my book the deep sleep

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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    1. System addicts

    There is only one life one God and one truth all else is misinformation,

    misunderstanding, mistranslated or just complete fabrication of truth and facts. There

    are no chosen people, for one must choose and overcome to be chosen. No man has

    ever or could ever translate neither the thoughts of God, neither the words nor the

    behavior; not the mystic nor the prophets hold the pure message not the secrets of

    Hermes or pan can ever bring one closer to the wisdom of the unknowable first cause.

    If it has been written, or if any man says he has spoken for God he is a liar, insane or

    delusional, or even worse, a wolf ready to pounce on the weak and ignorant.

    Truly I say, not the holy books, nor the preachers lips, not the burning bush,

    can translate the unknowable absolute, power of the unknowable first. Now, their has

    been and will be many who have given great thought and knowledge to the

    understanding of what God could be like or what the will of this creator could desire.

    However all are just opinions of man and in the end nothing more. Wars and famines

    and destruction without end have been given in the name of some personal chosen

    peoples egoistic fanatical belief systems that they alone know the deity. In truth

    conditioning brainwashing, powers of deceit for dark motivation and corruption of the

    people lead to beliefs with not much thought in the facts. People are easily led astray

    by others with strong perceptional false authority ideologies. Hitler, Paul the self

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    appointed apostle, politicians, and the media which is full of false statements with little

    or no facts to follow on these are just to name a few.

    The system has been around perfecting itself molding and creating through

    trial and error for thousands of years. What works for the past will and can be

    reproduced for the future and the key to understanding is in the past Books like Brave

    new world by Aldous Huxley and George Orwells book 1984, seem to be what is

    becoming our future. A system run by an oligarchy government powered by falsehoods

    and propaganda leading the world into a system of blind sheep with a matrix base

    system to make it complete. Education has and will be the way of controlling the

    thoughts and behaviors of the masses. The educational system has been lowering our

    education for fifty years easy. Teach a man not to think and erase rational command

    sense and you have yourself an old dog who will not learn new tricks, a robot a delta,

    kind of television junkie ready to go to war or buy a product from his TV screen

    without a moments thought or question, We are becoming a system of little thought

    and even littler questioning abilities. The government has been dumbing us down little

    by little for two hundred years, creating a mass consumer race a middle class of

    shoppers with little discernment ability. This matrix of thought control is the old way

    made new there is nothing new under the sun. Manipulation propaganda and mass

    hypnotizing the race has been and will be the tools of these dark energies. A mass

    controlled populace consumer is in the making, keeping up with the Joneses is the

    norm, its not as important to have what one needs as it is important to have what one

    desires is the normal way of thinking being created by the world matrix. Or better

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    world capital system of government or better operational mass power system, The


    To be saved or not to be saved is the question

    Shine on shine on forever and some Tool--

    The only personal savior is within. Neither external God nor any belief in a

    God can or will save the creature. It is in the choosing and reflecting upon ones

    mistakes that transmutes the human into something more then an animal, meditate on

    this and awaken to the truth. The only one who can save us is ourselves threw our

    moment to moment choices we become more or less powerful, through our deeper

    perceptions truth becomes apparent or is ignored by arrogance and ignorance and

    denial we stay dormant as animals or ascend, evolve to higher consciousness. Truth is

    rational and like a mountain keeps growing and widening our perspective of what is

    and what is not. Like climbing a high mountain each level brings a new perspective

    and view in Plato the cave shows a narrow minded perception because of being in the

    darkness and only seeing shadows, however, a mountain still has different levels of

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    view, so as one climbs understanding improves and knowledge is obtained slowly as

    one presses on, the morning of seeking god, we grow in wisdom. Only conditioning

    and loss of the capacity to think for oneself can lead to the state we are all in, Plato and

    his cave is real for millions upon millions who just prefer to be asleep.

    The proof is in the pudding, we are on the brink of destruction because of the

    mass insanity of follow the leader, who of course is blind as a bat. The seed of divinity

    is within it must have the proper foundation and nutrients to grow as the muster seed

    metaphor states.

    The only elect are the ones who break through to the other side and chose to

    awaken to divine thoughts and actions, and of course to the lame dump and vulgar this

    will all sound corny and unable to hold within them for the master said it well when

    asked why some were given the mysteries in parables and why others were not.

    Awaken to the truth, we are being led to the slaughter by our own egos and pride to

    admit failure in the system, failure in our parents and teachers and false gods. The

    master said it best when he denoted the priests with his wise words you can not serve

    to masters for you shall love one and hate the other. Who are these two masters?

    Pride and humility ego and self obsession, selfish desires to please only self me my I

    want I need, gives me Try and try and one will find they can not live in the same

    house. We will only destroy ourselves by dividing, just stop reading this, and reflect for

    a moment. What is happening outside your window? What is happening in your


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    Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding is all you see

    John Lennon---

    Power is within

    The power behind this confusion is our key to open the doors of our

    perceptions, what did William Blake mean by these words? What was Lennon

    suggesting to us? There seems to be all throughout known time a few who awaken

    individually, who did not buy into the delusions and the mass hypnotized conditioning.

    When further looked into it seems the ones who are most awake are the few who self

    edified their way out of the deep sleep or better the insanity. Our educational system is

    based on reward and punishment, Pascals bell, as is our laws and family design.

    Trained from birth we believe we are free because we are told we are, we believe we are

    the greatest country because we are told we are we are not taught to think just

    remember, dates and names and timelines when things happened why they happened

    and reasons for these things. We are trained to remember not question we are trained

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    to remember dates and times and places and names, Meaningless crap that will and is

    useless to the student. Meaningless dates and names forgotten in time as if we were to

    follow the path of these made up heroes and villains. When has anyone taught us how

    to question religion or the education we are given or the government we have been

    thrown within? Who still believes their vote matters? Think; think for one moment,

    does a bloody sacrifice need to appease a universal quantum divine entity? And if so

    who said this? Prove this to me that it is truth this is correct not some mythology

    created thousands and thousands of years past for some ancient purpose that died with

    the reason. Again what god in his as if it would be male would design such a bloody

    appeasement ritual? What god would desire his son to suffer? On top of this what

    suffering does an immortal being truly do anyway? W e hear he gave his only son to

    be handed over and killed What this is so far in fantasy worlds it scares this writer

    that some would still have such small narrow minded conceptual mind sets to still

    believe such silly ignorant fairytales. Remember the words of Jesus, when he told a

    story about a son asking his father for bread, what father would give his son a stone

    who asked for bread? Further what good is it for a divine immortal being that never

    could be destroyed play a role or better pretend for what purpose is this insanity

    needed? Has anyone questioned the words Yeshua supposedly said? All we need to do

    is love to have eternal life. Easy simple, why all the man made deception? Maybe for

    power and control Not those loving others or self is easy work, however, easier then

    believe in anothers crazy stories about a jealous blood thirsty god who is appeased

    only with spilled innocent blood of his creatures.

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    The Jews and there relationship with their tribal god YHWA personal

    communication chosen prophets demands punishment murder rape commands from

    the god of Moses wow has anyone read this supposed holy book? If you were to walk

    into a court of law to swear in, you are told to put your right hand on this book, god


    Every religion has deep psychological crippling dogmas and redundant rituals

    that are suppose to bring there flock closer to the god they declare ruler of all. More to

    the truth would be they bring the sheeple closer into their churches grip. Why

    should I believe anyone without proof of facts? If it sounds too good, too insane, too

    wild, unrealistic, irrational, and if I use my brain and think for a minute, then

    rationalize does it still sound right? Knock, search, seek, and ask, question, everything

    that is not experienced in your own life. Alcoholics anonymous and all the other self-

    help groups and all the other twelve step programs are just belief based programming

    like all the others, so do they work? Well the research says a few maybe, for about one

    percent of all members. Then again it retracts this statement because further

    investigation says the percentage that it works for would have stopped anyway they just

    gave credit to the one they stopped on, so goes the same for all recovery based

    treatments. Church and doctors and their med bags pharmaceutical companies all

    mass lies. When the pain becomes unacceptable to live, some just stop, others dont

    these are the facts. We have and are being programmed by a matrix of brainwashing

    systems since the moment of conception to the last breathe. This is the cause to the

    consequence we face, symptoms addictions chaos stress insanity. Ego is being molding

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    sculptured by family friends society, we have fallen, but not in sin but in illusion and

    confusion and forgetfulness, the big sleep.

    Blind Faith

    God is a concept we measure our pain by What was Lennon trying to say to

    us? To break it down we have God as a concept a thought where does the thought

    come from? From our parents, books, friends. Why is God always a he? How has this

    male God gone from war god to loving messiah? On the other side we have Lucifer the

    light giver falling from heaven. Bringing light to the world light is a metaphor for

    knowledge, wisdom. Light is an analogy for God also. A serpent tempting eve with

    power of choice and being punished for wanting to be like the gods, and having

    knowledge, and this is the first of innocents lost, like a babe who becomes a boy and

    then a man . If this is falling away from god a god punishing his creation and get this

    a needed apostle who without his deed the whole plan fails is dammed for eternity.

    Then if this isnt bad enough not one word of any of this was recorded at the time it

    supposedly happened. The only hope would be if it was created to be esoteric deeper

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    then the literal way it has been popularly understood. However this way

    would be almost impossible because of mistranslations and forgeries.

    For example the word sin originally means off the path or mark.

    History can not be trusted, who ever is the victor creates the history of there

    own nation and the history of those they conquered. For example if Hitler triumphed

    the whole of all he touched would be as he decided it to be remembered. Think about

    this, reality is how one believes, not as one perceives, who controls the past, controls we

    must grow and learn it is built into our DNA our god stuff to grow ascend ,learn

    everything and question the same well ok the future, the pen is mightier then the

    sword. I have not given any references nor great detail to prove what I have written ,

    for those minds that become stirred the greatest gift to give oneself is to seek, search

    and discover for thyself.

    Nothing is fact or absolute in this world

    A life unexamined is not worth living---Socrates

    Socrates may only be a fictional character created by Plato. Shakespeare a pen

    name for Frances beacon, the food, and water we eat and drink deliberately poisoning

    us and causing the whole of humanity to dumb down, besides killing us all slowly.

    Vitamins worthless vegetation empty of needed nutrients. Milk made with paste and

    lethal poisons medications for depression causing more harm then good. Meats and

    poultry filled with growth hormones and much more

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    Shadow governments secret societies masterminds behind the seen dark forces

    twenty-twelve, end of days new age gurus money making scams grabbing at every

    opportunity, murder mayhem plots tourism natural disasters. What is real what is fact

    quantum theory micro macro, what is below is above; the kingdom of God is within.

    Science is coming to a great moment in history the welcomed theory and focus is on a

    strange concept. Everything we see and touch and hear is a projection from within us.

    The deeper we go into this subject the crazier it may sound at first, however in the

    process of trying to understand it, we may come to a ha-ha epiphany .Is this not what

    Yeshua was saying all along ? The mysteries of the kingdom that it is within...

    If this is true this could only mean one thing we are creating this virtual reality

    together all the misery, happiness, sadness, and loneliness, gratefulness, death and

    murder,, fear starvation, and all we see and touch and hear at work at play and in bed

    with our loved ones. The blue jay and the worm the dead raccoon on the highway

    everything we thought was real. We may be closer to the divine then most believe.

    Follow me on an assumption please, birds beget birds frogs beget frogs and

    father sons The theory and belief in alchemy cabbala and Mormons and many other

    religions have some concept of man becoming divine just look at John the divine or the

    many other hints that seem to be very carefully hidden and never spoken of. Jesus

    quoted palms when asked by the scribes and Pharisees to explain his statement about

    being in the father, he replied quoting scripture stating ye are gods, and also in the

    Old Testament the tribal jewel makes Moses and his brother gods. The Buddha said

    not to believe anything that is not experienced or rational. Great words to live by,

    however, what is rational? What do we believe what can one trust as fact or fiction? If

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    everything I see touch smell feel hear is an elusion, if everything has been tampered

    with distorted changed what is fact what is fiction? Pontius pilots famous words ring

    true truth what is truth?

    Truth what is it?

    I know only one truth and many things false. Change seems to be absolutely

    constant, all else is conceptual. Do you agree with me The Dao da ching seems to

    believe all is change, and what I see in life this rings true, however, if everything is a

    hologram and nothing is truly real then is change even real? I hope not? For if

    Buddha and Krishna and Christ and science are correct even change is a mystery

    unable to conceive, and the Dao da ching that states change is absolute is wrong. The

    matrix is all around us everywhere we go and everything we think we have and

    understand, it is not as the movie is based on a computer but a collective conscious

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    living entity we collectively seem to be controlling like our hearts and organs cells

    unconsciously participating in a grand opera as the sage said so brilliantly life is but a

    stage we have our entrances and our exits. Again John Lennon hit the spot with his

    words: living is easy with eyes closed; misunderstanding all we see, and also from

    straw berry fields nothing is real. The Hindu sacred scripts famous poem the

    Bhagavad-Gita samara and Krishna tells his pupil it is all ok not to morn the battle

    because it is all illusions nothing can truly harm us.

    Jung spoke strongly believing in synchronicity when we search for truth

    omens, signs; its almost as if the world and the universe may be whispering wake up.

    Alcohol anonymous has a saying keep what need and throw the rest away or this

    meeting was just for me and it was like he was talking about my story Others say

    things like, I was just thinking about you these, type of events become so common

    that it can be taken for granted. When we in tune or focus we become aware or more

    awaken our experience in the unexplainable is consistent. If one chooses to focus on

    his/her intent, and then believe it will take place or come to be or manifest it truly

    happens one way or another it unfolds. Like the book the secret or down the rabbit

    hole the more I focus accept as happened and leave the details to the force or what

    have you, it just comes to be. Jesus said ask, and you shall receive, the whole thought

    about moving mountains becomes much more realilistic when understood in this way

    how powerful, Either metaphorically as troubles and tribulations or truly as stated

    literally quantum possible at least in theory if ones belief is strong enough healings

    miracles may be possible... Einstein said all is energy transforming into matter and

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    back the alchemist claim this truth also that all the elements in purity are the same

    what is in me is also in the planets and stars., Einstein stated, quantum is spooky he

    believed like Spinoza as a deist understanding about the creator the fathers of our

    nation also were deist Echart the mystic, William Blake, Jefferson, and many more

    seemed to understand something mystically beautiful we are gods in the making. The

    sleeping prophet who was a devoutly Christian Edger Casey said this also we are gods

    in the making.

    Gods and baby gods

    If we are in the likeness of our creator why do we think flesh mammon

    likeness? If god is spirit, if the kingdom is within and if quantum is on to something

    this would be the key to understanding the matrix the hologram the collective

    consciousness? Man knows them self and the mysteries of the gods and the universe

    will be revealed.

    A life unexamined is not worth living Socrates said this with the help of Platos

    pen, also he was known to say he new nothing and would go as far as prove know one

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    else did either. The end result is all those who challenge the system from prophets to

    philosophers to mystics end up dead. The masses do not have any desire to awaken.

    This would mean becoming responsible for ones behaviors, and actions. This would be

    in opposition to a childish mind, remember the masters words to enter the kingdom

    one needs to be as a child not childish. A child is giving trusting humble forgiving,

    willing open-minded innocent of course this would be in contras to Christianity

    believing we are all of sin at birth, and this belief is opposite of their supposed leader,

    unless of course Jesus is not the founder but a another a imposter a wolf in sheeps

    closing named Paul.

    Yeshua true pronouncing rather then the Greek Jesus or who ever inspired his

    supposed words were very in tuned to something powerful and pure, if we followed his

    teachings instead of this fanatic Paul and if we would have followed the theories of

    Hermes instead of Aristotle and Thomas quanta we may have all transformed into gods

    by now. Too many this concepts will sound completely out in the ball park, insane

    insanity Edger Casey believed this, and the more you search the more you will find

    thinking this kind of thought. What is it to be an ascended master an avatar a god

    man? Well we have preconceived concepts that god is not a capability for a creature as

    us to become as I am a father however I will never be my father, I will never be the

    absolute first cause or what ever you call it however, I am the son of the father,

    therefore I am in the father and the father is in me. God begets god, as I grow and

    learn and perfect my ways and thoughts remember even if

    you think it is as it has happened.

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    The priest and powers that be have blinded us lead us astray from the path

    calling us sinful from birth and step children or clay vile of flesh and blood not worthy

    weak powerless only hope grace from a vengeful jealous murdering Yahweh, Jehovah,

    elohim. Only way possible of this grace the slaughter of his only begotten son to die a

    painful suffering death. This is not it then we two-thousand years later better except it

    as gospel truth cause Paul said so damn it. Believe or perish. Remember this divinity

    made gods of Moses and his brother, before sending them to demand< His> wishes or


    Blake said everything is holy, I love this concept. After thousands of hours

    reading thinking trying to put it all together, I became sick and horrified at first as if I

    swallowed bad food. I feared I panic I became stoned immaculate, drunk with sober

    understanding. Then I refused to accept, such a belief. Tried to whisper it by

    subterfuge using scripture in a paraphrasing way, to know avail talked about it in

    metaphor tried to reach others of like mind, know contact. Much anger did I breed

    from some, frustration from others. Then silent, I became an observer of my brothers

    and sisters, learning to listen and trying to understand them instead of pushing my

    theories and conclusions on others, I tried to understand there ways, there thoughts

    and their needs. Those in whom I thought balanced I found sadness and pain and

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    exhaustion. The many I found confusion insanity self center ness, self obsession.

    Blind leading blind believing in systems proved wrong like the twelve step fellowships,

    group therapys. I could see the leaders helplessness and arrogant so mixed like oil

    and water. So deeply rooted in the way it is. Acceptance know leaders or true teachers,

    Oh are the ancients of days I would think. The elders teachers of mysteries so

    long ago lost destroyed forgotten Burned in the library at Alexandra perhaps.

    Who would listen to the new way anyway? Brainwashed robots programmed to

    death. I would scream abstinents is death, seek balance manageability self control I

    would cry man know thyself. I would scream the masters words new whine will burst

    the old skin, become new change transform your seed of divinity awaits your yearning

    stir men awaken to the truth that is within. Then they would banish me, with mock and

    some in sadness, they would whisper he has mental problems so sad poor boy he had

    come so far. Some would blame devils and daemons others maintained as if psychosis

    had been stirred. The multitude after hearing would say as if they had facts he


    Foreknowledge through vision had been granted however, and to avoid this self

    prophesy a silent has been kept. The vulgar and sick need not such affirmation

    revelation, the sleeping desire only sleep, and the ignorant their ignorance. I keep

    watch for the elect who chose to awaken, oh so slow they stir, wiping elusion and

    illusions and confusion from there brow. For what is I to force this responsibility on

    anyone ill equipped to take? This torch of Lucifer, Prometheus, oasis, Isis and the

    Christ, his counter part Krishna Sheba Buddha krishmaharti and Gandhi and mother

    Teresa Joan of the ark and trice over Hermes who is all as one is in all. These god

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    man avatars messengers of truth, perfection not equal neither should one care, or

    judge for it is the message not the messenger that is of important need. Poor mankind,

    have you not been warned always desired the messenger and killed the message then

    made into an idol the corps with the blood stained message made confused as a tower

    of Babel.

    Married men, virgin women who cares few if any wavering in< perfection>

    translated originally meaning whole or balance. Some made into Gods, others still

    human. Divine inspired not likely, divinely awaken most assuredly. Egos in check self

    giving towards others forgiving to self and all, kind mostly sad unlikely angry

    frustrated tired and stirred definitely. Have these way showers been completely

    spiritual not likely, trial and error most likely. Practices of spiritual principalities yes

    through practice and reflection. I have only named a grain of sand compared to the

    millions who made the path passable and possible, through blood and anguish

    isolation and hunger for the human race to unite as one family as one brother and

    sisterhood devoted to life, protector of all creatures great and small givers not takers

    lovers not haters, one family within God. Harmony makers peace makers,

    understanding and concerned with empathy and altruistic service, to those in need and

    those in want. Equal as family unto each other like is a father son and daughter and

    infant. The new earth is the new human race and the new vibrant mother we have

    hurt so needlessly forsaken by ripping and cutting and biting and stabbing her

    dragging her with fences and pulling her down. The new heaven is our conscious

    awakening divine human race living as one law love above all. Then shall the lion lie

    down with the lamb. Or mystery revealed ego summiting to the higher selves will.

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    True balance, demarcation resolved, chaos ordered, awakened transmitted unto

    the light. Marriage of heaven and earth god and women united a new dawn emerges,

    birth pain ended life reborn resurrected. South meets west east to north, light dwells

    with night creating a new birthing called the first ray of night and day. Man and

    women become as one unit compound in their elements as pure as one again complete.

    The New Jerusalem is our united body. Inside becomes outside, parts reunite as truth.

    Connection so powered by delight of wholeness so giving and full endlessly releasing

    unto the whole of all. The first man is born anew creature of goodness pure intent

    strong as gold and solid as energy. Initialized once more to become aware and more.

    Then when full of omniscience, omnipotence, and pure gnosis the bang of birth.

    Deprecation division and solitude of thought once more to travel the eons and

    universal domains pharaleaping from generation to the watered pollution of the fall

    and the story of creation and the darkness of forgetting his truth has called. This is the

    days of absolution and self willed beget to understand and experience self and

    separation as known as well as the fall. This self induced sleep so needed to become

    complete, once more. These are the days of the eternal resurrection when universes

    are born and gods are amongst man to inner mate and teach and to help become once

    more awake. Repeat the past undo the wrongs and incarnate the god so pure and

    divine, as the body of wo-man at the first fruit of desire creating once again the eternal

    divine fire. The fist shepherd harishon the Man splits his whole into two and two into

    four and so again we march the path of endless learning oncemore. Female has

    breathed and man full of thirst follows her down the wayward journey she has freely

    chosen. She is the tamer of the wild brute man, the calmer the lovelier and giver so

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    this round she tryst once more again to lead the beast within her lore to have him

    summit to her will be the faster reward. Man summit to the wo-man and become as

    one united and lead not thy way for all transgressors to follow. As it is true the bear is

    the stronger of the two and the lion would and can devour the man animal. Strength is

    know power of truth, be not of the lower elements again, to be self controlled and

    willed focused. OH WO to the man who forces his sick will on the flesh of goddess so

    gold and fine. Remember man power is not strength nor might of conquering your

    path so chosen from self. To conquer your desires and emotional envelopes so

    complex and tangled, as webs so define, is not the king of a kingdom ruled by

    anothers behavior when so lucid and angered he becomes so still a slave. Wisdom oh

    son of divine spark self to master is the making of a god and a king of kings. Oh

    innate within you seeds of priest poets philosopher warrior gods, so loved and beloved ,

    remember awaken, the time to waste the dawns new day has ended, become once more

    as one soul or fall deeper into the empty deep sleep.

    Path of the seeker,

    Search not for wisdom or gold nor for power or control, neither travel afar

    distance from home. There is know need for any of these things, to walk the path that

    is hidden, to isolate is mad and to celebrate not bad, to know when to hold and keep

    what is told is more then a virtue to be needed. Silents and understanding will come as

    it will to the one who is listening. Observe your kind and lose not your mind, not to

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    judge without facts or believe anything told is the key for the secrets to unfold. Love

    all, be kind and giving, however, select carefully who to like, few who are worthy of

    trust and fewer of who will not covet, and disturb, and distort the mysteries of spirit.

    The beast in man is stronger then the seed of potential divinity.

    To be with peace one has to become peace, to be of love one must become love,

    there is know trying or wanting powers. One must become the chosen powers and will

    the path as his own self. There knows external path you must become the path within.

    As it has been written man is as he thinks, therefore think pureness and calmness and

    the spirit of the forces will be as you are attracting. You will be a force of power

    mastered by will and focus and intent. The potential of all lies within the process of

    focus and intent, creation is in the eyes and will of the one who has the keys to the

    mysteries of peace.

    Watch for signs of darkness they are always influencing you, as they creep and

    force themselves upon your spirit as a rapist they violate and corrupt your way,

    Causing murder, rape, hate, anger, and despair, depression and jealousy, addictions of

    endless destruction and host of other ills. They cling to those who are easily persuaded

    and will attach to anyone who comes close, or open to their cause patiently they await

    your slightest weakness.

    We all shine on, like the moon, the stars and the sun---------John Lennon----

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    I have lived within the silents, between the cold walls of concrete, suffered the

    unkind ways of men. Witnessed the demise of children abused by those who ignorant

    of their own thoughts destroy and lie to steal and make blind. There is knowing truth

    that hides behind you or under you or in the dead words of your big mouth pastors

    priest or politicians. They are not in your supposed Holy books or behind the secret

    orders. They whisper from the trees and shine in the skies and on the tongs of children

    they spill their wisdom and secrets only. The truth is within the mysteries of your

    being. We are all made of Gods DNA, every entity that is, is part of a whole complete

    creation, stars plants, and solar systems included. Planets and dust and birds and all

    you can and cannot imagine. We have and always will be a part of our mother, since

    the beginning of life and when the whole thing hits the fan, we shall be part of the

    whole of all that is and was and will be. Beyond the stars and within the heart there is

    know distance God the personal is closer then your thoughts and further then you can


    It is utterly impossible to beget from nothing, so it only makes sense that from

    the fist cause or what ever one desires to call the whole, we have poured forth from.

    We are made of God stuff, so be it true we are gods in the making as was will be.

    Poems of gnosis

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    Divine rebel

    Raise me unto the light; break these chains I hold

    These half truths I told

    Slay my way o bringer of dawns

    Harmony through conflict my only path,

    From this darkness comes the harbinger

    Unto thee I sing this arduous path has always been mine by choice

    Sacrifice humility and demise of character for man

    To serve the whole, the mind is given to the beast. RCL


    Veiled in chaos

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    This emptiness these raw dark laminating dreams that never end cold and still

    the shadows keep to themselves. Always reminding me who and what I am. Under the

    guise of someone new, some one better, oh still the morning of my pain where all the

    horror was in vain lost is the tempest the storm and the winter night gone forever in the

    morn of this cold brisk but still facade of loss innocents. Light is to wisdom as night to

    ignorance am I wrong to whisper my longings into the dearth are they all just lame

    dumb asses? Television children so lost with stupidity. When will they transmute?

    What hour do we become god for the devil is lucid in the eyes still. I suffered until

    purified, I was washed in the fire I ate the apple and lived.

    Have I not been nailed to your material world lost in your ego mind, your Yahweh self

    interest? Have I not been veiled in chaos and confusion between Jew and gentile, up

    and down lost and found? I gave them your steps of higher ascension, your inner man

    ways the spirituality you swayed, still the dark night still the salt less savor

    One more hour grant me sir, one more eternal night to sulfur and lament imagining

    heavens pure rain and earths mothers waste. How could the sage say all that lives is

    holy, has he not seen the evil in his brothers heart?


    Dark energy

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    Star wars is a most interesting movie, one must feel the ring of some what a

    familiar feeling in such a movie, also the matrix and other movies seem to ring true to

    some. Fiction has a way of becoming nonfiction, what has been a dram somehow

    becomes a reality. Quantum physics has a way of potential zing all imaginary thoughts

    remember Yeshua when he says if one thinks it is as if it happened. Thoughts have

    power, great potential and are full of elements. Man is what he thinks; also Descartes

    said I think therefore I am. So we should be wise and watch our words they become

    our thoughts and thoughts become actions and actions become our destiny.

    My experiment is that everything I put my intent into comes about, not in my

    time, like fruit on a tree in its own time it ripens. Jesus supposedly cursed a fig tree for

    not having ripe fruit. This of course was a metaphor to teach the need for purpose in

    life, or one would be worthless, however, truth be said, it was not the figs season ,and

    Yeshua would never do such a negative ignorant act.

    More is unknown then is known everything on Earth, everything ever observed

    with all of our instruments, all normal matter - ads up to less than 5% of the Universe.

    We use very little of our brain and this is in sink with what we observe and understand

    also. Synchronicity, at its finest seems to parallel with brain and universe, god and


    To see a world in a grain of sand,

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    And heaven in a wild flower,

    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

    And eternity in an hour-----William Blake---------

    Blake wrote all is holy, I believe this as a truth. In fact, there is neither light

    nor darkness in the realm of truth. Absolute light is absolute darkness, and vice versa.

    Everything is relative to comparison of something else. Evil, holy, goodness all have a

    point of degree, to be compared. Everything is relative, only change is absolutely fact.

    If man is god seed potential, god is also potential. Man seed, with every people except

    the Christian nations, the Devil is to this day no worse an entity than the opposite

    aspect in the dual nature of the so-called Creator. This is only natural. One cannot

    claim God as the synthesis of the whole Universe, as Omnipresent and Omniscient and

    Infinite, and then divorce him from evil. As there is far more evil than good in the

    world, it follows on logical grounds that either God must include evil, or stand as the

    direct cause of it, or else surrender his claims to absoluteness. The ancients

    understood this so well that their philosophers -- now followed by the Cabalists --

    defined evil as the lining of God or Good: Demon est. Deus inverses being a very old


    Esoteric philosophy admits neither good nor evil per se, as existing independently in

    nature. The cause for both is found, as regards the Cosmos, in the necessity of the

    contraries or contrasts, and with respect to man, in his human nature, his ignorance,

    and passions. There is no devil or the utterly depraved, as there are no Angels

    absolutely perfect, though there may be spirits of Light and of Darkness: thus LUCIFER

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    -- the spirit of the Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought -- is

    metaphorically the guiding beacon, which helps man to find his way through the rocks

    and sandbanks of Life, for Lucifer is the LOGOS in his highest, and the "Adversary" in

    his lowest aspect -- both of which are reflected in our Ego.

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    I do not accept any absolute formulas for living. No preconceived code can see

    ahead to everything that can happen in a man's life. As we live, we grow a nd our

    beliefs change. They must change. So I think we should live with this constant

    discovery. We should be open to this adventure in heightened awareness of living. We

    should stake our whole existence on our willingness to explore and experience. Martin


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    Every civilization believes they are immortal and can teach the world how to

    live. Every one also crumbles like sand on the beach in the end.

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    4. Like castles made of sand slip into

    the sea eventually. Jimmy


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    The Russell-Einstein Manifesto

    Issued in London, 9 July 1955

    Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein

    I N the tragic situation which confronts humanity, we feel that scientists should

    assemble in conference to appraise the perils that have arisen as a result of the

    development of weapons of mass destruction, and to discuss a resolution in the spirit of

    the appended draft.

    We are speaking on this occasion, not as members of this or that nation, continent, or

    creed, but as human beings, members of the species Man, whose continued existence is

    in doubt. The world is full of conflicts; and, overshadowing all minor conflicts, the

    titanic struggle between Communism and anti-Communism.

    Almost everybody who is politically conscious has strong feelings about one or more of

    these issues; but we want you, if you can, to set aside such feelings and consider

    yourselves only as members of a biological species which has had a remarkable history,

    and whose disappearance none of us can desire.

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    We shall try to say no single word which should appeal to one group rather than to

    another. All, equally, are in peril, and, if the peril is understood, there is hope that they

    may collectively avert it.

    We have to learn to think in a new way. We have to learn to ask ourselves, not what

    steps can be taken to give military victory to whatever group we prefer, for there no

    longer are such steps; the question we have to ask ourselves is: what steps can be taken

    to prevent a military contest of which the issue must be disastrous to all parties?

    The general public, and even many men in positions of authority, have not realized

    what would be involved in a war with nuclear bombs. The general public still thinks in

    terms of the obliteration of cities. It is understood that the new bombs are more

    powerful than the old, and that, while one A-bomb could obliterate Hiroshima, one H-

    bomb could obliterate the largest cities, such as London, New York, and Moscow.

    No doubt in H-bomb war great cities would be obliterated. But this is one of the minor

    disasters that would have to be faced. If everybody in London, New York, and Moscow

    were exterminated, the world might, in the course of a few centuries, recover from the

    blow. But we now know, especially since the Bikini test, that nuclear bombs can

    gradually spread destruction over a very much wider area than had been supposed.

    It is stated on very good authority that a bomb can now be manufactured which will be

    2,500 times as powerful as that which destroyed Hiroshima. Such a bomb, if exploded

    near the ground or under water, sends radio-active particles into the upper air. They

    sink gradually and reach the surface of the earth in the form of a deadly dust or rain.

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    It was this dust which infected the Japanese fishermen and their catch of fish. No one

    knows how widely such lethal radio-active particles might be diffused, but the best

    authorities are unanimous in saying that a war with H-bombs might possibly put an

    end to the human race. It is feared that if many H-bombs are used there will be

    universal death, sudden only for a minority, but for the majority a slow torture of

    disease and disintegration.

    Many warnings have been uttered by eminent men of science and by authorities in

    military strategy. None of them will say that the worst results are certain. What they

    do say is that these results are possible, and no one can be sure that they will not be

    realized. We have not yet found that the views of experts on this question depend in

    any degree upon their politics or prejudices. They depend only, so far as our

    researches have revealed, upon the extent of the particular expert's knowledge. We

    have found that the men who know most are the gloomiest.

    Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and

    inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?

    People will not face this alternative because it is so difficult to abolish war.

    The abolition of war will demand distasteful limitations of national sovereignty. But

    what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation more than anything else is that

    the term "mankind" feels vague and abstract. People scarcely realize in imagination

    that the danger is to themselves and their children and their grandchildren, and not

    only to a dimly apprehended humanity. They can scarcely bring themselves to grasp

    that they, individually, and those whom they love are in imminent danger of perishing

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    agonizingly. And so they hope that perhaps war may be allowed to continue provided

    modern weapons are prohibited.

    This hope is illusory. Whatever agreements not to use H-bombs had been reached in

    time of peace, they would no longer be considered binding in time of war, and both

    sides would set to work to manufacture H-bombs as soon as war broke out, for, if one

    side manufactured the bombs and the other did not, the side that manufactured them

    would inevitably be victorious.

    Although an agreement to renounce nuclear weapons as part of a general reduction of

    armaments would not afford an ultimate solution, it would serve certain important

    purposes. First, any agreement between East and West is to the good in so far as it

    tends to diminish tension. Second, the abolition of thermo-nuclear weapons, if each

    side believed that the other had carried it out sincerely, would lessen the fear of a

    sudden attack in the style of Pearl Harbor, which at present keeps both sides in a state

    of nervous apprehension. We should, therefore, welcome such an agreement though

    only as a first step.

    Most of us are not neutral in feeling, but, as human beings, we have to remember that,

    if the issues between East and West are to be decided in any manner that can give any

    possible satisfaction to anybody, whether Communist or anti-Communist, whether

    Asian or European or American, whether White or Black, then these issues must not

    be decided by war. We should wish this to be understood, both in the East and in the


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    There lies before us, if we choose continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and

    wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We

    appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the

    rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise; if you cant, there lies

    before you the risk of universal death.


    WEinvite this Congress, and through it the scientists of the world and the general

    public, to subscribe to the following resolution:

    "In view of the fact that in any future world war nuclear weapons will certainly be

    employed, and that such weapons threaten the continued existence of mankind, we

    urge the governments of the world to realize, and to acknowledge publicly, that their

    purpose cannot be furthered by a world war, and we urge them, consequently, to find

    peaceful means for the settlement of all matters of dispute between them."

    Max Born

    Percy W. Bridgman

    Albert Einstein

    Leopold Infeld

    Frederic Joliot-Curie

    Herman J. Muller

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    Lines Paulding

    Cecil F. Powell

    Joseph Rotblat

    Bertrand Russell

    Hideki Yukawa

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    B e a la m p u n t o y o u r s el f , b e a r e f u g e t o y o u r se l f . Ta k e y o u r s el f t o n o

    ex te r na l r e fuge . Ho ld fast t o the Tr u t h as a l amp ; ho ld fas t t o t he Tr u t h as a

    r e fuge . Look no t f o r a r e fuge i n anyone beside you r se l f . And those , w ho

    e i t h er n o w o r a f t e r I a m d e a d s h al l b e a la m p u n t o t h e m s el v e s, w h o t a k e

    t h e m s e l v es t o n o e x t e r n a l r ef u g e , b u t h o l d i n g f a st t o t h e Tr u t h a s t h e i r

    l amp , and ho ld ing fas t t o the T r u th as the i r r e fug e , sha l l no t l ook fo r r e fuge

    to anyone bes ide them selves, i t i s t hey w ho sha l l r each t he h ighes t goa l . "

    aken, man know thyself and the gods and the universe will be revealed


    T he path t o d i v i ne Tru t h i s no t w ha t peop l e expect i t t o be .

    W e may l ook a t t he fundamen ta l i s t be l i eve rs o f va r i ous re l i g i ons who fo l l ow the l i t e ra l mean i ng o f t h

    sacred tex ts , and laugh a t t he i r nar row -m i ndedness. W e may i mag i ne tha t w e a re mo re open -m i nded t

    m os t peop le . W e may fee l t ha t w e have a sou rce o f know l edge tha t i s fa r beyond w ha t o the r peop l e have.

    Yet as l ong as w e l ook to book s , gu rus , and teachers , w e have on l y gone , pe rhaps , one more s tep c l ose

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    T ru th , bu t h ave no t ac tua l l y gone al l t he w ay .

    W e a l l know peop l e w ho take the " w o rd o f God " l i t e ra l l y . Som e t i m es w e have been one o f t hose peo

    ou rse l ves, and have come to rea l i ze tha t t he sac red wo r d o f God i s mo re than a p rop fo r a na r row sec

    re l i g i on . W e have seen , pe rhaps , tha t th e re are essen t i a l t r u t hs w i th i n al l t he re l i g i ons. W e may h

    conc luded tha t the re i s on l y one Sou rce beh i nd them a l l , and th us l ooked to each re l i g i on as be ing on l y on

    m any ou te r appea rances o r fo rms .

    Neve r the l ess i n a l l o f t h i s the pu re , unadu l te ra ted T ru th i t se l f has rem a i ned el us i ve . T he " t r u th t ha t se ts

    f ree " o f t h i s wo r l d o f i l l u s i on i s some th i ng tha t many peop l e c l a i m to have bu t ve ry few peop l e ac tu

    demon s t ra te . W e may suspec t tha t the l i bera t i ng T ru th rem a i ns some th i ng t ha t i s a mys te ry and a se

    w h i ch , p er h a p s, w e f e e l t h a t w e m a y o n e d ay u n c o v er . W e m a y i m a g i n e t h a t w h e n w e b e co m e w o r t h y

    w i se, a teache r w i l l a r r i ve to i n fo rm us o f t he g rea test secre ts o f t he w o r l d secre ts o f i n i t i a t i on and

    h i dden teach i ngs o f t he m ys te ry schoo l s.

    B u t i s t h i s so ? I s n ot d i v i n e Tr u t h e v e r - p r e se n t ? I t m a y b e t h a t w e a r e u n a w a r e o f Tr u t h n o t b e ca u se w e

    i nadequa te , unw o r th y , o r because ou r ka rm a does no t pe rm i t i t , bu t because w e a re no t i n a men t a l p l ac

    w h i ch such th i ngs m ay be to l d to us . W e a re cu t o f f no t because o f any fau l t o r i nadequacy , bu t because

    have unkn ow n to ou rsel ves chosen to cu t ou rse l ves o f f . How i s th i s possi b l e?

    Peop l e g row i n the i r sp i r i t ua l i t y and thus en te r w i de r and w i de r sphe res o f t hough t . T hey g radua te f r

    na r row-m i nded fundamen ta l i sm o r skep t i c i sm to teach i ngs tha t p romo te un i t y , b ro the rhood , and unse l

    se rv i ce to hum an i t y . T hey may th en fee l t ha t they have a r r i ved a t some p l ace o f t r u th t ha t they w e re

    o the rw i se in , and to t he ce r ta i n ex ten t th i s i s va l i d and unde rs tandab l e , f o r su re l y the vas t na tu r e o f T RUT

    no t access ib l e to the na r row dogm a t i s t . And ye t , even as they have chosen a w i de r sphe re o f t hou gh t , t

    have chosen a w i de r sphe re o f t hough t . And unknow n to them se lves , tha t sphe re i s s t i l l no t w i de eno

    i n o rde r t o access the w ho l e Tru t h o f L i f e .

    Un i ve rsal Tru t h has no bounda r i es , sphe res, o r l im i t s . W e m ay becom e mor e and more i nc l us i ve , m o re

    m o r e o p en , b u t u n t i l w e s ee t h e e m p t i n e s s a n d i n h er e n t f a l se h o od o f e v e r y t h i n g t h a t w e k n o w , d i v in e Tr

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    w i l l r e m a i n u n k n o w n t o u s .

    I t i s easy to see , as w e have sa i d , t he foo l i shness o f t he na r row -m i nded fundamen t a l i st o f any fa ith . Bu

    the s i gh t o f G od , a l l t each i ngs , a l l r e li g i ons , and a l l ph i l osoph i es o f eve ry k i nd a re equa l l y na r row , fo r t hey

    shu t ou t t he l i gh t o f Tru t h , wh i ch i s w e l l beyond a l l m en ta l concep t i ons and unde rs tand i ng . T hey a ll estab

    a human subs t i t u te fo r Tru t h i n m en ta l know l edge . By it s ve ry na tu re , t ha t m en ta l know l edge canno t en

    o r encompass the d i v i ne , l i m i t l e ss Rea l it y . T he concep t i ons and i deal s o f t he dua l i s t i c m i nd can neve r g r

    o r app roach the non -dua l , t r anscenden t Tru t h .

    T hus i f we c l a i m to be a fo l l owe r o f r e l i g i on " X" o r ph i l osophy " Y" o r teach i ng " Z " we a re s i mp l y desc r i b

    the men ta l l i m i ta t i ons tha t we have accep ted fo r ou rse l ves , the p r i son house tha t we choose to l i ve i n ,

    t he ba r r i e r w e have se t be tw een ou rsel ves and God . T he re fo re the ve ry f i r s t s tep th a t any pe rson need

    take t o app roach Tru t h i s to g i ve up a l l o f ou r che r i shed and l ong -he l d men t a l concep t i ons .

    T he re i s a T ru th fo r w h i ch al l acqu i s i t i on o f know l edge i s a w as te o f t i me and ene rgy . T here i s a W i sdom t

    i s beyond a l l t he w o rds tha t have eve r been spoken on ear th , I t i s on l y when a l l ou te r i ns t i t u t i ons , r e l i g i o

    ph i l osoph i es , and teach i ngs a re d ropped tha t th i s inne r W i sdom i s accessi b l e . I t i s on l y when ou r h um

    know l edge is l et go tha t t he D i v i ne i nsp i ra t i on may f l ow .

    Mos t peop l e, o f cou rse , do no t see i t t h i s w ay . T hey fee l t ha t they w i l l ob ta i n d iv i ne W i sdom by m ean

    the i r ph i l osophy , and ob ta i n sa l va t i on by fo l low i ng the i r r e l i g ion . Bu t the p roo f i s i n the resu l t s tha t t

    ob ta i n . T he scho l a rs con t i nuous l y read book a f te r book , the new age seeke rs l i s ten to teache r a f te r teac

    the re l i g i ous fo l l owe rs pou r ove r eve ry wo rd i n the i r sac red tex ts ove r and ove r . . . , and wha t does i t g

    them ? As a resu l t t hey sp i n round and round w i th i n the sphe re o f t he m i nd , p re tend i ng to make p rog re

    p re tend i ng t o evo l ve , p re tend i ng t o re l ease themse l ves f r om k a rm a , and p re tend i ng t o be l ibe ra ted .

    Su re l y one w ou l d th i nk tha t a l l t hese peop le w ou l d actua l l y l i s ten to the g rea t teache rs o f t he ages. I t i s s

    tha t Go tam a Buddha taugh t peop l e to sea rch fo r the T ru th a l one . W e a re a l so to l d t ha t Jesus sa i d , " t he Tr

    w i l l se t you f r ee . Bu t w ho w i l l l ook fo r the Tru t h a lone? I ns tead peop l e a re real l y look i ng a t Buddha

    Jesus , and w ha teve r o the r t eache r o r m as te r they fo l l ow i ns tead o f Tru t h . Peop l e bu i l d a men t a l cons t ruc

    ph i l osophy , dogm a , and though t . Peop l e con t i nuous l y bel i eve tha t th e i r m i nds can know T ru th w hen

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    Th e Pa t h t o Tr u t h st a r t s w i t h aw a k en i n g f r o m t h e

    deep s leep o f i gn o rance

    hum an m i nd i s to t a l l y i ncapab l e o f know i ng Tru t h . And by th i s fa l se be l i ef t hey bu i l d a wa l l betw

    them se lves and T ru th . A w a l l t ha t t hey do no t see. A w a l l t ha t t hey l ov i ng l y che r i sh and bu i ld st ron ge r

    w a l l t ha t shu ts God ou t .

    T he who l e T ru th o f L i f e is on l y know ab l e when a l l hum an const ru c ts a re l e t go , when a l l ph i l osoph i z ing i s

    t o r e st a n d w h e n t h e m i n d i s n o l on g e r t r u s t e d t o i m p a r t k n o w l e dg e . Tr u t h i s o n ly k n o w n w h e n w e

    con t i nuous l y d i ssa t i s f i ed w i th eve ry human cons t ruc t and i dea l , and unw i l l i ng to accep t any subs t i t u te

    God wh a tsoeve r . O n l y then can w e com e to the doo r th rough w h i ch Tru t h may appea r .

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    Androgynies human the perfect goddess, god in one, the ascension

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    Or be as a mammon or animal, and descend

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    Man is what he thinks.


    What is the Pathway? The Pathway is you yourself. Therefore the call from the

    Teacher comes to you: Awake, my Brothers, and sisters awake to the god within

    yourself, not outside, not in me, but in you -- the Master supreme! Where is the

    fountain-head of your understanding? Where arises the flame of your intelligence?

    What is the wellspring of love within you? Where is the sun of compassion and pity

    and self-forgetfulness and peace? All within you. That therefore is the Path.

    And powers? Shall we talk of powers? Look at the powers that these Great Men had.

    See the works that they wrought, the deeds that they did, the teachings that they taught.

    And every one of them said unto his followers: "Come up. Come up higher. Come up.

    All that I do, shall ye do likewise. Self-conquest, self-discipline, self-study -- the study

    of the Higher Self -- self-understanding, self-evolution, and self-growth: there is the

    teaching. Forget the self in order that ye may find the Self. A paradox, but how

    wondrous true! Forget the lower, circumscribed man of limited self so that the

    consciousness of that self may expand into the fields of the Universe, its native home.

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    Expand your human consciousness so that it may become the consciousness of the god

    within you.


    Furthermore, these Wise Men taught of the reality of inner and invisible worlds. They

    taught from what they themselves had experienced in the initiation-chambers: taught

    not only because someone else had instructed them, but because they had been on the

    mystical Adventure to these interior realms. And because they had been there, and had

    seen, and felt, and contacted these realms, they knew and therefore could teach Truth.

    How can a man really know anything at all which he himself has not been through?

    They taught that it is the inner worlds to which all the better part of man goes when he

    lays aside the physical body -- the interior realms and planes and spheres of the cosmic

    life. They taught that the journey after death is made upwards through nine other

    planes or spheres, until the acme or top of the hierarchical ladder is reached; and then

    comes the return journey downwards through the same planes, until the earth-sphere

    is again entered upon; and thus a man is reborn, each time a little higher than before,

    let us hope -- because there are certain cases of retrogression -- with each new birth

    learning a little more and becoming somewhat more than he was before. For the root

    of each one of us is a divine being; and human hood today is but a visible and

    imperfect manifestation in this world of gross substance, of the powers and faculties

    that are locked up within. The real roots of things are in the invisible worlds; the real

    causes of all things lie there. There from spring forth the entities that compose the

    variety of our physical world; and today ultra-modern scientific thinkers, and the

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    greatest of them, are talking more or less vaguely but intuitively about our 'dimensions

    of space'; instead of which phrase, we, having the same idea although much more

    developed, speak about the superior worlds or realms or planes of space.


    Existing in the very beginning of this present stage of cosmic evolution in the bosom of

    the super spiritual Source and Root of all that is, leaving IT as unconscious god-

    sparks, we have passed through many existences and lives on various spiritual spheres,

    as also in various material spheres, among these latter our own planet Terra; in them

    all learning, growing, expanding, evolving, manifesting forth outwards what we are

    intrinsically and naturally within our inmost center. This is the procedure of

    evolution: becoming or manifesting what we are latently within; for in the name of

    truth, what else can a man or woman, or any other being for the matter of that,

    become, except that which lies in the evolving entity itself? After the passage of many

    axons of evolution in this manner, we shall re-enter, mystically speaking, or ribosome,

    or self-consciously recognize our kinship with, the All, and thus find ourselves again in

    the bosom of the Universal Life, but no longer as un-self-conscious god-sparks, but as

    fully self-conscious gods.

    This thought of the spiritual unity of all beings is at the foundation, is in fact the basis,

    of every great religion and philosophy of the past. Every great Sage has taught that the

    human being has, indeed is, in the core of the core of himself, a spark of the Central

    Fire, of that bright Intelligence which infill the Universe; and that the pathway to

    unutterable wisdom and peace and bliss and love is the following of that still, small

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    pathway within leading ever farther inwards, upwards, until self is lost in the All-Self,

    and the pilgrim becomes at one with the Divine Fire which vitalizes and infill and

    guides the Universe.

    We see, therefore, the natural basis that ethics has in such thoughts as these: the basis

    that morals naturally have in right and noble living, in high thinking. These are the

    teachings of the Sages of old, and are the very basis of every world-religion that exists;

    the very basis of every great philosophy: the very basis of the facts of science. The facts

    of Nature which are rooted in the fundamentals of the Great Mother likewise repose on

    the same spiritual substratum of being.

    In the beginning of our evolutionary journey in our present Universe, we entered this

    present Universe as Elementals therein, and we have grown through all the stages

    upwards until at present we are human beings. And we are still growing, still evolving,

    still pressing forwards; for never must we forget that evolution is bringing out what is

    within, unfolding the latent powers locked up within the deathless center which every

    human is at the core of the core of himself. Infinitude lies there; deathlessness lies

    there; and therefore the pathway of growth is endless and beginning less.

    The way by which to grow is to shed the personal in order to become impersonal; to

    shed the limited in order to expand. How can the chick leave the egg without breaking

    its shell? How can the inner man expand without breaking the shell of the lower

    selfhood? How can the god within manifest itself until the imperfect, the small, the

    constricted, the personal in other words, has been surpassed, overpasses, left behind,

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    abandoned, cast aside? It is in impersonality that lies immortality. In personality lies

    death. Therefore expand, grow, evolve, become what you are within!


    There is not a deduction, a very important one, to be drawn from this, nor should we be

    affrighted at it: All evolution is change; all change in evolution is growth, expansion.

    You cannot become something better than what you are now without leaving this

    present behind. Consequently, as this law applies as much to the spiritual and

    psychical realms as it does to the physical and astral, we draw the following deduction:

    There is no immortally unchangeable soul in man. Do you understand? Thank the

    gods that it is so! Because if there were a genuinely immortally unchangeable soul in

    me that soul could never grow, because it could not change; I should be for ever in

    crystallized imperfection; because, if I changed in one atom, and by one iota,

    immortality would instantly vanish, because I should have become something else by

    the degree of that change for betterment; but evolution, which is change, is

    uninterrupted and continuous and has proceeded throughout eternity. Do you now

    understand the idea? That is the heart of the explanation of the teaching of the Lord

    Gateman the Buddha, who was the very incarnation of love and wisdom on earth

    because manifesting the powers of a divinity, his own inner God, the human

    expression or vehicle. And Jesus the Syrian Sage and Avatar said exactly the same in

    substance when he taught: "I and my Father are one."


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    If your instincts and your thoughts and your desires be earthwards, earthward will you

    go, for earthwards is your attraction. If your instincts and your will and your

    understanding and your aspiration are upwards towards the stars and the immortal

    suns, thither will you travel in the evolutionary course? These are facts.

    The same rule applies even in the common affairs of life. The things upon which a

    man sets his heart he struggles for, and gets them; and precisely the same rule holds

    man in Nature's unerring balance of justice. In the pan of the balance into which you

    have thrown the strongest elements and affections of your character, will you be found

    yourself when you are weighed in life's balance? That is the meaning of the ancient

    Egyptian symbolic picture of the man's heart being weighed in the balance.

    Therefore the Great Men, the Seers and Sages, philosophers, true religionists, natural

    scientists, have taught that the very nature of the heart of the Universe is beauty,

    harmony, therefore order, law, love and peace, and that the expression of these cosmic

    attributes throughout Nature is the cause of the orderliness that the observant eye sees

    everywhere. They taught also that the disorderliness that one sees likewise in Nature,

    the things that go wrong, the warped things, the things dying before their time, and

    human beings in especial, are merely the proof of the vast hierarchies of evolving and

    therefore imperfect Intelligences in Nature, which Intelligences, collaborators as they

    are in the great universal work, produce imperfect results because they themselves are

    as yet imperfect.

    Therefore did they say that the immortal gods, in all their evolutionary grades: highest,

    intermediate, and low: are nevertheless not perfect, although incomparably more

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    perfect than men. On such reasoning as this was the true polytheism of the ancients


    Every entity and every thing in the Universe is a learning thing: every entity therefore

    is on its upward evolutionary way. The Universe is divisible into numberless hosts of

    beings in all phases of evolutionary progress: endless hierarchies of beings and things

    and entities, graded in steps and stages; and this principle prevails in similar fashion

    on our earth. We are all in a process of evolutional growth towards becoming

    something greater. Men are the handiwork of cosmic gods and spiritual beings; and

    each such god or spiritual entity expresses itself through the human tabernacle which

    it has built up. Each one therefore is a conglomerate constitution builder by the

    faculties and powers flowing forth from the heart of the heart of his very being, which

    is his inner god, his cosmic spirit The Secret Doctrine

    Collectively, men are the handiwork of hosts of various [cosmic] spirits; distributive,

    the tabernacles of these hosts; and occasionally and singly, the vehicles of some of


    It is thus that men are builder up into humanity, into possessing the human

    constitution including of course human physical bodies; each such constitution more

    or less, and usually less, expressing at least a little of these sublime, these divine,

    powers and faculties. But, occasionally and singly a human being becomes the vehicle,

    the self-conscious temple, of the divine entity within; and then such a man walks the

    earth an incarnate god. Such was the Christ, such was the Buddha. Such were many

    if not most of the great Sages and Seers of the past.

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    There is truth in the Universe. That truth can be had, and the way to have it is by

    willpower and perseverance in following the Path, and by self-forgetfulness, so that

    you will not have your feet clogged by the mire of selfish desire, holding you fast on the

    pathway. There is but one fundamental Truth in the Universe, simply because there is

    but one Boundless All. All the great Sages and Seers therefore of necessity taught that

    one Truth; felt it, experienced it; and hence the teaching of all of them was one in

    every essential characteristic. No matter in what age these great Sages taught, no

    matter what the language they used, no matter what the figures of speech that they

    employed, in each and in every case the essentials of their teachings were the same

    because the Truth was one. This Truth regarding the nature, structure, operations,

    and laws of the Boundless All, visible and invisible, not only was but today is the Secret

    Doctrine of the Ages, the Archaic Wisdom-Religion of Mankind, of which faint echoes

    even today are heard in every human mind which is not wholly asleep, and in every

    human heart which is not dead.

    Even today the great Sages and Seers have their schools of initiation into which men in

    the outside world can enter, provided that these Great Ones see in the hearts and minds

    of the men in the outside world the qualifications for initiation. This procedure is not a

    selfish one. It is not a policy directed by an ignoble wish to keep truth for oneself, but

    is directed by Nature's own law. You cannot teach a child lessons in Sanskrit, nor how

    to deliver a lecture on astronomy or chemistry, as instances. You must wait until the

    child grows, grows up, until its faculties evolve, which is the same thing as inner


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    What a wondrous picture of hope and consolation we have here! Any man who will

    show the necessary qualifications is acceptable to these teachers -- not only acceptable,

    but he is helped, is taught; and every great Sage and Seer throughout the ages has had

    the same wonderful Message to give to mankind: "Come unto me, all ye that are weary

    and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest, and peace, and light;" as said Jesus the


    Any son of man has a right to these sublime teachings as his heritage as a human

    being. But his heart must hunger for them; his mind must be ready to receive them.

    Otherwise how can he take them? His moral instincts must be sufficiently developed

    so that the development of the wonderful but latent power within him can be brought

    about with an assurance that these powers will not be debased to ignoble uses.

    And laws of the Universe. It also includes teaching a man to find himself, i.e., to

    discover and uncover from its enshrouding veils, the god within him.

    In every human being there is his inner god, having found which he will enjoy

    communion with the divinities, and will understand the Universe in which he lives and

    moves and has his being and of which he is an inseparable part. Receiving this

    Wisdom means the broadening of his consciousness, the deepening of his being, the

    evocation of his latent intellectual powers and self-acquaintance with his 'soul,' so to

    speak -- call it by what name you like. It also means to become self-consciously at one

    with the All.


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    There is a teaching current in the world today to the effect that a man does not need

    teachers, that a man should be sufficient unto himself, that he has it within him to find

    his own path; and this is said to be a manly course of life. Verily so it is: "Truth abides

    within in fullness. But why haven't you found the path? Why aren't you what you

    claim you can be? For the simple reason that you don't know how to be it and because

    you have not been taught. You need a teacher.

    Men need teachers. Truth is within, in very fact; as Browning has set forth in his


    Truth is within us; it takes no rise

    from outward things, whatever you may believe.

    There is an inmost center in us all,

    where truth abides in fullness; and around,

    Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,

    this perfect, clear perception -- which is truth.

    A baffling and perverting carnal mesh

    Binds it, and makes all error; and, to KNOW,

    Rather consists in opening out a way

    whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,

    than in effecting entry for a light

    supposed to be without.

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    1. The universe is an infinite agglomeration of energy fields,

    resembling threads of light.

    2. These energy fields, called the Eagle's, or the

    Indescribable Force 's emanations, radiate from a source

    of inconceivable proportions metaphorically called the

    Eagle--the Indescribable Force .

    3. Human beings are also composed of an incalculable

    number of the same threadlike energy fields. These

    Indescribable Force 's emanations form an encased

    agglomeration that manifests itself as a ball of light the

    size of the person's body with the arms extended laterally,

    like a giant luminous egg.

    4. Only a very small group of the energy fields inside this

    luminous ball are lit up by a point of intense brilliance

    located on the ball's surface.

    5. Perception occurs when the energy fields in that small

    group immediately surrounding the point of brilliance

    extent their light to illuminate identical energy fields

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    outside the ball. Since the only energy fields perceivable

    are those lit by the point of brilliance, that point is named

    "the point where perception is assembled" or simply "the


    6. The assemblage point can be moved from its usual

    position on the surface of the luminous ball to another

    position on the surface, or into the interior. Since the

    brilliance of the assemblage point can light up whatever

    energy field it comes in contact with, when it moves to a

    new position it immediately brightens up new energy

    fields, making them perceivable. This perception is known

    as seeing

    7. When the assemblage point shifts, it makes possible the

    perception of an entirely different world--as objective and

    factual as the one we normally perceive. Sorcerers go into

    that other world to get energy, power, and solutions to

    general and particular problems, or to face the


    8. Intent is the pervasive force that causes us to perceive. We

    do not become aware because we perceive; rather, we

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    perceive as a result of the pressure and intrusion of intent


    9. The aim of sorcerers is to reach a state of total awareness

    in order to experience all the possibilities of perception

    available to man. This state of awareness even implies an

    alternative way of dying

    * * *

    A level of practical knowledge is included as part of

    teaching the mastery of awareness. On this practical level

    are taught the procedures necessary to move the

    assemblage point. The two great systems devised by the

    sorcerer seers of ancient times to accomplish this are

    dreaming , the control, and utilization of dreams; and

    stalking , the control of behavior.

    Moving one's assemblage point is an essential

    maneuver that every sorcerer has to learn.

    Sorcerers consult their past in order to obtain a point of reference. Establishing a point

    of reference means getting a chance to examine intent and nothing can give sorcerers

    a better view of intent than examining stories of other sorcerers battling to understand

    the same

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    In sorcery there are abstract cores, and then, based on those abstract cores, there

    are scores of sorcery stories about the naturals of our lineage battling to understand


    * * *

    The only way to know intent is to know it directly through a living connection that

    exists between intent and all sentient beings. Sorcerers call intent the indescribable, the

    spirit, the

    * *

    Every act performed by sorcerers, especially by the naturals, is either performed as

    a way to strengthen their link with intent or as a response triggered by the link itself.

    Sorcerers, and specifically the naturals, therefore have to be actively and permanently

    on the lookout for manifestations of the spirit. Such manifestations are called gestures

    of the spirit or, more simply, indications or omens.

    When a sorcerer interprets an omen he knows its exact meaning without having

    any notion of how he knows it. This is one of the bewildering effects of the connecting

    Poem by Jos Gorostiza.

    ...this incessant stubborn dying,

    this living dea

    that slays you, oh God,

    in your rigorous handiwork,

    in the roses, in the stones,

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    in the indomitable stars

    and in the flesh that burns out,

    like a bonfire lit by a song,


    a hue that hits the eye.

    ...and you, yourse

    perhaps have died eternities of ages out there,

    without us knowing about it,

    we dregs, crumbs, ashes of you;

    you that still are present,

    like a star faked by its very light,

    an empty light without star

    that reaches


    its infinite catastrophe.

    Be a paragon of patience and consistency by fighting for impeccability.

    Transform yourself daily, restraining yourself with the most excruciating effort.

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    People are asleep. They thing they are awake but it is a dream of being awake, a

    pseudo-wakefulness filled with dreams. Hard to accept perhapsbut look at the

    absurdities and horrors of life these dayspolitics paralyzed by ideology and greed; art

    unrelated to human concerns; entertainment filled with violence and titillation;

    business practices that destroy human lives and pollute the planet; the grinding poverty

    of many millions of peoplesurely the moral sense, and other senses also, are asleep

    in those who are behind such things.

    And look at oneselfone seems to be awake, but how often does one do something

    and later think I must have been asleep. It is as if one sometimes wakes up a bit, or is

    awakened by a shock or by the consequences of some act.

    Would it be possible to live more awake? The teachings of all traditions say so. But

    people who become followers of some teaching often seem to have fallen even more

    asleep, prisoners in some new, superimposed, dream.

    The devil of sleep is more clever than our good intentionshow could we awaken

    without falling back under his enchantment? The truth is we do not understand the

    nature of sleep. How then could we understand more, understand enough to have a

    chance of awakening and staying awake? It is not theory we needtheory just

    becomes another dream. It is a personal study of oneself, of ones own sleepits

    components, its levels, its causes, and of the occasional awakenings that take place.

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    Wh y do you be li eve any th i ng t ha t you r ead? I t

    does no t m a t t e r w he the r i t i s in t h e Bi b l e o r i n t he

    Gi ta o r i n th e sacred book s o f o t he r re l i g ions . -

    why do you be l i eve? Do you be l i eve i n the sun r i se

    t o m o r r o w ?

    You be li eve i n a sense - you t h i nk i t w i l l a r i se . Bu t

    you be l i eve i n h eaven , you be l i eve i n a Fa th e r , you

    b el iev e i n so m e t h i n g - w h y ? Beca u se y ou ar e

    a f ra id , you a re u nhappy , lone ly , because o f fea r o f

    dea th , you be l i eve i n some th i ng t ha t you t h i nk i s

    p er m a n en t . H ow ca n a m i n d t h a t i s b u r d e n ed w i t h

    be l i ef s see c lea r l y? How can i t be f r ee to ob serv e?

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    How can such a m ind l ove? You hav e your be l i ef

    and ano the r has h i s be li ef . I n un de rs tand i ng t he

    w h ole p r ob lem o f fear , o ne has n o be l ie f

    wha tsoeve r . The m i nd t hen f unc t i ons happ i l y ,

    w i t h o u t d i st o r t i on a n d t h e r ef o r e t h e r e i s gr e at j o y ,


    I dont believe in anyone but me.

    John Lennon

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    5. A la s how wha t is thispromise I give this lesson

    to unlearn oh forsakethe god of your

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    conceptual distortedpast, neither create norfornicate a new ideal towaste. Please lead not

    astray the sick weakchild of play, give all

    you have to each other

    live not for tomorrowbut as if only today as a

    robber will come andsteal all you have heldso tightly as others soneed to live is to give

    each and every day thismoment is blessed thishour of day learn thelesson that love gives

    so freely so easy away.So pure as religion wasmade to be, the priest

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    and rabbis scribes Tothey have stolen the

    purity and held it awaykeep is to free to hold is

    to kill to label toenslave to judge is


    6. To unde rsta nd islistening and freedom is

    to awaken. Truth isperception not

    adulterated rejection.

    It is sad to see the educated blind egoistic lost souls, socaptivated by their blind ambition trained into their core , lost

    as children never to see held down by teachings thought toimprison the minds promised to free. Blessed the child aged andfree So pure as religion was made to be, the priest and ra bbis

    scribes To blind and death so cold in their self hypnotized inducedprisons they be, captured by thoughts and intellectual poisons

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    lost oh children of pride and desire of money. When will yaquestion your teachers and mothers and fathers, your peers and

    politicians and gurus and consolers and all that ya see? Whenwill the killers of animals and innocents stop and hope for san ity


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