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The specification at a glanceUnit Assessment ContentsUnit 1 – COMP1Problem Solving, Programming, Data Representation and Practical Exercise

60% of AS

2 hour on-screen examination100 marksAvailable in June only

Preliminary Material (comprising Instructions to Candidates), the Skeleton Program (in each of the available programming languages) and, if appropriate, test data for use in the examination will be released on 1 March on e-AQA only with the Electronic Answer Document.

1. Fundamentals of Problem Solving

2. Fundamentals of Programming

3. Fundamentals of Data Representation

4. Systems Development Life Cycle

Unit 2 – COMP2Computer Components, The Stored Program Concept and The Internet

40% of AS

1 hour written examination60 marksCompulsory short answer questions.Available January and June

1. Fundamentals of Computer Systems

2. Fundamental Hardware Elements of Computers

3. Machine Level Architecture

4. Hardware Devices5. The Structure of the

Internet6. Web page design7. Consequences of

Uses of Computing

Unit 1 + Unit 2 = AS Award (1511)

AS + A2 = A Level Award (2511)

Unit 3 – COMP3Problem Solving, Programming, Operating Systems, Databases and Networking

30% of A Level2 hour 30 minutes written examination100 marksCompulsory short and extended answer questions.Available in June only

Unit 4 – COMP4The Computing Practical Project

20% of A LevelCoursework, internally assessed, and moderated by AQA.75 marksReport written by the candidate documenting a programmed solution to a real problem associated with a user whose realistic needs should be taken into account

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when specifying, designing and implementing the solution.Available in June only

What skills will you learn?The Computing A Level course helps you develop a number of skills:

Abstract thinking; General problem-solving Algorithmic and mathematical reasoning Scientific and engineering-based thinking Programming in a language Developing software; In-depth understanding of how computers work

It will be possible to retake individual units later on in the course if necessary.

Tips for Success Attend all lessons. Poor attendance equals poor grade. At A level, missing 2 or 3

hours of lessons can be a lot of work to catch up. If you have to miss a lesson, ensure you get notes and catch up work from your teacher or other students.

Whilst your notes are really important, at A level, you need more! You need to listen to your teacher in class, participate in tasks and discuss topics in small groups and with your teacher, complete your homework and read about/research the topics by yourself to complement your learning and understanding.

Make sure you attend all workshops organized by teachers. This will be included on your timetable to avoid clashes with other subject areas.

You also need to be aware of what is going in the IT world so... read relevant online magazines and watch relevant television programmes!

Before a lesson, refresh your knowledge about what you did in the previous lesson. That way, you’ll hit the ground running and impress everyone too!

You should have at least 4 hours of independent study time every week.

Practise what you learn in lesson by doing plenty programming.

Tips from other students Pre-read the textbook before the lesson. You will understand it much better and

quicker. “Get yourself a nice shiny new folder. Make sure it’s a proper A4 ring-binder one –

you’ll need it!” Always bring it to every lesson, that way, you don’t waste time at home sorting your

notes out – or losing stuff in the common room. Maths_Science Department Page 3 of 20document.doc

Use file dividers to clearly separate out the various modules. That saves confusion and loads of time when it comes to revision.

Don’t bunk lessons. You end up missing loads of stuff and you won’t – believe me – ever catch it up!

Class NotesYou will be supplied with notes for most of the course – some in electronic format that you will be expected to access from home. You will spend little time in class taking notes but you will be expected to make your own notes from your reading. (See the Resources section below for sources of information to supplement your classroom learning).

HomeworkYou will be set homework every work. Homework is set to help you check your understanding of business concepts and to prepare you for your exams as well as prepare you for class activities. Failure to complete homework is therefore not an option.

You will also be expected to read around the subject in your own time for about 3-5 hours per week to reinforce your learning.

We don’t need many more rules, as you know you are studying for your future success! REVISE! REVIEW! RETAIN!

What can you learn from this “curve of forgetting”?

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Subject ContentUnit 1: COMP1 Problem Solving, Programming, Data Representation and Practical Exercise

1.1 Fundamentals of Problem Solving √Introduction to Principles of Computation

Focus on studying the processes of computation and understanding why and where they are important in Computing.

Stages of Problem Solving Understand the problem.

Define the problem: given(s), goal, ownership, resources and constraints

Given(s) = the initial situationGoal = Desired target situationOwnership = who does whatResources and constraints = tools, knowledge, skills, materials and rules, regulations, guidelines, boundaries, timingsDefine boundaries.Plan solution.Check solution.

Top-down Design / Step-wise Refinement

Consider sub-problems and the use of modules.

Decision tables Determine logical conditions and consequential actions

Finite state machines with outputs Finite state machines without outputs • state transition diagrams • state transition tables

Mealy machineFinite State AutomationDraw and interpret simple state transition diagrams, transition tables.

Algorithm Design Understand the term algorithm.Express the solution to a simple problem as an algorithm using flowcharts, pseudo-code or structured English and the standard constructs:• sequence• assignment• selection• repetition.Hand trace simple algorithms.Convert a simple algorithm from• structured English into pseudo-code,• pseudo-code into high level program code.Understand the standard algorithms: Bubble Sort, Linear Search.

1.2 Fundamentals of ProgrammingFeatures of Imperative High Level Languages

Illustrate these features for a particular imperative, third-generation language such as Pascal.

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Data Types • Built-in • User-defined

Use the following appropriately.Integer, byte, real, boolean, character, string, date/time.Enumerated, subrange, sets, records, arrays.

The Role of Variables Recognise the different roles a variable can take:fixed value, stepper, most recent holder, most wanted holder,gatherer, transformation, follower, temporary.

Programming Statements• Type Definitions• Variable Declarations• Constant Definitions• Procedure/FunctionDeclarations• Assignment• Iteration• Selection• Procedure and Function calling Arithmetic operators including modular arithmeticRelational operators Boolean operators Logical bitwise operators Set operators Built-in functions

Use these statement types.

Explain the advantages of procedure/functions.+, –, /, x, DIV, MOD

=, <, >, <>, <=, >=NOT, AND, ORNOT, AND, OR, XORUnion, difference, intersection, membership.Arithmetic functions: round, truncation.String handling functions: length, position, substring, concatenation.String conversion functions to/from integer, real, date/time.

Constants and VariablesProcedure and Function Parameters

Explain the advantages of named variables and constants.Describe the use of parameters to pass data within programs.Understand the different mechanisms for parameter passing: by value and by reference.

Fundamentals of Structured Programming

Understand the structured approach to program design and construction.Construct and use structure tables, structure charts and hierarchy charts when designing programs.Use meaningful identifier names.Use procedures/functions with interfaces.Use procedures that execute a single task.Explain the advantages of the structured approach.

Data Structures• One- and Two-Dimensional Arrays• Fields, Records and Files

Use arrays in the design of solutions to simple problems.Read/write from/to a text file (including csv file)Read/write records from/to a file of records.

Validation Understand the importance of validation of input data.Program simple validation.

1.3 Fundamentals of Data RepresentationBit Patterns in a Computer Explain the different interpretations that may be

associated with a pattern of bits.

Binary number systemPure Binary Representation of Denary Integers

Describe the representation of unsigned denary integers in binary.Perform conversion from denary to binary and vice-versa.

Binary Arithmetic Add two binary numbers and multiply two binary numbers.

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Representation of signed integers by Two’s Complement

Describe the use of Two’s Complement to perform subtraction.Convert a denary integer into Two’s Complement and vice versa.

The Concept of Number Bases: Denary, Binary and Hexadecimal

Describe the conversion of a denary integer to hexadecimal form and vice versa. Describe the use of hexadecimal as shorthand for binary.

Integers and Numbers with a Fractional Part

Draw a distinction between integers and numbers with a fractional part in a computer context.Describe how an unsigned denary number with a fractional part is represented in fixed-point form in binary.

Information Coding Schemes Describe standard coding systems for coding character data.

• ASCII• Unicode

Differentiate between the character code representation of a denary digit and its pure binary representation.

Error checking and correction Gray coding

Parity bits, Hamming code.Describe Gray coding. Explain why and where it is used.

Representing Images, Sound and other data Bitmapped Graphics Vector Graphics

Sound filesSampled Sound and Nyquist-theorem Sound Synthesis Streaming audioAnalogue and Digital DataAnalogue and Digital SignalsAnalogue to Digital Converter (ADC)

Describe how bit patterns may represent other forms of data including graphics and sound.Bitmaps: resolution, colour depth and simple bitmap file calculationsVector graphics: drawing list – objects and their properties.Compare bitmaps to vector graphics; advantages, disadvantages.The need for compression and basic techniques for compression.Sampling resolution, sampling rate.Describe MIDI and its advantages for storing sound digitally.Explain what it is and why it is used.Differentiate between analogue and digital data and analogue and digital signals.Describe the principles of operation of an analogue to digital converter.

1.4 Systems Development Life CycleAnalysis Design Implementation Testing


Describe the stages of development of a hardware/software system.Specify the method of testing the programmed solution (dry run testing, black box testing, white box testing).Specify the selection of test data including normal (typical), boundary and erroneous data.Program the solution as per design.Test the solution using selected test data.

Reflect on how successful the operational system is.

Unit 2: COMP2 Computer Components, The Stored Program Concept and the InternetMaths_Science Department Page 7 of 20document.doc

2.1 Fundamentals of Computer SystemsHardware and Software Understand the relationship between hardware and

software and be able to define both.

Classification of Software Be aware of how software is classified.Be able to explain what is meant by system software and application software.Understand the need for and attributes of different types of software.

System Software Understand the need for, and functions of, system software:• Operating system software• Utility programs• Library programs• Translator software (Compiler, assembler, interpreter).

Application Software Describe the different types of application software and the criteria for selecting appropriate software for particular purposes.General purpose application software.Special purpose application software.Bespoke application software.

Generations of Programming Language First generation • Machine code Second generation • Assembly languageThird generation• Imperative high level languageFourth generation• Declarative language

Describe machine-code language and assembly language.

Awareness of the development of programming languages and the limitations of both machine-code and assembly-language programming.

Explain the term imperative high level language and its relationship to first and second generation languages

Explain the term declarative programming language and where and why declarative languages are used.

Types of Program Translator • Assembler • Compiler• Interpreter

Define each type of language translator and describe situations where each would be appropriate.

2.2 Fundamental Hardware Elements of ComputersLogic Gates

Boolean Algebra

Construct truth tables for the following gates: NOT, AND, OR, XOR,NAND, NOR.Be familiar with drawing logic diagrams involving one or more of the above gates.Be familiar with the use of De Morgan’s laws and Boolean identities to manipulate and simplify simple Boolean expressions.

2.3 Machine Level ArchitectureInternal and External Hardware Components of a Computer

Outline the basic internal components of a computer system. (Although questions about specific machines will not be asked it might be useful to base this section on the machines used at the centre.)Understand the need for and means of connection between components.Processor, main memory, address bus, data bus, control bus, I/O controllers and I/O ports, secondary storage, their purpose and how they relate.

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Know that the processor, system bus and main memory are called the CPU (central processing unit), and that components external to the CPU are called peripherals. An example of a peripheral is secondary storage.

Functional Characteristics of a Processor

Understand the concept of addressable memory.Describe the stored program concept whereby machine code instructions stored in main memory are fetched and executed serially by a processor that performs arithmetic and logical operations.

Structure and Role of the Processor• Arithmetic Logic Unit• Control Unit• Clock• General purpose and dedicated registers

Understand the characteristics of contemporary processors.Explain the role and operation of a processor and its major components.Explain the effect of clock speed, word length and bus width on performance.

Machine code and processor instruction setThe Fetch–Execute cycle and the role of registers within it

The basic machine code operations of Load, Add, Store.Explain how the Fetch–Execute cycle is used to execute machinecode programs including the stages in the cycle with details of registers used.Machine code representation in binary and hexadecimal.

2.4 Hardware DevicesInput and Output Devices

Secondary Storage Devices

Know the main characteristics, purpose and suitability of contemporary devices (see the Teacher Resource Bank), and understand their principles of operation, including methods of error checking (check digit).Explain the need for secondary storage within a computer system, know the main characteristics, purpose and suitability, and understand the principles of operation of contemporary devices (see the Teacher Resource Bank). Compare the capacity and speed of access of various media and make a judgement about their suitability for different applications.

2.5 The Structure of the InternetThe Internet and its Uses World Wide Web (WWW) Intranet

Understand the structure of the Internet, the role of packet switching and routers. Understand the difference between the Internet, the Web and an intranet.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)Domain Names and IP Addresses

Describe the term URL in the context of Internet working.Describe the role of URIs in the context of Internet working.Explain the terms domain name and IP address.Describe how domain names are organised.Know that an IP address is split into a network identifier part and a host identifier part.

Internet registries and Internet registrars Internet Service Providers (ISP)Domain Name Server (DNS)The Client–Server ModelCommon Standard Protocols:• TCP/IP• FTP• HTTP• TELNET• POP3, SMTP

Explain why such services are provided.

Understand the role of an ISP.Understand the purpose of Domain Name Server.Be familiar with the client–server model.Describe the role of the four layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack, including sockets.Be familiar with• Telnet server for remote management of a server• Web server to retrieve web pages in text form• E-mail server to read and send e-mail• FTP client software and an FTP server to transfer files

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• Well-known ports• Client ports• HTTPS

using anonymous and non-anonymous access.Understand the role of a web browser in retrieving web pages and web page resources and rendering these accordingly.

2.6 Web page designWeb page construction

HTML & style sheets

Have practical experience of creating simple web pages containing hyperlinks using the tags listed in the Teacher Resource Bank.Know that HTML is used for structure only and that style sheets areused for style and layout of web pages (see the Teacher ResourceBank for list of style sheet type, class and ID selectors, properties and values).

2.7 Consequences of Uses of ComputingLegal and Ethical Issues

Economic and Social Issues

Discuss issues of ownership of information and programs, and the protection of data.Consider current legal controls which specifically refer to computerised data and programs, and the implications of current legislation (see the Teacher Resource Bank).Hacking.Consider how digital rights can be managed.Code of Conduct.Discuss the social consequences of current uses of computing.Be aware of emerging technologies and appreciate their potential impact on society.Robotics:• What are machines good and bad at, in comparison to humans?• What can this tell us about the way that the human mind works?• What can we learn from machines?• What are the limitations of using machines as tools?

A2Unit 3: COMP3 Problem Solving, Programming, OperatingSystems, Databases and Networking3.1 Problem Solving √Information hiding Abstraction

Be familiar with the concept of abstraction as the modelling of a complex system, only including the essential details.

Comparing algorithms Understand that algorithms can be compared by expressing their complexity as a function relative to the size of the problem.Understand that some algorithms are more efficient time-wise than other algorithms.Understand that some algorithms are more space-efficient than other algorithms.

Big-O notationOrder of complexity

Linear time, polynomial time, exponential time.

Intractable problems Be aware that software and hardware present limitations to solving problems.

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Solvable and non-solvable

Halting problem

Understand that some algorithms involve too many steps to besolvable in a reasonable time by computer (The Travelling SalesmanProblem) in the general case but that a heuristic approach can provide a solution for specific cases.The unsolvable problem of determining whether any program will eventually stop given particular input.

Turing Machine Universal Machine

Finite state machines with and without output

The abstract model of the Turing Machine and the Universal Machine.

Draw and interpret state transition diagrams for finite statemachines with no output (automata) and with output (Mealy andMoore machines).

Regular expressions

Backus-Naur Form (BNF) / syntax diagrams

Form simple regular expressions for string manipulation and matching.Be able to check language syntax by referring to BNF or syntax diagrams.

Reverse Polish notation Be able to convert simple infix notation to reverse Polish notation and vice versa.

3.2 Programming ConceptsProgramming ParadigmsStructured programming techniquesProcedural-oriented programmingEvent-driven programmingObject-oriented programming

Understand the need for and characteristics of a variety of programming paradigms.Be familiar with the concept of an object class, an object, instantiation, encapsulation, inheritance.Practical experience of programming using objects to model a simple problem.

Recursive Techniques Illustrate the use of recursive techniques in programming languages.

Abstract Data Types / Data Structures ListsQueues• linear, circular and priorityStacksPointersLinked listsGraphsTreesRooted trees

Be familiar with the concept of a list, a tree, a queue, a stack, apointer and be familiar with the data structures and methods forrepresenting these when a programming language does not supportthese structures as built-in types.Distinguish between static and dynamic structures and compare theiruses.Use of free memory, the heap and pointers.

Be aware of a graph as a data structure to represent more complexrelationships. Explain the terms graph, labelled graph, unlabelledgraph, vertex, edge, digraph and arc. Know how an adjacency matrixand an adjacency list may be used to represent a graph.Compare the use of each.A tree is a connected undirected graph with no cycles.A rooted tree is a tree in which one vertex has been designed as theroot and every edge is directed away from the root.

Standard Algorithms Describe, using algorithms or programming examples, the methods

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used by programmers when manipulating structured data.Discuss methods used in relation to efficiency criteria.Be aware of the link between choice of algorithms and volume ofdata to be processed.

Insertion sortBinary searchHashingBinary tree searchTree traversal algorithms for abinary treeStack, queue and list operationsCreating and maintaining linked listsSimple graph traversal algorithms


Explain the technique of hashing and its application.Describe the creation and maintenance of data within lists, trees,stacks, queues and linked lists.Simple graph traversal algorithms which traverse every edge andvertex, e.g. getting out of an arbitrary maze. The traversal algorithmshould maintain, for each vertex, two flags:• Discovered – have we encountered this vertex before?• Completely explored – have we finished exploring this vertex yet?Graph traversal algorithms: Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search

Be familiar with a simulation as a compuer program or network ofcomputers that attempts to simulate a model of a particular systemKnow that computer simulations can represent real and imaginarysituations. Know that simulations allow users to study or try thingsthat would be difficult or impossible to do in real life. Be familiar withsimple simulation techniques involving queues.

3.3 Real NumbersFloating point numbers Describe the format of floating point numbers, including

the conceptof mantissa and exponent and the need for normalisation.Only Two’s Complement representation of mantissa and exponentneeds to be covered (IEEE standard does not need to be covered).

Significant digitsPrecisionRounding errors (absolute errors,relative errors)Cancellation ErrorUnderflowOverflow

Explain the limitations of representing real numbers in a computersystem, and how errors occur.

3.4 Operating SystemsRole of an Operating SystemProvision of a virtual machineResource management

Understand that the role of the operating system is to hide thecomplexities of the hardware from the user. In addition, it managesthe hardware resources in order to provide for an orderly andcontrolled allocation of the processors, memories and I/O devicesamong the various processes competing for them.

Operating System Classification

Define interactive, real time and network operating systems and

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• Interactive• Real time• Network• Device• Embedded• Desktop• Server

explain their operational characteristics.Compare and contrast device operating systems (smartphone,PDA), embedded operating systems (car, aircraft), desktop operatingsystems, server operating systems.

3.5 DatabasesConceptual data model Entity Relationship modelling

Produce a data model from the given data requirements for a simple scenario involving two or three entities.

Database Design and Normalisation techniquesRelational Databases

Querying a Database • Structured Query Language (SQL)

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Be able to normalise relations to Third Normal Form.

Explain the concept of a relational database. Define the terms: attribute, primary key, composite key, foreign key, referential integrity.

Use SQL to retrieve, update, insert and delete data from several tables of a relational database (see Teacher Resource Bank).

Explain the term DDL. Use DDL to define a database (see TeacherResource Bank for commands/statements).

3.3.6 Communication and NetworkingCommunication Methods• Serial data transmission• Parallel data transmission

Define both serial and parallel transmission methods and describe where they are used.Consider the effect of distance on the transmission of data.

Baud, bit rate, bandwidth, latency

Define these terms.Differentiate between baud and bit rate.Consider the relationship between bit rate and bandwidth.

Asynchronous data transmission Start and stop bits

Odd and even parityHandshaking Protocol

Define asynchronous data transmission.Describe the purpose of start and stop bits in asynchronous datatransmission.Explain the use of parity checks.Explain what is handshaking in the context of data transmission.Explain what is meant by a protocol in this context.

Baseband Broadband

Define each mode of network operation and describe where each is appropriate

NetworksLocal Area Networks Wide Area Networks

Contrast wide area and local area networks.

Network adapterTopology• Bus• Star

Define the term topology.Differentiate between physical and logical network topologies.Describe in general terms the operation of these networks.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each.Candidates should be able to compare local area networking withstandalone operation.

Network Segment Peer-to-peer networking Server-based networkingThin client computing web services

Define the term and explain why local-area networks based on a bus topology are segmented.Explain these terms and describe situations where these might be used. Compare and contrast thin client computing (software as

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a service,Web services AJAX, Web 2.0, etc) vs rich client computing (client-server, peer-topeer), as examples of ‘systems architectures’.

Wireless networking• Wi-Fi • Bluetooth

Radio-based LAN protocols for connecting mobile/portable devices.


Routers particularly, Gateways

Explain the meaning of the term inter-networking.

Define these and consider where and why they are used. In consider how routing is achieved across the Internet and how local area networks are connected to the Internet via gateways.Consider how a subnet mask is used to identify the network identifier part of an IP address. Be familiar with the role of MAC addresses in routing packets/frames.Distinguish between routable and non-routable IP addresses.

Server-side scripting Common Gateway Interface (CGI)Server-side scripting – the basis of dynamic web page content.Practical experience of writing simple server-side scripts.Accessing data from a DBMS using server-side scripts.

Internet Security

• Firewalls• Encryption• Digital Signatures and Digital Certificates• Virus detection

Computer Security Procedures

Packet filtering. Proxy Server.Private/Public key encryption.Digital Certificates and digital signatures – how they are obtained and used.Discuss worms, spam, phishing, pharming as well as viruses, alsovulnerabilities that these exploit and how to address them through improved code quality, monitoring, protection.Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting.

Unit 4: COMP4 The Computing Practical ProjectSee the separate handout.

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Performance DescriptionsThese performance descriptions show the level of attainment characteristic of the grades at A Level.They give a general indication of the required learning outcomes at the A/B and E/U boundaries at AS andA2. The descriptions should be interpreted in relation to the content outlined in the specification; they are not designed to define that content.

The grade awarded will depend in practice upon the extent to which the candidate has met the Assessment Objectives (see Section 4) overall. Shortcomings in some aspects of the examination may be balanced by better performances in others.


Assessment Objective 1Knowledge and understanding

Assessment Objective 2 Skills

Objectives Candidates should be able to: • describe and explain the purpose and characteristics of a range of computing applications and show an understanding of the characteristics of computer systems (hardware, software and communication) which allow effective solutions to be achieved • describe and explain the need for, and the use of, various forms of data organisation and processing to support the requirements of a computer-based solution.• describe and explain the systematic development ofhigh-quality solutions to problems and the techniques for implementing such solutions, including the use of a programming language• comment critically on the consequences of current uses of computing, including economic, social, legal and ethical issues.

Candidates should be able to:

• analyse a problem and identify theparts which are appropriate for a computer-based solution

• select, justify and apply appropriatetechniques and principles to developdata structures and algorithms for the solution of problems

• design, implement and document an effective solution using appropriate hardware and software, including the use of a programming language

A/B Boundary performance descriptions

Candidate characteristically:a) understand the purpose and characteristics of a range of computing applicationsb) demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of the main hardware, software and communication components of computer systems and how they allow effective solutions to be achievedc) understand the need to organise data appropriately an process it efficiently in order to solve problems using computersd) understand the need to adopt a systematic approach when developing high-quality solutions to problemse) show knowledge of appropriate techniques to implement solutions including the use of a programming languagef) demonstrate a critical understanding of the consequences of current uses of

Candidate characteristically:a) use subject-specific terminology appropriately and accurately

b) analyse a complex problem and identify the parts that are appropriate for a computer-based solutionc) derive most of the user and information requirements of a system to solve a problemd) select and use appropriate techniques to develop a solution with suitable data structures and algorithmse) choose and justify appropriate hardware and software with which to solve a problem, including the use of a programming language

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computing, including economic, social, legal and ethical issues.

f) design an effective solution and document it appropriatelyg) implement a workable solution, testing and documenting it appropriately

E/U boundary performance descriptions

Candidates characteristically:

Demonstrate some understanding of the purpose and characteristics of a limited range of computing applicationsShow a limited knowledge of the characteristics of the main hardware, software and communication components of computer systemsHave some understanding of the need to organise data appropriately and process it efficiently in order to solve problems using computersDemonstrate some understanding of the need to adopt a systematic approach when developing high-quality solutions to problemsShow limited knowledge of appropriate techniques to implement solutions, including the use of a programming languageHave a limited understanding of the consequences of current uses of computing, including some economic, social, legal and ethical issues.

Candidates characteristically:

Use subject-specific terminologyAnalyse a problem and identify parts that are appropriate for a computer-based solutionDerive some of the user and information requirements to develop a solution with generally suitable data structures and algorithmsChoose hardware and software with which to solve a problem, including the use of a programming language

Design a simple solution, an document it to a limited extentProduce a solution, with limited testing and documentation.


Assessment Objective 1Knowledge and understanding

Assessment Objective 2 Skills

Objectives Candidates should be able to: • describe and explain the purpose and characteristics of a range of computing applications and show an understanding of the characteristics of computer systems (hardware, software and communication) which allow effective solutions to be achieved • describe and explain the need for, and the use of, various forms of data organisation and processing to support the requirements of a computer-based solution.• describe and explain the systematic development ofhigh-quality solutions to problems and the techniques for implementing such solutions, including the use of a programming language• comment critically on the consequences of current uses of computing, including economic, social, legal and ethical issues.

Candidates should be able to:

• analyse a problem and identify theparts which are appropriate for a computer-based solution

• select, justify and apply appropriatetechniques and principles to developdata structures and algorithms for the solution of problems

• design, implement and document an effective solution using appropriate hardware and software, including the use of a programming language

A/B Boundary performance

Candidate characteristically:a) demonstrate a thorough understanding

Candidate characteristically:a) use subject-specific

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descriptions of the purpose and characteristics of a wide range of computing applicationsb) demonstrate an extensive knowledge of the characteristics of a wide range of (the main) hardware, software and communication components of computer systemsc) have a thorough understanding of the need to organise data appropriately an process it efficiently in order to solve problems using computersd)demonstrate a thorough understanding of the need to adopt a systematic approach when developing high-quality solutions to problemse) show an extensive knowledge of appropriate techniques to implement solutions including the use of a programming languagef) demonstrate an in-depth critical understanding of the consequences of current uses of computing, including a wide range of economic, social, legal and ethical issues.

terminology appropriately and accurately

b) analyse a complex problem and identify the parts that are appropriate for a computer-based solutionc) derive (most of) the user and information requirements of a system to solve a problemd) select and use appropriate techniques to develop an effective solution with suitable data structures and algorithmse) choose and justify the most appropriate hardware and software with which to solve a problem, including the use of a programming languagef) design an effective and efficient solution and document it thoroughly (appropriately)g) implement an efficient workable solution, testing and documenting it thoroughly (appropriately)

E/U boundary performance descriptions

Candidates characteristically:

a) Demonstrate a basic some understanding of the purpose and characteristics of some a limited range of computing applications

b) Show a basic limited knowledge of the characteristics of a range of the main hardware, software and communication components of computer systems

c) Have some understanding of Understand the need to organise data appropriately and process it efficiently in order to solve problems using computers

d) Understand Demonstrate some understanding of the need to adopt a systematic approach when developing high-quality solutions to problems

e) Demonstrate a basic Show limited knowledge of appropriate techniques to implement solutions, including the use of a programming language

f) Have some a limited understanding of the consequences of current uses of computing, including some economic, social, legal and ethical issues.

Candidates characteristically:

a) Use a basic range of subject-specific terminology

b) Analyse a fairly straightforward problem and identify parts that are appropriate for a computer-based solution

c) Derive some of the user and information requirements to solve a problem

d) Select and use appropriate techniques to develop a solution with suitable data structure and algorithms

e) Choose and justify some appropriate hardware and software with which to solve a problem, including the use of a programming language

f) Design a workable simple solution, an document it to some a limited extent

g) Produce a workable solution, with limited testing and documenting it to some extent.

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Glossary of Terms used in Questions (From WJEC)

Term Meaning Example of use

Sample answer

Name Write down the name of something.

Name the programming construct shown

in lines 14 - 16. Iteration (loop)

Give Could be a brief statement.

... and give an example of data mining which might be used by a supermarket.

A supermarket might use data from a loyalty card scheme to send information to particular customers with special offers etc.

State A fact State what is meant by the computer term byte.

A byte contains 8 bits

Define A definition Define the term data mining, …

Data mining is the analysis of a (large) amount of data in a data warehouse.

Briefly describe

A short sentence or a statement which could be an extended definition or fact.

Briefly describe the role of the control unit.

The control unit manages the execution of instructions

Describe An extended statement to give an account of something by giving details of its characteristics.

Describe disc fragmentation

Disc fragmentation is when files are split up and stored on different parts of the disc that are not consecutive when reading which means that the read/write heads have to move all around the disc to access a file. This will eventually slow down disc access speed.

Describe in detail

An extended statement with additional information and clarification, perhaps by use of an example.

Describe in detail what happens during lexical analysis.

Lexical analysis: breaks up the input stream into tokens, then removes comments and unneeded spaces. It then produces a symbol table on each variable, keyword etc.If appropriate, it generates error messages.

Explain Give a response with enough clarity and detail so that it is clear that the candidate understands the topic. This could be supported with relevant examples and/or diagrams.

Explain how a record is located using a hashing algorithm.

Hashing function takes key field as input and uses analgorithm to produce or calculate disc address forexample:Disc Address = KEY mod PRIME NUMBER

Explain in detail

Give an extended response with enough clarity and detail so that it is clear that the candidate understands

Explain in detail how each type of switching works.

Circuit switching: Path is set up between sender and receiver before start of transmission and kept open until end of transmission and the data follows same path.Path is released after transmission is

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the topic which could be supported with relevant examples.

complete. Path cannot be used by any other traffic during that time.Data is sent in order.Packet switching: Data (content) split into packets before transmission. Packets arrive out of order and are re-assembled. Each packet can take a different route through network. Each packet carries the source and destination address and ‘order number’ and the data.Packet switching is preferred because there is better security - it is very difficult to intercept and reconstruct.There is more efficient use of data lines - no waiting during gaps, and path is free to be used by other data.Less likely to be affected by network failure because of multiple paths.

Discuss Candidates formally write extended answers about a topic in detail which could include benefits and drawbacks.

Discuss the effects on the company of these changes

The effects on the company of these changes are that the company will no longer need large office space so could use existing space for other purposes or sell the offices. Also they don’t need to heat or light office therefore saving money on utility bills and they can save on cost of staff facilities such as car parking and restaurants. There will also be some drawbacks as they will have large set up costs such as buying newequipment for staff and setting up a reliable and secure WAN. There will be ongoing maintenance costs and security issues. Staff working at home may be distracted by family and be less productive. They may want extra pay for the extra work they are doing.

Discuss with reasons

Candidates formally write extended answers about a topic in detail which could include benefits and drawbacks with justification of any statements or opinions given.

Discuss with reasons whether this method of input is suitable for a handheld computer.

Handwriting recognition would be a suitable form of input on handheld computers as it is quicker and easier for the user than learning to type as most people have already learned to write. This means that the input screen on handheld computers can be physically smaller than a keyboard allowing the whole device to be smaller which is important for handheld computers. Handwriting recognition would not be a suitable for input on handheld computers because it may take time to train the software to understand a user’s hand writing. It may not be very accurate and could easily “misread” a user’s handwriting. Also a user’s hand writing may change in different circumstances, for example when writing quickly or writing on a moving train so the device would still require a second method of input such as a small keyboard to input a word if not recognised.

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Compare Describe the similarities and/or the differences between two or more items. This could be done with advantages and disadvantages of the items. The similarities and/or the differences would normally be supported by examples.

Compare fixed and variable length records in a file.

Fixed length records are easier to program as the programmer will know how much space will be required whereas with variable length records the programmer will have to allow the maximum amount of space and there is a possibility of running out of space.Variable length records saves storage space and avoid truncation whereas with fixed length records if the data for a field was too big then some would not be stored and also most fields will not be full and waste some space.

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