my top ten google tricks

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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Using Google Docs-Create online surveys for research projects. My students will love using this to create surveys to be used in their hall newspaper.

Add a “Waiting for Response” label in Gmail will help tremendously when you are waiting for others to “weigh-in” on something before action can be taken. This is a great help in reminding you to follow-up.

If you have a Gmail account, use it to consolidate all of your other email accounts. Think of all of the time that could be saved when you only have to check one account. Check your home, other personal, and school accounts all at once!

Use Google Translate to get things translated right away. My students will love to use this “trick” when we spend time on our foreign phrases standards.

Use this Google search trick to get words defined without looking at an online or class dictionary. I think that the students will find this very helpful when they are doing any type of online research. (Just type the “word: definition” and you have it!)

Use Google Notebook to collect research notes. I and my students can use this to help organize our research as we go. Having and organizational strategy in place is a big time saver!

Create a Google study group with Google Groups. This makes it so much easier for students to work together on projects. They can work on their projects without the hassle of trying to get together outside of school.

Use Show Options to refine your search. Clicking on “Show Options” will give students access to tools to help them with their research. Seventh graders sometimes get frustrated and just keep changing their search word or phrase; this “trick” might really help them to refine their searches.

Use image search to add an image of just about anything to your research project. Students love to add images and often resort to using clipart because they’re not sure where to find anything else. They will also enjoy using this easy image search trick to add images for vocabulary words that they will be teaching to the class.

adding a specific type of site to your Google search so that you can effectively narrow your results. Once students have been taught about source reliability , some students become hesitant and unsure about their sources. By adding specific sites such as “site:gov” or “site:edu” students can feel more confident about their sources .

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