mode of documentaries

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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PoeticThis mode is not used as often in documentaries today, as they just wouldn’t be very entertaining, they normally contain no dialogue. Mostly used music to portray topic, the message to sometimes unclear in the documentaries and is then up to the viewer. A good example of a poetic mode is ‘Man of Aran’ made in 1934 by Robert Flaherty

ExpositionThis mode uses a lot of narration, this makes the modes easy for the viewer to follow and are normally used in nature documentaries for example ‘Planet Earth’. These are popular mode used and show a logical argument using direct address although can have a preferred meaning.

ObservationalThis mode tries to capture as accurately as possible the reality of the subject being filmed, an example the this mode being implemented is ‘fly-on-the-wall’ documentaries for instance ‘Big Brother’ or ‘Educating Yorkshire’, this mode is another common one for today’s TV.

ReflexiveThis is the mode where the film maker shows their presence in the front of the camera and narrates the subject. This means the viewer sees the process of the documentary being made, an example of this is ‘Sarah Palin: You Betcha!’ in 2011.

ParticipatoryIn this mode the filmmaker is clearly influencing the documentary and there is obvious direct engagement between the filmmaker and the subject. For example something that presents a participatory mode is the filmmaker asking a personally question, an documentary example is ‘Living with Michael Jackson’ in 2004.

PerformativeIn this mode the maker of the documentary becomes the subject of the programme, an example of this is ‘supersize me’.

Criticisms-Stella Bruzzi (2000) criticised Nichols for suggesting that documentary makers have aimed for the ‘perfect representation of the real’ and would fail in this impossible aim, thus undermining the documentary.Quotes she said that are for instance ‘all types of documentary have existed at different times’ and have often, mixed styles. ‘What is the point of worrying about authenticity’ she sees documentaries as contributing to meaning about real world events.Another criticism is Steven Barnett (Disney Fiction) he said that documentaries were dumbed down for mass audiences and not to educate but to entertain. More concerned with ratings and views for example ‘Teen Mom’ and ‘Big Fat Gypsy Weddings’.

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