missions emphasis wise men worshiped jesus

Post on 16-Mar-2022






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Do you realize we still do not know how many wise men came to see Jesus or when they came? Traditions say there were three, sometimes names them, calls them kings, and places them in manger scenes. But the Bible does not give a number, any names, a royal designation, or an arrival time. The number three likely came from the Bible identifying the three gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh. As for the timing of the wise men’s arrival, it seems people include wise men figures in manger scenes out of convenience, not biblical accuracy.
Another overlooked fact about Jesus coming to earth is that Jesus came to all people, not just to the Jewish people. Jesus gave, and still gives today, every person the opportunity to believe He is God’s Son, the Savior of the world. The wise men were not Jews. These men were Eastern wise men, priests, and astrologers.
The wise men discovered through God’s creation that a significant birth had taken place. The men studied stars regularly, and a certain star signaled the birth they were anticipating for years. The wise men followed the star to find and worship Jesus as their King.
Finally, the men arrived. The trip was long. Jesus was likely a toddler by the time the wise men reached Bethlehem. Notice that in verse 11 of chapter 2, Matthew used the word child and not baby or infant. These wise men worshiped Jesus through coming to see Him, through recognizing Jesus as King, and through gifts.
Later, the wise men heeded a warning in a dream to not go back to Herod. The wise men were smart in many ways, but they underestimated King Herod when they asked about the birth of a new king, the King of the Jews. Herod was not about to give up his kingship (v. 13).
The wise men fell down to their knees, worshiped Jesus, and gave Him expensive gifts appropriate for nobility. How are you worshiping Jesus, the King of kings?
Help kids recall what the wise men did to worship Jesus. Open a Bible and read the Weekly Bible Verse, Matthew 2:11. Brainstorm with kids ways they can honor Jesus by worshiping Him.
LEVEL OF BIBLICAL LEARNING Jesus is fully God and fully man.
UNIT VERSE For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)
For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (CSB)
Additional training for Bible Studies for Life: Kids is available at ministrygrid.com/biblestudiesforlife.
LIFE POINT People honor Jesus
by worshiping Him.
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REVIEW QUESTIONS › What led the wise men to Jesus? (a star)
› Why was Herod upset to hear that the King of the Jews had been born? (He did not want to be replaced by another king. He wanted to remain the king.)
› What did Herod tell the wise men to do? (“When you find Him, come tell me so that I can worship Him, too.”)
› What did the wise men do when they found Jesus? (They fell to their knees and worshiped Him.)
› What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus? (gold, frankincense, and myrrh)
› Why didn’t the wise men go back to Herod? (God warned them in a dream not to go back to Herod.)
WISE MEN WORSHIPED JESUS Wise men from the east saw a certain star in the sky. They knew the star meant a king had been born. They also knew that God had promised to send a Savior, so they followed the star until they reached Jerusalem.
The wise men asked, “Where is the one who has been born the King of the Jews? We watched His star rise in the east, and we have come to worship Him.”
King Herod heard what the wise men said, and he was very upset. He did not want the Jews to have another king; he wanted to remain the king. He asked his chief priests and scribes where the Messiah was to be born.
The king’s helpers told him that Bethlehem was the place. They knew the prophets had written that even though Bethlehem was small, a Savior would come from it and be Israel’s ruler.
Herod secretly met with the wise men and asked them the exact time the star had appeared. Then Herod sent them to Bethlehem. “Go and search carefully for this child,” he ordered. “When you find Him, come tell me so that I can worship Him, too.”
The wise men continued their journey to Bethlehem, and there it was! The star they had been watching all along led them to the place where the child was. The wise men were overcome with joy.
Inside the house they found Jesus with His mother. The wise men fell to their knees and worshiped Jesus. They gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
God warned the wise men in a dream not to go back to Herod, so they returned to their own country by a different route.
— B A S E D O N M A T T H E W 2 : 1 - 1 2
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› markers
› 10 index cards–On 9 cards draw 1 Christmas ornament. Draw a star on 1 card. Display the cards on a wall at kids’ height in the shape of a Christmas tree. The bottom row should have 4 cards, the next row 3 cards, and so forth with the star on top. Option: “Christmas Decoration Cards” (Printables)
› masking tape
› Christmas CD or Christmas songs from a music streaming source
› 2 gift bows
Remind the kids that this month they have been celebrating and learning more about the birth of Jesus. Call attention to the “Christmas Decoration Cards” taped to the wall and mention that after Christmas one thing many people do is take down the decorations. Invite kids to take down the Christmas tree today. Explain that you will call the name of a Bible book and kids will race to find the book in their Bibles. The first child to find the book will remove one of the cards from the tree and place in the stack. Continue until kids take the tree down.MISSIONS EMPHASIS
Form a circle. Give the bows to players on opposite sides of the circle. Play music as the kids pass the bows over their heads around the circle. Pause the music and ask the kids holding bows: “What is a holiday during which people give gifts?” Direct the kids to pass the bows near the ground and start the music again. Continue, alternating ways kids pass the bows (behind their backs, as they turn in a circle, and so on). Use different questions, such as: “What is the best gift you have ever given? What is the best gift you have ever received? What is the smallest gift you have ever received? Who is someone you give presents to? Who is someone who gives you presents?” Explain that today kids will learn about people who brought Jesus gifts to worship Him.
Display the photos of “IMB Families” and explain that these are some of the families who serve as missionaries to other countries. The International Mission Board sent them. This organization sends missionaries to other countries. Ask: “Do you see a family you recognize?” (the McDonalds) State: “Missionaries’ kids (sometimes called MKs) get to be a part of the work their parents do. The McDonalds’ kids like to travel with their parents to villages to help the people and tell them about Jesus.” Pray for missionary families who work together to share Jesus with others.
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› 1 gift wrap roll
› masking tape–Tape two 12-inch squares on the floor: 1 to designate Old Testament; 1 to designate New Testament.
› marble or small ball
› Option: 1 gift wrap roll and 1 marble per person
› marker
› masking tape
› poster board or bulletin board paper–Tape to a wall. Leave the poster for use in Study the Bible.
› index cards–Write 1 word per card: camel, bear, cat, race car, ostrich, milk jug, paintbrush, foot, guitar, chair. Create at least 1 card per person.
› Printables: “Unit 1 Missions: Tanzania”– Print “IMB Families.”
Guide kids to take turns rolling the marble through the tube, aiming to land inside either taped square. When a player successfully lands a marble, challenge her to name an Old or New Testament Bible story. Allow kids with limited Bible knowledge to refer to their Bibles. Option: If you have enough gift wrap rolls and marbles for everyone, name an Old Testament or New Testament Bible story. Then prompt everyone to roll his marble toward the correct square at the same time. The player whose marble is closest to the center of the correct box wins the round.
Ask kids if they know the names of any constellations, such as the Big Dipper and Little Dipper. Give everyone seven star-shaped stickers and invite kids to create their own constellations. Prompt everyone to choose a prepared index card and use the stickers to create a related constellation on the poster board. Allow kids to guess the names or shapes of one another’s constellations. Mention that some stargazing experts are an important part of today’s Bible story.
Display the photos of “IMB Families” and explain that these are some of the families who serve as missionaries to other countries. The International Mission Board sent them. This organization sends missionaries to other countries. Ask: “Do you see a family you recognize?” (the McDonalds) State: “Missionaries’ kids (sometimes called MKs) get to be a part of the work their parents do. The McDonalds’ kids like to travel with their parents to villages to help the people and tell them about Jesus.” Pray for missionary families who work together to share Jesus with others.
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Grades 1–3
1. UNIT VERSE • Call attention to the marker board. • Remind kids that they have been learning this verse. Explain that now some of the words are missing. • Invite a volunteer to draw a “Unit 1 Verse Card” from the bag and tape it to the marker board in the correct place. • Continue until volunteers add all of the verse words. • Guide kids to review their work and correct any mistakes. • Then lead kids to say the Unit Verse together.
2. BIBLE STORY • Guide the kids to find Matthew 2:1 in their Bibles. • Explain that the Bible talks about wise men who came from the east and that their part of Jesus’ story is in the Book of Matthew. • Show the Teaching Picture. • Tell the kids no one knows what the wise men looked like or exactly how many there were. Artists make pictures of ways they think the men might have looked. • Open your Bible to Matthew 2 and tell the Bible story of the wise men.
3. REVIEW • Form two teams of kids. • Place the “Christmas Tree Review” gameboard on the floor. • Explain that a volunteer from each team will take turns holding a coin to her chin and dropping it onto the Christmas tree. If the coin lands on the tree, then the team may answer a Review Question.
• Continue until every player has a turn to play. If you run out of questions, suggest that kids share facts from the Bible story. • Option: Show the “Notebook Bible Story” video.
4. LIFE ACTION • Explain that Jesus came to earth as both God and as a human. • Invite kids to complete an activity to help them understand this truth. • Distribute Kids Activity Pages and pencils. • Encourage kids to work together to complete “Both God and Man.” • First, lead kids to name things that show that Jesus was human. (He was born as a baby. He walked, ate, and slept. He grew to be a man. He felt pain.) • Next, guide kids to name ways they know that Jesus was God. (He lived a perfect life. He performed miracles, such as walking on the water and healing the sick. He died on a cross and came back to life three days later. He alone can save people from their sin and give eternal life.) • Explain that the wise men came to worship Jesus as King. We honor Jesus, also, when we believe and worship Him as both God and a man. Jesus is worthy of all our worship. • Pray and thank God for sending Jesus to the earth. Ask God to lead the kids to worship Jesus daily as the true King. • Sing “Not So Silent Night.” • Option: Show the “Mooseberry Life Action” video.
› Pack Items 1, 5, 6: “Unit 1 Banner and Verse,” “Unit 1 Verse Cards,” “Christmas Tree Review”–Place the “Unit 1 Verse Cards” in a gift bag.
› Teaching Picture 4
› Kids Activity Pages
› marker board or poster board
› dry erase marker–Prior to the session write on the marker board the words and reference of the Unit Verse, Isaiah 9:6. Erase (or omit) the words found on the “Unit 1 Verse Cards.” Be sure to leave space on the board to add the cards.
› masking tape
› pencils
Option for Unit Verse: Teach the Weekly Bible Verse, Matthew 2:11.
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Grades 4–6
1. BIBLE STORY • Sing “Not So Silent Night.” • Review with kids the two Gospels that contain stories about Jesus’ birth and childhood. (Matthew and Luke) • Guide kids to find Matthew 2:1-12 and follow along as you tell today’s Bible story. • Display the Teaching Picture and ask: “How do you think the wise men knew that the star would lead them to the King of Israel?” • Invite a volunteer to find and read Numbers 24:17, a Scripture that could have influenced the men. • Continue: “The Bible says the wise men fell to their knees and worshiped Jesus, who was still a very small child. Why do you think they worshiped Him?”
2. UNIT VERSE • Point out that Herod’s priests and scribes were well aware of Old Testament prophecies about Jesus, and that Isaiah 9:6 is one of those prophecies. • Use the “Unit 1 Banner and Verse” to review the verse. • Instruct kids to return to the constellation poster from the Introductory Activity and touch one star with their index fingers. • Call out a color name. • Lead kids who are touching the corresponding star color to say Isaiah 9:6 from memory or with as little prompting as possible. • Direct kids to choose a different star color and repeat. • Guide all of the kids to say the verse together.
3. REVIEW • Guide kids to reenact the Bible story. • Tell the kids no one knows what the wise men looked like or exactly how many there were. • Assign parts (Mary, Jesus, Herod, priests and scribes, wise men). For small groups, break the story into separate scenes and allow kids to play multiple roles. • Invite a strong reader to narrate the story, directly from Matthew 2:1-12 or using the printed story on the One Conversation pages (back of Kids Activity Pages). • If you would like, capture the kids’ drama on video and replay it for them. • Option: Show the “Notebook Bible Story” video.
4. LIFE ACTION • Say: “Jesus is both God and human. He came to earth, and He is the King who will rule forever. He is worthy of our worship.” • Distribute Kids Activity Pages. • Guide kids to complete “Elimination Round” to discover a definition of worship. • Direct each person to return to the constellation poster and write:
a time or setting where someone can worship Jesus, a reason Jesus is worthy of worship.
• Lead kids to silently and prayerfully worship Jesus for a few moments. Close with a prayer of praise and thanks to Jesus, the King. • Option: Show the “Mooseberry Life Action” video.
› Pack Item 1: “Unit 1 Banner and Verse”
› Teaching Picture 3
› Kids Activity Pages
› pencils
› smartphone or video recorder (optional)
Teaching Tip: Do not post videos of kids on social media.
Option for Unit Verse: Teach the Weekly Bible Verse, Matthew 2:11.
LIFE POINT People honor Jesus by worshiping Him.
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› 4 large sheets of paper
› markers
› decorative items, such as stickers, foam shapes, sequins, and jewels
› glue or glue sticks
• Comment that the wise men knew Jesus as King. They worshiped Jesus as soon as they saw Him. • Ask: “What is worship?” • Help the children know that worship “is praising God, showing love to God, and thanking God.” • Ask: “How did the wise men worship Jesus?” (knelt down, gave gifts) • Show the “Ways to Worship” poster and discuss how each photo shows an act or worship. • Guide kids to plan and participate in a time to worship Jesus. • First, ask kids to name one or two familiar Christmas carols or praise songs they would like to sing. Write kids’ suggestions on a sheet of paper. • On another sheet of paper, guide the kids to list Bible verses they might say or read during worship. (The Unit Verse is a possibility.) • Ask if the group would like to include drama in the worship time. Kids might act out the Bible story of the wise men as you narrate. Print any drama ideas on a third sheet of paper. • On the last sheet list things about Jesus for which kids might praise Him and things for which kids might thank God and Jesus in a prayer or reading. • Lead kids to decide the order in which they will complete the activities. • Encourage the kids to worship in a respectful manner as they planned.
• Distribute a bag to each child. • Encourage each child to color his bag and decorate it with stickers, foam shapes, or other decorative items. • As kids work, guide them to retell the Bible story. • Talk about how the wise men were eager to see Jesus. They honored and worshiped Jesus as King by giving Him gifts. • Explain that kids can worship Jesus by showing His love and giving gifts to others. • Talk about items kids could give, such as cookies to a neighbor, toys to a shelter, fuzzy socks to a nursing home, canned goods to a food bank, and so forth. • Discuss other gift items that do not cost money, such as raking someone’s leaves, shoveling snow off a sidewalk, drawing a picture for a sick neighbor, or picking up trash around your neighborhood. • Remind kids that giving to other people in need is a way to worship Jesus. • Encourage each child to take her bag home and fill it with a gift to give away to someone in need.
WRAP UP • As kids leave, challenge each child to name at least one way he will worship Jesus this week. • Give kids One Conversation pages.
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LIFE POINT People honor Jesus by worshiping Him.
CHOICE 1 › Pack Item 24: “Worship Calendar”–Photocopy 1 per person.
› Kids Activity Pages
› Kids Activity Pages
› timer or stopwatch
› painter’s tape
› shallow box lid–Fasten the “Box Top Hockey” rink inside the lid with loops of removable painter’s tape.
Teaching Tip: Save the “Box Top Hockey” rink (and lid) to use again in Unit 2, Session 2.
• Distribute Kids Activity Pages. • Lead the kids to work together to locate and discuss the Bible verses mentioned in “Off the Scale.” Then guide kids to complete “Sliding Scale” on their own. • Say: “However you choose to worship Jesus, the challenge is making daily worship a habit!” • Tell kids about your daily prayer and worship routine. • Be honest about the distractions that tempt you to skip the routine and about the blessings and benefits of keeping it. • Provide everyone with a “Worship Calendar.” • Explain that kids can use the calendar to remind them to worship. Each time kids complete a private worship time, they can remove a tab. • Allow kids to choose whether to write the days of the week or the days of the month on the tear-off tabs at the bottom of the calendar, then separate the tabs by cutting on the dotted lines. • Challenge kids to write different ways they will worship on the calendar days and add fun colored shapes and doodles. • Encourage kids to post the calendars prominently at home so they will not miss the daily reminder to worship Jesus.
CHOICE 2: BOX TOP HOCKEY • Comment that people often limit worship to public singing, praying, and reading the Bible. • Say: “You can honor and praise God in many different ways.” • Distribute Kids Activity Pages. • Lead the kids to work together to locate and discuss the Bible verses mentioned in “Off the Scale.” Then guide kids to complete “Sliding Scale” on their own. • Form two teams, one for each side of the “Box Top Hockey” rink. • Give one player from each team a “hockey stick” (ruler), and place the button in the center face-off zone. • Choose one player from each team and set your timer for 20 seconds. The two active players will volley the puck back and forth. • When time expires, call on the player where the puck landed. Based on the zone in which the puck landed, the player will respond: 10–define worship; 25– name a way to worship publicly; 100–name your favorite way to worship; 500–name distractions to remove in order to worship well; 1,000–tell why Jesus is worthy of worship. • Score points accordingly. If the puck lands in the penalty zone, neither team earns any points. • Rotate play to new players; repeat.
WRAP UP • Challenge kids to begin a New Year’s habit a week early by beginning a daily worship time on their own. • Give kids One Conversation pages.
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