mid year review 2020 mid year review 2020

Post on 28-Mar-2022






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Beta Upsilon Chi, a National Christian Fraternity, exists for the purpose of establishing brotherhood and unity among college men based on the
common bond of Jesus Christ.
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to
dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1
The Beta Upsilon Chi Foundation exists to support the mission of the Beta Upsilon Chi Fraternity through financial resources that are used to enhance the development of brotherhood and unity among
Christian men at existing chapters and to expand our brotherhood to college campuses throughout the
Thank you for giving generously and supporting Beta Upsilon Chi. The last year
has been an incredible time of vision casting and shaping the future of BYX.
With the establishment of the BYX Foundation to support the growth and
development of the BYX Fraternity, we are confident in the Lord’s plans for us moving forward. Thank you for being a part of that
and we look forward to serving our brotherhood and stewarding your
resources in 2020
The Alpha Chapter enjoyed a semester of excellence on numerous fronts. They thrived socially, through creative events such as formal at Villa Antonia on Lake Travis, several sorority mixers and an open party downtown planned by this year’s pledge class, and revamped tailgates with a new location next to the stadium. They emphasized the value of philanthropy and raised approximately $15,000 for B+, an organization that supports families with children who have cancer. The money was raised through the joint effort of the chapter, with members going above and beyond to raise money; they had two guys drive to Times Square, one guy dye his hair blonde, and a lot more wild tasks of that nature. They experienced a new level of brotherhood with added involvement between members and pledges, the chapter rallying together through trying times, and fun brotherhood events.
Continued focus on equipping and encouraging growth in guys spiritually, rather than wholly focusing on the logistical and fraternal aspects of the chapter .Guidance regarding individual and chapter decisions about the potential BYX House. Increased vulnerability within the chapter- fighting the “too cool for school” attitude and press in.
This fall semester marked the 30th anniversary since the founding for the Beta chapter at Texas Christian University which is still standing strong amidst a growing secular culture. The men of BYX have taken numerous measures to further the success of the chapter socially through participating and placing in multiple Greek events and philanthropies. We saw progress in not just chapter culture but numerical growth as well in successful recruitment efforts, which was especially impressive for the chapters’ first fall rush in IFC. The chapters’ homecoming weekend against Texas incorporated the newly elected alumni board which will continue to play a larger role in networking and assisting the chapter. The guys had a cumulative GPA of 3.52 placing them high amongst the entire IFC rankings. A few more highlights from the semester include the jersey party root beer Kegger, the roller derby mixer with ADPi, and the joint formal with Phi Lamb. The Beta chapter has continued to stand firm on the campus of TCU and has promise to another strong semester filled with growth and brotherhood.
For BYX to have a larger presence in IFC to reach more potentials going through the rush process 2 Continued capable leadership for the following year Opportunities on campus to serve and show more people Christ-like community
The brothers of the Gamma Chapter walked through another exciting fall semester altogether. With a thriving active member body just shy of 250 members, the chapter is pushing for a stronger culture than ever. This semester was marked by increased commitment, greater involvement and intentionality in the pledge process, and another step up in leadership. The Alpha Gamma pledge class finished strong with 81 pledges this past November, thus retaining 95% of their class since its bid day. It was an incredible run! The fun has been consistent with amazing social events, and top-notch intramural teams. Morale and brotherhood are high as the brothers have grown closer in spirit and unity. Many of the brothers have continually reminisced over intimate times together, such as their morning of prayer and worship at the chapter’s retreat. Additionally, the brothers have proven to rally together in moments of need. An example of this is the story of the chapter raising over $1200 in just a couple of hours for a guy who had his bike stolen. Not only did the chapter raise money within the fraternity, but the brothers continued to serve locally with the Bridge Ministries and internationally with Living Waters International. This year the chapter raised about $40,000 during the 10 Days Campaign. All of their service resulted in another win for the NLS 2020 Philanthropy Award. Needless to say, it is a great time to be in the Gamma Chapter.
For Cell groups to continue fostering genuine, vulnerable conversations. For the brothers to continue enjoying BYX fully and embracing what it has to offer For the Alpha Gamma pledge class to intentionally find community among their brothers for the years to come.
The Fall semester has been one of incredible growth and celebration for the Zeta Chapter of BYX! With a drought-ending recruitment of 29 pledges this Fall Semester, the chapter initiated 21 pledges at the end of the semester. 67.44% of this chapter’s population consisted of their pledges alone, showcasing a new standard of excellence and increasing desirability on campus, which is why they won the Recruitment Award at National Leadership Summit. Brotherhood remains at an all-time high through post-chapter hang outs and unprecedented attendance at brotherhood retreat. More socials and involvement in philanthropy events such as Anchor Splash give the Zeta Chapter a more powerful presence on campus. Every man is taking a part in building the fraternity and leading through a position or without one. One big upgrade comes through Cason who captures everything Texas State BYX is doing and showcases what God is doing all over social media - go check it out if you haven’t yet. The Officers have created and sustained a culture of Christlikeness in everything this chapter does and men see the value of BYX more than ever before.
All members are rooted in Christ, using fraternity to glorify Him and grow into godly men Wisdom and maturity as a 40+ person fraternity and all that comes with growth Men having tons of fun and holding each other accountable to the standard of Christ
The fall semester was a time of great leadership, great loss, and an even greater display of Christ and His love for His people. The Eta Chapter operated at a caliber of its own as the officer corps pushed for unified vision in its decision-making, leadership before the chapter, and connection with the university campus and church community. The men particularly exemplified their social capability with greater engagement and positivity at any and all social events. Additionally, the men generously stepped up to the plate in service and donations when afforded the opportunities. They continually expanded their capacity for excellence in many ways, and thus saw an increase in morale across the board. Along with the deeply rooted joy, came unfortunate pain as the semester progressed and the chapter suffered the loss of their beloved brother, Kade McGovern. In a time that was dark, the light of Jesus Christ proved to shine brighter than ever. The brothers banded together in prayer and worship with friends, church community, and the McGovern family. At a beautiful worship gathering in Lubbock, TX and the funeral in San Antonio, TX, loved ones mourned their loss, celebrated memories of Kade, and looked forward in full faith that God is still good even when circumstances are not. Brotherhood and unity has never been on greater display within BYX than is was this semester as the Texas Tech chapter tightened its core and drew near to God every step of the way. The chapter persisted with unified vision, unhindered passion, and unwavering faith.
Leadership and that the next officer corps would lead honestly and with Christ at the center of their hearts, motives, and decisions That unity would be preserved as the chapter moves along a trajectory towards growth and intentionality That pledgeship would continue to be improved and made better to build up young Christian men and challenge them to grow in the faith
This fall semester of the 20th year of UNT BYX was a milestone, full of positive growth and empowerment for the men of the chapter. The chapter’s officers for stepped up to the plate and led with every ounce of energy they had, and the overflow of this effort led to more men desiring to follow in their footsteps. officers rather than just tell people they were unfit to lead and we ended up having multiple people run for almost every position for the first time in our chapter. The brothers rallied together in leadership, and even in service. They set out to love their community well, even to the point of pioneering a new event with Chi Omega, in which they danced with some awesome special friends who have Down syndrome or serious cases of autism. The men had a blast and deeply enjoyed getting to join forces with another Greek organization for the sake of loving like Jesus. On top of this, the brothers made excellent progress as they executed their largest fundraising event with incredible ease and peace. And perhaps one of the fondest memories from the semester was the commemoration of the chapter’s 20th Anniversary. Celebrating at Camp Copass, alongside active and alumni brothers, was a treat for everyone involved. Needless to say, it has been a sweet semester for these men. As they prepare for the new year, the UNT chapter would love for you to pray for the following things
That the chapter not look to the world around them or other fraternities to be an example on how to be a man, but rather that it looks to Jesus alone, cares more about Christ, and desires to be His hands and feet. That the next officer corps only gets better and takes the chapter to new places with vision for the future and a mentality for long-term sustainability
The fall semester for the Iota Chapter was one of great momentum! Continually riding the high from their involvement in Sing in the spring semester, the brothers have begun to see an ever-increasing social and campus presence. The chapter paired up with Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority to build an island-themed float for the annual homecoming parade. Through this involvement, the men experienced an increase in social capacity. The men are more bought into the vision of operating both socially and spiritually on their campus, and the chapter is truly better because of it. As their operations have improved, the brothers have had more people step up to pursue leadership and fulfill their roles this semester than ever before. It is a great time to be a part of BYX at Baylor University.
A pledge class of a size and commitment level that takes them to the next level That the new officers can work together administratively and spiritually, and that they set an example for the younger guys. Quality and increased alumni support for the future
Oklahoma focused on and achieved excellence in three separate areas this fall. These focal points were the spiritual, social, and academic aspects of the chapter. The chapter pursued spiritual growth through furthered momentum on the value of cell groups, providing curriculum for Cell Group Leaders and establishing more accountability for cell groups. Prayer and worship are points of emphasis during chapter meetings. The chapter thrived socially this past semester, with well attended, creative events and dominated homecoming week, with a member on homecoming court and the chapter placing first for Large Male Org. Banner, Trivia Night, Soonerthon Benefit Night Male Org., Parade, Overall for Large Male Org., and placed second overall.
Engagement and involvement from senior leaders Continued growth and focus with cell groups
This past fall semester has been an incredible time for growth and fellowship for the Mu Chapter at Southern Methodist University. In August, we had two of our members, Christian Hammond and Darian Taylor attend the BYX COR Leadership Retreat where they got to go to Israel with a group of 40 BYX guys from various chapters to experience Jesus and brotherhood in the Holy Land. We initiated 6 new fantastic men of God into our chapter. These men have already started to contribute towards the growth of our chapter by inviting their friends to BYX-held events and by using their various leadership positions to further God’s purpose. We have also seen incredible growth with our outreach on campus through our parties and events. In September, we held our BYXino party in the Meadows Art Museum and had an unprecedented 350+ people in attendance! Additionally, we had record numbers show up and worship Christ at the Worship Nights held in our house. To top it all off, we had the President of our university, R. Gerald Turner, give a chapter talk where he was proud to say, “I wish there were ten BYX chapters on campus”! God is truly working in our chapter to spread our influence throughout the entirety of SMU. With one of our members elected as IFC President and others elected as VP of Programming, VP of Recruitment and VP of Internal Recruitment, we foresee BYX continuing to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
Prayers for unity within the chapter Prayers for this upcoming Rush Week, that we would initiate God- fearing men of character Prayers for the new Officer Corps, to be able to adapt quickly and use our giftings to grow the positions that God has placed us
In 2019 BYX at Vanderbilt University continued to grow in unity as a brotherhood committed to Christ and each other! As a chapter we enjoyed celebrating with one another at fun events like our overnight brotherhood retreat, Noah's Ark date event at Percy Priest lake, and our first ever BYX Halloween Bash open party. As a chapter, we sought out ways to continually encourage and build one another up, fighting to be lights on a campus that can be a challenging place to pursue faith. We have also continued to find ways to grow in Christ together, including continuing to emphasize our cell groups and holding one "chapter of praise and prayer" each semester!
For our pledge process: that our new members would be built up and encouraged throughout the process of joining BYX For our new leadership: pray for the new officers we elected that start their term this semester For God to be glorified through our chapter, and For our witness on campus to honor Him-For wisdom and encouragement for our large senior class as they lead in the fraternity and prepare for life after college
Arkansas BYX continues to model how amazing a Christ- centered fraternity can be for all of our brothers across the nation. The 133 Award is given to the chapter who best exemplifies and carries out our purpose of establishing brotherhood and unity in Christ, and Arkansas easily won this at National Leadership Summit. More than incredible Arkansas traditions such as Uncle BYX and semi-formal this Fall, the Officers have built a culture of ownership creating unprecedented value for BYX and membership in BYX. College men are known, valued, and celebrated in this fraternity well. Members are also more excited about legacy and where Arkansas BYX is headed than ever before. The Gospel is being shared at every function from different officers and members, more young men are being discipled and mentored by older members in pledgeship and generally in the fraternity, and 56 consistent pledges are entering the final stages of a refined, Christ-centered pledgeship. This chapter is a gift to BYX Nationals, the University of Arkansas, and city of Fayetteville, and college men are having their lives changed by this fraternity and the relationships from it.
Members who are continuing to be affected by Jesus through BYX Members who embody ownership, involvement, and continued buy-in to this fraternity Increased vulnerability and strengthening of community through honest relationships Being great stewards of everything they have - leadership, platform, opportunities, etc.
MSU BYX enjoyed a semester of standard-setting social presence, a close-knit group of brothers, and excellent leadership. They enjoyed a large number of successful social events, including an extremely well-attended Island Party in the heart of campus headlined by The Brook and the Bluff. The officers at Mississippi State have an unusually close bond, and this enables them to lead from a unified front and the closeness of the group trickles down to the rest of the chapter. This officer corps has handled conflict well, consistently critically evaluated themselves and the state of the chapter, and thought outside the box for social and internal events. They pursue excellence in all that they do and look forward to another group of talented officers who are dedicated to the mission of BYX.
That the chapter would not grow complacent or arrogant in their success- for continued desire for growth. For further involvement and leadership from older members. Continued growth in how to handle honor code issues consistently and effectively.
The fall was huge for the Georgia Dawgs of BYX. The chapter had an influx of men desiring to step up and serve their chapter in leadership across the board. There is a noticeable rumbling for leadership to continue on an upward trajectory, and the chapter is better off for it. Not only has leadership skyrocketed, but so have the men’s efforts socially. Between the crazy busy spring and the relatively tame, but still crazy fall, the brothers successfully brought home the NLS 2020 Award for Social & Campus Presence. The chapter is quickly rising in the ranks of our highest quality chapters. Even through this, these men possess a mentality and culture of always wanting more. They do not settle, and the brothers have benefited greatly because of the constant, forward push.
For guys to continue to never be complacent, but rather be content For leadership to continue in strength
Oklahoma State’s Fall was marked by excellent recruitment, a strong social presence, and an exposure to long- standing cultural issues that they will work to continue to improve moving forward. They had a personal and consistent recruitment that produced their largest pledge class to date. Their social presence was felt on campus through strong open events like Flapjacks and Flannels- an event with games, music, and unlimited pancakes- as well as a couple intramural championships. The Rho Chapter is looking to promote a culture of further vulnerability and accountability.
The officers to vision cast in a way that will unite the chapter toward the same goal. Accountability to be developed and even desired by the members. Strong, positive leadership and involvement from older members. Pray against negative cultural issues such as gossip and opposition to leadership.
Missouri BYX was in good hands in 2019. They enjoyed the benefits of leaders who were committed to the vision and purpose of BYX and to promoting an atmosphere of spiritual encouragement and accountability. The chapter was a close-knit group of brothers who spent time together out of desire rather than obligation. They held numerous brotherhood events, such as a thanksgiving feast, several game nights, and a float trip. Brotherhood and accountability are a part of the culture for Mizzou BYX, and the hope is that they can continue to promote that culture while growing in size and social presence so that they are able to establish a sustainable culture and have an impact on their community and campus.
Involvement from more members in the recruitment process. A unified vision across the board in the chapter. Continued and furthered strong leadership from a new officer corps.
Fall 2019 continued to see improvement in all aspects of the fraternity. The Officers have shown a clear biblical purpose, focusing not just on their specific position, but becoming overall spiritual and fraternity leaders. The brothers have followed right along. Cell groups are some of the best in the country, with everyone attending every week and experiencing genuine life change across the board. Socially, the chapter’s image has been getting better all year, with other greek life, ministries, and on-campus organizations starting to recognize the quality of man found in BYX. Pledgeship is being geared more toward growth, as both pledges and actives are hungry for more. Chapter meetings are continuing to be more and more creative and fun. The chapter is unified, and brotherhood is strong. We are looking forward to a strong spring semester with the newly elected leaders.
Trusting God to carry the chapter, and not trying to “do it all themselves Recognizing their bigger role they play in the Kingdom Healthy conversation and feedback from the actives to the officers Creativity and passion in all things they do
This semester had a tough start, with rush only drawing 1 pledge. However, Javin ended up being an exemplary pledge and now active, meshing well with the chapter, being involved on campus, and already being eager for leadership. The Officers did a great job this semester of truly leading guys well. Each week their Officer meeting was almost like a business oriented cell group. They were both a productive corps as well as friends, with guys being excited to come and work together each week to make strides within the chapter. The chapter as a whole has been experiencing some of the strongest brotherhood nationally. Each guy is comfortable with and enjoys spending time with every single other brother. Lastly, cell groups are at an all-time high, truly setting the national standard. Each leader has been strongly equipped by the Chaplain, John, to lead these men to truly experience life-giving and life-changing community every single week. We look forward to the spring semester as new leadership takes over and continues to drive direction and vision for the chapter.
Recruitment and rush week. From planning to execution, everything needs to be very strong this semester. That future pledges would grow in BYX and that their character would reflect the Lord well on campus Growth in campus and social presence Island party- planning, execution, and big attendance
This semester has been challenging and rewarding for the Auburn BYX chapter. There have been ups and downs in leadership and with other brothers, but the officer corps has handled each situation with clarity, decisiveness, love, and grace. A small, tight-knit pledge class of 7 members have learned the traditions and culture of BYX and are very much bought in. Cell groups went well this semester, with brothers opening up and pushing for a culture of accountability and honesty. We look forward to this spring semester as the newly elected leaders are well loved within the fraternity and are already setting a strong vision of continued improvement.
Social and campus presence, to be bigger and better, more well known, and be a light of Christ to the campus Smooth transition of leadership and for officers to lead with a strong vision For cell groups to produce meaningful, loving, deep relationships
The fall semester was a roller coaster for the Alpha Beta Chapter as they entered into the conversation revolving around the chapter’s continued existence. As their status was called into question, the brothers of KU BYX began to band together with fresh vision, a strong desire for leadership, a deep desire to see growth happen NOW. With some reframing of their weekly chapter meetings and plans for the future, the overall tone of the chapter began to lighten up. The men seem to genuinely enjoy their chapter more. Brothers have sought to connect even more nationally as they cultivated better relationships with brothers of the Alpha Upsilon chapter at Kansas State, as well as brothers in Arkansas. There is potential for a resurgence of power and presence in this chapter, and the next corps of officer is ready to take that on with renewed energy.
That they stay focused on glorifying God first before anything else, with every action and every word That they work to build each other up better and minimize negativity For qualitative and quantitative growth within the chapter and its leadership That the guys in leadership will grow into mature Christlike leaders who are true servants to the people they lead
This past semester was one of exposure and refinement for UCA. They addressed several long- standing cultural issues within their chapter and had to make several tough decisions regarding the leadership as well as members within the chapter. They look to build upon the renewed sense of ownership and accountability among members and officers alike. They experienced growth in the size and retention of the most recent pledge class, and look to continue to grow on that front. The chapter has enjoyed the fruits of members being heavily involved in the chapter as well as the community of Conway. This involvement has led to a positive reputation on campus and around the city. If you go to UCA, you are almost guaranteed to see some of these men posted up in the Union and numerous non-BYX members stopping in to hang out. The chapter looks forward to officers who are motivated to set and maintain a certain standard for themselves as well as the members.
Maintain a culture of accountability. For the leadership to effectively cast a vision to the chapter and for the chapter to receive and adopt that vision. Emphasis on the chapter’s need to be 100% spiritual and 100% fraternal- one does not negate the other.
Fall 2019 was a revealing semester for the men at UCO. The officers continued to lead with Christ at the head, planning events and loving their men well. The men at UCO made their presence known at the founding of our colony at SWOSU, as they were the life of the party. Following the initiation of the colony the men were lead in to a spiritually encouraging chapter retreat. The community in the house continues to thrive, as the men can be fully known & fully loved in this place. As we enter 2020 the officers are preparing for new heights.
Recruitment for the spring Life giving consistent cell groups Leadership to be lead by Jesus
The Brothers of the Alpha Zeta Chapter had a phenomenal Spring semester! They held a great Spring rush and were fortunate enough to initiate a solid group of Jesus loving men growing the Tennessee Chapter! They continued to grow in Brotherhood and unity by creating a culture of respect around the Chapter. The semester was packed with events such as, date parties, member retreats, and the annual BYX Rave. The brothers also had multiple brother only events that were a huge success! Among those was the annual WrestleMania and a new chapter wide paintball event that is sure to be a repeat. The new officers have quickly gained respect and trust of their Chapter and led with a confident loving heart! The campus continues to have open arms to the Chapter and the brothers have truly showed them the love of Jesus!
Continued growth spirituality within the brothers For the Brothers to have a restful summer Prayer that Jesus remains the center of all events
The Fall semester immediately started strong for Clemson BYX. Brothers were very successful during recruiting season, all working together and using resources and connections to welcome in 21 pledges. By the end of pledgeship, 20 guys were initiated, all of whom experienced growth spiritually, professionally, and as a man. The chapter as a whole remains unified, with brothers seeking unity across the board. This semester, accountability and vulnerability have been pushed, through cell groups, and being modeled by officers and other leaders through honest conversations and admittance of mistakes. Also, the Alpha Eta chapter has set the national standard for handling discipline and accountability, handling everything swiftly, with clarity, and with love. This past NLS, Clemson BYX received the National Momentum Award, which is given to the chapter that has seen the most improvement and growth in 2019.
Spiritual and personal growth of the spring pledge class Unification, vision, and execution of the new leadership Social and campus presence in order to point other students toward Jesuss
The Fall semester was filled with growth and development as a fraternity for the Alpha Theta Chapter of BYX at Yale University. Though we had no pledges this Fall, Yale BYX is marked by it’s tight-knit, Christ-centered brotherhood and this makes the chapter stand out among the nation. Their members are deeply involved in each other’s lives and love one another / Jesus in powerful ways, affecting their community and campus. Brotherhood retreat was a highlight of their strong brotherhood where they got away from school, cooking together and having a blast. Their Officers leadership has also had huge effects on men and the fraternity: the BYX House has become a more valuable space for guys to spend time together; ministry, church, and organization relationships have continued to develop for deeper connection to the Christian community in New Haven; the annual Escape Room was the biggest yet (at least the longest line seen in history) with multiple rooms and lots of screams; and Yale BYX has held more Open Parties and recruiting events than ever before this semester, all of them a huge success. The men of the Alpha Theta Chapter are creating new ways for college students to come together and experience what God is doing through fraternity.
Long-term BYX House stability and members valuing the gift of the BYX House Excitement for Yale BYX and new Officers commitment, calling, and purpose More guys to join Yale BYX and continued connection with the Christian community
The fall semester for the Alpha Iota Chapter was one of refinement and exposure as the brothers sought to rediscover a path of stability and healthy structure. The chapter’s presence on campus is slowly improving and as BYX is becoming known to the university as a “good group of guys.” Intentional brotherhood is higher than it has been in recent semesters. The brothers report an atmosphere that feels more unified and cohesive than it has in the past. Members, especially the younger generation, are taking more ownership and choosing to buy in than they have been in the past. With an officer corps that is inspired and full of vision for what comes next, the Alabama chapter of BYX is looking forward with expectancy for stronger leadership, and connection with the campus in fresh ways
Good recruitment and good pledgeship-- particularly for a strong pledge class to replace the seniors who will be graduating in the spring Continuing improvement with social presence-- particularly an increased momentum and strength to follow through with connection to the campus and community Growth and improvement with Cell Groups and Cell Group Leaders
Michigan:The fall semester for the Alpha Kappa chapter was another one of consistency and established roots. Every brother cares deeply about BYX and it has shown in their intentionality, attendance, and love for one another. The brothers have seen a consistent balance of spiritual and social excellence, and they continue to aspire for greater connection and influence on the university campus. New leaders are stepping up and taking initiative, making sure that BYX can continue to do what it has done for all of many men in the past. The chapter continues to uphold the values BYX is built upon with little worry about straying from our original purpose. All this to say, the chapter at the University of Michigan is aspiring for excellence in all that they do.
That they are able to reach others on the University of Michigan campus and shine Christ’s light. That anxieties and stresses are lifted through peace that the chapter finds in Christ
The Fall 2020 was a semester of celebration, growth, and reaching new heights for the Alpha Lambda chapter! The motto of the Officer Corps was to "Establish lasting foundations", and the chapter rallied behind that vision in many different ways. A highlight of the semester was our first ever Away Date Party, held in Hilton Head, South Carolina, where the brothers of Alpha Lambda and their dates had the opportunity to spend an unforgettable weekend at the beach. The chapter continues to excel socially, performing a crowd favorite Spongebob-Squarepants themed Greek Show, holding several mixers, and winning multiple sorority philanthropy weeks. The fall semester saw initiation of 15 new brothers, many of whom are beginning to step into leadership roles as chair positions. The end of the year saw the passing of the torch to a new group of officers, but the vision of a Christ-honoring social fraternity in Chattanooga remains firmly intact at the Alpha Lambda chapter.
Continued commitment to Christ as the center and purpose for our brotherhood The transition into new leadership The individual spiritual health and continued growth of all 71 members
Fall 2019 saw continued improvement for Alpha Xi Chapter at Louisiana Tech. Socially, this chapter is a huge light on campus. Members are on court for homecoming and representing as Mr. Tech, as well as hosting high quality sorority socials where women have fun and feel safe. So much so, that other fraternities are taking notice and starting to copy BYX ideas and styles of having more creative, more respectful events. BYX at Tech is truly influencing others for good, and they are modeling why we do those things that we do. Internally, the fall semester had very strong leadership, pushing brothers towards a direction of openness and intentionality. 11 pledges were recruited, 9 of whom were initiated as brothers. The chapter has already been pushing new members to grow personally, both by having them plan fun, creative events entirely as a pledge class, and by having a pledgeship that uses cell groups and weekly teachings to elevate the faiths of each pledge. We look forward to the spring semester and new leadership to continue the tradition of Tech BYX being one of the most creative, hard working chapters, while also continuing to work on brotherhood and spiritual development of its members.
For the very young, newly elected officers to understand their roles and lead with a clear vision For a spirit of accountability and for brothers to not be afraid to approach each other in love To continue to be a huge light on the La Tech campus
UNC cast the vision of Beta Upsilon Chi with excellence in Fall 2019. The chapter emulates exactly what they constantly preach- they are a chapter which is 100% spiritual while being 100% fraternal. They set the standard for the quality and creativity of social events, building even further upon what was previously possible for their social presence with their new BYX house. They had a huge emphasis on the vision of cell groups and the preparation of their cell group leaders, with Chaplain Milledge Armes and his team of Cell Group Coaches having weekly meetings with and several training sessions for CGLs. They also enjoyed an epic brotherhood retreat at a couple of beach houses. UNC consistently sets the standard in several ways for how a BYX chapter can operate.
Further involvement of members in pledgeship. Continued improvement in communication and vision casting.
The Fall of 2019 marked a crucial point in the development of Alpha Sigma BYX. We learned how to confront brothers in love and help them to develop in their relationship with Christ. Despite the bumps, we had amazing events with sororities and campus. This semester has helped us to get much closer to nationals, and the chapter feels like nationals really has our backs. The officer transition has put the new officers in a fantastic position to succeed and has trained them well. Alpha Sigma is going to hit the ground running in 2020, and we are going to take the lessons learned in 2019 and use them for the glory of God.
Please pray for the culture of Alpha Sigma to be Christ centered and for brothers to live with integrity. We could also use prayers for recruitment as always.
This past semester, ETSU BYX excelled socially, continued to build upon cell group culture, and proactively looked for and fought against negative cultural problems persisting from the previous semester. They sought out ways to promote accountability in love and the most effective ways to approach conflict. They enjoyed a successful homecoming where they won the skit and dance competition, a well- attended Island Party where they were able to raise $1,500, and started to rent a great space on campus where they held rush parties, game nights, and a number of other internal events. The chapter developed a newfound motivation and vision during the semester, and created an exciting and fun atmosphere at chapter meetings. They look forward to continued improvement in recruitment and in promoting accountability.
Leadership’s approach to conflict- pray against any conflict aversion or apathy about issues that need to be handled. For the chapter to be on the same page in terms of honor code issues and living above reproach.
The fall semester for the Alpha Upsilon Chapter was truly marked by greater unity. The men celebrated how close they have become through living together, doing life together, and growing as friends. Their spiritual depth has increased as the brothers have made it a priority to pray for one another, worship with one another, and connect with the community together through joint worship nights and church connections. Their campus presence and impact has steadily improved and even surprised them. With high regard from IFC on campus, the KState brothers have matched high standards and even set new ones. Not only have they made more of a positive mark on their campus, but they have also seen great improvement in their relationship with the Alpha Beta Chapter at the University of Kansas. Through mutual support at each others’ event, both chapters have benefited greatly and expect to continue to do so.
That they keep Jesus and his mission as their focus, rather than pursuing worldly measures of success That they let Jesus' love be the foundation of the brotherhood, and nothing else.
The men of USC BYX enjoy a culture that is exceptionally unique. This goofy group naturally pursues time of brothers dwelling together in unity. They know and love each other well. This has promoted an atmosphere of accountability and consistently pushing one another toward Christ. They enjoyed numerous brotherhood events, including finger jousting tournaments, a Thanksgiving Feast, and a Brotherhood Retreat on the beach. They hosted a handful of social events, including a Semi- Formal right there in Columbia. The chapter looks forward to 2020 and to continued growth.
More involved recruitment process- they need the whole chapter to help with this. Continued strong leadership and clearly-cast vision with the rest of the founding fathers graduating in the Spring. Pray against complacency/too much comfortability due to them being a close-knit group of guys- for them to continue to sharpen and push one another.
This was truly a remarkable semester for the Purdue chapter of BYX. The leaders here are some of the best in the country, setting a clear vision for the whole chapter that brings everyone together to grow in Christ, be a light on campus, and have a lot of fun. Brothers are constantly pushed to grow in their personal relationships with Jesus through powerful cell groups and a strong spiritual culture of accountability and brotherhood. These men show the rest of the country what it means to literally dwell in unity, and how to do it well. They are also a light on campus, throwing massive parties and being known as a fun, safe, God-loving place. Brothers from this chapter are known on campus, as well as nationally among other BYX chapters, as being some of the highest calibur men we have. The Alpha Chi chapter was nominated for top chapter this year at NLS, and ended up taking home the award for Best Leadership. This spring will be a very exciting time as newly elected leaders, who have been well trained by previous officers, take the reigns and continue to move onward in brotherhood and in excellence.
Prayers for their continued transition into a more fraternal chapter structure Rush this spring, to get even more high quality guys from different places than normal Prayers For enriching alumni relationships
The Alpha Psi Chapter got off to a strong start this semester, bringing in 10 pledges. These pledges were welcomed into a group of men who are marked by love and passion for the Lord and for each other. This year, Indiana BYX has truly been set aside by God. “Spiritually primed” has been a mantra for this group of guys as they have aggressively sought discipleship, personal time with God, and studying His word as a group. With one of the healthiest cultures of any BYX chapter, IU took the fall to plan amazing brotherhood events and to focus on the individual growth of each member. Not only has the chapter had a strong inward vision, but this chapter has made strides on IU’s campus, hosting creatively planned and very well attended sorority mixers, open parties, and date nights. So much so that for next semester they are looking at different venues, as they are worried their parties will be too crowded.
Continued passion for spiritual purpose individually and on campu sFor young leaders to be built up as founders become upperclassmen For healthy growth and expansion- setting systems and a culture in place that allows for healthy growth and not just growth for the sake of size
The Alpha Omega Chapter had their first rush this semester and it was a success, bringing in 13 pledges, 9 of whom were initiated as members. Ohio State BYX is home to very high quality men, and the guys are already excelling in accountability, discipline, and love. Outwardly, they are working on becoming known on this very large campus, and they are doing so by throwing very very well planned, creative events to engage more and more people on campus. Officers and other brothers are working to make BYX well known on campus and in the greek system to make sure that the light of Christ can reach into some dark places. Cell groups are equipping men to have prayerful personal relationships with the Lord so that He might be the focus of each member’s life and so that the chapter as a whole can have a strong spiritual tone. Much of the leadership from last semester is carrying over to this year, so we are excited to see these men continue to lead and find their places while setting the example for future leaders.
Prayer for the officers as they pave the way for future generations For a successful second rush and Beta pledge class For guidance and clarity as the chapter develops culture and traditions For BYX to be a light at Ohio State that points other students toward Jesus

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