most brilliant indian defensive decision of 1965 war

Post on 15-Apr-2017



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Army till 1965 by Major Agha H Amin (Retired)#pakistanarmy #pakistan PAKISTAN ARMY TILL 1965

Thus 7th September was lost with just ten tanks across the Rohi Nala. All this was happening at a time when the situation in 4 Mountain Division as per Harbaksh Singh was so serious that 'out of six battalions two and half had left the line and the remaining three and half were under severe enemy pressure". 

Harbaksh states that it was under these circumstances that GOC 4 Mountain Division sought permission from GOC 11 Corps to withdraw and take a position at Assal Uttar in the rear.48

Harbaksh states that early in the morning of 8th September he received  a handwritten letter from GOC 11 Corps recommending that four infantry units i.e 18  Rajputana, 7 Grenadier, 9 J & K, AND 13  Dogra be disbanded and that another infantry division should replace 4  Mountain Division.49

At this stage Harbaksh had no reserves and exhorted GOC 4 Mountain Division and GOC 11 Corps to be more resolute.

While all this was happening Brig Bashir commander 5 Armoured Brigade was throwing to winds Pakistan's Armour superiority by dividing his brigade into two directions with 24 Cavalry to advance along axis Khem Karan-Bhikiwind and 6 Lancers towards Valtoha Railway Station. 

Naik Abdul Hameed , played a crucial role in repelling Pakistani tank attack on 2 Mountain Division and was awarded Indias highest military award Param Vir Chakra

24 Cavalry contacted defences of 4 Mountain Division and tried to develop the situation from the west but failed because of lack of infantry support and timely arrival of 3rd Cavalry (Centurions) which reached the 4 Mountain Division area after mid-day. 

6 Lancers reached Valtoha Railway Station but was recalled after last light back to Khem Karan by Brigadier Bashir to leaguer in line with the old British practice which in this scenario was not required.50

By 9th September when the Pakistani armour once again commenced advance the Indian armour was well poistioned with 3rd Cavalry Centurions plugging flanks which could have enabled 5 Armoured Brigade to get into rear of 4 Mountain  Divisioon 8th September. 

The critical time span was over. The ancient Greeks used to say that the Goddess of Victory favours those who are bold. Boldness was sadly missing in 5 Armoured Brigade less Sahibzad Gul the only tank commander who wanted to lead and fight from the front.

oured Brigade recommenced advance from its leaguers near Khem Karan, 6 Lancers was greeted by Centurion fire of 3rd Cavalry while 24 Cavalry also made nominal progress. 

                                                                                                           Indian Centurions of 3rd

Cavalry in defensive position

To compound things further Sahibzad Gul the only man in the whole senior lot was killed on 9th September near Valtoha.

This indomitable man was only given an SJ since he was not from the more pampered regiments of the then Pakistan Army!

By 10th September the Indians were well poised to meet any outflanking attack.

They had taken a horse shoe position with  about three tank regiments, one in 4 Mountain Division defences, another less one squadron in Valtoha area and the third and the most formidable in technical terms i.e the 3rd Cavalry covering the western deep flank of the  4 Mountain Division.

Naseer now launched 4 Cavalry into this valley of death. The result was catastrophic. 4 Cavalry got bogged down and was forced to surrender. The Indians claimed that they captured all tanks of the unit, the Commanding Officer and 12 officers including six majors and several other ranks.51 

Shaukat Riza states that "some tank crew of 4 Cavalry trickled into HQ 4 Armoured Brigade.They reported that the regiment had been taken the end of the day 4 Cavalry reported 4 Officers and 25 Other Ranks missing and a total of ten killed. Almost all the tanks had been lost".52 The layman reader should not get shocked.In tank warfare such things happen. In WW two an illustrious British tank unit 8th Hussars along with 4 Armoured Brigade was captured by the Germans.53 

Captured tanks of Pakistans 4 Cavalry

The fault in 4 Cavalry fiasco was not of the unit but its CO and GOC 1st Armoured Division.

Indian armour historian admits that 4 Cavalry fought well but ran out of fuel because of poor planning and was caught in a well laid ambush.

Thus ended an offensive which had the potential to knock the Indian Army out of the war. The 3rd Armoured Brigade was never employed and from 11th September the 1st Armoured Division less 5 Armoured Brigade and 4 Cavalry which was totally written off was despatched to Chawinda.

The Indians launched some very fool hardy frontal attacks on 11 Division from 11th September till 22nd September. All were repulsed since surprise had been lost and defence keeping in view terrain and relative strength was the superior form of war.


Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."  --Albert Einstein !!!

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