
Post on 06-Feb-2018






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(ii('jirniin' on Franklin FieldSi.iml fr flrnnd Hush to

Siinkc liis Hand. theDe


Hut Did Knlliiisiiisin and Smilerc in Kvidt'iifo lis Hp

dives Advice.of

t'll'.v, Oct. 3. - MIU" .Murphy,t ii., weak ami tliln. walked nut

r mkliii I'ltUl y for tin- - lintt siason and ii soon as tho stu- -

,;,,! i .i were watching tin- - pi.icticc andt , i. retngnlr.'il tin fan'.oiiH tialner

v ii gintiil ri.ih to shake handsme veteran iitlilctlc Itistiuctor, and

- mr ni'iti" weir rMi'tirtoil on his io-- v

' his reo-n- t lllnicii. .Miitphy,j ,, t ! y pleased with the 1'indlal

, 'i . nl. iiltlnnigh hardly able tot.i ,'. a whisper. In- - innnugril to

! i e tudenc, pla hm and cn.icnesloccptinn And' Smith wn tie-- i

i see tti' famous conditioner oflie and .Murphy unite u

f llf I

Mu i'ii "lid ln was glad to ho back,tin ,vufeeil hi' hh not In good shape.II I'hul wan and thin and Ids voice

i on weak lu seemed to talk with an?" lie f.i he hadn't done much talk- -

; f .r rue weeks and proposed to startIn e.tat statics, lie said he

i a ti ' - able to give Ills usual talksmen for a vhlle yet.

e been leading mIhiiiI your lightiil Murphy, illculng the varsity

f h i'i team with Head Coach Hmlth.Mm nied Is a couple of big 200

who are fast on their fiet. Youa to have ble, fast men In the line,ii io inn stand th" thumping they are

get this season. Von ought to lookin l and scare up a few bin fellows.

We oikiit to have them hero somewhere,II ie e the tneseut line, with someijf leaching, may pan out to be the

' tin:Tie I'enn practice was light.

Miicer was not out at all, halingen " deled to rot up, Smith nlnj kept

ii iriiKton out of the scilmmagH"Hushing hnllhacl: bar been vvotk- -

h.inl lalelj The learn had klclt-- i.'id fa kllni: practice and then lined

i l hort scrimmage.


Tie N nrsllj's rniiebdiivv u nnd tlnl)I nleri'i'iiled I'llss Kills A mil tier,

nr.if'C.r, Mass, tjrt. 3 The liar-- 'I rush line y pla.ved vvlthotit Its

v ' .in tackles, Hitchcock and Stnrer,of whom have had lutilses which

"' them nut uf the scilnuniKe. i-

Is IiiJiii'mI Keihnisly, andMi will be In llaivafd's lineup aKalnst

i'ioss un Satuiday. The hour ofmm. ice y was pitductlve of only

toiiclidow ns, one helm: nude by theh sit' and the other by the scrub team.

II" leRUlaiS Wllked llllllll oil defence,- never, and their touchdown waa the

'tilt of ii fnity-llv- e aul inn by ("apt.v eiidell, who seiuii'd Ho- - hall un a' i iibb li one uf tin sctub backs, and

bed down the sij,. line, lent lint a trailunsuccessful tufkh'ia helilnd him.

The m'i libs' scoih was made b Haul-- '"i.. of the varsllt, who did not play Ina osunl oIhcp, hut did the kicking for

i e i'i ud le.iui. I larilvvick's touchdownvas made on a foity yard nin flout

'k foi 'it.ii .on, and he dodged In and. arnom; tin- - v.uslly men with littlei .o

lie sciubs were lelnfoiced by the( -- 'lies uf whom IKe, l,ear nnd Smith,

l'aul Wllhhmtun, cell tie, andmop. WitiriiKtrn and Hob Klshey,ii"d tveie In the lineup un defeme.

e.ond team came near scoring a

f ml louchdnwn, i.'ll.ll trl ImcU Kreedleic his team up Hie Held with tluee

' i f ie aid parses, two to Dana andi. I..!isaid The varsity, however,"Hill auothei foivvaid pass un til"

(. ' '


lv ii n, I ui'iiUli noil Mmlileii HpkIs-'I'- n

ler ii i lul o v us tin I'lunarea.o llvvi-'- Oct 3. Fur the til t lime

1 - veni 'ie Yah- - varsity football leanti a s nimitfe vvlMt the f eslnnan team1 i! i hv till luuchdovt'iis

no Ku.ils kicked. The llrst- " is m.ule In Flynii, the new back,..ul tishinnul line pluiiKlntt. t'astles

d Mit'Cle who throuyh the early partf 'he acr mmaee completed the back

I with Flvnn. innde n series of rushesIi hroueht the hall In the ten yard

: 'i. from lieie Flnn took It over. Cor-- h

'he qua i lei b icU. made the secondi' li.ln'in after n short end run. Theme u a k pieced ii his scoring. The

aiue after th" varsity had been, i)it ret Used b.v substitutes. It" s made by Madden ill a plunge through

life' am Spalding was not at the field.

'' I'tmp. Jr., was In tho slitnal drilltj' not In the scrimmage. Warren was

oiiiued up In the scrimmage with- rubs Jeiome, one nf the substitute

.i.i I tut nore llatlened out. lllllan. in nd. sot a bloody nose.


Innr n, ,!,.., An.nrr 'all andI llrlte Ten in In Scrimmage.' N. ,. .1., Itr. 3. As a lepult

I" i, h unsatlsf actnry showing in, s same with Itutpeis e. tinny

n. lies was sent out last night' now tuluis appeared un the field

'Hum tu as."lt In eti engthenlngt a Kattird.iy's battle with l.e-- .ii a loichcs wcie Ad Kelly, Hilll.'.cy Waller and Phil Hrazer,

' - I rtnretoti stars. The t'onr work' i'ds In ycitei day's contest has

in iivci the Tiger camp and. reapaii that the line still has

. x i If It tu hold Its ownf- l- ntla"i which Lehigh Is

imuni here on Satunlt.v.' i. f t ! that they took part In

" Hi string men.. z," va:

.'" "r"I. 'I them haul through Ii Ovo"'! i i was lined up

i tl "l"v en and ran tluoush i

noil th" Hiibstltutes weieI but ,. . . .1, '

, ,i ,,,.,1'i! ,1 th men in charging,v.. . u,i io such poor ad -

r " .


'"n r, timer Mndo HIUHile andSlititentn Ilxiill.

..i v " .,ii. ,. hrtr ve K fur Coin'll laslid

ml n half at Alumni Field"- - nr., ! u elrvens being driven

Tils In t'laches Shnrne Heed- I' i.' o.'""cd TuS 'amount'"

'"' 1 t'i Individual nlavrrs. and!"t th" hicks and ends downif . i'j for a long time.

"lie addition to the foothill squadI'ir.v Miller, who has been play - weeks at fullback but with -

"' wen, Cornell nun neded a' " "i'Ui, and It Is felt that Miller

e the rlahl man for the place,APR .r, he played centrefcRs'it iu. had him at fullback UiU tall.

HI" probation was lifted by the facultycommittee) lato lust night.

Kyrlch Champaign, two of thevarsity men dropped from the tralnltiKtable by Hhnrpe, got iK'slllnm In thelineup i)iit Hharpo would tint mywhether he meant to take them hack on

I tho team.


DARTMOUTH.HANoVF.It. N. II.. Oct. Telfer, the ull

Will Clinton plater of New York, ustar of scrimmage In which the

l.iK. eleven mi't the Dartmouth vsrliyIn a loin mid gruelling tonusi wlio-in- it

a score, The varsity llrst eleven gnl nst l. mill i fter it annum' plennl tlrl I

the lo.iehea went to eli'im-ntiir- Milksand explained the persnnnl errors of mm- -

mission una ttiiilnsinit nr incu intin in yentrrilii's Kiime nlth Niirnlih It Is ilili-n- l

that the ile.iiiiinriit of sii'UilN nei'iiuil siringlilayirs Is nni nf the must mrlmm urolikumttiat (iintriials the lisrtiiiiiutn leiulcrs toilj. Xornlclis two neons hi esienuy'icontest were unibMiluhl) the lesull not only

Interior Liu ot Inettlcl'-ii- work by a subetltute i If mm.

'AHI.tI.K INDIANS.4 A It 1.1 SI .K. I'J.-Olt-

. 3.The llarllsle In-- tl

luns eaioe nut of the nt erw lielnihm victoryjlnt the b?,.f- - thiniKli liiellectlie Villa

Nov u eleven vtlthutit u tangle Injury, t'ojchtVsrner crll Irises his men severelv for sev-

eral fumbles uhlth he ilerlured they woublnot have tUreil lu allmt before a strunitIrani NiilHlthsiiiiiilhiK the fait that far-lisl- e

In lor first luur KJnies has scored iitpoints ajtshist her itppunem' Warnei Is(Uanllnic lari'tully malnsl any feeling ofiitereoonileiue aiunng the leilsklns. Thisafteiiiuoii aruellltiK work vtus the onler,rarllsle pli)s Wasiihmtoii uml Jeftrrsun unfatoriluy.

Kl'TIIISIIS.NKW lllll NSWK'K, N J . Oct S. Kred-di- e

.lulllisutl, Itulgers's slerllng halfback,woo siuleil un I'rillielutl )rsterIS, tlM salilltler llliusli.ll illlfli llllles. He bail beenlukell i.ut ul the beglnillllE uf the sil'Ololluarier afler kicks. I In the eye. Hewanted to set hai-- ugstn ami waft allowedlo. llh the renuli mat lie made severalbrilliant runs aim finally scored a touch-dow-

Julius. in was nut around the rumpusIO..UJ lie Is being altended by a

who, II Is stated, applied a leain tothe e)c, This, It Is salu, In nine waycjunt a rupture of an arteiy. Juhnoo,however, l expected to be back III sbapemill Tn-d- s Hie aetilors eleited Joliiisoti

tlielr president.

AMIIKHST.A M 11KIIHT. Mass., Oil J Illness has

iletrieil all llu(e of hallux Dutcll I. Ilrl ITIn the Alullelsi Hue .xatunuy ll vtaaplanned l Hie him si light talkie, ull ll.e leant, bill Hll MltatK utthe (ilppe nil) keep 111 "i mil of ilay foriri'babl tun Meeka. llilMever, It la

thai Murru will be elidible fur HieI'ulgala auine, lu tilth event lie Will playlilt'Kle rile line Has put lhruiif.ll n Imrdilrlll tu.ila) In" uirulii( up hulea fur thebat UfleM.


nieinurlea uf that lu t. a. ure aalul Prime-tu- n

luat ear still freall III mind I liepraillte vtas full uf life. ,S'u airllll-lilaK- e

itas llebl, us I'uat'h Ke.ul' vt.itlle.l Ihemen Itiiirmnrhlv In lllm at I llei new bliys helias lalmht Ihelil vvliKli ale i altllUleil tilbreuk un the brlllliuit mirk, alio v. n o i.irIbis by lh Tiaera' famous bat km 111

trl Hint alsu lu bt'lulue letter berfet t ttllllthe algllitls ll ttua II ,ltlfai liroral lice ami Ibe men who ttele Injured es- -

lerila ull ele mil III IM, Ml.lpe tnnIKWilli Ihe ei ei!l.lli uf M I t J fiery, il nil it I'liv

lietfetl team villi be le.ulv b .lat-ur-

In iiu bailie afalnsl I'llnietuli.

IIKUWN.I'ltoVIDKXt'i:. II. I o.l. J. The llrown

ttisclivs llils Hfieinuun put the team llirounhi bint dilll un lliii uae anil eiecuilon uf tnerulltalit pass, me pla III williu i nej anvn-- i

uoorii In lbs i ulbt game. Asiinaugh at ,

.,,.1 u.i ii, un ut ruiibfltk nut it their places ue taken by l.aucduu andlluzlell reapectlv'el The team wnrked upand iliiiin me nebi fur nearly an hour whllaIhe lull a paased to th" rai lug backa andends. I.jiuJwi and llunahun ware especiallysure ull letelt 111 the ball, alluttlnx llu purIn L' l away flidil them. Ill view of l iemm praline thai the men gut In the Colbygame Ibere WHS mi t'l liuliui lie butHie tarall) will be aellt akalual Iho etcondlealll lii'liiurrun t" put It oil edge fur WeItlloile Isluud Cullrge lealll uu Miiuritay.

MilV OKK IMVKKhlTV.Hugged work and puur ahuivlng ot the

Nei. in rk t'nlveraliy fi'iilhall team etei-da- y

against the High Hctiuul of were a dltapputntineiit tu the iiuihes.'Hie laikllna lar Iruiu aure and manytluiea the ends alluvvtd themselves tu bebilled 111 easily.

I IIKtlll.t.M.I'liacli Thuip put Ihe varall

.hrullih 'lie last hard el rillllll.lge esteid.lin piep irntl.wi fur rai urdii) 'a gama wltnHualuii I'ullege un I'oriihaiil Plelu The blKsurprise nf .lie eeah'n u.ih pulled orl ll henI'l.ll 'I'hiirmai. a tleali tin .'UU lMiiluder. titlei.i. .,. In me i.irslli line .It u llltutthat i'liacli Ttinrp Immi'dliiielv ibanged hlm.ri Tnide tJolf Association held Its falltu lavkle .ui the ; rali. er' ' toiirtminetit over the links of the WhiteSn Vh--

h Valley 'lub heieiaa ihe star ut Hie Hveter eleven.


unthl ' with a score

l In Inloiprnveiiient j , h. lined ..

tente, the Ural airing made anine good'2. ' I'. ";:K ;.i. fV. bu.

luriiiiid pa. ithlih u plaed repeatedlyfur a Hall num. ine uae ,

HAMILTON'.I'TH'V. N 'b't ! In view of the

that tile varlt and atrllba are lu bellirnUl.ll Ull I Utile Kallle

ull I'l'l.l Ihe llamlltmisquad vial let nif with a light practke to- -

.I.i-- . ul.,1111 tblrlv llllmllea anent 111

weillne lift Iiunta III uf ttie acrubnltntk and In handling Ibem. i apt. H tunedid aonie great work, catching punla and J

running In a broken lleld. repeatedly ahaklnatin tucKiers ii nu nt in i j ii'"' uu" lscrubs were held dark, gettingInn. nhatie tilth lien signals plava tuspring un Ihe tarally


Whitney, Wlnans, llnifuln "nil 'nderbllt Plicnrr In Itnces Abroad.Sptcinl Vablt DeiiMtcfif lo Tiik Si'

Nkwm vnKCl. Knglnnd.Oct a Thoroughowned by Americana were factors

in the races ill Iho October meeting here.... . ..i ..i - i i...I III' iri'lllll'll litis uy

Waldorf Aslora reiiittinkie in sixi.nffl rutin Itiir nf tliH ''ripnnifll Pinrtm--

Slnl( (1f ,e ov erelgns each for slnrlor.t.ino sovereigns nddfil and sovereigns torIhe nominator of Iho i.oril llnre-wnod- 's

t:antllever was seioml nnd SirItnhliison's Aids third. 'Ihe distance

five furlongs and seven horses facedthe starter.

II. Whl. iiey's color,, m, were con- -Icilous. lis. toll. M Iskhrooni walked

over in Ihe Mnnilweel slakes for three-year-ol-

at live furlongs. Krln llnigli, aloowned Mr Whltner, look moneyin Ihe Selling Plate ol sovereigns lorMadgeford winning unitl!aor Hack being In the place.

Mr, Whitney's MUup was successful InI ho lliursday Nursery Plate, a handicaplor I in which thorn wereeighteen olhcr slarlers. Lord llotvardWnMen'a I'layinaii ian sei'ond and FinalShot, owned by .1 11. Ilnggln, also an Anieii- -

can, tllir'IAtlaiii lleiie. nil American tired colt""i .t"" "!. i

Wn!l"r hnmiicnp lor niree-year-oi- anilllliwnr( m rlfleen hoihes Marlednnd Ihn winner turned In It. Woolen'sKxcelslor, with Lord SI. David's OyllenoMoorn seioml

I' Pllllnglon'a Prince Palatine via, ,howinner of I ho Jockey Club slakes Hi.inh)anvereigiiH a nine inree-uuarier- s.

nerhy'a Klrdfiisl anil Held Walker'sAdumlte Hi'ii'second and third lospeciivciy....Pvnis, a merlcan horses weronr.mienl In Ihe races a I Malson I.a III

ami I mint ne naiut I'liane k I'muippe u.. .lend heal In Ihe Prix lie IIohuviiI

1'h piiM iih WitM fiHnna anil Miawa 2 inclers. Six horses ran. In the

Iiunoll' .Mr. (loilltl'a representativebeaten.

Vanderhlll's Plrplrlol therx llenume tl.OOO francs for two - year -

o'tl ', thedlslance being t .'' melem Jo.'keyMtt-.'- e roclo Ihe winner. I hero half atiW.jn slarturs.

. .

'""- - -Rnmn members I.otos

Club, many of whom arc also intnilmrsf the Oakland Golf Club, went In body

yesterday Hay Hide tu contest foi1 prizes given by John Adams Thayer. The

nine hole putting gieen was In perfect

. ties were played otr. .Mcrtiniey winningfirst prize In 20 and Hungerford second In

The round scores of the daywere made and Thayer In

If and respectively.

"n.iches being atsured that he condition. munds of nine holes eacha nle for tpe team. With Underbill vveio played, McKlnley, Arthur and Hun--in- e

ot Injuries and Hill not shim- - each making a scoie of The

last year,



THE SUN, 4, 1912.


.Mrs. l.nrlnw nnd Misses Curl in,

Melius nnd Scruple AreEssex

V.S''nu?;!in"tu.d., 'LH.VU,e,r,,ThurPinirJlarsh






IMiiludolpliia's HcprcscntntiveIMiivs Steadiest unnic and

Is Likely Winner.

Manohesticr, Mast, Oct. 8. Ilealfentllled the play of lha third

rniind In the women's, national golf cham-pionship mid as the direct result fourdifferent koIHiik districts have a candi-date left for the seml-lln- round

Huston, Philadelphia, SI. Louis ana LoAniteles the homes of the survivorsand Miss Curtis, Mm. II. II.Harlow. Miss Grace Hemplc and MisKatherlne Melius are tint candidate whowere successful thla morning;. Two xtrahole matches, upsets, pet feet weather, anda tremendous crowd sums up tho notice-able features.

Miss MuiKurot Curtis had n narrowcape lu her match with Mrs. Pox ofIltintlni;doii Valley. Miss Curtis won onthe nineteenth hole. For eleven holeathe match seewsawed back and forth,neither player by more than onhole at any time,

In the other extra hole contest, whichunit contrary to expectations. MistKatherlne Melius of los AiiKeles wai theheroine. This Is her tllst national tour-ney. Her opponent. Miss M, W. Phelps,who has n. bronre medal for past honorsIn national golf, was 4 up at the twelfthholn and jut lieaten ut the first extrahole.

Afler Miss Hyde's defeat yesterday byMrs. H. '. Wheeler, Jr.. It was expectedthat the former Kastem woman championwould come through to the semi-fina- l.

MUs Grace Simple proved to be the Im-

pediment that changed this Una ofIhouitht. The St. player, who usedto play at the home club of Mrs. Wheeler,went out In 40, fhe best score recordedfor any woman for this half of the course,and was 4 up at the turn and won, iand I.

From the qualification round toplay has shown a great chaiiKe for thebetler In Mrs. It, II. Harlow's nolf. HerPlay this momliiK was more like th fin-

ished cnlf that won her the Philadelphiadistrict and Kastem women's champion-ship. Mrs Hallow had little dlfllcultyilefe.itliii! Mrs. K. II, niter. 5 and 4. Herfriends predict . that she will reach theUna I this year.

Some of the defeated vlstlnf playersnot a chance to see the classy Myopiacourse Miss I.llllan II. Hyde nndMrs. r C Osgood anionic those whomotored over to play these links. Mlsallvde stalled very well and was. one tin- -

,ir men's par first six holea.Then ijulrk chaime of form that Missllyd can put on at a moment's noticecropped and a 9 and X resulted. Her

was 101. Miss Osgood also stalledvery well, Koine nut In 46, exceptionalKolf for a woman, and started home wellwith h 4 on the tenth. She tool: her S andI' cumins In and finished with a for atotal of 100.

The summaries!Championship. ThlrJ Itound Mls Oraca

.selnpie i.iiuis, ueirslieii irs. n.VVhr'ler, Jr.. U'olU.ton. i and :; Mrs. It,II. Il.irlnw. Merlon, defeated .Mrs. K. IIKiller. i unit 4.

lllii li. Mellim. n.T. defeated Ml.. MW. I'h I. The Country, 1 up 11 holeai.Miss M Curtis. Ussex. brat Ml". C. V. Kox,UuntlnrMuti valley, l up (15 noies)


Una et Scare of N4 (lver l.lnka ofWhile Mnrah Coontry ( lob.

fllKHTNl'T Hi Ll.. Pa., Oct. 3 The Kast

Tim eighteen hole medal play handicapwas won by .1. M Klpe with a net scoreof St. Second prize went to (' S. Wood

,.,,. competition for two gold medalsIm..s a lamn-ll- v and . K. Chew were

Second prize was won by K,amuiiw vv . i:. .'vaiiacK, wno re

reived silver The consolationprize was won b.v Henry H. Clumbers.


The gams scheduled between the Hightij.l.rtnl ,,f Cninin.r bn.l I'sasule lllehxenoul which in be plated st Paanalc

baa been called off by Commerce,The I' H, A I., rule permitting nineg.t m ea on a sea no n a scneuuie makes it imp,islh!c for I'uMiuerte lo plav the game aarranged turnout 1'ini.uing tins nut.

rreenor' Iltrti Hi houl has unearthedpromising mller In a youth named Hmlthwho will right It nut with Rvck of .la-malrn champion roller of the localschoulbny world If he keepa up pieaentpare Hmlth la a halfback on the footballteani, and In order to condition himself forthe gridiron aport he trlea y andmiddle distance runs He was timed for themile over a alow grass covered track thevtatehes shotted 4 minutes 10 setonda the'instance. As he new at the game, goodcoaching ought to tllp ten secunda from thistime

Th, nry.1nt cross. rountry team has ealleJoff the mrl nlth Di Witt Cilnion

llVk ciiur.e' Th" r.VeSnU.S"; thJIlrianl roaches la that their tenm has noth.ul sufflrlen' lo be In proper condl

lor me iray

Cnaeh ijulik nf Hie Jamaica basketballquad announcnl thai the Ural game be

on October IK. and Ihe opponents. ! u niVt fro in 11 r a a t These two ZIWZgreat upeitailons for the borough cham

tilonahlD and will Play their teaaus sameearly In January. Itoth Kama ara workinghard for the battle.

Many of the football playert of ErasmusHall are In the "psaeant" which will comeon Octotier 10, It and 12 On this accountgames ttlih , October ft, amiI'cekaklll, October 13, were called off NowManager Johnaon la Irving lo get the itac-keut- le

for Octnber . Coach McCaffreyhas not ri definitely picked hla tlrat teamfor Mackennle game, In fact, heprooaniy annul tsieniy-tw- o men; i,. n.e i.euci.i . :,1.1;. et.or hark... ii ;;ve,.rlutes. The narks are all light, very fsatand he expeeu to gv both shift, a halfgame each.

I Erasmus had another unlucky arrliltntWednesday when Hrelly turnedlie waa running after a punt when he trlpredand f'll. lie could set up and had tobe tarried off the Held, lie not he ablelu play Hrelly la the captainuf the team uml heat end on the aquad.With llrush nut of game for good and

!.':,,i' "'" J"'...1 . "J. the team

Manual an open oaie ror

"'J ; ml,m,nll iitailed onVl.cKla for that date lie,, "on,'.', JVi',1!

'graphed lo Ilohba Kerry and theSame far Manual. The game in be playedai Dohbs Kero, N. V.. nt 3 o'clock. Manna

be In fine ahope for game, a theyhave been scrimmaging nsalnit poly nearly

icvirj day this week Ihe team will b.strengthened by having M ke Charlesf'ark ut h" ""J P0"1 hR"b"rk'

The athletic committee of llnva uih a..elded ths 'b'r day that I'eiknniu andY:JT'"f.n. . arnfKh le.iS'Vu,.'0""'

, but he left sihool last r'"".",0nimlit'e teelded that he had to bs la; school twenty w.'k, .McTfrnan failed to

tiaia ihe reuulred thirteen perloda of ..-- u

an year. If he can pin ihlrleen perlodaon tha flrat he will be allowed to play.

There waa an election nf rher lader atToly yeatarday and rirharmann waa the suc-cessful candidal. The Toly .m has beenpractlalnjt against Manual thla wtk andla In fine ahape for the Commercial gam

WII.I.IAMSTOW.V Alass.uei 3 -- The vv ;.,, ., nH M.,(. f iS, third to M. K. Dan-Uln- aV.US1V was drl Ud i'iinatHnii tbe,

iiftMire Hfiernuun, Ibe .nacliea reallrlna fnrlh net of 86.thai ihla the weak pulnt the team ami the match play competition againstmat tnir. must bi an The u,K(.y lr wPr wa, (Ji .;,

lealll lias up against the .eennit ami C C Halemint won prize ...regulars during the ivhule acrlniinage, andihuuxn juungaiera up h strung de- - won third prlxe. In the best ball four- -

men': ,.b.:,

lull aw.



until afterand



lirsi ettiit'titne





tloby third






ofai nnu





y Krank tlould'H Conli In llollel"'" r",,


M.. wonof


twentv nf the


21, best oneby Van Vleck



gerford 82,






lr for thethe






Tenfor the







the willsive











the put



Appointed ArtlMK Chairman nf theCommittee tin Atliletlcs.

Morton tl. DoKiie. chairman of theboard of stewards of the IntercollegiateIlowlnic Association, was appointed act-ing chairman of the university committeeon athletics at Columbia yesterday. Mr.lloftun nils the vucancy caused by theexpiration of the term of W. O. Palmer,190", and became temporary chairmanbecause of tho continued Illness of C II,Mapes, the old time Intercollegiate broadJump champion, who Is chairman of thecommittee,

For the last doten years Mr, lloguehas been prominent In Columbia nnd In-

tercollegiate, athletics. As un undergrad-uate, ha was coxswain of the varsitycrew and afler graduation became director of the rowing club. In the year 1908- -1909. when rowing nt Columbia was almost doomed because of the deficit of 10.000, he was appointed graduate treasurerof the crew and In less than a year hadthings In shipshape order, with a surplus In the bank. Upon the resignationof K. H. Hangs, chairman of the stew-ards of the regatta association, Mr. lioguewas appointed to that place and managedthe Potighkeepsl regatta last year.



Hughes and Fullcn Put Out ofIt When Pabst Cup Seems

Snrely Theirs.

MlLWAUKgg. Wli., Oct. 3. The "breaksot the came" gave Mortimer Hoberts thePabst Hlue Ribbon trophy y oftentwo rivals ahead of him had been forcedout of the race In the last moments, whentheir trusted cars failed them, lltighleHughes, with the cup all but won. cavaup because ot engine trouble. Dick Pollen, who was driving a close second, tookthe lead, only to fall victim to the samemisfortune which rubbed Hughes ot thofruits of an earned vlctoiy, making Hoberts a victor In the premier of this newMilwaukee trophy.

Harry Kndlcott, driving a Mason car,won the Wisconsin Motor Tiophy race,but In his case the vlctoiy was notthrough the abandoning of the contest bythose who led him earlier In the event.for, while he was one of only two to survive, he had the race safely won fiumthe sixth lap on to the final twenty-se- c

ond.races were driven over a

muddy course, with only X.OOU luce fans.who were willing to biave the Uneaten- -Ing storm and the actual drlzrle, and themud had more than a little tu do withthe misfortunes of the drivers. The raceofficials at Rrst proposed to abandon therace for the day, but finally compromisedwith the apectatora by postponing thestart until 1:30 o'clock, and fulr weatherIn the afternoon aided In the gaining ofsome good records for time around thetrack.

Hughes went one lap In well toward thebest he scored In his heavier car yesterday In the Vanderbllt, Hughes waa acertain winner. It appeared, when In thetwenty-secon- d lap, with six more i ll cultsof the course to be made, his engine de-veloped troubles and he was forced to an-nounce he could not finish. Then.Pullentook first place, but held the least for unlva lap, when he also was forced to abandonhis car. Meanwhile Chandler, Mulford'smechanician. In hla first race a a driver,had dropped out as hopelessly distancedwith his Falcar, but Seeing Hughes andPullen fall out, he limbered up hla ma.chine and drove for third money, whichhe took easily, though nut of the rare forseveral laps of the leader s time.

There were eight starters In the PabstBlue Hlbbon trophy and three In the Wisconsln event. The litter cars weie allMasons, and driver Stevens was forced toquit In the third lap with a broken piston.

The official figures on the rabst tiophy:Time by

Car Driver. Minutes.Manon Itobens 2?SmFalcar Hastings iilvih'alcar Chandler . No lime taken

Kameat japS:M, on tbe ilaleenth lap by Hughes.Distance, 7. is. miles.

The official figures on tbe Wisconsintrophy :

Car. Driver. Time.Mason Kndlcott IM 4

Mason Mnaton 223 10Average time of lnnrr. 63 miles an hour.


Beats I.atl One I'p and Oeorge Force a

Ulna to Twentieth flreen.Hot ftFMNcs. Va., Oct. 3. The feature

of llrst and second rounds atmatch play In the annual fall golf tour-nament came In the second round whenD. F. George of Providence fought Ed-

mund P. Rogers, Shlr.necock Hills, to thetwentieth hole, where Itogers, winner ofyesterday's qualifying match, won withn twenty foot putt. Rogers In the earlierround of match play had had nil hewanted to do to win by 1 up from SidneyHcott. Wilmington C. C. Scott Is onlyfourteen years old. His medal scorewaa 34.

The summary:First Slxtccn-K- lrt rtound-- n. J. nidteway,

Knglewood, defeated Harry li. llaahlns, tisrdenCity, A and f: Hoberl J. Allyn defrated II. P. Scott,Wilmington. 3 and 2: Kvander II. Schley, National,defeated A. H, S. I'oal. J and t: T, S. Fuller. N, V .,defeated J, C. Head, batrobe. I'a., 1 up; Kdmtindl. Itogers, Shlnnecock Hills, defeated SidneyScott, H'llmlnr ton, I up; D. F. (.'forte, 1'rovldeore,defeated 11. P.. Avery, Detroit, 3 and 3: HuronItnsenkranu, London, defeated 11. Wharton,Philadelphia, 2 and 1, and tleorge o. Srhneller,New Haven, defeated Ueorge D, Kuntire, Cin-cinnati, 1 up no holeai .

Second Round Allyn defeated Mdreway, 3and l: Fuller defeated Schley, t up: Hogrri de-feated George. 1 up (20 holes), and Schntlltr de-feated ltosenkraatz,'4 and 3.


Tito Haaalred Stroac They ProposeVleTTlaa; World's Series.

Cincinnati, Oct. 3. It Is estimatedthat no less than 200 persons will go fromCincinnati to New York to see tho opening games of the world's baseball championship nnd will travel back and forthbetween the two cities to witness thefinish. It was stated y that mostof the local people who are going to makethe trip from hero filed applications earlywith Garry Herrmann, chairman of theNational Commission, who In turn sentthem to the New York and Hoston

of the clubs.At least fifty of these fans will ac-

company Herrmann, leaving here next.Saturday. Herrmann's party will makethe trip each night along with the Na-tional Commission, which body la notgoing to tke a chance on a delayed trainthat might prevent them from being onhand when play Is called.

Spring; Holed Shoes for Klvtat.Friends of Hannes Kolehmalnen were

much disturbed yesterday when theyheard tha a running snoe with springsIn It was being constructed for AbelKlvlat, who la to meet the great Finnishrunner In a two mile rare nt the IrishAmerican games on Columbus Day, Spar-row Kobertaon Is building the shoe fromdesigns by an Inventor, who thinks thatthe new tangled Idea will result in in-ducing all running records. The springIs attached lo the sole of the ahoe, andIs calculated to Increase the stride ofthe runner without extra effort on hispart. Old time runners say that If Klvlatutes the shoes that have been orderedfor Mm, he Is liable to turn his footafter coming to earth from the bigitrlde. , Ai ona of thfm put It, "Ha waybreak a record and h may break hit

Appnrent Thnt All Cnnnot GetAround Twice, So Tourney

Is Cut. Ill Holes.


First llouml Only Fnlr, but HeFinishes With Total of

157 Strokes.

Oswald Klrkby of Knglewood, NewJeisey'a champion golfer, more fully ap-preciates the Irony uf fate now than everbefore, for having practically won themedal In the qualifying round of thaNassau Country Club a tournament tOlen Cove yesteidny circumstances forcedthe committee to change the plan fromthirty-si- x holes to eighteen. All unusualfield of 108 still ters teed up for the flratround early yesterday morning, and bytho time the llrst eighteen holes werecompleted It was seen that It wuuld beImpossible for neatly fifty of the com-petitors to finish before duikness put unend to operations. As a result, the com-mittee decided tu declare off the award-ing of the medal nnd to illle that theplayers wuuld qualify nccoidlug to theiraeorea In the first elghtet u hole round.

Waller .1. Travis, the Harden Cityveteran, had a 78 lu the llrst round, andhe ut once waa picked us the medallist.Klrkby had mi HI, as did It. H. Lee ofYnle. Klrkby, however, got going gieatguns on hla second clicult and came Inwith a 76, for a total uf 15". Travis fin-

ished soon after with Nl, for a total of1G9. The committee waa then confrontedwith the pioblem ot either to disqualifynearly fifty plavcrH through no fault of theirown, or deprive Klrkby of the medaland present It to TiiivIh; therefore, thedecision which pi events the Nassau tournament from having a medallist this year.

Tiavls played good golf In his foundthat counted. There weie no startlingIncidents to niatk hla game. It waasimply one of those Innumerable steadygaits of the former British and Americanchampion, us may be seen by his card, usfollow s :

out. s.54S"S3-- 3

tu 3 0 o i J i a i-- S 7s

Kltkby's ftne round that went fornaught waa mailed s only one Incidentuf particular not", that being a 7

ut the 32r yard sixteenth. He had leachedthe turn In a par S7 and had even 4suntil this hole. His second shot foundit sand Hap and he needed thiee to getout of It. After that he had two 4hfor on Inwnid trip requiting 3K, or a totalof 76, Ills caid follows;Out 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 3 -37

In 34644474 -3

James I). Foot, the Apawamts senior,was one of those to get Into the firstsixteen, v'feutme of Ills round being a2 at the 140 yaid pond hole. He drovethe gieeti and ran down u twenty footputt. Fred Herreahuff of Harden City,winner of the lecent tournament over theNutlonal links, lequlred nn 1.1, the sameseme as Clifford A. Dunning, championof the home club and Percy It. Pjne 2d,Of Morris County.

There was it strong wind that swirledautumn leaves and quantities of sand overplaces un the cuiiise, which did not helpscoring any, but the course Itself was Inflne shape. .1. N. Steams 3d, of Princeton and Nassau, who won the Fox Hillsmid Dnnwoodle tournaments, was unableto ge going, with the result that he hasto be content with a place In the thirdsixteen because of his HO. The same Istrue of A. F Kammer of Fox Hills, for-nit-

Stolen Island chamtilon ami the manwho was beaten by Steams In the extrabole final at Fox Hills. Kammer hadD3.

There aie five slxleens, the players Inwhich will take part In tbe llrst matchround this morning and the second clrcult llils afternoon. The diaw In theprincipal division follows :

Norrls vs. Williams vs. Klrkby,i miming v ryne, waul vs. Topping,Jennings vs. Holllns, Tiavls vs, Mabon,Foot vs. HerreshofT Bnd Mundy vs. Hicks,

The scores :


Out In TtWaller .1 Travis. Garden City., .39 3 7tII. II. Vale .41 40 HIOawald Klrkby. Knglestonit 41 tlA, I,. N'urrla, .Nassau 43 :II .1. Topping, 'Ureenvvlrh . .. 43 13Kreil Ilerreahoff, Garden City.. 42 33It 11. Wllllums, Morris County, 43 k3McKIm Hulllna, W'esthrook 43 SIC A Duunlnr, Nassau 40 13I'. It. I'yne I'd, Morris County,.. 41 31 13John M. Ward, city ...... 41 42 M. ..ria.i.uK, ,.HM. ,,. .41 43 HI

V. I., lilt ke. Nassau .41 44 ISJ I. Knot, Apanamls .43 42 irIt. Mundy. Ardsley 43 40 tiS. C. Mabon. Ardsley . 33 tl

SECOND HIXTEEN.Donald McKellar, Midland 43 41tl, 11, Adams, ttaltusrol 43 44I". II. Jennings, Jr., Vale .43 41II. Ilotionie. Kox Hills .42 iiJ. It. Hyde. Soulh Shore 44A N. I'OHprrthwalte, Midland .. 44II. K. WllltneV. Nassau 44(!, K Kohler, HMgenooil 44J. II. I". Tannan. Nassau 41V t". Longley, Wannamoliett 43 13C IJ. V. MrCann, N'aaiau 4tII, 1.. Nichols. Midland :: 43 asE. -. de Forest, Midland .42 47C. II. MacDonald, National... 41 41tl. c. iierner. rvassau 43 47H. V, Henderson, Knollwood . , .43 43

THIltD SIXTEEN.H. T Allen, Ton Hills 44 4( 90II. It. Tnwnsend. Ilnltuirol 42 4 90.1 N. Stearns 3d, Nassau 43 47 soit. it, jnniisnn, ureal Aeck 46 43 91llartry Murdnck, Nassau 42 43 81it.- .vi. miauls, 44 47 91II. I., l'rott. Nassau 41 43 dW. F. HlrhHrds, Nassau 42 80 02A. 11 nan, national 47 as aII. M. Tarlelnn, Oaklanei 4a 4 ttW. A. Engeuian. Nasaau 4 46 S3r, c. Denning, ('reacenl ...43 44 93A. F. Hammer, For. Hllla 4( 47 93W M. Rothschild. Naaaau 4 43 93Dr N. E. Sprague, lnwoort 44 47 93('. Itunyan, Jr., Nassau 49 it 93

FOUIITH SIXTEEN.F, M, Kerr, Merrlmae Valley 43 41 13('. II. Hyde, South Shore 49 44 93

V. H. llrown. Oakland 41 4 94V. II. Itulihell. South Hhora... 44 94II. II, Toliey, Nassau ..47 47 94K. H. McKellar. Mldlana . 44 fo 94P. II. Webster. Dyker Meadow, ..49 il 94II, W. Maxwell, Nassau ..43 4 91(I. W. Falrehlld, Manhattan... ..43 4 94II, S. Jennings, Naaaau ..4 40' 93M. I'. Latvia, Flushing ,.4 49 95('. II. Harner. Naaaau ..41 47Hoagland (lales Nassau ..47 41II. .S, Huech, Nassau . 4S 60L. F,. White, Nassau ..47 49D. A, Lorlng, Nassau ,.4 (0

FIFTH SIXTEEN.F. II. Hurd. Midland ( 47 97J. A, Ktlllman, National 4 61 97II, L. Dosney, Apavvamls 49 49 97I. I.. Allen, Nassau ,,49 49 99I.. II. nosers, Midland 47 tl 93J. II. O'lTounell, Inwond 4) (0 91C, H. Hmlth, Jr., Flushing 49 49 99J. II, Ot tie)'. Nassau 44 S3 93Clarence Dunning, Naaaau 32 47 99Dr, M. Carpenter, Oakland (3 47 99F. C. llils., Harden City to 41 9W H. Nichols, Jr., Nassau. ..... .33 47 99C, i:. Malthy, Wykagyl (3 44 99P. II. Jennlnga, Harden City St 43 100It, 8. Hlearns, Nassau S4 4 100li, K. Hudson, Naaaau 41 61 100

OTHER. SCORES.It, Armstrong, Nassau 60 101I, . J, Weed, Nassau 62 101F H. Pratt, Naaaau 64 101C. ,H. I'liikuey, Mnutclalr 61 101II. Fi. Haves, Lawrence Park.. 60 102W M, Mills. Harden City 61 102J, l.ounsberr, Nassau 64 103Ie A. Illpley. Litchfield 62 103L. P. ttlder. Naaeau . , 60 103K, P. Walker. Midland.. 7 63 104J. 8. Kennedy, Crtsrent .,14 43 104.r.dward Uyld, Hinsdale . .44 33 104K. II. Kendall. Houth Hhor ,.53 33 10SR. F. Oatee, Nataau ..13 68 10(D, ('. Halated, Nataau i. .64 61 1038 II Lever. Apawamtt ,..66 SI 101II. oodnln. Harden City ..60 67 101H, Cape, Nataau ,. ,87 61 101a. P. Tangeman, Naaaau ..61 67 103R. Furinan, Midland .63 66 101J. c. Davlea, North Jersey S3 totBenjamin Blossom. Naaaau 10 31 litH, Coeiene, Naaaau ...40 (I 113J. N. Stearns, Naaaau ,..., 39 illW. B. Hatton, Qlenwood ..,,(( 0 xii


Netr York A. C. Captain Sara HeWon't Ran for Office Aajaln,

The resignation of Dr. John M. Ureenas first lieutenant of the New York Athletic Club was followed yesterdny by natntement from Cnpt. Matt Hnlpln thathe would not again run for olllco eitheron a regular or opposition ticket. Therohas been considerable friction betweenthn aoclnl faction of tho cum nnu tllOSO '

who are strongly In favor of maintainingIhe clubs prestige In the athletic world,so that a big scrap Is expected at tho nnext election.

It Is asserted that the club's rlnnresto score points at recent games havebeen Interfered with by the policy ofdropping men from the rolls becnusn uttrivial Infractions of tho rules. Thirtymen were dropped while the club's ath-letes were away on the Olympic trip, undsince then a further assault has beenmade on the athletic material, with theresult that there ure very few first classmen qualified to represent thu WingedFoot organization.

Matt llalpln has worked very hard Inthe Interests of the New York A. C, buthe said yesterday that he did not rareto continue active work for an organiza-tion that cut the ground from beneathhis feet by suspending prominent nth-let-

without sufficient cnuso on the evoof Important competitions.

With regard to tlie resignation of Dr.Mreen, which according toK. K. Haubold would have been calledfor If It had not been tendered, Capl.llalpln said that Is was true that Dr.Hieeti had been forced to resign andthat the sending In of his resignation wasentirely voluntary.


Applications ExoppiI All Hopes,

Totiilliiiff 187 rGlldilcn toHun Tour Hlmst'lf.

Whatever may be said of tbe attitudeof motor car manufacturer toward racing and touring, It Is evident hat theyare greatly In favor of utitotnohlln shows.Allotment of floor space for the minimiautomobile show which Is to be held nextJariiiur.v In the (Irand t'entral I'.ilace andMadison Kipiare Harden, running simultaneously for two .weeks, was made atthe headquarters of the Automobile lloaidot Trade yesterday. Theie were eighty-seve- n

applications for space from automobile manufacturers and more thnnfour hundred applications from accessoryinanufactureis, which flgutes Indicate thatthe double show will surpass any previousexhibition ever held. The drawing ofspace for Ihe Automobile lloaid'of Tiademembeis was held In the morning In con-junction with the quarterly meeting ofthat body, A representative of each ofthe sixty-on- e members In the organiza-tions waa present.

Pleasure cars ate to be shown duringthe tl t nt week of the exhibition and commercial vehicles will be on display dur-ing the second week In both building.The plan la to charge one udmlsslou.which will provide admittance to bothbuildings.

The pleasure vehicles which will beshown In the Palace and Harden duringIhe first week of the show Include thefollowing makes :

Oldimoblle. t. oiler. HtodJard-Davto- Oakland. Flandera. Franklin. Mlearns. I'oDe- -Hartford, Htevena-Durye- I'eerlers, Locomo-bile, Mitchell. Wlnton. Cadillac. Hoick, Pack-ard, Hudson. Maxwell, Overland, Fierce-Arro-

Chalmers, Iteo. White, Cartercar, War-ren, Alarmoo. tiarford, Columbia, Mollne,Thumas, Premier, Pullman, Alto, Jackson,Mercer. Auburn, llaynea. H. O. . Cunning-ham. Knox, Moon. Matheenn. Selden, l.

Abbott-Detroi- t. Velle. Imperial. Cole.Interstate, Case, Herreahofr, Krlt, Cutting.K.'.sel, I'alie-U- e troll. Speed tt rll, Pathtlnder.Austin. Hegal, ituffatu Electric, FlandersKieoinc, coiuinuua, aieiz, siuueuaser. runHupp, Kllne-Ka- Henderson, Michigan,Hem, ll v.. .ll . iierg.iou, niuii, American,llamliler. Ohio, Crow. F.dwarrin. Atlas. I.enoi.Davis. 1'atereon. Marathon, Havera, Weat-cot- t,

Only Car, Marlon,

Kvldently Charles J. Olldden, donor oftho trophy which beaf. his name, Is notsatisfied with the decision of the Ainerl.can Automobile Association, which calledoff the (Hidden tour because of lack ofentries. The Idea of not running a bigtour this year was too much for the globetrotter, bo he plans now-- to lead a caravanof motorists himself over the Identicalroute which was selected for the Gllddentour from Detroit to New Orleans.

The tour will be conducted under theauspices of the Fifty Thousand Mile Xlnx,-we- ll

Club, an organisation of motoristswho have been awarded medals ot goldand silver for having driven either 50, 000or 25,000 miles. However, the run willbe open to every one and will start fromDetroit H, finishing at NewOrleans thirteen days later. The scheduleas originally planned for the A. A. A. tourwill be can led out.


Jap la Comlnsi Orer to Croaa CoeaWith Native i:perta.

Tom Gallagher has the honor to reportthat KodJI Yamada Is coming over fromBerlin to take part In the 18:2 balk linechampionship billiard tourney which willbe held In New York about the middle ofNovember. It looks as tt the Jap will bethe only foreign entry. Casslgnol, theFrenchman, la making so much money Inthe Continental academies that he doesn'twant to leave, William Hoppe, GeorgeSlosson, Hurry Cllne, Ora Mornlngstnr.George Hutlon, Uaivin uemnreat ana Atbert Cutler nre probable entries, also AITaylor ot Milwaukee and Maurice Dnly,on whom the years sit lightly and who Isnow reeling oft tho carroms In practice nnIn the days of hla youth. Tho latest planIs to have a qualifying tourney, elimi-nating nil but three, who will meet In theHotel Astor ballroom In tne final.

Daly Is to have a metropolitan hand!can tourney at 18:2 balk line for nmateuri In his room beginning the last partof thla month. Pflggenburg. Gardner. Conway, Oershel and Thompson are amongthose who are expected to play, iso sane.Hon will be aaked for from the N, A. An. r. for this tourney. Gardner and Con.way are at present on the N. A. A. ti. IV sdisqualified list for having played In aclub without permission, but It appearsthat many of the amateurs are not enamoured with the N. A. A. B. T.'s methodsand that Daly la going ahead with histourney regardless. It may result in awider split between the room keepers andplayers anu tne national association.


xivin c. Kraenaleln. the eld hurdler andMichigan coach, with hla wife, will aall forEurope on Saturday on Ihe Martha Washington.

ei.sKlnn Harrv gmlth. Kflke Ryan and JJ, Reynolds are advertised aa etartera In theroad racn of the Bradhurst Field Club nextBunds?.

president Jamra E. Sullivan of ths Metropnlltan Association commended th newregistration tommtttea of the associationyesierday for Ihe progreaalve manner Inwhich they disposed of cases at their flratmeeting Instead of Indulging In the policy ofpostponement.

W, Kramer, the cross. country championwho waa reported as hopelessly broken down,disproved the report by running alx milesat Hawthorne Field yesterday In trainingfor the ten mile championship. Ha madethe distance In the good lime ot tl minutes44 aecondi.

Professionals and amateurs are busy atCeltic Park for tha long dletance eventi.Willi Kolehmalnen and Johgnson ran six-teen miles yetterday In 1 heur t minutes 46seconds. Hannea Kolehmalnen ran a miland a quarter In I minutes II soconds andKlvlat ran two mllaa la I mlgtttat IT sec- -

f-- f 13


Part nf Ilia Work for nihbooe laa Ilont With Jark Denning;.

Eddie Mcfloorty, the sensntlonnl mid-dleweight, took up permanent trainingquarters here yesterdny. Mctloorty In-

tends to educe himself grndually so thatlie will be stioiiR when he Is compelledto do 1SS ringside for .Mike millions nextmonth. He will be close to 110 pounaaHlcn ,o hoxes .Inrk Denning In tho (litr- -I.,,, ..... Moiubiv nlnht nnd will he fMslerthan usual he sa)s. Dcntilng'a cleverness 7may puzzle Mctloorty, who Is going after

knockout lis soon na there's iiu open-ing. V.

The other bouts nrrnngrd for the samJevening by Manager (llbson will not permlt lax training methods, IMdle Kellywill have to bo lit to stand off l.nuls dePonthleti of Kriince, who Is a vastly Im-

proved boxei'. In lMdlo Moigali, theKnglish bantam champion, Prankle Durnswill tackle one nf the sturdiest little men Tthat have ever vlslled this country. '



1849 BROADWAYOno 60 .Simplex 1012, 7 pnasenKcr

Toiirintt Hnly. tJ,W).Ono 40 Do I.iimi Mtnoimlno, S7S0.Ono 2.1 I'eiitisylvania, now, $1,100.Onu 6(J I'i'iiiiaylvnnlii, (Ictuonatratcil,

el, I'M.One 4. Isottn. $1,800..Several and Tour-in- R

Hixllea Vory I'heap,

ucrAiits.We make a specialty of repairing automo-

biles: 3a aadlUon M sur facUIUae for delaiflee caaek work we bare a well qulspeilsaaektaa aaap to eeerkaul aaolort; ealaslleaeaH34.

J. M. Ot'INBT CO.,Newark, N. .1.






(living t'p Agenei'oi'i:"iiitiFmi ,at ot'H'K. tn'it i.os is t orn r.iNT

We have two new cars and some rebuilt carsthat must be suld '

in is wi:i:k.So Reasonable Otter llefuied.

Also oilier makesAI LOW FKil'lti:S.

IION'I 3IISH HUH t llAM'F. -- ,

if V4it cA.vsor t'Aix. witm: forI'ltuF.s. i:rc.Don'l inks this oppurtuntly to be the owner of

a I'opeMlarlford,lei. 31(14 Columbus. IB.IO HROA I) WAT. ,

PACKAHHH. 3150 to 32am. All alyles.Pi:i:ill.i:ss "fl." S7M to iisan. Like nevr.II MtlON. 1012. Ssn. I'raclleallv new.ClIAlAIKIIS. 11112 to twrj, tlVI lu 31000. ,Ui.ti:iis, saai to tliun. 4 or 0 cylinders.OAKI.ANHS. J:Oi to iXi). AI Cars.FOHH. SIV.V Oldsinnhlle, 3IIXI. (hind Order.(I Vlil.AMlH. Mid to svo. A 1 Values. ,

Taxlraba. S.HI lo JTKl l()n easy I'.i J nif, ,3ii:il( KIM'S. IJllldalllel, 3.VM) (Cosl XB.'iXll.JA'.MtOIIFAtl'l(IMOIIII.i:i'4t..4; t, 4lV.6t. 'lieinoustralloii (iltcii; Kvcrytlilng as llcpresented.

tnltl IHU'IT-ItOCK- F.I.I. I'AItS.5 pastenerr Tuiirabout. no h. p., former pries '

JVooo. now 32.KW. 7pr.seiigerTourlngcar,()0h.p..former price tScoi, now 32.5W. cv

ISHTourabout driven nuly t.aio miles, equipped 'with top, windshield. Klaxon horn and demount-.- ..

able rlms-l,h- oa. JHoupt-ltockwr- lt demonstrator, CO h, p. Touring It

car, sacrifice-ti.-K-

rifA.'SiK, ir. siiiinvir.i(.300H Broadway Tel. 04MI rolnmbaa, ,

lui'stoitii.i:.1811 Model. $100. Value 37MM.

flltlfK.VS. 48lh St. and Il'way.

1 11(131 AS.cylinder Itnailttcr; perfect condition: Hit. !,

Value 36.5no. OHllllN'.s, 4flih Si. nnd n'vray. "STOOD Villi DAYTON --

On and after October tat, 1012, our ,

i'st:i an DF.rr. ,will be located at 4 Wrti r.'d St., near riroadway. --

We are -- till open for bids. All cars are ready formmedlale service. i

I.07.IF.R.Touring Car; 7 passenger. 33M. Value 33,909.

(iin;i;.N m. isin mi. and n'way.

a smititr. niuL.It us sell your car for cash no sate no chargTlllKS Kyi'Alti: At TO CO.

1710 llruadway. Phone 7M.1 Col.

7 raoent-- r Ivndaulei: line condl lion; MS0.ValueSS.OoO. liltLll.VS. 48th St. and hVvhy, '

IlAKIlIt Kleclrlo Vlcloila. Wilt demonslrata 73miles on A charire. A raru Itarealn. Ilaker Ve- - tblcle Company, 170S Ilromlway, 'l ei. 2830 Columbus

IIK41AI, HOADNTRR.1112 Model. 9173: like new. Value 31.000.

(iHl:i:.N'H, Il'way and 49lh SI.

WILL SI'.LI. nn-- 1012 Tnurlns Car with ton. 'windshield, Ac, for oo: part cash, balance onlime, j. i.r.vv la. loo tvesi inn ai.

MARION HOADSTFH.1911 Model: 3110(10: perfect condition. Value.

iUU" lillllH.VS. 48ih St. and n'wav. J

am.i:n Ki.t;.STo. iioadstf.h. ,1911 Model: like new: Sl.Cou. Value 34. MO. ,

lillKK.N'S. 4Sth St. and H'way.

ta.h:aiis. ,in3210 00 to 3750 (io. Value 31,000 to 33.500.

CHIKK.VS. 4Sth St and ll'wny.

Mi:it i:tF.S ItOADSTF.n.lUte Model. 3.1SO00: like new. Value 33,301

OIIKKN'M, 44th St. and Il'vtoy.

KIW. I'AR.Mle Model, standard make, like new: 37.V). Value'

3.3.200. OltllllN'S. 4Sth St. and Il'way,

CIIALMKRS limousines, toil, extra new tour- - ,Ingbody;l00olhcrs. 20th Century, I70I nroadway. '

MOTOR DLLIVFItlllS.1,000 to 3.0m rnpacliy; 3200 oti and up.

(iltnn.N'.S, isth hi. nnd Il'way.

HODIICS.Limousine, Indaulet and Tourtnc Car at Rariala i

Prices. (llli:i:N"3, ISIh St. and U'way.

AUTO.M0llll.KH FOB HIRE.sevi;n.passi:noi:k luxurious cars. 1

Strictly models forrent. 33. fo au hour and up; ,special monthly rales.

tOO MClt.M.NC.SIDF--, IT lv cheaper lo rent than to own an automobile.We make a specialty ot renting cara by Ihe month.Our acven pavacnKcr Packard cars, touring orlimousine, equal Ihe finest private equipment.Responsible and rellahle service guaranteed.UN1VKHSAL TAXIMirtMl 4 'A 11 CO., i&3ltsl 63d si. Phone Plaza 2100. .


I'phnliierlni. lops Sllp-rntcr- i. Foredanrian t?r. auto hi: pair to.. 'Mai tot. ast w. sad st


STEWART booklet explainsAUTOMOBILE our course Is

ACADF.HT Inspect our33H W, Hth St. nnu do

WHVbeat.plant ,


Individual road work. Small ifcir,'wiarsioK elaaees, positions are weltlnr.I, KGl, nd for booklet. 31ft W, 67th Si.Phone 7W Columbus.


All U1KFC Bought, Sold and Rxchanged.flU BlWItta Times Sq. Auto Co., 1710 Proadway.

BUICK Motor Co., n'way, between 63thMth Sl, Phone 40fl Columbus.Knox Auiomobll Comnaar.KNOX 19M-19- Broadway. Pnone 4ii Oot

illimi a Uaaj

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