mostar (莫斯塔爾)

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Bosnia and Hercegovina highway immigration checkpoints波黑聯邦公路移民局檢查站

Bosnia and Hercegovina scenery and rest stop along the way to Mostar.波黑聯邦沿途風景及往莫斯塔爾沿途休息站。

Mostar Mostar is situated on the Neretva River and is the fifth-largest city in the Bosnia and Hercegovina. Mostar was named after the bridge keepers (mostari) who in the medieval times guarded the Stari Most (Old Bridge) over the Neretva. The Old Bridge, built by the Ottomans in the 16th century, is one of Bosnia and Herzegovina's most recognizable landmarks, and is considered one of the most exemplary pieces of Islamic architecture in the Balkans.

Old Bridge Area of the Old City of MostarThe historic town of Mostar, spanning a deep valley of the Neretva River, developed in the 15th and 16th centuries as an Ottoman frontier town. Mostar has long been known for its old Turkish houses and Old Bridge. In the 1990s conflict, however, most of the historic town and the Old Bridge, designed by the renowned architect Sinan, was destroyed. The Old Bridge was recently rebuilt and many of the edifices in the Old Town have been restored or rebuilt with the contribution of an international scientific committee established by UNESCO. The Old Bridge area, with its Ottoman, Mediterranean and western European architectural features, is an outstanding example of a multicultural urban settlement. The reconstructed Old Bridge and Old City of Mostar is a symbol of reconciliation, international co-operation and of the coexistence of diverse cultural, ethnic and religious communities.

莫斯塔爾莫斯塔爾坐落在內雷特瓦河,是波黑聯邦第五大城。在中世紀時代,由警衛把守著內雷特瓦河上斯塔利橋 (Stari Most) [ 老橋 ] 之後,城市才被命名為莫斯塔爾 (Mostar) 。老橋為 16 世紀土耳其人所建,是波黑聯邦最知名的地標之一,並被認為是巴爾幹地區伊斯蘭建築最典型作品之一。

莫斯塔爾舊城和舊橋地區歷史悠久的莫斯塔爾,橫跨內雷特瓦河的深谷,在 15 世紀和 16 世紀發展成為奧斯曼帝國邊境小鎮。莫斯塔爾的土耳其老房子和老橋聞名已久。但是在 20 世紀 90 年代的衝突,由著名建築師希南設計 歷史悠久大部份的城鎮和舊橋都被摧毀。舊橋最近被重建,許多在舊城區的高樓,在教科文組織的國際科學委員會捐助下也已恢復或重建。舊橋區域的奧斯曼帝國、地中海和西歐的特色建築,是一個多元文化城市定居的突出範例。重建的老橋和莫斯塔爾舊城,是國際合作和不同文化共存、以及種族和宗教團體和解的象徵。

Roadside cemetery in city Mostar在莫斯塔爾城裡路邊的墓地

Tepa Market 特帕市場

Tepa Market 特帕市場Just around the corner from the Koski Mosque is the Tepa Market. This has been a busy marketplace since Ottoman times. It now sells mostly fresh produce grown in Herzegovina and, when in season, the figs and pomegranates are extremely popular. Local honey is also a prominent specialty. 在考斯基清真寺的旁邊就是特帕市場。自奧斯曼帝國時代一直是個繁忙的市場。現在大多銷售黑塞哥維那的新鮮農產品,當季生產的無花果和石榴都非常受歡迎。當地的蜂蜜也是一項很突出的特產。

Koski Mosque (Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque)考斯基清真寺 ( 考斯基穆罕默德帕夏清真寺 )

Koski Mosque (Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque)

One thing is certain, Koski Mehmed-pasha Mosque is neither the oldest, nor the largest, nor the most important city mosque but is certainly most photographed. This is primarily due to its position, along the Neretva River, and close vicinity to the Old Bridge. In addition to the Old Bridge it is most commonly panoramas of Mostar.

Koski Mosque was built in 1617-1619 and is the only one in Mostar where the original colors or ornaments and wall decorations have been preserved. Although under the protection of UNESCO, the mosque was heavily damaged in the war in 1993, minaret was demolished and dome sustained serious damage.

考斯基清真寺 ( 考斯基穆罕默德帕夏清真寺 )


考斯基清真寺建於 1617~1619 年,在莫斯塔爾中是唯一將原始顏色、飾物和牆面裝飾都被保存下來的建築物。雖然在聯合國教科文組織的保護下,清真寺在 1993 年戰爭中遭到嚴重損壞,尖塔被拆除,圓屋頂遭受嚴重破壞。

Koski Mosque built in 1617, is open to visitors. Tourists enter the mosque and riverside terrace is to be paid.考斯基清真寺建於 1617 年,對遊客開放。遊客進入清真寺和河濱露台是要付費的。

From the mosque riverside terrace overlooking the Old Bridge從清真寺河濱露台遙望老橋

Turkish smoke 土耳其煙

Koski Mosque entrance door考斯基清真寺大門

"Don't forget" stele beside the cobbled lane, a reminder not to forget the 93 years in Bosnia and Herzegovina civil war.鵝卵石小巷旁的「不要忘記」 石碑,提醒不要忘記 93 年波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那的戰爭。

The Mostar Bridge 莫斯塔爾橋The Mostar Bridge was a very famous and historical bridge before its destruction in 1993 during the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina (part of the former Yugoslavia). The elegant bridge spanned the River Neretva and was designed by the Ottoman (Turkish) architect Mimar Hayruddin. It was completed in 1566 after nines years of building and the surrounding town became a thriving trading centre. The bridge was 29 meters in length and stood at a height of 20 meters, a classic example of a single span, stone arch bridge and was an example of advanced technology in its time. It became a World Heritage site during the twentieth century..莫斯塔爾橋在 1993 年波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那戰爭破壞之前,是一座非常著名的歷史橋樑。優雅的橋面橫跨內雷特瓦河,由奧斯曼 ( 土耳其 ) 建築師 Mimar Hayruddin 設計。經過 9 年建造,它於 1566 年完成,周邊城鎮隨即成為一個繁榮的貿易中心。這座橋是長 29米,距離河面高 20米,典型的單跨石拱橋,在當時是先進技術的範例。它是二十世紀世界遺產。

Image by Julie Falconer / Lonely Planet

"Don't forget 93” the war of Bosnia and Hercegovina「不要忘記 93 年」波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那的戰爭

1993 War bridge destroyed photo1993 年戰爭橋毀照片

The temporary cable bridge 20022002 年臨時鐵索橋




2002The temporary cable bridge 2002

2002 年臨時鐵索橋Photos from www

Bullet souvenirs子彈紀念品

Mostari Divers Club 老橋跳水俱樂部

Local professional bridge-diving jumper 當地專業橋樑跳水員

Restoran Šadrvan


The Karađozbegova Mosque At Tito street (Maršala Tita) next the cemetery 卡拉喬斯貝格清真寺在狄托街 (Maršala Tita) 墓地旁邊 Music : Blowing in the wind

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