mode of teaching for a.y. 2020/21 - idcd...1 mode of teaching for a.y. 2020/21 last updated: 29 july...

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MODE OF TEACHING FOR A.Y. 2020/21 Last updated: 29 July 2020

To mee the teaching needs for the upcoming semester, with the capacity of lecture halls reduced to 30%, the service IDCD, acting in accordance to Governance dispositions, has created a process allowing professors to hold lectures in class (on premises) and at the same time live streaming on the web (via Zoom teleconferencing service)

The contents of this page are also available in the shared folder at (accessible to all users logged in with a account). The software was tested by a group of professors in the period going from 7 to 24 July 2020; in the folder “Pilot luglio 2020” you may find the recording of the induction meeting and all indications for the demo test.

Hereby we report all the steos for a succesful management of your mixed teaching:

o Professors record their lecture on Zoom. On the Zoom account an automatic cancellation of the recording is set after 5 days

o Within 5 days the lecture will be downloaded on the computer and then uploaded on Google Drive (it is possible to do that automatically using Google Drive File Stream) associatoed with the email account

o There, in the dedicated folder LEZIONI REGISTRATE /recorded lectures all lectures will be uploaded. This folder will be accessible ONLY to those having an email account . professors can anyway set more restricted sharing policies (through the functions lists and settings)

o The lin of the folder will be included in the course open on the Kiro platform belonging to their Department, study course or Faculty.

PLEASE NOTE: the email does not replace the mail account

Hardware and Software requirements To perform the mixed form of teaching, the following hardware and software will be provided.

Hardware requirements

o Fixed computer/laptop available in the classroom or as set by Departments o Cameras(webcam) with microphone and microphone support (one per room)

Here we report the instructions on how to connect, turn on and set the webcam


please note: professors can use their own computers but first be sure to meet the following requirements (see below) Software required

o Nominal licences on Zoom only for professors having to teach for the first semester o A Gmail email address account for an easier management of privacy

criteria and a faster upload of films, recordings and teaching material made available to students via Google Drive.


Connect the USB cable to the computer connected to the internet (the driver will be automatically installed on WINDOS/MAC)

If you do not manage to access the back of the webcam please loosen the screw to make the camera rotate

Press for 2 sec Wait for a beep signal

Press twice on rec-red dot



Adjust zoom level using the fov button – please use wide angle Leave LO CUT set at 80 HZ and

AUDIO DELAY set at 0.0f


o Kiro platform.

Duties of the professor Before the course starts

o Request the opening of a course on Kiro PLEASE NOTE: if you already have an active course on Kiro it is not necessary to request the opening of a new course

o Create a shared folder on Google Drive for the benefit of students (using the account, and in that flder they will insert the link on Kiro

o Create a virtual room on Zoom in which they will teach; the Zoom link will be shared on Kiro o Instal Google Drive File Stream (this is useful to simplify the process of uploading recordings

and teaching material) o If the professor wishes to use their own computer, make sure to be able to connect it to the

ethernet cable, have a valid static IP for the University internet service or for the structure where the lecture is being held (San Matteo Hospital, Maugeri Hospital…) and have Zoom installed. Before the lecture

The professor using the defined modalities will be provided with the hardware material before the beginning of the lecture. Once in the classroom, the professor will set up the camera with the right shooting angle and wil connect it to their computer. Once the computer is connected to the ethernet cable, the professor can open Zoom (to be able to interact with students connected online) and will start the recording of the lecture on the Zoom cloud. During the lecture The professor interacts with the students on premises and, according to the preferred modalities, with students connected via Zoom. After the lecture Zoom sends an email to the professor’s address when the recording is available to download from the cloud. The professor within five days can download from Zoom the recording and will share the file by uploading it on Google Drive in the dedicated folder shared with students.

What students see Students resources Students will have the course available on Kiro and they will be able to peruse:

o A link to the room on Zoom where live streaming lectures take place o A link to the shared folder on Google Drive, where the professor will upload the recordings of

lectures after they have been held in the classroom

Kiro and Google Drive Opening a new course on Kiro If you already have course open on Kiro, and wish to continue to use that course, it is not necessary to request the opening of a new course. If you wish to activate a new course:


from the website click on KIRO. (PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to test the platfrom you may do so by using the dedicated link choose the platform related to your Department or Study Course/Faculty:

Log in with your university credentials (upper right corner).

Click on “richiedere l’apertura di un nuovo corso”/request the opening of a new course in the upper right corner and include the required information (by specifying the category from the provided list).

Email account Each professor will be provided with a Gmail address as the Why? Because it will be easier to manage the distribution of video material available only to enrolled University of Pavia students (the option reamains for the professor to create a more restricted mailing list with students to share with them the teaching material). How to log in? You can log in as usual using Gmail(just like logging in to the account Create and share a folder on Google Drive (using the account


- Log in to Gmail using the account a Gmail –link



Open Google Drive

- Create a new folder by clicking on “+ Nuovo”/new and then on folder/ “Cartella”


- Rename the folder according to the name of the course and click on create/“Crea”

- the folder is created and until this moment it is available only to the owner professor. To proceed to share the folder with students it is necessary to right click with the mouse on the name of the folder and seelct share/ “Condividi”


- in the dialogue box click on “Modifica link a Università degli Studi di Pavia”/edit link


- Copy the link clicking on “Copia link”/copy link and add this on the KIRO course (as reported in the following instructions), then click on “Fine”/end. From this moment teh folder is shared only with the students of the University of Pavia and will be able to peruse it when they will receive the shared link you copied.

Link Kiro -> Google Drive


o Access your course on KIRO and activate the modifications by clicking the green button (Attiva modifica) in the top right corner

o Click on

In the section where you wish to include the link for the shared folder in Google Drive

o In the window scroll down and from Resources/Risorse, please select

Then click on Add/Aggiungi. It is necessary to insert name and description; in the option URL paste the address of the Google Drive folder, which was previously copied

o Under the label “Aspetto”/aspect, we suggest to set Apri/open in the option Visualizzazione/display


o At the end of the procedure, click on Save-back to the course:

ZOOM Fixed computers in classrooms and laptops bought for distance learning already have ZOOM installed. The following instructions are reported for personal use devices.

Zoom can be used also via browser; however, we suggest to download the application since it has additional functions.

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