moving images 3 story+research

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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My story and researches for moving image 3


Synopsis In order to escape from this hellish nightmare, our protagonist name Kevin would need to explore the place with all sorts of unknown things awaits him in every corner; he will need to find his way out as he uncovers more of the place. Kevin was seeing weird images and footages as he’s going to sleep, giving the headaches that he’s having because of these images and footage; it causes him to lose cautiousness. After losing cautiousness, Kevin wakes up not realizing that he’s already in this nightmare dream. He’s keep hearing a voice calling out his name in a faded tone, he does not know who it is. He gets up from his bed and start searching around the house. As he exit his room, he ended up in another room, which it does not belong to his house. As Kevin realized the room, he starting to search the room and found a flashlight. Continuing to search the room, he found a gun on the, he picked it up but he starting to hallucinating, seeing a person in mask is holding the gun he just picked up and trying to kill him. As they struggle, the person in mask disappeared. As Kevin left the room, exploring the corridor. An arm came out from a corner and caught Kevin’s shirt, as Kevin struggles to break free he pulled out his gun from earlier and fired a single shot at the hand. A woman’s noise was busted out loud after the shot, Kevin quickly turned to the corner but no one was there. Continuing with the exploring, which led Kevin to the garden. As he starts hallucinating again, he saw a woman getting chase and was caught by a man in mask from before holding a knife. Kevin points his gun at the man telling him to let her go. As the mask man is about to kill the woman, Kevin fired his gun and then just realize that the man and woman was not there, but the Kevin found a puddle of guts on the floor, he couldn’t stand the gore so he ran straight to the toilet a puked. As Kevin walks into a room slowly and quietly, he turned around and the man in mask swung a bat at Kevin’s head. Kevin quickly point the gun at him but he kicked it away from Kevin’s hand. The mask man grabbed Kevin by his neck, as he try to strangle Kevin, Kevin kicked the mask man away and slowly crawled towards where the gun is. Once Kevin got the gun, he quickly pointed and fire a few bullet at the mask man but it did not harm him. They both are fighting over for the gun, but as the mask man got on top of Kevin, mask man pointed the gun to Kevin’s and shot him. After the shot, Kevin wakes up

Inspiration 1 The Nightmare by Joseph Christina - Tormented by one surreal, terrifying predicament after another, a boy is confronted with his inner fear. As the air becomes harder and harder to breath, as his tormentors become stranger and press in closer, the boy begins to realize the true nature of his situation.

I found this short horror film was very well made; it was creepy, engrossed and spooked. Featuring a boy getting pursued by a mysterious person as later revealed it was only his mother, and as random events unfolds, there are certain events which does not make much scents but as a nightmare it works out really well. I also like the transition of jump cuts rather than fade to black or goes completely black for a second. For example where the boy was hiding in a white sheet cover and as he open the cover, it transit to his bed duvet. Inspiration 2 Dark Times by Peter Horn & Jared Marshall ho knew Christmas and Horror went so well together? Last year’s Treevenge took holiday horror to a new level. This year, Dark Times (a reader submission from directors Peter Horn & Jared Marshall) brings it to us from a new perspective. Shot entirely from a first-person viewpoint, we witness the events as one of the terrified beings running from flesh-eating zombies who is eventually caught, disemboweled, and undergoes zombification. Finally, a film shows us what the world is like as a brain-craving zombie.

Although this short film is not about having nightmares, it sure has gave me many ideas of how a first person film should be shot such as running, getting grabbed, pulled across the floor etc. What I like about this film is that it shows in 2 different perspectives, one is a human perspective and the other is once he got turn in to zombie, in a zombie perspective. Research What is nightmare? - A nightmare is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong negative emotional response from the mind, typically fear or horror, but also despair, anxiety and great sadness. The dream may contain situations of danger, discomfort, and psychological or physical terror. Sufferers usually awaken in a state of distress and may be unable to return to sleep for a prolonged period of time. How to shoot in POV in a film – Most filmmaker nowadays uses a camera head strap where you place the camera in front of your forehead. This is one of the most common tools to be used in the industry, as for using it in my film, I am not too sure if I will be able to get a hand of this head strap.

As I am researching for alternative methods to shoot it in POV, I have came across a video where you placed a tripod inside your jacket and zip it up then mount the camera in front of your face, a strap around your chest is recommended incase if tripod comes loose from your jacket.

Mount the camera in front of your face to create a POV perspective without using the head strap.

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