movie assembly

Post on 14-May-2015






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According to the Collins English dictionary evolution is a gradual change in the characteristics of a population of animals or plants over

successive generations

In other words evolution is when things change and adapt to their surroundings over many years

Are we still evolving?•I am going to investigate if we are still evolving.

•I will compare the people of today with the people of the past

•I would like to see how these changes will affect my future.

Are we getting smarter?

Our brains are massively re-modelled by the exposure to the Internet -but also, by reading, television, video games, modern electronics, contemporary music and by contemporary "tools," etc.

The average human has to learn complicated new skills and abilities that involve a massive brain change. Our brains are very different, in fine detail, from the brains of our ancestors.

Are we getting Dumber?Are we getting reliant on computers, and therefore, dumber?

In the 1950s if you did not do well in your reading and math you did not move up to the next year group. Some people repeated the same primary year two to three times!!! These days its not until year 11 that if you fail you might

have to repeat that year.

If the power went out in a shop or business would we be able to work without a calculator or computer?

With evolution how will Technology change in the future?

•We will talk to computers not type into them

•Factories will be run by computers and machinery and will need very little human care

•We might have virtual reality holidays

I think…

•We will have houses with computers and robots who

do everything for us

 Obesity is a serious issue facing our society - and the western world - today.  Levels have tripled in the past two decades in England and the government reports that a fifth of men and a quarter of women are now obese, with a staggering 24 million adults thought to be overweight or obese. 

With inventions such as computers and robots we will do less and less

My Conclusion

I believe we are still evolving and our future will be a very different place to live.

With evolution, if we rely too much on computers and other technology I believe we will become a very lazy, over weight and an unintelligent world!

With evolution we have become taller and more intelligent but with all these new inventions we will get fat, lazy and throw away our intelligence. I believe this is what may happen in the future!!!

This is my way of saying that, we need to look out for one another,

watch what we eat and the technology we use. We need to take care to

continue evolving and living the lives we are living now,

so have a happy and healthy life


Conclusion Continued.

Also the life expectancy is in creasing so make the most of it!!!

• Avocados are reassembly high in monounsaturated fat - the "good" kind of fat that lowers cholesterol levels. AVOCADO FACTS

• If you replace the butter or margarine you spread on your toast you will not only be cutting down on calories you'll be cutting down on saturated fat.

• Some avocados are round.• They can range in weight from 28grams to 1.8kg

Green tea is good for the brain as it contains chemicals that enhance mental relaxation and alertness.

Green tea is also high in antioxidants• These are some medical conditions in which drinking

green tea is reputed to be helpful:• cancer • rheumatoid arthritis • high cholesterol levels • cardiovascular disease • infection • impaired immune function

Fish high in omega 3 Such as salmon are very good for the brain because they contain DHA is a fatty acid in omega 3. DHA makes up a large amount of the brains gray cells so in the long term helping to promote and maintain a healthy emotional balance and improving memory.

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