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January 31, 2016

New Hope Ministry News and Events

Ministry Connections

Sub Sale Super Bowl

Let the Youth Group make Subs for your Super Bowl Party!

Today is the last day to receive orders Sunday, 1/31,

Order a few extra to take for lunch the next day! Subs $8 each (includes a bag of potato chips and baggie of onions and tomato slices) Your choice of: cold cut, turkey, and/or veggie. Pick up your order on Sunday, February 7, between services. Thanks for your support! 410.381.4673(HOPE)

Worship Times - 10:00am

We heartily welcome children in worship: We expect a certain amount of squirming, fussing, wandering, etc. Feel free to pick up a Children’s bulletin or an activity bag in the entryway. We also offer a well staffed Nursery, just past the restrooms to the left as you depart from the worship space, which is available at any time during worship.

New Hope Lutheran Church was founded in 1984. We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States. We are also part of the local Delaware - Maryland Synod, a group of ELCA congregations that work together to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with their communities and the world.

Today - 5th Sunday Celebration (Youth Sunday) January 31 @ 10am

One service only, followed by Potluck Lunch.

We receive Taryn Elsa Hardee into the body of Christ by Holy Baptism during today’s service.

Today’s Altar Flowers are dedicated to the Glory of God.

Altar Flowers ($50 for both arrangements): 2016 Chart is on the church office door for you to reserve your flow-ers and dedication.

All Ministry Teams Meet Mon. 2/1, 7:00p.

Pastor Ginny is available to visit those who are homebound, going to go to the hospital, or in the hospital. (301/639-7075 or

Growing With Groceries: You can purchase them in $25 and $100 denominations each Sunday in the Fellowship Hall. When you purchase the cards at face value, the church receives 5% profit.

January 31, 2016 New Hope Ministry News and Events


New Position at New Hope: Seeking a Youth Director to work with our high school youth. Please share this information via word of mouth and, if possible, consid-er sharing it to your neighborhood's Facebook page. You can do that directly from New Hope's Facebook page. We'd like to reach as many local residents as possible. The position includes organizing weekly gath-erings, helping high school youth connect faith and life, and mentoring high school youth for spiritual growth. The position requires 15 hours per week. Ap-plicants must be age 21 or older.


Confirmation Class (Wed @ 5:30p, Sanctuary).

Team Meeting (Mon. 2/1, 7:30p)

Friends Helping Friends at New Hope: Please contact Peggy Johnson (410-489-4140 / if you are in need - or know someone in our congregation who is in need - of temporary help with meals, rides, household or yard work, shopping, etc. We are here for you. You also can contact the church office if you like. If you'd like to help provide any of these services for Friends Helping Friends at New Hope, please let me know or sign up on the Sign Up board in the Narthex.

No Sunday School today. All classes resume next Sun-day at 10am.

Small Group Opportunities: In addition to our Sunday morning groups, we have several more you maybe interested in joining. All of these opportunities are open to anyone who would like to attend. If you have further questions, please communicate with the con-tact person or Cindy Ranker (

Wednesday Morning (10am): Contact Sue Pumplin.

First Wednesday evenings (7pm): Contact Jeff Bernet.

Saturday mornings beginning in January: Contact Gail Smith.

Adult Education Opportunities:

Adult Sunday School (Sun. 10a, Conference Room): Please join us as we continue our study of the book of Acts and the growth of the early Christian Church.

Adult Mid-Week Bible Study (Weds, 10a, Confer-ence Room): Join us for a study of Revelation, and bring a lunch (first Wed of the month) to munch afterwards if you’d like.

Ash Wednesday Lunch (Wed, 2/10, following wor-ship): If you come to the noon Ash Wednesday ser-vice, you’re invited to stay afterwards for a light lunch featuring homemade soups. No need to sign up or to provide food – be our guest! However, if you’d like to bring something, a signup sheet is available on the blue signup board in the narthex.

Craft Group (2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 - 9p, Fellowship Hall)

Financial update through December 31st. Total in-come is $580,984 or 105% of budgeted 2015 income. Total expenses are $563,248 or 96% of 2015 budgeted expenses. Total income exceed total expenses by $17,736

Giving/Offering Envelopes are available upon re-quest. Contact or the church office.

Little Free Library Decorating Contest: Our Little Free Libraries are almost ready to install. They will be in-stalled sometime this spring. One of our libraries needs painting. If you are interested in designing the artwork for one of the sides of the library, please sub-mit your drawing to the Outreach team by the end of January. We need the 3 solid sides, the roof and the door area decorated. The theme of our library is Ex-ploring God’s world through reading. The front is just a frame around the Plexiglas Front and measures 3.5 inches by 21 inches. The Back measures 18.5 inches by 18.5 inches. The Top measures 19 inches by 21 inches. The Left and Right sides are trapezoids with vertical

January 31, 2016


New Hope Ministry News and Events

sides of 19 inches and 21 inches with a width of 16 inches. Check out the Library or the pictures in the coat closet by the front doors.

Lists of Non-Perishable Food Items for Amazing Grace, FISH, Route 1 and Blessings in a Backpack are available on the Outreach table by the water fountain. Drop off items in any of the bins under the table.


Interested in Snow Tubing? (Sun, 2/14): We're getting a trip together to go to Ski Liberty. If you're interested, sign up in the narthex or contact Cindy Ranker (

Additional Announcements

Resolve to Make a Difference - Neighbor Ride: Neigh-bor Ride, is a volunteer-based transportation program committed to decreasing isolation and improving the quality of life for Howard County’s older residents. Help seniors remain active, independent and connect-ed to the community by providing rides for medical appointments, shopping, social outings, fitness activi-ties, religious services, volunteer commitments and other day-to-day needs. Parents are welcome to bring their children along for a wonderful inter-generational experience. Volunteer orientations: every Tuesday at 9:30a and one evening each month (5570 Sterrett Place, Suite 102 – Columbia 21044). For more infor-mation contact Holly Waddell or Patrice Cerwonka (410-884-RIDE / or visit or

Souper Bowl Sunday is Fast Approaching

Save your loose change to add to our Soup pots on February 7. All money

donated goes to FISH food pantry, a Howard County pantry that serves

those who are housed but need a little extra help. If you would like a bank

to help you collect your change, please take one that you see around the

church building.

We lift up in prayer Pat Heady and her family at the death of her mother, Arleen Gould Rowley .

Gracious God, support us all the day long

until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, the busy world is hushed,

and the fever of life is over and our work is done. Then, by Thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging,

a holy rest and peace at the last. Amen.

Our Faith Community in Prayer

Please contact the church office to add names. (410-381-4673 /

Hoping to stay current with prayer needs, names remain on the lists for one month.

Feel free to re-add names.

Diane Batchik Pam Burcham Marcena Cain (Ken Cain - mother) Nathan Kolessar (Ron & Debbie Kolessar - son) Joan Kurz (Pastor Ginny - mother) Sam Loeffler Lou Myers (Sharon Roney Myers - husband) Mary Meyer-Rizzo Joe McKenna (Michelle Ranker - father) Ram Naidu (Sangeetha Struck - father) Sharon Nickolaus Tom Osterman (Linda Osterman - husband) Tabatha Parks (Sharon Punte - friend) Vic Parks (Sharon Punte - friend) Debbie Rizzo-Meyer Almira Smith (Gail Smith - mother) Wilbur Smith (Gail Smith - father) Pushpa Sokhey (Sangeetha Struck - aunt)

January 31, 2016 New Hope Ministry News and Events


New to New Hope New Members Class!

Sundays in Lent Feb 14 - Mar 13 @ 12:45 - 2p

with light Lunch, nursery available Contact Pastor Ginny to register.

Growing In Faith Together

All are welcome!

Singles, couples, college students, empty

nesters, preschoolers, grandparents,

newcomers, infants, teenagers, children, widows, widowers,

young adults, retirees…

well, you get the idea – Everyone!

Invite a neighbor, friend, co-worker, etc.

GIFT Friday,

February 12

@ 6 pm!

Who’s Serving Today and Next Week?

January 31 One service only

10 AM

Assisting Minister Youth

Reader Youth

Comm Assistant Youth

Acolyte & family Alyssa Gruneberg

Usher Youth

Greeter Youth

Sound Technician Paul Biermann

Altar Guild Gail Smith, Jada Garrett, &Carrie Oberholtzer

Counter Stan & Gail Fleming

Nursery Attendants Ame Henry & Carolyn Le

February 7 8:30 10:00 11:30

Assisting Minister Gail Smith David Doty Dave Pumplin

Cantor Joyful Noise David Doty Dave Pumplin

Reader Sondra Ailinger Josie Zayac Debbie Rizzo-Meyer

Communion Asst Paul Biermann Chris Winslow

Laurie McFee Debbie Crabtree

None needed

Acolyte & family Julie Howser-Doty Sara Moore Carlos O’Ryan

Greeter Jim Rossi Seeking Volunteer Seeking Volunteer

Ushers Sharon Nickolaus Kim Kroll

Stan Fleming David Sgambellone

George Kronmiller

Sound Technician Jacob Rettig David Bowman Jada Garrett

Altar Guild Sue Moyer Janice Nicholas

Counters Laurie McFee & Ira Burcham

Nursery Attendants Ame Henry & Carolyn Le

First Communion Class We are celebrating first communion at our

Maundy Thursday worship service Thursday, March 24.

If your child has shown an interest in taking communion and you feel your child is ready for his/her first communion, please contact Cindy Ranker ( / 410-381-4673). There are two one hour classes for first communion preparation.

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