mobile sales app implementation: improve your existing sales processes and team dynamics

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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We live in an era where ‘finger-snap slick decisions’ isn’t limited to being just a sing-song expression. If presented with the right options, both the buyer and seller are quick to take instant decisions.

The businesses that successfully leverage this existing market conditions are well on their way to achieve great sales wins. Otherwise, you will be stuck with playing the catch-up game or may actually get sidelined by your competitor.

A mobile app can significantly simplify and amplify the dynamics of your sales operations. It also helps you accelerate the entire train of multiple ongoing activities. This helps you achieve the right positions among your sales hierarchy.

In this blog, we will discuss about improving your sales dynamics with a mobile sales app. We will also discover practical strategies that improve your sales cycle.

Mobile App improves your inner sales team dynamics

If you consider the team dynamics, there are a number of questions that lies around your team and sales dynamics.

Is there a place for automation in the sales lifecycle? Will automation ultimately kill the number of sales jobs?

Instead of trying to find immediate answers to these questions, we should first examine the life of sales managers and reps.

First, let’s consider the different personalities that are part of your sales team.

When you consider the different angles, being a sales manager is a seriously challenging job. It involves being continually pulled from different directions and working under diverse pressures.

Also, it’s the responsibility of the sales manager to ensure that your sales reps are always productive. This ensures new client acquisitions and thereby increases the company’s income.

All these processes combine to ensure that your revenue clock is ticking constantly.

Now, let’s look into the situation of a sales rep!

The sales reps are the true work horses of your organization who take your company forward. They are responsible to meet the prospects, understand their requirements and then try to convert them into customers. They face strict reminders about reaching their target within the pre-decided deadlines.

As a result, the sales team usually suffers from the highest burnout rates.

Under these circumstances, it’s important to aid and simplify the life of both sales reps and managers.

The pie chart below demonstrates the practical time distribution of a typical sales rep.

According to the graph, only 40% of the designated time gets spent on the actual selling. Others are spent on the other activities such as meetings, communications and management etc.

In the due time, all these activities will combine to drain the efficiency of your sales team.

The revenues may become sporadic and multiple other factors will also play a part in determining the final outcome.

In this situation, a mobile sales app allows you to create a coherent sales process that will attract maximum revenues.

Mobile App connects your sales activities

At the first glance, sales mobility could appear to be an abstract concept. Or it may even appear to be a proclamation to manage your entire sales operations on the fly.

Ok, let us explain the concept of mobility and its implication in your sales process.

The mobile sales app will turn your Smartphone into the central platform to string together and manage your entire sales process.

The Mobile app allows you to manage customer data, evaluate sales negotiation and comprehensively manage your customer information.

Now you can focus on the important sales processes rather than trying to fit together the jigsaw puzzle of your sales pipeline. This allows you to take faster decisions and process more information.

Embed a Practical sales mobility approach

Further, this is also an easy process pipeline to manage your entire business operations. You can manage all your decision makers within a single platform.

If implemented properly, the mobile CRM platform can provide support and augment the life of the sales professional. It will also reduce the probability of erroneous decision-making that could happen in the absence of an integrated platform.

In short, you can utilize sales mobility to actually shape and execute a sharper sales strategy as per the specific marketplace.

Information Management and Storage

The Mobile sales app allows you to integrate, store and retrieve all business information within a single platform. It also allows the sales professionals to significantly reduce the time spent on other data-entry activities.

Consider the pie chart given below. This describes the specific time consuming activities across the board.

If you examine the graph, you can see that information aggregation is the most time consuming activity across the board.

The mobile CRM lets you collect and manage all customer information. You can also start streamlining all the available customer information.

Later, you can retrieve or download this information to deliver sensible sales reports. As you are collecting data from different platforms, it ensures that you have the most interesting and intelligent data available across platforms.

Efficient field planning and Team Management

As you may already know, sales teams don’t spend their time huddled together. Usually they are not even in the same building.

All sales professionals may have to attend multiple client meetings and customer obligations at the same time.

In this situation, having to lag at reaching and engaging your ground sales team could be playing it into the hands of your competitors. It can also slow down your referral sales activities.

By having a mobile sales platform, you can control and reach your team throughout the selected geography. You can also plan and approve your daily customer visits on reaching each of the sales prospects.

For example, the sales manager can create a custom beat plan that will cover your entire user geography.

Later the sales rep can go-out and meet the specific prospects at these locations. This avoids any potential conflict or confusion, while ensuring that you meet every potential prospect.

Mobile Ticketing to manage internal Communications

A present day sales rep could be receiving his selling opportunities through multiple marketing channels. This includes social media communications, direct calls, E-mail and prospect sales calls etc. Any of these platforms can turn out to be a great lead generating tool.

Meanwhile, you also need to consider the short shelf life of a sales lead. Your sales rep needs to attend to each potential lead at its earliest. In these cases, the sales rep may simply get stuck tabbing between the screens of multiple lead sources.

A Mobile ticketing platform allows you to integrate all communications to a single dashboard. The concerned manager or authority can later open and close a particular communication thread. The sales rep can also view any open sales threads.


Deciding to empower your sales team with a mobility platform can be a big turning point for your business.

It would be the time for champagne and handshakes.

But it’s also an inherently expensive decision.

Consider these stats.

You also need to consider the associated R&D expenses, 3rd party vendor costs, implementation processes etc.

Without the necessary expertise and experience, the challenges against successful implementation of a mobile Sales CRM app is high and steep. But meanwhile, the modern selling dynamics demand you to possess a mobility-centred approach.

Kapture CRM is an enterprise mobility platform used by India’s big brands to handle the high volume of incoming sales leads.

Check out our free Sales CRM trial here or Contact our team @ 91-7899887755

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