music promotions

Post on 05-Feb-2016






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Difference in conventions between rock, Pop, Hip-Hop and indie


Music Promotions

Kuziva Mutisi

Rock The rock genre is different when promoting their music, this is shown in the advertisement the rock genre does for the artists. The rock poster are more abstract than the other genres as the rock genre uses either extremely bright vibrant colours or dark aggressive colours. This is a reflection of the type of genre rock is. The rock genre is usually associated with being aggressive and loud and this is represented by either bright colours and for loud and darker colours for the representation of the aggressive music. Older bands such as led Zeppelin , Black Sabbath and Jimmi Hendrix are known to be more drug based bands therefore may at times have posters that represent their drug use in a subtle way. The layout of the posters in the rock genre are similar. The bands name is the masthead, which is then accompanied with extra information about other band or people performing and the date of the event or the dates of the tour. The bottom of the poster is usually the venue the band is performing . After all of the information the poster shows the web address and help lines . Most rock poster have similar layouts .

PopOpposed to the rock genre that has amore aggressive colour scheme pop artists and groups have a lighter, happier look when advertising their group. This is shown from the choice in lighter vibrant colours that have happier connotations, this may be the case because of the demographic of the group is wider than rock or hip hop artists, which means they would need to cater to a bigger audience. The layout of the posters are usually with the band or artists name in a distinctive font, usually san serif font. This creates a friendlier look and is usually distinctive to the band or artist. This is usually located at the top or in the middle of the poster with extra information located below the masthead in smaller text size. The location of the band much like the rock genre is located at the bottom of the poster . At the extreme bottom of the poster there is usually institutions involved with the band or tour that are advertised, followed buy the web address and help lines. The artist or band are the main focus in the poster as they take up the majority of the poster and all focus is on them

Indie/Alternative Indie music has taken elements from rock music . This is shown from the abstract posters which is taken form the rock genre. However what separates indie and rock is the colour use. Indie music artists when promoting their music use more pastille and subtle colours . This is because they want to convey a sense of sophistication and this may represent their target audience. The indie genre is also know to do things differently, this is shown from some of the posters that don't show the actual band but show an abstract design or logo that may only be relevant to people who follow the band. The lay out of the posters are generally much like the rock and pop genre posters. This is the masthead being the band name usually at the top of the poster however at times the name may be located I the middle of the poster. The date of the event and web details are located at the bottom of the poster. The actual band themselves in the indie genre are sometimes shown on the posters or sometimes they aren’t shown at all. In the latter case this is possibly directed at the people who follow the band.

Hip-Hop The advertising in the hip hop genre much like rock is extremely aggressive. This is because at times hip hop music is aggressive and the majority of the artists portray an aggressive image. On most of the hip hop posters the artist is the ,sot important person on the poster, the attention is focused ob the person, usually looking stern or serious. The colours used are very dark , this is to further express the aggressive image portrayed by the artists. The layout of the posters are slightly different from the other genres. The layout on a hip hop genre poster doesn’t follow a certain patter. The artists name isn’t always at the top as the masthead. However much like the other genres the hiplines, dates and venue(s) on the posters are located at the bottom of the poster.

Promo-pack for BeyoncéMagazine ad Website Screenshot Digi-pack Tour poster

Synergy is when companies work together to promote something. In this case, Beyonce is promoted though a magazine ad, website, music video, Digi-pack and tour poster. This means that Beyonce is being published by multiple companies to promote her work. This shows how companies have worked together to promote Beyoncé's album ‘I AM Sasha Fierce’ as they have worked together to give her the same appearance in each of her promotional materials. They also use similar effects like the grey overlay and the same text font for each of the promotions. When promoting the album at each stage, they have made sure to keep the look of the album consistent, this is done to make the audience familiar with the album. The colour scheme and font is kept consistent from the magazine ad to the tour poster. Beyoncé's is on all of the advertisements. This is crucial because Beyoncé is the main selling point throughout the entire production.

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