa..Wlllintn!). Duvid Hurry, Siiinuol Tijiputt millBwuitcl if- Slnttes.

Aiwtlinr troupe of.Jubilee Singers will eivnnuu nf tUoir concerts in the M. K. C'liurcli uuFriilny (ivfitiing, Aiirll 18th. They t*rm them-BidveK tho Ori[!liiiil Uulversfty Sliigers of N«>wOrlcmis. We hope tuny nre inr Hiiperlor totlnine win) were heni nuly a sburt tiiui1 ago.

Dr. J. J . HIIIK nml family niovnl to Ptingh-" •, New York, on Tiiiwlny. Tlio Ihre-

plaoe In Davla' drug store.Miss Mamie Grimes, of Hi

BOONION.Tbe peanut eland has again appeared

our Hnu street, •Win. HopVltu nUrted for Dtkota on'Tlinn-

day last lie will b« tniued Tory much in-deed, as he has galnad tba good feeling ofour people, and we hope sqoe«s will followhim. t wlllloin ^ u l , of Newark, tnke* Lif

llseketUtown, |i

H«T."B79.~Aradtha^ moved to Fort Rich'mond, S. I.

HOT. Mr. Martin, ths newly appointed ministor for the H. E. Clmrcb, preoaaed two ablesennoni on Sunday last before very largoaudience*.

Rev. Thomas Carter, of tlio PresbyterfoChurch, announced from his pulpit lnst Sni

' hat the Trustees hud detndc. . r — , .-Urior of the ohuroh, and thi..three hundred dollar* was needed to do it.After the sermon subscription papers werecirculated .tbxoufe the. congregation andmnohtotbe surpflso of the trmtees and too

de thoj s»ooe«tU« U fairing tbree' bua-_ - i a n d thlrty-aix dollars. Ife may soonexpect to « e the ot«*bh J>eaun|t4 V ' t o naw

eoat of paint ' 'Foster, the swindler, rho v u aneste

DoTerlMtwcekfomwlniliagpunplBthri „tho mails, has been receiving a largo part ofiis malt through the Boonton post-oJBooinder aliaMs. :'The twDperance hall bos commenced to roll.

Jn Tuesday evening, notwithstanding tiiostorm, tho Cstliotto hall was flUed to listen toa temperttnee address by .tbe HOT. Dr. Drann,), D., of New York. I notified on the plflt-orm several of oar leading men, Apd when

Father Dovnes arose to introduce tb* lec-turer, he said tbat " we bavo left all »ltg-oits diRceenccs bekind nn unit hare OMfltn-iled iogettff jjndiir tho banner of temper-

, Where we »as shako hands together asbars, working ia tlie grand ounio of tern-

peranee." Father 3rssn theg arose and gatea thrilling talk, after vhlea Ser. Fatherloaghiutf-or Nev York, and'Oer. fatherloCartij' followed. The meeting vat a moit,

interertlnff n t , and ve may expect u itrong;


indFrotAstant Chnnhei have united theirme# in this or any (Olhor voxkv ' 'Major Soott opens a series $1 temperancBj

meetingian Innday evening. • • "

Arlington eatertnlnftd a good-siied andleneein WoshlDgtoa Hall,

Yon Baj-Jo, ths ftmoBB h u t w n u npd dra-aatJo reader, U advertised for Friday even.-Dg. Hlsname la enonBta sad vUl warrant

blra a large house. Tius Is hii (bird appenr-anoe in oar town this season.

At the Republican primary Wednesdayevening, John K. Oarngh and 8. & hjoawere appointed delegates to the State Con-vention to^be held to Trenton, April 17th.


Mr. G. A. Beatty, of [laskf ttstown, recentlysnbseribed for the Kuuas City Times and•nutter paper paring for the papers.anddekeU fur a drawing of cana prii«fl-|3.M.>ne of the drawings took plaos Ust veek,

and Mr. Deatty is said to be the lueky drawerwith his ticket Na 10,660, of & euk nriu of«,coa


kci-iifintor has

hik_ _n rerftlcnt liore forqiiltcalongid hie friends Mgi-ot liin icurUii;, tut

In) bna been ik very ifooil oiiizi-n nmoiifi us.W« oxtonil him our best wUlim f«r lita tuturewclfure.

BTANH0PE.Thire bun liren more siilea oi" real estulo

thiw yenr tliun ior many years pnot.A. J. Dmkis ol'Sou th fJlnubope, iaprngr«i

inn with his Biiflh and blind factory building,lie lids tbo roiimlntlon luid and tlu ri\h thero-011 iiud h iixiiiji up the rest or tlic frame forruhliie, Jle will noon hnve the frmno ready-to iitiitc. Ho will run it by Rtciun. It In lo-ciiicd iiiHt abovu Wiltiiiunu's liotcl ou Ue-obnuio'strcor.

Mr*. iMiim Kluiilcutt bus bought tlm AbrimiKiuiiiuult propert.T on Mniii Btreot. JolmVan Arailalo Jiuu sold a bouse and lot on Liu-dcu Htrcot.

Vnlontiun &, Bro. nro having tlioir storebuilding tttorougiily flttail up beforo movineiutn it. Tl)0 Wills "tore holme, a ifooil slniiil,basnotboen rented jet its 1 onu ascertain,but no doubt it HOOU will bo,

Ilonni tliut EUUIMOII H. Stinc willNew UrauBwick, N. J-, to ungngo In IHISIIIESS.

The Stanhope ltefitrm Cltib h«ld tlieirweoltly gospel tciiiuoraniiB inoctiiig laat Hun-iluy afternoon, which wiis very largnly at-tf'iidnd. Tlie seirloiis were led by Mr. Bailey.Mr. ninntiiinnl wiw tborc and played the lioro.

jiuiui thui llio lioru drawa \ha crowd,„ tlint tbo good BlngiiiH by tlio choir docs

It. 1 shtull tblnV Uksly thnt \wlh help to doIt. Mr. Crmiii Raid ho liuiltonderud liia rnsiR-iiliou as phnnliiiu, which would be noted11011 on W<-diieHdnv m<xt. We all nil til onnd out all about It'. Homo think the lion;ill linruk up tbe club, but Mr. Frank O'Noil

Ibinkn tliey bad ouubt not to let tine bomblew them out. I t would lint bo wise to letIt do mi 1 think,

•Inilcfl Morrow will loottiro iu tbe l'renby-,.)iliiu Cliundi noxt Siiuday evening at 7: 0o'clock uu temperance. A largo auillcnca i»oxpooteu to greut tbo Hpciikcr. IHB UHIIIO haslir' 11 rondntrd famuiiH on ncouunt of tho Fel-SEtiBimn Hiiit nguiiiBt biin, for epenkinn in

' Coru'uiiiw .1. Cottrell aud D. IJ. Dent hnvotaken n lnrgo wood Julm tin tbo Knllnnd tiaotiud have hnuds nlrcnriy to work upon it,No saloons ecll beer i>r iilo iu Stnnbopejast

"llie JJtucni'l Wool Woika, it is said, willstiirt ngiiin ou 11 LOW plan.

The exercise} nt tbe II. E. Cliuroh souiallust Tueidny ^vculiij! wero very enjoyable.

WHIPPANY.Uijor Scdtt elonod a eeriea of toraperonco'tinci here inut Wodneitdny evening,

Aj«-ll 2d, Which had 1>MII bold foraoTon oveu-liiga iu tlm Motliodht and l'rvHb.vtrriunClturchcs DU idtnruate evenings nil dor tba

'set «[tbo Waiucm' Chri»tlnu Tpuipcr-Uniou. A grout deal of lulcrest wan

.„„„..cttted in them, every meeting havingbeen laigvly attended. Tbe number whoginned tho pledge wna not liirRe, but it tlioxowliu did ahn it keen it, tbciro nre tliOHO whowill tlinnh God tlint Jtajor Htott cumc to

Tho AnVlog sensnu has onenoil in thisvicinity, lighta aroHooii glonmlug along ourstream* every evDiiiiiRwbunit Is wnnn ruongbnudtho wnterlow uuougli, and flfdilu hirgo-lumhon aw tnknn from them.

Dr. Homblower, of Jeraer City Holght*,

Mr. L. 11. Funl, nnu ofurue ofio^n, onrpn*tcra, uiasous und laborer*, sni at work tnoroiow f nlarfling 0 dwolllug whloh belongs to It

AI wliioh tha ))r. nml family nre to move tlieoomtng Summer, After which n linndsomocountry reildeuce is to be eregted ou thu siteof the building wbieli burned ijown BO

*—lowly a few yean ngo, tlie barn ko-r-•ned it »\wtt tlmo iireyiouily.Eden Paper Works uro now making

colored tUitoe of a very Due quality. Owingto tho unlimited amount of tlio host of Bpriugwirter thorn IN not n mill in tho State betteradapled to making flao or colorwl pnpontlmo tftie. yonion Brotliow U Co., of Ncjl'ork, i»kn tbo ylmlc [iroduct of tbo mill urncould iUsnD»p of il ff it wore twine tbiquantity it Is- . . . " S" p* W l

BTAJIHOPB,In tho II. p . Cbureli last Sunday moniiiif-1.

good conuregntlon ffnthettid to bear tho firstBemnq oftbe now Conference yenr, If anyoxpooted t» bare a now paslor, they fo<indhim not. Tbet*KtwnB,"ForthaPcopleha«la Mind lo Work." In flu eyevina the flermonwnH almut" Qodliceas is Profitable nnto nilThings." The Snndny Sohool wns fMU.'num-boring over 150. If all tlio people AutercstcdIn tbo Jletliotllat oliurob will havo A inind towork, will loud » helping baud, 110 doubt thisyenr will IIOB» pleasantly and sucoeaafully.

TiioAidBiw^rweptHasusunl licit Tu»day night- There w(lf he q nnion Tenmcr-nnce meeting uoxt Hwmj ulgh(. ip the prea-bytorian CUurofc, v ' AM>P4-

— ^ » » " • • •

vionmr vEvn, .Tho debt of HackotlHtown is $55,000.Kor. J; 0. Jornlamon succeeds Rev. J. J.

Wood In tlie Episcopal Mission at Washington.lief. JT. B. Qulscanl, of Urooklyn, has no-

eciitotl Hl« call from the Newton BaptistCkuroh. *•••'•

Tbo Kowton flremea prtBtnied er-CnlofCbas. Crook with a purse nf jljBupon jtJie oc-casion of liis leaving town.

Sover&l Pbilllpsbnrg women were airciteit>r Ptcollng COJI from tbo Morris nud Essexsad noil vere hound ovor to Court.The Mil restoring. Charles S. Strndcr, ol

,Vnt,hingto,n. t*i citituniliin, pawtoil tlio Leg-islature and is now in tha Governor'* hands.

TownTnuunror I«»ac Shlolds,' of Phillipsburg, completed his twenty-fifth year as col-lector (ar tbo Uprria Canal Company at thatplace.

Mm. Jcuula Hupt, HBK Panther., of WaBli-inqt«D, but lieen grMitoa pit abftfliftA rflvotcofrom her husband, Theodore Hunt, m picm-injtrou.

Tho old lino mine nt Franklin Furnace isbeing elenred of water noil preparationsmade for resuming Ttork at tbo mine. It in nnumber pf yean «mee tlio nine was worked.

Tha pro|«af|ioN tt j»ue «14,000.(XO of addi-tional common gtocjf »f ibe Chicago andNarthwostent Rullroad, tat tbi purpoie ofalmorblntf the leaded Blair •ysteni ju Jqtvn,will bo considered at n fpeeial mooting ofstockholdtrs on June 30th. The BUlr systemwas orsuniieil by Juki) I. Blair, of WarrenCounty, who hM » l^rgo amount of capitalin It.

A lew yeozs ago the old Hew Jeney ZincCompnii^-, at Ugdemburg, was oonsolldntedwltli llin Franklin Iro° Company, since whichUnio the old ilno inlno lias not bo«u nui. A* dnjs ngn Mr. W. W. rterm, wlio is now

PUBLIC VENDUE.Tho BiibsoHhor will null nt Lia pluoo near

Itock&wny, on

H A T U H D A Y , A p r i l lO t l l .

tbo following property,

14 NEW MILCH €0WS,1 imir uf Gray Uarcs, 4 aud 5 yenre old tUnSpring, llnnibletoiilaniitock: I Brood Mare.1 two-year old Colt, by Andrew Jncksuu, 4Pics, 100 Duslu<U Wliito Etuphmit Potntoes,25 Bniihcls of extra Etirly Vormont, nud othertrticlos unnecessary to mention.

Sale to begin nt 1 o'clock P. M-, when con-ditions wlli be made kunwu by

C. A. McCARTY.H. I). KiToUBi,, Auuttotieer. lS-lw p

An .ilegi.nt line of Uon's Low Button, Tiesnud l*riuDC Alher^a Joat opened { a spealall r t b HBAqAH4CO

began operations to pump the water out ufthu mine and will employ a large forao ofmoo to nine ore as sooii as the water laremoved.

Jioj Mbo was fishing In Big Eddy in tke

Hernia. mifuUf^a'froiri that weighed overtwo pounds, 'S91D0 i)ry df ihetQ fifth wereturned [ttta tha aeul vtfceft ^ ffie river twoyeart xgo. JUuy fins lueainuiiif linve lieentaken in the upper water sine* tWo, hut thisis tho tint appearance of tlie trout HI fardown tke river as tali point.

In the suit of Foigcuspan against Morrow,for slander, nt Newton on Tuesday, the caaewas given to Hie jury, wlio were outslx Lours,the vet* during nioat of that time standingraven to five for the defendant At five inthB erenlng they returned to court and an-nounced that they had found farfJu) defend-ant, on tlie ground tUnt PelgooipAn ba4 nocause of action. Mr. Peigonspan appeals.

jfl tbff BnrliiffN»tn»tut«&diUut the Uumin body shoald be

rellncl Dfibe QMVJ-, SUgnMit BuLaort ntliich «1<—ijs saounuOati durttu tjt« winter montbi, sad

' ' • - - - - a A % ^


. ktotorDotet.

. Brrbnttaediotni ._jBctUPtcaelM'i Blood PprtDtr, It,will o»»d purify iba intern sod dH*B oat til bi

Bssprwedoars tha t

oibiBRbnl s directfornu of ntaf tltt itle

, "wo"~W«W »tt«n'Uon"1I wd'edi' toWthtnll; fctla»!no tho dltMUon girec with e»obMttaf»rm*|Wi»lUSi}|noiliorfei a tnr» H ecr-am. mmnted to gift ISweautfl rr|liif. Trtu

H osntopsr box. Sold ajBttort IIUsara.Donr.

AWNINGS•toroB .nil private hoaiM mide. AlfoLDJlEN'fl TEKT3 Tor u l r , 7l7 fset 6

«b ' O0UUBO,'tnbolilnrr,

froifer; H. J.

Tbo handsomeBt Easter and Birthday Cardsever brought to Dover are at Itreese's.

Jitters remuiuius unclaimediiitbePoitUfflce HtDorer.N.J.

Dover, W. 3., April 11,1884.Currif 8. Alien, Adeline Johnson,

Alinio HoMulion,Annie Neville,Kate Northr

len,fliiiidift BuilnaU,N. (!. ChrUemnlEitward Chrirtle,Num. CoQiirad,Quw Uoand,Frank Kuril,Debbie Hart,

Kate Norther,W. 0 . Hugorn,

o Slack,S i t hB. H. Smith,

U W. WUlianw,David Wright.

To obtain any oDlto above letters saj ''atortlflcd" and glvit <IRU of this list.


FUNERALS!MY system of Small Profits appreciate.!.

Qualityaitilworkmanflbipofthehost.My tlianlts for libtrai patronage in tbe past.Orders b j tt'tograph messender or toloplono

attended to,JOHN JONES, Undertaker.

Rookswiv. N. J.


ELY—In Dover, Anril 9th, Robert KIv, aged47 yvaTS ana 11 monthfi.

WIOfilNS-At Brooklyn, N. Y., April Btli,Li'LH, daughter of Admn und Alice Wig-Ciim, iifieil IU years aud 8 moutlnt.

MYERS-At Mt, Ptasnnt, April 1st, Frod-

• riuk Uyors, aged 80 years.

IIAN8OK-At Iltlwrnla, April 3d, Andrew

!i[.u»ou, ugediSycnra.CIIAUKEKLAIS-At Hunltown, April Otb,

Win. E. Chiunborlain, aged 36 yeara.FOR SALE.A second-linud Top Buggy in good repntr

nibber-moiiutud hni UCBB. ' Will be sold cheapllio owner liavlug no use for tlmiu.



THE annual mcotini; or tbu filnckbclilnrs cthi' Union Taroplto Comniny, will he h«L

RI, tho lintel at WooatMirr, N. J., no TUESDAYMivlStli, 1881. Tor HIP purpose of electin™Directors (or Ibe cusuinw yinr and traii

I l r bueiiiOHa aa ui*y on me bofuro



A new and extra t-ond onc-liorso plitrormwring trmk wagon, mno to nrJor, of '—*matorlol, in liln»t elyls, and liannuoi .naluted. Will roll |«-lnw ciwt fur want of use.



B l lB H ,

s Mountain.

BURBANK P0TAT0E?.1G0 biislielR ol Clmlco Burlintik 1'otntooB,

oftd i[) wt^ ([Uiiutity nt 3D opn)n par bUHliel.Apply to

J,18. S. MEMCK,

M1XV »



Tcaobcrof PUnn, Violin aud Cabinet Organ*.HpyoUi itli'utlon RIVCU to Tcobnlqao and

JIIIBIU ltouiiiH OVM Mr.AUi WiRhtonV tlorc.Oppoitllo ihi> liriol; ltlook), Dover. K. J.BIuno Itouirts.jppn UondavstDd TliQt*d*jB,

Tnuai'ajM and Fmlaye,3 W 6 P.M. Stturdnys10 tola A. H. 19-ltn l»

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.Notice in Imroby EIVOU tbut tbo oo-partuei-

ship heretofore oiistiug between Ellis h.Foster aud John Bosewurne, and ktiows l>ytho name, ilrtn and stylo of " Foitor &. Hose-warne," has this day been dissolved bvmutual consent, tbo si 3d Foster la to pay (illaf the dabti and llabilltios which arc owingby tbe said Into Arm of Foster it Koseworae,nud is also to collect all of the moneys thatire owing to the said late firm.


Dated March till,, 1684. lB4wp

Adjourned Sale of Land.Ia the mntlcr of HID ssilgumont oF TrandB N.

Qove, W)ID iig'uDcd for lbs benefit ol bitcreditors.

TBS islo O( Uctl In tlie aboro stuted matter,whloli btu Leeu ailveitlsed ID this piper

weekly far tbo four wouki Ust pist, to take

alace at tie Onurt Honati at Uorrlitowu, on[ouday. ttio Itb day or April, IBM, at 3 o'clock

in Ibe afternoon, his buen ixljonrnGd by metn take plane i t tlie Court Uuiuo to Morristown, on

M0NDAT, tlio Sib diy ot HAY, 1B81,'st it o'clock in tbe afternoon.

For tirBCiipilun of pmpprtv, tee (be previousailrorliaomonts, aEOKQE W, JENKINS,

Asifftnca.Dated April 7tb, 1834. 18 00

S.FRITTS,jp. Depot, D.L.&W.R.R,,

D O V E R , N . J .

FINE GROCERIES.Flour, Feed and Grain,

TEAS, COFFEES,Sugars and Spices.

NOTICE.Estate of William Hann.

PTHlBUAUr to the order of tho Sturogiteol the County of Morrlp, made ou (he

seventh day .01 April, i. D. one Ibaueauil

iiylng otiimin, late ofth

—antyori[orriB,dcce»Bp[l,to()roBDnttliQgsraenndoroitboralHrnnHon.ioUiosiit.Bcriperi.onorbaforo tbe Beventh day ofJanniry next.bdpR nlnomontha from ihsdata of slid or<l«rand any creditor nefrlDotinR to lirlns in anaexhibit blB or bur claim, nniler ot.ll] or iffltma-lion, nltbiD tbe lims so llrailod, will be foreverbarred of bis or her action tliororur eotiuitthe Adminlaralors with thu will annaied.

Dated tho seventh aay o( April A. D. 188*., JACOB II. HANN, r •

J A U E S if. pitirra, .Admlnlitrktbrs *ifh Ibe wflUnnexad,

Htepbensliurffh, Morris Oo,t H. J.

SHERIFF'S SALE!In ChKDcory of New JeiBOy-BatweBn Junes

Holmes, ootnplalnttit, and Jotopa O*rltniiknd Caroline Oarling bis wife, Nevtou W.unno sod Marcm II . Crane, detflOdanU.Fi. fi. for s«t« of morlfttfl-ed iireranoi. Be*tunutilo to Miy Term, A. D. 1831.

J. 8. SALMON, 3ol'r.Dy virtue or tho above stitea writ ofOen

faetsa In my lianu>. I tlttII mpoie foriale atPadl'O remltie, st ibo Conrt Borne in Hor-rlitown.N.J., on

M0NDA.T, tho t2Lb day of UKY next,A, D. IBS!, between tbo hours of 12 M. snd 6o'clock P . M., th»l la to RST st 2 o'clock in thotllenoon or (aid I]»T, til the tolluwiojt At-scribed tract or parcu] or land and premise!,situate, lyinc ind being in tbo Towo of fioon-ton, in the Ooun:r of Uorrla and State of KCTJ*ne», bnttei) and boontlcd ia folluwa, to-irtt;

BoiiniiiiR i t * point In tho noathoaitetlvlino of mihiuflton street, dhtsnt slitj-twoand ijhalf feet lrora the northenit corner ofWif li(n?lcn ind mrriaott stroett, aad tbeacatl) sonlli eity-eiftbtdrsraeseutonohdndreilfeet; tbenoo ti) ntntb iblrty two deflreei cantjUty-lira ind s fakir feet; Iheoto (3> norihQUj-eigbtcleBreai west ODD hundred feat tollielincol ffsibinBlon street; tbence («) southalong thellneofffi.ldngtouitrett alty-elgbtdegreesWflat.dxt7.LwQ und ftTjtlf'facttotboplio«orb«tliiiiji5. . . .. •

Being inn «mo lind and premises conveveJto Ibe aslil Joirpb CarllnRby tbo laid StflpiienD. Oook, by ileoil (Ucd Beotomber lTtb, IMS;

»si*d Unreb (Jib, 18J1. : " ™ * rt -17 80



EVIffll, A:ril iSih, 1684.Tiiealitbconslnts or 1(1 voices sod Are ae-

compliMbedwarblen. Tiiey btve been underthe training or Prof. Summers,of Boatoo,dor-na the wiiitcr and art 11 DW making a tripbtougb the priueipil oitiei of Mew York, anL

tbo prcoed!n«? evening tbey give a oonofilt labteinway Hall, NBW TfcrU CUy.

Tbe ontirtiintneDt wilt consist of solos,..LiirlntteB.ciRRtiiiul mo a to »nd rollicking ool*lege glees and warbleB,

A B|ieclMl Train will ICSFB Horriiitowil forBockswoy and Dover at tlie olose of the enter*aiumeut.Ticket! may bn procured at Eillgore'a Drug

Itore, Secure your Huats In advano«.

This elegant low buttou ouly 11.00 atIlE.UiAN iCO.'S.

BOARDERS.A fow good boarders can find a plnoo by

application to the subscriber soon, as thoiber will lie limited to only a fow.

HfiS. GKO. A. 11LANCHARD,Odd Fdlowa' Building,

18-3w p Sussex St., Dovor.


WORK HORSESFor Bab. Apply to

W. W. HILL,if Dover,». J.


ic proniiBes occupied by tho subicribct. Hope aronue. A largo and well np-

polnlcd hoiiflij and grounds, with water con-venient an J fruit of all kinds on tbo promises.

. Apply tol&Mf MBS. IHA C. COOPEK.


Comer Gold and Chestnut Streets. Eightrooms in tbo house, Quad Barn and WagonBhed. Innulro of

B. H. DOWDEN,r Sussex St., Dover.

higher priced goods, and all solid leather.In Men's wear we have an elegant assortment of all the latest styles

in Button, Lace and Congress. We shall at this time mention the cel-ebrated goods of Hanan


STOVES, TIN WARE,food mil Willow Wuro, Lend Pipe, Slnfca,

Agricultural Implements, &c, nn6removed to the


'lion hta patrona will find a full aupply ofletytliiniitlBf rcqulioTnlil. Itoo. Miinli.IK tlie puLlio for pMt favan bo rcspeotfullyilloita ft contipuanne of tholr patrouage.

8ASIPEI, PRTEI1SOK.Btaoliopo, April )lt, 1H4.

elegant in style, and eqmal to any custom made work. We will givea guarantee with every pair. We also have a very nice ali solid leatherfancy tip shoe which wething in the way of footand all at very low prices.


JIM romoveil to liia now

Brick Building on South Streetwler«lii>*mbspl»a»«tl to no all 111. oMto-. men to cliow tbem hla new stock of

Stoves, Ranges, Tin-ware andHouse Furnishing Goods,

anything In tho county.





DRAKE & KING,BUILDERS nml de*len la LTJMBEB, Piioti,8Mb, Doors, DUnilfl, Ac. Boonns Fait acrtMiBoni1 HiterlalK oomUDllj 00 hand.

Oontneti for bnlldiaga liken rrotn the uTttlngof the cellar, and m&tortsls Inrnlsbea.

ilio t\l\ht tadiDg tmaito or Fettlllsen oon-•UntlTonbanfl. : .


A HOUSE AND LOTnt LUXESIDUItO In fine ooadillon and for

. • aalo obeap. 'A IIODfiE AND LOT neur Dover for t

Iblrdi its Tttlne, .;T, ', . '. ,A very oeBlrablo BU3INE8B BITE for ex-iiujge for » good farm. : . 'Two single oitniagei, two seta henry team

barnesa, two lets slnglo barness, TBry cheaptfioldatonoe, A shifting top, ihlftiiig MatsinltableXor depot or milk vagon. "A Grant"i W : A. JTID8ON COE.

AftiU lhe of H u ' i Ties from.|ljr> up at*'.'* 5'/'* HEAQAN t CO.'B.


New Jersey Real Estate.Office: 758 BROAD STREET,


LOTS, COUNTS! BUI'S, t o , * 0 ,



EXCHANGING. ponnltf proporfr.fQrpily prqpprty

A SPECIALTY..•7, Loiaincgotlitmlon

BOND A(il» HORTOAUE.-'< . . Hoiiinora, X.J.


& CO.,




wstill making a specialtyassortment in French




PEBBLE GOAT,FROM 75c. to $3.00.

E are now prepared to show the most complete lines of Ladies',Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes we have ever shown, and are

of P. Cox's Fine Shoes, and have an elegantd, Curacoa Kid, Glove Top Kid, Pebble Goat,

&c. in all fche latest styles and all widthsand sizes; no trouble to get a perfect filWe have just opened a splendid line ofLadies'at $2.00,

Id Shoes which we are sellingwhich have all the style of the

& Son. These are thoroughly reliable goods,

are selling at $2.00. In fact we keep every-wear for Ladies, Gents', Misses and Children.

JAMES S. MEL1CKlias oroned bis newstoi

SUSSEX STREET, (next to CAIN'S feHOE STORE,)aud begins trade nitb a fine new stool of

SEGARS AND TOBACCOS,of overy quality snd grade, and in tbis lino of bnaineBS, cither at WHOLESALE OH ItKTAlL

U oroparcd to oiler Iho lowest price oonBiatont with tbe qm Uty ortbo article BOIJ.

WINES AND LIQUORS.I hiva a Tory larfio lino or goods in tbla department, and to retail lieakra can offer eapecia

inducements lo puryhaacre. AIBD, an unttstully flnn alock of imported Wines anil Lliotir*tot frmlly Bntl nudicinal purpoBBB. ImpoiU-1 Alea, Ginger Alci aud Voticn ot tho loading

ufactureru. M;

3NTE3T7VS D K P O Twill conlaln all the leading daily and weekly newspaper*, and BII neribors or paroliaBora, will

l>e Bupplied from tlio atoro or at tUeir rcHidcncoB In tlic stioitnLt t;mo pogeiblo altur tlielinrriv»l. SUNDAY NEW3PAPBHB ilcliTcrea at your doo» Rt an aarly honr.




PONTAINIK GtA Thirteen Inch Bpyon Btcel, with Doable Oenieri and Clot 1 Corned, both n«xlbla tnd

aids Adjaiten, fiilnr Tipped qidt Steeli.

Jointed Buki ( B(oh EmbrQiiJorj.

Bilk Blsstio Htpp, WAQRASTflD to eoaflre tbe wait of tho do b,

No Bones, Coralino Corded throughout, and wmrrmted not to u*t|c, I

Bold with immeDie wec.ss tat Bix Tatn, and not one in 1 tbc nund lmp«to«!

NonetpsezpcniiveforiiQBJl deilpn—none too cltetp fortha' aeentowur.

Btiei from IS to 83 kept con«t»ntly In rtoak. In white.

Any color la Silk* Satin, Coatll or B»ttaeo va»d8 to ordsr.

Bold with ImmeBie incoeii for four yewi.

Noi MM In * tboDikod imperfeel,




GOME AND SEEGeorge Feder'p New Q

neitly pttefl np with an cottrs new »to k of

READY-MADE CU0THINQ!Goods by the Piece ol gll grades, both foreign anil domestic,

for Hen's and Boy?1 Wear.









«.fl.HNHORN«to.having enlarged and eitcnilcil tbeir stani from Market uli-cot to Campboll street, ruuninB

tlirough tlic pntiro bloclt, now offer a etflpk of uver

S75.000 WORTH OF CARPETS AND FURNITURE,conslrtlng of Moquotten, Velvets, Boilj Brussela, Tftpostriee In nil grades, Thvee-plys,

Extra Snperfl, and low-prieod IngrainH, Eag and Hemp Oarpete.

PARLOR SUITS.InillBtjlos and ptiots, both Ebony nnd Walnut Prime, and soteringB in PLAWirf

BKOOADED Btp S; PLpSH, BAW SILK COTEKINqs lo all s H " , BS? 'aod HAW OLQXH, all (it e?trnmp]y lo^ prices.

WALNUT BED ROOM SUITS,Hublt-top, night pieoos, in all the ktMt atjlei, from $100 dom aa lo» «! !<«•

ASH BED ROOM SUITS.We defy Mmpo{itlo? h then in «tjle. and price,, a> »e boaght out > bankrupt el-

tablulunent and we are lolling them «t wholoaals prices.

ENAMELED BED ROOfiE SUITS.We lead tho oitj in largo aMortment »nd low pricta, a. wn malo n ipeoiiltj of tt«-


bouUei an immense .look ot Writing De>k«, Beolcagei, •Wardroben, Bideboardi, H«»U'and Pier Olasioi, OhiOonicrs, Eitomion Tables, Slurblo Top Tiblos of all Und>, 0»««and Dining Claim, F.ney Carpet »nd EnlUn Boclera, Buy chain Hair Hoik MidEioelsior Matlrenua, Blanket., Stove», Il»nBe«, l c . In (act we h.yo thoLAEQESTSTOCK OP HOUSEHOLD FUIiNITTTIlE l in r t I w r t ,„,„,,,,„ ^ stata, In our »n..

We Incite everybody to oill ond aeo the Inree»t Cm pot and Funltnre Sloro In the 8MB,wlthont nrBmg to buy. With twenty lour year.' dperienc. In tbo b n l n w , and an to-mon.e capital, we defy competition and sell 30 per oan l. bolo» „ » none In tbe t»d..

Weekly and monlhly paynuntB taken wltLont oil™ chargeOooda delivered free in any part ot tho Stale

A. H. VAN HORN & Co.

73 Wm .Ifflffl, NEffil,!,INEAB COURT HOUSE.) ^


Saturday, April

Common OonDoU

jEinM A. Biker hw town appointed pwrt-mMtw at Umtii|tOD.

bua « n a r m « l i y the fleuit

Hey. J. X. Higga to MorrUtown-Ths Original Hew (JrUani Unircrsity Stag-

era. SatnnUy evening, April 19th.Tie Jewish Feartof tlie FaMorarbegan jat-

terdoy and to-d*y It Good Friday.

S T pIdence irf John C. Weiili. Eeq., April lr.tli.

Hoar ifce famous Amiierrt College GlaeCIul ftt HorrfatOTn nert Tuesday eraiing.

Henry C. OWen, m i of ilia moat i>ri>imneicitiioniof MadlHOQ, died last Friday erenln

Hie Hubbatd Stid.lt property at Rorknwawas bongtit by Hntibard BUckk, Jr., f<

Tlie tolejilione Hue from HiieketlHtownBudd's Lake und Stiinhciixs will noonerected.

A bright fltf.it WBB wrn lust n i^ t vbi.inriioated B *'<« sonKurliwo j» tltf dirLrtioiiMt, Hope.

The Union flclioiil litniHr, library lias 1>nenlarged hy looal oontrlbiitioiiB and nld frothe State fund.

By piQclnmatiuh clwivlirro it wllJ l>n «fithat GOT. Abl>rtt Las appointed April IHtU itreo plotting day.

The old building of revolutinnnrv funo ithe property of Mr..Tei(!iiiiHlil]uti(ir,Mii<!ifl(iis being torn down.

Charltm A. JOIDSOII, non (if ex-AsRP.iiilil•Tohnnou, bad pnirfaaiiGil the Btntili'y yrociMstore of David Reibel.

Biabop Btnrkey of this Episcopal diocmWill live at Summit until liis depart urn fiEurope next Summer.

Will 8. Mulford and Uanton Cauiplmll, iSlorriafown, have opened a clothing store tBorrien Springs, Hicli.

It ia slid that tho Thorns Iron OmptinhnvolKiokEd'onlcrFmiDnimting to 89,(100 tonof pig iron slnoft Jnnunry 1.

Jffsa Annie JenJcfiiB receives pupils lor itstructlon on piano ami violin nt tlic innsiiroom over Mr. W.phtoii'a utore.

The temporaneo pcopln litwhig 1>eon ilofcnlediu Batrway on Tdotilay Rov. H. D. OJIHyko vBl JISTO a fluid to work in.

At the annual MIMQI mrFtingtii Doontflino one thought of Eftuotnlniiting 13 IO. (.nrrieon. IIoTf liuve tlie mighty fallmi I

The total oro shipmotitfl of the Uymn» mimfrom Octaffior, 3871), to thotimn of Its W-CODahandonment amounted to 157,370 tono.

A fashion magnzino nalm: " What will tincoming woman weiir V That linpi-nrffl largelyupon what income the coining limn iiiukcs.

The hill »t tho Yoraijt Ponplo'a TemjionuiccCamp was promptly paid upon ihoir receivingnotion tbnt wo Iind mu-li a elmni a«ain*t tlirtn

Rev. Dr. Kcnrdinnn, of S(ftnho|io, will 1Mturo for tlio Gospel TompcrnDOfi Union in thrFlundorR M. E. Churoh next Tncsduy even

Col. Gnrrott Ackcrson, Jr., onfi of tlip Mnn-agnrsof tlie Stnto LiiDnric Acjluni nt Morrisrinlns, ban teudercd lila resignation toAbliett.

A mnrty of tbU climate anys the Lord nevermade nny thing in vain except Blarcli nndApril, and perhaps sic or novou of the othertnoutlis.

TUo Into Wm. S. Babbitt had liU life lust tAfor #,0O&-$i,0OOfc tlio Wellington Z.ifi>, otNew York, and (5,000 ia tbo Mutual Benefitof Newark, , f ^

An eiitortBlnTneit will lie •"glVen In Boonext TliurBiUy evening for tho benefit of thoChildren's Hoqie. ; It iougot/ to: be ;largolypatronized.

Rorao people Me wise enough when thoy' 'put their foot In it" to pull ft out.Garrison nlwftyt keeps on till ho gainother foot in.

The members of tbe Common Council wtonne expire tbb Spring lire Recorder Crlt-tea den, Ahlommii llanoc tind CouncilinenHeimett and HoDavit.

Ilro. Vance announces ttiat If bo had bornin the Leglalntiiw last woefc tie would havi*voted for foirutlo suffrage. Tho Indies willpleuse make a uoto of HUB.

Tho A u r a l Report of Frot. Oco, H. Cook,• State Geologist, jn«t rocom-d, ie an always ii

Tery valuable document, ani ha» wnrli itfinterest relating to Morris county mine*.

HOT. TV, I. GUI has boon traimferred to tlipNew Hampshire, Conference nud in Millions!at Lawrence, MOBB., a oity hituiitod 25 mil™Irom EoBton and eoiitiiiuing Uii,000 iulml.it-ante.

, - r , Sa^anal Thorane, tlio Prcsidntit «f theThtt&at irxm Company, ]iai hr.cn t'lwit'd »"»the Penmylvauin delegate!) to tlio ltrpulillennNational Coaveution. IIoiBn strong Ulnind

in sol.A bill of Dr. J. 1). Klnjt, for jiost inn

•m un tlio body of Diuiid Dcguu, wiiT. Brlylit, and attending inquest, mid u bimr. U IJrlgJit for JiiO fw Hliiiilar «crvin

ealdiu roforonco tu Dr. King's bill, wltichhadhim, Hint fbeeu hilis and

Molina Mr. Vnn, Llnw'e. wero not regnluted>y law oe tn amounts* anil be did not BOO i itin Hoanl oau get' nrmmil tliom. Noun

these bills come in for tlio snuie omoutit,8OU10 OOAOR arc more aggravated than otbr,Tfap plre^ttut ifanfflil to;k(ipw 16 Iliot 'ip iuregaril to. tlie \mt mprlera tdll» jf thoy should

t l ' t f t a ocrtiiliiitiqi] ot Jhj CoroneroUo in antlioril/ that euoh eerW

had.beenporibraiod. ... .... t, ,.-,,The Hit ofttr, Von Llew%M ordered paid.,

Thob.UtoorDrB.KingttudBrigbtwere orderedeturned for tUo.^ofliflentifln of.tho Cpronornd reduced to half the am mint epcoifled.Tlio Ilirnotor statr'd Ibpro WQR still duo tboitinty irim ilanover tnwtiBhi]), $RO0; from

Jlenilbimi, $4^)27; from Wnabiugtnn,|784.46.

o the indictment ngainftlnii:y c t u b c i i l c m e i i t mid tliti Cmirt

ordered a general plea of not guilty Io be i-n-torod. •

The House of AenemblyhRS pnsscd a billmnkiDjr H nnlnvful fur any Jiorsou under thotpo «f eightwn years to pliiy. hilliarils or poolin any saloon nnder a penalty of *20 For enoh

Tho Western Union TclogrnpL Co. obarcrs28 r.ent« for ton words from hero to NoW YorkWhile the Postal TologrnP» C(1- s e i l l lH twenty^orda from: New Vorli to «hin»goifor-tnc.Bams not. '•

Mr. Honry M. Brinkerhoft", cxroutor cf thewill of Henry MoVei-lan, doe'd, tiled at St.Augustine, Florida, on Fidny of tout WPPIC.Court appointed Uou. E. D. ltalney Adiumis-trntorofthe eitaW. . / •

In view of tho wonderful inoreaan of Moth-odism, from 15,000 in 1781 to 1,800,000 In 1881,ft fa proposed to oefonrnto next Chrktiniis aatho ehuroVB ocntenninl Wrthdhy with anitii-ble jubilee Hcrvlrcs.

Tho TlrBt M. E. and Millbrook chfirgri. wnroseparated by the reMCt Conference, and Mill-brook and Moont Fern will constitute one ap-pciatmonttbia year, which will ho suppliedby a student from Drew.

Tbo Haokottstown Qatetio makes a falseftfatetqent of the rati^ qf tmatioti in Dover,\a which bneritalflo [wsltfon ft phew ituriifby asoepting tlje nulharlty cf people ttbo bayeft Uttal d|aregnfdf.ot the tptl j .

Jerry Weavii* nn» opened a new upbolBtor.Ing eBtablishtncn on Wacron street, next toCox's market, and i* prepared irii.li a oompc-tentwni-lraimto do upbolBtoriog and lepalrfill Idnds of furnituto. Jerry unys be Viennabustueis and will try to plensc alt.

Judge WrirapVaUw library bruuf;btwlmtla termed o good prioc, at meUou in NewYork last week. Thn KTOHS Amount realizedwas aboitt (3,00(1. ' the Juilge hud been someforty yeaw collectiBg If, and its original costWas probably double tne nmount of tho sale.

Tho sals of the law library of tbo Into JudgeV. Dalrimple, of Horrlstowii, waa made lastWeei at the nuotlon ruoms of Mess~s Bungs&CA,3?oa 739 and 741 Broadway The listcontained tKmteahea, digenti, eoratnentariesand trial wlvlch were nulject to spirited bid•line-

A falmtr residing noac Sorer went to MewYork on tba b t of Apnl to employ help butcould, not uDderatud why pooplo avoidedbim, until lie learned that BOIQG lioodlurashadtaek(dthc9^D"3DjallPoi1 onhJsbach"Bam.11 will guard WmBelf mare carefnllywhen next lie goes to tho city

Tb6 Banner was caught on tho April f nilhmx ttbeut tha grast icductien In WOEOB andt&rwtAiiNl ittllu %\ Hibomla rl)ieh it liak

' Ujod to fttttitata to tbe Bopubl con partyWith, if) usual unfairness, boworer 1L fjOli toihmct the falaa and m&lldoiu tti'

Teaho mlne.Qi

and rmo « * r , Jjfc faon asme IOOBO oro Galoii( aSijat UIB £ue, anjl

fa le«i w* teq^it« M

g WM hi

Th^Apfllia86tijigoftheBpM4w?alWodnei4*y) with all tlie'iaember. prwent

r t p Dinotoi nod » iwintiiEinioaUon iromthfl County Clerk ansmuoiDg tba etoationHorttoe Ford at *reeiolder by the BmmtoBTownship Comtalttae to fill fht unexofredtons of Oh^i, y . Hopldtit. tttlgwd- tlheStnotor then *dmlnist«rcd the oatli of affloeto Mr. Ford. ^ . ^

Tha ratnntei of t b | previous meeting weire*d mid ippH-TwL **

Mr Wolfe of the inTMtigafine Committeereported pmpeu. Tbe DJreotor said 1

i n n ^ a t h a t t b e o Emeetbg w^ald be the last of tha prewloaM.On motion of 3fr. W. !?• Coat tlie aman

(163.15 from tha lnteraat and •Uacouat aj.ppria«ouBnd |2.96 from the interest on w

revenue were tronsfwred Co t ie appro-priation for printing nod advertising.

A number of bill* wen preientcd and ordered paid. There vat »me dlsonfaion rp-*pDotingabiUofA. W. Kattgbirigbt for (for the burial of a pauper in WBihington town-nil lp. The Poor House Committee gold aolutiun wu4 passed In 1659 limiting thejxtuNo for tho burial of a pauper to $10-tbiivliert! tho ctjionflB would osiiecil that amoitin; Ktuwiird nf the 1'oor Housa abould titii(irj[B oft lie body. TIiifl|iaujiar, FmohoiiNiiiiglirighL Buid, w;w ii county iiaupcr, «••ported by i\w, enmity prior to hU death.mo Hun -V.-M made tlmt tlio bill liu riifonbuck io thr .•(.miiiitlw anil an miirinluifnt-vniiidc. tlmt it be paid in full. Mr. Mnugbrighlfaid vbfii pi'uplu «ii..'it und ivi*rf> buiieitin h luwiinliipw it % i,n cj.in-rtcd tliul Ihoiiil wojiJil 1«. jinjjjrwJuit. in aceordauce willIbti i-iiK'jiunt of tins tuwtiHliip. Tho boitrd hipussiid Ijilla for HUIUH niiigiuj; for IS tnfI4 (Vftcrmns fiirrif.l Incn t!i<s jull. This inrttuHhmiub ]mi>r. l:«d ki-i'l. Itinisclf oat of tilpunr IKIUKC t»r HIXI.V .lourn. wlilcb, Hhoiild boeoiihiilftr.it i.m in fuvor of a pt-tiprr luii-iulTin; umtiiiii us aiiiundud—that llio bill be

$15—ciiuie u]i for jmoHfij e.,'wiidwhil'.xtmvfljifii).. ii was lireukiiig up a custom

of tlio Commit tee. If this bill were nppropiiit *1G, tliun a bill iur $20 or mure mi^ht bo

mtcd for v. liko purptiaa, with othergi'd whiob it Tiii litins prgucd npre oonel^t-

eiit, and not extruvaguut., Ottec lowaBhlpainiglittbinli, iT tins rosolutlon wero brotou,Clint they wnuld liko to bury t|elr pAuijot 1BtilHiettor ntylo thirn Wmbingtoii, aud pre-seut perfectly consistent hills for tbo some.Hit* argument was deoondod by^Mr. W.'"~(Juok. ilr.Noufbrjgljtflflid tlie dietonoe rf

owiiirfilp made it tbo hot tbat worewere burled in this township thanin auy other. He made no chjeotioB it

:i{] tho pail pern at tho Foor lloued from'illusion taTriiBlilp buried tlio BO too ui fiooi atber townelipfl. He coiifbvBrsimiont in fnvnr of tho fnlruW of i

hill. The resolution OH nmended win put auud tlion upon motiou was ordered paid

ut flO.Another wrJnklo in tho wpiyof bill)

if Dr. (J. A. Ilccker, for «10, for un esaininn-ion iu luimey. ItUiin been tlieeutttoin of tinlloiml to pny mioli IHU at *?. After sotm

ing as U> tho i>mj>Kt uurliflcntloii of tinliill It was referred bnok for corrtdlfiii.

AliiliofJ. I,. Van Lfuw, uinUTfiikor, forTvipop in tliccBite of tbe bui.nl nf iioiietliidookur, $22—furuwliiiiR cofllii nnd hem

15, BHIVU »»'! rtiopeulng 91. lti'ferred

i ji)etruc(«d tn

an will ho ncccHHH

witha und takery to

r nunounred that Mr." VntAthe Commit I cps of which Mr.nii'tniiKr, ntitl f hut the old ItVi>r on ourli of mu-hCominUteea

Boiird fi

Ily ndvrrilat thn Amte or tbiJr

A Splendid Concert,iseiiieiit clsiiwheru it will l« ut-tnlit-fst I'lilliiKri Olee Olnli will glvofjuiii.HH 'uijiirerfeiii TJVCPUID Hull,

wtnwn, next Tiu-wlny evcninR. Wber-bcy pit, uud atnoiijr tlift mnst critiiml

mitfM they are very M^fily eayt-]tended, andilrli^litpllt)ieir&n<lJRo^. Butbut will most In.ertflt Vtltoe'e in tho Vicinity

is tin) (net that a fpcofnl train w»[Mcm-ustDwn after tlio Concen tr» re-Rnekftwfiy -iind {Dover ilt« •iipoplo

•Li* ntt«ud from tliew towm, sItfe tiot uftannt wo Imvo such un op part unity a fin tiled uswilnFSBitu cntortainmont of such a high

isirneter »nd be tc(jirii(yl homo' without th-j nt IU cQiidiiiUa^ and doiibtlofc (nbiiywltltill theiuH<il\<M of thte vhiiuco. Itnail theinoiiuccinciit ftud securo yaiy aeuts early.A Inriro midlcnei> offnnblnnitblo peoplethcrrAin Ovntrni Mtinh lin)h last evening,hear the AmUon.t Collo«i! Qlco Club. It

•na HII admirable concert, ami aiiplauded tom Mha. 'llin bnyfl tlldliotli khl enniio mid

pathetic of college melody in tlie mmtulftlniiig aliupn, -aud, tLotiftli tlio.pro-'imio van long the Interest nowhete'flh^-

'lliosu who v/ure not nt Case Hall last Blchf1

juHt conception ofthotrcutwliich,rd li.v thin littlo band of sixteen

..„—. _.ie enjoyment•"WIIB linmenno andjo sipplnuso bfuirty. Hncnrca followed t t>ast twelve of tho tniritca momUora aud M

vitib remumded -n-ltli ftr.nh sonai pacbo, tbo variety, iiud-ctoollnijoo o I tlio pro-muie can lie imagined.—Cleveland Leader.

Petit Joron.llie fallowing lmre boari drawn; Io* tie

Eiutej-HthBtoukiiilcnanie of the Churc

•6 pxaj CtolirtiaB^ilnit i

which It doaljEnatra t u from a very oarperiod obterred with •peeialaelemnity by t

Earter day * u tha central point, oommentag-with Palm &iinaM-im4 ^enntaatiiift withLow BiiDday. K«ter waiknown by a v&rletjof title* in the tarty Church. Ithad a d

fthethe prelude of the E-uUral of the Ee*urroe-tion. TLUwMtboonl^R^a-butblutliowbakyearta VtWf^^i teff** ^* l t tod , t u rb*fMt ol Eaiter eve WM of tke atrlotut chfit-wter, Mid v u prolonged at leiut till mld-niglt, Good Kridaj turf Kwfcr e n Wng >oonUnuons fait Although nothing could ex

early Cbnrch, by which it wasjiutly regardedwthaulnaffdUTaloftU wholo yew.tboroU naion to beliovo that tbe blgb-»mnidln|titloa witU wbleb tie *arly father* dollghteitn dooortntc it an ,mt,tft_ r(.fltotip?l .1wblob UDnur obUined genetaU careta religious obiervnnce Eaator day was no

ilshed from othijr Sundays except b;tlic YastaeBB of its wBgcegslions und (lie

ml sploudor unit dignity of itssorvlcei,The gwftt CTti»t. which. Batter

ruti'B iH finidunmiital So tlie Christian syi' * never I) u<l if credibility luiphlrwl Ii;

ulUoffnitdflaJty. Nor is then aujItliolihoodthat it ever will. Every oliotun-lance oouieoted with It ubow» -tb^ jtho Oti-vBcfl on wMub it rests as a groat yatorlitn laiHircKimlilc. The deapUod Natarone died aanriiuiual, and will Him the work He OOOJ-tametl Ml mbt tulu pud the h^pp 0\ifr cxtinEQislied. N«vw wan tluVidlfire nf n party more eomplote. Tlioabaca wore orusliod out. Then were odlfiw women left to lapjout the Acp4 one, whUavu or throoof tbe,better clues liad the ohir-

ity to give him burial. There was evidentlymi tltougbt of taktnR up the worl&.whloli the

leitied had seemingly brought to &ntlio strange rumor

having bean seen .Mv\tbase who hnd beso Hii disciples, and mooted

tory. •/&& ,ye* in tfx ot aavenmovt'oftl» peasant bloss for tho

most r/flrt,j(nrwariwaini9 pubjio, thy}of Jeraadiin^Dai ifa'thVpretontw oT thettudea who were thnugin^to O- gnat na-tonal feast, begin to prewb, noi tba m&i

of their dead Master's dootrlnomi Ihe crude speculation* tfhlolt mod devia.Jngun imposture generally oomtnenot wit')

K* ihatiircd «j»tein, eomplota In all ill^asary parts—tho Christian religion In Moltipe, farm, cotiBlelciioX and full neai that

lajoot beonjiWefomitJfcareal nildltlon hTlio bejicfleent nystoin tbny proolaltned

hogali nt'ohoH to exercise that cxtntbrdlnAryJnfltinnca, wbloh oren it* cnomlog allow It, fli

!<lnint; uud imrifvinK tho so ivlin embraetd itfoctriucfl and olicjed iU prncpptn. It sprentliDtiuinilly, iu tbo fucts of thn moit omul andlutiuuud pcnnoittlun, till it is nooopted byie most oiiHtilitoucil nnlionn, tu tendency'iiifT evprywlicT* to ameliorate tlio ennditionmen und to i-Ntuliliih n. Btmiiluni of morals

The Trowattba Cates DecidedTltrt'eprooteiiiiigri wero instituted bj the

i; v flgnlimt BaiuuuJ TrtwartltA in .'ulylfi11 of which were to recovpr pennlties far

BetHnu liqtfor dy small meusttnt withoutnine, nnd tlio other fnr soiling bM>r niterir« al nijtht. They wero triud boftici- .lustim> Wood wlio rPiiilciL'd juiigniefiivor ol' the oity in all the ours. Mr.

'ruwurtliii uppi'uIuLl tu tbe Court ot Commouin, nud tlio ciiufa woro tried before thatirtin October, In one of,the;enHCB fcrinjf liquor by nmnll meimire judgment

il iuimcdiiitely in favor uf Tre-tho ground tbftt tiw1 Bvideuoo<saHBot tttf&chmt. In tliq otl

tlifl tiaalii oDiitestwa^madeflpjin fluio'ts of-lftw. Trcwf^tUo'ii oouneel olafmed

iiiee WAA voldi* )^^^ tao jitiorDoidings wore ineuffioiont In form, and thattlifij .qouJioQn Pfi#Jil Iirfdfpo ylghVtq ^palnt

Fotloo Justice because uo inch power WHBtv«n in' (he ohnrtor, and tlio statute of 188J,nownas ilie Polldo fJonrt not, wns uuoon-:itati.mM, mi*!- if constitutional did not

apply to Dover. Upon these and other 1groan (is a Inns argument wan niado beforethe Common Pleas-nnd tlio Court mnerrc'l

idoclaiuu. This decision was ronJorcd onjtidsy liisf. ^ Tlie C'odrt nfiirinn ib6 twoigmiMili ital^tfJVoWartlin, holding tbnt[vetldeucfl sgiiiuit him was sniilcicnt upynCHO chiir^uti, and that noun of the ol.joo-IUB urj-nd In liis liubsilf were valid. Tin;M>» urn of Importance i\n tlu-yettablhli th«[lit (if tho clly to t)iiror(*itKf,rdiniitui(.'Mbyimcodlnj-H before tlie TtAwi Justice, andio ctstuyiitihes thn rJ^lit of llin viiy toiiji-lntiiuch a Police Justiow. Tlin pi-nnlty inAGAM'Ia (10 and vnfctK, nnd in Ike «lher«-, Air two otruiifc*, ?2rt uiul I^MIS. tJifytoi-iiDyMuliloiiI'iliicy rc]irf.nrnilcd Ibc pwis-.itinn mid Goo. T. Wurtu tbo .lofrmc

"The Heptblicau Party Purged,"EDITOHOF THE'KHA.—Mr. flnvrimm i-f theilletin claSma to have hiborcd long end

purify the Itt'puHicnn party"Morris county, nnd partlcnlarly In Booutun.it Fall ho labored stromiounly for Ihr

nriUmtlon of tbb comity when ho attemptedTovcut uutl Joftwt thfl rf'jiwjuijjjiJiLHi pfK-boliadbCGu hi a benefactor. Tlio rnmiltMoen in the w-noroiiiatloii and ckctioii ofibjeet ofSfr, flnrrimir* Irnfc. Ills next

tempt nt "purl4ci.liun " IVJW fur tho bcn«HtBoon ton, wlieu,l.a uudcrtook to Bit downthe bounrnble " wnr record" of n> gallnut

ildlcr, aud thus defeat him iu lii* uspti-ntlunapotitlon. TIIQ sucucHB of tbg lolUcr- for

tlio pliico no wplred to slpw» how well houiecKcdcd. Ni'Xtkr.OwrUon'tricd to "purify"tlio county hy enileuvurinjj t» help thu Docio-CMtn elects iunjortty of the llcanl'of Free-boldnrt. The complete success of tbo Bo~

i is tbe best Butluiate of liis BSOIIB,Now, when he dlncoYcrg that;' the people " ofDoontou nnJ the Repnblionti p'sttynrn'RoUngi) hannDny, as they have bean, and. beingitlll Intent on "pargiiiK" tbe party, both inDoonton anil tfaroitghqnt tho county, '.Mr,Onrrlson steps out hiipeclf, imd Io 1 the party

U "purged!"

y term:Randolph—John M. Ixreey,-J" • B i b M l l ' S r

ffHj Cook,

1 ,, , Had st th9 Age ol 104. . 'Few people.In tbe Northern portions of

SiUNHix county litd toy Idea that PranklinParBftce bonated uf a oitiieturhb had roaolied

of 104, j e t inch is a fact.

lloofa.waj-Ea.moni p»«lin. V.Brynn, Mjhlonlf. ari

eli . . . . .Pi3qiiftnuoo-^TolitiDeMott.nenrrD.ttloker.bmlI'o.lWlliiarl'<ilrJ«Fkvj!;:o;> ;WaalilDRton—LnmbErt 8. Bektty.Mt]iiif-M»rtln0,iiiiiDlj]8i)J0hnE.B»llbitt/m. 8. Vooibeei, Hitrla VonJcrboaf,/ 0™.llaylee. ' . , ; ' ", , 'Y-,;7 vi '•"i\'"! i

T*mti-Vlm. U. Smth, &u»««l F.'OUrar.HanofBr-^-ProdiVE. Bnckm&n, Cbaa. H.

>on«ra,Oorni>liM V. N. Btiyker, Mooreo

Iham-Chas^ Lei doll, Jos. D. Uoflic-rtdge<EaTlF,Cp'J»etUlx>-*bW. Thomson.

?rPe,*m?f. BlimeinMj Bui. P. Bart.

A tittla Too rW K.Utara,

nrl.u. , |Mr Prod W K.Utara, of SeAiiir. Talis, writcA nB a communleatloniTlilA)] -we

nld puHiib oicept for tbe fact that j ltmtiiftil and llbeloua. It la art dVA

tiaaa illatribo agaln^ Mmo lal profwiloii, wi.» Mr UMhenMtmt

kr«ctjTriWlfroniFretk<iW=r Msrritl forwrlUiia aimmuulcMlcralii tin E B I ot ls i t

eek. Thit limb of die Uw U dcaoaaeed asa "mercenarytool,"etc.,"for

,tnolet,rill I:

the offeeUTeneuu of i l

if last weclt w u written by a person wljo'faaBa TV *AomtlShIJ*idi

rbo reootTed pot m tVf&Vrfit emolnment lorl a t t e wroto Till U'flflittlilft h(r«tlW,

u ;liawl»g )k« nttafnlffltfllff Mr) J.BiBtiafMiiid.ASlJ4

Ird bim Into manj erwrt of a like natora tqjaaldngcrMr Merrltti BEO, jndgiBB fromlUtoremnolwUgn, bia MMIUCHS nnut be

taken with a good Kuny gnU* of wit, for Intbta matter our,fAotlbflt V

of Bnwm'. jailer ««J felrtlutar Cardi ilowlW i to hi tho hiadnsuit jet oSand.


^aUiy^Si. whero

~ John

derfully strong eotstitntion, and had been•I& b a t s ' l ^ f l a y i daring hi, ltfei 'He re-

imwandsrlul degree, Myi.praiq) gtmotsdJately prior.to hU itaih bo could read


i oat ot doom,I at a tarriflo

.A . I t .>mal --b-it

,_ tribute to theinartmwhoh&Vc1

puted beyofld the «aoho( ?wrto} rojl, call!Qen E L. Campbell, of Trenton, has acceptedan invitation to deliveetbo ontlott on this oo-cwlon Qen.CainpbeUwucnfbfTbS,^Mt Mi most meritorloQi of Nuf JeiUjr Wdlen. HsmlUtedto tte IBthl » W 5«ri^yVnltuitcc^, YDS promoted ftom Jlaoe toptacotill lit bewnB (jolonal of the IUgiment, andbdartthsdoiwof the war vari hraretted aBrjgsdier Gtepaml HB 1« *l»ff a Ytry altraclire tradinteWitfaiitBbe&ltef, »nd tho committee of, amaga»ei.t» b^ra. fhown the lieitJodtwnUahlBH^otlon

fl niniilitfiil Tiniliiii'Mr Ed. DoOamp'-who h u beed (

n. Uowanlim^MMfol In iitfr*o])rr»t]oni. Ju ppeu|mt HP(heir property and for their pUnt thoy exponded about ftf.OW, *ttd tUt they earnedtosetbervlth a dirtdond of twenty per oent

Iwj ta manyfTieiidrifcWrHicou'ti^WiirM'il^W hear

the new itara, new goods ana newprteoi ofthe KewYcrkrV China Tea Co nextio PoitOffloe, ! Bnson putdowniowar thut ever

The lerere itona of Tuesday evening again

trjres under t ie ditoetion of the Toong Pw-pVi Union in tbe fteibyterUn Chunk-Tthere w u a (air audienae to hear B*v. WH. Beldeii dolirer tbe fourth of the oonne,

"MM-nors md OuiWmsOnopk." Alfboogb aaitbl« to

V we learn thst $31 were highly phwith the Interuting faota lie presentedreferonobtotJiisfaroonaeKy and its poopas well us the able and entertaining mannerof tlolr nntrntifia. ]fUu JenkioV.: pflrforatceatthe organ 1» also highly ootntoeiidThe laet leeton of the oonrae is hy Bev. J .Vlihar, of Jeraey City, from the tAbje

'Portia of To-day,^ on Wedm»d»y *vmlMnext, It ia nntlalpated that ibis lecture willbe an able conclusion of what h u beon

enteminiog wane, nncl it is toped thata goodly audience will 1>e prevent to enjoy It

Ths EngbaarUig and Mining Journallait Saturday eays:

ililBlCil Ra.—PriMrt!oolIy there fsohangn. The doroanil is limited to imall 1<-forvhlcn milursof standard brand* exactfull figures. We ore informed that theThomas Iron Company i> declining to take

n for soinogrades ot Iron, its full outputbeing repaired to fill orders. Hill Irani

a}W fsvorpUe ftpfltloni and tltere is sirregBlantr-

% We quota No. 1 Foundry at «ao^21} No.Si 116@$1O.5O"! and Gray Forge, $17.60(^13.60.Tliore have been tmall aal-which lemalna.quiet ftt.*fl0.|W, anoflnt Spiegel is quoted ia tpuild lot*®J20 ex ship. Ferro-raanganeBe, 40 per oenl

worth»«.< : .

> ''f ' r: BrttJi'.or.aJCflreliWf 'Wr. Ro1»rt Ely/tbe tailor, whoso l

burtnew has boon on Binokwell street, diodWednesday night. He bad bun ailing

for some time, hat via able to be about untilfew OEVB before his death, Mr. ~\

formerly a gontlaman of means in Eiigianil,font met with biuls«8R roforsos which sweptawtya&hlt projjorty Several ymn ago Jieca»6 to DpT« and worked at tlie tailor1!oorich until Qblo to bring MB family heroeatabliuli tifmself In ptufnasH. By h[s ini

nml Xoltofulneai Ju> had eatabllsliud agood lma.neHii.AQd wu, again iu the way of

inocees;, Mies* dand the faot tbat he WM a man of intelM-

uoa and good character, have madentb much rogrettod Uo leaves a wile andE children. The oaOBO of his death wai\6wion\a ,

Preibytory of Mmis u d Onngfe, "Tht Spring mi&ag ct tho prcsbytsry of

M6rrjn and Qraafp was opened 6t Madison6ft Tuq^day itQWitig, with uf vary full repreBwtattouaf the cletgy und elders. He?. Dr

i'liito, of Suminib, BDT. Hoi.crt ,Curt«r, Ofloonton, and Bev. ttrT'Xlb,9rt Erdtnau, oibrriatown, were tieatd as elerioal tlele.ttei, nn3 Elders HtdgCe, of Choaler and

hudolpb and Little, of Morriatp^n,ikcled lay deh<gate« to, roprnwnt the Pra-ty tory in tho Ociiernl Asiemhly" of (he Churobt liich convenes at Bntatoga Hay 15th. Wi

Dodd, of Boonton, yfnn UcensBd to preme Goi]te1 At the tnliwionnr; meeting on

'aeadny erenlug eddrassta wen, made hylev. Dr. Erdman, Rev. Kobort^Carter andIon John (till., lite Pr«»by[cry adjournod

ieot at Horristflwn on If on Jar , Ma, Ol!.,

Selegatei to Tnstm. 'At tlio Rnndulpl. township primary, held on

eTening, John 8, QlbHon wfisid Chairamu and A Q. Sealing Been-

nry. Uoam. T, O Illenrhlli, A. C. Smith,Uhas. E. Clark and Prod II. Beach wotoBleoted-DeleKBteatn tho State OonTotHun,md JJfMta. Kd S, llanoc, J. Andnw Castor'ine, Alex. KatiDttse and Jas* B. Carrel were

nltemntos. Upon motion i)io somelolegatoB and^ftlternatpa wero eleotcd Jo tboDistrict1 ConvflntlQU. *.. t . f 'ilgirJs (nwaghlp ejectoi If TV. tfiller, If.

I. TitDey, Obarlofl'H. Qnea'aod John 11.Roland.

At the Iioolttway prhunry ihn delegatesleotod were Mosgrs Wm. E. Bunnell, Satnl

Kynor, E, D. UVABOJ nnd*Iobn Nonis.

Vigilant Hoie 'Ball.On noxt Monday evening will be given tlioccnth nnnunl Eimtrr Monday linll of V|gi

limt HOBOCaui)ii.n>, iu Mollor'HOporallouie.The piftparatioaa made oro proof of tbo Suet

tat the bitll in nit Us appointment); Will heilly equal It not superior to any of iU pro-

ftfifcflt yetIflitaincd, Joy<te's inuslo linndemiiiiHtrfltpd to bo the brat Ihey haveiiid, tho ball will be prettily ilccomted

pictitrfH, fountnin timl ilfiwcre, mid•rry Kncnt will b« tourtonnsly trnatod. Tlilu

• ({miid nmroli will ojmu nt !t o'elouk,To iti.Mt) vlin Imvo not yet tnki'ii

Itpln wo can any Ibiit tlic.ruiiMc nnd; scoiien prenftitel by tills bull are;sll worth tin- price nfftdini^ioii.

A Jubileo Concert.famntiR inti-rprrtpvi! of Jiibilooinclo-

IM, tho Orifilnnl New Orleans Unlvenltyiiifiers, Imve licou apourcd to glvn it concert

Whitlnck'fl Hall on Saturday nvenius.lil lDtli. 'n»>y inttRt not bo coafimudedill the trcmpiH Imvclins under i. shailiir

omnpoHcd imnly of. childron, lint nt-u[•iunl-i— tm Indies nnd gentlemen—whoiirncd eacli n wide-spread reputationit tli« cnimtrj'. They are mil lure ft

™,,Bt«, undthelrlut«lligc!iit.iutorpretatlon8tlip moiodlos of the South am alwitya de-

" 1 to Untie aadletnea. Tito anterprlsicg_ _ ..-bJoh has induced them to oonie liore

IOUU be ,ron-nnled by » largo audio DCO.icura your eeais early pt KUlgOro's. :

A Pastor's New Flald'of I»bor.' | .av. O. f. Jnoltipn, Iit^qf HibflTnfB, writes'

' ' In my now appointment 1 shall pnaofako-w Torlt Stnto In tho morning and ;i^:

r JeKTof In the afterboBnoTeaoh'SafiUjh.nfternoon appoiatmont^-fladdle' Hiver,'

KBB Co., K, J,-j« one ot whiob I tooanei.-lor in tb« Spiing of 1EM( whon I entered

New'Jetfley Conference; *• There werta' psnsoas ia tlio eongrega tfaa • irlio romejo-

BoontiH, S J , April 10th, lfSSi.ED. EIU. I—Tbe Republican* of Boonton

hare some to look to four paper M a bettormedium far reporting party prooeed.Bgg herethan the BulUttn Is, and therefore I Mod yoithe rolanbw of the mmtiag oaUed udelegate* to !Teetitim on the 17th. The Buletiu dUpose* of tho matter in a line orlielittUn* Hu!HU»(fnK, but under thu drcutn-staacea that Ii no man than might be expect-ed. Juatpnrlouito eatUng the meetiug totdutfae Editor «aut.aiulT spproMlied tliedoor* of Washington Hull where the primary»*» held, itnd discovering no idnOred iplritotbere for him he quickly withdrew, and»eea to strike oat ot onto upon a ran iu oto evade notiee. Ho thorefote bad so oppoitottlty to obtain a better report of tbe pr<oeedings Tbe meeting was organised by' ' si 3. D. Hoefcr&geaa ChairiEim ODI

JB*.M. Qrowu AI Secretary. Mours. H.Lyon and 3. K. Darragli wure unanlraoiuletuwn as delegates and Snooh HfiinndThoi. Byard alternates. The delegateigo uniustruoted, but on motion, tlio prefer-ences of the primary were expressed by vote,

routed in showing Plain* and Lin-coln to 1)0 tho choice almost; solidly. Pub!MDtlment •eoin» rapidly |inonmaing Lorefiivor of the u«w paper project. A itroiiifeellnjt exista against the Hulletln. wlichatandahoreaa an apology for a KflpuuHoouJQivnal. and Irp.ta present inditistleUM, the livemember* of the party will toon ofdive truthout of nilerepreaentatioii and nlennllncas fromflOum,byUi8 0BtablishinfiDtofajoiintiil wliii•liali reflect oredft upon tho party and i|

A fiamuoe of Boonton.An amneing event is being laughed at hiao«e in Doonton and other part* of tba count)hottrtuwqualttted wltb the droumBtmioo,and

boluttoftlio eport is » certain Eudividiwho imagines that one of bis tcomplinhiaentaa the facility with which he 1R able to fucln-

aie married ladies. The story goes thatmarried Jadrcf toooutou vtea ot her way totho city one day recently, that tbo conceitedIndividual intruded bliOHolf in her seat, learn-ed liar destinntfon In tfte city, pnfefieed to liegoing in tits uamif dlrenttau and ucoiupiw^ve^oneoftlteelovatedroads. Ontig her ho inquired what (tain she would rc<

u iipuii, aud she, hoping to get ftd dfjiiin,nod an early one, and purposoly delayedreturn nUtft n late one, lint when sue

IB to take lt»bo found thatha1 tormentoiand waited to auuoy her with his couvowa-tidn on the return (rip. The next da) the do-ludetl creature'met the husband of tlie lady

question and tiamamotted htmt

- i l r . ,'do yon know tbat I had tfat pleas-ire of going and returning from the city in

ipany witU >our wlfo io»fordny, and tlint

pTo wlfoh tbe husband—fbo Imd been In-

l y f h o n n n j n i i M to whichihebad been subJeotad-ODtfly replied

' 1'OB, I should IUV from -fhnt my wif iie, that you enjoyed It a blimed sight betterj»n she did."Tliaocu

QmPttmm Prosatke fol-lowing oxtraotfrom a private letter he busreceived from tho editor of a lending ofter-aoon Journal in (few York:

" I road Fnetpt'a address to tbo New Jennyrmora on my war townw nrd tlili moralua.

tho keen-••*— -i *•-•• •• UW be tempted to

question hiy povrerof literary oontiucnoe ntleait. ItHaeinedtomoaa artlstloftllyperfectm nn ode of Horttoclnr an ontioii of Wendell

iMps, and I iiQugined I saw in it tbenparkloae ia t Hnglnwood, and heard the

— the biria on ore of tho r a w moin-ig» ot tho early spriuB-tlrao that is yet t« be.

inapiwdmo Ijto an Eclogue aud tlirillfidHgenotw Lbonl in my nature thailament nlmostthut 1 was not onoof

lomookeHtand most nontentod. nlbojt *olf-worting, orhie | - ' • • ' ••

Ii'urthei-raore—em. - .Iw bia for t h U - i t gave I tbink, . . .us tip to my ingrained tariff oonviutions Olidps, almost tlioti iwreundeiit mo tu lia »

LictiaolMt. The Pater*ca looms neverso delicate and fine a web to wavo as a

P flag iu t i e strife far industrial -votes,nk nothing will quite repair the tnflu-

T n e Planting Say.Friday of next week ia recommended by

ie Governor of tty» State ostreo plantingday. Ilia proclamation is but one result ofthe growing fcBling of the impDitonoeliUuitlngtoruttrotia, aa&Mving&ammtWeasdostruotlon flucli taroita as u o now standing.Their valua has not been appreciated untilwi* a n forced to reatite it u v (he drying up ofsprings that onoa flowed contlnuomly, and

the annual floods that huvobeen increas-ing In proportion u the forest* that oneom-piused the river's fountain liend hnvedestroyed. Efontftbe obwrvonoeofthla daydoes not raise np a forest for future -gonero-tloni, tree planting, with appropriate cere-monies, i*a beautiful act, ondronj avaV

many a young scholar a dettre forlowledgo of trees, their needs and usea, that

will Ira valuable in tine to coma hit theday hft ohsetred in every Hohool district.—

iHBglflter. •

a Dog Bite.A Chatham corraipondeut oX the DanaeT

writes t Tbfl dog Mai between Mr. P, Hau-Ion and Ut. Dnuont, both of Uadlson, oaibeat os Tuesday afternoon tn Kelley'n Hall,iftor being adjourned twice. It appear! tUat

Mr. Dumont's dog hit Mt, Hanlon some tlniBlast winter, Mr, Dumont went to Hr, Han-Ion and offend him *25 and ifiid he wonld

FO more If ho thought that, was not enough,it Mt. Hun.oa told the bite did not amountmuch and he did not want anything. After

time a mUln lawyer advised Mr. Hnulonine Mr. Dumout for 9300 damages, whiohie proved to bo poor advice, nstho aaqfleliws, The caso was well ventilated, the

lawver for tho plaintiff being A. BnndolpkUogtt, of Madiacn, and for defendant Ohos.bum, Jr., with Guild & Lira,'Newark. Itrat then gireii to.a twetre men Jury and tliey

the plaintiff |U instead of *20D.'

Hail E«tate Trwufen.Boy, Andrew to Stephen J.HoWell, Ohes-

i a pretty^laoe, it 'ft on.ttie.fine|oTi.theNorthern K. II. of N. J.f tMrty'mUeg'Jromfew Yorlt, In tho Summer, season ninny

; York people Itoard here," ' :- l\ '/ |

^ 1'AnotJiW KnlitorUl Gaosg;e,'' jAt the clow pf tlie lal« eeaslon of the »ew«

ark Confenmoe the Bev,' B. L Baldwin, D. p.,Wss appo)t)tcd btv liiJibop Atdicfls PtwlillM

lile^ of t1\ejViteraoo distrlet. Di-rtiStlwintor earefnl eonsiderfltlon, roqucslcd, for

then Bppotnteil tho Sev. C.H. Barnes,nerly pantor of Centenary Church, oi Jor-

ty b 4 b M t Mao)t,

rhioh inoludfiB -tha eharches oi Dover nnd

Tbe hU) givtogflpomei) ^iesatneexemptioiB

law, Govoraor Abbett baring refused To

idlng frrira' W proHatota" flremen wlIve 4160 per year and over Ithas nlreody-ed tho Botise and wfll douiitlosv pass tbe

: OolttOT 'jrne of the flnoit trout in tho Stute eon t e

seen at tS»p Trontdnli) ponas near Ailmry,owned hyilri Dr Bliwk^ jays an exchange.They soil rendily at one dollar por iwindfrom 200,000 to 500 000 lalmcn anil lako tront


InddiwlW ItODh'.nim* throughout

*t i t td DribS Heim* throughout th catuy pl

*titted DribS He late <toc.toi; «t % oont000 Ii™ SlaoknoV offers it for salo

Garden noeds, fresh and reliable] .sgld byglit anil ineanire, at Kallgc.re'a ComerH Store, DO?or, N J

Dook A«h nnngo* and Miner's ooohatoveSlow priwi at i * M '

Ereew'stiewBtoofcnf Castertiarda be* novefbeen uijualed in Dover

Tie PnWeit Evtf Bali H«re"flheh U fljoioiorBi oomutcpi on tho E ^ad Birthday Oarda at Bteeso'i.

* m ».Tomato, Cabbage abd Grass Seeds at thatriokDni| Stow,

the Jersey Oity Herald, a Democratic pa-ar.Bays:New Jersey hM a rlRht to feel proud of111am Walter Phelpn He hss risen abovepnHdofun and ulamncd hirogolf a atatoe-a nf the first rank Ho redeems New Jer-

in Die Home Tlniloni from Hudsonunity to Washington uiiiy not Bow lie

ilmmod to rnRlstar their nniues providedmy nivo tbeir rtsidenoe us in Dorgon, 1'ivsBiiio• Morris county.

>i,c«t Foster, who WHS arrested tit Dusing tlie nwfla for nwliKfiing purpf

a examined before United States Comnor Mocker on Tiiemlny. l!in loodo nfndtiiiK nceoniini! to thy testimony wiut IrovlUc in tins Tribune and Furiner, publish

*m in FliUiidelphln, for eifrHtwu-ountHtampHfor whiob lie phjniiBod to neiid n bandflomcopy of the American IIoiiHL'keepcr, contniuiup twuJvti vttlnnl)lo molpte; alm> lot eijjltttivo-coiit Htumpit, B.25 to the tbirty-iiiiithfmswer received to tho advert isenieiit. FoulIiiufmMs iioBflPHgiou when arccsied u lot oftheuaiuea of Hiipposod dui*s of tried reputa-tlun upon wliOHOeredulity ho wns In tho habitof .plating. SOIBQ of the lottora <3outsinl»gstfimiis wero nlso found in Ills possession nudnddmwnd to him in tho mailB. Since bis ar-reut Inrge uumlicrs of letters are being ro-wived from differont poet oflioos where lio hadbeen rcoeiviJig tonils under varimis flJiwc*The cnao with tin evidence will bo laid beforetlio Grand Jury by Gecrga W. Konabey." • faooaflneJJn the Eseer County Jail

, . Tioiotu Uterature.Tlo following, from tie BurJtagtou £nter-

pilsei: Is'as applioablo to Dovor ai It Is toBurlington:. One.of^ha.greatest cautei ofyeutliful depravity and mo doubt la niBiiyCftlp'es flie foundnfloti1 rtono itf a Criminaloaroor.ls tho va«t quantity of aensatianal nndfreauontly liigblr immoral literature which iepnbllfllod and soid'touoys iu fonn of fiveand tes ; «ent novoli: and story pnpera. It itone of the* mpst lortom evils of the times nnddemands earnest attention, there are qunnti-thi af tbb Tile HafTaoldth our city «ad some,d&y the ofTeotj ofitwlU be seen, In an OWotown'where "thn sale oi tkis literature hadbsen largo the people'* eyes were opeiiBd toits efFeotH by a number of. boys absgondlng tongut lidlftM aud thf. disiwvery oi severalbands of yonng desperodooi woHarined andwlta'a' «OM»let« oodd'- of pattwords, etc;,wbose antblUonit WM to 011W0 t ic exploitsof J e W J o n i , , , tnnnot^r 6!iytlio clergy4inve tdcan a great interest; in the matter andbviMicoeofea Jn jtonundlng the mw»3c*l'm tq.ceiw.tto sale of the utaff- Perhapssuotfa'eonm might be aueeeaiM hero. :

'•''" Tho FBHOTM ?eut."The -Jewlib feast of J the Passover began

yesterday and will oontfnne eight daya. 0n-rbg the foait orthodox helioTfln will notiiBeforks, knifes, inoons or plntei that have beenmod beforehand eiea Jtbo' cooking utensllimuat bo new. After the evening service i ttie ijDftgoffUe c^oh family will have a familyre-onion at home, where lbs married ohlldrenand thoir tamiliea will gather, and tbe historyof tbe.Paisffrer.'ffJU to read by an elder

boK TJiileavoned liroftd an4 witter onlybe ujeo; on the table, and the. days will

fjiroaiiptandtlagaad tlnjresdlagofm-llgions booka. On tbe first day the ortlodox«|Q«uiptn'dbusmesi af every kind, and du-ring tfas feast na believer will pnnbaso mea}of n'lAii»1..*T i$be tmi not anew block, knift

d'teriiils. Tbo reformere invo nnlBavonedi on their tables, but they eat whateverfoodthey.like, leaving,to every member ofthe family the privilog* of mbsisting uponunieavaiicd bread if he ebboses.

gThe reoent death'of Morria SiEipson, atrankli^'Faniace, BUMOX countji r e ^ v c t

one oftJie olJ-ttao ifago'drtvors whu were fof l l l l t l i t i ^ t h d l f litnyt my, to HI t v poi^a «f tfa* conpasiJ^r Simpson catered tht aervtoc ot Jaokeonflt Jollcy of tUUplvie, lomellme before thewar, and dn*ro oqs af the stages betweenDo,vnr aai] Haijbcig for a pnriod of abouttwenty veara. going oao day and returningtbeaaxL Tbe disUnee trawled par day v u23 miles, or newly 7,000 miles per year, SBtlmt Iu tho twenty yean of his service hitjonroor* Bggwgntod a dlstanoo of nton thanflvk times the etrcufliftreneo of the globe,Mr Simpson was a gentlemui of exoollantchaiaotftr and was held in very high regard.Ha was in hi« Uth year

TiintizgA full line of all kinds of paints and olU

kajjomine rooterialit, Sic, it I llljipxe'B Cor-,net Drag Store

Bywau OkWri Bowi.Tha b u t plow out, at Berry tc Co s Bign

of the Pfcdlock Prices wdnced

Banamberthe Sew York At China Tea Co. has moved&ext door to tite Post Office.

• . B U I M AHMd i n K»w Jw«ey,In an fatervieir pablWiod la the, Sew Yoi

Trfbone, John T. Foatur, BMietary of 1Bepnplioan State' Comtnitiee, 1B quotedasying i u Kew Jeney cannot be carrieda free trade candidate, sndif the Deinncrapat a free trade plank in their platform,State will go for t&e Republicans at tbec»lug PKBidflutiil election. I n Essex countythb par ty b«# a bottsr orgtniniion sow thanIt l u u a t l T h u within two veekt of electionday. Mr, Blalne, in my opinion, will oom-mand a more enthusiaatfo support team Onmaateaof the part? than o n j otnerpouibhcandidate, und be I* tho rooit popularwittbe people of New Jersey. I regard HiEdmunds as standing tbe next b a t olianc*hut 1'iesideiit Arthur l i « a very alight following. Kr. Lincoln Ii popular with tb<Gorman element of the party. One-half ofthe delegate* elected to tbe State Conventionfavor tbe nomination of Mr. filaine. Tbebalance are about equally divided bet'Lincoln sod Edmunds."

ftxaat FlirUUoE,Evon t ie "uiwher" will leldoro speak toomtn on tue etniet tinleM she give* bin

Homo encouragement. He would act go npoihe etreet and fnvitn attont.on unlees hii iw

tatio&fl met with some response, and h&noBtbe girla aw responsiblo for bia presence.With tome girli, lacking In modesty, a streetnirtatioa is a great frolie. But could theyhear the remarks made by men and woman itwould make their ears tingle. Itwouldroakethem lay aside their boldness of manwhich to as dangerous » it JJJ uuseemlr.There oro bat few glrbi who would not feelIndignant at being sonsidored fait, aodi yetby a certain rcokleeiseu of conduct {• publicplooeatheyvaueastlr earn thnt appellation,They may not be guilty of any crime, bitbey will certainly lows tho nwpeoiof everyone whose reipeet is worth having u iu&lli-bly w though there vero crime. If girls willonly conduct themselves properly the

maehers " will gradually disappaor.

-.-„—. wan rend 1 y Rev. J . M. Hunttaformerly of Hcndjiam, nndRev.D. Dueruolprepared a thorough goluff out and out tem-perance narrative.

The Committee on Iloinn Mluloni Werepointed with authority to orguulie a n .oburoli If the way bo OIBRT at Benttyetowisurf unite tlisCilflid with Sid Mans/fold in au<pastoru oharae.

On Wednesday ovonhig n populiwas held, wliou uddrei-os w«m delivered h'Bar. Mr. Totnson nn Temncruuue, Eev. Mr*Hollldty on Foraigu IlisHlons and Uev. W,Tbompson on Homo Missions. Bneclal men-tJon W M wade a t tho «anie tirae of t i e g n a tholp of Blair Hall to the ministers andoltiiroheaof the 1'resbTtery

lteva. W. Tlioinpson aud C. P. Glover, withMere 8, Jolmaun, of Nawtan, mid F , C.

Easton, of 8]iartn, wern mipoiuted Comtnls-sioners to the General Assembly, wliioli meets

f Bay.-.— — • — -»••»*. > »u.>» »**•*« n rciaUoen re

Bentfttion w u adoptod by tho Prasbytory' - CoDiuiisiloiiere wero asked to donvory-

tg PoasiWe to present tlia case fully ta

In the death1 o /k tders White, of Haokotta-town, JohnsDU, of WashioEtou, and otborii,tbo Presbytory has suttaloed great losses

Ia tbe opinion af the UcHieal Prem, moatpliygiolniii are very decidedly In favor of thetotal abolition (if oorpond punlsbuient inschools. Tho etlftor oaierta that tbe LondonUniversity Oolhyj0 golool, which ia attended

~V) boyf,hiui boon carried on Irom tlie-wltl.out oorpornl punishment, uud Uto any school in England with respect

Mr, dataller, tlie nemnaut, aiaorts, aftorlong and patient investigation, that tha ninthday of tho tnoonhi the must rainy of thewtole twottty-eigitt, anil that in the first andhut walks of tke moon's age tlia rainfall i«iBaithaathoavorflge. Tho rcoordakept hyMr, Glniaher also IndJoato four o'clock In tlieaftornoon aa the ».acat hour in tlio day.

. -»•#-»-

teu a Flute dsotor loses throe successivetbo IndlDua kill him, and elect another

lediolDa man ia hla stead, This accounts forfuct that aU tlio Indian dootorsbave dfv

sorted tlieir tribes and gono to dootoring thoWhite raoe. It does not make any differenceamoiig olvillied people whothor the doctorkills or ourei,

OanOeld, Anguitua O. to Qeorge A. Hills,half interest in property in Morrietown-*JSO.

Festher,SinonV.andhlswiieto AndrewI.OUnaon, Washington townsbip-1.000.Poillon, Winflold wd wife to Mary E. Co-

lanks, Elm street, Uorriitown-«H,000.Ptdmer,HonryB,iuidwUelo Jeremiah fi," r, Hanover township-i4«.«l.Palmer, Stephen J . aud wife to Davidaimer, Dover—$700. ' 'Rockefeller, Jacob G. and wlfo to Ildewon.. Hookawny town«hlp—^1,200.Savago, Sfurffarct. widow &o. to FordhntnBnmotl, McMillan* township-^LOO, and

8nvuj;o, Daiiiolr'eof OidRonSftT

>tt, Uendhun towi

. nnd Tlieo. Simmoni,ntrt Vordhum 8. Bur-

A Rev Paper in Boonten.i oon-csjiundoiit ckewhoro reveal* theit that u project in on foot to establish aw newHpnper tn linonton. Wo understandit fiu-ida aro not Voicing for tJio unterpiit iho now journal -will inaka Its sppenr-DO in tho iiuar future, «nd will probablyedited liy an aacomplbhed journnliat fromi Southern part of the State. Had Bro.rrisou'a jiorocptlqn DEtended beyond tlie

ndor UiriiiciBB ho might have foreieen thisig ago. Of courso ho will say bo Ia perse-ited for expressing his oouvicttons. but pco-

of intelligence know it Is the result ofown folly In niing his paper to gratifyeeluBhuesB of afew wbo have used him

btlo they htve laughed at Ills stupidity.

Iron Ore flhipaienbi.The nggwgata BhipmcntB of iron ore from

;hiB section during tba month of Haraa -werofollows over throe railroads: >' :

Over the Hlgli Bridge BroncB: Through, to*iHhwbnrg and poinU beyond 18,909 tons

d.fewt! local ,on tbe.Branch, ••l,6« tonsid II ewt.j total %m fons nnd 13 owt.meitone to CKo«prfuniaoo,l,OOi tons and

' C W t . , . , . r - . , - i , • . ; . , , - - • f , , , I

Over the'rfonni Hopo' klneral Builroadl«BtoB*ver the Hiberaia Mine Railroad fl,61S tons

Pullman Coaches for tin '0, ! , * • . . ' jThe' current nrimborof Baldwin's .Offldtl

Wlw«y Guide sny»:"Tu8 Pallman Gar.imponynro to build ten firat-olasB pnaseit-itHMbMy&eiaJtMt design tn the Lnok-

wanna-Thayaro to Iw ready in May andfill OMtfMM o«eh.» Along the line of the•oad It la nndontood that tbs Pullman Com-pany will put fteir oonobes en the road May1st, to run thronga' to tba^est , and tint thopreseDtdrawingrbbmooaotu will bo used

local traffic between New York and lluf.

Iffeot of ;Ot PoiUl BaOutlM. :Aeoorflng to the official reports since the

«doodon of letter poattga tofcwoeeat*, morodheeiva stamps lunre been sold; Daring thenine Unto the saleof postal cards has slightly•crowed, although tor flvo yeara previous

the average annnnl Inoreau In the iirao h>nbeen 14 per cent. As wa* predicted by Bon.TOLD H(Ii, the father ol t ie measnre, andifhers.In-.*poeltlcii to Itnowi th« postal«-•elpU are already neatly.M lurgo oa before

reduction; ' ; • • '

the Do» of Quinine.ProfeEaors, Barthoulow and .DaCottn-agreemt the nntlpyretio doos of quinine hnotlessbfln flvo grain* every two hoars until fourosoa a n taken, or eliathirty sralnsln two orhp» dose* oloso together. Tlic formerbo^tared a s-tnal! daft of .morphine gfrea with[ninine istha beit thing to counteract thempleasant cerebral •ymptoma of tha latter,

William K. Zenrfoii, wha rmenttr tnftiHadinte Jnorper^isai uteitad on Monday of laste«fc at tha reoideBoo of hi* bride In Harmonyiwnship, on a ohatw of bigamy. Ur. Zcar-

W nmrrted on tha H of Vanh last toi Jumper oy Kev. E. 0. Cliiie of Oxford.

the time of the DiairiaRBhe had a wife andihlldreo residing at Ewton, hut told the

irgynwra that hla wife wmdoad. He woaitem to BeMden>» waived an examinationod was committed to jail to await (ho actionI the Grand Jary.

fa rosponaetotaqairleB, friends of Ffti-Johnurterin iheiHonae of HepMiontBtiveii saymt itisprobahlothatUlsbiUwiU be nlluwed) Ho on t ie Spualur'a table until after the

ScpnbUoan CenvenLlon at OMcago. Tk«Mends of FltxJohn Porter So, w»i »a» to.>mb&rrose cither the Presideot or themaelvesrwadtag him ths. bill table the ConventionICEt*. _ ^

The old-fiuaioned Oipay bonnet, withfoeeifl the britn, and1 laden outride

Ith wreaths and iprayi of rw t Frenchowers, will be tha head ooverings par excel*moefttreiie pWty: yonEf gh*.toft spring.Jiter on, the gipaj wfll be nudo of shirredirapeOTaUkmi.IL

Ooopound Tu- Cough Srmi, ' ;

Kothinghettcrforlamllynae. AtthoUriek

af Kewton.IbflPresbTterTofKewion held its

SndBg meeting in the Cbunh of Blaintowiand was called to order on Tuesday, at 2:1P. M- by tbe retiring Moderator, Hev. TboTvaek. Eav. iit. Tomsan, of Anbury, wioliosenModeratoranditevi.aiaverand£/lydtemporary clerks.

Tuesday evening Bev, Tbog. Tyick preacbedfroniPsa1ml!9 : lMT ) l w . The Presbyt^ f T ntat

I Assembly, though the vm^ D u m -ber of CammluEouerti an snnt thin vear.

Psxtoiul roiatiouB wnw ditanlvod betweoiBev, W. Holilday and First Church, Beld<utt, nod Ber. A. Froudfff »nd ths Biwkettaws Ciiirolj. Preebrtcry expreasfld witnechnnhes of these liigbly eateotaed »si-ton very great roitret in takinft tbis aotioc.Calfa from Sparta for tlm pastoral serriees ofBAV. Mr. Chamber*, fron. BMiicbville to SaiMr. Lloyd, and from Blaintowu to Rev. Ur.Butlar, «-ere twobflCoflptadaBtlarrangiUDentimadefortheinNtailatlonofeach. The latter,just at this writing, Iu connection with thesessions of Preibytery. The MuftconetoouiValley Charel pretexted a bare majnrity ento Presbytery for the set-vines of Bev. Mr.Hunatoktr, and in view of all the ofroum-Btfliioen the call was laid on the table till tlieFall meeting of Presbytery and the sessionwere autliorlied to engage Ur. HuntiokBr'iservices till that time in the hope of bannonJriDir na t tm . lteva. Thoa. Tywk afld J . VFolhiok reooired letters of dismission urnrecomtuondation to tlie Presbytery of Lehigl

1 ~iry Intonating nsrratlvBortbestaUi

Ten tnousond dollars ioundi liko a largeirioe for a cow, and yet one died last week

Iowa City whiok was valued at that figure,for name was MerfloJcj, she was of tboolobrataa liolatGltt tiDOd, and had tho great-at milk and lmtter record 1B tbe world,

last fall was ta

Of tbo twenty-oao counties In Kew Jersoy,am eltuaeH UB Republican, soreo Vem-

n t s and seven doubtful Tne average as-sessment for tba seven Democratic oonntinsi #00.80 for eoon inbabttant[ Tor the a<

unoertatn" oountica, *4tia.7O, and for theRepublican counties, $461.60.

Among tbe many wash dresses designedchildren the next soaton ore uoat little

its mode of soft grey linen, embroidered oriratded In white. The waist has a guimpeundo of white "all-over" embroidery, with

es to correspond.

Uio Lewis la now waging war on big hats,hiob kcop tbe stuishbta from the faces

pnhvAmorio&n women. Dlo la off blshwio.omen don't wear hlg hate ia tha sunshino;

hey only wear them In theaters and churcliei

Jlall, oi-oiiiff olerk vf tbeiptrpller'B oiftoe, In Newark, was *eu-

:enced to twelve years In State Prison for' and emhetelement

£nster egg dyes, simple, beautifulbarmloss. Iu all colors. Also liquid coloinar marhleiag eggs st five oonts a package,

six for twenty-flro oonts, at Killgoru'slorner Drug Stain.

Dragi and Xediclnti.The Itookawoy Pbnnnaoy, W, B. Qooditlo,anager, Ii now open for business. A lino

stock of Drugs, McdiclnoB, Paints, Oils,nsa nnd Fancy Articles eonetnntly in stock.

• ^ m a>; Bemembar.

You can get iragon and carriage material; Berry & Co.'8 a t nanufaoturers' prices.

To Hmuekeepers.Lima, Kalsoraiae, Alabastlno, Fitlnti, Oilsid Brushei, at Ibe Brick Drug Store.

Benumbs*lie Now York & China Tea Co, has movedlext door to tbo Foit Office.

. OUftr OhlUtdPlawi.Allen & Monlngtott BOII the Oliver and

th Bond Cbilled Flows.

... , _ • Dsnger. . ,. .)a i-otl know thit you are liable td Bttacki or'•pflpila. aai all Und* of Blommh DenUgementsri, worse it 111, to ti»t Tssnlt ol Ktdnnj tad Liveraoidar that is knova u Diabetes ur Maiifatj

Iright'l DUeise. Tbey »re oltoa lkUl i t 5 tnat In*BW short UtnB. LeMofippdUte.SoOtatoniKkllmnmi or Vision, DlutnaM, FHuaMn atd« sndiok»Dl tninjr othen «r« bm lha •jraptomi ofeue, Bnwiiflia tlma. Fsnneleii'a Dyspepsia,ibatu, Kldner»ndUver Cure 1* tha sovereign

' Lsrge bottles «l.00. Sold by BobertBoT&r " " '

: Cougti and Coldatre the ineritibta remits of sudden ebangei Ini veatbar, Imraedlsta attention ibonid bt giventn no thit tbey mar not beoome eiUbllslira uidnit ia Bronohilb, CongetUon, InfUmnuttion, or

en ootummption. Hunllton'i Cough BalaamDUM tne irritated membwne, snd sstlits InracTUiK Phlegm tad Moots, tbst, UT its adbeiloains nembnnsi, canafs vioimt Oongblng. Oreaieflsrecetredbj «ren ttoto ID tneLut Stag"

Ooninmptlon. In OrnUp BDA Whooping CouabU nDMtulfd. Pries 3D and SO oents pel- bottle,Hd by Hubert KtUeote, Dover.

IT A Qft H o<











GARDEN SEEDS,Freali and reliable, said by weight aod measnre, BUOII as Beans, Cabbage,Beets, Carrots, Celery, Ooru, Cucombera, Lettuce.'BTeloiiH, Onion, Parsm'p,Parsley, p £ u , Badiab, Bpiu&fte, Tomato. Leok, &s. Also Onjou Betts, TopOnions, Central l?nrk Lawn OJ-OSB Sued, ami mauy other ysrietiea of seedsnob enamerated.

PAINTS aud OIL.Oar stock is large. Atlantic White heaA, BoUei aod Bow Unseed Oil,Turpentine, Beudy-Miiei Paints in 1 Ib., quart, lialf galloQ and galloncios; PutU, Vumid'u, Dr;em, Colors, Paint Brushes, 'Window Glass, &s.

KALSOMINING MATERIALS.Jobuaon'fl Drj Sized Kalaomines and Moore's KolHomincs in While audall Tints in 1 to 6 lbs. packages; Purls White, Whiting, Frooefi ?\\w,TVlii.e Glae, Groand Glae aud ull the ooloriag material* at low lutei.Also Wbite Wash Lime.

INSECT POISONS.We have them l>!l. Insect Powders, Liquid Bed Bag Potion. Oam Cam-Dttor, Powdered Bonix. Alum, Oareaue Pepper, "White Hellebore andWlmlo Oil Soap.

REMEMBERFor alt ihe aliove or tides and anything else yon wisli in the drat/ linecDmetottieCOBNEU DliUG BTOKE of




HITLQCR knro dUlilujin^ u(W Bud nttructivn uoods Tor Spring \*onr 111




CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, SEERSUCKERS, Etc.We feel confident that an inspection by the ladies will

satisfy them tnat while we have taken espeoial care that our

selections shall be the newest, thoy have also been made with

a view to durability of wear and stability of colors.


D O V E R , INT. 3.


IRON, STBEJL,SYEAOUSE CHILLED PLOWS,L8TING3 POU ALIi FLOWS. All klnrii or Agricultural Iiitpltnieilt*, Wo go it anil

Carriage Malt-rial, Sfirrrti Patent W'ltci-1", Coach Color*,lvbrittf:.. Varnlalic*.


at Manufacturers1 Prices.„ , „,..„.„„ <...-,. a ™ ^ ™ ^ , . ^ * , ^ ur ...u .na »w . , IV OP THE PADM1CK, «J,*LICWELI. St., POVfitt, W, J . |





AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER.•ply Carpet II t BflVSSELS, TS r t i , ALL WOOL, 60 eu.! 1NDRAMI, IU cu. UP.


URNITURIncluiles everything tbat »re NEW and ARTISTIC. Solid Wal-

nut Bcd*rooxtt Suits, Marble Top. of ctgnt pieces 94L6* andeTerfthln; elie AT PHICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT.

An Inipcctlou of oar <oad> and prices will convinceall tbat theie •tatemonta are not an emprr uoaat

or an advertising flcheme to draw.



BUILDERS,D o v e r , 3W- *T.




Thobnt work »• lowsit prices. P.ppntnttirdimply and promptly dons, K«l I" n\,\ Vtt*.hyttrUnChnrtU.blMkntl W-lj

The Origin

Tlie origin of religion is to bo soughtin tbe countless uges Kforu the rise ofJbcology; before spirits, ghosta, or godsever look doflnite form in the Iinmaomiufl. Tbo primitifo imcalture.1 mmfninkly worshipped external objects iulovu nod iu fenr, ascribing to tbumquasi bnmiiti powerB unil foetiugs. Al!that we read about Animism, gbtute,spirits, oDd universal ideas of godhoadin Hits truly primitive stngo are meta-physical nsaumotions of men irjing torend llio idoas of later opochn into tinfacts of an earlier epoch. Notliiug ismore certain tutu Mint man everywhereRtr.rlcd with a simple worship of nntuialoitjccU. And the bcoriuR of tbia on thefuture ol religion is deciwve. The Hig-ion of man in tlio vast cycles of primitivengca was rtverence for nature as influ-cuciiig man. Tlio religion of man in tbovnet CJCICB tbat ore to come will be thereverence for bnmauity as supported bynntnrc Tlic religiou of man in tbo 20or 30 centuries of theology was rever-ence for tbe assumed nnthorn or control-lers of nature. But, tbat assnmptionbaring broken up, religion docs uatbreak up with it. On the ooutrary, itenters on a far greater and more potentcareer, inasmuch ES the natural emotionsoE llic htimau heart are now combinedwith the certainty of scientific knowledge.Tlie fiool roligioD of ouligbteuetl mau istlieBystcmatized nnd scicutiile form oft i e spontaneous religion of natural man.Bulli rest on tho same elements—beliefiu tho Power which controls bis life, agrateful reverence for the Power BO mknowledged. Tho primitive man thouglthat Power to be object of nature affecing mflD. The cultured man knows thatpower to be Immunity itself, controlliand controlled by nature accordingnatural law. The transitional and perpetually changing creed of theology bibeen tin iutcrindc. Agnosticism liastcred its epilogue. But Agnosticismno more religion than differentiationtho nebular hypothesis is religiou. have only to see what nro tho eleinennmi omit* of religion to reooguizo tbiwo cannot find it in the negative and tuukuown. Zn any reasonable uselanguage religion implies BOISO kindbelief in a Power outside oarsolvoa, sotkiud of awo and gratitude felt for tbiPower, some kind of influence exorttby it over oar lives. There arc tilwa;in some sort theeo three elomeuts—bolitworship, conduct. A religion wliiigives na nothing iu particular to belienothing as an object of awe and graltude, which has no special relationhuman doty, is not n religion at all.zniy be formula, a generalization, a logJCAI postulate; but it is not a religioTbe universal presence of tbe uufcnowabio {or mthor of the unknown) substraum is not a religioD. It in a logicalpoutulate. You may call it, if you pleasethe first axiom of science, a law of tinhuman mind, or perhaps better, tho nniversnl postulate of pliilosphg. But t ri t by erery test which indicates rel igioiand you till find it wanting.—FretieritHarrison, in the Nineteenth Century,


! I F _?S3

f 5-2 p

c O


CENT'S. 25

Sound Adv!

In yonr conrereation oak BB man;qaobUona as possible tint requires inimmodiata ausvor. Swallowing eon]doesn't injure a porson seriously..

After yoa hive thoroughly soapedyrar cualomei'fl face, sciza him by tlioHOBO and begin operations. This emtilca him to breathe through his ears.

Never fail to remind a man that hishead is fall of ilamlruff. The tonsorialartist who neglects tbia plain dnldoesn't know on; more about his bnsiness than a barber.

Do oat think of selling yonr "Egyjtitul Lustra!" for less iuan • dollarbottle. Affidra in.Egypt aro somoffbunsettled, and, besides, glass bottles coelmoney—a little.

If yoa have been eating onionsdrinking gin be frank Trfth your atutom<•er tod tell him so. Otherwise ha maythiak it is tbe sewer, and bother somedaily oewqpapor writing letters about il.

If yo« &ni that your onatomeris aboutto swallow his "Adam's apple" yoa•should at once shave In that direction,In this way yon can cat quite a holobis throat, and It will apparently be bisown fuIL

Nevor fail to call the atteotioi of youroostomers to the celobrated tonic iyour own masulactare. Tho fact tbyon made it yoarsell wilt go a long waytoward efiecting a sale—partlcnlarly withstrangew.. . .

H while eatlinR hair and Tw.tcli.ngdog fight on tbe street at the samo timeyou find that yonr shears coma to an at*rapt stop, neglect the Aog fight formoment. Otherwise.yoa mny-cnt offsomebody's Bar. •.

If yonr castomer wears a pair of' fantorn dollar calf skin boots, a brass watch•ehita ond a oolo/ed shirt, yoa are safe inassailing that heis a brakQmitfi on a pus-SBnger train, a*rd yen can proceed tocolor bis moustAche a solemn black.

When anaaoomesin whom yon knowto be a stranger, always ask him if he11 has a cup." He will say no, of course;

Ibnt his manner will indicate that lao is•pleased. As a rule none bat bankers,•brokers, statesmen and editors Induigaan the luxury of a private onp.


in W«st Piiiladolpbin who haCfc & hntQAii boioj

could fly m veil as a bird, if it was gonabout In the right way, and who thoughtlie knew tho way, pat his theories intcpractice one day recently. He par-suaded hit,, ypanger. sistsrt, who, hadgreat eoBfidenoe in him, to become his

. Having laid his plans before. ^qg pher iuv5A>Mlw«lliet that flying raiv « 7 sjnple gaiter ifter. nil, ibeoon*eentod. (f mnfct, Ifce to* ottmnpt Hetook hof.op t« the Bdoend star/ porcb,and, hiVing orbaght ontft pair of bigtrakey wings, aa old anbrelb, andsome stoat cord, he began to rig np thetoo oonfldiDg victim for the great trial.He boand one wing to toe ontflide ofeach of her arms a&dfuUned theont-epreul umbrdh to her body br pntUngthe handle bebiad her bead aad passingtbo oord j u t below her shoulders. Thef aaetioa ol ihe old ambrella WSB to actaa a parachute, about which hi' hodread jast eDongh taaaako his knowledgedangerous, and lie ^pfcted certain mis-BiWDgs br the releelioa Ujat,.this or-

;W b « the lit«e;; girl itood ecwpUUdyarrajwd for tee trip the boy told-herthat atl «hs had to do was' fr ja*p offmod JUplter .wing* and she would flJQilie-anTbird. Five minutes later thetfuhily dootor v u sent for in great hastetto mood sftrakea leg, and the youtbfo)iDffldalus, when apbiaided and punishedfor his cruel fony, Insisted that the little

r» woaliln't flap her vingt as he toldto. Uiba bad ahe would have been

jdl right . , '

The Amertetm Dairyman says: " Ahay seed in s oo»'soye will torn it white.Zt wilt oom« oil right In a day or two ifloft alone. If doctored wedont knowwhen H will get well.

A box IOIIOXIO. InabMwUE hold justbtlf a bushel. Snoh a box may easily4»e made, sod is verjr oonrenieat to hareOD tho f a n . It ia cheaper and just as

.-o-more expendre jaeasnre. .


E. LindnUf fc Bon, Uovft, N. J.Atlun & Slonliifjtou, Cliostur, K. J.Dracii & Iltmuell, Ilaclinwuj, N. J.


la daily incroaelng. wliicli EIIOITB lie 1« nlvliHatlafaction tosirhlKUHlomcru, I I I B W I N E H ,LIQUOlUf and OIGAHH iro or tbu buitt, mlie wisloe tlio dralcre lliroagliont tiiis connwould KIVO him a fall (irlncii "111 paj- tlicibeforo bnying i'l«owlioro. All orders sout !tuiil nil! reooiro n i o u p t stleution.

J . J . BACKOFF, Drver, N.



PmneaadflpooiflcitlonarorbnilJinsB.Oontraoltaken md nmterlilifoniiilied.

iSltite Roofing1

With betUr fooilitlea I urn enabled toon SLATE KOOPS oheapor than ever V gnone bat the best quality of slate and em-ploying flnt-olftss mechanicfl. I enn gnat-anted material and work in ernry particular. Tor Sheathing Ffllt alwafE oa Land.

Dftted Ootober lUtb. 1880.


Improved Law Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus_ros-

Storea, Sokools. h l i t ,anil allraannct ofprimtaandpiiblio Imildingi




NEWARK. N. J .ofTen inporior fndacomonta In oflnalinyanng nan Kad Udlaa. Oitalojtne sn<1 Collopipers freo.

Mr viaiTons W E L C O U E . •&• C. T. MILI.Ult, I'riuolpal.

an TO


Fall and Winter GoodsQT The latest styles and uewoet designs.

No trouble to ihow poods. Give Lor & coU.TUB IBOM VSA nod New York papers can bofound on her new counter.




OPPIOEftdloiDingtlio Dover Lumber Com'u i i ' i mili. Contracts taken, ind plan

spccinuttoDi aad nutcrlili of ovory kind fmnJihod for UaHdii»g», JobbiaR a •pcoittLty.

SLATE ROOFING.Slate ftunlriud ftom the bait qaarrlcs iif

tho emill qiuniity or oar load, and laid, il de>nrod, br oipsrienood workmen at low rateu.



Ewamn BIM-EDT. An nn-filttngctrnforBerninil Weak*'now. Bpotma-lorrhnu, Im-potency, md»U Diuisoa

BEFfl8ITAUIi.ih?i5S of tfTU TAUXB.SelNAbtuo; KBIOBI orilonmry.DiilTcritiJ L M -

tarle, Palo in the Dick, Dimness of VJilon,Prenulore Old Ago. mil nuny other dlicnentint ICKI to Inuni t j or Coainroptton and •

XEWttBof ulTertliementl to rofnnij money,lien drantiita Iron, wliiitn tlio medlciuo ~

igbt DO HOT REFUND, but refer yon-.minnfaotaron, and tiu nqnlrfunenu *

ineb UJH ibey «ro seldom, If eSee thrir written rpunntM. A trii' ' plottage or Orajr'i Specmowl.

meit skeptictl of iu real ment*.

_ _ ./mupar; tho only „« - Fall (lutlcnlsn in our pamphlet, whiebs deiire to tend free by mail to ercr/ono,« r - . T b e BjMMlfla Jtfcd,iilne ii aol.1 by «ll

Bipt of Ilia money, hr addreuWTHE GIUY WSDICINK CO., Haffilo, N. X.

Sold ID Dover by W. H. G^ODAW

CONSTIPATION!There is no medium tlrourh

which disoiso so often attacks thosystem u by Constipation, and thereis no other ill flash 1B Juii to moreapt to be neglected, from tho factmaterial lnoonvenionce nay not beImmediately Mt from Irregular ac-Uoa of the bowels. Wlon thereinnot Teral&r notion the retention ofieoayed Aod effetp mattor, with Itsloleonous gates, soon polions the?holB Bystem by being absorbed intot, causing piles, lituut, headache,!mpnre blood and mmy otlor seriODsuTeotiona BURDOCK BLOOD BIT-i'£BS will immediately relioye, andme bottle poBitivoly core or relieve:ny case of Constipation.

"Was troubled to a year with;orpld liver and indigestion, andtftar trying- eTerrfMng taagjnabloised BOEDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

The first bottle revived lie aid the |second cured me entirely."—J. B.'WUliamson, BoohDSter, N. 7.For « 1 . br W- B. OOODALE.

. ii. DADJUI 1 0 flUfl

liiis placed upon his couuters a large

number of pieces or half wool 0

gooda fur Syr ing ami Summer wear at

live (.'.tuts ii yard, in Uluc, ISIOWJ

blitck. Several thousaud yank of JJIaek

A fa null enter Cusltinoros wliiuli liiiv« I

wiling for tweuty-Hvit cents :i yard nre

now reduced to fifteen cwils per yard

by the qnnutity, large or small.

Light colors ini-ilium nnd fancy dress

goods nn1 nil reduced in prieo to about

ouo luilf of wlmt tlioj* have boon soiling

fur tu part wool, nil wool and eiltt, and


Our tieiv, largo and well Blocked CAR-

PET ROOM iu onr second story in fillcil

wiLb lifiigaiue of all kinds. We liavc

Drusacla Carpets, (lemuaaiB) from fort;

mils npwQiJ. Body UriiNJi U off the

pict'tt sixly-IlvL' cents ny>. Ingrain Our-

[>els from twenty'five cents upward.

Cliina Mattings iu lmgo qnnulitics in

atjlofl nt very lowest prices. Liuo-

Ictiiu, Eoglisli, Scotch ouJ Amciican Oil

Cloths, Rliadu noltands and Fixtures.

WB hove cowpulcut workmen for mak-

ing nud laying caiputs.


SHERIFF'S SALE.Iu Chancery of New Jemey—Dot ffoon Bolon* A.

McOrsL-lii'ii, comiiUiiitiH.nini JncAhlirail Ann tiff* wife, Ocorgo HaluvH. dttslB and T.nrouu IIIH wifo, <lI'i, 1B. for naio of iiiorlifigotl prcitii->Ori, Ilo-turiiablo to February rural A. D. USi.

J. U. MeOllACEEJJ, Bol'r.Dy virtnoor tt>o »IJOVO Mtntetl wrU of flori

jcmHlnmy liandn, I nhaU cxpoao for ealfl atriililic VRIIIIIIC;, nt tlm Oourt Houno in Mor-

HION'l>AY,"tho 2Ut 0»V of A DHL next,A.I).1884. hetneen llio honre n rUU.an i l I

rtiooii uf ti&td ilty. till thosu ucttajiiami nircolH of land ami prciuinos. lit-rcii- rtionlarly dcucnltoa, sltaate, ly\np ntnl„ tlioTownshiiiof Wnaliiii({niii,iii llioC^

of Harris nud Bmto of New Jur«oy, bulledand boiiiklad an (uhowt;

THE FinsT LOT bcgl'i«'"K a t« corner ia (lie•oaii IUBJIIIJ; from Dniktintown to Fliiclt'r<clinol-liutiHo UvemHoiir liubB aoutli elgiity-uuraiula holf ili't'rws oast fmra a heap ofilonoe cnniur to ihUifa hiul and runs tlicncoijnlcrjR said Ullby ulnud noutli elghtj-fonr

and a lift If doK^uii trcst nine olmhs and clglityHii ItnkH to i fctimo planted la thern id ; tltuni~ orta ouo and a hair docrocn oaal tfr cliaiL.

ultjlity liaUu to ntiotficr stono in Jolinr'sliiio; llunco (3) ROIIIII olRlity-sii amif Ji'Krci'g cast eil elm inn mid siitj-twoto nnoihur corner in suit! Orator's lino;:DW south ouo mid a .mlf tleproei o»iit

... . clioiuH and surcntccn links to a stnku;liuuco (5) south dplity-aii aud n lialf ilo^ruus?a«t tliroo olisinB and coventccn links to an-i t ier corner Iu alorcaaiJ ro*d; tlietioe (0)

iilli nnu cJfKruo wcat twu Dluina ami vliirtj-wlinkstoaii ' '



HOOKiWAY, UVDD'H LAKE, LAKE UOFAT-OOaOANDSOilOOLSXt) UODNTAJN.Tirao table for puicn^or traine, to take cilcct


In KKW YUBK, root uf Liburtj St., Horlb lIK UBOOW-XM, (BrookJju Bridge Pitr.)

Now YorkBrooklyn ft. Fniton i t . . .

PBILADELFHU.Gor.Otband Green B(B.

'• M d B k "

:. r . Mi.Wa.su

Elizabethllmiml llrookmahhtiiiKtCiiifon.. .

alloT 81411,17 O.fl2a Valfoy .8.2311,25 4.1B fl.Bfl

NsncbHght 8.29 11.30 4.19 6.43Bttrtler 8.85 I1.SC 4.24 0,40


10.007.52 10.GG

. B'.09U,12


FlandersOwy'iiDnkeeTil lc .KouvilPort Orani. .DororItocltaway...

. . 8.41 11A2 4,29 CM

. . . . 8M 11.14 JB3 6.08

. . . . 8 . 5 0 11.50 4,38 7.04

. . . . 8.5311.58 *.*1 7.07

. . . . 9.M 13 02 4,62 7.17

. . . . O.07 12.0T 4,57 7.21rivn 9.1B 12.15 fi.HG IMA.U. A.M. A.K.F.B.r.M.

. T.iBB.a011.a54.15 6.15

. 7.30H.1.U1.5O4.3O 7.00DOWB TBilMB,


GtTrani) ValloyMiddle ValleyVnruuyCanton ,nigli JlridRo Alonnil Brook. . . .!llznbell)


PhiladclnblaCor. 9(1 atifl Burfefl" 8tb ond Green

^rookbuft . PultouuNow York

A.H. A.M. r, K. P, M. e.2011.n-. ».3o cds. 0.20 12.07 S.2D 6.64,. C.88 12.12 H.83 6,B9. (M2 11.22 ru-Vi 0.06, 6.U 12.25 SAi G.11. 6.10 l!.8O UAH 6.16. 6.G3 13.31 11.52 0.10. CM 12,89 K.G6 0 21. 7.00 12 d l 1.00 0.2!)

7.07 l?,50 f 07 0,3117.14 1.14 0.4?7.10 J.lfl


Coleman Business College707,70», 711 & 713 liROAD ST.,

Oliiwlie IVnlrc Mnrbet,

N E W A R K ,Itocelrea a larsor LOCAL anH If ATIONAi

listroniiDo aotnbuibd than toy other OommeiulM Bcbopl In America.

Thoatteuilaiioo from ESHOI and uJj" " - " • • • - • ' " l i t of any boma «ob

tbaa doable theto&obilies Iu double t b t t of uny borno sfiboi

ii\ it empluya more tbaa doable IhetoaobeiWrite for tlio fiuoat aobaol cttalogae enrnod.

COLEMAN ft PALMS. Proprietor*.


i to Ira 0 . Oouper,)


Contrwl i Ulou anil matorialu farulebed fa


Jffico OD Morris i t ieet , next to lormor INOE m building, Dover, K. J ,



4.3S 6^84.38 7.115&1 8.2.H0.17 0.070.43 0.107,10


7.0010.80C.SO 9.37

A.H. i . » . A. tt.T. K. P. IIfl.EO B.05 11.DO 3,E2 6.007.05 8.20 11.1C AM 0.16


jacDorboglniiin, oonlaiuingoly-olglit liuutlrodtlis of »umoro ur loss,

UUT Locine a t an takeon tliooad leaJlup from tbo Drakes-F l k ' U b M l

Oonjtaflucini: UOKDAY, JLNE 18th, 1R83.LEAVE K£.V XO11K.

AL7I4JA. M. (EMLOII Mill 'Xialnj.oou-aoiiiitf witli tliu ttuuiituu llrtuoli at Umvilluiritoouloti; lliiiGUcatci'iirauDb&lDixarlurlocftHUiiUB and Chester; tlie Basmx Untlroad

liana; thol>.,L. it W. ii. B. al WnniiiugtoiiforMaiiUUkaUUUQk.Waturaap.BltouddJurg,Crouton. BlngUamtun, Utick. iUclifloliI

* isr, Cortla&d, Bjrtouso, Oawegoi tlie LnokawiDQ.. And BIDOUIB-

orner t John Ornter Inud and raua Ihouco. long Raid road (1) Bontli onu de^roo went

hainH aud xixtacu lints lo & Btsko in thesaid road; thouco(S) uortlielftlity-rocB went Hiruo clulua and nixtoeutiUko Tor a corner; thonoo (8) northe cast tlircocliniimBiidsliUiun linka

sntd Cratcr'B lino; HICDOO (4)tb i t t d

in sntd CratcrB lino; HICDOO (4)line soutb eictity-aoroa defirocschains » D J m t e o n licha to tboi f t i i f

dego acoru i r in siloii|{ blj line/ait llirto chains » D J m t e o n licha to tbo)1BOQ nl beginaftig, containing ono aore of

nd, bo the unit) more or less; (ud 1M tlieJUJO Inn-la convoyed to JsiaoIJ.Seiiln \ty Hoi-oway ff. Hunt, AdmlnjitratororOaorco A,.Jrator.iko'il, bv deed datod July JQtii, 1872,nd roconlea In'llaok I 8 or Dowla fur said

t of Morris, OD pa go 890, &c.

WILLIAM H. HOWELL, Sheriff.Dated Fcb, 12th, 1884. 11080



Uf tho latent tog moBt impoyod BtgrlcB, forffUmlDgpablloud private bullui&gfl. A Urge

ftuortnunt of itovei, obe»p for cub .





Ahi) Miorlttont of



LEADmt3,induU kludsorjoLblnff In my Hue,dono in tho beat manner and at tho Bbortosilotico. IlifjUnat prlCei paid Tor old Iron.

Conner lead and pewter taken l a exchangeor goods,

ALEXANDER WIGHTON.December 21th. 1870. Mvr

SHERIFFS SA]LE.New Jer*oy Snpramo Conrt, Morrii tfouatv—

Ojcap JtHory vg. NUlwn Divls, Fi. (a. doIwn. ct tor. In oaao. l^Oirtiaiilo to Ftu-rnaryTeroi A, D. 1884.

OBOAIt JEPPEEY.Att'yprn.HP.Dy virtne or tho »bn.»o stated writ ol flori

Mian m m y b a n d a . I dball expono for ssla fitublic Vcmlne, aL tbe Cunrt Uooao, Iu Mor-

Utown, H. J., onJfONfVAV, tbo 2911. any of A P H I I I next.

.D.1884, ttotireon Ibu lionn of 13 M. and 5i'doob if.«., that ia to my at 3 o'clock in thitrtGrnoon or said <1»y, all that lot, tract o.narcol ol Utul and premlsoB, njlniijc, lyinc a nTlner ia the lovnsblp af Ho«tnry, in tbematy or Morrti and Ulnte or Sew Jersey, and

aoro particularly described ai follovi, to-wit:Qocuinitis a u clwstnt.t trcosUndine auoat

ID clialna to tho eastward trora tbo Muscou-teoatt river, raarked on fo?r nii]cs and ran-iltiR ibonoe (1) nortli cjjlit denreoa aadHf-eon mmnlei owt Qr# chaluflf thooco (i)orth forty-Bro doRroca o u t oaa <ohaiQ and

Trains loavo Kanrit for Jf/nniBlnb uuil tu tulopUftaiR at 0.-00. *. H.; 12:35.0:10 p. u. For

ill Btitlona to Ogiien nt 12:26 p, is,OoDveytincua OAII l»u ]irocnrod at Oonniin

Valley tu and from Hclutuloj'e HountaiuFlniniorB to and from Btnld'B Lake,

EAHFOH CoHHucriofta.—OunncotlDn Is t,t Hi(,'!t BriJuo to ami from Eastern,

J. B. WOOTl'EH.Geii. llanagcr.fl. 1>. JJALDWJN.Gon, Eastern Pass. Ag't.0 . Q. HANCOCK, Gen. TUBS, i TVb Ag't


(MOUHH AND ESSEX D1VWION.)Depots in How York, toA of l l t r d a j St.

footot'ChfiBtouUcrtit.M I l l E M E N

trnrjj aud Selaviaro aud HuJiou ltiultuadgi\w -t PhillipabiirH with LehiffU Tilk.y Hall-road md Lshtgh aud BuBqaolianna Uattroadfor llotbleliem, Uauati Ohitnfc. Rutdini} and

„ , _JuKl>»mton Mail (DrawindRoom Oars attaohud) from Ntitr Ifork rla. Fat-orson and Boonton, runs tttrongb to Water

"troudsburg, ttorauton, Qrc*t Bendighimtou, oonneotlug at DOTOI with

Ohoster Batlroad, at Waterloo wltU ficBseiliailroul for Andovor, Newton ond «jt uta-tioou; at Delawirc with Blolretown By., atScran ton, with uloumibnrg Piviaion lori'itts-tan, Kingston, tfUkonbariB, Danville, {forth-umlierlaiiil, &o, Piaiougera tikiog thistrain from New i'orktl'ritcrBou andBoontoDo»n concent at Washington with train forPhiUipsbttrg, Eaiton, Uotnleliem, UleElown,HarrtaburKandjoints OD tbe Lehl^b Valley,and Lohigli aud BuHqueU&uua BailrjatJe ; atI'liUlipetiurR wltb Eolritluro Dinsian of Pa. B.B.rorLanibertTlilo.TroiitonanaPliUadelpliia.

At U.O» A,M.BufT*IoaudO*woao Uxureii(Drawing fioom Cam) Water dap, Btrmid*.borj;, SomcUm, BiQgHamton, Owcgo, iLhaca,Wavorly.ElinirH, MOQU. MorrlB and Diitiaio.Alao Syracuse and Odtroco, oouneotlng atviughiimton for Utlcii and Rklifield Sprii

At 10.10 A. M. Dover AoootcmoilUion,AtlDtOO M. Eaiton Eipreia.At 1:00 P. U. Eimln Sipresi, Dnwlng Boom

OanatUcbed runt through to W»tdr flap, iuondi.bart, Bonnton, Blnghamton, ayikonae iuflOiweao,oonnoeUnga.Mranton with Lack. A MoomibuiB. K. far PltUton, WTomlng, Klngitonanil WllkeB»rre. Funngen tUIng thU train from NeYork,PttmonandBoontoa can aonnMUtWullngtonwltbtMinHo.6.

LoayeNo)|r7pr).at3,aaF,u (Eastcu Ei-

Boclfway _ . , „ .

ping at Milb'urn, Summit, Ohatliam, Mulieoa,Uorriitown and alt stitlofli nest to Caokotts-iown, connecting at Tfatorloo witli train orAnaovGr&nd Newton.

7^>o P.M. Ottmgo aud finfTala Ex, from Newfork (sleeping owBattftehed) via. Pateriou &»—.__ (fcpqn-j, t0 fffttor a a p Btroadsbnrtf,

j , Bmajninton, Uile.Martthon.aori.Und, Homer, Sjiaoaup. and UKWDBO.AtBingbamtonwitutraiuforflroBne.OlfDrd,

Norwiob, Blohfield B|)rlnRn, Utioa. ko. Tbiitralu rtms tLronsh to Oiwepo Buffalo andHichflBld SprlngB (but not to ftUnca) Sondajniot niu SB,

A t T i t a p . Ji, DoTcr Aooomraodatton forUlutbam, MorrUtown aud Dover.

For Bernardsrille, BaakincrklgD. Lyona.:tlHn3tou. SUrling, Qiilctto, iWUt 'y Holglit

-idall Btatlons on Pasialo and DatmniTBt. (N. J. Wmt Lino Ballraad) 7:S0,10-.10 A,

M. and J.30 and 5:00 P. JI.A, BEASONEB, Saperin.endeat.



still mnlutninn liln ropntatton for keeping fallnnd comploto stooka of


PROVISIONSof lLo Icet grades! fllao


uigarsvliltlDB Dover aro inrilcd to call aidino my gowlB. Popular iiricoi p l iu IUIMH

wlibln the rowili ofthoaowbiiniitoaun are limited,Mid my flue aRHiii-tn.eDt raiiimt fall lo plnie mtsatisfy tlie most critical buyan. JOHN ABNDT.



(Gucceseor to Vooruoei Erotbers)






Seeds and Fertilizer^



Confectionery,Till'. OnOIOESI BEiSD3 or BEOiES, THE

BEST OBADE8 O? TOB400O3, i n n




T-8m DovBii, m. j .

il sores rolnrneil by IUHO Oanlield, andcoonlcd at purtb Amljoj, ia Booh 8 If, pnso7(l;tl]enco (3) nonth offrhty-etabt dDarcciroit QvecbBing; tbencc (1) nnrtlitl)irty.RGVcnIf ureci weal tno cliaina nnd fifty lluka | ttiunce0) nnrtb fifty-one decrcos nest Heron chains;Ibonce (0) sontb eigbty-ono decrocs and «f-*enmiuutoiwost flre oh»iDB aod slitj llaka;ibeaco H) m»rt!i rixty Aegtoet veil two chainsmd seventy tfnkij llionoa (8) north ulchtyhtms degroeH weit onephnin and Dinety-ihrooIntel; tlieuo* (0) gatttti Wilrty-tw o deftrees an Jib.rty ralnntes wait two ahum and tiityInk*; tlionca (10) lontb tveotyniDO liahi;hence (11) lontb twenty dogrocf cast IDVIDiliafnB in<) fitty links; thenou (19j aanth tlilr.

-tlirco degroci nod flftymlntilci oa«t Uiirtvuoo oiialm and ninety Jlnki to the canal

ia&k; thonco ti3)north flftj-lonrdccroea andhirly ralnntci wcit loroD CLOIDS and nity-flreuki la tlio place of bogluniag, •contalniBg

' -iotpo acres And thirty-ioTen one-hnn-.u ; l i ior tuaare. Excepting aad rcBOiritg

L«reln> acrofl contoyod by one Miller to ttiuUanlio|>e UannractnrlniT Oo,; being tho sanomd and prtimifeiconveycd lo tbeeald Nathanin.ni by Thoroii L KIUR, adra'ror Jolin Rw.

andrdorfinBiujtofMlddeleribcil' Prcmlnei ccrialn bnllJmR !o:.

WUTW19P.A.M. P . U .10.37 7.W

ilgn*lcdandknc. ._ rAIRO, sold by riiillp Jo!mab)n, trastea, by

ittua ot an ordor of iho Oonrt of Obanoon,s-wit: Iota 14 on Contro St., ifid 14 on Oanai

hQld-tiJoiiDO.Snltivaii. Jr.; lot No. at on" ' ild to John O. SOIIITJUI -/\oU ISSSO

" ? 0 » a n d l ( l o n M a . nLTIB; a lot on Canal St.

IIVITIMJI, IILH HBV»D1 fin fliip, OQti lolf No.Otnal HI. and Ho. 10 on Qtnlro St,, Sid lo

B anivo and depart from this elation

A. II. WIBTBODKDOnwogo Express* 1.2HDover ExprosB 7:00HaukottfllownEip.7:aiEtstcn EiprCBs 8:42JDovor Aeoom, 11:15

Ulmlra E ip .* I:fi7Elision Mill 2:44OBWDRO EiprcjB* fl:07

ovar Acoom. 6:50uftiilo Hiproes* B;07dBton ADCCIOI. B;90

•Via. Doonton Brancb,

Easton MntiIlinstb'too Mali* - . -Unffulo Ex[irt a 10:37

DoFflr Accaro. 12^5Em ton Eipresi 2:00Blmira Bxprest* 2:20Eaiton Expreea GdSDovoiBxproM 6:20






Port (hamDovar


p. 11

al.wa. SO


MANSION HOTEL.A . J . W I L I M m - - - . Prop't


soura sfisaoPE, SEAI DEPOT.

ami a»eommi«lalli»n for permanent andtranalent bojrdora. GOOD TABLE. M -I'OBTED AHDU0UE6T10 LiqDOllS, WINESAND 0IOAB8, UYEM BTABLEWILI, BBADDED. . |L,r

lr ina DITI* . wire ot Frank I, Da• No. IS, 13,20,11,23,33,0 and U on CanalNo. 18,3 ,22, IT and 31 nn Centre St., No.

, 49,43. S4. S3 and S3 on Haln St., Bold tojnnti jfcCoaoellj lots No. 13 on.Oeatre St.,and 11 OB Haln St., sold to Mr*. OavabaaRh i

U and 31 on OeniroHt, cold to Char lei fl,iabaEo i lota 23,39 on Centre St. and lota No,i on Main Bt,, Bald to Gee, VT. Zwk j lot No.on Centre Bt., uold to O. B, B o n ; lot No. TMaja Si. aold to Jiiao» Oaranangli; lota 8

d ODD Vain Bt.. told to Jobn Bradley; loUonUainS t , , iold ta W.Mry Jo lm.on ; loti*nit SI OD Main Bt., aoia to Jowpli Bailor Iit US «nd 11 oa Main St., I o t i No. 8(1 and STItafn St., «olrt to Datid McPeok, and lot N a

1 on Haln B t , l(,ld to F . H. Tocnp.Alto eiCiptlng certllO lota » l d by Nathan» t t to Frank }. Davla, Q«orgo O. Baunmujnr,

' J . Oortfln. Edward Salmon. P r t d . N .


Isaac N, Doty & Co.,NEWARK, N. J.

Tlio greater portion of onr Spring Drew

QoodB nro now in atoro nni] open for InspOB.

tion. Every lady in Dover aud vieinily Is

nwnro tlint our oollootlou of Foreign nni

Domcstio DroBS FnltrioB Is the largest and

most varied In tlio SUta, nnct at all times

atrong Inducements wo offered to pnrohnaon.

1'or tlio intomlng sooson new colon arc

Lnron, Titian Bed, MotinUin ABII, Indian

Cedar, Sen Swallow, Baltio Blue and Goldoa

Brown. Now mntoriuls arc

Bison and Prunella Cloths,

Panama Checks. Ottomans,

Cheviots and Tweeds.Wo protmlily show ilie riohost assortment of

FPNCH SATKESin Ncwnrk, ^ho patterns oro very obolco

ifiUjno^ u i d oJTocUvo.


and Foulardsnto now on mlo in taimfiM mwrtmmt


159 &1C1 Market St.,

Newark. H. J.

JOHN DAWEhas nt W* rentaurant on Blookwell stre^*»fine Block of Uiuusnui Tow and COKFBC-

IOMBKT, together witu full llnaa uf Toboonoa,

tiv tlio'lOO, (inart oriJSlon. Ordew " * * "attvndsdtn. IteaBonabls terms for

rVTli, Jolin O. Sullivan, Juui ik B*!lev, Har-irottia O. Throecm«n, Philip NUon.Tliomai

" ~>, B j l n n n i O. Budd, Qnorge Sberger,, . . . » D a « i . CUuerino McOraw, N » t U c

. Denkcr and Osctr JefTcry. being i b o theimeprcmiiei a* tlcwrioed in a deed fromliillp Job a »1o ii, Trnilee. A c , to Ni th .n

'- d a t r t V f e m b e r 3Qlfa, 1B80, i n d reIn Book V JO^or.Doeoi fonjfofri




mtttmtwnf dannHdaf tbepiiblle In hi*llnaorba«ln«M. OY9TBU8 nap benulI ay rtylo at till m U n n H t or lt anyq t l t r tar name eoniNinpUon, whileft nod LUNCH si • naMmabla prlaa canIM bMlNMl ait »mr I H W OT tli d

partlu and balb with .u'kia.1.\f otlonorr, cakes, and other edlblea.

THOS. JOHNSON,nannraeiaror and dealer In

anatllwotkinUrblBin,] OranlM. Allnrkof (lie bovt ordir and prlca raaMnatil..





Im a lufta Hook ot FiLt, MH,UHEHX ofall klndavulih aba haa tort recol.od mmHow loik, shfch aba inltnla lo nUat bottomprlcea. Ooind rather onaatook,


«0 la M dan TlChoul apHnr tnua or rtomhitwutk. ronrdlou or ace or period ot affliction,Ventilated AWomlaal Bolporlen b j mail.Prloci moderate, iddren

; w ^ p ,Or call at Preoob, Itoor Homo, OFpoette tbfl

PrabtteilanCbnreb. ' a - l T


N n l t o Pirieo * Clark'., Blaokwell alnel,Doyar. lAteataamplal received dalbr! Part,,tonaon and H n Iprk raahton pliUa a tenBootb I Sliliih anlta, la., mads foorder wllboae daVa noUoel ' Ladlea' ind eantt1 Bar.nierta altered to the latGitstTle. Call ana beeEUthoAn«l».Ko«UehIalIorr M U " " 1 M 8







FRENCH NOVELTIES Uf SPRING WBAPS.Wo bare now on exhibition a large nai clotco variety of Paris Noveltloa In Glaco Stripedolisekcd, Taflotaj.riilo and Figured Poogeoa, and LOQIBIOOS. A standard quality of BlaiSilk at t l per jurd, A cboloo lino of Batoona and Pigarod Nans Tailing.

TBS Broad St.,



FosltlTO moTitiff poppet rakes. No loss from Motion, no waste In portilr iniiBotioa valves. JliffhoB.poBalbloporoantofireo air. Economicallognooiiapplfeatlou. (Polly socarod by patenta.)

iff poppet rakes. No loss from Motion, no waste In portn by ullda or rotilves JliffhoBpoBalbloporoantofireo air Economicl and durable. O*

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertioal andPortable. Insurance fpolioy with each.


THE DOVER LUMBEE Coffers to bnililers tho bost opportunities in the purchase of LUMBEof every grade and description inoluding Ladvantage of having

uding L O ¥ PKICES and tho groi

Lumber Worked to Order>y maohiuorv at the place where it is purchased, groatly lessoning th

cost of bnilding by the great saving in manual labor. Oarstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBEE of every description, and oapocial pains aro taki

to give satiBiaotiou in every partioular,GEOBOZ RICJUBDB, Proaidont.

Vu. H. LIHIIEBT, Seo'y and TreaaI. W, BsiBixa, Gon'I Manager.

CENTENNIAL BUILDING, 216 & 217 Market St.,AilInintDg FIrat Refonnod Ohnroli,

Eullro urerage coal of Toll Oourre, Inolndins UTOIM, 8totl»n«n oto (317s"'Ensroising ana Card Wtitins oiomlod In tfil hiBlioil atjlo ot art. '


M, MU1VEY, A. M., Frlnotpal.W ' W > W I N N E R . S t




Briok PreBsod Oil,TV. B. Bporm Oil,W. B. Whalo Oil,PrimQ Neat8foot Oil,

tfine Oil,tallow Engine Oil,o. 1 Kogirje,

DartEogiuoOH,pom Maohmery Oil, No. 1 NoaWoot Oil,o. 1 MaoMnory Oil, B. Hoadligbt Oil, 150°,

Dark Lubricating Oil, " - - " - - - •Railroad Lnuricator,

lafling Lnbrioator,IFeet Vireioia Oil,'Orown'r Wool Oil,Itainle88 Spindle Oil,lo. 1 Spindle Oil,

Beflu " ~

No. 1 Lara Oil,W. Para Salad Oil,Prirao White, 115°,Gasoline, 00",Dark Oar Oil,Sperm Packing Oil,

" Crown" Light Oomponnt"Paasaio" Dark OomponnBolliag Mill Grease,Axlo Grease,Sperm Signal Oil,W. Strained Prime Lnrd Oi!E. Homllijibt Oil, 160",P. Water "White Oil, 120°,W. White Cotton Bood OilW. Yellow Cotton Seeil OilQaeolino, 88o,Gasoline, 8C°,

— o „.., Pamtors' Oil,ler Oil, Deodorized Naptlms, all Gravities.3. OIZj TAWK8, cbo.

. _ Asonta Tor Prmnlun Snlbtr oilW ALL OUR OILS GUARANTEED BTBICTLT PDHE -©a

ME MaSmaAM Oil, Co.. WHAmKOTorTn.aD A7«..N«»I«K, H. J


BPEOUL DEVICE for pis at lagoon, forth*

<i CaBi l r hluullt!l1- Const

jcivrn tar trlnl borDrop^JHi'liliml. ' HIUIAUCA^ _ 5 " A I S SEKDF.liS, with BULKY lUItll'UVS, ivU

tEEE, TBTTMAN, PLATT & CO-rOwB^o'TiogaCounl^,'N?7.

THE BEST PUCEof Its kind loronjojment in this Bcctioc la


.DOVJSB, M. J .it rocelTei! aud pl icul In poBltlon T n i t E E


BilliardPool Tables

JECHESTEION•t aluo Jnst beon supplied with new ran sicid wilt (fetight tlia pBtronii of tlm honso moruurt over, iumiBhlng inueio equal to & b n e s


.AGER BE£Rilnyt on dnnght and tbo best of

VINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalwaya proTlded for the patrona ot



Nurseryand GreenhousesMORBia 9 T . , HQKRIBTOWN, K. J .





Thorburn's Flower Seeds


rtll poMlblt »t «i,y1 W« will a u n y

l »ill a

t i n o l. Vmi c

. Tho wa work nil tlio

Notice of Settlementiotioe !• herebTRtren ibkl lite Moonnlt or

sabtonlHiri, Xxeoalori ot Bonjimin J.torvaU, (loo'd, will t» nidlt M «3d .Utc j l,y

OrphanrOonrt of lha Cncoty ofUoirii,Uond.y tbe wwrnl r l» of Jnna next,tOUNQ & SOHOFIELD.

SUCCA8«fJiirA, N. J.

lra inaDnneo rlika In tliaI . D . BoioniLD.

'•n^ruitr alrnfton fill iMuti'to 15 nvety ftVtnlTliitall who w»nt wort ma; ioot tlio bnaintunuke Uila nniui^llelal olTor ; to all who urn 'rcll uttlKltnd wpwiil tanA £1 in p t j (or tho troiif writing us. Fall ..BnionltM, dlrottloni., alalent froo. For time* irlll bo mario by thoic , •• ' " "- ' -Tl ioln time (o Ihn wort. O t w inc.

mro. Don't ilcUj: lUrt now. Addi3o.. Portlana Ualuo.

giro tbdr•UnlaUly

1 winted far The Live., of i l l. tho Presidents or iho U . S .\ T I I Q W e i t , baniluiDeBt,

. . _ — — J bast book or or sold for |GMIUMI twioi, oar price. The fa i l t i t nclUoa bm_in America, immonao proflti to agunti, AlliiitclIiGont peoplo want it. Any ODD can bV-it. Any ODD ca

kKBDt. Tonni fte«.r t l U ] t U l



onto! and Dnmpl attonllon.

BRUEN&BUMELL,-, sr. a-,


'it nhnin Tinnlrijt

titli ntoel chain ac<3 Canada sprnco tnliiiiRfluuhiH laaluloHU, Tlieypivo tlia beat oUtUt-iction. TheyHlBOkomiinBtDok " T H E N E W

i H P I B F " Hot-Air, GBB aud Base-liurDingCockiuK Htovo, tho boat bubiiifi aluvo In theworld. Alio, a largo assortment of othur stylesofCookinRBtorcB.BatiKeii. I l a rb r8 to?on , to . ,for BUMMEIt AND WIKTKIt D8E. Aim, aoliolou slock of nUIDWARE, ODTLKltY.Glass, Woodon, Ooiipcr, Plain and JapanuodTIHWAltE. Oil dlotlsB, Carpets, Um\>»,Fftlnte anil 011B. bird Cagea, FoitliorB, l'rait'BAitr i l Oil (nau explosive.) Alxo, dtuh-rs InCOAL. ltoofliiR, I'liiuibittK mid J»l> Work

imptly attended tu. FiiitiiniikV Hcili:n nt

.Uufacturiir'B prices. They nitii) have oiwof the abovo BOHIGH la front or tlioir i-ltcu ofIOBIUCBB for DDIIJO weighing. Old Iron, Cop-per, Draee, Lead, BagB aud Groan back a takena eiohaogo forgcadti.

BHUEN & JJUKNELL.Also, manafaottirora of Bunt.eli'H H'-lf-Tiglil-

oninjt Wiro BprluR Hod Bottom.


LAGER BEER!mUpatl.EIt.LY'8, Sunaox HI., Dover, H. J

opp. Mollor'a Opora IIouuo.











Base Balls and Bats,

The Professional Dead Ball,

Marbles of all sorts,

Wagons of all kinds,

Jumping Ropes,

nnrl a Rroat variety of


O F I'Biinn AND ra i iE



ill at iiricoa AB IOIV an they can bo boiijrht ttnay place lu tbo ooantry,


BEEMER & PALMERwill u n t l n n u llio buiiiiBia at t i t old « , „ ,- • • s n t a y n r to koop a lar8o a i .anm.m ol

!H in litu liuu of trado, consiHtlng of

GOAL AND WOOD!SeriiTilon ami Lehipb of all BIZOB; alan Hi-

tttminoun Goal for blacJ.amilhing. 0o:d \miaawctl urn! Bi>lit ready for urns always uu tuu<l.

Flag Stones I Curbing.Or(i<;ra itscuivoil aud contracta taten for l « -

tng BidcwLlkn unil aotiing curb, aud all otblrwork requiring Bltto Htono will be promptly

'MASONS' MATERIALS!Hard and Palo Brick, Llniu, Cuineut, Csl-

dued PIfcBter, Hair, Firo am! FrontBrick, Fire Olay. Otdorawillbo

promptly illlud a t t e


Saw Mill.for lianl wood Inmbor cut to any Bizu anil

letiRtli domrod nlwuys onltand,100 corJs seasoned wood for ealo.

CHAS.hnalukm tho place on Iltackwell itrecl,one door from Morris, opposite Panic*Clark'*, Mhe-it he lias opencil m. new llci-

iranl, anil w.M hvep a. full anil trtth•luch of O>'atc» Bt all time*, ««rrii(I In

!j'lei,or tnH by tlie quart or nutnlter.I* and Lnnrlic* rarnUIieil nt all

hour*. Parties luppllcd with Oyitera,'eetloitery, BegaM, Ac,, ot tl.e belt

quality at rmaannlilD rates. All ay»teapened In tho ]u'cscnce of (tie buyer.

R. F, JOLLEY & Go,


831 BROAD St.


PARK HOTEL.!HAS, A, KUMFOED, - - - Prop'r.


D O V E R , N . J .

iVill open April 1st, li^l, as a iirst-clBsa

Hotel fur fmuilicH and tlie tnrntliiigpuWiu goiiDrnll}'.

IANIEL M. JUNK, Maiuigpy.


Estate of JOHN OSBORN,


PURSUANT to tho onlor of tho Snrrogiitoof tlio Comity of MorriB, made OQ iho

third day of March, A, D. ODD thousandflight hnndrcd and eighty-four, noticeia hereby givon to all person a having claim gagainst tlio cetato ol John OBIIOITI, la te ottlio Cotrnty of Morns, ilocoasod, to prep^nt ihoaamo, under oatli or ullirmatiou, to the e«b-tcriborB, on or hctoro iho llnnl day ofDiicomlor no i t , huli5R niiio momliH Iron. Iliudate of «aid order ; and any oroilitor ijoelcct-Inj; to bring io and eihihi t his or faor claim,undor oatli or nffirmation, williiii tlio t iniusolimited, will be forever Ditrroil ol Lie or licraction tboredir agilnat tbo Eiccotora,

Dated tUo third day ot Harcli A. D . 1 8 8 4 ,JOSEPH K. 03B0BN,WILLIAM P . OSDOi.N,

EitcutorH,Present ch i ra i to Williira F. Osborn, Stan-

hope, N. J . 14-lOw

WM. S. WEIGHThaa remoi-cJ Lia ofTico to tho etoro of 8. H.

BBEE8E, Mo. 3 Briek Dlook.

Mathushek Pianos,ESTEY ORGANS,

- A N D —

cheap foi cauli, or inettlweek will biij a




Shop on Clinton St, Dover.Anciporiotico or ]fi yearn in Jtovor on tliou»M work, 1H tho KnarnnU'H I oiW ormv

itytoliloaaillBpablio. l lymotion "aiTiBfacllon to all" J

x A l J C i l l 1 0 CouiinoUor-Eit-Uit.aud Solicitor of I'atomn, Kit) F. Street, Well-ington, D. C. Con-eBiHiiHloiico solkiunl. -Noolimgo for Preliminary Emimlnnllom. T.rnuand ruferoucuM given on niiplirntiun. lWff

WANTED!„ ^ . Good leltablo

tom'l.ourNEWFlim'ISiiiidSriiCIAL-TIES. Onoil 8(iiai7pnid liom'st, nctive. nuc-CBsful rigontH. for terms adOn^H EfifiiijS

County Collector's Notice I

Iwl l lUoa t l l ioon lcoor llio Surrogate Mor-nlown, for tlia trinmctioij o[ Ooamy "nil.,jia,on Thnreda, „! each ««!,-, ana at ° " .nieo ol Ooorco lliclianli, Esq., Dover on-nilaj«, T n o i d a n , WedneiirLv, anil FriA™

WM. H.LAMBEKT, 'Gonntv Oollootor*




17TOB all tbo principal linsa of slcaraihlpa. t r o m Now York to Llrornool at LOWEWT


SMOKE THE VW CJGAB,tho best tiro cent cigar in the market. A!'

orders or the trade eappliod by

J o h n B a r r e t t , U o o n t o n , N . J .

N. B.-An closant cigar lighter is preaoutci]with tbo flret order for 1,000 cigara,



SEEDS, FERTILIZERS,»na tvcryUiins (or F i n n *SD QAKDEN.



Moi-r lntmvn, N. J .SEND F0H CATALOGUE.


reqnlreil. Iknilor','if yonow at which iientoimor ol l kjoune or old, can nuko (-rent paj all tho

no tl!OT work, will, ftbBolii.flccr.iiiiity, write




F I7TI Bend all CIDIB for po.F-• » . » « ' "«*"' froo, a""•."I '"" <•' mo*! »b okw U l t a 'P joa to

lorld. All, of citli(

Estate of William Scoblc,


PUHSUAOT to Ib . orfl.r ol Iho SnrroRal.>i "i C""aty of HorrtB, madn on tin

S M I i"J 1 c b " « y . *• D. one IboaunilelRlit liunilrcj ami elglily.four, notloo IBlu-roliy fintii to all iwrwinB liavlog claimsaninal iliu natata or William Bcoblo, lain olllio Cnuulv or Morm, ,lMeaioil, to preseot llio«amo, I'niler oaili o r afllnnatloo, to tlio Btlli-Bcnler, on cir Ijtroro tlio anthday or Kovoni-

, V^1 ' . m'* uilJU moiitliB from tlio dataoraiiii onicr; and aoy creditor neglootlng to"ring la and ciltlbit lila or linr claim, nnilcroaOi in aOlrmatlon, witw» tl,o t | n 0 , 0 limited,will bo rormor Larrod or IIIB or hor aotlon'.nnrtlur a^alnut tlio Admlnintntcr.

Datod Iho aiith day ofFebrnary A. D. 1891.JAMES TONK1N0,

Admlnietralor,10-W» rortOratn, Kuril. Co., N.J .



I. T. STIDWOETHV.vWnimann'a Hotel.

" » SUnlope.S.'j.

• n i l P l c k r r e l UODB,

llcclR, Unp«, File., llnolu, Bmtkels, elc.i tall aiiortmont cnml.nll, oa land of beat

an J oommoaBIMCII u i Hsatla, Lo>aii l D a n ,

and all their nuarta.POWDEB, BHOT, GiTS, QUflfl BaZjLS, fto,

OEOSOE f •*''**••>-—•I7OTWDSB


HOBBIflTO»H. K . J .

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