mr monocle marketing campaign

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Mr. Monocle Marketing Campaign

Release Date:August the 2nd 2014

To Market the Game ‘Mr. Monocle’…

To show my marketing schedule and the many ideas I have for the Game.

This includes direct marketing, Indirect marketing and Promotion.


Marketing AimsWe plan to raise awareness to my game by using social networks and making products in the vein of our game.

We plan for the game to get popular, through word of mouth after people gettheir hands on it at PAX East… more details later.

However if word of mouth does not work we hope that our other marketing technique through other formats will work as a great promotion for our Product.

Product Mr. Monocle is a game that we will release on the App store and Google play.The genre is adventure/fantasy.The game is a endless runner and will test your reflexes but can be played byAll ages.

The game is based around a ‘sophisticated’ pig that is running away from aBucher that owns him. On the run he has to avoid the Bucher and little pieces of bacon that are scattered everywhere.

To build up your score you must collect the coins…however the more coinsyou collect the more speed Mr. Monocle gains and the difficulty will increase.

Price and Place

The game will cost £0.69 and will be available On the App Store and Google Play Store.

Why the price?We charge £0.69 for the game because based on the information of the top 5 selling games of 2013 where all priced at £0.69:

#5. Angry Birds Seasons#4. Cut the Rope#3. Doodle Jump#2. Fruit Ninja #1. Angry Birds

My target audience are whales people who are casual gamers.

We believe that the age range of our customers will be roughly from 35+.

However Everyone can play our game as the mechanics are easy to use.

Target Audiance

Who are the ‘Whale’ gamers?

‘Whales’ are our target Audience, they are mainly over the age of 35+ and spend a lot of time playing simple/difficult addictive games with a high score. ‘Whales’ are more Commonly known as achievers.

We are targeting the mainstream audiences:

Due to the popularity of the hit ‘Flappy Bid’ we believe that our game can connect with the same casual gamers as it is too an endless challenge.

Here is our Competition:

What type of game?Our Game ‘Mr Monocle’ falls in the mainstream to casual area as the game can be played by anyone, and is largely influenced by Flappy Bird. The game’s mechanic is just to jump so there is a mainstream audience thatenjoy playing from time to time. The game is in the same vein as angry

birds In terms of casualbecause everyone plays it and the mechanics are easy to control.

My target Audience Bartle Game theory Mr. Monocle will mostly be played by achievers as they would want to keep beating there high Score. I believe that we would have more killers if we implemented a scoreboard that way players would have something more to compete with. However we would have some socialisers who would play at the same time and race for a high score, as the game is casual. Mr Monocle ‘Bartle’ chart

IPhone mock up analysis In this mock up I thought about what our audience would have on there device. I began thinking about what main Apps they would use just for social and media so naturally I included:• YouTube• Facebook • Twitter• Snapchat• Skype • InstagramI only included two games as I believe that my target audience are casual gamers and would only really play these games or similar ones:• Angry Birds• Flappy Bird

What is the age rating?


The five things I learned from app logo analysis 1. Simplicity is the main thing I have learnt to having a successful app logo. By over cluttering a logo can just make it look messy and un appealing against a simple crisp vector logo.

2. framing is something that is included in a lot of the well known logos. it gives the pictures a 3D effect and makes them stand out to those that don’t have a boarder.

3. By using complimentary colors this goes well with a two colour way system and is attracted well to the eye.

4. A focal point for a logo is key! either using bold text or a big image of a main character within the game or implementing a mechanic gives the buyer an idea of what the games about.

5. By using leading lines and gradients of colour to represent light, this can be another great way to lead the eye to a focal point within an app logo. some of the most downloaded apps use this simple technique.





Logo design feedbacks

I decided to use this idea however not the exact design. I believed that a close up of the pig would be more interesting, also I never included the monocle so it would not be anything special but just a pig. I then began work on a new concept. Sketching out new ideas.

Final App Logo Design Process

Concepts…Design Sketch

With colour in Photoshop In a app frame with shading

Final App logo Design

I landed on this design…It includes the monocle and does not show the full face.

This is an abstract design.

T-shirt design mock ups

Design 1: I chose to have just the text and a string coming out of one of the ‘O’s to symbolise a monocle, although it just looked to plan and was not in that much of the theme of the game. I then decided to add the pink as that is the main colour of the game and it stood out more..

Design 2: This design is very mainstream and is pretty much a game screen shot, I prefer this design as the image is big and stands out. This design could also attract random people who would be curios as to what the content of the design is.

Final T-shirt Design

Here is our final design on ourLimited edition T-shirts. We plan to give one away for a Competition during PAX east.We will contact for Information on how much it will costto make a T-shirt.

Add Banner Design Mock up

Here was a concept idea for the web banner on

This design is without A twitter add and after feedback we changedIt completely.

Final Web Banner Design

Here is our final Design for the web banner, this design mentions a Competition that will be on Twitter.

Marketing Calendar

BluejumpergamingPlays My game

I have contacted this YouTuber and asked if he would play our game, he said he would For £100 pounds so I will send him a demo app. His most popular video’s are Flappy BirdAnd Iron Pants gameplays which is what my target audience play the most.

Competition in Cambridge

On the 30th of July we will host a competition at the Grafton Centre in Cambridge:We will have a booth with the game on display for everyone to have a go The competition will be for 3 winners In third place the winner will receive a ‘Mr. Monocle’ soft toy!

In second place the winner will receive limited edition T-shirt and a ‘Mr. Monocle’ soft toy!

In First place the winner receives $100 including a T-shirt and a soft toy!

To win this competition you will have to have the highest score of the game, andyou will need to come by 4 pm and see if you have won!

The way we will know who got what score is by giving an individual person a ‘Mr. Monocle’ card that has a number, every person has 3 min to try and beat the next high score.

Web Banner

We plan to release a banner similar to the one you see here. We are currently in talks with (given we have our budget) they will put this banner on their website. As you can see from the banner it has a link to the game Trailer whichAt the minute is just gameplay however given a budget we will create a trailer that mixesgameplay along with some animation of ‘Mr. Monocle’ and the ‘Butcher’ having some banter. The Banner also leads to our Twitter Page…

Our Twitter page

We have made a twitter account and plan to keep Our fan base posted on what we have planned including a online competition to raise awarenessof our page. The more tweets and followers the more We will give out like T-shirts and soft toys.

Twitter Competition Our Twitter page will try and real people in via a competition:

For a chance to win a £50 ITunes or Google Play gift card, all they have to do is follow our page on twitter and share the Trailer. There will be five to give away and the winners can pick which one.

Soft Toy

Custom Plush Toys make soft toys basedOn other people designs, to produce one will cost around £6.00. We plan to give these away during our competition as well as on twitter.

T-shirts Offer’s

The shirts are produced by who make the most popular gaming clothing.

For every 150 followers we get we will send out a T-shirt to a random follower.

5 Questions that I asked about the presentation

Feedback and Evaluation

Changes to the presentation

My target audience was originally teenagers yet also to the 35+ age which did not make much sense so I focused more on the ‘whale’ gamers as the target audience as they are the general ‘achievers’.

I was originally going to showcase my game at PAX east however this convention is more for Indie games and does not feature a lot of ‘whale’ gamers.

Last change from Teens to ‘Whale’ gamers?My target audience were teens however the majority of our players will be over the age of 35+. This also made me change my mind about PAX. ‘Whales’ are our target Audience, they are mainly over the age of 35+ and spend a lot of time playing simple/difficult addictive games with a high score. ‘Whales’ are more Commonly known as achievers.

Original marketing calendar

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