my background in events management

Post on 06-Apr-2017






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Melisha Botha Events Portfolio

FEDISA Graduate Collection Shows Case Study: FEDISA Graduate Collection Shows

Cape Town – FEDISA plays host to one of the biggest fashion shows held in the City of Cape Town every year, celebrating a decade of academic excellence. The FGCS 2015 again boasted state-of-the-art technical expertise that

transformed the FEDISA Urban Park into a glowing, red fashion wonderland.

With the recent completion of the FEDISA Campus Events Deck and Urban Park, this magnificent central city roof garden (complete with several fountains) was inaugurated as the new official venue for all future FEDISA Graduate Weekends. As is customary, this new magical venue with its mountain, ocean and cityscape views hosted the usual array of astounding student creations on the elegant crisp white runways that traversed the red-lit fountains. The

1200, including a strong high profile audience, could only marvel as the more than 300 international models glided past. Work on display included the First Year conceptual collection aptly titled – ‘This is NOT a Fairy-tale’ and the

Second Year collaborative collection on the oriental themed – ‘Remastered Dynasty’.

The main event was of course the multitude of Final Year graduate collections that ranged from the Wild West to Futurism, with every romantic, island-style interpretation also added to the mix. The FEDISA Graduate Collection

Show’s return to the campus after several years at the Cape Town Stadium allowed for a brilliant exhibition of work to be displayed to the audience, who could browse their way around the various levels of the campus with a glass of

Freedom Hill wine in hand before taking their seats on the Events Deck for the main event.

With close on 200 crew and support staff, ranging from production designers, tech, sound and lighting engineers, dressers, stylists and hair and make-up artists contributing to an unforgettable expression of creative vision, the

evening rivals the best of international fashion. Social media ablaze with image uploads by professional photographers and audience members alike, of this remarkable event, with FEDISA repeatedly trending on under the sheer barrage of live streamed images using the hash-tag #fedisagcs.

FEDISA Graduate Collection Shows We attended workshops in events - and backstage management every year before the Graduate Collection Show. In first year

it was based on dressing the models and lining them up in a very short amount of time. We were taught how to present

ourselves and the responsibilities of a dresser, namely dressing the models, lining them up, fixing their hair and make-up,

fixing garments which got damaged before or even during the show and learning to listen to the designer and attain to their

every desire. We had to arrive at the venue early the morning to attend to our rails, lining up our garments according to

model running order and having each designer sign her collection off.

In second year we were taught how to present ourselves to guests, welcoming them, seating them and assuring everyone is

happy. We had to dress all in uniform for guests to easily notice us and attend to them and the entire production team who

needed assistance. We had to arrive at the venue early the morning to set out the chairs, help building the catwalk, rehearse

with the models and assist the sound and lighting engineers with setting up.

In third year we were responsible for assisting the FEDISA team in planning this amazing event for our own Graduate

Collection. We would all meet regularly to discuss the progress of the show, planning sound, entertainment, lighting, the

format of the catwalk, the kind of models we would like, model running order, guests, ticketing, model interviews and fittings

and updating the run sheet of the day regularly . As a third year showcasing the most important part of the show was it our

chance to enjoy the privileges of being a designer that evening, although required to stay backstage to have the final approval

of our collection, we could relax and wait for the proud moment of walking the runway at the end.

I have studied at an institution where working with industry and having the opportunity to practically implementing the

responsibilities of an event planner prepared me to be accustomed to the professional working environment of an events and

marketing company. I have experience every field of the fashion industry from working backstage to being the designer and


Garment Bag Sheet/Look Sheet Requirements For Every Show

• We had to create 2x A4 full color Look Sheets, as per the provided template, for every design look.

• We then placed the sheet in a plastic sleeve or laminated it.

• We attached one sheet on the front of the garment bag.

• And attached one sheet onto the garment hanger with an elastic band.

Garment Bag Sheet/Look Sheet Template

Markham Menswear Fashion Flash

Case Study: Markham Menswear FEDISA Fashion Flash

After eight weeks of illustrating, designing, pattern drafting and constructing, we presented our menswear collections to an open-air deck full of industry guests and friends, in the heart of the Mother City, Cape Town. The Markham representatives

briefed our 2nd years on four major trends that their stores are following for Spring Summer 2014, which formed the foundation of our designs. The 2nd year students were divided into five groups and each of those groups explored one trend in the design phase before creating a capsule collection. The collections required that each student should design and create

one look made up of three pieces: a top, jeans and an over-garment. A few of the groups chose to create their own textile prints and all of us were required to manipulate the denim used for our jeans as part of the Textiles Technology syllabus.

Each student also hand crafted an accessory to complement their pieces. As additional runway entertainment, we represented our Markham Leisure Suits – avant-garde suits inspired by the concept of leisurewear. This exciting assignment

meant that we got to experiment with various knitting and knotting techniques to create eye catching and interesting wearable art pieces. While the Markham judges deliberated, Mark Haze, popular musician and Idols runner-up, and his

brother, Gareth Haze, entertained the audience while onlookers basked in the noonday sun. The duo also showed off their style, as they were dressed and styled by Markham. Breaths were held as the winners were announced: third place went to

myself. The judges unanimously agreed that all three winner’s looks demonstrated an understanding of the brief, exceptional craftsmanship, finished off with good styling. The winners enjoyed a week of internship at Markham gaining experience in

every department.

We as 2nd years were responsible for working alongside our FEDISA team to plan an outstanding Markham Awards event. Every team was responsible for arranging their models, set up their model’s running order, choreographing a runway routine,

organizing sound, lighting and suitable props and planning a run through with their models before the event. We as the designers worked backstage to dress our models, do hair and make-up and lining up the models on time. We had to plan

every aspect of the event from laying out the runway, designing flyers, posters and tickets to setting out chairs.

Steenberg Winery Installation Case Study: Steenberg Winery Installation Event

In the style of Project Runway, we as the second year students were presented with a new challenge; creating installations using unconventional materials and organising a professional event, as a team, for our installations to be

judged by Steenberg Winery.

In an exciting team development assignment, we were divided into groups and given just one week in which to create large sculptures. We were tasked to use various elements that make up the packaging of the wine at

Steenberg Vineyards, from the intricate wire hoods to bottles and boxes, this was to be used as our base material.

The brief was open to interpretation and we could choose between a more literal product direction, where using the wine itself as inspiration, or a more conceptual direction, where we could use the surrounding landscapes of the

wine farm to inspire a more organic art piece.

The outcome of the brief was to gain experience in the field of branding and marketing, learning to be innovative when creating marketing material like branded installations to be used for various events and visual merchandising.

Guests sipped on bubbly from Steenberg Vineyards, while the judging took place at FEDISA on Friday, 7 November 2014. Jo and Chanel, representatives from Steenberg, viewed the static exhibition and had the tough job of selecting

the winners.

My team was chosen the winning team who created the Tree Wine Rack with the Think Tank hanging installation. All three creations, together with the Mermaid piece, have been exhibited over the festive season at Steenberg Wine

Estate. Over and above the lovely prizes of sparkling wine, each student in second year received a wine tasting coupon for two, to compensate for any blisters or cuts from creating the sculptures.

FEDISA Cuppa for CANSA Case Study: FEDISA Cuppa for CANSA

This initiative, undertaken by the second years, is in association with the CANSA Foundation.

This collaboration is aimed at raising awareness where the students focus on their corporate social responsibilities.

We started the planning process off by making a list of students who were interested in organizing the event. Thereafter we divided the event in different categories to have a clear view of what aspects had to be covered, namely “fundraising and

sponsorship”, “food and drink”, “sound and entertainment”, “marketing and finance”, “props and decorations” and “over-all management”. Next we assigned a leader for every category and each student could volunteer for a team they would like to

be part of.

I was responsible for making cushions, collecting flowers and setting out the food tables for the “props and decorations” team. In teams we scheduled meetings once a week to discuss overall progression, to assure everything was arranged and

update the run sheet regularly.

To be able to host the event it was a requirement of us, in association with FEDISA, to raise a minimum of R 10 000.00 to donate to the CANSA Foundation. In achieving this we sold tickets for R 150.00 per person to attend the event,

gathered donations from various companies and sold raffle tickets during the event for R 10.00 each. At the end a lucky raffle ticket winner received a wonderful price.

The event started of with guest speakers, in the Barcelona Auditorium, sharing about their past and current experiences with

cancer, how to overcome it, how to live a healthy life and the symptoms of cancer. Thereafter it turned over to joy and

celebration of life with food and drink, fashion shows, dancers, a photo booth, lounge on the deck and many more fun and


Every facet of this event, from sound, lighting, entertainment, choreography, hiring of cutlery, setting out of chairs, printing

posters to banners, arranging food and drink, gathering models, organising fittings and rehearsals, scheduling meetings with

everyone part of the event and making gift packs were all planned by our second year team who volunteered to do it and was

done in the budget we had. It was truly a success!

FEDISA Fashion Flash Shows Case Study: The FEDISA Fashion Flash Initiative

Second year at FEDISA was not only an exciting time, but a challenging one too. At this point we were beyond knowing the basics and so at this intermediate level our creativity and innovation was put to the ultimate test. The FEDISA FASHION FLASH

was created to give students a new and exciting platform to showcase their modular work at the end of every term.

FEDISA FASHION FLASHES gave us the opportunity to present our work in the form of a quick fashion show using our own sourced models as well as being responsible to completely style the looks from head to toe. Set upon the FEDISA Events Deck

and Fountain runway, our peers, lecturers and visitors made up the audience for this one of a kind live performance.

A show can not be organised by one person alone. Key jobs were divided amongst our second years to assure every show went by smoothly. Our lecturers would perform as the show managers and we would be responsible for scheduling fittings

with our models, creating the model running order, deciding on the format of the catwalk and arranging for it to be build by our production staff, choreographing different routines amongst the groups, and planning the music playlist. We would also arrange for entertainment if necessary or usually we had a continues catwalk with 3 minutes dressing time in-between. We

would set up art exhibitions for visitor to walk through our campus before and after the shows to look at our storyboards and design concepts we worked on during the module.

Each of us was responsible for making sure our models know the run sheet and attend the show rehearsals. We were also responsible for dressing our models in the given time, lining them up in the running order, doing their hair and make-up

ourselves or arranging for professionals to come an do it for us.

The purpose of the FEDISA Fashion Flash Shows was to give us the opportunity to plan our own events, learning what is takes, the responsibilities and knowing every field of the fashion industry from working backstage to being the designer, stylist and


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