mpca advocacy training for board members

Post on 12-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Presented at the annual Health Center Board Member Training, this presentation focuses on the core principles of legislative advocacy as it relates to MPCA and CHCs in Michigan.


Advocacy Training: Are you in the Driver’s Seat?

Michigan Primary Care Association

Doug Paterson – MPCAChris Kilgroe – Representative Mary Valentine’s Office

Promoting, supporting, and developing comprehensive, accessible, and affordable community-based primary health care services to everyone in Michigan.

Two types of organizations

Those who allow others to determine the environment in which they operate

Those that shape and influence the environment in which they operate

Every board must decide which type they will be.

Advocacy versus Lobbying

Advocacy – education to make policy makers more aware what you do and how policy influences your organization.

Lobbying – asking legislators to take a position on specific legislation.


Advocacy is about one thing – building power.

Power is not measured by the number of advocates we have on a list.

Power is not measured by the number of small (or even large) victories we win every now and


Power must be measured by our ability to successfully advance our own agenda and to make it unthinkable that any other political or

special interest would ever want to take us on.

What is Grassroots Advocacy?

Grassroots advocacy: the active support of a cause, issue or policy that gets its strength from the ground up rather than from the top down.

Participatory democracy: when taxpayers have input in how their government develops policy and spends funds.

All your advocacy efforts should have two goals: Build a relationship with your elected officials and/or

their staff which:• Assures you are known to the policy maker• You are viewed as a credible source of information on health center

issues• Your input is valued and sought• Your calls get returned

Build the power to influence your elected officials Create a structure that organizes your health center staff, patients

and community supporters, into a machine capable of winning important issue campaigns that impact your community at the local state and national levels.

Building relationships and empowering your community take time and effort over the long-term and can be more important than any single legislative issue.



Grassroots Advocacy is a Competitive SportGrassroots Advocacy is a Competitive Sport There are winners and losers andThere are winners and losers and

sometimes a stalemate is a win!sometimes a stalemate is a win! Advocacy an ACTIVE process, not a passive oneAdvocacy an ACTIVE process, not a passive one You are not the only one who wants something so You are not the only one who wants something so

you must be heard above all the other interests. you must be heard above all the other interests. In advocacy, it is almost always true that the wheel In advocacy, it is almost always true that the wheel

that squeaks the loudest gets the grease.that squeaks the loudest gets the grease.

Make a conscious commitment to building a “Culture of Advocacy” at the local, state and federal levels to realize the full potential of our grassroots power, health centers have to:

Change our culture to one in which effective advocacy is an essential element our daily work, and to do the hard work of really organizing our potential into real grassroots power.

Develop and recognize grassroots advocacy effectiveness in the same way we do other critical skills for health center staff and boards.

1. Advocacy Has to be an Organizational CommitmentThe Board Must Take the Lead – a formal commitment to time and resources is essentialCreate an Advocacy Committee with a Chair – Board and staff need to be included

2. Advocacy Has RulesKnow the Rules. It’s hard to break the rules, but you can do it if you don’t know what they are

3. Advocacy Needs to be done Face to FacePlan to get your local, state and federal officials (and their staff) to your Center on a regular basis

4. Advocacy Needs NumbersIf 100 emails and faxes are good, a thousand is better!(It took 1 million emails to save Big Bird!)


5. Advocacy Needs a MegaphoneLearn how to use the media

6.Advocacy Needs FriendsLook for ways to reach out to other organizations in your community on a regular basis

7. Advocacy Needs VotesEmpower your health center by making sure your patients and staff are registered to vote and that they vote!

8. Advocacy Doesn’t Stop When the Whistle BlowsWhen it comes to the government, issues don’t go away – they just hide.

Your goal is to build the permanent power to influence any issue that affects your center- at any level of government.


The Essential Step:

Elevate advocacy to the level of an organizational priority – for Board and Staff.

Provide board members, staff and patients information on a regular basis about what is happening in Washington and Lansing and how it could affect their center

Make advocacy a standing item on the agenda at every board and staff meeting

Publicly recognize those who sign up for our advocacy network and who take effective action

Establish an ongoing schedule of hosting and meeting with local, state, and federal elected officials at the health center

Find ways to involve patients in as many advocacy activities as possible



Two types of Lobbying

Direct Lobbying – any attempt to influence any legislation through communication with a legislator, an employee of a legislative body or government official addressing SPECIFIC legislation and reflecting views on such legislation

Grassroots Lobbying – any attempt to influence legislation through an attempt to affect the opinions of the general public related to specific legislation.

Legislator’s job Conceive legislation Develop support Study issues Vote on legislation Appropriate funding Develop expertise on subjects related to committee

assignments Attend sessions and committee meetings Exercise legislative oversight Communicate with constituents Assume active role in district Play active role in political party Participate in ceremonial local and state functions May maintain a district office


Lobbying - preparation

Know your issue – research and verify facts and background

Who has interest in the legislation Why should legislator support or oppose Why is it important to your health center What facts and merit can you produce to

make your case.

Communicating with your legislators – Five questions

Who am I?What is my issue?Why do I care?Why should the legislator care?What should legislator do?

(Do NOT hesitate to ask the legislator if you can count on his/her support)


Do not send form letters Be personal and unique Address legislator by name Use a subject title above name simply

stating the purpose. (E.G. SB 349) Mention you live in district State your opinion and request Be brief and clear. Keep to one page


Be short Use same care as letter Include your first and last name, your

mailing address, phone number and organization

Request a response

Phone Calls

Before you call, take a moment to gather your thoughts. Write a mini-outline of what you plan to say.

Identify yourself by stating your name and that you are a constituent

Ask if the legislator is available to discuss (describe issue) - you will likely be directed to a staff person.

Briefly educate the legislator or staff of your agency State your specific issue Keep message simple – less than four minutes Politely ask staff how the message will be conveyed ASK for a commitment Ask for any response in writing

Scheduling a Visit

Call the legislators office and ask for scheduler

Tell scheduler you are a constituent and would like an appointment to discuss (issue)

Invite legislator to visit your clinic

Meeting with Legislators Do your homework Create a packet to leave (2 copies) Bring business cards and contact info Call day ahead to confirm Be on time Always introduce yourself Don’t make up answers to questions – if you don’t know,

tell them you will get back with them. Be sure to follow up. Present both sides of an issue in a fair and honest manner Identify others who support your position Limit the number of people you bring NEVER INTERUPT a legislator Don’t offer opinions outside your direct concern ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH – credibility is your capital. Ask for a commitment Ask what you can do to help the legislator Don’t hesitate to talk to staffers – they can be good



Committee hearings are an important part of the legislative process

Briefly introduce yourself State your goal and major points Support your position Personalize your testimony List your specific recommendations Be as specific and brief as possible Bring 30 copies

The Fringe Benefits of Lobbying

Helps to develop true constituencies Helps develop new leadership Helps educate the public Democracy – in a participatory democracy,

a policy debate reflects what the participants bring to it. If only those with self interests are heard policy makers lose the benefit of an important perspective.

Those without a voice get heard.

Go to and register as a health care advocate

Go to and register as a health care defender

Take action: When you receive an action alert

CALL-EMAIL or FAX whatever you can Invite your legislators to your center


Primary Care Cares PAC

The independent committee representing community health centers in Michigan

Collective advocacy and lobbying for high quality, culturally competent, comprehensive health care for all citizens

Non-partisan and Independent Dependent on individual donations from

people who believe in this cause. Goal - $500 per member center

Prohibited donations

Cash over $20 Anonymous Donations Contributions from corporations, joint stock

companies, labor organzations, or Indian Tribes

Donations over certain amounts $5,000 for Represenatative $10,000 for Senator $10,000 for local or Judicial seat

Make an organizational commitment to advocacy Board Meetings Promote with staff and patients Support the PAC

• Primary Care Cares• c/o Doug Paterson

• 2701 Heather Dr

• East Lansing, MI 49923



Questions or assistance

David Brown Doug Paterson

15175 Dixie Hwy Suite D Michigan Primary Care Assoc.

Monroe, MI 48161 7215 Westshire Dr.

Office – (734) 384-7000 Lansing, MI 48917

Home – (734) 243-2378 Office – (517) 381-8000 X 209 Cell – (517)614-0705

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