moving towards maturity - the goldilocks approach to digital marketing

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Moving to maturity -the ‘Goldilocks approach’ to

digital Shane O’Leary

DMX 2017@shaneoleary1

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“Forget Myspace…Bebo is the future of social media marketing”

“Why all brands should be using Q.R. codes…”

“Why Snapchat is a fad and will die in 2016”

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“The sign of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the

same time and still retain the ability to function”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

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“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd”


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“QR codes are feckin class!

VR is the future!”

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As we’ve seen in the past year…

hubris,lack of humility

and bias

…isn’t good for anyone.

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We need…

more critical thinking.

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less unnecessary complexity.

We need…

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an acceptance that some of this will work, and some of it will fail miserably.

We need…

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A more sophisticated view of digital means a more balanced view.

strengths weaknesses&

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Let’s take the ‘Goldilocks approach’ to digital

5 examples of the ‘Goldilocks approach’ to digital…

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1) It will help us remember that we’re not like normal people…

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We believe our own mediaconsumption behaviour is

normal and everyone behaves the same way…

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…but we’re aliens.

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Marketing Industry





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Marketing Industry ‘Normal’ People

90% 62%

75% 25%

81% 22%

38% 15%

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Marketer’s Estimate

108 mins

70 mins

Live TV per day?

Time shifted TV per day?

Time spent watching TV on other devices 37%

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Marketer’s Estimate The Reality

108 mins 169 mins

70 mins 19 mins

Live TV per day?

Time shifted TV per day?

Time spent watching TV on other devices 37% 2%

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The approach?

Remain innovative and future focused. Be early adopters.

Avoid confirmation bias. Don’t fall prey to the ‘majority illusion’.

Let’s try to have ‘big windows’.

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2) It will help us avoid the scourge of digital short-termism…

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“What gets measured gets managed”Peter Drucker

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We tend to focus on the most easily available information.

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We get stuck on the hamster wheel of short-term data.

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“Long term campaigns are 2-3x more effective”Gunn Report

IPABinet & Field

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The approach?

Real results not vanity metrics.

Understand short term, but focus on long term.

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3) It will help us re-evaluate the changing role of TV…

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“Recently we have noticed a number of changes in marketing and advertising. What is occurring is the most powerful disruption to

brand marketing since the industrial revolution.”

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William T. Moran ‘The Great Marketing Revolution’

February 1956

“Recently we have noticed a number of changes in marketing and advertising. What is occurring is the most powerful disruption to

brand marketing since the industrial revolution.

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For some reason, we love to convince ourselves that new channels replace old ones.

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“Over half of Irish consumers name TV as their top source for brand & product discovery”

Global Web Index

“Over 60% of total video consumed in Ireland is still live & linear T.V.”


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“Online businesses are the biggest category of advertisers on TV in UK (£640m)”


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Let’s stop thinking in terms of delivery mechanisms, and start thinking ‘video’.

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The approach?

TV isn’t dead & it’s still incredibly effective.

How we consume video is changing rapidly.

Using it in tandem with digital increases effectiveness - it’s complementary.

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4) It will help us solve the data versus creativity argument…

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Both sides are wrong.The value is…

Data Creativity

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The approach?

Data prepares the fire, creativity sets it alight.

The value is in the overlap. Think ‘and’ not ‘or’.

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5) It will drive us towards maturity…

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To say you have a ‘digital strategy’ is outdated.

It’s like saying you have an ‘electricity strategy’.

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‘Digital’ is…

becoming an irrelevant term with no meaning.

It’s like talking about ‘international marketing’.

So let’s stop creating false silos in the industry.

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Digital isn’t different.

It’s not separate.

It’s not new.

It’s everything.

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The approach?

Media neutral and less biased.

Digital marketing isn’t separate. It’s all just marketing.

It would benefit us all to ‘make digital redundant’.

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It’s not about mastering digital marketing.

It’s about mastering effective marketing in a digital world. 

Let’s take the ‘Goldilocks approach’…

Let’s take the ‘Goldilocks approach’…

…and work towards our ‘happy ever after’ - digital maturity.

Thank YouTo download slides, links to data sources and much more, go to now.

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