mms/mrm-"abc's of research" part b-tools-research guide pp 1

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MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


For more information, go to Part C-Resources/Research Guide Supplement, in the Murdock Middle School Multimedia Research Model (MMS/MRM)-”ABC of Research”.

Throughout the guide, the white areas are for check marks or fill-ins.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP



Subject Area Teacher & Period: Date Assigned: 

Technology Teacher & Period: 

Due Date: 

Dates I worked on my research:Please Date and/or Initial Below:



Dates may be needed as backup for citation information and to track your research efforts.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


This section is to assist you to think about the directions for your project, the initial path of your research, and to develop keywords to plan the foundation before starting your project.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


What specifically did my teacher ask me to do?

My teacher asked me to find out about...

Write down your interpretation of what you are supposed to do for your project.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


My project plans are...


Plans often change as you go through the research process.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


What is my topic (thesis)?


Plans often change as you go through the research process.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


My research may focus on...






The 5 W’s may not be appropriate for all projects.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


My keywords or phrases are...







Ex. Keywords for Thomas Edison can be:inventor, light bulb, phonograph or kinetoscope.

Synonyms are powerful words to help you find keywords.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


This section will introduce the various resources and references used while planning your research.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


Which resources should I use?

  Almanac   Atlas   Internet   Encyclopedia   Magazine

  Newspaper   Journal   Artifact   Book   Interview

Check the resources you need to access information about your topic.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


Where will I access my resources?

  Library   Online   In Print   Teacher   Museum

Select one or more of the following to assist with your research.•Library: Media Center facility and/or the Media Specialist•Online: World Wide Web, Webconferencing, and access to other multimedia resources like videos, podcasts, newsreels, graphics, etc.•In Print: books, texts, textbooks, journals, diaries, etc.•Teacher: classroom instructors, technology teacher, etc.•Museum: live or virtual visits.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


Use the “hot links” to access the supplemental websites.

What online resources do I need to access?

  Net Trekker   Kids Search Tools   Fact Monster   Gale-Infotrac

  Google   The Library of Congress

  KidsClick   Gale-Virtual  Florida Electronic Library

  Ask Kids   WorldAtlas.Com   Resources for Education

  Ask a Librarian   Old Magazine Articles

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


This section will help you validate, classify, document, and label your resources.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


I know my information is valid because...

  I located the same information in two places.

 It is current, up-to-date and still relevant. (written in the last five years is the MLA standard)

  The author is an expert on the subject/topic.

Validate your resources by reflecting on the following information: You located the same information in two or more places. Your information is published within the last five years.

The author is an expert.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


How will I document my information? 

Note Cards  Drawings/

Graphs  Camera/

Camcorder  PowerPoint


Graphic Organizer

  Outline  Tape


Online Bookmarking


Highlighted Photocopies

  Spreadsheet   Computer    

HOTLINKSNote Cards & Notaking Graphic Organizers Online Bookmarking

  Flashcard MachineFlashcard Exchange

Google Docs 

Lucid ChartDabbleboardWebspiration



MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


I am including the following types of sources...


(ex. Diaries) 

Secondary (ex. Biography)


(ex. Encyclopedia)

Tertiary is included to illustrate the 3 types, but we will be using

Secondary for these types of sources in our research and projects.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


How will I cite the sources I use?

 Works Cited


Annotated Bibliography

  In-Text Citations

Works Cited: the title of any MLA style research project.Annotated Bibliography: usually for History Fair projects, and is in addition to the Works Cited page.In-Text Citations: references included in the body of the research paper.

For more information, go to Section C-Resources of the MMS/MRM-”ABC’s of Research.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


The MLA “hot links” are included at the top of this section. Just right click on them and select Open Hyperlink.

MLA Handbook MLA Formatting WORKS CITED Sample Research Paper



Author Last, First. Title. Publication City: Publisher, Copyright Year. Print. (Page #’s)






Author Last, First. “Title of Piece.” Name of Encyclopedia. Edition. Volume #. Publication City: Publisher, Pub. Year. Print.


    WEBSITEDate Published. Date Accessed. <URL>.

Author Last, First. “Title of Article.” Title of Web Page. Published By, DD Mon. YYYY. Web. DD Mon. YYYY. URL


MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


Did you cite your additional sources?

  Tables   Figures   Images   Sounds   Software   Charts   Music

You must cite any additional sources.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


This section will help you plan how you will present your project when completed.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


How will I present the information?

  Paper   Skit/Drama   Webpage (ex. Weebly)   Multi-media   Graph/ Chart

  Video   Song /Poem  Oral

Presentation/Speech  Brochure  

Display/ Poster/Backboard

Select one or more of the following to present your project:•Paper: a research paper, process paper, etc.•Video: self created movie, and/or supportive multimedia.•Skit/Drama: write and perform play or story.•Song/Poem: write and perform music to support their project.•Webpage: create a webpage to deploy your research project (Weebly for the History Fair.)•Oral Presentation/Speech: live presentation or speech to deliver project materials.•Multi-Media: use of any combination of multimedia to deliver your project.•Brochure: create a foldable document with headlines to present your project material.•Display/Poster/Backboard: use different forms of physical display like a cardboard or wood backboard, diorama, poster, collage, model, sculpture, mobiles, etc.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


This section will assist you to outline and develop your research data.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


Introduce my topic as a thesis statement:


Decide on subtopics that address my thesis:


Support each subtopic using facts & details:


Revisit my thesis within my conclusion :


MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


This section is to assist with reflection, editing and re-editing opportunities.

MMS/MRM-"ABC's of Research" Part B-Tools-Research Guide PP


Did I...  use a variety of sources to gather my facts?

  access only valid sources?

  include enough resources to support my thesis/topic?

  include a Works Cited or an Annotated Bibliography?

  properly cite my resources according to MLA style?

  prepare my presentation for the correct audience?

  gather everything I need to present my project?

  recheck my teacher’s project grading guidelines and/or rubric ?

  proofread and edit all my work?

  hand in my research project to the proper person?

Read each of the questions and reflect and double check if you provided the information, and followed through with the guidelines of your project.

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 What grade can I expect on my research assignment?

This section is to predict your project score.

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This Research Guide was created by the Murdock Middle School Lesson Study Team of Christina Carboni, Natalia Drumm, Sharon Gibbs, Gary Helinski, Susan Kickbush, & Toni Orr. The team would like to thank Dr. Teger for sharing her resources with us, and a special thank you to Chuck Bradley, Christine Dollinger & Maria Gifford of Charlotte County Public Schools.

Revised on: 9/19/2011 (MLA , 7th Ed., 2010)

All our companion resources can be found on the Murdock Middle School’s Homepage link for the

Multimedia Research Model at the following link:

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