n mr22 e. r. s atterlee, 01 state at. 21/albany ny argus/albany n… · expected soon to resume his...

Post on 04-Aug-2020






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/kK ov NKW-Ybki


presented the! ague* Uotarto

of i ahaiMtancs of O s w e g o , aa t*aw i a f a rwete fee ar — *' • - ^

wnw ' J B •<

roes a i

t ttie a—mbey awl ordered to sp

received free* UM

rem the ha iren-portatioa ot

r. KKBIBC.B , the oectady, approving of rovtrnar A*. whole whoa oa law

lr. F o e T a a , the bill wraJ .i»»J.tuie, the whole, urd time anal i survey af a canal ayes 14, noee 4, as t. Aiuwtroug, Carj, Foatef, Ur.ftu, alata, Tracy, Vaa

» Bishop,

to the county of E n e . e towns oi Watertowa aanl i ut Jetiersoo to borrow

; in* taa v ihe fe o f ' ho i at>!a. i change of the ft, . « _ _ revised slatatee ;ia rtratieai t» tax) igiou* nieetiage. to of hekimg iba aaaaai aaMaaa] at irvisors of Jefieraoa ceaat*. euadiMtiaa til tbe whose: the CUntoa liberal, lr . Lt* i . i G S T O W in itiiisneiier* to lay out araaiba ate Mr. D U D U B io d this bill and it

tba Mr.

eastern branch of the r. H w i n in tba chair, cerdiiigs upon write af I lattup to me chair. i co*-rt (1 common obeie lee aba aity York, Mi C a a n t f ta Use eaaar. debased by Measts. L a a e t a a , I and Liv iwoero . f i .

(he Prehle high school, Mr. Sa> tuir. leiman La Roy, jr., to eract aaaes tba Iowa ul r'eutatu,

c a m tita chair. ie grass oti a p rI of the i Suffolk, Mr. C a a v i a lhe< tie - •> e of a Certain got* uf axad ia U, i • ihe village ot Saturn, Mr. La*. i c t .ar tegulate costs in casta of eJLin iii ttte chair. •« ruse and tepurtad oo baa

; the Butternuts and Ox feral larav -It VAN S c H i i c s ta tba ie boa id (4 supervisee* uf i a bmkl a jail, Mr. L a a e i a a m ana

e the Tuihill tnannfactaring ccssae-:o-rr in the chair. • th* t lertuout Acadatny, Mr. F i a s

* * ' _ IN ASSEMBLY.

SaiMrtfaw. Uharaf ft enter5 and refei red—aty Mr. t v « . -icr-. a*.ti< the con.{*i>aatioa) af jaa>

:<rurt By Mr. O s a o a n a , af ia> ..' A:I.;-IC co , againstf au ausniisnaat, ^ t lax law. Bv Mr. C a a s , lor a --a.ii a bridge over tba Cbaaoaaja

u»»n«tiance against iba saaee. By 1112 c. Utnaof Al a >y agaiaat tba

r chaitet of the oi> ot Albany.— hat 'he renMjostaattee had bee* 1 v-s.nt, IkuUgh itswuuht perhaps ha had i»a«i nantWU it over Io ihe i 9 . Why it had been placed in Ma * kiKj.v, and be wiebtM it to be aa-1 presenting it, he did i.«t menu an either tor or against the bid to which

r F L E M I N O moved the pnatiag af :e, by raq'ioat, as be stated, uf tba per-

,\ir STBTBjiaoA aecondad tbaaaa> * « **.. 1 rie ha*i mi feeling un thataab-examined iba remonstrance, and tba I to it were very 1 expectable. If tba avish its money in pricing it, . QonooN oppoard to Ibal rqueattoa was taken and brer) By t.l u.liabiianta af Ulster on., tor an

f m»n-tmpnsonment act. i: By Mr A * c r. L , to provide fer tba cooMnixaionera r* opeu a road in eoa-

e nwd from Cedar Point »eetwani. Losi?rao?f, to anaex a part t£ tba 1 to N e w Lebanon. s e a , ta incorporate tba WataafM ieliuev **ov, frcra Ihe commit tee ea caaab, i Iba joint resolution rescin«ttng aa Mint ion of 1831 as^robibita taaMeas-\t* waters of the H udaoa and Mobawk ipt»a and reaoiution ware laid on tba

oocurted with tba senate in their e-ha bill m relauou to the Oi 4 . 1Mr. H A I O H T , the rota on the bill Henry Hill aml.otheis was an amendment 'relative to tba act was to take effect, the bill amended,

f Mr. N u H O L S , the third reading af ke. and unfinished business of yaaarr* -a the table, and the hou»a laaarvsd omittee oi the whole, Mr. S u * r i hi e special order, the bill to repeal aa wmpimonment act as relates ta courts ea the peace; and after everal amendments, rose and % through with the bill. a4of the wbola, Mr. Baai -LEiatbe 1 reported on Lbs bill relative to tba

mmittee, Mr. C'LABJT in the chair, to alter and amend tba charter af the insurance and trust company. [Lt* t of ddposites to tour miitione and ins ilions; aiso makes iba directore elee-kholderi. and liavbi tba dnraiaa* af

addreaaed tba committee at ill BBT f-.I low ad with a view of ii ee to delay any further actios eat aba ime, though be was in fa*cr af tb* Bodificationa. sion ensoed on the roe rite of tba bit, . GOB DO* . H u r r i L t and M » « • • >rof it, and Mr. TtTva atcainat it. c t moved an amendment to Iba fir** r the company to receive, beyond tba all such inomee ai might be depoat-

s of chencery, or by courts of law at ta. xepted the amendment, Mr. H B » T * tod Mr HaajpMasy aupportad at, ttnent waa adup;ed. : moved further >a amend tba limit the dapoaitea to six aeven. en* was rrjactad, and tba !• -d, jaiv.--!

itv• »ed to strike oat tba . - . - • . • — : thlectors e l e c t i v e by tbVatuckbuid-

ic ceded to the amendmenf . a n Oj.j* s ed i t , and e x p r e s s e d bar ,th t:„ bill becauaa it d*d aaX goftV as ibst^eed to kinit tba n o w eat of I futther. M

M#JV an«l 'traaost-xat aa^fioftai rnke oat; Mr TiTtra eppmf* £l catrird by « large vote, nasi tbe • •

ed «uh ibetd.) waa also atri*k«*

• a*-, u n»td ta stnka aa4 bna 4 *

f fo^d, and tba S r w i W *f it to'amke «ti rbaa»e?faaav , ^ e »hen rose and repotted s^baa* •••n, -a n.oKJiv of Mr. te wisb to be beard in r«oi> •* ***

unit' « Amer

ea. rose and reported a* >b>a»ba-l nencaii life inaoiawee and Uia*

10 o'clock on Moaday raorniag

'—In lha report of tba oaibo



on FntUy, tbe ayeeand a to the New-York and 1 stake eftacLed la tba • -S air Pnaon*. Tbo i ; . f i i u « i « » , and on

19 also (not Mr. B « w p » ) t * * ^ !u the re*4otio» report ad bf • • .roads, by wbath the ha committaa wub survey.


Tba pocket aanj» Pbcif ic , C ^ t n i n from U w r p o o l , wber»c« tbe nailed on pwrnaaf of tbe l l i k Marcb, bntigs Liverpeo* paperi up lo that dxle bad London peper* to tbe * a lachaaiea:

The Queen of Spain baa acceded to the anialat ooavaaiag a Cortee, and *****~.tm_

damBaaa batMat bw post aa Frataa aiin-Don Carina is said to nave ^ J J J ^ J - t 1

fnbVa March, Mr


reapectfally informa the / » efar * * * * ^ * * * aWgbBUtaj fa^aW

1 of tba Mnaaum to axh.bit tbo ei tbe Wurooe Uxtde or txhde-

GaaVter Two Lveaiagaonly, Monday and


ty.Anrrlfanda, ••eeoliarefl


will cloaa dady at U T A . * ^ netil, Tba triUst inail via t/tiea to Be

ly n fcAL The mat a vie Cheny Valley

will ctoaa daily at *»*'. M

iat IfO.OeO.OOO reala bat the or is net mc nfJooad

Tbe HMeRifance of an eneoewtar traona af Don Miguel and Don Padro, on tba Hib of Fabnury, is ruonVmed. The Migoaiitaa lost 190 ia killed and prisoners, and warn rbtigad to re-

The Pedroites had WO k. led British Mouse of Commons, on the 6h ol

Hurae brou^it forward a motion to ie- ' peal tba C«wa Laws, and substitute a fixed rate of duty on corn- A lung and able debate followed; alter which, tba motion * as rejeeted by 313 votes to 155

Tba arraogemee/s between Belgium and HnQand are eatd » be definitively made. A Berlin article under date of February I t , says that Belgium is to bare (be entire province of Limbourg, and Holland tbat of Loxcaaburgb The regulation af tbe trade of tba Scheldt is tbe only paint remaining to be deci­ded by tbe dipk*netista.

Letters tr-m Madrid are to tba 33d. Tba monks of Salamanca have openly declared against the Queen and several ot them have bean arrested. Tbe oth­er monks have attempted to release them, but the students at Salamanca armed, rooted tba monks aad alarmed and pillaged their convent.

Pans letters are to tba 8rb inclusive. Gen La Fayatta bad nearly recovered his health, and waa expected soon to resume his seat is tbe chambers.

Tba Hague papers apeak of the marching of Bel­gian troops into Luxemburg^, to the amount of 10,-000 troops. Mr. Hartno, the Belgian officer, who bad been arreeted by tbe Preenans has been set at liberty.

Brussels papers are to tbe 0th of Marcb. All waa qotet in tbe capital. There bad been soma tumul­tuous proceedings among the students at Ghent Nineteen were arrested in the affray—one of whom waa wounded, bat all hare b%en releaser!. Some af the heavy commercial hoaeee and ship owners af Aatwerp, are emigrating to Holland—with their

efleciaoi thiaaingular compound waa by Sir Humphrey Davy. He 00-

that when inhaled inio the luqgs it bad tbe —- Jnasaamx etketa npou the nervous ayatem; thateome individueie ware disposed to laugh, aing. dance, etc.; others to recitation and declamation; and tbat tua groatoi number had an irreaisubto pro­pensity to muscular exhibitions, such aa wreeding, boxing, dec, with tnnuinerable fantaatical teeta. in thort, the eenaationa produced are highly pleaau-rabie, and are not followed by defeltty.

Ho .'ears need be entert lined ol inhaling an impure gas; and Or. F. ia willing to submit his preparationa to the inapecuon ofscitinufic gentlemen.

Dr. F. baa exhibited the gas in many, cities of the U. &. to numerous audiences of lad.es and gentlemen of tbe first reepectability. 'i'boae lauiea who are de-

j airaua of wan ssing its extraordinary enocia are aa-aured. iha t the boose aftorda every accommodation fur tbair comfort, and that not a shadow of impro­priety aitenJa the exhibition.

N. B. Thoaa persons who inhale tba gas will be separated fr JIB the audience by means of a net work, so that tbe spectator a will have a chance to see their performance, and yet be perlectly iree Oram danger.

To commence atK o'clock. Admittance 35eta. ' P M K executive Committee ot THE YOUNG 1 MF.NS ASSOCIATION have arranged the Leetarea for the Mouth of April in the following order:

Friday, 4th—Phrenology, by Amoe Dean, esq. Friday, 11th—On the Vegetable Kingdom, em­

bracing a comparative view of the vegetable and an­imal economy, by Dr. McLachlan.

Friday, 18di—Phrenology, by Amoe Dean, esq. Friday, 25th—American Literature, by S. l ie

Witt Bloodgood. esq. , Doors of the Hall will be open at 71; Lecturee to

commence precisely at 8 o'clock P. M. A limited number of Tick eta of admission to tbe

Lectures, to be delivered before the Association, will be sold: which may be had at Mr. Little's and Mr. Steele's Bookstores.

The price of a aingle ticket, 50 cents. Tickets to admit a gentleman and two ladies, $1.

R E W - Y O B K r A L B A N Y A N D T B O Y S T E A M - B O A T L I N E .

rioae Monday and iburaday at« „ m^m The mail via Renaselaerville to Hajeeistasia, '

dose Monday, Wedeeudey and Friday at 0 P. M

Tbe Pacific has on board three hundred tbou-aaad dollars ia specie.

Sir Jchn Campbell has bean promoted to the of­fice of Attorney General.

Mr. Pepys has been appointed Solicitor General, and sworn into office.

LATER FROM LISBON. Tba Behulcre, at Baltimore from S t t'bei,

bringa Lisbon accounts of Feb. 27th. A battle occurred on the lfiih, between a detach­

ment, said to nave been of oOOO from Miguel'* troops at Santarem, and the Pedroites under Gen. Saidanha, neat Cartaxo, which, accerding to the report of tbe American consul at Lisbon, « t i most deci«ivtf in favor of the P-dmites; the whole force af Miguelites being either killed or taken.

Miguel still held Santarem.


so. MO n so

t is 110 100 gag


bare do do do do do do do do 0 0

do do

STOCK April 4.

United States Bank do tie

Manhattan Bank Merchants' Bank & . Delaware A Hud Canal C o . . National Bank Morris Canal Mohawk Rail Road Saratoga R. R Haibem Rail Road Boston A Prov. Rail Road TJtiaa

DAY LINE, MA [Daily at 7 o'clock A.

, FROM PIER, FOOT OF S T A T E S T . CHAMPLAIN, Captain Adolphua Gorham,

Monday in or ni ng. ERIE. Captain James Benson, will leave the pier

Tuesday morning. N I G H T LINE.

/Daily at 5 o'clock P. M.I FROM PIER. FOOT OF HAMILTON S T . OHIO, Captain M. Bartholomew, will leave

MondAy afternoon. C O N S T E L L A T I O N , Capt. R. G. Cruttandan,

Tuesday Atternoeo. DE W I T T CLINTON, Capt. G. E. Seymoor,

Wednesday Alternoon. For passage, anply to the Captain on board, or at

the Office ot the N. York, Albany and Troy Steam­boat Line, toot ot Hamilton st. mr3t FOB NEW-VOBK—NO MOMOPOLY. THRO' BY DAYLIGHT—FARE 02.

1041 105

.122x123 I l l

. 8 2 | 1824 . . . .107^1071

75a7«| . . . . lOSalOtt

109 | 75*72

. - _ C o . . . 974»97 Red Rind 105441051


Tba ©perntiofra of the week, in our cotton mar­ital, have been very extensive; and an advance has been ve«v extenetre; and an advance ha» been real-ixedet 4 Ipwr lb. in American, aad 11 10 |-1 in Bra-xil kind*, particularly in Pernams,which have beau aaoat grneraBy an leqtieet

VA L U A B L E B O O K S AT At C T I O ^ -THIS EVENING, at No. 377 S. Market at.

oppoaiW the old museum by catalogue: aiie to coin-menee at 7 o'elock; c ital<>g -. » at the place of sale— In 'he collerfon to b^ » -11 are Sca.t'a commemary,

f lsnry'edo, Th^ British dnmi, Buny-vn'a wotki, aley ado, cbamistrrof the arts, Patrick 4enry,

Joavphua, Bolhn. Pope, Plmaich. Shakapeare. Burns. Byroa, albuma. lirge maps IT. S.. Lady of the »nan »r, laiea ol Grandfather, firmly, church and pocket btMea, dictionaries, At*. Ac. The books will be open tor examination during the day. Sa es poaitiva. L. CLARK,

mr7-lt Auctioneer.

WANTED—Aa experienced Pressman, com­petent to take charge ol a Napier Presa. One

who eao produce satisfactory teatimoniab ol indus-uioua habits and good moral character, will meet wak immaeiata employment. Enquire at in is of-

Thelownreasure Steamboat WESTCHESTER, Capt. St. John, will leave the dock foot of Lydiua street every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday morn­ings, at 7 o'clock.


a, at 7 o'clock. •'or paasige. apply on board, or at No. 529 South irket, c >rner of Lydiua at. mrl 1-tmyl


The new and elegant s'eimer Oliver Elsworth, with her freight birges, will \ptva the Pier, foot ol Sta.u rt , on l'li'-sdiysand Kndays at lu A. M. un­til further notice.

Paseasfe on Tow Boat $ 1. Sfeamhoat |'3and found For freight or p\sn-\je, apply at the Oihae, foot of

Statestreei, on the Pier. ap7 DANIEL PECK, Agent.

183t—LAK£ O N T A R I O

nee. ap7-tt

that city.

aad3 sums of gluoO each, wanteion toads and mortgages on property :~ ap7-lw_ H. ALLEN.

bonds and mortgages on property in

C O U N T Y MBOICAf. 8 O C I -A q'larterly meeting of the Albnnv

B at tbe city hall AL M 4 N Y

Ouary Medical Society wi» babe OH Tueaday afternoon, at t o f'-oeJt. on lueanay g j j - g j j , W E N D E L L . M D.

ap7-2t Secretary. n v > «»-——The copartnership heretotore exist-1 a ing under the firm of Russells & Vernor, waa dissolved on the 5th inac by mutual consent. All person* having demands against the said firm will present them to Robert C. Jk George Kusaell, who are duly authonaed to settle theeanie.

E O B T . C. R U S 3 E L U G E O R G E R U S S E L L . JNO. T. VERNOR.

Root. C A George Rutaell have taken William Ruaeelt into copartnership. The husineaa for the

will be carried on at the old stand, No. 72 under the arm of Georee Russell A Bro-

ROBT. C. R U S S U L K GEO. R U S S E L L . W . R U 8 S E L L .

future S t a l e s t . , tnera.


NB w - Y O R K , ALBANY A N D T R O Y STEAMBOAT LINE-Notice-onand alter

tbe 7th of Apiil. the time ot starting the night boata

The SeamboatUNITED STATES, (propelled by two powerful low pressure engines)

Capt. R. J. Vande.W4!er. Having hnd hercahinaand accommoda'ions for paa-aeng- rs enlarged and improved, will leave Ogdens-burgh lor N;.itraraon the l-t h April t\exu

Parties intendrr.g to visit Niagara Falls, will find it a pleaaant and expeditious route, to take t'-e lake steamboats at Oswt go or Rochester.

The Unit, d States will run during the season as follows:—Going up, she will leave Ogdeiiaburgh on every Sind y at 5 o'clock P. M. Kingston, Tf. C. Monday 6 A. M S^ckett'a Harbor do l-J M. Oswego do 10 P. M. Rochester (landing) Tuesday 3 A. M. Toronto (York) UTC. do 9 P .M. Arriving at Lewiaton (Niagara) early on Wendes-day morning, giving paaeengs-rs all the day to visit the Falls and return by the boat.

Coming down, she will leave Lewiaton on every Wednesday at 8 o'clock P. M. Rochester (landing) Thursday 8 A. M. Oswego do 5 P. M. Sackett's Harbor do 11 do Kingston, U. C. Friday 7 A. M. Touching at French Creek, Alexandria, Brockville, Morn-town, and arrive at Ogdensburgh on Friday evening).

Passengers leaving Niagara on Wednesday even­ing can take the steamboats at Ogdensburgh on Sat­urday morning, and arrive at Montreal on Saturday evening, passing that moat interesting part of the St. Lawrence river (including "the thousand iales" and the celebrated rapids) between the Lake and Montreal, by daylight. Ogdensburgh, March 28, 1834.

Rati Road, will dose daily at 0 F. ML N O R T H E R N ROUTER.

Mails to Troy, Lanaingburgh and Waterford, clone daily at It P. M.

The mail via Sandy-Hill te Plattaburgb and Whitehall, will cloaa every day- (ascent Saturday)

Tba mails via Salem to Burlington. Vt. aad Hon-treat, will cloaa every day (except Saturday) at 0 P.W.

The mails to Bennington and Bratdeboro, Vt. and New Hampshire state, will cloee every day (except Saturday) at 6 P.M.

EASTERN ROUTES. Tbe mails via Sand Lake, Hancock. North Ad­

ams and VVilUamstown to Greenfield, Ms., will cloaa Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 6 P. M.

The mails via Hancock and Laneoboro to Green field, will cloaa Moaday, Wedaeaday aad Friday at «»P. .at

Tba mail via Pitufield and Northampton to Boston and Maine atate. will cloee every day (except Sa­turday) at 6 P. M.

The mail via Stockbridge and Springfield, will cloee every day (except Saturday) at t> P. M.

The mail via Nassau and Sheffield to Hartford, Ct., will close every day (except Saturday at 8 P. M.

SOUTHERN ROUTE. Tbe way mails on the caat and west aide of tLe

Hudaon, will ckm every day (except Saturday) at 8 P. M.

The Great Southern mail to New York and Waah-I ington City, will close daily at 9 P. M. [ j»l 8Q1/N VANREN88ELAER.P.M. rTtR A YELLING B Y THIS MOHAWK A 1 HUDSON RAIL ROAD, 1834—From Mon­

day the 10th of Marcb. and until umber notice, the for lowing wU1 be the timea of departure.

Departures from Albany: » o'clock A. M.

11 do do ipaatS do P . M .

4 do do JpaetO do do Deperturea from Scbeneetady:

I past 8 o'clock A. M. 19 do do 2 do P . M . 5 do do

And on the arrival ot the western stages. FARE THROUGH 50 CENTS.

With a vie w to render every facility possible for the accommodation of the travelling public, the Compa­ny have made arrangements with Messrs. Thorp & Sprague to have carriageam readiness at tba branch termination, US State st. to take passengers to and from die Road to and from any part ot the city for 12| cents eachpaasenger, with ordinary travelling bag­gage; also, to take die baggage of passengers (that may not wish to ride themselves) to and from any part of die city at the. rate of 6g cents for an ordinary sized ti a veil i n g trunk or its equivalent. No gratuity ia allowed to be taken by any porter, driver or ser­vant employed under this arrangement in carrying passengers or baggage to and from the Rail Road.

Baggage will be taken to and from the Schenectady termination, to any part of the city, free of expenae.



MENT—Travellers for Saratoga Springe, White­hall, Vermont and intermediate places, are inform­ed, that arrangements have been made by tbe Mo­hawk and Hudaon and Saratoga and Schenectady Rail Road Companies for an uninterrupted line of communication between Albany and Saratoga Springa, and that hereafter carriagea will leave State au, Albany, daily until further notice,

At 11 o'clock A. M. arrive in Schenectady at 1 P. M. (where passengers may stop to dine), and from thence proceed, at * o'­clock, to Ballston Spa and Saratoga Springa, where those travelling north will find Stages in readiness to convey them to Glen's Falls, Sandy Hill and Whitehall.

Returning, carriages will leave Saratoga Springa daily At | past 9 A. M., arrive in Schenectady at 12 M., andreacb Albany at 2 o'clock P. M.

N. B The ai ne Baggage Cars will pass over both roada and thereby avoid the inconvenience of shifting baggage. de-2t

I VY. R i H H O P & I. W. Tl tOMPHON, • Attorneys. Solicitors, Ac , have entered into a

professional arrangement, and have opened an Of­fice at Granville, Washington county, N. Y. Per a ins entrustinv business te them in any courts ef law or canity in th s state, may calculate upon die mbst faithful and prompt attention to their in ereat. January 4, 1834. fclOdly

REHOVAL— A. H. AUSTIN baa removed to No. 348 North Market at., one door north of

the Canal Bank, in the store formerly occupied by Gill. Ctoper &Co., where he offers for sale a large and general assortment of Stovea, Tin Ware, Sheet Iron Ware. &c. mr!3

4 CARO—Mous. Ur. LA PLACE tenders to the public, his grateful acknowledgements for

the'liberal share of pitronage received during his short residence in this city. He invites acandid ex­amination of his system of instruction by all those who are desirous that a knowledge of this language should be more generally diffused, and by ill such as are aware ol the necessity of some improvement up­on the old method. The uniformly favorable result* of a long experience in teaching, on the plan now offered, authorise his saying, that this languagemav be acquired in a much shorter time than is usually

The possibility of learning to

Tbe mail via Knox te Schobar .a 1

lirpaisji<MLjrflt| . ,_, , . _ - , Albany Temperance rurnace

Tbaaaailio Alston and Saratoga Springs via j n „ o n a a n d.nk inda ofhollow ware, aoch as ket-tiaa, pot*, bake pans, spickrs..fall kinds, UM kettle*. harme, gnddlea, high pane, mortars, oart, waggon

car wheels, hre dogs ot dit> em sixes, etc. Purchasers will do well to call and examine these

article* before they buy. Orders for all kinds of ngs attended to with dispatch, by applying to

O. GT Da Groff, at tbo Furnace, or at 1C ot A. Adamg% No. ISO Vv>dmeuTtrmnv M

jea5-dacly O. G. DE GROfT A CO.


VA L U A B L E MfimClNietWDr. Church'a Essence ot Mustard, for tbe cure ot rheuma­

tism, gout, sprains, &c.; price SO cents par bottle. Cnurch's Cough Drops, for removing culis, asth­

mas, spitting of blood, difficulty of breathing, affec­tions of das breast and lungs, ore.; 50 eta pr bottle.

Dr. Church'a Itch Ointment, a certain and mild remedy for due unpleasan 1 diaorder, ataoling a cure in one application: 50 eta pr box.

Dr. Church'a Vegetable Lotion, for tba removal otall kinds of eruptions on ihe lace or skin, heckles aad ringworms, and whitening die akin; 75 eta per bottle. Foraale. wbolaaale or rauu^jby .

SANDS dk SHAW. Druggiata, f a g No. 46 State »L Mi L E T , and possession uiren tmmedistely—

G J. Pew No.' U0 in Second Freahyifrian Church. Enquire of

ja23-tf V. D E N N W T O N

Atheneum Building. ' f U I E oopartneranip heretofore exiating between Jt dm subscribers, under the firm oi Treadwell &

Norton, is diis day diaaolved by mutual consent.— Tbo*. Treadwell ts duly authorised ta settle the al-faira. February 27. 1834.


OLD W I N R 8 Among which are old India, Madeira aad other vintages, warranted pure

juice. Also Sicily M Burgundy and'etber wineain draft and botdee, for sale f* v _


CA N A L B O A T L A M P S A N D PUMPS) —100 pair boat lamps (complete), warranted au-

perior to any thing of tbe kind ever before offered in this market. Also, a large assortment of boat pumpa of different lengths, for sale wholesale and retailor A. H. AUSTIN, 348 N. Market at.

mrlo 1 door north of Canal Bank. wrute kidglovea, ladies'

in pink gingham, small prints, french cambrics, sewing silk abawla, merino shawls, dubet do, spool cotton, Ac. dec., for sale by

ISAAC W. STAATS dk SON, mrl2 319 Market at. oopoaite Sunwix Hall.

NEW GOODS—Lon and gent'a h. a. do, p

BOTTLE8—A tew grosa of empty champagne, Bristol and porter bottles^ for sale by

mr25 E. R. 8ATTERLEE, 01 State st. H O S F I S H baa removed his Shop to No. 80 Beavor street. te7

ft E X U V A L - T . GRAHAM infarma the pub-~.m> lie, that be has removed to the apacioua store No. 427 South Market, corner Division at., Albany, where he ia now soiling, at about one half the price usually charged, the largest stock of READY MADE CLOTHING ever offered ja thia city; a-mong which are superfine blue, black, alive, invisi­ble green, dark mixt Ireck, box, dress coats and coatees, superfine pantaloona of every fashionable ahade, with a splendid assortment of vests, many of which are new and beautiful patterns, a large stock of CLOTHS, CASS1MERES AND VEST-1NGS, by the piece or smaller quantity; also, a large stock of round jackets, pintaloona and veata, suitable for wearing in common. Being in the habit of making advances in cash on all goodsTeft with hi .n for sale, and being connected with paernbroking es­tablishments in New York, be is daily receiving valuable lots of gooda which must be eoid for cash. A number of tailors are constantly at work in the same establishment. Gentlemen wishing clothing made to measure, can select any shade or quality of cloth, and have them made up at about half the price usually charged; and it. when made, they do not pleaae in every respect, they will not be required to take them.

N. B. Gentlemen having csat off clothing will be allowed a libera, price inexchange, or cash 11 wanted.


WA N T E D A Journeyman Bookbinder.— Enquire of


LONDON Porter and Pale Ale, in quart anc* pint bottle*, for sale by

mr22 E. R. S ATTERLEE, 01 State at.

n Arms.


•I May next, by Mr. Guy

Enquire of E D W A R D DUNN.

T O LEI'—From the Hist 1 die Official present occupied



A N D R E W jt\. pared to furnish

M E N E E L Y ia pre-, w ie order, at his Foundry ia West Troy, Albany county, N. York, Church Bella, warranted to atand, and of superior tone; alao, Town Clocks. Theodol ilea. Level Ii ng instr u -

msnta. Surveyor a Compass, with which angleacan be taken without tba needle, dec <5tc.

P. S. Copper and Braaa Castineaof every deacrip-

B U U l s A N D hlloEnt-Peraunswisningto purchase l«»w will do wail ta call at &0 under

the Old Museum. mr* H. WELLS.

SADDLER, BRIDLES, dec—The subscriber has

on band a law of ihe very heetshaitue aaddlea, on the English pattern trace, double riveted, a few beat plain do, eat with fine wool, perfectly aafe aad easy, English bri­dles, do martingales, elastic girths, a* lata improved pat­

tern saddle cloth, whips and spurs, double trunka, portfolio do, bellows top and hare do, injgreat vari­ety, carpet bags and vaueea, a few acta o i l ety, rarpet bags and vaueea. a taw eets ot vary coachharaaaa, dodo gig, •Urgeaaaortrnentofcloth

3S I K g a ^ a ^ g ^ ^

M T O LET—A neat two etory house ia Church ai. Enquire of

R. ALLEN. mr27

H O U S E T O LET—No. 04 Hudaon atreet, 3 etory brick bouse; possession given firet May aext; at present occupied by Dr. Barton. For terms, enquire of

mr22-tf W. L. MARCY.

ML A N D I N G A N D S T O R E T O LET OR LEASE—The subscriber has buiit a large and convenient dock and store in the rapidly increasing village of Ulster, at die mouth of die EeopusCreek, (form­

erly Saugertiee). They atand in deep tidewater. A large country business may be done at this ad van-tageouaatand, and the manufactories furnish freights up and down the whole season. They will be let reasonably. Apply near the premises, at the dwel­ling ot HENRY BARCLAY.

Saugertiee, Marcb 14,1034. mrt7-lm T O L E T FROM F I R S T MAY—

The red atore in Dean st. near Hudaon at.. now occupied aa a potash inspection office.

Tbe office No. 307 N. Market at., .now occupied aa a law office by the Messrs. Lauaings.

Also, for sale or to lease; One lot on Coltimbiast. next weatof Mr. T. Lee'e. One lot in Ferry at. next east el Mr. Tuffs' build­

ings. 3 lots in Fox at., east of Hawk at. 3 lots in Hare at, aaat of Hawk at. 2 Iota in Hawk at., between Fox and Hare eta. 7 lots on Lark St., south of State st. 1 lot on WiUs t st., east aide of Washington square. f*5 A. E. BROWN.


plain, Capt. Gorham, snd Albany, on snd after tbe 7th inet.

The above mentioned steamboats will commence their regular trios aa a day line to and from Albany and New York. A. BARTHOLOMEW,

ap7 Agent.

SP R I N G GOODS—The auhacribors have re­ceived, and are now opening their spring supply

of fancy and staple dry goods, among which are a great variety of rich and fashionable articles, well worthy the attention of la J tea. Their old customers and the public are reapectfully invited to call and ax-

tbeatoek. I. W. STAATSASON, ap7 319 North Market at. amii

T^TJSW R O O K S just reed at O. STEELE'S l^i Bookstore: „ . .

Tba botanical teacher for North America, in whkh are deaenbed the ' ^ ^ ^ T i d f nf MTX^ST exotic plants growing north of the Gult ot Mexico ^ Laura Johnson, under the superintendence of

J r W . S S . ! ot Botany, arxtb edition, eenarjad and improved , p

splendid low pressure Steamboat BRITAIN, Capt. Whitney,

will, during the season of 1331, leave the different ports aa follows, commencing on Tuesday, die 29th April, via:—Upwards

Preacott every Tuesday evening Brockville every Tuesday night Kingston every "Wednesday noon f O s w e g o (atate of N Y) every Wednesday evening Cobourg every Thursday morning Port Hope do dt> do Toronto (late York) every Friday morning

D o w n w a r d s Niagara every Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock Toronto (bite York) every Sunday morning Port Hope do do noon Cobourg do do 1 P. M . O a w e g o (atate of N Y ) do Monday morning Kingston do do noon Brockville do do evening All baggage and email parcels are considered at the

risk of die owners, unleaa given in charge to tbe person on board.

The accommodations on board the Great Britain havebeen much enlarged and improved during lint winter, and ev-try exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comiort to pasaengera.

1 he above boat will await the arrival at Preacott of the pa&sengera tbat leave Montreal on Monday, by the Upper Canada Stage. Lake Ontario Stedtn-boat Office, Preacott, Upper Canada, April 1,1834.


PR I Z E E S S A Y S — T h e Executive Con tee of the YOUNG M E N ' S ASSOCIA­

T I O N have the pleasure to state, tbat, through the liberality of R. B. Huygens, eeq., they hereby offer a Premium of a Hold Medal, worth ioO, to the Au­thor of tbe heat Essay en

" The influence ot the study of tbe Mathematical and 1"« vaicAi Sciences on the character of Man, and the use 1 ;i! ness and application oi these sciences to me common purposes oflife."

Tbwwn<ersare to be members, acting or honora­ry, ef die Asaociation. Each Esaay must contain eome mark or fieri ous signature. They are to he transmitted to the Corresponding Secretary of the AsaociaU'Ui. and bv Una to the Committee who a-w«ri the Medal: That e tmraittee consists of Daniel 1). Itaraard, esq . John A. DIM, eeq.and Richard V. Tjka* W i l t S»at 1

No Essay can be received after the first of July The atttborof iba prria^ Eaa-iy will be enti-

A L B A N Y * P H I L A D E L P H I A L I N E .

dee 1 ed necessary. r speak the French language without the advantage of being domesticated in a French family, ia now pro ved beyond a doubt. On this subject, references can be given which will convince the most sceptical

Moris. De La Place is now forming a class, and will commence his second course of instruction, on Monday the I:th inst. Those who wish lor more particular information, wiU, by calling on Mons. D. at his residence No. ?9 North Pearl at., be referred to persons of the first respectability in the city.


4LB ANY U N I O N _ F U R N A C E ^ H ? ) W ARD NOTT &. CO. have constantly onhand

a large assortment of ploughs and plough castings, including the celebrated side hill plough. Alao, sin­gle and double bottom pot ash kettles, cauldrons, &C. t&C.

Country founders can be supplied with the differ­ent varieties of pig iron, ate. from their present stock, consisting ot upwards of 500 tons of Scotch and country iron No. 1, 2 and 3, 130 tone firet qual­ity Lehigh coal, together with fire clay, sand, dec.

Machinery and all other caatinga made to order, from Scotch or other iron, as may be preferred.

Wing's patent cast iron re-acting water wheel, made of various sixes and warranted. They are al­so manufacturers of Dr. Nott's coal stovea for offi­ces, stores, halls and churches; parlour grates of different sixes. Lik wise, stoves specially adapted tor malatere, brewers and tanners; the whole ol which will be sold on their usual terms for cash or approved paper.

( t r After numerous experiments, Dr. Nott has finally succeeded in the construction ef a Coal Cook Stove, which is deemed to be entirely satisfactory, and which will be offered for sale tbe ensuing au­tumn by H, Nott d&Co., and warranted to purcha­sers in the aame manner aa their other coal stoves have been. Albany. March 29,1834, mr31-d?^3m

JUSTREC^D—AfreahaapplyofbunchRaiuns, in whole, half and quarter boxes, and for sale by

mr24 McCABE & BROWNLEE. ANTED—In a private family, a Cook. A middle aged woman will be preferred; and

none need apply who cannot bring good recommend­ations. Enquire at No. 2 Park Place.



."T | | Gross Bell's Paste Blacking, which ia unsur-• *" " pasaed by any now in una. Dealers can be supplied with this article in any quantity by tita sub­scriber, who is agent for the manufacture .


ASSAU ACADEMY—Rev Alva Bennett, Principal—The summer termof ibis Institution

will commence on the *irst Monday in May next. Studies—Common English branches, Latin,

Gr»ek and French Languages. Mathematics. &e. A course of instruction will be given this summer

in Systematic and Physical Botany. Tuition—From $3 to $5 per nuarter. Board,

SI 60per week, including room and lodging. Young Ladies will be provided withn separata room in the charge of a Governess, and instructed in the higher branches by the Principal. Nassau, April. 18J4.— By order of UM Trustees.

ap5-dattf VVM. P. HEERMANS, Pree't. HANGINGS—Just received direct

from Paris, a large assortment of paper hang­ings and borders, both fine and common, compris­ing every description of color and qaality now in uae, among which are fine silver, white satins, with rich velvetborder, lower priced sntine, common pa­pers, &c. Alao, a splendid collection of fire board prints, which are offered at prices aa reasonable as in New York or ekewhere.

LEMUEL STEELE, mr31-2m 419 8. Market s t

DAVIS A BLACK MAN, Drapers and Tai-lors, are now opening their Spring supply of

CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS and other goods in their line, which arc splendid and worthy of notice. ap4-tmyl

GLOSSARY—Price Reduced—The hor and proprietor ot the above work has

concluded to reduce the price of it to $4. It will be continued for sale, aa usual, at the Law Bookstores ef WM. & A, GOULD A CO., Albany, and GOULD, BANK8 & CO.. New fork. ap4 MHHE Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam, the moet X valuable remedy discovered for consumptions,

colda, asthma, spit tin gof blood, whooping cough and pulmonary affections of every kind; mice 50 eta.

ap4 J. A J. W BAT. Druggists. rjpHE subscriber having taken the manufacturing X establishment occupied by the late Levy Solo­

mon*, will continue to make CHOCOLATE, and haa engaged the man who always made the celebra­ted Chocolate stamped ' Levy Solomons.' He will have a supply ready in a few days, aad ia confident that the quality will not be inferior to any manufac­tured in this city. Albany, Sept. 1838.


MTO LET* or to lease, for a term of years, tbe dock in front of block No. 2, near die south ferry, l t ia 305 feet in length, and die water 14 feet deep in front at low water. Alao, a lot of ground fa­

cing said dock, 95 leet by 67, the surface of which io above die highest freshets.

Alao, Lota No. 17 and 18 on die Pier. Also, for e<ile,'several lots of ground on tbe weat

side of Washington Square, near Lydiua atreet; on Malcom, Clinton and Morton streets: and one lot on S. Pearl st., 33 foet in front and 100 deep, near Mr. Joseph Fry's.


T O LET—From the first o 1 May next, die three story d we ling house 157 Wash­ington st., occupied bjrfthe subscriber, of whom enquire.

mr31-4t J. F. BACON. TO LET—Abousein Washington at., opposite to Nott *. Co.'a furnace

A house in State at. opposite the burial ground

Store and cellar No. 47 Waahington st. Two stores No. 11 and 13 Beaver st Several lota on tbe Pier.

AUGUSTUS JAMES, mr22 «2 North Pearl at.


LA W an>

Hit T H E O L D P E A R L - S T R E E T HOUSE, AND OHIO HOTEL, 84. 86,88 and 90 Pearl atreet, and 54, 56 and 58 Water stH New York—Thesubscriber respectfully informs the merchants snd

the public in general, that he has become the pro­prietor of the above establishment, having purchas­ed the furniture and leased the house for a term of Sears for a Commercial Boarding House, and he

alters himself, from the long experience he has had in the business, he can give general satialaction; and for the convenience ot his customers he haa attached an Ordinary to the establishment, so mat they may obtain Warm Dinners from 12 till 4 o'elock, for their accommodation. Tbe location of this estsb-lishment is too well known to need a description, being in the business part of Pearl atreet. and in tbe immediate vicinity of Wall atreet and die principal Transportation Companies. It is alao convenient te die auction stores, now generally located in Wil beat, near Pearl at. Fifty Rooms are added to tbe above establishment,

N. B. Terms for Board $1 per dny. ap4-tf B.DOUGLASS.

TO LET—The 2 story dwelhng house and lot situate en the corner 01 N. Market and Van Tromp street. Possession may be had on the first day of May next. En­quire of GERTRUDE GATES,

No. 4 Van Tromp at.

day 12th aaat,, eg 10 o'clock. at die aasre of Thomas H. Sroitb A Son,, ISaJJoora at., tbe entire cargo ef teas imported in shipCismatee, eonaiaiii

Young h;a»n la ^aeia. half do, box.,

Hyson skin de 4m imperial 00 00 Gunpowder do de Souchong 60 do Pouebeag do de P a o e T ^ do 4» Cassia in mam The above leas have beenwlected widi greet care,

and are represented of fine quality. Caiaiogutaw.il

de de do I

andy aad Thursday. epy-St

. „ SALTED FUR SEAL SKINS. L. M. HOFFMAN A CO. will soil, oa Saturday

IsHbinst., stlrfo clock, at me store of Spaflord 4b Tifoaton, 149 Water et.

5640 superior salted fur sealskins, being an entire parcel, aad in perfect order ap7-llt

S P L E N D I D D A H L I A S - T h e loi-lowing are a part of a list of splendid dou­ble dahlias from the Albany Nursery ot Buel A. Wilson. I ta collection of dahlias contains more than 3fW fine double vane-

ties, and 1 J surpassed by none in ihe Union. Sold according to their catalogue prices, with printed di­rections For tbair culture ana management.

Barrett's Susannh; king of die whitea. Le brilliant; Romulus; Halt's Mogul; Foster's incomparable; Countess o? Liverpool; Queen of Wirtemburg; Globe crimson; Ieabella; magnet; Celvil'e perfect*, pure yellow; Navarino Balou; Orange and ye!low dwarf; Wefle'e dwarf lilac; Lord John R nasal I; Trteoda purpurea; Bella forma; Tborburn'a favorite; dwarf light purple; Semi-doable white; white; Wood's dwarf red; Groombridge's MateteJy; Elixibeth; A ban dan te Flora; imperial; Scarlet turban; Ecfipae; wiihall die common va-

rieuee, too numerous 10 mention. W. THORBURN, Seedsman & Florist,

N. Market at., opposite post office. Also, jusi received, tbe roots ot die following, viz:

Jacobean Lily, a very magnificent flower. Tiger flower. Double French Tuberose, which are war­ranted to flower; suitable for planting in pots or open ground.

Orders received for Fruit and Ornamental Trees from Buel A Wilson, W. Prince ok. Son's', L. I., which will receiv prompt attention. mr3'-daclw »|K» M A N U F A C T U R E R S A N D C A P I -X TALISTS-Will beenld at public auction (it

not disposed ot previously) on the nlteenUi day of A-prilnext, at 12o"clock noon at die Troy House, N. Y., the valuable property situated near die mansion of George Tibbi ts, esq., on die north aide of tba Po-esten Kill, within tbe bounds of tbe aty of Troy, in the county of Rensselaer, state of New York, con­sisting of from 55 to 60 acres of choice land, valuable from ne proximity to tbe centre of business at Troy, and admitting of being laid out into private resi­dences; embracing alao a perpendicular fall of water of about 30 feet, and rapids in addition thereto, with about 50 feet fall.

Tbe Poesten Kill is a large and never failing stream, and die location of the premises affords ta -cilitiea for menu lecturing purposes not aurpassed by anv in tbe atate.

For a more particular description and inJermatien aa to terms, apply to DAVID BUEL, Jr. Esq.. counsellor at law, Troy, or to J. T. R VAN VECHTEN, Albany. Dec. 9, 1833.

de23~diaol5 iLf* The sale of the abovementioned property ia

postponed until Mondsy die 30di day of June next, at the aame hour and place. Albany, March 18, 1834. mrl9-didclaw

O* The papers heretofore requested to publish die above advertisement, will continue it with die addi­tion of the postponement, aa often aa before direct­ed, until die day of sale, and sand their bills to J. T. B. Van Vecbten. esq., ot this aty.

DO H E s f i c GOODS. 16 balos brown sheeting

it do yL^^r^9^1

4 Z Sack d o ^

m ap-*>-lw

MUSTARD—Engl iah Mustard, a superior arti­cle, juatree'd and for sale by

* * J. W. BAT, Druggists, af Bute and S. Market sts. mr4 comer

CO N G R E S S W A T E R Bottled at the Springs yesterday Juet ree'd via Railroad by ~- " THOS, TREADWELL.

D l RECTORV mr2»*

j 7 o . D1X, 11 Green at.

n p H E undersigned have ee abliahed X vesse'iaasali

the following — , « ~ , . . . . . . iine of packets between Wlbany and j Philadelphia, leaving each port regularly once a week. GoorR. Miller, master.

FamL J. Buahnell, do C. O. Sickles, do Wm.A.McKee , do C. F. Hoag, H. KnowUon, do


To tbe Junior Members of tbe Tount eociation

Men's As-

Dr. Geo. Cooke, through the F.xecatjve Commit. » offsrea Premium of $'X u> tbe audurofthe

beat Ear»v on , _ . „'. ' / " The formadi-m of Character. Tbe wraveto be Members of the Awocianon, and

BeteseV'baaaxaol l«ani i9v^am The Eaeays v»heh*4Mtor™ Corresponding aeeretarf 00 of wafer* * e f> rat of Mav next- A com mi itee or utte-nry deadeeaen will doci la oa me raants ol thr> r a aaya. op5-" '¥TR<'*lBl'LL'N D E C L A R A T I O N OF

. 1 lNDEPENDENCE-Tbe c»py righ; of this aa4ea4<d Envmnng having heon purchased of Col. Tra-nbuJI at die price et g»»,iJ00, Coptea ire now of asred lelhepub'tc at die reduced price oi 1H': die swbaenption price having been $*l. Cd. Trumbull aparad netdier expenae nor trouble ia procuring cor­rect likeweans. and the print ia allowed by alt. to etand without a rival aa a correct historical picture.

Bubacnptioas received at the looking Glass Store of ROB T L . KEARNEY No. 16 Green St., aad No. 3aR Nortb Market at., Albany, where the print raay be examined. mr 6

2"D S U P P L Y FRENCtl MOROCCO SHOES, Knaf with tur, for -he tadiaa. suitable

for tba season, and very handsome, opposite Me-abanica' a% Farmers'Bank.

ISAAC D. 1 L U O T T .

Schr. Gen. Trotter, do William Seymour, do Three Brothera, do Henry, do Charfea Carro'l,

Sloop Geo. Washington, . - . -—• These vessels are all of the hrst class, command­

ed by men experienced in the trade, and have ample accommodations for passengers. For freight or pas-Mire anoly to die masters on Soard. or to eego,s«uy W M c g X p M A N .


Ownera and Agents. Albany, or to JOSEPH HAND,

_ r j j Agent. Philadelphia.^ FOR P H I L ADELPiIIA~Regula~r Line—The packet schr. CHAS. CAR­ROLL. C. F Hoig, master.

For freight or nassage, apply to the

NOTICE—The copartnership heretofore exist­ing between die subscribers, under die firm of

Hendricks A Smyth, expired by its own limitation on the 17th March, 1834. Either party will attend to the closing of tbeir unsettled business. N. York, March 17, 1834.


NOTICE—The eubscriber will continue the com­mission business on his own account, and solicits a continuance of die patronage of hie friends.

mr24-tw fSAAC F. SMYTH. Baskets of Champagne, among which are Crossbow, a superior brand, also Lasaeur in

pints, verv fine, forsa>e by M'CABE A BROWNLEE,

mr24 No. 1 Green. 1 door from State st.



g CHILD'S A L B A N Y D I R E C T O R Y A 1 J CITY R E G I S T E R . F O B 1834-35— The aubscriber respectfully^informs t»£ otisens of Albany, that hia DIRECTORY OF THE CITY for tbe current year, will be published at aa early a day as possible after the coming first day of May.— He aeks die patronage of the public. Advertise­ments are reapectfuliv solicited. Albany, March 31 1834. mr3l E. R. CHILD.

P R U N I N G T R E E S , MARING G A R D E N S , AC—To my friends and the public in general—Tbe subscriber bees leave to state to his friends and tbe public in general, mat he has made proper ar-

angemeuts for pruning treea aad vines, die laying out end dressing gardens in an approved and tasteful style, &c.

He also begs leave to return his grateful thank a for the liberal patronaga he has received, and solicits s continuance «t tbe same, which, by due attention to husineaa, he hopes to merit. Orders left at Wm. Thorburn's seed store 3^5 N. Market St., will re­ceive prompt attention.



•—"Wvi!. 6 5 o n the Dock.

SP R I N G PATTERW8— A fresh aaaortment of E'agmt Hata of various quahtiea. Also,

cloth cape f.r men, new stjle. A variety of youths and boy* caps of tasty patterns: children s 'ancy silk and other cape, at MAY ELL'S, io South Mttikei atreet. np2 I GARDEN S E E D S — Rni*ed at New Lebanon v K and put up in papers, by the a>ciery of Shikera, for sale in boxes at a discount, at the store of



BriiishCoUege of Health, London—Thia celebrated medicine for sale at the corner of Lvdiua <5t Church streeta. E. MURDOCK, Agent

for the city and county ot Albany. It haa been deemed advisable for the protection of

th« public from th • daily impositions practised by druggists, pedlars and others, to add an extra label on each packet oi the genuine Mornaon'a Pills, which 1 Hunt bear the signature ot each agent through whose hands it passes. mr20

t7H>R SALE—Those two valuable lot* of ground together with the buildings thereon, situate, die

one on Church street, and the other on Lydiua at, loming each other in the rear, now in the possession of Elba Baker as stage stables. They will be sold srparaM er toge.her as nny best suit the purchaser. For terms apply to SILAS T. RICE, 37 States!., ot E. BAKER, stage office,S. Market at., Albany.


I tO LEI'—A lot smated in Orchard st., adjoin­ing the house of Horace Pierce, on the south.—

Said lot ia newly fenced and will make a good lam-ber or wood yard. _,

le'l-tf Wfl.LARD A LAWRENCE.

BOOTS ANf> SHOES— 1 he enheenber is now receiving hia epring supply uf boots and

shoes, and Ins thia d iy received a prime lot of Men's cull peg'd bouts Lid;, s" kid spring slips

do do san-Rts do do Greci m ties do do laced thick sole shoes do morjci-uelipe

Misses' do do For sale by die rase, doesn and aingle, at No. 11

Green st. apl JOSHUA • . D1X.

I N CHANCERY Before the Chaaeellor. George Bipbembernh and Catharine his wife, and Wandel Rip-

bemberth and Elisabeth his wife, eamplainairts, vs. Jneeb Ripherobereh and Hannah bis wife, John Riubembergh andPeery bis wife, Hency Rir^mberjIaBior, D.vidRjp-bembsiih and Elisabeth his wife, John Kink and Hannah his wife, Gilbert Sharp* and Margaret hia wife Thomas G Havnes and Hannah his wife, John AMHW Bailey and Elsie hit wife, Stephen Dolphand Margaret bit wife, Or-rin I.. Halited and Mary bis wife, Rut* Riphembergh, Willliua Rn.heniber£h. Jeremiah Riphembergh, Hiram Rinhemberfh, Paidos Tiiiktepattghand ©iaabetb his wife, Edward S. Haynes and Catharina his wife, Henry Rip-hetnbersh and Anv his wife. Leah Ripherr.brrth, George Riphembergh, Sidney Riphembergh, Edward Ripbera-ber^hTjohB Ripberaberfh, Sally Ann Riphembergh, Aloa-10 Riphembergh, Lorenxo Ripbemberah- Catharine Rip­hembergh, Henry Wageoner and Polly his wife, George Wastoner and Pollv his wife, Luther JiaBice mul Elixa-herb hi. wife, Wilham Loup and Magdalsji hit wife. Mat*j thias WagfeiieT, John Snvder and Mary Sis wire, Wallace Thornton and Catharine his wife, AdamVan Drewen and Anna hi* wife, Nancy Waggoner and Margaret Waggon­er, defendants, „ , . .

In Borsuanee and by Ttrtee of tbe proviaiom of tbe stat­ute in web ease made and provided, and ef an order of tbe eobrt ef chaneery made and entered in das above entitled cause, node* i» hereby given to all persons having any ge­neral lien er incumbrance, by judgment er decree, on any undivided interest or share in the premisss described in the bill of complaint which is filed in said caase, and of which partition l» sought thereby, t» produee before me, at my office ia StanwU Hall, in the city of Albany, on or before the twentieth say of May next, proof of all snch liens er ineumhf ancee, togedwr widi aatUfeetory evidence of die a-mount due thereon.

The premises des-ribed ia said mil of complaint, are a ferm of land m the town of Bethlehem ia tiM-ouHty of Al-henv, eontainins abo.it rirty-thrre acres, ofwhiiihHenry Rtnhember-h, who died on the «Sth dav of December ISSf, w»s seiredat tbe lime of hisoeath, and had been so seised nnceir#ftveirlSoa,andwhi.a, anon his death intestate descended to the above named parues. orsome of them, as Ms heir. .1 law. D«ed A l h a n v ^ . l j ^ ^ ^

,p7^.,v Master in Chawtety.

V esder of thehon. Rirharrl Riker, recorder of Die ctty ef New York, aoticeis hereby «ivsa,r<nrmiantio the

i>ravi«oatofthe ra'ute an'horising atBicBmea's agaiBst -„--«.«i4«,t Worm, that an a*tar_hmeBt Baa issued atatnst

I f R S . L. C R O S B Y ' S * I HOUSE—Mra. Croaby (widow of the late F

II. Crosby) would inform her friends, that she hex removed from die Hotel, for many years kept by F. H. Crosby, to the three story brick dwelling house No. 62 Hudson st (south side, one door west of Green St.), where she will be happy to accommodate her old friends with pleasant rooms and board; and would be pleased to receive a tew permanent board­ers. apl-t27

EW GOODS—Rich French prima of die cel­ebrated Hartman manufacture, fast colore, good

blkand blue blk silks. Irish linens very cheap, alack Italian cravats, blch d shining, brown sheetings, light and dark chintz prints, Ac. Ac. st

WILLIAM BAGLET'S, mr22-dac Corner 8. Market aad H udson sts.

( iLOTU F I N I S H MOLESKIN—Just re-J chived 2 cases good moleskin. Also, broad

cloths, table covers, and a variety of other goods, which are offered at low prices.

WM. BAGLET, mr25-dac Car. 8.Market A Hudaon sts.

C^OLLAK CLOTH, worsted serge, saddle J trees, stirrups, girth aad suramins; webb, juet

received and for sale by STEELE A WARREN,

BirH 3t8 8. Market at. 1 C I \ boxes Oranges (Maaaena) 1 %J\3 60 hhds prime New Orleans molasses

50 tiercee rice 30 casks sale r a tua, just ree'd and for aale by

EDWARD H. COOK, ap3 No. 70 Quay st

REMOVAL—The subscriber has removed his Office to No. 67 Slate at. over the Bookstore ot

W. C. Little. ap3 19AAC O. DAVIS,

Will. A A . G O U L D at CO. have just pub­lished and for aale:

A Treatise on Dower, comprising a digest of die American decisions, and tbe provisions of tb» re­vised statutes of tbe state of New York, by Eli Lam­bert, eeq.; l&M.

Alao, let vol. Edwarda' Chancery Reports; Mc-, Coun, vice chancellor; together with a general aa-j aortreent of modern Law Books and Bl inks- sp3

M" A D E I B A WINE—Just ree'd from public stores, ten casks superior old Madeira wine,

imported from the bouse of I. Howard. Marcb A Co., Madeira, and wilt be aold low by

ap3 THQ8. TREADWELL. 1VE GEKSE FEATHERS—**J0 lbeT* prime lot, for sale at tbe upholstery store of

ILLS OF E X C H A N G E ON D U B L I N —The subscribers will furnish bills of exchange

on Dublin for any amount to suit purchasers. Said bills will be made payable to tbe order of tbe person to whom they are to be remitted, and for further eaiety, duplicate bilk will be given- Said bills can be negociated in any part of Europe.

GOUGH oVHERRING, fel2-dac cor. 8. Market A Hudaon ate.

L i ST. J . B . L SKINNER and ISAAC W. R. BROMLET have formed a copartnership in Law business, (commencing 1st May, 1832,) and will faithfully attend to bum ness entrusted to their cars, in any of the Courts of Law or Equity of this state.

Office, Margaretau Plattsburgh,Clinton co. New Tork. apl8-dac

PA T E N T S M U T MILLS For cleaning grain, a very superior article, met prepared for

aale at die Clinton Furnace No. Wl Beaver st. jy22-dac RATH BONE * SILLIMAN.


NO. 81 NORTH PEARL STREET. Certificate—I am bap ,,fcm giving my name to the

Rublic in testimony of the professional skill of Mr. lelson (my late partner). Mr. N. inserts artificial

teeth in such s manner ss to secure boh durability and beauty, while in the art of plugging teeth he ea-pecially excels. Troy, Sept. 18, 1833.


NOTICE—Venders and others in the state of New York indebted to Messrs. YATES A

McINTYRE, are requested to make payment to their Agent, A. E.BROWN, No. 378 S. Market at., Albany, or to D. S. GREGORY, No. 164 Broadway New York, who are duly authorised to settle the same; at which offices all out-standing prize tickets will be redeemed, and other claims ad­justed, until die first of May next

Ail unaettled l>alances. net before liquidated, will, on die first of March next, be put into tbe hands ef dveir attorney for collection.

YATES A M'INTYRE, deSO-tf Managers of die N. Y. Lotteries. Tbe subacriber will continue to conduct the EX.

CHANGE BUSINESS inaJlitsbrancLsa—buying, selling sod collecting drafta on all parte of tbe Uni­ted States, in connection witb die late agents of Yates A M'Intyre. A. E. BROWN,

37S South Market st. f f l H E subscribers give notice, that in conformity I with the rerixed statutes of the state, and for tbe

better and more uniform regulations of trade, they wil! hereafter use, in all sales by weight, tbe stand-ard established by law, of two thousand pounds to the ton, snd the proportional parts thereoi. Alba­ny, January 4, 1S34.


ja6-dtmyl I D E S , OIL A N D L E A T H E R l a e subscribers offer lor sale at No. 24 State at., in

lots to suit purchasers 2,009 Buenos Ayres Hides 1.000 Rio Grand do 800 Pernambuco light salted 900 Angustora

3,000 aides hemlock or oak tanned aole leather 500 sides wax upper, slaughter and Spanish

Morocco, lining and binding akine, shoe thread, Seal skins, finished and in tbe hair. 500 African hides for covering trunks

2.000 upper leather hides 150 brls cod liver Oil, pure

Those in want of any of tbe above articles are re­quested to call on


the es-ate of WII .UAM O. SMITH,^jses^resWent of the state of New York, and a resident of NovaSeoim, and that • |»ta i i tewi«l«*etdtbrt l«p«yawwot' •»• deb's, usless he anosar andclis harse eu h an* hment, accerding to law, wt'hlTnine months from Use irst nobliraUoa o f tb^ot tre , and that the payment of any debs due to him by residents of thia suite, snd the delivery »oMm or fcr his use, of any *ronertv within this i f f betoafing •J*"* . «*' I the trans­fer ofary tu h property bv him are tbrSidea by law aad are v m i ' Dated thetth day of Asxfl. « * « ; I A W

ap7-»» AQetmeyiwaaa^iBgcreaW.

L D Java and Mocha Coflee J2&.>"«c'd~by mrM THOMAS tlWKADWtLL.

jn20 P. M. MORANGE,

313 N Market st.

D Always dying, and yet living.

YEING A N D SCOURING—The sub­scriber wishes to direct die attention of dm public to that branch of hia business which consists of clean­ing ladies' and gentlemen's wearing apparel, an op­eration which, from die peculiar convenience of hia works, ha i» enabled to go dirough witb every day, as that a suit oi clothes may, in a few hours, be done in die beat manner. He has in bis employ good and experienced workmen, which added to hia own close attention to die business, enables him to say, tbat all hie work shall he well done, and upon as rea­sonable terms as possible. All kinda of shawls and rundkeicbieia cleaned in die beat manner and in die French aty le. Black merino and cashmere shawls restored to their original colour without injuring their border.

All die various shades of dyeing done. Of all the colors under die sun,

Promptitude snd punctually may be depended on, No. 14 Store lane, late die eatablishment of Ro­

bert Martin. rarlO^m WILLIAM GIFF1N.

do eeaase3-4eioths, 5 do brown shining 2 cases biach and co! ij

30 boxes mould candle* 40 do dipt do lOUs aw 00 soap

A K U W A I U i NOT1 H WARREiS, importers aad dealers in Hsrd-ware, Saddlery, Cutlery. Gunstrmhry, Fewhn Guna, Piatola, Ac. A c reapeedelly inform their friends aad the public tbat tbey are miw receiv ng tbeir usual stock of goods direct from tbe beet Euro­pean markets. Thwr stock embraces its usual va­riety and ia offered oa tbe usual terms.

They reapectfully eoKeit the continued patronage ol daeir city and country mistomers. 1 "* at H I N T U N V ' nnder die

FL'KNACfc Ihe firm ol RATH BONE

suiactibeta, A SILLi

MAN, have purchased die Clinton Furnace, here* tofore carried oa by Frencie Low, and are now prepared to do aii kind of Caanngs on die meet aa. vorable terms. JOEL RATH BON E,

LEVJ SILLIMAN. L. Sil'.iman, late of Townaend'a Furnace, will

make calculations for all kind of Mill Gearing, Fee tories, A c April 1. 1833. mylT-dac

1LLIAM B A G L E Y basiuet ree'd tba tot lowing among otber desirable gooda, which

are offtred at reasonable prices, corner South Mar kat and Hudaon ats.

Dark ginghsms, new patterna, pnnrO, merino circMeians, chinrx prists, wbite and red Engliah flannels, gloves snd hosiery Irish linens snd cambric bk/s merino shawls. louablk tliibeldo, blk andcol'd silks, blk bombaxittee, blk Italian In» . rings, blue and green cloib taLle covers, abirunga and abeetinga. aeeXMlac

-OAX AP,D I H O N — M A . \ T S WARU ffer for sale:

10,000 bushels of Virginia Coal 300 tons Lehigh Coal of superior qaaiav 100 tone Salisbury pig iron, No. 1 25 tons Scotch do da

10,000 English fire brick 4.000 American do

Alao, Areboy sand and etay Albany Eagle Air Furnace, No. 84 Beaver at. mrtT-daeSm


will occupy the atore No. 28 State atreet, 2 doors be­low Market street, Albany.

EL1SHA N . P R A T T , je25-dac JOHN G. T R E A D W E L L .

AL B A N Y E A G L E A 1 K H h > A ( l , at MACHINE S H O C - M A N Y * W A R D .

Proprietors, (late Corning, Norton A Co.) menu-factare to order, iron casunga for gearing mills and fsetorioa ol every deacripiiwn. Alto, malt mils , mashing machines, eteamengines. Ae. Their col­lection of patteme ie very extenaive, embracing al­most every calculation required. %

A constant supply of potash kettles, cauldrons, bark nulls, paper nu il screws and press plates, staves, hollow ware, torge barmwrs, waggon boxes, aaah weights, 7, 14. 2h, 30. 50, 56 and 60 lb wemhts, Ed­wards' scale beams. Pull's platform scales, aicigh' abacs, hall ecrapere, portable furnaces, hawser irons, mandrills for ooppersmidis, A c A c may be found on band at all times.

M. A W . having made several additions of

[dough patterna to their former e-eoruuent. now pub-iah, for tbe benefit of their country customers, a

new and perfect list ofploogh castings, manufactured by them.

Starbuck's Clutc's Bryant's Gibson's Wood's (or i Freeborn's Ttce'a Wright's Hudaon Russell's Wood's Chamberlain'

Also, tbe celebrated aide hill ploigha, Nee, 1 aad 2, together with shares of various other kinds.

Country founders can be supplied witb pig iron, fire brick, coal, Ambny sand and clay.

Boring, turning and finishing, jn all their various branches executed with neatness and despatch; al­ao, screws cut to order.

Wm. V. Many, millwright, will furniah plana and calculations for mills, Ac .

Patterna made to order. Cotton machinists may obtain caatinga at due

furnace made of Scotch iron. Allorders will receive prompt attention, snd cast

ings forwarded to any pert 01 the U. States or Cans da. Orders may be addressed to Many A Ward, 84 Bearer street, Albany, or to tbe care of Measaa. E rastus Corning A Co., of whom, also, every inform ation may be obtained. mrJ7-dac3m

E M I N O S H A W L S ol Henequin's manufac­ture, new patterna and beat quality. Also, va­

ry neat printed striped silks and striped ginghsms, iustrecrdal WM. B A G L E Y ' s ,

rye" corner 8 . Market and Hudson ats.


0 . 1 do <\o do do do do do do do do

, 2 and 3 . D land 2i 1.2. - | . 3 and 4 2, 3, 4, 5 and « 1, 2 j , 3 and 4, A 2, A 0, 1, 2 aad 2 | » ,D " 2 C, S, l | ,2and3. old 3

' | > H E subacriber respectfully informs hie lriends JL and the public that he will continue (at hia pre

sent stand 378 South Market street) to transact LA CHANGE AND BROKERAGE bur-ine*s gene rail v. A share of public favor is solicited.

de3I J. N. M. HCRD.

W ING'S PATfcVT W A T E R HltJLLL Notice—Whereas attempts are making, no

der cover of certain alleged improvements, surrepti tiously obtained, to introduce Caat Iron Reacting. Water Wheels, constructed on the same distinctive principlrsas Wing's Patent Wheels, so well known —end whereas said alleged improvements, even dx>* they had not been surreptitiously obtained, would conlerno right to die use of die original Wheel it-aelf, to which they have been attached, without tbe consent of the patentee who ia himself the rightful owner snd aole inventor both of aaid Wheel in its original form and of said alleged improvements re­cently attached thereto; aa will be apparmt to any one that will take die trouble to call arid examine the original drawings of botk, and the certificates ac-eompanyincthesamenowin hispoeecsrion. There­fore to put the public on their guard against sn im­position attempted to be practised on them, and to prevent hereafter all color of apology on the ground of unintentional mistake, all personsar* hereby dis­tinctly inlormed that the purchase of the CAST IRON REACTING WATER WHEEL, of sny other individual or individuals or company, in tbe states of New-York or New-Jersey, than the sub scrtbera, will be a violation of their veMed rights; nnd that die purchaser will in all cases, be held by them responsible tot such violation.


PA K T N £ R W A ft TED—A person who is in die retail dry gooda business, in a pleasant part

of the city, wants a partner with a capital of from 1 u>3 thousand dollsrs. To such a person, .there will be s very good opportunityjuffcred" te engage in hu-eineea. Enquire st ' ' this office. mr4-1m


11 V I E aubscriber begs -I leave to inform bis

friends and tbe public in general, tint he h.-s re­moved his Manufactory to the corner of William and Hamilton street*, in die rear of tbe barying ground where be will conunoe to

carry on making Door and Bank Locks, and hang ing House Bella in die beat msnnc*; and has on hand a large assortment of hinges hooks, stsples, barpe, turn buckles, snd spnnfi latches for blinds and shut­ters. Also, peck axes, stone hammers A c Ac.— Horaeaboeing, coach and waggon work done in die best manner. Locks repaired and keye of all kinda fired. Albany, February 8. 1834.

feg-dim JOSEPH BLACKALL. [\T O T I C E — A person having an enure set ot daa I t New Edinburgh Encyclopedia will bear ol a purchaser by addressing a line to B L, through die post office, naming price, and stating whedier bound or in boards. _ mro-tf

C H A M P A G N E — A fresh supply el ibe J erwovedJ»rejida,inatjec^^d_foraaleby

and for aale by mrl4

U 4 f V l l V l » > T I V . | W 0 l l l ' l i e

A. H. A U S T I N , No. 348 N. Market st.. 1 door from State.


no2u* E. R. SATTERLEE, 81 Sute ac


The annual election for Twenty-five Directore ol due Company will be held at die office of th/> Com­pany. N". 44 state at., oa Wednesday the 9di day of April next, between die hoars ef 1st o'clock at noon and 2 P. M. March 20, 1834. By order.

mr-21-td R. VAN RENSSELAER, Sec'v.

DR A F T S at aigtit on New York, for sale by felt * GOUGH A HERRING.

SILK w O R M G U T Just received, a few thouaand of thia superior article, tor aale bv

mrSI 3 « S. Market's:

UENTIST—DR. No. 34 Green at..

CUYLER S Rooma are at where be inserts all kiada of

Artificial Teeth. As a substitute for dm natural weth, however, nothing baa yet been found equal to the Incorruptible Porcelain or Flint Teeth, of which he has every variety of ahade and farm, ao aa to suit any case, AU other Dental operatione, such as plugging, cleansing, extracting, A c , performed with tbe least p' <seible inconvenience to das patient.

Tooth Brushes, Powders, Ac. selected orpreuar-ed to euil a diseased er healdiy atate ei tbe Gums or Teeta. lelf-if

SU P E R I O R W I N E S , warranted pure, im­ported by THOMAS TREADWELL,

rar2B 338 N. Market at. r111 I E subscribers have formed a copartnership JL for die practice of LAW. Their office is st No.

55 State at. Tbey will attend to business in any of the courts of law or equity in the state- Marcb 21, 1834. R O B E R T B- B A T E S .

mr22-dac3w T H E O D O R E R MEYN.

BO O T S A N D S H O E S U N D E R T H E OLD MUSEUM—Tbe subacriber baa on band

an extensive aaaortment of boots aad shoes, which be will dispose of at wholesale or retail at reduced

meat I prices, at 380 South Market at. • g H. WELLS.


No. 8 and 10 Old Slip, up stairs, 2doorabck>w Pearl street, and dose to the Ohio Hotel or Pearl Street House (New York), imports snd keeps eonsunily on band a very largeaasortment of GERMAN AND FRENCH FANCY GOODS, hardware, clocks,

aad glass mantle ornaments, work aad dressing cases, nst and tancy glass ware, framed looking glaaaes,

glass and aeed beads, bead bags, mock jewelry, coaa-moa and fine toya, glass toys, snuffboxes, lesdpen-cils, quiUa, waaara, and a great variety ef goods in this line of buaneea. aad oilers them tor sals st low prices, aad at accommodating terms. Gentlemen, visiting New York are respectfullv invited te call, aa be will be pleased to ascommodata diem.

mr8-3m £aarl I W W I Havana, Suaaiab, Hall Spanish and v^vfjVfl/V/odierSegara. just ree'd and for aafe vary low at COHEN A MARKS'S,

ejg Ne.eHemiltoast.

I \ O U H L E Brownstout and Porter, quarts and U * i~- i 0" r¥Sb1«*S TKEADWELU

• i t B O H i . 1 . 1 .

via * ouckSAS,

factaretaia x^glend, wauAthey wdlatake tiptoe*. aVwiaaaawn-ovedatyle. Gaadeineaara reapeet-

smsS&sSsissr- *-<tay

_ Jit^mmum^M •'— •**•* " ^ ' -

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