mission: impossible · the luxury of participating in those events and still complete a full...

Post on 11-Aug-2020






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“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”

Mission: IMPossible

Spring 2020 Camporee

Mohawk District

Camp Indian Trails 5801 N River Rd

Janesville, WI 53545

April 25 - 26 2020

Registration: https://scoutingevent.com/620-missionimpossible

Contact Information

B. Andrew Price 608.509.8506 Camp-O-Ree Chair baprice68@gmail.com Margaret Williams 608.235.0536 District Director Margaret.williams@scouting.org

“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”

Calling all secret agents! Meet at camp Indian Trails on April 25th at 14:00 hours for camp setup. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, begins at 19:00 hours (7:00 pm). PLC Meeting at 18:00 hours (6:00 pm). Missions include Laser Gauntlet, Enemy Encampment, Espionage Adventure, Secret Agent, Jaws of Death, Blind Escape, Stealth Hike, Agent Rescue, and Fish in a Barrel. The Jaws of Death will include nourishing refreshments. As always, should you or any of your force (patrol) be caught or killed, the secretary (scoutmaster) will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This packet will self-destruct in two minutes. This registration packet should help you understand what is happening at the Camporee so you can publicize it to your Troop. We will be having a Saturday evening cracker barrel (jaws of death). You won’t want to miss it, so bring your Scouts and join us for a fun filled weekend. I hope to see all there. Andrew Price Mohawk District Camp-O-Ree Committee

“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”

The program will begin at 7:00 pm. During the camporee, the camp will be swarming with

young “secret agents” doing their best to accomplish several fun but challenging “Night

Missions”. Scout Patrols will be given secret orders that will direct them to their first night

mission. After the first mission, it will be their responsibility to rotate between the events. All

will report to Headquarters for the Jaws of Death Challenge, where they will be given

nourishment and another assignment directing them to their next night mission. A total of 9

missions will be completed under the cover of darkness. The missions will conclude at 1:00 and

all Agents should be in their campsites and quiet by 2:00 am.

Why a night camporee?

There are several reasons supporting the idea of a “night camporee”. It is fun and exiting departure

from the standard camporee format. This is especially important to those seasoned Scouts that

have been to other camporees and would enjoy something new and different.

To those Scouts involved in a busy weekend schedule of sports and other activities, it gives them

the luxury of participating in those events and still complete a full experience at the MISSION

IMPOSSIBLE Night Camporee. They won’t have to choose between Scouting and other pursuits.

It avoids the hurried Friday night departure and travel/setup routine. For many units, it is a very

hectic routine on Friday night. They can leave Saturday at a leisurely pace. Imagine being able

to set up your campsite in daylight. Units can come on Friday night with the understanding NO

PROGRAM will be offered until Saturday evening. Until then, units can provide their own

program. Please be respectful of the IOLS/BALOO training being conducted Saturday during the


Under the cover of darkness, the environment takes on a mystery, which creates a more exciting

mood. The secrets of night can be featured and appreciated. Things seem larger, farther, and more

intriguing at night.

Agent Requirements

Your Patrol will receive rotations Saturday afternoon at the PLC. The Patrol will be issued an

Event Card indicating the location of each event. The SPL will receive the Event Card at the

SPL cracker barrel on Saturday afternoon. All members of a Patrol must stay together at all

times. There will be water located at the event sites, however, Scouts are required to have their own

water bottle. Each patrol should plan for a song, skit or story for the campfire – it helps to have this planned

before the event. Themed (MISSION IMPOSSIBLE) skits & songs are preferred.

Point System

Points in each event will be awarded for first through third place. Unless otherwise indicated,

points awarded for each event are 1st = 100 points, 2nd =75 points, 3rd = 50 points, and all who

participate receive 25 points.

“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”

First Aid

First Aid will be available at the registration building. However, each Troop should be able to

take care of minor injuries. Injuries requiring medical attention should be reported to and

attended by the staff at the registration building. Please have proper medical forms for each

person. We will have trained medical personnel on staff for this Camp-o-ree.

Permission Slips

Every Scout should have a permission slip signed by their parents/guardians giving permission

for any medical treatments, hospital visits, etc. These forms should be kept in the troop campsite

and be readily accessible in the event of an emergency.


The cost for the Camporee is listed on the registration website. Please register at


“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”


Friday April 24:

5:00 – 9:00 Check in for Optional Friday Night Camping.

11:00 Taps: Quiet time & Lights Out Saturday April 25:

Prior to 2:00 Mohawk District IOLS/BALOO will be running Saturday. Please be

respectful and do not interfere with their training.

2:00 Registration opens for Camporee

2:00 – 4:00 Troops arrive and set camp

4:00 – 7:00 Troops’ dinner, cleanup, and campsite inspections

6:00 PLC meeting

7:00 – 7:30 Opening campfire and briefing

7:30 – 10:00 First four missions

10:00 – 10:30 Jaws of Death

10:30 – 1:00 Last four missions

1:00 – 2:00 Get to campsites and go to bed Sunday April 26:

10:00 Reveille

10:30 Brief closing ceremony, awards program, Scouts Own Service

11:00 Check out and campsite inspections

11:30 All units should be out of Camp. See You at The Fall Camporee!

“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”


MYSTERY SCOUTMASTER MISSION – Sorry, this is a complete mystery. No one knows what the

mission is, not even the president! It will remain a mystery until moments before you begin, matters of National

security you know. It’s big! It’s vitally important! Be prepared for anything!

LASER GAUNTLET – Patrols take turns being the invaders and defenders. Defenders choose two people

from their patrol who are then blindfolded and stand with lasers (flashlights) ready for action. Invaders must

approach quietly; they are not allowed to run. If they make a noise and are “flashed” with a laser, they’re dead and

must sit down. Defenders win by killing off all invaders. Invaders win if they can tag defenders without being

killed. Each defender is told they have ten shots. They must "shoot" an attacker with their laser (flashlight beam) to

kill them. Once they have used all ten shots, they must sit down and turn their flashlight off. They have used all

their energy supply and are dead. A shot consists of a single beam of light aimed at a specific target. Sweeping the

light across the horizon randomly is not allowed. There is a time limit for each round. This is a game that stresses

teamwork and using restricted senses for observation.

ENEMY ENCAMPMENT – Your patrol is walking down the trail when you are met by the handsome and

dashing Super-Agent Bond. Bond commandeers your patrol to help gather information on a despicable enemy. The

evil anti-government organization has set up a foothold in camp and is believed to be training some rather unsavory

individuals in domestic terrorism; or girl scout cookie sales, he wasn’t clear. Currently the evil agents are out on a

training mission and there are only a few left guarding their camp. Your mission is to get close enough, under the

cover of darkness, to gather intelligence information about the group’s camp. How many tents do they have? How

many people are guarding the camp? Are they male or female? How many vehicles do they have? What are the

license plate numbers? They can’t know you are there. If they see you, it will compromise Super-Agent Bond and

our entire operation.

ESPIONAGE ADVENTURE – The evil agent known as the Jackal, has stolen the royal emeralds. This

could create a major international incident if they are not recovered and returned to a small but wealthy kingdom

known only as CIT. Luckily directions to where the gems were hidden have been intercepted on the internet. Your

group is entering an area that has been booby trapped by the infamous enemy agent, the Jackal. He has hidden a

container with the royal emeralds, but also false containers filled with a poisonous gas. Once loose, the gas will kill

everyone within seconds. If you carefully follow clues and choose the correct container you will avert international

crisis and probably prevent World War III. Patrol members are given the directions to the hidden emeralds. Using a

GPS device and a compass you must find your way to the treasure.

SECRET AGENT – Your patrol must get information to a secret intelligence unit of the United States

government. Your contact is an agent known only as the Condor. You have no information about their appearance,

nor do you have a code word for identification. The original code word was compromised by enemy agents. It is

known that an enemy agent known only as the Jackal is operating in the area and may try to impersonate the Condor

to intercept the information on your flash drive. If your information gets into the wrong hands it could be disastrous

for the free world.

The evil agent is known as the Jackal. The good agent is known as the Condor. The Patrol will meet both, one at a

time and must decide which is the Condor and present their flash drive to that agent. They must determine who is

who by asking questions and judging their character by the responses.

JAWS OF DEATH – You will exercise your jaws on a buffet of cheese, crackers, cookies, veggies, cold cut

sandwiches, soup, lemonade, and hot beverages. This is a light meal served buffet style scheduled midway through

the night for everyone to enjoy. It serves a few purposes. First it refuels young bodies. It serves as a midpoint

where staff can check everyone's status. Is everyone accounted for? Are there any injuries? Are the events/missions

going smoothly? First round scores will be announced. This way you know your chances to win the coveted MO District Camporee

First Place Ribbon. (ooh, ahh, …, special).

“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”

BLIND ESCAPE – An explosive device goes off blinding everyone except one person, they can see but are

paralyzed and can’t move. They must guide their fellow agents by voice through a dangerous series of obstacles to

rescue them and escape to safety. Teamwork and cooperation are your only hope for survival. The Patrol Leader

must direct their blindfolded patrol through an obstacle course. This mission stresses teamwork and

communications. The Patrol Leader will be tested on how clearly they can give instructions and how well they can

keep their patrol together while coaching them through a situation. Their patrol members will be tested on how well

they can understand directions, carry out instructions, support each other, and work together as a team.

STEALTH HIKE – This event is a test of your patrol’s ability to maintain silence, requiring you to work

together as a team, and controlling your behavior. Scouts are proceeding down the trail to this event and are met by

a stranger who tells them to be quiet. There are enemy agents in the area searching for your patrol. You must travel

down the trail and to the next event without being detected. No sound, no lights; You must be stealthy. The mission

is to get to "point B", under the cover of darkness, without being seen or heard. The enemy can't know you're there.

If they see you, it is the end. This is a short star hike providing a great opportunity to learn about the heavens and

how to find your way at night using the stars, then trek across an open expanse under a luminous star filled sky

AGENT RESCUE – Secret Agent 99 was flying the Gulfstream home after an important mission and suddenly

disappeared. Agent 99 is a high-level intelligence officer who has knowledge of covert operations that are currently

underway in the evil Tesomasland. The patrol must act as a search & rescue team to find her and treat her for

injuries, if necessary. Fortunately, Agent 99 was able to get off a small signal with a GPS waypoint before all

communications were lost. You must find her quickly before someone else does.

FISH IN A BARREL – You and your agents wandered into an alley and realized, It’s a trap!! Your only hope

is to shoot your way out of the situation. Since you are deep in enemy territory, your best bet is to use good ole’

fashioned sling shots. Each patrol member has a limited number of shots and the patrol is judged on how well they

work together to hit all targets.

“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”

Campfire Song, Skit, or Story Submission Form

Please use this form to let us know that you wish to perform at the Saturday evening campfire. If possible,

turn this form in at check-in, so that the campfire plan can be set. Base the skit or song on a MISSION

IMPOSSIBLE theme, but feel free to use your imagination. As many patrols as your troop has may participate.

A selected number of best skits will be presented at the campfire.

Unit #_________________ Patrol _______________________________

The Troop’s Scoutmaster must certify that this song, skit, or yarn is suitable for young audiences

Scoutmaster’s name: _____________________________

Scoutmaster’s signature of approval: ______________________________

Check one: _____Song _____Skit _____ Story _______

Song, Skit or Story name: ________________________________________

Description of song, skit or Story:









This must be scout appropriate and must be approved to be performed at the Campfire.

“A Camporee Program Operating Under the Darkness of Night”

“Clan Camp” Inspection

Troop #__________ 2020 Mohawk District Spring Camporee Mission Impossible

Inspection Categories: Potential Awarded

Troop/patrol cooking and dining area well established and organized, duty

roster and menus posted in campsite 30

Troop/patrol first aid kit visible and in central location 30

Troop/patrol cooking equipment, food and water supply properly stored 30

All troop/patrol camping gear arranged and stored in orderly fashion 30

Established area for hand and dish washing located within campsite 30

Plastic garbage bag or trash container set up and utilized.

**Bonus of 30 points for recycling center in place and utilized. Recycling of

paper, aluminum, glass and tin (metal).

True Separation of Trash and Recyclables**


Bonus 30

FIRE SAFETY (a) Campfire area cleared and defined, (b) fire area safely

located away from tents and trees and with leaves cleared to at least 10 feet

radius. Two fire buckets filled with water at fire area, (c) Ax yard outlined

with cord or rope 3 feet off ground and area established in safe manner, (d)

Fuel stored in acceptable BSA manner, (e) Stoves clean and neat, (f) Stoves

secured and stored in safe manner.


General appearance of campsite clean and orderly 30

Old Glory, and Troop flag displayed visibly 30

Campsite improvement camp-craft item made by SCOUTS (not adult leaders)

– gateway, lashed flag pole, stool tripod or other woodcraft item. This should

be an item not used before.


Total Possible Points = 330 plus Bonus of 30 360

Scoring Range: 0-150 = Yellow ; 151-200 =Red ; 201+ = Blue

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