multiwalled ice helixes and ice nanotubesits a double-walled helical structure where the outer wall...

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Multiwalled ice helixes and ice nanotubesJaeil Bai, Jun Wang, and X. C. Zeng*

Department of Chemistry and Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588

Edited by Benjamin Widom, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and approved October 31, 2006 (received for review September 25, 2006)

We report six phases of high-density nano-ice predicted to formwithin carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at high pressure. High-densitynano-ice self-assembled within smaller-diameter CNT (17,0) exhib-its a double-walled helical structure where the outer wall consistsof four double-stranded helixes, which resemble a DNA doublehelix, and the inner wall is a quadruple-stranded helix. Four otherdouble-walled nano-ices, self-assembled respectively in two larger-diameter CNTs (20,0 and 22,0), display tubular structure. WithinCNT (24,0), the confined water can freeze spontaneously into atriple-walled helical nano-ice where the outer wall is an 18-stranded helix and the middle and inner walls are hextuple-stranded helixes.

carbon nanotube � high density nano-ice � nano-ice helix

Bulk ice is known to have 15 crystalline phases (1, 2). Amongthem, 12 phases are only stable (or metastable) under high

pressures; for example, the ice II phase formed in the core of themoon Ganymede of Jupiter and the moon Titan of Saturn (3).In contrast, in microscopic confinement such as nanochannels,water can freeze into nano-ices that show rich structures (phases)as well (4–14). Indeed, when liquid water is encapsulated innanochannels such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) (15), watermolecules can align into certain quasi-one-dimensional struc-tures (16–25) due to the interplay between nanoscale confine-ment and strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Hence,encapsulation of water in CNTs offers an opportunity to exploredimensionally confined fluid dynamics (nanofluidics) (22) andphase transitions [e.g., filling-emptying (16–18, 24) and freezing(4–14)]. In the case of the freezing transition for bulk water, thestable (or metastable) ice structure selected is highly sensitive toexternal controlling parameters, such as pressure and tempera-ture (26). However, in microscopic confinement, an additionalexternal parameter, the scale of confinement (e.g., diameter ofCNTs), might lead to even richer ice structures (phases) notfound in the bulk. To date, five low-density nano-ices have beendetected via x-ray diffraction (7, 13), NMR (11), and vibrationalspectroscopy (14); none bear structural similarity to known bulkices. These five low-density nano-ice phases all exhibit single-walled tubular morphologies, including the pentagon ice nano-tube (INT) (provisionally named nano-ice I), hexagon INT(nano-ice II), heptagon INT (nano-ice III), octagon INT (nano-ice IV), and nonagon INT (nano-ice V). Additionally, a morecomplex nano-ice structure, the core/sheath nano-ice, was re-cently revealed via neutron scattering measurement (12) wherethe core is a single-profile water chain and the sheath is just anoctagon INT (tentatively named nano-ice IVa). Note that thesesingle-walled INTs are all formed under atmospheric pressure.

When bulk ice is compressed at high pressures, the hydrogenbond framework can undergo a sequence of distortion, breakage,and reformation, which may lead to new high-density ices. Similarly,we expect that new structures of high-density nano-ices may formwithin CNTs when high pressure is applied along the axial direction.To test this possibility, we carried out a series of four moleculardynamics (MD) simulations to explore formation of high-densitynano-ices in four prototype zigzag CNTs described by the chiralvector (17,0), (20,0), (22,0), and (24,0). Note that the zigzag CNTcan be viewed as rolling up a graphene sheet into a cylinder alonga ‘‘zigzag’’ line direction (namely, the direction perpendicular to a

carbon–carbon bond in the graphene plane). The diameter of thefour CNTs ranges from 1.35 to 1.90 nm.

Results and DiscussionIn the first series of MD simulations, liquid water was initiallyconfined to the (17,0) CNT at low pressure (Pzz � 1 MPa) and hightemperature (320 K). In the ensuing simulation, the temperaturewas lowered stepwise from 320 to 290 K to 270 to 240 K. At eachtemperature, 5-to 20-ns simulations were carried out, respectively.At the lowest temperature (240 K), the confined water was ob-served to spontaneously freeze into a heptagon INT (i.e., nano-iceIII) after 16 ns of equilibration. Next, with the temperaturecontrolled at 250 K, we increased the axial pressure instantly in foursteps: (i) Pzz � 1 GPa, (ii) Pzz � 2 GPa, (iii) Pzz � 3 GPa, and (iv)Pzz � 4 GPa. At Pzz � 1 GPa, we observed that the heptagon INTwas transformed into a higher-density nano-ice: the core/sheathnano-ice (i.e., from nano-ice III to nano-ice IVa). At Pzz � 2 and3 GPa, no solid-to-solid phase transition was observed after a 20-nssimulation. However, at Pzz � 4 GPa, we observed that the nano-iceIVa was transformed into a double-walled helical nano-ice (Fig. 1a and b). Unlike the single-walled nano-ice morphologies (i.e.,nano-ice I–V), whose hydrogen-bond networks can be viewed asstacked-water polygons, the helical nano-ice consists of two walls:The outer wall can be viewed as either an octuple-stranded helix(Fig. 1c) or a braid of four double helixes, whereas the inner wallis a quadruple-stranded helix (Fig. 1d). Interestingly, the waterdouble helix resembles the DNA double helix (27) in structure andin intrahelix hydrogen-bonding interaction.

At the ultra-high axial pressure (4 GPa), we observed thatmany hydrogen bonds of the lower-density nano-ice IVa werebroken at the early stage of simulation. After the simulatedpassage of a few tens of nanoseconds, rearrangement of thewater molecules eventually led the helical nano-ice structure.Like low-density nano-ice I–V, the high-density helical nano-icesatisfies the bulk ice rule with every water molecule hydrogen-bonded to exactly four nearest-neighbor water molecules (28).Specifically, every water molecule in the outer wall is hydrogen-bonded to three nearest-neighbors in the double helix (high-lighted in gold in Fig. 1c) and to one (the fourth nearestneighbor) in the inner wall. Conversely, every molecule of theinner wall is only hydrogen-bonded to two nearest neighborswithin the quadruple helix; the other two hydrogen bonds are tonearest neighbors in the outer wall. In this way, the four pairs ofthe double helix (in the outer wall) are in registry with thequadruple helix (in the inner wall), fulfilling the bulk ice rule.

The second series of MD simulations involved a CNT (20,0)with a slightly larger diameter of 1.585 nm. After the confinedliquid water reached equilibrium at 250 K and 1 MPa, thepressure was increased instantly in three steps: (i) Pzz � 500

Author contributions: J.B. and X.C.Z. designed research; J.B., J.W., and X.C.Z. performedresearch; J.B., J.W., and X.C.Z. analyzed data; and X.C.Z. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS direct submission.

Abbreviations: CNT, carbon nanotube; INT, ice nanotube; MD, molecular dynamics.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

This article contains supporting information online at

© 2006 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

19664–19667 � PNAS � December 26, 2006 � vol. 103 � no. 52�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0608401104




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MPa, (ii) Pzz � 2 GPa, and (iii) Pzz � 3 GPa. At Pzz � 500 MPa,we observed that the liquid water froze spontaneously into anew high-density nano-ice with a double-walled tubular struc-ture (Fig. 2 a–c). The outer wall is a staggered-octagonnanotube, whereas the inner wall is a staggered tetragon. TheINT also contains core water molecules with two molecules perunit cell (Fig. 2d). Note that a stand-alone octagon or tetragonINT can satisfy the ice rule by itself. However, because of theexistence of the core water molecules, both the outer and innerINTs adopt the staggered structures to fulfill the ice rule.

Increasing the pressure to 2 GPa results in a solid-to-solidtransition. Again, the new high-density nano-ice has a double-walled tubular structure where the outer wall is a hendecagonnanotube, and the inner wall is a pentagon nanotube (Fig. 2 e andf ). No core water molecules are present. Lastly, at the highestpressure simulated (3 GPa), another solid-to-solid phase tran-sition was observed. The hendecagon/pentagon nano-ice trans-formed into a new high-density double-walled nano-ice contain-ing core water molecules (Fig. 2g). Here, the outer wall is aweakly helical hendecagon nanotube, whereas the inner wall istransformed from a pentagon to a weakly helical hexagonnanotube. The core is a single-profile water chain. The greatlyincreased density can be seen from the projected top view of thetwo nano-ices (Fig. 2 f and h).

The third series of MD simulations involved another CNT(22,0) with diameter 1.74 nm. After the confined liquid waterreached equilibrium at 250 K and 1 MPa, the pressure wasinstantly raised to 800 MPa. Again, the liquid froze spontane-ously into a high-density double-walled tubular structure con-taining core molecules (Fig. 3a). Here, the outer wall is adecagon-like nanotube (Fig. 3b) with a structure similar to that

Fig. 1. Snapshots of quenched molecular coordinates of the helical nano-iceformed in (17,0) CNT at 4 GPa axial pressure. (a) Top view of the double-wallednano-ice helix in the axial direction. Water molecules in the outer wall are inred–white, whereas those in the inner wall are in blue–green (the blue dashedlines denote hydrogen bonds). (b) Projected top view in the axial direction.Due to the helicity, the projected top view shows ring-like outer and inner wallstructures. (c) The outer wall: an octuple-stranded helix consisting of fourdouble helixes (one of the four is highlighted by gold). (d) The inner wall: aquadruple-stranded helix where two strands (gold) are proton donors andtwo (blue) are proton acceptors to molecules of the outer wall.

Fig. 2. Snapshots of quenched molecular coordinates of nano-ices formed in(20,0) CNT at 500 MPa (a–d), 2 GPa (e and f ), and 3 GPa (g and h) axial pressure.Components of the outer wall are in red–white, those of the inner wall are inblue–green, and core water molecules are in maroon–yellow. (a and b) Top (a)and projected top (b) view of the double-walled tubular nano-ice in the axialdirection; the outer wall is a staggered-octagon nanotube, whereas the innerwall is a staggered-tetragon nanotube. (c and d) Side view of the nano-ice (c)and inner wall (d). Each unit cell of the nanotube contains two core watermolecules. (e and f) Top (e) and projected top ( f) view of the double-walledtubular nano-ice in the axial direction; the outer wall is a hendecagon nano-tube, and the inner wall is a pentagon nanotube. (g and h) Top (g) andprojected top (h) view of the double-walled tubular nano-ice containing corewater molecules; the outer wall is a weakly helical hendecagon nanotube; theinner wall is a weakly helical hexagon nanotube. Due to the helicity, theprojected top view shows ring-like outer and inner wall structures.

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of (5,5) armchair CNT (Fig. 3c), whereas the inner wall is astaggered pentagon nanotube (Fig. 3d). The core is a single-stranded water helix (Fig. 3d). Because the diameter of the (22,0)CNT is larger, it is expected that more complex nano-icestructures can be self-assembled under high pressures. Indeed,component of three water morphologies, the (5,5) armchair, thestaggered pentagon, and the single-profile helix, is anotherremarkable way for the water molecules to arrange themselvesand to fulfill the ice rule. The formation of an armchair watertube is particularly noteworthy. It is known that the armchairtube can be viewed as rolling up a graphene sheet along acarbon–carbon bond direction. Such a graphene-sheet like waterstructure has been reported previously in the formation of atwo-dimensional bilayer ice within a hydrophobic slit pore (29).Therefore, the armchair water tube can be viewed as rolling upone sheet of two-dimensional bilayer ice.

Finally, the fourth series of MD simulations involved a CNT(24,0) with the largest diameter (1.90 nm) considered in thisstudy. After the confined liquid water reached equilibrium at 250K and 1 MPa, the pressure was raised instantly to 800 MPa. Instark contrast to the previous cases, the confined liquid frozespontaneously into a high-density triple-walled helical structure(Fig. 4 a and b). Here, the outer wall is an 18-stranded helicalnanotube (Fig. 4c), whereas both the middle and inner walls arehextuple-stranded helixes (Fig. 4 c and d). It appears that thediameter of the (24,0) CNT is large enough to host a triple-wallednano-ice helix. Interestingly, the middle wall only serves as ahydrogen-bonding ‘‘bridge’’ to connect the outer wall and innerwall; water molecules in the middle wall (in blue–green) do nothave any hydrogen-bonding neighbors within the middle wallitself.

In summary, we have demonstrated, using MD simulation,previously unknown double- and triple-walled nano-ice mor-phologies within CNTs. Unique to the freezing of water innano-confinement is the extra controlling parameter, the scaleof the confinement, in addition to the temperature andpressure. This additional parameter may lead to much richerand amorphous ice morphologies than found in the bulk. Thewater double helix in the nano-ice shows structural similarityto the DNA double helix. In the CNT (22,0), an armchair (5,5)

INT emerges, marking the onset of graphene-like nano-ice inthe CNT. In closing, the richness of the bulk and nano-icephases are a testament to the adaptability and versatility of thewater–hydrogen bond framework to a change of externalenvironment, either on the outer planets or within microscopicnanochannels.

MethodsMD Simulation. All MD simulations were performed by using aconstant temperature/constant axial pressure ensemble (5, 6).Periodic boundary conditions were applied only in the axial (z)direction. In the first, second, third, and fourth series of MDsimulations, the simulation supercell contained 252, 300, 340,and 400 water molecules, respectively. The TIP5P water model(30) was used. The intermolecular interactions, including thelong-range charge–charge interaction and the Lennard–Jonesinteraction between oxygen atoms, were truncated at 8.75 Å bya switching function (6). The potential function of the modelsingle-walled CNTs (infinitely long) was taken to be a Lennard–Jones potential integrated over the cylindrical area of the CNTusing the area density of the carbon atoms and the potentialparameters for graphite (5, 6).

Structural Analysis. Instantaneous configurations (snapshots)generated in the MD simulations were mapped onto correspond-ing potential-energy local-minimum configurations using theconstant-volume steepest-descent method. Some of the local-minimum configurations are shown in Figs. 1–4. In supportinginformation (SI) Fig. 5, we also display a snapshot of double-walled helical ice at 250 K to compare with the correspondinglocal-minimum structures shown in Fig. 1 a and b.

We thank Professors H. Tanaka, K. Koga, and P. Dussault for valuablediscussions. This work was supported by Department of Energy GrantDE-FG02-04ER46164, the National Science Foundation (Divisions of

Fig. 3. Snapshots of quenched molecular coordinates of the nano-iceformed in (22,0) CNT at 800 MPa axial pressure. (a) Projected top view of thedouble-walled nano-ice in the axial direction. (b and c) Top (b) and side (c) viewof the outer wall, which is the (5,5) armchair ice nanotube. (d) Side view of theinner wall and core water molecules (maroon–yellow). The inner wall is astaggered-pentagon nanotube.

Fig. 4. Snapshots of quenched molecular coordinates of the triple-wallednano-ice formed in (24,0) CNT at 800 MPa axial pressure. Components of theouter wall are in red–white, those of the middle wall are in blue–green, andthose of inner wall are in maroon–yellow. (a and b) Top (a) and projected top(b) view of the triple-walled nano-ice helix in the axial direction. The outerwall is an 18-stranded helical nanotube; the middle and inner walls arehextuple-stranded helixes. (c) Top view of the outer wall and the middle wall.The outer wall can be viewed as a network of interlinked hexagons andtetragons. Every strand in the middle wall is in registry with three strands (goldcolored) in the outer wall. (d) Top view of the middle and inner wall.

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Chemistry and Design and Manufacturing Innovation), the NebraskaResearch Initiative, the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the

National Science Foundation of China, and the Research ComputingFacility at the University of Nebraska.

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