ministry of defence uganda people’s … accountants of uganda 2015. ... cairo bank, dfcu bank, ......

Post on 13-Mar-2018






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UPDF - A professional armyIn order to establish the UPDF as a professional army, the NRM government implemented the defense strategic infrastructure development plan aimed at professionalizing the Uganda People’s Defense Forces and the Uganda Police.

Improvement of Land ForcesIn line with Professionalization, the Land Forces have been improved and have the capacity to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uganda on land.

Evolution of Armoured BrigadeUganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Armoured Brigade has also been improved and achieved the following;Provision of adequate Armour support to the UPDF in all its operations within and outside Uganda, building of a professionally well trained Tank Force which is adequately capable of contributing to the fulfi llment of Armoured Brigade mission in support of National and Pan African cause among others.

Achievements in the Artillery division The UPDF has been successful in building of a standard well trained offi cers and men core capable of adequately contributing to the fulfi llment of the Uganda Artillery Mission and supporting regional campaigns. There has been participation in regional peace missions including AMISOM, and task force operations in South Sudan as well as provision of fi re support in the defeat of 27 rebel groups in Uganda since 1986.

PlansTechnological immigration to modern capabilities for effective strategic general support of UPDF operations.

Growth of UPDF Motorised InfantryThe UPDF Motorised Infantry as also registered achievements such as; Acquisition of modern assets, development of capabilities in training and refurbishment of wheeled IFVs, development of Infrastructure including, among others, a Library, a guest house, and establishment of a modern workshop that can handle all levels of repair among others.

Air force goes professionalIn line with professionalization of UPDF, there is suffi cient evidence that the force has played its crucial role in the pursuit of its stated mission.There has building of a standard well trained offi cers and men core capable of adequately contributing to the fulfi llment of the Uganda Air Force Mission and supporting regional campaigns. The ability to identify and hit targets over long distances was more recently demonstrated when the forces destroyed LRA bases in DR Congo, provision of support to the Land Forces in the nearly accomplished operations to disarm Kalamajong Warriors.

Marine ForcesThe Marine Forces have been improved to a capacity where they can protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uganda on water. They are able to patrol Uganda’s territorial waters in order to detect any illegal activity, either in support of operations to detect illegal activity or in support of operations of civil authority.

A pro-people armyThe 1986 liberation brought the much needed restoration of dignity among the people and the state, built its military and security forces from scratch to the current national force in a multi-party dispensation that carries out regional peace and stability responsibilities on its shoulders.

Peace in KaramojaThe Pacifi cation of Karamoja region and the neighbouring districts through wthe disarmament programme enabled the land mark introduction of normal economic activities in the region.

Improving military capacityMilitary capability has been enhanced through acquisition of military equipment and training which enabled the defeat of the Lord’s Resistance Army and the Allied Democratic Forces in Northern Uganda and Rwenzori areas respectively.

The ability of the Police to fi ght armed criminals has also been improved through better training and acquisition of state of the art forensic and other equipment. There has also been improvement of personnel management and welfare systems where both the UPDF and UPF have established clear command and organizational structures and consistently ensuring training of personnel over the years as well as rehabilitation of barracks and including establishment of health units and schools with in them.

NRM in confl ict resolutionTo effectively uphold national peace and security the UPDF has played a key role in the liberation of other regional member states as well as confl ict resolution on the

African continent. Col Felix Kulayigye the UPDF Political Commissar says, “right from 1986 the NRM government faced a big challenge of its neighbours viewing it as bad example to the oppressed people in the region who would be inspired to demand for their freedom. Uganda’s infl uence has been seen in Rwanda, Kenya, Burundi, DRC, South Sudan and now Somalia and the Central African Republic not only in Military terms but also education, health, trade among others.

Wazalendo SACCO - AchievementsHaving been in existence for 10 years , Wazalendo SACCO has achieved tremendous growth and built eminent goodwill among its stake holders.

With current membership standing at over 68,091, Wazalendo SACCO is the largest and well organized, managed and focused SACCO in Uganda that operates using a modern Orbit R ICT soft ware system and offers ATM banking services to members.

Wazalendo SACCO has registered the largest loan portfolio of shs 157.8 bn, and accumulative total of shs 476 bn since 2007 to date. The interest rate is 17% per annum which is among the lowest and most competitive in the Uganda market today.

Share Capital has grown from UGX 12.9 bn in 2012 to 84.9 bn by april 2016 ,Savings and Deposits at 32.3 bn. For better service delivery, Wazalendo SACCO has a net work of 19 branches, 17 of which are fully automated and net worked facilitating members to check account balances on savings, shares, and loans. Bombo branch is fully operationalized handling withdrawals and deposits.Wazalendo SACCO has won several international and local Awards which include among others; International Award for leadership in Image and Quality, International Award for business excellence from Spain 2014 and Financial Reporting Award organized by the Institute of Certifi ed Public Accountants of Uganda 2015.

Wazalendo SACCO has acquired a four storeyed building as the Head Offi ce in Kiwatule –Kampala. The integration with Interswitch has enabled members to transact with partner banks which have a network of over 300 ATM machines countrywide namely; Centenary Bank, United Bank of Africa, Cairo Bank, DFCU Bank, Opportunity Bank, Guarantee Trust Bank(GT), Orient Bank, NC Bank of Uganda, FINCA Uganda.

Way forwardIn order to ensure security of every person and their property the NRM government will invest in crime prevention and reduction as well as promotion of peace and internal security. There will also be continued professionalization of security and defense forces, a police academy will also be established to offer specialized training of police offi cers in command and control skills offering specialized training in areas such as cyber-crime and anti-money laundering.

To improve crime control, detection, prevention and investigation, the NRM will appropriate technologies such as CCTV cameras to help the police fi ght crime as well as focusing on investing in community policing which ensures citizen participation in ensuring their security.The government will also continue to develop defense and security infrastructure by constructing more barracks so as to provide a conducive and habitable living environment for the personnel.

The government will also encourage production for wealth creation and self-sustainability, strengthening of internal and external security as well as establishment of a modern national service programme for the youth, school leavers, and pre tertiary students aimed at inculcating patriotism, nurturing and mentoring for positive attitudes towards hard work and equipping them with basic military skills for personal and national development

The Minister of Defence, State Minister for Defence, Permanent Secretary, Chief of Defence Forces, Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, all Staffs, UPDF Officers and Men wish to extend their congratulations to

H.E Y. K. Museveni President of the Republic of Uganda/Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces Upon his 5th re-election and swearing-in ceremony as the next Head of State. The Ministry pledges to continue overseeing

the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces to ensure a professional force which is accountable to the people while focusing on protecting the citizens, defending the country’s sovereignity and contributing to regional stability.

Long Live H.E The President Y. K. Museveni Long Live Uganda


School enrollment in Northern Uganda trippled after the UPDF delt with the LRA insurgency.

Modern housing facilities for Kasijjagirwa barracks-Masaka built by the UPDF engeneering brigade.

UPDF solidiers assemble “Nyoka” armoured fi ghter vehicles at Magamaga barracks-Jinja.

Karamoja; From cattle wrestling to modern agriculture after disarmament.

Pilots training at the renovated Nakasongola Air force Academy

Operation Wealth Creation; UPDF offi cers harvesting cotton in Masindi.

H.E Y. K. Museveni President of the Republic of Uganda/Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces Upon his


General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda and Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces.

Fighting Terrorism; A UPDF armoured vehicle on routine inspection on streets of Mogadishu.

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