microsoft onenote advanced 2010. module 1 explore onenote 2010 navigate in the onenote program...

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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USES FOR ONENOTE  Collect and save information  Take notes  Organize information logically  Search for information


MICROSOFT ONENOTE ADVANCED 2010 MODULE 1 EXPLORE ONENOTE 2010 Navigate in the OneNote program window Work in the OneNote program window Explore OneNote in the default notebook Customize OneNote USES FOR ONENOTE Collect and save information Take notes Organize information logically Search for information NAVIGATING IN THE ONENOTE PROGRAM WINDOW NAVIGATING THE ONENOTE PROGRAM WINDOW WORKING IN THE ONENOTE PROGRAM WINDOW WORKING IN THE BACKSTAGE VIEW EXPLORING ONENOTE IN THE DEFAULT NOTEBOOK Now Lets Tour the Personal Notebook: 1.Start Menu All Programs Microsoft Office Microsoft OneNote Backstage View Open page Click Open Notebook EXPLORING ONENOTE IN THE DEFAULT NOTEBOOK CUSTOMIZING ONENOTE KEY POINTS OneNote allows you to simplify electronic information OneNote 2010 supports multiple notebooks and has many new features OneNote 2010 stores information into files Customization of OneNote to fit your individual needs MODULE 2 CREATE AND CONFIGURE NOTEBOOKS Create a notebook for use by one person Create a notebook for use by multiple people Create sections and pages CREATING A NOTEBOOK FOR USE BY ONE PERSON Options for shared locations: 1.Shared folder on your primary computer 2.Shared folder on network 3.Removable storage drive (USB Flash Drive) 4.Microsoft SharePoint site 5.Web site CREATING A NOTEBOOK FOR USE BY ONE PERSON CREATING A NOTEBOOK FOR USE BY MULTIPLE PEOPLE MANAGING A SHARED NOTEBOOK CREATING SECTIONS AND PAGES NAMING SECTIONS AND PAGES CREATING SECTIONS AND SECTION GROUPS KEY POINTS You can create a personal notebook for use on one or multiple devices Always start with a blank notebook and add sections and pages Notebook organizational structure is dynamic Collect information on pages Create pages based on templates Pages are within sections MODULE 3 CREATE AND ORGANIZE NOTES Work with note containers Enter content directly onto a page Send content to OneNote Capture audio and video notes Take notes on the side WORKING WITH NOTE CONTAINERS ENTERING CONTENT DIRECTLY ONTO A PAGE FORMATTING NOTES, PAGES, AND SECTIONS SENDING CONTENT TO ONENOTE CAPTURING AUDIO AND VIDEO NOTES TAKING NOTES ON THE SIDE KEY POINTS Notes are stored on a page in note containers You can resize images and open file attachments directly from pages OneNote writing tools can be used to create handwritten notes and drawings Screen clipping tool allows you to collect and store images Internet explorer tools menu allows you to collect and store web pages Side notes allow you to quickly create notes Customize the OneNote icon

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