modul cetak bahan ajar bahasa inggris i

Post on 04-Jan-2022






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Tim Penyusun:

TRI Widya Sandika, SS.,M. Hum



TAHUN 2019

Program studi D-III keperawatan




Menjadi perguruan tinggi yang Unggul dan mampu bersaing di tingkat Nasional

tahun 2024.


1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pembelajaran yang efektif melalui sistem

pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (SNPT)

dan KKNI, terintegrasi dengan hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengabdian

masyarakat terkini untuk menghasilkan lulusan sesuai profil yang diharapkan.

2. Melaksanakan penelitian ilmiah dan dipublikasikan secara nasional dan


3. Melaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat yang terstruktur dan mengacu pada hasil


4. Melaksanakan kerjasama produktif dengan berbagai Instansi baik dibidang

pendidikan, pelayanan, dunia usaha, dunia industri ditingkat nasional maupuj

internasional dalam mendukung tridhrama perguruan tinggi.





Menjadi Program Studi D-III Keperawatan yang unggul dalam menghasilkan ahli

madya keperawatan yang profesional dalam bidang medikal bedah di Tingkat

Nasional pada tahun 2020.


1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pembelajaran dalam bidang keperawatan

profesional khususnya dalam bidang keperawatan yang berkualitas, efisien,

efektif dan berorientasi kepada ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta

cinta tanah air dan bangsa

2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian ilmiah yang mampu memberikan konstribusi

kepada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dalam bidang

keperawatan serta mampu memberikan solusi dalam berbagai persoalan

pelayanan keperawatan kepada individu, keluarga, kelompok khusus dan


3. Melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang mendukung upaya

peningkatan peran perawat terutama dalam mendorong kesadaran masyarakat

akan pentingnya pelayanan keperawatankepada individu, keluarga, kelompok

khusus dan masyarakat.



Puji Syukur tim penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena telah

memberikan anugerah-Nya sehingga penulis dan tim dapat menyelesaikan

penyusunan Modul Cetak Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris IIdengan baik. Modul ini

disusun sebagai salah satu bahan ajar yang diperuntukkan kepada mahasiswa

program studi D-III Keperawatan UIM khususnya pada semester IV. Dengan adanya

modul ini, diharapkan dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam mempelajari dan

memahami materi-materi Bahasa Inggris untuk Keperawatan..

Modul Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris II ini berdasarkan pada Kurikulum D-III

Keperawatan, dengan memperhatikan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL) program

studi dan Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK).Melalui pembelajaran pada

modul ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat mencapai CPMK yang telah

ditentukan.Materi di dalam buku ini berisi bahan kajian yang dibutuhkan sesuai

CPMK dan kompetensi yang diajarkan kepada mahasiswa sebagai salah satu

referensi Bahasa Ingris II bagi Mahasiswa Keperawatan terutama dalam melakukan

percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris.Selain itu, modul ini juga memuat latihan atau

tugas mahasiswa yaitu tugas terstruktur dan kegiatan mandiri dengan petunjuk yang

spesifik sehingga memudahkan mahasiswa belajar dengan metode Student Centered

Learning (SCL).

Penulis dan tim telah berusaha dalam menyusun modul ini sesuai dengan

kurikulum dan kebutuhan mahasiswa dengan sebaik mungkin. Namun, penulis dan

tim menyadari bahwa modul ini mungkin masih memiliki kekurangan. Sehingga

penulis dan tim mengharapkan adanya saran atau masukan positif agar menjadi bahan

pertimbangan untuk menyempurnakan modul bahan ajar ini. Akhirnya, penulis dan

tim berharap modul ini dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa dengan baik dan aktif

sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa dalam melakukan percakapan

dalam Bahasa Inggris

Medan, Mei 2020





HALAMAN SAMPUL ....................................................................... i

VISI DAN MISI UIM ........................................................................ ii

VISI DAN MISI PRODI D-III KEPERAWATAN .......................... iii

KATA PENGANTAR ........................................................................ iv

DAFTAR ISI ..................................................................................... v

GLOSARIUM ................................................................................... xiii

BAB I: EXPLETIVES DAN DEMONSTRATIVES........................ 1

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 1

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 1

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 1

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 1

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 2

I. Kegunaan Expletives dan Demonstrative ....................................... 2

II. Pola Kalimat Expletives dan Demonstrative .................................. 2

III. Contoh Kalimat Expletives dan Demonstrative .............................. 3

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 4

Tugas ................................................................................................. 4

1. Tugas Terstruktur ..................................................................... 4

2. Tugas Mandiri ......................................................................... 4

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 5

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 5



PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 8

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 8

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 8

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 8

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 9


I. Kegunaan Indefinite Pronouns ........................................................ 9

II. Pola Kalimat Indefinite Pronouns ................................................... 9

III. Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronouns .............................................. 9

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 10

Tugas ................................................................................................. 10

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 10

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 10

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 11

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 12

BAB III: ADVERB OF MANNER ................................................... 13

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 13

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 13

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 13

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 13

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 13

I. Kegunaan Adverb of Manner .......................................................... 13

II. Pola Kalimat Adverb of Manner ..................................................... 14

III. Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Manner ................................................ 14

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 14

Tugas ................................................................................................. 15

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 15

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 15

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 16

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 18

BAB IV: MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS ........................................ 19

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 19

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 19

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 19

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 19

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 19


I. Kegunaan Modal Auxiliary Verbs ................................................... 19

II. Pola Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verbs .............................................. 20

III. Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verbs ......................................... 20

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 21

Tugas ................................................................................................. 21

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 21

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 22

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 23

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 25

BAB V: CONJUNCTIONS: AND, BUT, OR................................... 26

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 26

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 26

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 26

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 26

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 27

I. Kegunaan Conjunctions: And, But, Or ............................................ 27

II. Pola Kalimat Conjunctions: And, But, Or ....................................... 27

III. Contoh Kalimat Conjunctions: And, But, Or .................................. 27

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 28

Tugas ................................................................................................. 28

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 28

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 29

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 30

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 31

BAB VI: QUESTION TAGS ............................................................ 32

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 32

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 32

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 32

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 32

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 32


I. Kegunaan Question Tags .............................................................. 32

II. Pola Kalimat Question Tags ......................................................... 33

III. Contoh Kalimat Question Tags ..................................................... 33

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 33

Tugas ................................................................................................. 33

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 33

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 34

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 35

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 36


PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 37

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 37

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 37

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 37

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 38

I. Kegunaan Verb+ to infinitive; Verb + Verb ing .............................. 38

II. Pola Kalimat Verb+ to infinitive; Verb + Verb ing ......................... 39

III. Contoh Kalimat Verb+ to infinitive; Verb + Verb ing ..................... 39

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 39

Tugas ................................................................................................. 40

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 40

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 40

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 41

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 42

BAB VIII: PREPOSITIONS AT, IN, ON ........................................ 43

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 43

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 43

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 43

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 43

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 43


I. Kegunaan Prepositions At, In, On ................................................... 43

II. Pola Kalimat Prepositions At, In, On .............................................. 46

III. Contoh Kalimat Prepositions At, In, On ......................................... 46

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 46

Tugas ................................................................................................. 46

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 46

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 47

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 48

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 49

BAB IX: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE ............................................ 50

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 50

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 50

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 50

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 50

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 51

I. Kegunaan Simple Present Tense ..................................................... 51

II. Pola Kalimat Simple Present Tense ................................................ 51

III. Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense............................................ 51

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 52

Tugas ................................................................................................. 52

1. Tugas Terstruktur .............................................................. 52

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 52

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 53

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 54

BAB X: PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE .................................. 55

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 55

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 55

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 55

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 55

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 55


I. Kegunaan Present Continuous Tense .............................................. 55

II. Pola Kalimat Present Continuous Tense ......................................... 56

III. Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense ..................................... 56

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 56

Tugas ................................................................................................. 57

1. Tugas Terstruktur ............................................................... 57

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 57

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 58

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 59

BAB XI: PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ......................................... 60

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 60

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 60

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 60

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 60

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 60

I. Kegunaan Present Perfect Tense ..................................................... 60

II. Pola Kalimat Present Perfect Tense ................................................ 61

III. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense............................................ 62

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 62

Tugas ................................................................................................. 62

1. Tugas Terstruktur ............................................................... 62

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 62

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 64

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 65


PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 66

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 66

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 66

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 66

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 66


I. Kegunaan present perfect continuous tense ..................................... 66

II. Pola Kalimat present perfect continuous tense ................................ 67

III. Contoh Kalimat present perfect continuous tense ........................... 67

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 67

Tugas ................................................................................................. 67

1. Tugas Terstruktur ............................................................... 67

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 68

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 69

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 70

BAB XIII : SIMPLE PAST TENSE……………………………….. 71

PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 71

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 71

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 71

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 71

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 71

I. Kegunaan simple Past Tense ........................................................... 71

II. Pola Kalimat simple Past Tense ...................................................... 72

III. Contoh Kalimat simple Past Tense ................................................. 72

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 72

Tugas ................................................................................................. 73

1. Tugas Terstruktur ............................................................... 73

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 73

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 74

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 75


PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................. 76

A.Pengantar Pendahuluan ................................................................ 76

B.Deskripsi Materi ............................................................................ 76

C. Kemampuan/ Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan ........................... 76

D. Uraian Materi ................................................................................ 76


I. Kegunaan Past Continuous Tense ................................................... 76

II. Pola Kalimat Past Continuous Tense .............................................. 77

III. Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous Tense .......................................... 77

Rangkuman ....................................................................................... 77

Tugas ................................................................................................. 78

1. Tugas Terstruktur ............................................................... 78

2. Tugas Mandiri .................................................................... 78

Kunci Jawaban .................................................................................. 79

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................... 80



Adjectives : Kata sifat

Auxiliary Verb : Kata kerja bantu

Adverb : Kata keterangan

Conjunction : Kata hubung

Demonstrative pronoun : Kata ganti yang digunakan untuk

menunjuk benda yang tergantung

jumlah dan jarak bendanya.

Determiner : Kata – kata yang diletakkan di depan

kata benda untuk memperjelas kata


Expletive pronoun : Bentuk pronoun yang tidak merujuk

apapun atau tidak memiliki arti

spesifik pada suatu kalimat.

Indefinite pronoun : Kata ganti tidak pasti, tidak merujuk

kepada seseorang, tempat, atau benda

benda tertentu.

Infinitive : Kata dasar dari suatu kata kerja.

Manner : Cara

Noun : Kata benda

Question tag : Pertanyaan singkat

Tense : Bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa

Inggris, untuk menunjukkan waktu






A. Pengantar Pendahuluan

Modul ini berisikan penggunaan tata bahasa (grammar), susunan kalimat

dan pembendaharaan kata (specific vocabulary). Materi ini merupakan bagian

yang harus anda kuasai dalam Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris II untuk

Keperawatan. Salah satu capaian pembelajaran pada Program Studi D-III

Keperawatan adalah menguasai penggunaan tata bahasa (grammar), susunan

kalimat dan pembendaharaan kata (specific vocabulary).

Modul ini membantu memberikan pemahaman tentang tata bahasa

(grammar) sebagai materi dasar dan awal dalam mata kuliah ini. Dengan

demikian diharapkan mahasiswa akan lebih mudah memahami Bahasa Inggris

B. Deskripsi Materi

Materi yang akan dibahas pada Modul ini ada 14 BAB, yaitu :expletives and

demonstratives, indefinite pronouns, Dverb of manner, modal auxiliary verb,

conjunctions, question tags, verv+to infinitive, prepositions, the simple present

tense, the present continuous tense, the present perfect tense, present perfect

continuous tense, simple past tense dan past continuous tense.

C. Kemampuan/Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan

Tujuan akhir yang diharapkan adalah : Mahasiswa mampu memahami

penggunaan tata bahasa (grammar), susunan kalimat (simple sentences) dan

pembendaharaan kata (specific vocabulary).

D. Uraian Materi

BAB I : Expletives dan Demonstrative

BAB II : Indefinite Pronouns (somebody, anybody, someone,anyone,

Something and anything


BAB III : Adverb dan Manner

BAB IV : The modal auxiliary verbs

BAB V : Conjunctions: And, But, Or

BAB VI : Queation Tags

BAB VII : Verb+ to infinitive; Verb + Verb ing

BAB VIII : Prepositions At,In,On

BAB IX : Simple PresentTense

BAB X : Present Continuous Tense

BAB XI : Present Perfect Tense

BAB XII : Present Perfect Continuous Tense

BAB XIII : Simple Past Tense

BAB XIV : Past Continuous Tense




Tri Widya Sandika, SS.,M. Hum

I. Kegunaan Expletives dan Demonstrative

If we want to tell that something exists or does not exist, we usually use the

word THERE with the arrangement if the subject of verb BE (auxiliary / modal) is

a noun (a noun that represents an indefinite person or something then THERE is

usually put before BE verb and nouns or something put after BE.

Demonstratives (abbreviated dem) are words, such as this and that, used to

indicate which entities are being referred to and to distinguish those entities from

others. They are typically deictic; their meaning depending on a particular frame

of reference and cannot be understood without context. Demonstratives are often

used in spatial deixis (where the speaker or sometimes the listener are to provide

context), but also in intra-discourse reference (including abstract concepts) or

anaphora, where the meaning is dependent on something other than the relative

physical location of the speaker, for example whether something is currently

being said or was said earlier.

Demonstrative constructions include demonstrative adjectives or

demonstrative determiners, which qualify nouns (as in Put that coat on); and

demonstrative pronouns, which stand independently (as in Put that on). The

demonstratives in English are this, that, these, those, and the archaic yon and

yonder, along with this one or that one as substitutes for the pronoun use of this or


II. Pola Expletives dan Demonstrative


There + To Be (Is / Am / Are) / V + Singular Noun / Plural Noun



This / These / That / Those + To Be (Is / Am / Are) Singular Noun / Plural


III. Contoh Kalimat expletives dan Demonstrative

Contoh Kalimat Expletives

- There is a doctor in the hospital.

- There comes a time you take medicine.

- Are there any medicines in the drawer?

- There is not a doctor in the hospital.

- There are not nurses in the clinic.

Contoh Kalimat Demonstrative

- This clinic is very big.

- When did that parcel arrive?

- These ideas are interesting.

- Those medicines are good.

- Is this an emergency room?


1. The expletive ‘there’ is used together with the auxiliary verbs ( be; am, is,

are, was, were ) in the subject position. Some verbs that can be used with

the expletive ‘there’ are go, come, seem, appear, and live. The real subject

comes later.

2. The demonstrative ‘this’ is used to refer to something or someone that is

near you, that you are pointing to.

3. The demonstrative ‘that’ is used to refer to something or someone that is

far from you, that you are pointing to.


4. The demonstrative ‘these’ is used to refer to a group of things or people

that are near you, that you are pointing to.

5. The demonstrative ‘those’ is used to refer to a group of things or people

that are far from you, that you are pointing to.


1. Tugas Terstruktur

Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

Masing- masing kelompok berdiskusi untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan, setiap kalimat menggunakan 3 pola

kalimat : kalimat expletives and demonstrative dengan pola positive, pola

negative dan pola interrogative

Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota


Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa membuat 10 kosa kata beserta artinya terkait

dengan keperawatan

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. (+) There is a pharmacy in this hospital.

(-) There is not a pharmacy in this hospital

(?) Is there a pharmacy in this hospital?

2. (+) There is a prescription on the table.

(-) There is a prescription on the table.

(?) Is there a prescription on the table.

3. (+) There is a doctor’s note.

(-) There is not a doctor’s note

(?) Is there a doctor’s note?

4. (+) There is a blood pressure in your body

(-) There is not a blood pressure in your body

(?) Is there a blood pressure in your body?

5. (+) There are a medicine in pharmacy

(-) There is not a medicine in pharmacy

(?) Is there a medicine in pharmacy?

6. (+) This is a pill

(-) This is a pill

(?) Is this a pill?

7. (+) These are prescriptions

(-) These are not prescriptions

(?) Are these prescriptions?

8. (+) Those are pharmacists.

(-) Those are not pharmacists.


(?) Are those pharmacists?

9. (+) Those is a patient profile in the emergency room

(-) That is not a patient profile in the emergency room

(?) Is that a patient profile in the emergency room?

10. (+) These are general medical conditions.

(-) These are not general medical conditions.

(?) Are these general medical conditions?



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.






Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan indefinite pronouns (somebody, anybody, someone, anyone,

something and anything)

An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount.

It is vague and "not definite". Some typical indefinite pronouns are: all, another,

any, anybody/anyone, anything, each, everybody/everyone, everything, few,

many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody/someone.

• ‘Somebody’ is the same as ‘Someone’ and is used to questions and positive

statements. ‘Somebody’ is used to refer to a person who is not known or

mentioned or not important.

• ‘Anybody’ is the same as ‘Anyone’ and is used in questions and negative

statements. ‘Anybody’ is used instead of ‘Somebody’ in questions and negative


• The use of ‘Some’ in questions means that the speaker is sure that the answer

will be ‘yes’.

• ‘Something’ is used in questions and positive statements to refer to a thing that

you do not know and a thing that is not important.

• ‘Anything’ is used in questions and negative statements to mean ‘Something.’

• ‘Anything’ can mean any situation or object.

II. Pola indefinite pronouns (somebody, anybody, someone, anyone,

something and anything).

S + Verb in base form + Indefinite Pronoun

III. Contoh Kalimat indefinite pronouns (somebody, anybody, someone,

anyone, something and anything).

– The nurse needs someone


– The doctor calls somebody

– Does patient have anything to take?

– The sick person will eat something in the hospital.

– The pharmacist does not need enyone in the pharmacy.


Indefinite pronouns in English grammar include something/somebody,

anything/anybody, everything/everybody and nothing/nobody. We use indefinite

pronouns to speak generally about something rather than mentioning a specific

person, place or thing.


1. Tugas Terstruktur

• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat

yang berhubungan dengan keperawatan, dengan menggunakan : somebody,

someone, anybody, anyone, something dan anything

Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota


• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang indefinite pronouns

(somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, something and anything)

4. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program


5. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. The nurse asks someone what is going on here?

2. There is someone near the hospital. Is he your brother?

3. Let’s stop for drinking alcohol. The doctor tells to someone

4. She said something about going to the clinic.

5. Do you heard anything about Dr. John?

6. Can I get you anything to take medicine ?

7. Is anything wrong about the results of your blood test?

8. I think there is something wrong about the results of your examination.

9. The doctor would likes to ask you something.

10. The patient need someone to help her



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan adverb of manner

Adverb of manner is an adverb (such as quickly or slowly) that describes how

and in what way an action, denoted by a verb, is carried out. These adverbs are

also called manner adverbs or manner adverbials.

Most adverbs of manner are formed by adding -ly to adjectives, but there are

important exceptions (such as well). In most cases, the comparative and

superlative of manner adverbs are formed with more (or less) and most (or least),


• Adverbs are words that tell us about verbs, adjectives, other adverbs or


• Adverbs of manner are words such as quickly, sincerely, neatly etc. which tell

us about the verbs.

• Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed

either after the main verb or after the object.

• An adverb of manner cannot be put between a verb and its direct object. The

adverb must be placed either before the verb or at the end of the clause.

• If there is a preposition before the verb's object, you can place the adverb of

manner either before the preposition or after the object.

• Adverbs of manner should always come immediately after verbs which have no

object (intransitive verbs).

• These common adverbs of manner are almost always placed directly after the

verb: well, badly, hard, & fast.

II. Pola adverb of manner

S + Verb in base form + Adverb


III. Contoh Kalimat adverb of manner

- The dcoctor works quickly.

- The patient swims well.

- The sick person ate the chocolate cake greedily.

- The child ran happily towards the pharmacist.

- The patients waited patiently for the doctor to arrive.


The position of the adverb is important when there is more than one verb in a

sentence. If the adverb is placed before or after the main verb, it modifies only

that verb. If the adverb is placed after a clause, then it modifies the whole action

described by the clause. Notice the difference in meaning between the following



1. Tugas Terstruktur

• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan, setiap kalimat menggunakan 3 pola kalimat :

kalimat Adverb of Manner dengan pola positive, pola negative dan pola


• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa membuat 10 kosa kata beserta artinya terkait

dengan keperawatan

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.


3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. (+) The doctor explained to the patient excitedly.

(-) The doctor does not explain to the patient excitedly.

(?) Does the doctor explain to the patient excitedly?

2. (+) The mother walks slowly to the hospital.

(-) The mother does not walk slowly to the hospital.

(?) Does the mother walk slowly to the hospital?

3. (+) The sun shone brightly through the window in the clinic.

(-) The sun did not shine brightly through the window in the clinic.

(?) Did the sun shine brightly through the window in the clinic?

4. (+) The patient takes the medicine happily.

(-) The patient does not take the medicine happily.

(?) Does the patient take the medicine happily?

5. (+) The rain fall heavily and we are sick.

(-) The rain does not fall heavily and we are sick.

(?) Does the rain fall heavily and we are sick?

6. (+) The Ministry of Health gives the medicine carefully.

(-) The Ministry of Health does not give the medicine carefully.

(?) Does the Ministry of Health gives the medicine carefully?

7. (+) The nursing students sang joyfully in the concert

(-) The nursing students do not sing joyfully in the concert

(?) Do the nursing students sing joyfully in the concert?


8. (+) The patient slept peacefully in the sun

(-) The patient did not sleep peacefully in the sun

(?) Did the patient sleep peacefully in the sun?

9. (+) The doctor’s syringe were beautifully made.

(-) The doctor’s syringe were not beautifully made.

(?) Were the doctor’s syringe beautifully made?

10. (+) The bell rang loudly in the hospital.

(-) The bell did not ring loudly in the hospital.

(?) Did the bell ring loudly in the hospital?



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan modal auxiliary verbs

A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability,

possibility, permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to

express the same things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and

the preposition to.

The modal auxiliary verbs are words such as ‘can, will, shall, may, might, should,

ought to, must, could’, which are used together with the main verbs and are placed

after the subjects.

• Will = future

• Could = ability in the past, possibility.

• Can = ability, permission.

• May = permission

• Might = possibility

• Should / ought to = obligation, desirability.

• Must = conclusion, probability, necessity.

1. ‘The modal auxiliary verb’ and the verb that follows it does not change its


2. ‘The modal auxiliary verb’ is placed immediately after the subject unless there

is an adverb that modifies it.

II. Pola modal auxiliary verb

subject + the modal auxiliary + infinitive.

III. Contoh Kalimat adverb of manner

• Will = future

- We will come on time tomorrow.


• Could = ability in the past, possibility.

- He could swim when he was still young. ( ability in the past ).

- He could come in a minute. ( possibility )

• Can = ability, permission.

- He can play the guitar. ( ability )

- The students can play here. ( permission )

• May = permission

- The children may play here. ( permission ).

- He may get a raise. ( possibility )

• Might = possibility

- He might get a raise in his salary. ( possibility ).

• Should / ought to = obligation, desirability.

- Students ought to / should study regularly. ( obligation )

- You ought not to / shouldn’t drink and drive. ( desirability )

• Must = conclusion, probability, necessity.

- He must be twenty years old. ( conclusion, probability )

- You must be hungry. ( conclusion, probability ).

- You must study tonight. ( necessity )


Modal auxiliary verb is used with another verb to indicate its mood, as can,

could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would: it has no special form in

the third person singular and no present or past participle


1. Tugas Terstruktur

• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.


• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan, setiap kalimat menggunakan 3 pola kalimat:

kalimat the modal auxiliary verbs dengan pola positive, pola negative dan pola


• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa membuat 10 kosa kata beserta artinya terkait

dengan keperawatan

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program


3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. (+) She is in charge for this hospitalization.

(-) She is not in charge for this hospitalization.

(?) Is she in charge for this hospitalization?

2. (+) He can feel terrible

(-) He can not feel terrible

(?) Can he feel terrible?

3. (+) They will not hate to smell any kind of food

(-) They will not hate to smell any kind of food

(?) Will they hate to smell any kind of food?

4. (+) The patient must take a lot of vitamin

(-) The patient must not take a lot of vitamin

(?) Must the patient take a lot of vitamin?

5. (+) The doctor is operating the patient for the sake of his life.

(-) The doctor is not operating the patient for the sake of his life.

(?) Is the doctor operating the patient for the sake of his life?

6. (+) Mother may breastfeed her baby.

(-) Mother may breastfeed her baby.

(?) May mother breastfeed her baby?

7.(+) My father cannot feel sick.

(-) My father cannot feel sick

(?) Can my father feel sick?


8. (+) The doctor can go to the hospital.

(-) The doctor can not go to the hospital.

(?) Can the doctor go to the hospital?

9. (+) We should take this medicine.

(-) We should not take this medicine.

(?) Should we take this medicine?

10. (+) Youare allergic to anything.

(-) You are not allergic to anything.

(?) Are you allergic to anything?



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan conjunctions: and, but, or.

Conjunctions are connectors that are a crucial part of the English language, as

they are used in almost every written and oral conversation quite frequently. In

principle, sentences could be composed without conjunctions, but, stylistically,

this would not sound pleasant. In general, the use of English conjunctions is not

particularly difficult. However, there are some distinctive features regarding

differences in meaning, which must be taken into account.

As far as usage is concerned, it should be remembered that one conjunction is

usually sufficient; only seldom is it the case that several appear together.

Regardless of this, however, there are also multi-part conjunctions. It should also

be noted that connective words can never be changed, so they always maintain

their form.

• ‘And’ is used to connect two words, phrases or sentences that have the same


• ‘But’ is used to connect two words, phrases, or sentences that have opposite


• ‘Or’ is used to connect two words, phrases or sentences to introduce a choice.

Types of Conjunctions

• Coordinating Conjunctions

• Subordinating Conjunctions

II. Pola conjunctions: and, but, or.

S + To Be (Is / Am /Are + Adjective + Conjunction + Adjective


III. Contoh kalimat conjunctions: and, but, or.

- The doctor is beautiful and smart.

- The patient is smart but naughty.

- Is the baby a boy or a girl?’


•‘And’ is used to connect two words, phrases or sentences that have the same


Pattern: S + To Be (Is / Am /Are + Adjective + Conjunction + Adjective

Positive positive

E.g. - She is beautiful and smart.

• ‘But’ is used to connect two words, phrases, or sentences that have opposite


Positive negative

E.g. - She is smart but naughty

• ‘Or’ is used to connect two words, phrases or sentences to introduce a choice.

E.g. -Is the baby a boy or a girl?’


1. Tugas Terstruktur

• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunaan Conjunctions: And, But,


• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan


2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Conjunctions: And,

But, Or

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. The patient must go to the hospital or he will die.

2. He will go to the clinic and is now waiting for a bus at the stop.

3. She is sick and she immediately came home from his office.

4. Doctor and nurse are good medical staffs

5. My sister and I are taking medicine.

6. He and his friends go to the dentist together.

7. The pharmacist and the student still discuss about medicine in the class.

8. The sick person likes tea but he does not like coffe.

9. The patients do not want to eat something but they are hungry.

10. Is this medicine or alcohol?



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan question tags.

A question tag (also known as question tail) is a grammatical structure in

which a declarative or an imperative statement is turned into a question by the

addition of an interrogative fragment (the "tag"). For example, in the sentence

"You're John, aren't you?", the statement "You're John" is turned into a question

by the tag "aren't you".

In most languages, tag questions are more common in spoken usage than in

formal written usage. They can be an indicator of politeness, hedging, consensus

seeking, emphasis and irony. They may suggest confidence or lack of confidence;

they may be confrontational, defensive or tentative. Although they have the

grammatical form of a question, they may be rhetorical (not expecting an answer).

In other cases, when they do expect a response, they may differ from

straightforward questions in that they cue the listener as to what response is

desired. In legal settings, tag questions can often be found in a leading question.

Question tags are formed in several ways, and many languages give a choice

of formation. In some languages the most common is a single word or fixed

phrase, whereas in others it is formed by a regular grammatical construction.

II. Pola question tags.

To Be (Is / Am / Are) /Auxiliary Verb +/- Not + Pronoun

III. Contoh kalimat question tags.

- He doesn’t need your medicine, does he?

- The doctor went to his place, didn’t he?’

- The patient is still thinking about operation, isn’t she?’

- The pharmacist is not going to do that, is he?’

- The dentist takes lunch, does he?’



‘Question tags’ are phrases such as ‘isn’t?’, ‘will it?’ which are placed at the

end of a statement to ask for an agreement or to ask questions. Use a positive tag

for a negative statement, and a negative tag for a positive statement.

Pattern: To Be (Is / Am / Are) /Auxiliary Verb +/- Not + Pronoun


1. Tugas Terstruktur

• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Queation Tags

• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Queation Tags

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. He’s a doctor, isn’t he?

2. You work in a hospital, don’t you?

3. You didn’t break her leg, did you?

4. The nurseisn’t coming, is she?

5. Don’t make the doctor upset, will you?

6. Just finish your job in laboratory, will you?

7. They’ve done their task in hospital before they go, haven’t they?

8. They weren’t clinic, were they?

9. She takes the medicine, doesn’t she?

10. The dentist will come back soon, won’t she?



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan Verb+ to infinitive; Verb + Verb ing

A verb is a word (part of speech) that in syntax conveys an action (bring,

read, walk, run, learn), an occurrence (happen, become), or a state of being (be,

exist, stand). In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without

the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected (modified

in form) to encode tense, aspect, mood, and voice. A verb may also agree with the

person, gender or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.

Verbs have tenses: present, to indicate that an action is being carried out; past, to

indicate that an action has been done; future, to indicate that an action will be


In languages where the verb is inflected, it often agrees with its primary

argument (the subject) in person, number or gender. With the exception of the

verb to be, English shows distinctive agreements only in the third person singular,

present tense form of verbs, which are marked by adding "-s" ( walks) or "-es"

(fishes). The rest of the persons are not distinguished in the verb (I walk, you

walk, they walk, etc.).

• Verb + to infinitive ( He forgot to do it )

The following verbs can be followed by to infinitive, afford, agree, aim,

arrange, attempt, care, choose, decide, deserve, desire, expect, fail, forget,

hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, struggle,

tend, threaten, want, wish, would like.

• Verb + verb + ing ( They enjoy swimming )

The following verbs can be followed by verb ing; enjoy, admit, appreciate,

avoid, consider, delay, discuss, dislike, escape, finish, get through, give up,


imagine, insist on, involve, keep, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, quit,

recommend, report, resent, resist, risk, suggest, tolerate.

• Verb + to infinitive ( It started to rain )

Verb + verb + ing ( It started raining )

The following verbs can be followed by both to infinitive and verb ing; begin,

bother, cease, commence, continue, dread, endure, go on, hate, intend, like,

love, mean, need, prefer, regret, start, try.

II. Pola Verb + to infinitive; Verb + Verb ing

S + Verb + to infinitive

III. Contoh kalimat Verb + to infinitive; Verb + Verb ing

- The doctor forgot to operate the patient.

- The nurse agreed to give the medicine to the patient

- My father gives up smooking.

- The sick persons avoid drinking alcohol.

- The patient likes to take medicine.


1. Verb + to infinitive ( He forgot to do it )

The following verbs can be followed by to infinitive, afford, agree, aim,

arrange, attempt, care, choose, decide, deserve, desire, expect, fail, forget,

hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, struggle,

tend, threaten, want, wish, would like.

2. Verb + verb + ing ( They enjoy swimming )

The following verbs can be followed by verb ing; enjoy, admit, appreciate,

avoid, consider, delay, discuss, dislike, escape, finish, get through, give up,

imagine, insist on, involve, keep, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, quit,

recommend, report, resent, resist, risk, suggest, tolerate.


3. Verb + to infinitive ( It started to rain )

Verb + verb + ing ( It started raining )

The following verbs can be followed by both to infinitive and verb ing; begin,

bother, cease, commence, continue, dread, endure, go on, hate, intend, like,

love, mean, need, prefer, regret, start, try.


1. Tugas Terstruktur

• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Verb+ to infinitive;

Verb + Verb ing.

• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Verb+ to infinitive;

Verb + Verb ing.

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. The patient affords to lift his hands.

2. Does the dentist agree to operate my mother?

3. The psychiatrist attempted to advice my father.

4. The psychologist choosed to go to the hospital.

5. The pediatrician expected to buy a good medicine.

6. Do the doctors forget to bring the syringes?

7. Do they agree to have an operation in the hospital?

8. The nurses learn to operate the hospital laboratory

9. My father refuses to smoke in the clinic.

10. I hope to visit the hospital soon.



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan prepositions at, in, on.

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other

words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and

locations of a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are

normally placeddirectly in front of nouns. In some cases, you’ll find prepositions

in front of gerund verbs.

A nice way to think about prepositions is as the words that help glue a

sentence together. They do this by expressing position and movement, possession,

time and how an action is completed.

Indeed, several of the most frequently used words in all of English, such as

of, to, for, with, on and at, are prepositions. Explaining prepositions can seem

complicated, but they are a common part of language and most of us use them

naturally without even thinking about it.

In fact, it’s interesting to note that prepositions are regarded as a ‘closed

class’ of words in the English language. This means, unlike verbs and nouns, no

new words are added to this group over time. In a way, it reflects their role as the

functional workhorse of the sentence. They are unassuming and subtle, yet vitally

important to the meaning of language.

‘At’ is used

1. To say where something / somebody is, where something happens or where

somebody works or studies.

- At the airport, at the cinema, at home, at work.

2. To say when something happens and the age at which somebody does


- At five o’clock, at this hour, at down, at midnight, at 50, at the age of 34, at

the moment, at the weekend, at present.


3. To refer to direction, distance, prices, speed, temperature and volume.

Direction : run at, shout at, rush at, stare at, smile at, wave at, laugh at, glance

at, aim at, look at, shoot / fire / point at, throw something at.

Distance : at arm’s length, at five meters, at (a distance of) 80 miles.

Prices : at 40 % discount, at half price, at 3.000 rupiah (s) a kilo.

Temperature : at 100 degrees Celsius.

Volume : at full volume

‘In’ is used

1. To mean at a point within an area or a space:

In the kitchen, in Asia, in the magazine, in Germany, in his car.

2. To mean during a period of time or after a length of time;

In February, in 2014, in the afternoon, in a year, in his youth, in three weeks’

time, in a few minutes.

3. To show somebody’s job or profession;

In the army, in the air force, in business, in paper, in property.

4. To mean using a particular way of talking or writing;

In ink, in French, in a few words, talk in a soft voice.

5. To show a state or condition; in danger, in a hurry, in tears.

6. To mean wearing something; in black, in wool, in leather, in a long dress.

‘On’ is used

1. To mean in or into a position covering, touching or forming part of a surface.

On the grass, on the wall, on the table, on your nose.

2. To show a means of transport or travelling.

On the plane, on the bus, on the train, on a journey, on a trip, on my way.

3. To mean being carried by somebody ; Have you got any money on you?

4. To show a day or date when something happens.

On Sunday, on the fourth of October.

5. To mean immediately after something;

On arrival / arriving I took a taxi.

6. To mean about something / somebody;


A book on English grammar, lecture on / in literature.

7. To describe an activity or a state; on sale, on special officer, on business.

8. To mean at or near a place; a house on the coast, a village on the border.

9. To indicate a telephone number; call me on / at 0815 1131 3838

10. To mean by way of; using something; play the tune on the piano, speak on the


11. To mean supported by; live on vegetables, live on medicine.

12. To indicate a particular direction; On my left, on the right, march on the city.

13. To mean following something; disaster on disaster.

14. To show that somebody belongs to a group or an organization;

How many people are on the committee / jury?

II. Pola prepositions at, in, on

Subject + Verb / To Be (Is / Am / Are) + Preposition

III. Contoh kalimat prepositions at, in, on

1. The pediatrician is going to the hospital in December.

2. The nursing student will graduate in April.

3. The patient left hospital in 1990.

4. The nurse always feels energetic in the morning.

5. The doctor does not work on Sunday


A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other

words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and

locations of a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are

normally placed directly in front of nouns. In some cases, you’ll find prepositions

in front of gerund verbs.


1. Tugas Terstruktur

• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.


• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat

yang berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Prepositions

At, In, On,

• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota


• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Prepositions At, In,


2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

Isilah yang kosong dengan menggunakan preposition At, In, On,

1. I started working in the hospital in 1991.

2. What is the doctor doing on Friday?

3. There’s a meeting at 2.30 in the emergency room.

4. The nurses live in a charming old cottage.

5. Look at all the medicines on your desk!

6. The sick person lives in London.

7. Those syringes are on my bed.

8. That pharmacy opens at 7.00 a.m.

9. The nurse didn’t go home at night.

10. The patients drink milk in the morning



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan the simple present tense.

The simple present (also called present simple or present indefinite) is a verb

tense which is used to show repetition, habit or generalization. Less commonly,

the simple present can be used to talk about scheduled actions in the near future

and, in some cases, actions happening now. Read on for detailed descriptions,

examples, and simple present exercises.

• Use the simple present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual.

The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or

something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets

or usually does not do.

• The simple present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true

before, is true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the

speaker is correct about the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about

people or things.

• Speakers occasionally use simple present to talk about scheduled events in the

near future. This is most commonly done when talking about public

transportation, but it can be used with other scheduled events as well.

• Speakers sometimes use the simple present to express the idea that an action is

happening or is not happening now. This can only be done with non-continuous

verbs and certain mixed verbs.

II. Pola the simple present tense.

Subject + Verb / To Be + Object / Adjctive / Adverb.

III. Contoh kalimat the simple present tense.

1. She does not go to the hospital.


2. Does he take medicines everday?

3. The patients always forget the medicine.

4. Do they stay in the hospital?

5. The hospital starts at 8 o'clock.


The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple

present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly

(or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite).

Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root

form or by adding ‑s or ‑es to the end.


1.Tugas Terstruktur

Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Simple Present


Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Simple Present


2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksana


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. When does the operation begin?

2. The midwife is here now.

3. Head of nurseneeds help right now.

4. He has medicines in his hand.

5. Do you have your passport with you?

6. The nurse is very polite and kind.

7. The patient likes eating out.

8. The doctors always come on time.

9. The sick person sometimes hears a ringing in his ears.

10. Medical staff works 8 hours a day.



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan present continuous tense

The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which

is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of

speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show

that an action is going to take place in the near future. Read on for detailed

descriptions, examples, and present continuous exercises.

• Use the present continuous with normal verbs to express the idea that something

is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that

something is not happening now.

• In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this

century, and so on. Sometimes, we use the present continuous to say that we are

in the process of doing a longer action which is in progress; however, we might

not be doing it at this exact second.

• Sometimes, speakers use the present continuous to indicate that something will

or will not happen in the near future.

• The present continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses

the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens. Notice that the

meaning is like simple present, but with negative emotion. Remember to put the

words "always" or "constantly" between "be" and "verb+ing."

II. Pola the present continuous tense

Subject + To Be + Verb – ing.

III. Contoh kalimat the present continuous tense

1. You are learning English for nursing now.

2. Is the patient sitting or standing?

3. The sick persons are reading their books in the hospital.


4. Why isn’t the doctor working in the hospital?

5. I am not going to the emergency room.


The present continuous tense is used for actions happening now or for an

action that is unfinished. This tense is also used when the action is temporary.The

present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form

(-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is,


One simple example of this tense is: He is swimming. "He" is the subject, "is"

is the present tense of the verb to be and "swimming" is the present participle verb



1.Tugas Terstruktur

Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Present Continuous


Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Present Continuous


2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. She is crying in waiting room

2. The doctor is talking to his pasients.

3. The baby is sleeping in the emergency room.

4. We are visiting to the hospital.

5. I am not going to the dentist after work.

6. Are they listening to the doctor’s advice?

7. We are leaving for the emergency room tomorrow morning.

8. The sick person is not smiling.

9. I’m spending two bottles of medicine.

10. My father is wating for the pharmacist.



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan present perfect tense

The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has

taken place once or many times before now. The present perfect is most

frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but

there are other less common uses as well.

• We use the present perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time

before now. The exact time is not important. You ca not use the present perfect

with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when

I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We

can use the present perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never,

once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.

• You can use the present perfect to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I

have the experience of..." You can also use this tense to say that you have never

had a certain experience. The present perfect is not used to describe a specific


• We often use the present perfect to talk about change that has happened over a

period of time.

• We often use the present perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and

humanity. You cannot mention a specific time.

• We often use the present perfect to say that an action which we expected has not

happened. Using the present perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the

action to happen.


• We also use the present perfect to talk about several different actions which have

occurred in the past at different times. Present perfect suggests the process is not

complete and more actions are possible.

II. Pola present perfect tense

Subject + have / has + the past participle

III. Contoh kalimat present perfect tense

1. The patient has taken the medicine.

2. She has had the chickenpox since Tuesday.

3. They have lived near the hospital for a long time.

4. He has learned English for nursing for one year.

5. He has worked in this pharmacy since June.


The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and

perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present

consequences.[1] The term is used particularly in the context of English grammar

to refer to forms like "I have finished". The forms are present because they use the

present tense of the auxiliary verb have, and perfect because they use that

auxiliary in combination with the past participle of the main verb.


1.Tugas Terstruktur

Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Present Perfect Tense

Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan


2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Present Perfect


2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. I have been a doctor since two years ago.

2. Diana has done her work in the hospital.

3. The doctor and nurse have known each other for a very long time.

4. I haven’t seen the dentist in a while.

5. Have you taken medicine?

6. I have bought a new syringe.

7. My sister has started a new job in the clinic.

8. She has already submitted medical records.

9. The pharmacists have been to Singapore.

10. Peter has gone to emergency room



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan present perfect continuous tense.

The present perfect continuous (also called present perfect progressive) is a

verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and has

continued up to the present moment. The present perfect continuous usually

emphasizes duration, or the amount of time that an action has been taking place.

• We use the present perfect continuous to show that something started in the past

and has continued up until now. "For five minutes," "for two weeks," and

"since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the present perfect


• You can also use the present perfect continuous without a duration such as "for

two weeks." Without the duration, the tense has a more general meaning of

"lately." We often use the words "lately" or "recently" to emphasize this


II. Pola present perfect tense

S + Have / Has + been + Verb – ing

III. Contoh kalimat present perfect tense

1. The doctor and the patient have been talking for the last hour.

2. She has been working at that hospital for three years.

3. What has the dentist been doing for the last 30 minutes?

4. James has been teaching at the nursing academy since June.

5. We have been waiting in the admission section for over two hours!



The present perfect continuous tense (also known as the present perfect

progressive tense) shows that something started in the past and is continuing at the

present time. The present perfect continuous is formed using the construction

has/have been + the present participle (root + -ing).


1.Tugas Terstruktur

Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Present Perfect

Continuous tense

Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Present Perfect

Continuous tense

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

1. I haven’t been feeling well lately.

2. The patient has been swimming.

3. The nurse has been working in this hospital for five years.

4. She has been driving to the community health center for one hour.

5. I have been working in the emergency room for five years

6. The sick persons have been waiting for the doctor for two hours.

7. I have ever been visiting the doctor for one hour.

8. I have been taking this medication.

9. The patients have been sleeping well since morning.

10. The pharmacist has been wrting the prescription.



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan simple past tense.

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, is used to talk about a

completed action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic form of past

tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past

and action duration is not important.

• You always use the simple past when you say when something happened, so it is

associated with certain past time expressions.

• For the negative and interrogative simple past form of "to do" as an ordinary

verb, use the auxiliary "did". The negative of "have" in the simple past is usually

formed using the auxiliary "did", but sometimes by simply adding not or the

contraction "n't".The interrogative form of "have" in the simple past normally

uses the auxiliary "did".

II. Pola simple past tense.

S + Verb in past form

III. Contoh kalimat simple past tense.

1. Did the pharmacist make a patient profile in the computer?

2. Did the doctor ask about any allergies and general medical conditions?

3. This was a good time to ask for a generic brand.

4. The pharmacist was not prepare the prescription bottle.

5. Did the pharmacist calls your name when the prescription was ready.



• The simple past (also called past simple, past indefinite or preterite) is a verb

tense which is used to show that a completed action took place at a specific time

in the past. The simple past is also frequently used to talk about past habits and

generalizations. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and simple past


• The simple past is formed using the verb + ed. In addition, there are many verbs

with irregular past forms. Questions are made with did and negative forms are

made with did not.

• Use the simple past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a

specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the

specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.

• The simple past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A

duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years,

for five minutes, all day, all year, etc.


1.Tugas Terstruktur

Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Simple Past Tense

Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Simple Past Tense

2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.


3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

Lengkapi kalimat dibawah ini dengan kata kerja; give, feel, give, want, buy, hope,

buy, have, want dan pay. Buat dalam bentuk simple past tense.

1. Did you pay for the prescription?

2. I did not want to have this prescription filled.

3. Did you have your medical insurance card?

4. Did you buy your medicine?

5. Did you hope I will get well soon?

6. I bought the pharmacy in this hospital yesterday.

7. I wanted to pick up a prescription.

8. He gave me the doctor’s note!

9. Did you feel terrible?

10. The doctor gave you a prescription for some medicine.



1. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

4. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

5. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.





Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan past continuous tense

The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that began in the past

and often continued for a short period of time after the action started. This tense

describes actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past. These

actions are usually no longer happening at the time the sentence is being said or


• The past continuous is formed from the past tense of "to be" with the base of the

main verb plus the ending "-ing" form of the verb.

• Past continuous tense is often combined with past simple tense. An example of

this combination is: While we were sitting at the stadium, the rain began. The

past continuous tense is "were sitting" and the past simple is "began."

• In this combination, the simple past tense interrupted the past progressive tense

action. This pairing shows that something happened in the middle of something

else happening.Past continuous tense can also be used when describing the

background of a story written in the past tense.

• Past continuous tense can be used when describing an unfinished action that was

interrupted by another action. The action in the past started before the other

action and continued after for a short period of time.

• Past continuous can also be used to express a change of mind or thought that

happened in the past.


• Past continuous tense can be used to show that two actions were going on at the

same time in the past.

II. Pola past continuous tense

S + was / were + V - ing

III. Contoh kalimat past continuous tense

1. I was praying when the doctor came to my house yesterday.

2. I was not having my breakfast when the accident happened in the hospital

3. Were the patients eating sandwich during the lunchtime yesterday?

4. Was the nurse working all night yesterday?

5. The dentist was working in the clinic


The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to

a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past. The past

continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were)

with the verb’s present participle (-ing word).It can also be used to describe

something that was happening continuously in the past when another action

interrupted it.


1.Tugas Terstruktur

Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang

berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Past Continuous


Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi

1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan


2. Tugas Mandiri


1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Past Continuous


2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12

spasi 1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan

program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling

lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan


Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)

Lengkapi kalimat dibawah ini dengan was atau were. Gunakan past continuous


1. Who was taking care of the children?

2. The patients were receiving analgesia.

3. He was not suffering from certain diseases.

4. The patient was looking for schedule of Dr. John in this hospital.

5. How were you feeling last night?

7. My hands were trembling.

8. What was going on with you?

9. The nurse was going to check your temperature.

10. Your nose was bleeding.



6. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta

7. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore

8. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English

Grammar. USA

9. Grace, Tony, 2007. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing1. Oxford

University Press

10. Snook, I. Donald. (1981). Hospitals: What they are and how they work.


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