mobile security

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Mobile Security

Israa aljarrahCIS 4TH year

DR .Izzat Alsmadi

Out LineIntroduct

ionSecurity Today’s

mobile Platform

Mobile Computing


are convenient and easy to use

Juniper Networks today released a study concerned with potential threats to mobile

technology, revealing a 400 percent increase in Android malware. The study also found that both

enterprise and consumer mobile devices are being exposed to a record number of security

threats, including highly targeted Wi-Fi attacks.

400 percent Android malware

One of the most unsettling findings of the study was the fact that the greatest

distribution point for mobile malware is the application download. With the 400-percent increase of Android malware, now would be

as good a time as any to choose an antivirus app. Still, the vast majority of

mobile users neglect to employ any form of antivirus software on their mobile devices. And Android isn’t the only medium under

attack, either. According to a different study from AVG Technologies, Facebook

(along with Android) has seen a huge jump in malicious campaigns, specifically three

times that of last year.

400 percent Android malware

The study also revealed the risks of SMS, which is particularly upsetting, as it is the most used

activity on a cell phone for about a million years running, and may just be the preferred form of

communication in the next few years.

To that end, it is certainly worth noting that 17 percent of all reported infections came from SMS

Trojans, which sent texts to premium rate numbers, incurring major charges to the victims.

The study also mentioned that 20 percent of all teens admit to sending explicit or inappropriate

material from a mobile device.

400 percent Android malware

Mobile computing devices can store large amounts of datahighly portable

Mobile computing devices

How mobile device are unprotected ?!

Risk of Mobile computing How mobile device are unprotected ?!

• They are easy to steal or lose unless precautions are taken an unauthorized person can gain access to the information stored on them or accessed through them

• Even if not stolen or lost, intruders can sometimes gain all the access they need if the device is left alone and unprotected

• if data is "sniffed out of the air" during wireless communications, or if malware is installed.

The results can include crippled devices, personal data loss, and disciplinary actions for the device owner

Data Security Restrictions The best way to protect your data is to remove unnecessary

data from your computer. In particular, Prohibited data should not be stored on your system or device unless you have explicit permission from the Data Governance Board to do so.

Prohibited data includes items such as Social Security Numbers, credit card numbers, or checking account numbers.

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