mobilisering til horisont 2020 - regionplan...

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Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

Horisont 2020 Sikker, ren og effektiv energi

Tor Ivar Eikaas, Spesialrådgiver, NCP Energi UiA Grimstad, 2014-05-28

Kort tilbakeblikk på FP7 Energi


0 %

10 %

20 %

30 %

40 %


32 %



Suksessrate: #innstilte #søknader

Meget god norsk deltakelse

74 prosjekter

Over 500 mill. kr i EU-støtte

Involvert i prosjekter med samlet EU-støtte på over 3 mrd. kr.

Høyt tilslag (suksessrate)

God dekning

Norske aktører med i hvert 5. prosjekt

Få aktører bærer deltagelsen

Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer



Se “faktaark”

Omsorgsbygg KF

Økern sykehjem får Oslos største solcelletak og skal kutte energi-forbruket med 68 prosent

Reduserer energikostnadene

Får kompetanse på energi-effektivisering

Ikke skremt av søknadsprosessen


” Mange ville hjelpe oss med søknaden. Vi

fikk midler fra Forskningsrådet til et forprosjekt, og vi har fått hjelp fra Osloregionens Brusselkontor. Sintef Byggforsk og NTNU hjalp oss mye med å lage søknaden


SINTEF Energi og FME Nowitech

Nasjonal forankring

Tilstedeværelse og publisering

Strategisk posisjonering & medvirkning

EERA: Koordinator SP on Offshore Wind

EU TP Wind: Steering Committee + WG leader

Suksess i FP7 10 prosjekter

Snitt 2,5 norske deltakere per prosjekt

11 ulike norske partnere

Forskningsrådet RENERGI, ENERGIX

Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES)

Medvirkningsordningen (MVO)


EUs Rammeprogram for Forskning og Innovasjon

Verdens største

Bidra til innovasjon, bærekraftig økonomisk vekst og sysselsetting

Periode 2014-2020

Budsjett 79,4 mrd. euro

Åpent for alle


Viktige endringer i Horisont 2020


Fokus på innovasjon, demonstrasjon og markedsnære aktiviteter

Bredere utlysningstema



Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

The 3 Pillar structure of Horizon 2020


Excellent Science

European Research Council (ERC)

Future & Emerging Technologies (FET)

Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions

Research Infrastructures

Competitive Industries

Innovation in SMEs

Access to Risk Finance

Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies


Better Societies (Societal Challenges)

Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry, marine, maritime, inland water and


Secure, clean and efficient energy

Smart, green and integrated transport

Climate action, environment, resource efficient and raw


Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

Secure societies

Approx. €5 931million (FP7 Theme Energy: € 2,3bn)





• PPP Spire

Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer


Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

SC3 Energy

The Strategic Programme: 12 Focus areas


Personalising health and care

Sustainable food security

Blue growth: unlocking the potential of the oceans

Smart cities and communities

Competitive low-carbon energy

Energy Efficiency

Mobility for growth


Water innovation: boosting its value for Europe

Overcoming the crisis


Digital security

Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

SC3 Energy: Work Programme 2014/15

SC3 Objective: Transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system

Energy and climate targets The economic crisis and the path to sustainable growth

“Doing more with less”

Orientation: SET-plan

4 calls in WP2014/15 (50 topics) Energy Efficiency (EE) (21 topics) Competitive Low-Carbon Energy (LCE) (22 topics) Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) (5 topics) SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation (SIE) (2 topics)

Other actions


Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

Utlysningstema energi 2014-2015

Energy Efficiency (EE) Building and customers Heating and cooling Industry and products Finance for sustainable energy

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy (LCE) Renewable electricity and heating/cooling Modernising the European electricity grid Flexible energy system through enhanced storage technologies Biofuels and alternative fuels CCS European research area Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system

Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) Lighthouse – large scale demonstration Support projects (standardisation, data collection, public procurers)

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation (SIE)


Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) Lighthouse projects (SCC 1)

Large demonstration projects

Partnerships between municipalities and industries

Funding: 18-25M€ per project. 2014/15: 4-5/5-6 projects

Innovation Action


Litt om førkommersielle anskaffelser i Horisont 2020


04.06.2014 17

CSA Coordination and Support Actions (100% funding rate): Support only coordination activities e.g. for preparation of a PCP or PPI by a group of

procurers (identifying common challenges among procurers, conducting open market consultations before initiating a concrete PCP or PPI procurement etc)

CSAs do not provide EU cofunding for an actual PCP or PPI procurement)

PCP Pre-Commercial Procurement (70% funding rate): Provides EU cofunding for an actual PCP procurement (one joint PCP procurement per

action) + for related coordination and networking activities (e.g. to prepare, manage and follow-up the PCP call for tender)

PPI Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (20% funding rate): Provides EU cofunding for an actual PPI procurement (one joint PPI procurement per

action) + for related coordination and networking activities (e.g. to prepare, manage and follow-up the PPI call for tender)

2014-2015 Horizon 2020 budget in support of PCP/PPI: 130-140M€

11 CSAs supporting PCP/PPI

9 PCPs

6 PPIs

Offentlig innovasjon - instrumenter

Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

CSA topics preparing/supporting PCP/PPI Energy

• EE 7-2014/2015: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures

• e.g. in buildings, mobility

• € 1,5-2M per project

• EE 8-2014: Public procurement of innovative sustainable energy solutions Targeting procurements for products already on the market

a) Preparing and supporting PPIs on sustainable energy products

b) Preparing and supporting PPIs or PCPs on ICTs e.g. green data centers

€ 1-1,5M per project

• EE 17-2015: Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups

• New energy-using or -producing products

• Targeting min 25% higher-than available energy performance levels

• Preparing and supporting procurements by large buyers groups

• € 1,5-2M per project

• SCC 4-2014: Establishing networks of public procurers in local administrations on smart city solutions

• To prepare for PPI on solutions at the intersection of ICT, energy, transport

• € 0,1M-0,15M per proposal , € 1M in total for SCC 4

Climate • WASTE-5-2014: Preparing and supporting PPI for eco-innovative solutions

for resource efficiency, waste management and prevention • € 1M


Horisont 2020 19

Horizon 2020 web: Participant Portal:

Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

Horizon 2020 Participant Portal




Funding opportunities Calls

Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer

Horizon 2020 Participant Portal



Work Programmes:

How to participate Reference Documents

Work Programmes2014-15Main WP

Horisont 2020 22

Work Programme Topics

Topic Identifier

Specific Challenge Sets the context, the problem to be addressed, why intervention

is necessary

Scope Delineates the problem,

specifies the focus and the boundaries of the potential action BUT without overly

describing specific approaches

Expected Impact Describe the key elements of what

is expected to be achieved in relation to the specific challenge

Type of action

Horisont 2020 23

Proposals - Evaluation



Quality and Efficiency of Implementation

04.06.2014 24 24

Noen stikkord for å lykkes

Innsikt - Utlysningsteksten - Planer og bakgrunnsdokumenter - Prosjekter og sentrale aktører Nettverk - Bygge og vedlikeholde - Teknologiplattform, møteplasser, … - Kollegaer, «gode hjelpere» Mulighetsrom - Identifisere - Forstå - Prioritere Deltakelse - Prosjekter, fora, etc. - Bidra og vær synlig - Ekspert for Kommisjonen Medvirkning - Forstå mulighetsrom - Prioriter - Bruk tilgjengelige kanaler - Finn ditt ambisjonsnivå

Kompetanse - Hva gjør deg attraktiv på EU-arenaen - Kunnskap, produkter, tjenester, etc. - Må synliggjøres Forankring - Ledelsesforankring - Egen strategi og planer - Langsiktighet - Ressurser

Bistand fra Forskningsrådet National Contact Point (NCP) Hjelp og bistand, bl.a:

Råd og veiledning



Faglig veiledning / vurdering (med bistand fra bl.a. fagansvarlige)

Nettverk, kontakter, partnersøk

“Mock evaluation” / “Forevaluering”

Kontakt med kommisjonen

Løpende prosjekter



Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES)

Medvirkningsordningen (MVO) ENERGIX og CLIMIT

Ulike incentivordninger

Ekstra lysark

Horisont 2020 28

Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES)

Støtte for utarbeiding av søknad til Horisont 2020

Støttebeløpene varierer, bl.a: rolle og budsjett i det planlagte hovedprosjektet, antall

norske aktører som deltar i søknaden, type prosjekt

Støtten fra Forskningsrådet maksimalt 50 % av påløpte kostnader.

Minimumskrav: Søknad vurdert som «eligible».

Ekstra støtte innvilges dersom søknaden er kvalifisert for støtte (over threshold).

Tilleggsstøtte til kontraktsforhandlinger.

ENERGIX: Medvirkningsordningen (MVO)

Flere aktører

Flere lederroller

Bidratt i direkte strategiutforming og agendasetting

Nasjonale skyggegrupper

Indirekte effekt: Aktørenes posisjonering, nettverk og suksess

Ny utlysning MVO: Oktober 2014

Formål: Å fremme norske prioriteringer og forskningsagenda i det strategiske arbeidet inn mot EU og IEA

Horisont 2020

Types of action

Research and innovation actions (RIA) Action primarily consisting of activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Funding rate: 100 % direct cost + 25 % indirect costs

Innovation actions (IA) Action primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this purpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. Funding rate: 70 % (non-profit legal entities: 100 %) + 25 % indirect costs

Ref: General Annexes, part D

Horisont 2020

Types of action (2)

Coordination and support actions (CSA) Actions consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries. Funding rate: 100 % direct cost + 25 % indirect costs

Ref: General Annexes, part D

Horisont 2020 32

Eligibility criteria

Action type Eligibility conditions

Research & innovation action (RIA)

Three legal entities. Each of the three shall be established in a different Member State or associated country. All three legal entities shall be independent of each other. Innovation action (IA)

Coordination & support action (CSA)

One legal entity established in a Member State or associated country.

SME instrument One for-profit SME. Only applications from SMEs established in EU Member States or countries associated to Horizon 2020

SME definition: <250 employees, turnover < EUR 50 mill or annual balance-sheet < EUR 43 mill (Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC,


Arb. progr.


Strategisk program


Impl.plan Impl. plan

Veikart Veikart

Advisory Groups

Offentlige høringer

Ulike fora og grupperinger

Medlemsland, fora,

grupperinger og eksperter

Medvirkningsordningen (MVO) PES

Horisont 2020 Særprogram


Store muligheter

Åpent for alle

Det er hjelp å få


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