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BioA414Population Genetics

Handout VIII

Migration• Migration in genetic terms equates to gene flow

• Two major effects– Introduces and spreads unique alleles to new


– If allelic frequencies of migrants and recipient populations differ, gene flow changes allele frequencies of the recipient population


• The change in allelic freq. p

• Can be written

Allelic frequency after migration


Migration• Increases the effective size of a population

• Prevents allelic fixation• Migration rate (m) >> mutation rate of ( )

• Especially important to conservation biology because habitat fragmentation can prevent gene flow, and thus reduce effective population size of isolated populations

Distribution of Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus


Overwintering Monarchs clustering on Oyamel trees

Natural selection• Populations growth occurs exponentially more individuals

are produced than can be supported by available resources in

a struggle for existence

• No two individuals are the same, natural populations display

enormous variation, and variation is heritable

• Survival is not random, but depends in part on the hereditary

makeup of offs pring

• Over generations, this process leads to gradual change of

populations and evolution of new s pecies

• Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin should be given

equal credit for developing the theory of evolution through

natural selection


Alfred WallaceCharles Darwin

Theory of evolution

Biston betulariathe peppered moth

Countryside Polluted areas


Features of life• The expression of genes within

cells leads to an organism’s traits– Different alleles encode slightly

different proteins e.g., Enzymes producing different amounts of pigment

– Different alleles different forms of a given trait e.g., Dark- or light-pigmented moths

– Different forms of a trait can influence survival e.g., Differential predation

Natural Selection Natural selection works because some

genotypes are more successful in a given environment than others Successful (adaptive) genotypes become

more common in subsequent generations, causing an alteration in allele frequency over time that leads to a consequent increase in fitness


Three Forms of Natural Selection

Natural selection• Natural selection equates to the

differential survival of genotypes• Darwinian fitness (W) = relative

reproductive ability of a genotype • Selection coefficient (s) = 1 - W• Contribution of each genotype to the

next generation


Fitness and selection coefficient


q2 Waa /WMEAN2pq WAa /WMEANp2 WAA/WMEANRelative frequency after selection

q2 Waa2pq WAap2 WAAFrequency after selection


q22pqp2Initial genotypic frequencies

General method


Calculations of allelic frequencies

• Consider a population– One locus, two alleles A1 and A2

– Let p = f(A1) = 0.6 and q = f(A2) = 0.4– Initial genotypic frequencies under HWE:

Calculations of allelic frequencies

• The fitness associated with each genotype– W11 = 0, W12 = 0.4 and W22 = 1

• Frequency after selection:


• The mean fitness of the populationW = p2W11 + 2pqW12 + q2W22W = 0 + 0.19 + 0.16 = 0.35

• The relative genotypic frequency after selection:

Calculations of allelic frequencies

• Allelic frequency after selection

• Change in allelic frequency caused by selection

Calculations of allelic frequencies


Effect of selection• WAA = WAa = Waa no natural selection• WAA = WAa < 1.0 and Waa = 1.0 natural

selection and complete dominance operate against a dominant allele

• WAA = WAa = 1.0 and Waa < 1.0 natural selection and complete dominance operate against a recessive allele

Natural selection• WAA < WAa < 1.0 and Waa = 1.0

heterozygote shows intermediate fitness• WAA and Waa < 1.0 and WAa = 1.0

heterozygote has the highest fitness natural selection/codominance favor the heterozygote overdominance or heterosis

• WAa < WAA and Waa = 1.0 heterozygote has lowest fitness natural selection favors either homozygote


Selection against recessive alleles

• Recessive traits in reduced fitness• If so, there is selection against

homozygous recessives ↓ the frequency of the recessive allele

• Recessive allele is not eliminated (rare) lethal recessive alleles occur in the heterozygote (protected polymorphism)

Selection against a recessive trait

• Consider a population, one locus, one gene, two alleles A and a


• Genotypes are initially in HWE

• Mean fitness = 1 – sq2

Selection against a recessive trait

• The normalized genotypic frequencies after selection

Selection against a recessive trait


• Calculate allele frequency after selection– q' = f(aa) + ½ f(Aa)

Selection against a recessive trait

Selection against a recessive trait

• The change in the frequency of a allele after one generation of selection:– q = q' – q =

– q


Selection against a recessive lethal genotype

Effect of dominance on changes in allelic frequency

• Fitnesses of the genotypes AA, Aa, and aa– I (dominant case) 1.0, 0.5, and 0.5

– II (additive case) 1.0. 0.75, and 0.5

– III (recessive case) 1.0, 1.0, and 0.5


Frequency of the (a) allele is plotted

• Type of selection against aa

• Calculation of change in allelic frequency



• Type of selection against A

• Calculation of change in allelic frequency


• Type of selection no dominance

• Calculation of change in allelic frequency



• Type of selection overdominance

• Calculation of change in allelic frequency


• Type of selection against Aa

• Calculation of change in allelic frequency



• Type of selection general

• Calculation of change in allelic frequency


Heterozygote superiority• If a heterozygote has higher fitness than

the homozygotes– Both alleles are maintained in the population– Because both are favored by the

heterozygote genotype– Sickle cell trait

• known as heterosis or overdominance


Hybrid Vigor• Hybrids superior in

performance• Result from the

hybridization• Heterozygote advantage

as in sickle cell anemia is an alternative explanation

Balance between mutation and selection

• When an allele becomes rare, changes in frequency due to natural selection are small

• Mutation occurs at the same time and produces new rare alleles

• Balance between mutation and selection results in evolution

• For a complete recessive allele at equilibrium– q = √ (/s)– If homozygote is lethal (s = 1) then q = √


• Consider a recessive gene for which the mutation rate is 10-6 and s = 0.1 q = √10-6/0.1 = 0.0032

• Consider a dominant allele u = 10-6

and s = 0.1

p = u/s p = 10-6/0.1 = 0.00001

Balance between mutation and selection

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