money never sleeps.. overview of tonight i.announcements ii.external announcements/speakers...

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Money Never Sleeps.

Aggie Investment ClubWorkshop2/22/2011

Overview of Tonight

I. AnnouncementsII.External

Announcements/SpeakersIII.WorkshopIV. Panel Q&A


Speaker 1

Caroline Weathers ’14

Mays Business Senator Candidate


Speaker 2

• Marshall Bowen ‘12 Student Body President 2011-2012

candidate “Goin’ with Bowen” campaign Voting dates: Monday 2/28 and Tuesday




• Caroline Weathers Mays Business Senator candidate

• Marshall Bowen ‘12 Student Body President 2011-2012



2/3 Majority Vote Required

Ballots will be passed out now

Overview of the Workshop

• Goal• Equip you with the tools needed to set

yourself apart from others while at Texas A&M, and give yourself a clear advantage when it comes time for the job search.


Overview of the Workshop

• Outline• Focal Points• Top Opportunities at Mays and Texas A&M• Study Abroad and other ways to set

yourself apart• Internships and Professional Networking• Panelist Q&A


Why are you here?

• Where do you want to be after graduation?


• Define your goals!

Focal Points

• Gain knowledge, experience, and build strong relationships


• Set yourself apart from the crowd• Have fun

Some Top Opportunities at Mays

• Organizations: Business Student Council (BSC), AIC, etc…

• Getting involved within the business school helps build your resumé and meet other smart and like-minded students.


• Horizons Program• Powerful networking, and interview prep

for consulting and investment banking

Some Top Opportunities at Mays, cont’d.

• Aggies on Wall Street (AOWS)• 3 week trip to NYC for a small number of

competitively selected students to network and visit Wall Street firms



• Professional Program of Accounting (PPA)

• 5 year masters programs• Guaranteed internships•

• Trading, Risk, and Investments Program (T.R.I.P.)

• 5 year masters program• 3 guaranteed trading internships•

Some Top Opportunities at Mays, cont’d.

• Tanner Fund• Donation of $200,000 for students to manage•


• Mays Business Fellows• Competitively selected “top 1” of the business

school• Teamwork, business leadership development, and

case studies•

• Titans of Investing• FINC 427 elective• Taught by Britt Harris, former CEO of Bridgewater

Associates and current CIO of Texas Teachers Retirement Pension (~$100B)

Some Top Opportunities at A&M

• Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO)



• Leadership Conferences• Examples: Gilbert, Abbott Family, Spencer, etc…• Often are competitive• Great way to meet other top students and get

advice from successful people

• Student Government Association• 15 committees• 3 branches

• Any type of organizational involvement

Study Abroad

• Study Abroad Programs Office•


• LT Jordan Institute• Offers several programs, from study abroad to

internships, i.e. ILAP

• Center for International Business Studies (CIBS)

• Offers multiple opportunities—talk to Dr. Gaspar on 2nd floor

• Finance and Marketing study abroad trips

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

- Saint Augustine

• Multiple scholarships and financial aid packages available

Internships and Networking

• Leverage your network


• Very meaningful experiences

• Start early

• Set yourself apart!

Cold Emails?

• 2-3 sentences and to the point


• Tips:

• Can be very useful and effective, if done well.

• Always include your phone number under your name for the first email (it is more personable this way)

• Do not include your resumé until it is requested• Keep it professional—even when emailing Aggies. This means

no “Howdy”, “Gig ‘em,” etc… and other Aggie phrases. Alumni will not take this well in a cold email.

• Never directly ask for an internship, or “help,” but rather ask for “advice”• If you get to meet the person, always follow up within 24 hrs of meeting them

Cold Emails


Mr. Najarian,

My name is David Knop, hopefully you remember me from last winter when we met in the NASDAQ. Meeting you was one of the highlights of my trips, and I learned a lot from our conversation.

This January, I will be leading10-12 students from the Aggie Investment Club on a trip to New York. They are are all really passionate about trading and the market in general, and it would be an honor to meet with you again, whether on a live set or just over coffee or a meal somewhere, and I know the group would see it as an invaluable opportunity.

We are in the process of solidifying dates for the trip, but it will be mid-January and I wanted to ask well in advance if you think you might be interested in meeting with us for a short time to talk about your trading experience, etc. Happy holidays and I look forward to hearing from you.


David Knop

Cold Emails



Good to hear from you. Near the end of December please hit us up and we will coordinate the best day.


Cold Emails



Good to hear from you. Near the end of December please hit us up and we will coordinate the best day.


Final Thoughts on Networking


- Build your network before you need it- Try to meet at least one person per week; ask for references- Establish, nurture and develop relationships for the long term- The more people you know, the more people you have

conversations with, the more you can open doors for yourself or others

- Harness the incredible power of other's generosity- Be willing to give, accept, and ask for leads, referrals, and favors - Do NOT be afraid to ask- More opportunities will come from the willingness to ask than

anything else - Play the student card- Seek to provide value to your network however you possibly can

and build credibility for yourself- Make sure you follow up; a follow up should be automatic

“Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone."

-Margaret Wheatley

Common Financial Careers

• Sell side: Investment Banking


• Buy side: Hedge funds & Private Equity• Graduate school

Investment Banks


Investment Bank


(PE, Hedge Funds, etc)

Securities Securities


Intermediaries that connect companies that need capital with institutions that provide capital.

“Masters of the Universe”


Investment Bank

Investment Banking• M&A• IPO’s• Due Diligence & Corporate Finance• Debt & Equity

Sales• Sell securities and investing ideas to portfolio managers and buy-side analysts.

Trading• Executing trades in the market on behalf of institutional investors.

Research• Industry and company-specific research primarily aimed at institutional investors.

Types of Banks


• Bulge Bracket• Offer a variety of services and products• Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Barclays

Capital, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, among others…• Boutique

• Typically seen as specialists (i.e. M&A advisors, equity capital markets, high yield debt etc…)

• Simmons & Co., Evercore Partners, Houlihan Lokey, Lazard, Pritchard Capital• Divisions

• More pertinent to bulge bracket; allow industry specific focus

Buy-side: The Sweet Spot


• Overview• These are the guys with

the money• They are the suppliers of

capital that the investment banks connect with the companies.• Types

• Private Equity Funds, Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, Pension Funds, Daytraders, etc…



Question and answer


Question and answer


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