mixology shop catalog for february 2010

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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First shop catalogue for Mixology magazine that was sent out with Issue 1/2010. Items listed are Mixology t-shirts, cocktail book reprints and magazine back issues.


SpirituouS Journey: A HiStory of Drink (Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown)

“This (…) volume opens with the surprising discovery that ancient Arabic term ‚al kol‘ had two appropriate definitions long before Europeans learnt to distill alcohol: 1: a genie or spirit that takes on varied shapes (a supernatural creature in Arab mythology). 2: Any drug or substance that takes away the mind or covers it.“ The history of alcohol and the alcoholic beverage researched by Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown.

tHe Soul of BrASil

(Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown)

“This book defines the differences amongst rum, rhum agricole and cachaça. It provides tasting session procedures, offers classic and modern cocktail recipes as well as food pairings.”The first book on the Brasilian national spirit Cachaça in English language.

ClASS MAgAzine (Issue July / August 2009)

CLASS is an acronym of ‘Cocktail Liqueur And Speciality Spirit’ and that, along with reviews of the world’s best bars, pretty much sums up the magazine’s content.

pioneerS of Mixing At elite BArS(Charles Christopher Mueller)

“Once upon a time in America there was a gentleman named Charles Christopher Mueller, who published, in 1934, seven little volumes titled Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars. He wasn’t alone, his three compatriots -- Al Hoppe, A V Guzman, and James Cunningham -- compiled the recipes they shook and stirred at 30 bars around the US before Prohibition. They had met in 1906, at the height of the cocktail‘s Golden Age and called themselves the American Traveling Mixologists.”

CuBA: tHe legenD of ruM

(Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown)

Spirits and drinks historians Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown explore the birth of Cuban rum and the inseparable relationship it has with the Cuban people and their culture together with rum historian Dave Broom and mixologist Nick Strangeway in Cuba: The Legend of Rum.

CAfé royAl CoCktAil Book (William J. Tarling)

Originally published in 1937 by the Uni-ted Kingdom Bartenders Guild, Café Royal Cocktail Book compiled by William J. Tarling offers a rare glimpse into the wide array of drinks offered in London bars between the two world wars.

t-SHirtS (Anzahl bitte eintragen)

Mixology t-SHirt Airing, 20 Euro

Men: _____ x xS _____ x S _____ x M _____ x xl

woMen: _____ x M

Mixology t-SHirt Skull, 20 Euro

Men: _____ x S _____ x M _____ x l _____ x xl

woMen: _____ x M _____ x l

(Alle anderen Größen sind derzeit nicht erhältlich.)

MAgAzineS (Anzahl & Issue-Nummer bitte eintragen, z.B.: 1 x #1/2007, ... )

Mixology MAgAzin BACk iSSueS, 5 Euro pro Ausgabe





BookS (Anzahl bitte eintragen)

_____ x AMeriCAn BAr-tenDer, 20 Euro

_____ x ArtiStry of Mixing DrinkS, 23 Euro

_____ x MoDern AMeriCAn DrinkS, 21 Euro

_____ x DrinkS / JACqueS StrAuB, 15 Euro

_____ x reCipeS for MixeD DrinkS, 15 Euro

_____ x CoCktAilS: How to Mix tHeM, 15 Euro

_____ x Die MoDernen getränke, 28 Euro

_____ x tHe worlD‘S DrinkS AnD How to Mix tHeM, 15 Euro

_____ x DifforD’S guiDe #7, 20 Euro

_____ x DifforD’S guiDe #8, 28 Euro

_____ x ClASS MAgAzine, 10 Euro

_____ x pioneerS of Mixing At elite BArS, 26 Euro

_____ x CuBA: tHe legenD of ruM, 19 Euro

_____ x CAfé royAl CoCktAil Book, 15 Euro

_____ x SpirituouS Journey: A HiStory of Drink, 12 Euro

_____ x tHe Soul of BrASil, 13 Euro


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Alle Preise inkl. Mwst.

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Shop KatalogFEB 2010

HistoriscHe cocktAilBücHer MixoloGy t-sHirts

clAss MAGAzine MixoloGy BAck issues




tHe worlD’S DrinkS AnD How to Mix tHeM (Bill Boothby)

This was one of the first books published right after prohibition in 1934 to serve as an “unabridged encyclopedia of all popluar beverages“.

DifforD’S guiDe #7

This is the 7th edition of a book that is widely regarded by members of the drinks industry as the most complete and authoritative cocktail publication available. Since 2001 this trusted title has built a loyal following amongst the top international bartending fraternity as well as discerning drinkers and keen amateur mixologists. This heavyweight hardback has 432 pages containing a massive 2.200 cock-tail recipes, all stipulating the correct glass and illustrated with a colour photograph.

DifforD’S guiDe #8

The most recent guide from the Difford‘s series contains over 2.500 cocktail recipes, all stipulating the correct glass and coming with a colour photograph. Many even come with the name of their creator or a story attached. There is also an encyclopedic guide to cocktail recipes. This encyclopaedic tome will also include the history of cocktails plus illustrated reviews of the world‘s top cocktail bars.


NamE, VorNamE


plz, Stadt




01 | 2003 Cranberry/Modern Bars 02 | 2003 P.P.S./Jinnees in the Bottle 03 | 2003 Seasonal/Nektar der Götter 04 | 2003 Sol y Sangre/The Spanish Issue 05 | 2004 The Martini Issue/Classic & Modern Style 06 | 2004 Tikimania/The Tiki Issue 07 | 2004 The Indian Issue 08 | 2004 L‘edition des patissiers/Süße Verführung 09 | 2005 Vodka 10 | 2005 Frisch und Sprudelnd 11 | 2005 Frankreich 12 | 2005 Wintermärchen 13 | 2006 Aroma 14 | 2006 Italien 15 | 2006 Stop/Start 16 | 2006 Design 17 | 1/2007 Februar/März 18 | 2/2007 April/Mai 19 | 3/2007 Juni/Juli 20 | 4/2007 August/September 21 | 5/2007 oktober/November 22 | 6/2007 Dezember 2007/Januar 2008 23 | 1/2008 Februar/März 2008 24 | 2/2008 April/Mai 2008 25 | 3/2008 Juni/Juli 2008 26 | 4/2008 August/September 2008 27 | 5/2008 oktober/November 2008 28 | 6/2008 Dezember 2008/ Januar 2009 29 | 1/2009 Februar/März 2009 30 | 2/2009 April/Mai 2009 31 | 3/2009 Juni/Juli 2009 32 | 4/2009 August/September 2009 33 | 5/2009 oktober/November 2009 34 | 6/2009 Dezember/Januar 2009

The legendary Mixology ”Skull“ t-shirt. Bar ware skull at the front. Back features Mixology logo. Qual-ity: 160 g/qm

DrinkS (Jacques Straub)

Drinks was intended as a pocket reference for bartenders. first published in 1914 it features over 1000 recpies.

reCipeS for MixeD DrinkS (Hugo Ensslin)

“(…) Ensslin’s book was the last train out; the final bartender‘s guide from New York before Prohibition set in. As such, it was a pre-cious record of what was going on behind the bar, an ode to the new and trendy ingredients, techniques and categories of the 1910s.” (Dave Wondrich, Author of Imbibe!)

CoCktAilS: How to Mix tHeM (Robert Vermeire)

“Cocktails: How to Mix Them was first published in 1922, appearing at almost the same time as Harry McElhone’s Harry’s ABC of Cocktails. These volumes printed the first known recipes for the Sidecar, which Vermeire notes was “introduced in London by MacGarry, the cele-brated bartender of Buck‘s Club.“(Paul Clarke, Cocktail Chronicles)

AMeriCAn BAr-tenDer (Cocktail Boothby)

William T. “Cocktail Bill“ Boothby was an American bartender and writer in San francisco. He tended bar for many years at San francisco’s Palace Hotel. His highly acclaimed book American Bar-Tender was first published in 1891.

ArtiStry of Mixing DrinkS (Frank Meier)

Written by the most well-known European bartender of his time, frank Meier, the The Artistry of Mixing Drinks covers cocktails, wines, horse racing and is also a guide on good living. This reprint by Cocktail Kingdom comes with a foreword by Colin field.

MoDern AMeriCAn DrinkS (George J. Kappeler)

George J. Kappeler’s Modern American Drinks is so very valuable as there are many newly-published recipes the public hadn’t seen before “in an era when a bar book wasn‘t plagiarism if it contained two or three (new recipes)”, says Dr. Cocktail Ted Haig’s in this reprint’s foreword. Among them are The Chocolate Cocktail, the New Orleans fizz, the Widow’s Kiss and the Horse’s Neck.





wiE FuNKtioNiErt diE BEStElluNg?

1. Ware ausw

ählen, Bestellcoupon in ein Kuvert

stecken und per Post an Mixology schicken:


ixology Shop, Schlesische Str. 28, 10997


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Produkt vergriffen sein sollte, werden Sie

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datum, uNtErSchriFt

ich haBE diE agBs zur KENNtNiS gENommEN uNd BEStätigE hiErmit mEiNE BEStElluNg.

BittE iN drucKSchriFt auSFüllEN!Frau


mix·ol·o·gy — [noun]the art or skill of preparing

mixed drinks

mix·ol·o·gy — [noun]the art or skill of preparing

mixed drinks

mix·ol·o·gy — [noun]the art or skill of preparing

mixed drinks





MixoloGy sHop Da wir wöchentlich mehrere Anfragen nach den auf

dem Bar Convent Berlin angebotenen reprints von

Cocktailbüchern und unseren T-Shirts erhalten, bieten

wir hier erstmals die Gelegenheit, diese Waren direkt

bei uns zu bestellen. In der Broschüre finden Sie unter

anderem begehrte Bücher von Simon Difford, Cocktail-

kingdom und Mixellany. Da es sich bei allen reprints

um englischsprachige Bücher handelt, haben wir die

Beschreibungen ebenfalls in Englisch belassen.

ACHtung: Nicht alle der reprints sind in großer Zahl

vor rätig. Daher gilt für alle Waren im Shop: solange der

Vorrat reicht. Bezahlung ist derzeit ausschließlich per

Überweisung möglich.

Sollten Sie fragen zu Ihrer Bestellung haben, erreichen

Sie uns telefonisch unter 030 / 69519390 oder per Mail

unter shop@mixology.eu.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bestellung!

Ihr Mixology-Team.

Alle Preise inkl. Mwst.

mixology t-Shirt „airiNg“

mixology t-Shirt „SKull“ mixology magaziNE BacK iSSuES







MAGAzinest-sHirtswww.MixoloGy.eu Books




The new Mixology ”Airing“ t-shirt. Airing bar-tender at the front. Back quotes a small skull motive. Quality: 180 g/qm

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