mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration. FACT Chemical energy is stored in glucose. FACT Ribose, sucrose, and fructose are all examples of proteins. Crap Animal cells contain chloroplasts. Crap Glucose contains 6 carbon molecules. FACT Respiration makes oxygen as a waste product. Crap Autotrophs produce carbohydrates. FACT Cell membranes are made of three layers. Crap In metaphase the chromosomes align along the center of the cell. FACT Large molecules cannot get into cells by diffusion. FACT Adenosine triphosphate is the form of energy used by muscle cells. FACT Meiosis results in 4 daughter cells with the genetic information. FACT In order to improve an experiment, the scientist should ensure the largest sample size possible. FACT Letter C helps oxygen leave the cell. Crap This sequence of terms represents a decrease from the greatest size to the smallest size. nucleus chromosome gene FACT The plasma membrane surrounds the nucleus. Crap X = gene FACT Iodine moved into the cell because of diffusion. FACT Starch moves through the membrane via pores. Crap Normal cells are monoploid (haploid). Crap Mitosis occurs when an organism needs to repair itself. FACT The endoplasmic reticulum contains the cells DNA. Crap In lab, dialysis tubing served as a cell membrane. FACT A cell in an isotonic solution will dehydrate and shrink. Crap ATP is found in the nucleus and determines heredity. Crap Mitochondria produce oxygen. Crap Paper towels help move liquids under a cover slip. FACT An organelle is larger than a cell. Crap Mitosis creates two diploid cells. FACT Cell membranes and plasma membranes are the same thing. FACT The main function of a vacuole in a cell is to store food and water. FACT

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