multiple intelligences

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Multiple Intelligences




Media to be used:



These are used because these are people who are more familiar with written spoken language and use language to achieve certain goals

Students will debate the moot

“air pollutant is not fatal”


Graphic calculators


These are used because these are people who analyze situations critically and cary out mathematical operations

Students will match audio of the environment to the printed visual using computer software


overhead projector and

a chalkboard

These instructional medias are used because Spatial intelligence is recognizing and using patterns to accomplish a goal.

students will design a model of land pollution


Instructional media you can use for bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is a joystick and kitchen utensils.

These instructional medias are used because Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is using the body to solve problems.

Students will video tape a commercial of themselves giving information about pollution.


With musical intelligence, a couple of types of instructional media you can use are musical instruments and puzzles.

these type of instructional medias used because Musical intelligence involves intelligence in musical patterns, tones, and rhythm

Students will rap a song on the topic

“pollution and its effects”


A telephone and greeting cards are a couple of instructional media objects you can use for interpersonal intelligence

These type of instructional medias are used because Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to work well with others and to understand the intentions and actions of people

Students will be placed in small group have discussions on ways in which the environment can be protected.


Diaries and children’s media are good instructional usages for intrapersonal intelligence.

These type of instructional medias are used because Intrapersonal intelligence is understanding ourselves , our motivation and action.

Students will make journal entries after observing things about the environment over a specified period of time.

the naturalist intelligence is one that integrates and investigates the environment.

Naturalist learners enjoy observing animals, interacting with pets, exploring nature, gardening, hiking and taking care of the earth.

Real objects and models

Printed visuals (pictures, photos, drawings, charts, graphs)

Slides and filmstrips

Using printed visuals such as pictures demonstrate cases of land pollution within their community.

Students will be required to assess the implications on the various animals and plants indigenous to their community.

• Individual who has the ability to reflect on ideas when learning and interacting with others

• These individuals work well independently

• They often have difficulty accepting mistakes and conforming to ideas

• Printed visuals

• Slides and filmstrips

• Television (live)

• Real objects and models

• Encourage students to observe a video which highlights the implications of water pollution

• Students will then be required to identify the pollutant, list the major implications of the pollutant on the eco system and suggest measures for mitigating the effects of pollution.

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