monthly departmental report

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Monthly Departmental

Report 1 0 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 3

Finance Department

Human Resources

Information Services

Park & Recreation

Planning & Community Development

Police Department

Fire Department

Public Works


Council Calendar

News Articles of Interest

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Finance Department Monthly Departmental Report

Through the Period Ended October 10, 2013 Activity Status

Operations FY 2013 Audit Staff has completed preparation of the FY 2013 financial

statements and prepared a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The external auditors have completed their fieldwork and issued their reports with respect to the CAFR and related statements. The Audit Committee will meet with both management and the external auditor on October 15th to discuss the financial statements and take action relative to those statements and communications pursuant to policy. A report from the Audit Committee Chair on the FY 2013 results is expected for consideration at the October 22nd Council Meeting.

Financial System Upgrade Staff is in the process of upgrading the financial system to GP 2013, a significant software update.

Successor Agency The Belmont Oversight Board met in September and confirmed the transfer of LMI Housing Assets to the City of Belmont, and approved the Administrative Budget and Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule for FY13/14B (January through June 2014). There is no meeting scheduled for October. The State Controller’s Office (SCO) conducted a required audit of the Successor Agency and staff is waiting to receive the results of that review. As directed by the City Council, the Successor Agency has filed a lawsuit challenging the DOF determination on the non-housing funds Due Diligence Review (DDR) and is awaiting a response.

Debt Management The City Treasurer and staff are working on three different potential debt matters: 1) Old Fire Dept. Pension Obligation Bonds, 2) Redevelopment Agency Debt Refinancing and 3) Sewer Treatment Plant Revenue Bonds. All would come back to City Council for further consideration.

Treasury Management Working under the direction of the City Treasurer, a Request for Qualifications is under development seeking Statements of Qualifications from qualified banking institutions.

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The Treasurer is interested in exploring a banking relationship with a major (primary) bank with a Belmont presence that can provide state of the art technology and cash management solutions. The City's existing bank, B of A, will be included.

Reporting Treasurer’s Report August report completed. Monthly Budget Variance August report completed.

Human Resources Department Monthly Report

October 2013

Recruitment Summary

Position Department/Division Filing Deadline Status/Activity

Police Officer Police October 4, 2013

Applications currently

under review. Selection process to begin

in early November.

Community Service Officer Police October 4, 2013

Applications currently

under review. Selection process to begin

in late October.

INFORMATION SERVICES October 4, 2013 Monthly Report (page 1 of 2)

(I.) Daily Operations:

Service Requests (ExDesk), 70 Trouble Tickets were received and responded to by I.S.

Email Distribution Report:

Over the past 3 months Belmont has distributed 10,173 emails to people who have signed up for

various distribution lists from the City website. These emails include notifications of City

Council/Commission Meeting Agendas and Minutes, City Manager Weekly Updates, and Press

Releases. Email Distribution Numbers for Past 3 Months

Emails Sent Bounces Opens Clicks Forwards


1.9% 46.0% 31.8% 0.0%

(191) (4591) (1462) (1)

Industry Average

9.2% 23.9% 13.2%

See next page for the detailed statistics for the most recently sent distribution emails.

0 10 20 30


email/distribution lists





printer problem


service request


staff departure0







Level 1 (highest)

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7 (lowest)


Trouble Tickets by Category

Trouble Tickets by Priority

INFORMATION SERVICES October 4, 2013 Monthly Report (page 2 of 2)

Most Recent Emails (Detailed Statistics)

City ManagerWeekly Update

Parks & Rec Commission Agenda

Tree Board Agenda

Press ReleaseVehicle Burglary Suspect

City ManagerWeekly Update

Press ReleaseGraffiti Vandals Strike

Elementary School

Press ReleaseResident Brings WWII Era

Ordinance to City Hall

Rescheduled Finance Commission Meeting

City ManagerWeekly Update

Upcoming WorkshopRalston Avenue Corridor Study

City ManagerWeekly Update

(II.) Major Projects:

New Website Project

The City’s web committee is currently reviewing the second iteration of Vision Internet’s

(consultant) home page design. Staff continues to refine internal page content and layout.

For further information please contact Jason Eggers

Technology Refresh – Police Patrol Vehicle Laptops

Information Services in partnership with Police have completed beta testing the next

generation of patrol vehicle laptops. A semi-ruggedized Dell laptop was tested with

positive results. Vilma Smith,, is technical lead on this project.

Financial System Upgrade

The City is in the process of upgrading our financial system. Marisa Martinez has

configured the computing server for the upgrade.

Network Upgrade

Research is currently underway for the City’s upgrade of our local area network (LAN).

Technology from Hewlett Packard, Cisco and Enterasys are being reviewed. For further

information please contact Marisa Martinez

Desktop Technology Refresh

IS has completed the replacement of desktop units over 4 years of age with new systems

Press Release: Alameda

Lane Closure - Church Repair


September 2013

“Enhancing the Quality of Life for our Community” Page 1 of 4

DAY CARE BELMONT COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER: The Community Learning Center has 75 children enrolled. At the September 11 PTO meeting, the PTO Board elected two new Board members for the vacant positions. The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 2 at 6:00pm. Back to School Night was held on September 17 from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Back to School Night is an opportunity for families to meet all the teachers and their child’s classmates. On September 19 the children went on a field trip to the Belmont Library for a story time. Five parents volunteered their time to help supervise the children on the walk to the library. School Picture Day was September 25. Individual and class pictures were taken.

PARKS Continued regular maintenance at all parks and fields the following special projects or work was done for the month of September. PARKS: At Twin Pines Park, we installed a new dedication bench, and we installed new recycle bins on concrete bases throughout the park. We also made repairs to a broken water main line that was located in the Redwood Picnic Area. At Barrett, we made numerous repairs to the irrigation system in and along, the entire parking lot hillside from the Ralston Avenue entry. We also repaired the Community Learning Center’s drinking fountain. At Alexander Park, irrigation repairs were made in the planter bed area. The inside of the Alexander Park bathroom was repainted, and the roof over the storage area was patched up in an effort to stop leaking. FIELDS: All fields throughout the City have been aerated. McDougal and Nesbit fields were reseeded and fertilized. Irrigation repairs and/or adjustments were made to the station water lines, valves and irrigation boxes at Central, McDougal, Belmont Sports Complex (North and South), Nesbit Field, Ralston Field and the west side of Fox Field. STREETS AND OPEN SPACE: We repaired a stuck valve at the Ralston grade separation (South #5) along El Camino Real. We removed dead trees (3)


September 2013

“Enhancing the Quality of Life for our Community” Page 2 of 4

at the Hallmark Ave Vista Point next to the juniper island. We have skirted up and/or cut back overhanging branches at the Carlmont Center Island along Hiller Avenue and also along Wakefield Drive. FACILITIES: In addition to the regular maintenance, staff completed a number of tasks throughout the city. Barrett Community Center had two light ballasts replaced in the parking lot. A studio had a new temporary dance floor installed and a curtain removed. Other studios had coat hooks and a dry erase board installed, a leaking and running sink was repaired as well. City Hall had an elevator and a running toilet repaired and several HVAC issues were resolved. The Manor Building had new window screens installed and a door was repaired. The Fire Houses had one new dishwasher and two new keypad door hardware installed, and another door’s hardware was repaired. The Library had a clogged sink unclogged and several light bulbs replaced. Hiller Triangle had 2 light ballasts replaced and a fixture repaired. The Sports Complex had a damaged sheet- rocked wall repaired, and the lift had a broken key cylinder replaced.


PROGRAMS and EVENTS: ~356 lunches were served in the Twin Pines Café in September. ~The Twin Pines Senior Shuttle provided 104 one way trips in September. A decrease in ridership can be attributed to a staff vacancy. A part-time driver, Kathie Hirsch has recently filled the vacant position. ~Volunteers provided 500 hours of dedicated service at the Twin Pines Senior & Community Center in September. ~The September Senior Dance Night was attended by 47 persons; dancing to The Casuals Band. ~A September Birthday lunch was held, celebrating everyone born in the month of September. ~September movies were attended by over 225 people, with new DVD releases, foreign films and the classics being shown. ~The Belmont Police and Fire Department presented “Don’t Get Burned” a home safety and fraud prevention workshop on September 27.


September 2013

“Enhancing the Quality of Life for our Community” Page 3 of 4

~”Life Begins at 70” was the theme for a lunch and presentation by Norm Coleman. Mr. Coleman was a successful businessman in San Mateo for 30 years. However, unforeseen circumstances changed his life, and his family became homeless. At the age of 70, he started acting, and has written and performed his one man play about Ty Cobb across the country.


ACTIVENET ONLINE REGISTRATION: The Parks & Recreation Departments online registration program continues to successfully serve its customers. To encourage more customers to register online, we replaced the variable convenience fee model, with a $2.50 flat rate processing fee model for online registration transactions. As a result of this change, more customers are taking advantage of the convenience of registering online from their home, office or laptop. Online registration generated the following transactions:

810 enrollments were processed during the month, generating

$100,268 in recreation program revenue; compared with $47,816 for the same timeframe in 2012. Ralston Sports was added to our online registration system during the month, and generated $20,845 in revenue.

551 (68%) enrollment transactions were successfully processed online. Processed $74,470 (74%) in program revenue via online transactions,

again, our highest percentage ever! PROGRAMS and CLASSES: TEENS: The Belmont Library Teen Center is open from 2:30pm-5:30pm during the week.

VOICES: Our VOICES group welcomed 7 new members this year for a total of 14 teen volunteers. We have a strong focus this year to really get out into the community so the student volunteers can connect with the recipients of their projects and/or service, and see firsthand the impact of their efforts. In September, we participated in the creek cleanup for Belmont’s Coastal Cleanup Day. We were assigned the hot spot behind Lunardi’s Supermarket, and picked up three huge bags of trash. Although we were forced to quit earlier than we had anticipated due to a sudden rainstorm, we managed to pick up hundreds of cigarette butts which leach out terrible toxins into our water supply. In October, we are planning to make activity goodie bags for the young patients at Stanford Hospital and tour the hospital.


September 2013

“Enhancing the Quality of Life for our Community” Page 4 of 4

YOUTH: There were 193 participants registered in the Ralston After School Sports Fall Program for students in grades 6-8, which featured Volleyball, Cross Country and Golf. Total revenue of $21,485 was generated. There were also 415+ dancers registered for classes beginning in September; generating revenue of $36,000+.

ADULT: There was an average of 18 participants for Jazzercise, generating approximately $750 in revenue.


FACILITY RENTALS: Rentals for September: TPSCC 23 Lodge 15 Complex 28 Barrett 30 Cottage 13 Taube 3 Picnic 36 Total 148 - Generating $30,000 + in rental revenue.


Belmont City Council Meetings Belmont Community Learning Center PTO City Website Department Review JT2 - Workers Compensation Presentation Meeting Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Recreation Division Staff Meeting San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services Site Managers Meeting San Mateo County Parks and Recreation Directors’ Meeting Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Sports Advisory Committee Meeting


October 2013





SAN JUAN HILLS DEVELOPMENT 2007 Bishop Road (Former Agape site)

-Three-lot subdivision approved by Planning Commission on 10/18/05. Final map has been recorded. PC approved SFDR for new home at 1951 Bishop at 1/15/13 PC meeting (30,000 sq. ft. lot). Building permits have been issued and construction is underway.

de Melo & DiDonato & Walker

Single Family Design Review (SFDR) re-submitted for first home within subdivision (1971 Bishop – 2-acre lot); the project was approved by the Planning Commission on 6/18. Final landscape plan approved by PC on 9/3. Next step is submission of building permits. No update since last report.

3300 Block of Lower Lock – Piazza Property

Applicant submitted a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for construction of one single family dwelling for the subject 11-acre property. PDR conducted at 9/16/08 PC meeting; project was well received. PC approved SF Design Review for the project at their 11/5/09 meeting. Extension of SFDR Approval approved at 3/15/11 PC Meeting.

DiDonato Soldier Pile walls Building Permit issued in November 2011; Building permit for dwelling expected to be issued in late fall 2012. Conservation easement for subject property approved at 11/27 CC meeting. Reportedly the subject property may be listed for sale in Spring 2013. No update since last report.

San Juan Hills Master Plan Subdivision (Lehmer)

CC conducted a productive Study Session on project on 1/29/13. Numerous public comments & questions/answers; CC provided direction. Staff presented options at 3/12/13 CC meeting; Council endorsed Option 1 – Market Bishop Road property for sale with development/open space parameters. On 5/14, City Council selected Deleon Realty to market the Bishop property.

de Melo, Scoles, Rennie & Fil

Property listed on MLS on 6/25; five offers submitted by 7/29. Sale of Bishop Property completed on 10/2. Council initiated General Plan Amendment & Rezoning for balance of city-owned property at 9/10 meeting. Planning Commission reviewed GPA/Rezone on 10/1 and recommended approval.

Planning & Community Development Monthly Council Report October 2013 Page 2 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS Belmont “Villages” Districts Element (BVE) and Zoning (BVZ)

Project includes rezoning, and new development standards for DTSP and Ralston/El Camino Real Corridor area. Outreach event occurred on 11/15/12 related to Belmont’s Grant/Case Study via the Grand Boulevard Initiative. The results of the case study will inform BVZ edits. Staff provided clean version of all suggested edits to Committee on 12/21/12.The BVZ Committee met on 1/7/13 and provided initial feedback on the Draft document. Draft GBI (Grant) case study findings provided to City in mid-March; some recommendations to be incorporated into Draft BVZ.

de Melo BV Committee conducted meeting on 3/20 to review draft edits. Draft components of project Environmental Study currently being prepared. Draft Belmont Village Element (BVE) prepared and reviewed by PC on 5/7, 5/21, and 7/1; PC concurred with Draft and forwarded to City Council. CC first review of Draft BVE occurred at 8/13 mtg. PC began review of Belmont Village Zoning (BVZ) at 8/8 meeting - scheduled as on-going PC review item.


Firehouse Square

Study Session/Presentation on Firehouse Square conducted at 11/9/11 Council meeting; concepts were generally well received. Next steps for project will eventually include neighborhood meeting to solicit input and comments. Staff met with potential developer (Sares-Regis) in mid-February 2012 and confirmed their continued interest in the project in light of RDA dissolution. Letter of Intent (LOI) to commence ENA Negotiations submitted on 8/1/12.

de Melo Scoles Rennie Fil

Council adopted Resolution authorizing ENA proceedings at 8/14/12 CC meeting. Staff underway with discussions with Sares-Regis on ENA components. Draft ENA with Sares-Regis approved by Council at 8/13 mtg. Next step is due diligence by Sares-Regis and neighborhood outreach. Potential first neighborhood outreach meeting to occur in mid-November.

Planning & Community Development Monthly Council Report October 2013 Page 3 Property Adj. to 1114 Village Drive.

Tentative Map/ Design Review/Grading Plan & CUP for Construction of 10 Townhomes over a Common Parking Garage. Public Notification period for environmental review commenced in May 2011; public comment period ended in July; no comments received.

DiDonato Project reviewed and approved by Commission at 7/3/12 meeting. Subdivision reviewed and approved at 10/23/12 CC meeting. Next step is CC review of PUE Vacation, and Final Subdivision Map. No update since last report.

APPEALS Alhambra Drive - Single Family Design Review

Project approved by Planning Commission on 8/16/11. Appeal of Planning Commission decision filed on 8/26/11. Appeal reviewed by City Council on 11/22/11. Continued to Special City Council meeting on 12/19/11 – Council upheld Planning Commission approval of SFDR. CC disapproved Street Vacation entitlement on 2/14/11; applicant currently revising project.

DiDonato PC approved revised project at 11/8/12 meeting; CC reviewed and approved project at 1/8/13 meeting. Next step is submission of building permits. Building Permit Plan check submitted for new dwelling – currently under review. No update since last report.


Items shown in bold face are new since last month. Items shown in italics are scheduled for next CC or PC meeting. Items shown in strikeout will be removed in next report.


September 2013

PERMIT ACTIVITY RESULTS COMMENTS Development Review Applications Received

4 Planning Division

Development Review Applications Approved

2 Planning Commission Review

Permit Applications Received

93 Building, Plumbing, Electrical & Mechanical

Permits Approved 88 Inclusive of above Permits Issued 90 Inspections Performed 349 Building Division Revenue Generated $168,102.07 Development Services Department 210


Monthly Activity Report for September, 2013


Recruitments: Recruitments for Police Officer and Community Service Officer were opened in Calops starting September 12 and closing October 4.

Police Recruits: There are now three Police Recruit Officers in the CSM Police Academy.

Appointment: Andrew Balady was appointed Police Recruit Officer effective September 9. He is currently in the CSM Police Academy.


Patrol: 33 Arrests 295 Citations

Total Incidents: 2293

Reports Written: 231

Code Enforcement: 108 Calls for service Citations: 47 Warnings 4 Administrative


Abandoned Vehicle Report: 38 calls for service; within 96 hours 35 were resolved and 3 were not.

Child Safety Seats: Community Service Officers inspected 8 car seats.


Chief DeSmidt attended meetings and participated in functions for:

SMCO Chiefs Association Mental Health Board School Community Meeting Belmont Oversite Board SMCO Chief’s BBQ Law & Legislation Conference Call Ralston Study Presentation BRSLL All Star Event EMCC SMCO Memorial 1976 Ranger Council Candidate Orientation NTF Board

Capt. Halleran attended meetings and participated in functions for:

New Website Microwave Test Field Crisis Committee Communication Managers Buckland Site Visit Dispatch Oral Board, San Mateo SMCO Emergency Managers Fire Drill Follow-up Discussion Belmont CERT

Capt. Psaila attended meetings and participated in functions for:

GTF Commanders Meeting Individual Team meetings County Commanders Meeting Employee Wellness Committee Davey Glen Park Design Police Admin meetings Traffic Group Recruiting Academy Inspection RTO Interviews NDNU Meeting PD Tech meetings New Website


September 6 First Aid/CPR Update All September 9-13 Field Evidence Tech E. Gonzales September 10 First Aid/CPR Update All September 12-13 Vehicle Ops E. Branch September 23-27 CAHN Conference S. Fegley September 23-27 FTO E. Branch


• The suspect who was captured on a neighbor’s security camera burglarizing a home on 6th Ave in July of 2012, was convicted this month and is facing 7-9 years in prison.

• The photograph of a man associated with auto burglaries at the Sports Complex was released. Investigations are following up on leads and trying to identify him.

Belmont Fire Department

Monthly Activity Report


September 2013


Retirements: None Recruitments: None Promotions: None

Operations Emergency Response: For the month of September there were 211 requests for assistance.

Community Outreach

Deputy Chief Gaffney attended meetings and participated in functions related to the following: Fire Prevention Staff Meetings * Fire OPS Group Meeting * CERT Meeting * EMCC Admin. Committee Meeting * San Mateo/Foster City Fire Command Staff Meeting * Davey Glen Park Design Meeting * Fire OPS Group Meeting * WMD Bucket Project * City Safety Sub-Committee Meeting * Council Candidate Orientation * Senior Safety Day Presentation *

Fire Crews Outreach Fire Personnel provided the following outreach/education to the community: Neighborhood Block Party on Lyon Avenue * Belmont/RWS Little League Parade * Safety Talk & Engine Tour for Footsteps @ Nesbit Childcare Program * Station 14 Tour & Lunch for Auction Winner * Pack 83 Cub Scout Meeting * Footsteps Childcare Annual Fun & Fit Day Event * CERT Volunteers WMD Bucket Project * Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation Relay Event * CPR & AED Training for Parks & Recreation Personnel *


Fire Personnel attended the following training & exercise opportunities:

Fire Ground Skills Rodeo * Emergency Medical Services * Hazmat Training

Total Department Training Hours for Month 171.75

Average Training Hours by Shift for Month 57.25

September Responses by Incident Type

Incident Type Total

Fire & Explosion 4

Rescue & Emergency Medical 121

Hazardous Condition 6

Service Call 18

Good Intent Call 40

False Call 21

Other Type of Situation Found 1

Total 211

Mutual Aid Received 28

Mutual Aid Extended 20

September Fire Prevention Activities

Activity Total

Annual Inspection/Re-Inspections 85

New Business License Inspections 6

Plan Reviews 8

Site Plan Reviews 1

Fire Final Plan Reviews 3

Engineering Monthly Report Public Works Department

October 10, 2013



Public Works Permits Diane Lynn

# of Engineering Permits issued: 24 # of Engineering Inspections assigned: 52 Ongoing



Sewer Force Main Evaluation

Bozhena Palatnik Two consultant firms submitted

proposals for the project. Staff has requested additional information to evaluate proposals.

Evaluating updated proposals. Once a selection is made, Public Works will seek Council approval for award of project to the qualified consultant.

Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project

Bozhena Palatnik The construction has been completed.

Address punch list items. Seek Council approval for Notice of Substantial Completion.

This project addressed critical infrastructure maintenance and improvements located in various parts of the city.

Alameda de las Pulgas Sewer Main Reconstruction

Bozhena Palatnik The construction has been completed.

Address punch list items. Seek Council approval for Notice of Substantial Completion.

Replace sewer main between Sharon Avenue and Arbor Avenue on Alameda de las Pulgas.



2013 Rubber Chip Seal & Slurry Seal Project

Gilbert Yau The contractor is working on punch list items, finalizing paperwork, and project closeout.

Close out project and request Council to accept construction in early November.

Pavement resurfacing at various locations throughout the city. Partially funded by CalRecycle grant.

Old County Road Street Lighting (Phase II)

Gilbert Yau

Design development by PG&E. PG&E to develop a more detailed schedule and cost estimate. Staff met with PG&E to move the project forward. PG & E indicates the project may be grandfathered with old budget.

Developing Street Lighting Fixture Standards for Planning Commission review and Council approval. Prepare project update to Council.

Project to underground overhead utilities along Old County Road utilizing Rule 20A fund. The lack of RDA funding will require other fund sources to construct streetlight related improvements. (City funded).

Bike Bridge CCN 433

Gilbert Yau

Staff submitted close-out documents to Caltrans. Right-of-way dedication has been recorded at the County.

Close out permits from regulatory agencies.

The project received an additional award from the American Society of Civil Engineers, Region VIII.

Hillman Ave & Ruth Ave Street and Storm Drain Improvement

Gilbert Yau

Consultant prepared a preliminary study for the storm drain system in the Hillman/El Camino area. Staff is preparing a grant application for Proposition 84 in October.

Staff is looking for grant opportunity for streetscape and roadway improvements.

A neighborhood meeting was held on October 10th to update the residents with progress of project.

Ralston & Highway 101 Landscape project.

Gilbert Yau Staff met with Redwood City to discuss steps required to have Belmont complete the project.

Review existing agreements to determine requirements for moving project forward.

Landscaping design will need to be modified based on available budget.


Citizen Concern Total Requests 1 Hour 24 hrs 24hrs- Week Scheduled OverTime CommentsDebris Pick-up 3 3 3Emergency Sewer Calls -after hours 15 15 15Emergency Storm Drain Calls-after hours 1 1 1Emergency Sewer Pump Station Graffiti/Vandalism 7 1 5 1 1-Caltrans responsibilityIllicit DischargePublic Inqury 13 9 1 2 1Sewer RepairSewer Lateral/PLCO 20 19 1Sewer OverflowSidewalk 4 2 2Storm Drain 1 1Street Light 13 3 6 4Street Maintenance/ Potholes 12 2 2 8 2-other agency responsibilityStreet Signs 6 3 1 2Street SweepingTraffic Signals 4 4Weeds/ shrubs/trees (within ROW) 3 3 1-Caltrans responsibilityStorm Related Call Recology Calls 11 9 2 7-Abandoned item callsTotal Requests/turn around time 113 71 22 19 1Percentage 63% 19% 17% 1%Previous Month's Total 208 125 44 38 2Previous Month's Percentage 60% 21% 18% 1%

Preventative Maintenance Total # Unit23,868 feet1,453 feet

25,895 feet389 miles12 vehicles35 vehicles

H:\Public Works\Monthly Maintenance Log Maintenance Log.xls

Vehicle Preventative MaintenanceVehicle Repairs

Citizen Requests and Response Time Log September

Public Works Department- Preventative Maintenance

Sewer Line Cleaning Footage

Sewer Video Inspection Footage Curb Miles Swept - mileage

Storm Drain Video Inspection Footage

top related