mrtu & pulp

Post on 25-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Maharashtra Recognition of TradeUnion& Prevention of Unfair Labor

    Practices Act, 1971

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    IntroductionGovernent of Maharashtra recogni!ed that

    deve"o#ent of strong, inde#endent &res#onsib"e unions & environent free fro

    unfair "abour #ractices are t$o i#ortant

    #er%uisites of eective co""ective bargaining'(o eective "egis"ation #roviding for

    recognition of T' U'as bargaining agente)ce#t *oba+ Industria" Re"ation Act, 19-

    *ut this act a##"ies to on"+ fe$ of industries'Lac. of "egis"ation to deterine & #ena"i!e

    unfair "abour #ractices'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    In /eb 19-0, governent of Maharashtrafored tri#artite coittee under thechairanshi# of the President, Industria"ourt *oba+ to de2ne unfair "abour

    #ractices in the organi!ation'Governent of Maharashtra constituted

    this act'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    A##"icabi"it+Act a##"ies to $ho"e state of Maharashtra'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    3e2nitionBombay Act4 eans *oba+ Industria"

    Re"ation Act, 19- *o' 5I of 197

    Central Act eans Industria" 3is#uteAct, 197 5I6 of 197

    Concern eans an+ #reises inc"udingthe #recincts thereof $here an+ industr+ to$hich entra" Act a##"ies is carried on'

    Court for the #ur#oses of cha#ter 6I &6II eans the Industria" court or as thecase a+ be "abor court'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Employee in re"ation to an industr+ to$hich the *oba+ Act for the tie beinga##"ies, eans an e#"o+ee is de2ned inc"ause 18 of section 8of *oba+ Act, and in

    other case eans a $ as de2ned inc"ause s of section : of the centra" act'

    Employer in re"ation to an industr+ to$hich the *oba+ Act a##"ies , eans an

    e#"o+er as de2ned in c"ause 1 of sec 8 of*oba+ act & in other case eans in industr+as de2ned in c"ause g of sec : of the entra"Act'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Industry in re"ation to an industr+ to $hichthe *oba+ Act a##"ies eans an Industr+ as

    de2ned in c"ause 19 of sec 8 of *oba+ Act,

    & in other case , eans an Industr+ as de2ned

    in c"ause ; of section : of the centra" act'Industrial Court eans Industria" ourt

    constituted under Labour ourt4 eans "abour court

    constituted under

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    >Member4 eans a #erson $ho is an ordinar+eber of a union, and has #aid subscri#tion to theunion of not "ess than ?@ #aisa #er ca"endar onth'

    Order4 eans an order of the Industria" or Labour

    ourt'Recognized nion eans a union $hich has

    been issued a certi2cate of recognition undercha#ter III'

    !c"edule eans a schedu"e to this act'

    nderta#ing for the #ur#ose of cha#ter III,eans an+ concern in the Industr+ to be for the #ur#ose of that cha#ter'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    >n$air %abour &ractices4 eans unfair"abour #ractices as de2ned in

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Authorities under the Act1' Industria" ourt

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Industria" ourt

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    3uties of Industria" ourt

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Labor ourt

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    3uties of Labor ourtA' To decide co#"aints re"ation to unfair

    "abor #ractices described in ite 1 ofschedu"e I6'

    To tr+ oences #unishab"e under this act'

    In schedu"e I6 various genera" unfair "abor#ractices on the #art of e#"o+er are given'

    Ite 1 of schedu"e I6 #rovides discharge or

    disissa" of e#"o+ees b+ the e#"o+er'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Investigating =cersec 0Investigating o=cer is a##ointed b+ state

    governent to assist the industria" court &"abour court in discharge of duties'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    3uties of Investigating =cer

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Recognition o$ nion '!ec(()An+ union A##"icant union $hich has for

    the $ho"e of #eriod of - onthsiediate"+ #rior the ca"endar onth in$hich it so a##"ies under this section a

    ebershi# of not "ess than 8@D nuberof e#"o+ees e#"o+ed in an+ underta.inga+ a##"+ in #rescribed for to Industria"ourt'

    Bver+ such a##"ication sha"" be dis#osed ob+ the Industria" ourt as far as #ossib"e$ithin 8 onths fro the date of recei#t ofthe a##"ication'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    Recognition of Union

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


    If after considering the ob;ections if an+that a+ be received fro other union ore#"o+ers or e#"o+ees and after ho"dingsuch en%uir+ , industria" court coes to

    conc"usion that conditions s#eci2ed in sec11 are satis2ed& a"so conditions s#eci2edunder sec 19 are a"so satis2ed Industria"court grant recognition to the a##"icant

    union & issue a certi2cate of such arecognition as #rescribed in act'

  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


  • 7/25/2019 MRTU & PULP


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