mhp gold the automated mhp mgr[1].revised

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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TRANSCRIPT “Helping Owners & New Investors Build Cash Flow and Value”

Why smart owner/operators and new investors want… “The Automated MHP Community Manager”

A revolutionary, self directing MHP “On-Site” management system that puts your community and your manager on

“Remote” control and creates huge profits… FAST

A 16 Binder, 350 Form, On-Site Action System

NOT a Home Study Course. Just Plug & Play

Increase profits for even experienced owners.

Going to buy your first park?

Why you need my system BEFORE you buy!


Are 100% of your home sites filled?

Do you collect 100% of the Rent monthly?

Is your resident turnover near ZERO?

Are your rents $25 to $50 above local market rent?

Want to know how they can be?

Cut expenses by 25% annually?

Increase your MHP’s value by ….

$50,000 to $500,000 in 6 months?


Is your park … or the park you are buying ……

Generating huge cash flow?

A “friendly” village?

A Clean, Safe, Quiet, and Drug Free Community?

Known locally as the BEST MHP in the area?

If any answer is NO then …….


If any answer is NO then the question is …..

Are you missing out on Huge Cash Flow Potential?

Are you fulfilling your ownership obligation to provide people who need affordable housing a clean and safe environment to live and raise families?

If refinancing or selling will you receive full value?


www.MobileHomeParkDepot.comIf in the next 4 to 6 months you could….

Increase the annual net income by 25% to 50%

Increase the Property Value $50,000 to $500,000

Create for your Residents a clean safe community

While putting ON-SITE management on Auto-Pilot!

And have On-Site Management Solutions with ….

….. Remote Control! And if ……

6 If you could have a unique …..

“On-Site Management System” with

“Off-Site Control” built in …and have access to consulting from a 20 year MHP-Industry PRO to guide you through a 30 day turnaround and a six month explosion in profits and value…

What would ……


What would you be willing to invest ……

For a huge long term gain in income & value?

$10, 000 ?

$ 5, 000 ? or $ ??

OR IF ……….


IF the System also will help you de-stress & free up time.

What would that be worth to your Company?

And YOU & your Family?


What if it was……


Self Funding?

You could pay as you create profits?

& Best of ALL ……


This is NOT a home study course.

This IS an ACTION system! It’s Plug & Play!

A 16 Binder, 350 Form, On-Site Action System

Just print on YOUR Park letter head and put it to immediate use.

The System drives management of your park.

The Manager … just implements!

So simple to use even …. a Ph.D. could manage your community!

11 If this opportunity was NOT available next month...

Would you regret “NOT” taking action today?

Email now to request a System Overview and additional information by return email.…

Or ... request a personal consultation, a online “Go-To-Meeting” preview or pricing information.

Learn how this System will explode your profits and ….


www.MobileHomeParkDepot.comRemember it’s affordable even for the smallest community

or new investor … AND … it’s self-funding!

Buying or Selling a Park? Need to fill vacant lots, buy homes or find investors?

Ask about our Mobile Home Gold Programs!

Email now so you don’t miss out!

In the subject line put: “Requesting more information”.

If you are interested in a phone follow up then include in the email your phone #, best time to call and which time zone that you are in.


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