multi touch marketing presentation slide show

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Trends of Internet Usage 

Trends of Internet Sales


65% of US population will have internet access in 200578% - 80% of US population will have internet access in 2010

Statistics From: US Department of Commerce, Nielsen/Net Ratings, Pew Internet and American Life Research Project: National Survey

An effective website is essential for your future success


2004 expected US web transactions of all kinds...$33.0 B (7% of US GDP) 2010 expected US web transaction of all kinds...$313 B

Statistics from: American Banker Inc., Business & Company Resource Center

The internet is an established force in your market and growing

Internet Sales

75% of Internet users buy online 25% - 50% of all online purchase were personal consumables

Statistics from: National Survey: Ernst & Young, 2002

Internet use is an integral part of American life and commerce

Internet shopping is established and growing because...

Online shopping is • convenient• easy to gather information • results in more options with

less hassle• reduces travel• puts the customer in control

Brandingis your target


The public’s recall of the touch points

about your photography

• Direct Mail• Displays• Publicity• Ambassadors• Telemarketing

• Email• Networking• Studio visits• Packaging & more!

MTM builds your brandMTM exposes prospects and customers to multiple touch points

• consistent impression• relationship with the

customer• brand loyalty• response rates…more

sessions• more sales

The greater the number ofClear, concise, inviting messages


• get information• more choices• establish a relationship• save time• buy

MTM is about…

How the customer wants to:

Multi-touch Marketing


• messages from speakers in the store

• TV ads• direct mail pieces• flyers• bills• statements• Email• Website

Home Depot:

“You can do it. We can help.”

• 11% of customers purchase items online

• 61% of online purchasers do so to avoid store shopping

• 44% of the online customers spend more than the average customer

Best Buy / Circuit City:

• 2003: 72 page catalogue

• 2003: 15% of total gross sales was via catalogue / website

• 66% of website customers sited convenience as reason for their purchase.

StorehouseAtlanta based full line furniture storeFounded in 1969… 16 page catalogue

(New Zealand Marketing Magazine, May 2003)

• Target...busy urban professional

• Worked with an ad agency to develop brand style

• Opened• within 10 days business projections expanded 3

times• within 30 days kitchen staff expanded 16-28,

c/sale $• delivery area expanded, expenses increased• menu items decreased, expenses decreased

GobbleNew Zealand food deliver service start-up

• Channels:• Call center, website, e-mail, direct mail, fax, ads

GobbleNew Zealand food deliver service start-up

Conclusion: Website is vital for establishing name recognition and

establishing brand loyalty

• Preparing to launch a new wireless Internet service...planned to test with 400+ market prospects

• Weekly e-mail updates informed all prospects of the test progress requested referral to other clients

• Weekly e-mail delivered an on-line survey to all prospects

•  Results:• After 4 months many trial customers had signed

up...switched ISP• Developed a database of customer leads greater

than original 400+ prospects

• Channels: Telemarketing, Survey Information, Website, E-mail

Conclusion:E-mail communication is both cost effective

and accurate with very different clientsE-mail can be automated and personalized

• 96.6% Internet users have email services (PIALRP)

• 94% of wired seniors send or receive emails (PIALRP)

• 91% of all Internet users send or receive emails within the last 30 days (PIALRP, March 2004)

Email Use

Email subscribers spend 33% more than non-email subscribers

Email Subscribers:

• Email subscribers, on average, receive 16.4 permission based emails / day

• Email subscribers, on average, open 57% permission based email

• Non-email subscribers receive 12.6 permission based emails / day

• Non email subscribers open 50% permission based emails

Email Marketing

Statistics from: (National Survey: Quris, Inc., September 2003)

Email Marketing

Statistics from: (National Survey: Quris, Inc., September 2003)

• Brand - look, feel, must be consistent across all communication channels

• Email – personalized, predictable, relevant• Email has developed Proven Techniques

• Subject Lines• “To” and “From” headings• Brief, clear, direct email format• Call to action• Privacy Policy clearly stated

Principles of MTM

Principles of MTM

• Provide automated personalized acknowledgement of initial response

• Timing of each communication channel is vital

• Offer something valuable and unique with each channel

• Use a good Opt-in email list and build an in-house email client file

Increasing ROI ofMarketing Expenditures…

• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects

• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects

Increasing ROI of Marketing Expenditures…• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects

Select your preferred customer demographics

• Consumer with incomes > $50,000• Cosumers with children, ages 0-14


Increasing ROI of Marketing Expenditures…• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects• Select your preferred customer demographics

Select ZIP Codes for direct mail and email speculation

• HHs with incomes > $50,000• HHs with children, ages 0-14

Selection is not a precise definition, but is a best

available market estimate.

Increasing ROI of Marketing Expenditures…• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects• Select your preferred customer demographics• Select ZIP Codes for direct mail and email speculation

Optimize your website

• Search Engine friendly• Email address capabilities

• Opt-in• Privacy policy clearly stated• Opt-out• Subscription offer… to receive notices

of future specials to receive newsletter

Increasing ROI of Marketing Expenditures…• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects• Select your preferred customer demographics• Select ZIP Codes for direct mail and email speculation• Optimize your website

Use an Opt-in Email list which can be selected by:

• preferred ZIP codes• preferred demographics

Increasing ROI of Marketing Expenditures…• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects• Select your preferred customer demographics• Select ZIP Codes for direct mail and email speculation• Optimize your website• Use an Opt-in Email list

Research your email list options• Questions to ask when researching list• Type of permission used in formulating the list?• When was the last update…names current?• How often is the list mailed…weekly, monthly?• Who is using the list?• Who has tested the list and then rolled out a campaign?• Can my mailing be personalized…first name?• Charges…total list or CPA, Cost per Action?• May I attach my signature file to my mailing?

Increasing ROI of Marketing Expenditures…• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects• Select your preferred customer demographics• Select ZIP Codes for direct mail and email speculation• Optimize your website• Use an Opt-in Email list• Research your email list options

Evaluate possible ROI with your studio metrics

• Cost of email list to targeted prospects

• Good, better, best response rates with your metrics

Increasing ROI of Marketing Expenditures…• Target Your Channels to Targeted Prospects• Target Your Touches to Targeted Prospects• Select your preferred customer demographics• Select ZIP Codes for direct mail and email speculation• Optimize your website• Use an Opt-in Email list• Research your email list options

Evaluate possible ROI with your studio metrics

15,000 email prospects10% click through response rate = 1,5005% conversion rate = 75 customersMinimum sales/client = $150Minimum gross sales = $11,2501,500 email prospects with targeted demographics1,500 new snail mail prospects


• email to targeted prospects and client file• direct mail to targeted prospects and client file• telemarketing to direct mail prospects• referral from an in-studio visit / consultation

Design a Multi-Touch promotion campaignfor 4th or 1st quarter

Include all channels of communication

• email prospects… their choice of appointments if they vote by a certain date (call to action)

• direct mail prospects… gift certificates for complete on-location session fee

• direct mail customers… 50% off session fee• referral prospect… free desk size canvas of their choice

Design a Multi-Touch promotion campaignfor 4th or 1st quarter

Include special offer of value for each target segment…

• Include all channels of communications

Design a Multi-Touch promotion campaignfor 4th or 1st quarter

Each channel of communication follows the preceding within 7-10 days

• Include all channels of communications• Include special offer of value for each target segment

Design a Multi-Touch promotion campaignfor 4th or 1st quarter

Total campaign provides a 30 daylead time… 30 days only… extend by demand

• Include all channels of communications• Include special offer of value for each target segment• Each channel of communication follows the preceding within 7-10 days

Measure your responses… how did you hear about us?

Build your email and snail mail address client file… “may we have your email


Execute your MTM Campaign

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