mission romania 01 2009

Post on 21-Feb-2016






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A magazine about prison mission in romania.


+ Missions tur til Fængslerne i Aiud og Arad / 1. Februar – 7. Februar 2009

+ Mission trip to Aiud Prison and Arad Prison / 1. February – 7. February 2009



Fængselsmissionen i Rumæ


: Mi


ns t

ur t

il F



e i


og Arad / 1. Februar – 7. Februar 2009

Prisonmission in Romania

: Mi


n tr

ip t

o Ai

ud P


n an

d Ar

ad P

rison / 1. February – 7. February 2009


Steve Dulwich / ol

av n



/ La

rs S


dt /


s Pe




/ M




in /







Denne missionstur var ret vigtig

fordi det var den første til fængs-

lerne efter Thorkils blev kaldt hjem

til Herren. Mange fra fængselsperso-

nalet gav udtryk for at de værdsatte

Thorkils liv og tjeneste meget højt,

og de bad os kondolere Thorkils hu-

stru, Sonja og hele familien. Den

ortodokse præst ved fængslet i Aiud

talte om hvordan Thorkils liv kunne

ses i lyset af Mat. 25, hvor Jesus

siger: Jeg var i fængsel og i be-

søgte mig”, Den ortodokse præst i

Arad ønskede at vi skulle vide, at

han blev så bedrøvet da han hørte om

Thorkils død, at han overvejede at

køre til Danmark i sin egen bil for

at vise hvor højt han satte Thorkil.

» De ansatte ved fængslet I Aiud var ængstelige for om fængselsmissionen ville fortsætte efter Thorkils død, men vi meddelte helt klart at den tjeneste Thorkil begyndte og ledede I mange år ikke stopper, og at danske teams fort-sat vil komme som før. «

Første dag vi kom til fængslet i

Aiud Var Cosmins broder Voicu med.

Voicu døde næsten for 2 år siden da

han var i USA. På et tidspunkt un-

derskrev man et papir, som gav til-

ladelse til at lade ham dø. På et

tidspunkt efter en operation opbe-

This was a very important mission

trip as it was the first time to go

back into the prisons since Thorkil

went to be with the Lord. Many of

the prison staff expressed their ap-

preciation of Thorkil’s life and

ministry in the prisons and asked

us to give condolences to Thorkil’s

wife, Sonja, and all of Thorkil’s

family. The orthodox priest in Aiud

prison spoke of how Thorkil’s life

could be seen in Matthew 25 when

Jesus said “i was in prison and you

came to visit me”, and the ortho-

dox priest in Arad wanted us to know

that he was so sad when he heard

about Thorkil’s death that he con-

sidered driving to Denmark in his

own car to show his appreciation for


» The staff in Aiud were concerned that the prison ministry might not continue after Thorkil’s death, but we sent a clear message that the ministry which Thorkil led for so many years will not stop and Danish teams will continue to come as they did before. «

The first day we went into Aiud pris-

on, Cosmin’s brother Voicu came with

us. Voicu nearly died two years ago

when he was in the US. At one time

a paper allowing him to die was

signed, and after one operation part

Sandu and Florina, et Rumænsk ægtepar var med i fængslet i Aiud for at synge /

A Romanian couple, Sandu and Florina, came into Aiud prison with us to sing

Fanger / Prisoners

varede man en del af hans hjerneskal

nedfrosset i 2 måneder.

» Lægen fortalte Cosmin, at hans broder aldrig ville komme til at gå el-ler tale igen. Gud havde dog en anden plan for Voicu. Mange af fangerne har bedt for Voicu efter operationen, og da fangerne nu så ham stod de op og klappede. Voicu er et levende mirakel. Voicu har et stort hjerte for fængsels-tjenesten, og vi tror at Herren helt vil genoprette, så han kan hjælpe Cosmin i ledelsen af denne. «

i alt holdt vi 11 møder med fanger-

ne. i hvert eneste møde var der et

stort gensvar. Mange af fangerne var

chokerede og bedrøvede når de hørte

om Thorkil. i 2 af møderne foreslog

de at holde et minuts stilhed for at

mindes Thorkil.

Sandu and Florina, et Rumænsk ægte-

par var med i fængslet i Aiud for at

synge. Et dejligt par og deres sang

bliver altid meget værdsat. To unge

piger fra Cluj læste digte. Fangerne

nyder at høre digte oplæst, ligele-

des er poesi en god måde at præsen-

tere evangeliet på. i Arad var det

en gruppe på 4 unge sammen med os,

som sang. nogle af grupperne blev

of his cranium was kept in a freezer

for two months.

» The doctor told Cosmin that his brother would never walk again, and would never be able to talk. But God had other plans for Voicu. Many of the prisoners have been praying for Voicu since his operation, and when the prisoners saw him at the meet-ing they stood and clapped. Voicu is a living miracle. Voicu has a great heart for the prison ministry, and we believe the Lord will restore him completely so that he can help Cosmin in leading the prison ministry. «

We held 11 meetings altogether among

the prisoners. in every meeting we

had a great response. Many prison-

ers were shocked and sad when they

heard about Thorkil. in two of the

meetings they asked if we could have

a minute silence in remembrance of


A Romanian couple, Sandu and Flo-

rina, came into Aiud prison with us

to sing. They are a lovely couple

and their singing is always greatly

appreciated. Two young ladies from

Cluj read poems. The prisoners enjoy

opfordret til at læse fra det nye

testamente ved det næste danske be-

søg i marts. Det bliver interessant

at høre hvor mange der vil læse det.

De kvindelige fanger havde hørt om

Thorkils død før vi ankom. Thorkil

var som en fader for dem, og mange

af kvinderne havde tårer i øjnene

under mødet. En af de ældre kvinder

fortalte om det chok det havde været

da de hørte det. De var meget tak-

nemmelige for alt hvad Thorkil havde

gjort for dem. Alle var bedrøvede på

grund af det med Thorkil, men meget

taknemmelige for at vi vil fortsæt-

te med fængselsmissionen.

En ung kvinde ved navn Maria bad os

at sige til Sonja, at de beder for

hende og hele familie. Maria har

været i Aiud i tre et halvt år. Hun

kom til fængslet som en naiv 17 år

gammel pige. Hun var beskyldt for at

have myrdet sine to børn. Senere har

hun givet sit liv til Jesus gennem

fængsels-missionen og skriver regel-

mæssigt sammen med kontoret i Cluj.

nu er det imidlertid kommet frem at

det ikke var Maria der dræbte bør-

nene. Hun dækkede over sin kæreste.

Det er dejligt at betragte Maria ved

møderne, og se hvordan herren virker

i hendes liv.

Vi bemærkede at en ung sigøjner-

pige, Claudia, var i stor nød under

mødet. Hun holdt sig på panden og så

ud til at være plaget. Senere hørte

listening to poems, and poetry is

a good way of presenting the gos-

pel message. in Arad a group of four

young ladies came with us and sang.

We plan next time to have a projec-

tor so the prisoners can see the

words and join in with the singing.

Some of the groups were given the

challenge to read the new Testament

by the time the next Danish team

comes at the end of March. it will

be interesting to hear how many have

managed to do it.

The women prisoners heard about

Thorkil’s death before we came.

Thorkil was like a father to them

and many of the women had tears in

their eyes during our meeting. one

of the older women spoke of their

shock when they heard of Thorkil’s

death, and their appreciation for

all that Thorkil has done for them.

Everyone was sad about Thorkil, but

so thankful that we will continue

the prison ministry.

A young lady, Maria, asked us to

tell Sonja that they are praying for

her and her family. Maria has been

in Aiud for three and a half years.

She came to Aiud prison as a naïve

17 year old accused of murdering her

two children. She has since given

her life to Jesus through the minis-

try of Rescue, and corresponds regu-

larly with the office in Cluj. It has

now come to light that Maria did not

kill her children but was covering

En gruppe unge sangere fra Arat / A group of young singers from Arat

En ung kvinde ved navn Maria bad os at sige til Sonja, at de beder for hende og

hele familie / A young lady, Maria, asked us to tell Sonja that they are praying

for her and her family

En ung sigøjnerpige i stor nød: Claudia /

A young Gypsy girl in great distress: Claudia

Fanger / Prisoners

vi, at hun skulle have været indlagt

på fængsels-hospitalet, men der var

ikke plads. Hun ødelægger ting om-

kring sig herunder hendes eget tøj.

Vi bad for individuelt alle kvin-

derne ved mødet herunder også Clau-

dia, men hun behøver udfrielse. Vi

fortsætter med at bede for Claudia

indtil hun ved Guds kraft er fuld-

stændig fri. Der vil blive bedt og

fastet på hendes vegne.

Planen er at kvinderne snart skal flyt-tes fra fængslet i Aiud til fængslet i Cluj. Vi må fortsat holde møder for kvinderne, hvorfor der vil blive arran-geret således at teams fra Danmark fortsat kan besøge dette fængsel i fremtiden.

Det sidste møde var med en gruppe

såkaldt farlige fanger. Kun 4 af

disse mænd havde set Thorkil. Vi

forkyndte evangeliet og alle rej-

ste sig da tilbudet om frelse blev

givet. Vi spurgte så om de ønske-

de personlig forbøn, hvor vi ville

lægge hænderne på deres skuldre, og

beder Herren hjælpe, velsigne dem og

fylde dem med fred og glæde. Det øn-

skede de alle og nogle af dem havde

tårer i øjnene.

up for her boyfriend. it is wonder-

ful to see Maria in the meetings and

to see how the Lord is working in

her life.

We noticed that a young Gypsy girl,

Claudia, was in great distress dur-

ing the meeting. She was holding her

forehead and appeared to be torment-

ed. Later we heard that she should

be in a prison hospital but there

is no room. She destroys things and

even cuts up her own clothes. We

prayed for all the women individu-

ally during the meeting, including

Claudia, but she is in need of de-

liverance. We shall continue praying

for Claudia until she is completely

set free by the power of God. Prayer

and fasting will be made on her be-


It is planned that the women will soon be moved from the prison in Aiud to the prison in Cluj. We must continue having the meetings with the women, and so it will be necessary to make arrangements for the Danish teams to visit this prison in the future.

The final meeting was with a group

classed as dangerous prisoners. only

4 out of the 25 men at the meeting

åbne døre ind til fængslerne, og

vi må bygge videre på dette grund-

lag. Fængslerne giver os en vældig

mulighed for evangeliet, Evangeliets

lys skinner klarest på disse mørke

steder. Vi tager ikke denne mulig-

hed for givet, for vi ved ikke hvor

længe muligheden eksisterer, men vi

må arbejde mens muligheden er til

stede, så mænd og kvinder kan blive

løftet fra dybet af deres fortviv-

lelse til det nye livs højder i Je-

sus Kristus.

Det er stort vidnesbyrd om Rescue,

at disse mænd, der bliver betegnet

som farlige, fik lov til at komme til

et møde. Men disse mænd er ikke far-

lige når de møder Jesu kærlighed og

evangeliet forkyndes med kraft. De

behøver alle Jesus og når de modta-

ger det nye liv i Kristus, bliver de

mægtige for Gud.

Rescue har nu bevæget sig ind i en

ny tid. Thorkil er blevet brugt af

Gud på en vidunderlig made til at

We have now moved into a new time in

the ministry of Rescue. Thorkil has

been wonderfully used of the Lord to

open the door into the prisons, and

we must build on the foundation that

he laid. The prisons present a great

door of opportunity for the gospel

as the light of the gospel shines

brightest in the darkest place. We

do not take this opportunity for

granted, and we do not know how long

we will have this opportunity, but

we must work while we have oppor-

tunity so that men and women can be

lifted from the depths of despair to

the heights of new life in Jesus.

had seen Thorkil. We shared the gos-

pel and all of them stood for sal-

vation. We then asked if they would

like a personal prayer, where we put

our hands on their shoulder and pray

that the Lord will bless them and

help them, and fill them with peace

and joy. Every one of the men wanted

us to do this. Some of the men had

tears in their eyes.

it is a great testimony to the min-

istry of Rescue that these men who

were described as dangerous were al-

lowed to come to a meeting. But they

are not dangerous men when the love

of Jesus is present and the power of

the gospel is preached. They are men

who need Jesus and when they receive

new life in Christ, they become

mighty men for God.

Støt arbejdetdu kan støtte arbejdet i de rumæn-ske fængsler ved at indsætte et beløb på følgende konto: reg. 1569 konto: 0005323452, husk at mærke indbetalingen med: Fængselsmission. Kontoen admini-streres af apostolsk Kirke i Kolding, der fremsender kvittering når året er omme. beløbet er fradragsberet-tiget i henhold til skattelovgivnin-gens §8a.

alle de indkomne beløb anvendes ubeskåret til fængselsmissionens arbejde i rumænien.

SupportYou can support the work in the prisons in rumania by sending an amount to the following account: reg 1569 account: 0005323452, remember to mark the payment with: prison Mission. the account administrator is apostolic Church in Kolding, who will forwardi ac-knowledgment at the end of the year. this amount is deductible under the tax law §8a.

all the amounts received are used entirely to prison mission work in romania.



Koordinator for fængselsar


bejdet i Rumæniens og tur-

leder / Coordinator of the

prison work in Romania and

tour leader:

olav nørgaard

ingridsvej 29

DK–6000 Kolding

Telefon/Phone +45 21491513

Formand for bestyrelsen bag

rumæniensarbejdet / Chairman

of the Board behind the pri-

son work in Romania:

Finn Ravn Hansen

Telefon/Phone +45 41610277


Gitte Lindeborg

Telefon/Phone +45 51905519


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