millionaire systems 2

Post on 09-Dec-2014






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  • 1. International School Manila Systems: DigestiveCirculatoryRespiratory

2. #1The esophagus is A muscular tube that A: Where nutrients are B: connects the mouth absorbedand stomach C: A hollow tube withD: Not always needed cartilage rings 3. B 4. #2The pulmonary artery sends blood to the A: Lungs B: Heart C: Small IntestinesD: Brain 5. A 6. #3 Nutrients are absorbed in the A: Large Intestines B: Stomach C: MouthD: Small Intestines 7. D 8. #4 One of the main function of the circulatory system isA: Send CO2 around the B: Carry Nutrients around body the bodyC: Pump oxygen aroundD: Both b and C the body 9. D 10. #5Veins A: Send blood to the B: Send blood away from heart the heart C: Both a and BD: Neither A and B 11. A 12. #6 The alveoli sacs A: Are located on theB:Are in the heart trachea C: Where gas exchangeD:Decrease the surface takes placearea of the lungs 13. C 14. #7 The circulatory system is divided into 2 loops, why?A: Because the brainB: The body is too big for needs blood 1 loop Blood needs to be Deoxygenated blood isC:D: pumped to the lungs tosent to the heart to be receive oxygen, then to be pumped around the body pumped around the body 15. C 16. #8 Deoxygenated blood coming back to the heart enters A: The right atrium B: The left atrium C: The right ventricleD: The left ventricle 17. A 18. #9 When the diaphragm moves down it Creates Low pressure Creates High pressure A: causing air to rush in B: causing air to rush in and inflate the lungsand inflates the lungsCreates Low pressureCreates High pressure C: causing air to rush outD: causing air to rush out andand deflates the lungsdeflates the lungs 19. A 20. #10 Why does the left ventricle have thicker walls than The right ventricle?Because it develops A: Because it doesB:first C: It sends blood to theD: It has to pump blood lungsall around the body 21. D 22. #11 How are the respiratory and the circulatory systems linked?The circulatory system A: Nutrients need to getB: supplies blood around to the lungs and heart the body The lungs provide theO2 and allows the The blood is pumped C: blood get rid of CO2 D: back to the heart byfrom the body the pulmonary artery 23. C 24. #12Why are the trachea and esophagus not built the same?The esophagus needs to A:B:push food down while theYou wouldnt want thetrachea made up ofcartilage so its flexiblewind pipe to close C: They are built the D: Both A and Bsame 25. D 26. #13 What are 2 differences between real lungs and our models?The jar couldnt moveThe diaphragm moved A: but our ribs expandB:and contractup to inflate lungs inthe model C: There was no gas D: Both A and C exchange 27. D 28. #14 Arteries send blood away from the heart, veins send blood to the heart, capillariesAre small vessels whereA: Send blood to the B: nutrients and gasheart exchange take placeC: Pick up CO2 from theD: Are small vessels thatlungs absorb nutrients. 29. B 30. #15Explain diffusion. A: Picking up O2 and B: Low air pressure to leaving CO2 High Air pressureGasses going from aGasses going from a C: low concentration to aD: high concentration tohigh concentration a low concentration 31. D 32. Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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