mistakes to avoid in your webinar invitation

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Mistakes to Avoid in Your Webinar Invitation

A webinar is one of the most effective marketing tools you can employ. However, its effectiveness is

greatly dependent on how well you market the webinar itself. There are a number of pitfalls that you

would do well to steer clear of in order to ensure the success of your event. Here we provide you with a

list of mistakes to avoid when sending out invitations for your next webinar.

Selling the product instead of the webinar

Keep in mind that your main goal should be to entice the reader to the event. While you don’t have to

conceal the name of your brand, it would be best to focus your reader’s attention on the upcoming

webinar. This way, your email doesn’t come across as a sales pitch, which may turn off your readers


Pouring on the facts instead of focusing on the benefits

An email invitation to a webinar isn't the proper venue to outline a list of facts about your webinar,

much less of your products and/or services. Most readers will simply not want to pore through a lengthy

paragraph of information that they already know. Your goals would be better served by outlining the

benefits of attending your webinar instead.

Using images indiscriminately

While graphics aren't necessarily a bad thing, they should at least have a direct bearing on your service

or the event itself. Adding images for no good reason will simply leave less space on the page for more

important copy.

Not including enough detail

While you definitely don’t want to bog down your readers with unnecessary detail, you do want to

provide important information pertaining to the event. Keep in mind that committing to a 45-minute

webinar isn't easy for most people given their busy schedules, so you will want to let them know what

they will get for their time.

View the original article: Mistakes to Avoid in Your Webinar Invitation

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