name index - springer978-94-009-2883-1/1.pdf · name index german names with "von" are...

Post on 13-Sep-2019






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German names with "von" are listed alphabetically under the main surname, e g, Alexander von

Humboldt IS found under "Humboldt, Alexander v" Not everyone entitled to use "von" did so

consistently, so It may not always appear In the Index In particular, "von" has been omitted from all

Struve names, even though Wilhelm and all his descendants were entitled to use It SimIlarly, French

names that take "de" are lIsted under the surname, but note that the EnglIsh astronomer "de la Rue" IS

found under "0"

Married women are lIsted under their married surnames, but cross-references are given under their

malden names whenever these have also been used In the text

Members of reigning houses are gIven under their usual names, e g , the Kings of Prussia are found

under "Friedrich Wilhelm"

RelatIOnships given In parentheses With the dates are to Wilhelm Struve, unless otherwise specified

Abbe, Cleveland (1836-1916) American astronomer and meteorologist who vIsited Pulkovo 36, 68, 72, 105-7,

164, 169 pasSim, 196, 199-201, 221

Adams, John Couch (1819-1892) British astronomer who successfully predicted the positIOn In which Neptune

would be found 135-6

Airy, Annot (fl 1865) daughter of George Blddell Airy 163, 194

Airy, ChrIStabel (fl 1870) daughter of George Blddell Airy 193-4

Airy, George Bidden (1801-1892) Seventh Astronomer Royal of England from 1835-1881 59,85 90-101,102,

109,117,131 paSSIm, 146, 150-54, 156 paSSIm, 163 paSSIm, 186 paSSIm, 209, 211, 217, 233

Airy, Rlcharda (n~e Smith 1804-1875) wife of George Bidden Airy 91,92,96-7, 163, 193

Airy, Wilfrid (fl 1890) son of George Bidden Airy (who also had a nephew of the same name) 163, 194

Aitken, Robert Grant (1864-1951) well-known American observer of double stars, Director of the Lick

Observatory 139

Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria (1819-1861) 136

Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (1841-191O) King Edward VII of Great Britain from 1901 195

Alexander I (1777-1825) Tsar of RUSSIa from 1801 13, 17,36,49,67,219

Alexander II (1818-1881) Tsar of RUSSia from 1855 67,101,107,157,160,164,171,187

Alexander III (1845-1894) Tsar of RUSSia from 1881 213,220

Alexandra Feodorovna (fl 1830) Tsarina to Nicholas I 78

Angstrl'>m, Anders Jonas (1814-1874) Swedish phYSICist who gave hiS name to the Unit used for measuring

wavelengths of lIght 174

Anna (1693-1740) Empress regnant of RUSSia from 1730 36

Anne, St (fl 14th century) RUSSian Duchess, later canonized and patron saint of RUSSian order of chivalry




Arago, Dominique Fran~ois (1786-1853) French astronomer and physicist, Director of Paris Observatory from

1843: 58, 103.

Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August (1799-1875) Director of the observatories of Abo (1823), Helsingfors

(1832) and Bonn (1837), renowned for his work on variable stars: 37-9, 105, 122, 136-9,140 passim,

156, 166, 214.

Auwers, Georg Friedrich Julius Arthur (1838-1915) German astronomer who made a new reduction of

Bradley's observations: 183, 188, 216, 222, 226.

Backlund, Johan Oskar (1846-1916) Swedish astronomer who lived and worked in Russia, becoming Director

of Pulkovo in 1895: 175, 209, 220, 223-7, 233.

Baer, Karl Ernst v. (1792-1876) "father of modern embryology": 20, 131.

Baily, Francis (1774-1844) founder member of the Royal Astronomical Society: 65.

Bakhuyzen, Hendrick Gerard van de Sande (1838-1923) Director of Leiden Observatory c. 1870-1908: 223.

Bartels, Anna (nee Saluz 1785-18(7) wife of Martin Bartels: 71.

Bartels, Johanna: see Struve, Johanna.

Bartels, Martin (1769-1836 father-in-law) mathematician who taught Gauss and Lobachewsky; professor of

mathematics at Dorpat from 1820: 61, 69 passim, 85, 200.

Basmer, Pastor (fl. 1760) patron of Jacob Struve in Elmshorn. 2.

Baumann, 18th century instrument maker: 37.

Becker, Ernst Emil Hugo (1843-1912) Appointed Director of Gotha Observatory (1883) and of Strasbourg

Observatory (1887): 216, 225.

Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908) discoverer of radioactiYity and third in a line of four physicists: 235.

Belopolsky, Aristarch Apolonovich (1854-1934) appointed by Otto Struve to Pulkovo staff; became Director

later: 243.

Berg, Friedrich Georg (d.1810) Estonian landowner and patron of Wilhelm Struve: 15, 17, 20, 36.

Berg, Alexander (b. 1803) son of Friedrich Georg Berg: 15.

Berg, Friedrich Wilhelm Rembert v. (1794-1874) eldest son of Friedrich Georg Berg, staff officer to Gen.

Pahkevich: 15, 16.

Berg, Gustav (b. 1796) son of Friedrich Georg Berg: 15.

Berg, Max (b.1789) son of Friedrich Georg Berg: 15.

Berg, Frau (fl. 1800) wife of Friedrich Georg Berg: 17.

Berman, Louis (b. 1903) American astronomer formerly on the staff of Lick Observatory: 242.

Berzelius, Jllns Jakob (1779-1848) famous Swedish chemist: 61, 97-8.

Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784-1846) one of the foremost astronomers of the 19th century; Director of

Kllnigsberg Observatory from 1813: 28, 30 passim, 46-7, 51, 57, 69, 70, 73, 81, 85, 97, 101, 113

passim, 140-1, 147, 153, 181, 226, 231.

Biela, Wilhelm v. (1782-1856) Austrian officer (from Bohemia) and amateur astronomer, observer of the

comet that bears his name: 138-9.

Bird, John (c.1709-1776) British instrument maker: 28.

Bischoffsheim, Raphael Louis (1823-1906) French banker who endowed the Observatory of Nice: 202, 214-5.

Blumbach, F. (1864-1949) German astronomer who worked at Pulkovo: 224.

Bode, Johann Elert (1747-1826) German astronomer, Director of Berlin Observatory 1786-1825, chiefly

remembered for "Bode's law" of planetary distances: 48.

Bohnenberger, Johann Gottlieb v. (1765-1831) German astronomer, physicist and geodesist; author of texts

on surveying and mathematics: 19.

Bonaparte, Napoleon: See Napoleon

Bond, George Phillips (1825-1865) American astronomer who visited Pulkovo, son of William Cranch Bond:

99, 101, 102, 105, 131.

Bond, William Cranch (1789-1859) American astronomer, Director of Harvard Observatory from 1847: 99,



Bouvard, AlexIs (1767-1843) Director of Pam Observatory from 1822, first to study anomahes m the motIOn

of Uranus that led to the discovery of Neptune 59

Bradley, Rev James (1693-1762) Third Astronomer Royal of England, noted for the preCISIOn of his

observatIOns and for his discoveries of aberratIOn and nutatIOn 23-., 26, 57, 85, 113, 115, 141

Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601) Damsh astronomer, the last great observational astronomer to work before the

mventlOn of the telescope 49, 85

Bredlchm, Fedor Alexandrovlch (1831-1904) RUSSian astronomer (Director of Moscow Observatory 1873-

1890), succeeded Otto Struve as Director of Pulkovo (1890-5) 224-5, 243

Brewster, Sir DaVid (1781-1868) PhYSICist known for hiS work m optiCS, Prmclpal of the Umverslty of

St Andrews 1838-1859 150

Bruloff (or Brmllov), Alexander PavlOVich (1798-1877) Architect of Pulkovo Observatory 69,78

Burnham, Sherburne Wesley (1838-1921) famous American observer of double stars, for most of hiS career an

amateur astronomer 139, 160, 200, 207

Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881) Scottish historian and man of letters 165

Cassml, GlOvanm Domemco (1625-1712) astronomer of !tahan orlgm who became first Director of the Paris

Observatory (1671) and was succeeded by son, grandson and great-grandson 235

Catherme the Great (1729-1826) Empress regnant of RUSSia from 1762, 3ff, 66, 85, 219

Cerulli, Vmcenzo (1858-1927) !tahan astronomer, professor m Rome 226

Chance, Sir James Tlmmms (1814-1902) partner m and (from 1865) head of Chance Brothers, a British firm

of glass manufacturers, noted for hiS work on the Improvement of lenses for hghthouses 196-7, 201

Charher, Carl WIlhelm LudWig (1862-1934) Swedish astronomer noted for hiS work on star clusters 154

CMseaux, Jean-Phlhpe Loys de (1718-1751) SWISS astronomer 149

Chodzko, General (fl 1859) made astronomical site surveys for southern part of RUSSian empire 103

Christian I (1426-1481) Christian of Oldenburg, Kmg of Denmark from 1450 and Count of Holstem from

1460 1

Christian VI (c 1699-1746) Kmg of Denmark from 1730 2

ChrIStian VIII (1786-1848) Kmg of Denmark from 1839 85

Christie, Sir WIlham Henry Mahoney (1845-1922) Eighth Astronomer Royal of England from 1881-1910 191-

3, 213, 216-7, 223

Clark, Alvan (1804-1897) American telescope maker 196-199, 201, 203

Clark, Alvan Graham (1832-1897) son and partner of Alvan Clark semor 181, 197-9, 201-4

Clark, George Bassett (1827-1891) son and partner of Alvan Clark semor 197-9,201,204

Common, Andrew Amshe (1841-1903) British amateur astronomer (Fellow of the Royal Society) who apphed

photography to the study of the nebulae 216

Cook, Capt am James R N (1728-1779) British seaman and explorer 185

Cremers, LudWig (1829-95, son-m-law) msurance company director 159

Cremers, Anna (nee Struve, 1839-1896, daughter) 72, 156, 159, 241

Cronstrand, Simon Anders (1784-1850) Swedish astronomer 98

Cuvler, Baron Georges Leopold C F D (1769-1832) well-known French bIOlogist and palaeontologlst 16

DamOlseau, Marie Charles Theodor, Baron de (1768-1846) French mvestlgator of the motIOn of the Moon


Dawes, Rev WIlham Rutter (1799-1868) Enghsh clergyman, observer of double stars noted for the aCUlty of

hiS vIsion 10 1

De la Rue, Warren (1815-1889) Enghsh pioneer m solar phYSICS and astronomlcal photography 163

Delaunay, Charles-Eugene (1816-1872) noted for hiS theory of the motion of the Moon, Director of the Pans

Observatory from 1870 187

Dehsle, Joseph-Nicholas (1688-1768) French astronomer who hved and worked m RUSSia 36

Dembowski, Baron Ercole (1815-1881) Itahan amateur astronomer noted for the number and quahty of hls

measurement. of double stars 202


Denniken, Anton (1872-1947) White-Russian General: 237.

Dent, Edward J. (d. 1853) British clockmaker: lOI.

D5llen, Charlotte (nee Struve, 1824-1894, eldest daughter) wife of Wilhelm D5llen: 58, 62, 69, 98, 107, 229,


D5llen, Wilhelm (1820-1897, son-in-law) astronomer at Dorpat and Pulkovo: 76, 92, 98, 104, 106, 133, 159,

168, 171-2, 189, 213, 222-5, 229, 240.

Dollond, Peter (1706-1761) Briti.h optician, partner with his father John Dollond (1706-1761). The name is

sometimes spelled Dolland: 18-20, 27, 77.

Draper, Henry (1837-1882) American physician and pioneer of astronomical spectroscopy: 203.

Dumas, Jean-Baptiste-Andre (1800-1884) French organic chemist and early biochemist: 98.

Dunnington, Guy Waldo (b. 1906) a biographer of Gauss: 71.

Dyrssen, Emilie: see Struve, Emilie.

Dyrssen, Johann (fl. 18(0) Holstein merchant living in St Petersburg, father-in-law of Otto:62.

Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley (1882-1944) outstanding British astrophysicist: 120, 154.

Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) world-renowned scientist: 120.

Eisenstein, Sergei (1898-1948) Soviet film director: 13.

Elizabeth, (1709-1762) Empress regnant of Russia from 1741: 4, 15.

Encke, Johann Franz (1791-1865) German astronomer, Director of the Berlin Observatory from 1825,

remembered for his researches on the motions of comets: 37, 69, 70, 73, 97, 101, 119, 15Hf., 220.

Englelhardt, Moritz v. (1779-1842) Professor of mineralogy at Dorpat University: 41.

Erdmann, (fl. 1836) Dorpat professor 75.

Ertel, Traugott Lebrecht (b. 1778) German instrument maker whose sons Georg (b. 1813) and Gustav

(b. 1829) later worked with him: 68, 70, 73.

Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783) outstanding mathematician of Swiss origin, who lived and worked in Russia: 6,


Everest, Sir George (1790-1866) British Surveyor-General in India who gave his name to the world's highest

mountain: 35.

Ewers, Gustav (fl. 1825) Rector of Dorpat University: 46.

Ewers, Lorenz (fl. 1800) theologian, Rector of Dorpat University: 16.

Feil, Charles (fl. 1870) French glass-maker, founder of the St Gobain glass-works: 201.

Finsen, William S. (1905-1979) astronomer of Danish origin, observer of double stars, who lived in South

Africa: 240-1.

Flamsteed, Rev. John (1646-1719) First Astronomer Royal of England: 85.

Franz-Joseph (1830-1916) Emperor of Austria from 1848: 243.

Fraunhofer, Joseph v. (1787-1826) optician and physicist in Munich: 27-29, 30, 37, 45 passim. 70, 73,95,

113-7, 123, 127, 139, 197, 2C7.

Friedrich, I (d. 1907) Grand Duke of Baden-Wurttemburg from 1858: 227.

Friedrich Wilhelm III (1770-1840) King of Prussia from 1797: 29.

Friedrich Wilhelm IV (1795-1861) King of Prussia from 1840-1858: 136.

Frost, Edwin Brant (1866-1935) American pioneer of astronomical spectroscopy, Director of Yerkes

Observatory 1905-1932: 239.

Fuss, Georg (1806-1854) astronomer at Pulkovo and later at Vilna: 41, 66, 69, 73, 76, 89, 168.

Fuss, Nicholas (1755-1826) assistant to Euler, father of Georg and Paul: 66,235.

Fuss, Paul v. (1798-1855) permanent secretary of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences: 66, 68, 125, 145,


Fuss, Victor Friedrich (1838-1913) astronomer and son of Georg, worked at Pulkovo, later at Kronstadt: 66,

107, 168, 171.

Galilei, Galileo (1546-1642) one of the founding fathers of modern astronomy and physics: 23, 25, 115-6.


Gaspari, Adam Christian (1752-1830) professor of history, geography and statistics at Dorpat University,

related by marriage to Jacob Struve: 10, 14, 16.

Gaspari, Betty (nee Wiese, fl. 1800) wife of Adam Christian Gaspari, cousin of Maria Emerentia Wiese: 10.

Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855) great mathematician, Professor of astronomy at Gl\ttingen University: 6,

10,18-19,30-32,37,71,85, lOS, 152.

George III (1738-1820) King of Great Britain from 1760: 66.

Gerasimovich, Boris Petrovich (1889-19377) 20th-century Director of Pulkovo Observatory, pupil of Ludwig

Struve: 235.

Gerling, Christian Ludwig (1788-1864) Student of Gauss, Professor of mathematics at Marburg from 1817:


Gill, Sir David (1843-1914) H.M. Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope 1879-1906: 42, 190-3, 196, 201, 207,

209 passim, 220-3, 225 passim.

Gould, Benjamin Apthorp (1824-1896) American astronomer, founder of the Astronomical Journal: 89, 105.

Greig, Alexei Samuilovich (1775-1845) Admiral, chairman of commission in charge of building Pulkovo

Observatory: 68, 78.

Guinand, Pierre Louis (1748-1824) Swiss optician, partner of Utzschneider and teacher of Fraunhofer: 45.

Gustavus II Adolphus (1594-1632) King of Sweden from 1611: 13.

Gylden, Johan August Hugo (1841-1896) Swedish astronomer who spent some years at Pulkovo, noted for his

contributions to the theory of planetary motions: 107, 168, 171, 220.

Hall, Asaph (1829-1907) American astronomer, discoverer of the moons of Mars: 188, 210.

Halley, Edmond (1656-1742) Second Astronomer Royal of England, remembered especially for "his" comet,

but contributed to many parts of astronomy: 85, 114, 121, 140, 184.

Hamilton, Sir William Rowan (1805-1865) famous mathematician, Royal Astromoner for Ireland from 1827:


Hansen, Peter Andreas (1795-1874) native of Schleswig, Director of the Seeberg Observatory (Gotha) from

1815 to 1859: 101, 133, 171, 213.

Hansteen, Christopher (1784-1873) Norwegian astronomer and student of terrestrial magnetism: 85.

Harding, Karl Ludwig (1765-1834) German astronomer at Lilienthal and Gl\ttingen: 30-31.

Hasselberg, C. Bernhard (1848-1922) Swedish astronomer brought to Pulkovo by Otto Struve: 173, 215, 223.

Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph (1770-1843) Swiss astronomer, first Director of U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey:


Hau, Eduard (1808-1887) artist who made portraits of Dorpat professors c. 1838: 74.

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich {1770-1831} famous German philosopher: 15, 164.

Helena (fl. 1830) Grand Duchess, wife of Mikhail Palovich: 62.

Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand v. (1821-1894) outstanding 19th-century physicist and physiologist:


Henderson, Thomas (1791\-1844) H.M. Astronomer at Cape of Good Hope, among the first to measure stellar

parallax: 113, 123, 125.

Henop, Christiane (nee Struve, 1791-1861, sister): 6, 132, 241.

Henop, Kasimir (1817-1869, Nephew) worked at Repsolds' factory:70, 241.

Henop, Wilhelm (1854-1936, great-nephew) family historian: 6, 241.

Henry, Paul (1848-1905) French pioneer of astronomical photography: 213, 214.

Henry, Prosper (1849-1903) brother and colleague of Paul: 213, 214.

Herold, Leonhard (1819-1902) Pastor in Chur, Swiherland: 227.

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William (1792-1871) leading British scientist of 19th century, son of William: 24,

51, 59, 85, 101, 118-9, 121 passim, 133, 136, 147, 153-4, 163.

Herschel, Sir (Frederick) William (1738-1822) British Astronomer and musician, of German origin,

remembered especially for his discovery of Uranus: 23 passim, 45, 47 passim, 51, 59, 66, 68, li6, 101,

115, 120, 140, 145 passim, 165, 235.


Heyne, Christian Gottlob (1729-1812) c1assicalscholar, librarian of Gl'>ttingen University, teacher of Jacob

Struve: 2, 3, 10.

Hipparchos (fl. c. 130 B.C.) Greek astronomer, discoverer of the phenomenon of precession: 113.

Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) German dictator: 240, 243.

Holden, Edward Singleton (1846-1914) first Director of the Lick Observatory: 177, 214.

Homer (fl. 8th or 9th century B.C.) Greek poet: 226.

Horace (65-8 B.C.) Latin poet: 164.

Horrocks, Jeremiah (c. 1617-1641) first known observer of a transit of Venus (the name is also spelled

Horrox): 184.

Huggins, Sir William (1824-191O) British pioneer of astronomical spectroscopy: 173.

Humboldt, (Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Heinrich) Alexander v. (1769-1859) German explorer and scientist: 29,


Hussey, William Joseph (1862-1926) American observer of double stars who worked mostly at Lick

Observatory: 139.

Huth, Johann Sigismund (1763-1818) Professor of mathematics and astronomy at Dorpat University (1811-

18) teacher of Wilhelm Struve: 18-20, 45.

Innes, Robert Thorburn Ayton (1861-1933) famous observer of double stars, worked mostly in South Africa:


Jackson, John (1887-1958) H.M. Astronomer at Cape of Good Hope 1933-50: 120.

Jacoby, Harold (1865-1932) Professor of astronomy at Columbia University, married a descendant of Thomas

Maclear: 229.

Jlische, Gottlieb Benjamin (1762-1842) Professor of philosophy at Dorpat University:15.

Jensen, Christian Albrecht (1792-1870) Danish artist specializing in portraits of scientists: 84-5, 104, 130,


Kapteyn, Jacobus Cornelius {1851-1922} Dutch astronomer who cooperated with David Gill in compiling the

Cape Photographic Durchmusterung: 154, 191.

Karl, Ludwig Friedrich {1786-1818} Grand Duke of Baden-Wurttemburg from 1811: 31-2.

Karl, Wilhelm Ferdinand {1735-1806} Duke of Brunswick, patron of Gauss: 71.

KlI.stner, Abraham Gotthelf {1719-1800} Professor of mathematics and physics at Gl\ttingen University: 19.

Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) discoverer of the laws of planetary motion: 85, 86, 119-20.

Kessels, Heinrich Johannes {1784-1849} c10ckmaker in Altona: 101

Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 1824-1887} German physicist and, in particular, spectroscopist:173-4, 193.

Klausen, Gottlieb Ernst {1762-1851} professor at the Christianeum: 9.

Knorre, Ernst Christoph Friedrich {1759-181O} first person known to have made astronomical observations

from Dorpat: 17-18, 20, 34, 236.

Knorre, Karl (1801-1883) astronomer and son of Ernst Knorre: 17,34,101,187.

Knorre, Viktor (1840-1919) astronomer and grandson of Ernst Knorre, calculator at Pulkovo in 1867: 17.

Konstantin, Nikolayevich {1827-1892} Grand Duke: 100 passim, 131, 156-7, 186, 223.

Korsakhow, Sergei Sergeievich (1854-1900) Russian medical scientist and psychiatrist: 159.

Kossmann, Alexandra {nee Struve, 1829-1901, daughter}: 59, 69, 97-8, 156, 159, 204, 225.

Kotzebue, Otto v. (1787-18(6) Russian admiral who three times circumnavigated the globe: 53.

Kouchelev-Bezborodko, Count (fl. 1830) Russian landowner living near St Petersburg: 67-8.

Kramskoi, Ivan Nikolaevich {1837-1887} leading 19th-century Russian portrait painter: 212-13.

Lacaille, Abbe Nicholas Louis de (1713-1762) French astronomer and surveyor, first to measure a meridian in

South Africa: 147.

Lalande, Joseph Jerome Lefrancais (1732-1807) French mathematical astronomer: 16, 19.

Lamberti, Andreas (1771-1850) amateur astronomer in Dorpat: 18.


Lange, Erich (1905-1961, great-great grandson1 ) German astronomer at the Hydrographic Institute m

Hamburg 240

Laplace, Pierre Simon MarqUis de (1749-1827) outstandmg French mathematical astronomer 59, 71

Lassell, Wilham (1799-1880) British amateur observatIOnal astronomer credited with the discovery of two

moons of Uranus 139

Lee, John (1783-1866) British observatIOnal astronomer 150

Lefort, Wilhelmme see Parrot, Wilhelmme

Lemn, Vladimir IlYlch (1870-1924) leader of BolsheVik party and ruler of Russia 1917-1924 237

Lenz, Emil Krlstlanovlch (1804-1865) distingUished Russian physIcist 68

Le Verrier, Urbam Jean Joseph (1811-1877) French astronomer noted for his predictIOn of the positIOn of

Neptune Director of Paris Observatory 1854-1870 and 1873-1877 The name IS also spelled

Leverner 97, 135-6, 187-8, 223, 233

Llapounov (f! 1830) assistant to Otto Struve 79

Liebig, Justus Frelherr v (1803-1873) German chemist, colleague of W5hler (q v) 98

Lleven, Baron Wilhelm (f! 1825) 34

Lleven, Prmce Karl v (1767-1844) Chancellor of the Umverslty of Dorpat, later Mmlster for Pubhc

InstructIOn to Nicholas I 36, 38, 46, 67

Lmdenau, Bernhard August v (1780-1854) Director of Seeberg (Gotha) Observatory 30,37,70

Lmdhagen, Arvid (1856-1926, grandson) Swedish astronomer mterested m calendrical problems 241

Lmdhagen, Damel Georg (1819-1906, son-m-Iaw) Swedish astronomer who worked m Pulkovo and later


became permanent secretary of the Royal Academy of SCiences m Stockholm 39-41,61, 137-9, 159-

61, 168, 174, 241

Lmdhagen, Olga (nee Struve, 1830-1894, daughter) Wife of D Georg Lmdhagen 39, 61, 69, 72, 97, 159-60,

162, 168, 229, 241

Lobachewsky, Nikolai Ivanovlch (1793-1856) pIOneer m study of non-Euchdean geometry, taught by Martm

Bartels 71

Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman (1836-1920) British solar observer and founder of the Journal Nature 191

Loewy, Maurice (1833-1907) French astronomer, Director of Paris Observatory 1897-1907 223,227

LoUIs Phlhppe (1773-1850) Kmg of France 1830-1848 75

Lysander (d 1850) assistant to D G Lmdhagen m Lapland survey 40

Maclear, Sir Thomas (1794-1879) H M Astronomer at Cape of Good Hope 1834-1870 168

M!ldler, Johann Hemrlch v (1794-1874) Wilhelm Struve's successor as Director of Dorpat Observatory 119,

147, 151

Magellan, Ferdmand (1480-1521) Portuguese explorer, commander of the first expeditIOn known to have

circumnavigated the globe, after whom the Magellamc Clouds are named 147

Mahler, Franz Joseph (1795-1845) German mstrument maker 70,73,95

Marla Feodorovna (1847-1938) Tsarma to Alexander III 213

MaupertUls, Pierre, LoUIS Moreau de (1698-1759) French astronomer who surveyed Lapland 37,39

McGee, Amta (nee Newcomb, 1864-19611 ) daughter of Simon Newcomb 109,200,213

McGee, W J (1853-1912) American anthropologist and geologist, husband of Amta 200

Memer, Herr v (f! 1810) early patron of Wilhelm Struve 14, 15

Merz, Georg (l793-1867) German mstrument maker, partner of Mahler and successor to Fraunhofer 70, 73,


Merz, Sigmund (c 1820-c 1890) son and successor of Georg Merz 196-7

Michell, Rev John (1724-1793) British clergyman and natural philosopher who argued that many double

stars were likely to form phYSically related systems 26

Mikhail Pavlovltch (1798-1849) Grand Duke, brother of Nicholas I 61

Mlkhallov, Alexander Alexandrovlch (1888-1983) 20th-century Director of Pulkovo 85

Mitchel, Ormsby McNlght (1809-1862) American astronomer and military commander, founder of Cmcmnatl

Observatory c 1845 62


Mouchez, Ernest (1821-1892) French admiral and Director of Paris Observatory from 1878: 214-6, 223.

Muraviev, Nikolai Nikolaievich (1809-1881) Russian general, Governor of Siberia: 98.

Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey (1792-1871) British geologist, first to recognize the Silurian rock system: 97.

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Emperor of the French 1804-1814: 9-10, 16,20,31,242.

Nerwander, Johann Jacob (1805-1848) Director of Helsingfors magnetic observatory: 92.

Newcomb, Anita: see McGee, Anita.

Newcomb, Mary Caroline (nee Hassler, fl. 1880) wife of Simon Newcomb: 200, 209.

Newcomb, Simon (1835-1909) American mathematical astronomer particularly known for his work on the

determination of fundamental astronomical constants: 79, 88, 107-9, 174-6, 181 passim, 196 passim,

209 passim, 219 passim, 235.

Newton, Isaac (1642-1727) English natural philosopher who laid the foundations of modern physical science:


Nicholas I (1796-1855) Tsar of Russia from 1825: 38, 58, 61, 66-9, 77-9, 81, 85, 86, 97, 133.

Nicolai, Friedrich Bernhard Gottfried (1793-1846) student of Gauss, Director of Mannheim Observatory:


Niebuhr, Barthold Georg (1776-1831) diplomat, historian and pioneer of critical historical studies: 14l.

Nyren, Magnus (1837-1921) Swedish astronomer who spent most of his career at Pulkovo, married into the

family of Wilhelm Struve's first wife: 171, 175-6, 181, 196, 220, 222-4, 234.

Oberg, Lt. (fl. 1830) Russian officer who worked in the survey of Finland: 38.

Oersted, Hans Christian (1777-1851) Danish physicist noted for his work on electricity and magnetism: 61.

Oettingen, Arthur Joachim v. (1836-1920) professor ~f physics at Dorpat University: 46, 154, 225.

Olbers, Heinrich, Wilhelm Matthaus (1758-1840) physician and amateur astronomer in the city of Bremen: 6,


Olga (fl. 1840) Grand Duchess, daughter of Nicholas I: 78.

Onazawitch, Lt. (fl. 1874) Russian officer involved in observations of the transit of Venus: 188.

OBcar, (1799-1859) King of Sweden and Norway from 1844: 39, 98.

Ouvaroff, S.S.: Bee Uvarov, S.S.

Parrot, Georg Friedrich v. (1767-1852) of Alsatian origin, Professor of physics at, and Rector of, Dorpat

University: 16-19, 33, 49, 61, 67-8, 73, 75.

Parrot, Johann Jacob Friedrich ("Fritz" 1791-1841) Professor of physiology at Dorpat University, later

succeeding his father as Professor of physicB; the first person known to have climbed Mount Ararat

(1829): 16, 41, 75.

Parrot, Wilhelmine (nee Lefort, d. 1794) first wife of Georg Parrot: 16.

Parsons, William: see Rosse, Lord.

Pashkevich, Ivan Fyodorovich (1782-1856) Russian general notorious for his suppression of Polish and

Hungarian revolts: 16.

Paucker, Magnus Georg (1787-1855) student of astronomy at Dorpat University, later taught at Mitau

Gymnasium: 18-20, 38, 77.

Pechiile, Carl Frederik (1843-1914) Danish astronomer at Copenhagen, studied comets and minor planets:


Perrotin, Henri Joseph Anastas (1845-1904) first Director of the Observatory of Nice 202.

Peter the Great (1672-1725) Tsar of Russia from 1682: 3, 13, 16, 36, 66, 219.

Peter III (1728-1762) Tsar of Russia in 1762: 3-5.

Peters, Christian August Friedrich (1806-1880) astronomer at Pulkovo and later in Altona: 86, 89, 136, 150,


Peters, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (1844-1894) son of C.A.F. Peters, Professor of astronomy at Kiel and

K~nigsberg: 200.


Peters, Christian Heinrich Friedrich (1813-1890) German astronomer who lived and worked in the U.S.A.,

Director of Litchfield Observatory 1867-1890: 199-200.

Pfaff, Johann Friedrich (1765-1825) German mathematician: 71.

Pfaff, Johann Wilhelm Andreas (1774-1835) Professor of astronomy at Dorpat University 1804-1909, brother

of J.F. Pfaff: 15, 17-18, 71.

Piazzi, Giuseppe (1746-1826) Sicilian astronomer, noted for his discovery of the first minor planet: 56-7, 101.

Pickering, Edward Charles (1846-1919) Director of Harvard Observatory from 1877: 199, 204, 214.

pmssl, Simon (1794-1868) Austrian instrument maker: 70, 81.

Pogson, Norman Robert (1829-1891) gave us the modern definition of the magnitude system: 154.

Pohrt, Uno Wilhelm (1813-1885) machinist at both Dorpat and Pulkovo observatories (in some sources

spelled Porth): 72, 76-7.

Poisson, Simeon Denis (1781-1840) French mathematician, prioneer in statistical theory: 57, 154.

Preuss, Ernst Wilhelm (1793-1839) Wilhelm Struve's first observing assistant: 53, 76.

Proctor, Richard Anthony (1837-1888) British astronomer active in popularizing astronomy: 191.

Pythagoras (fl. 5th century B.C.) celebrated early Greek mathematician and philosopher: 6.

Ramsden, Jesse (1735-1800) British instrument maker, invented dividing machine for the graduation of

circles; son-in-law of John Dollond: 28.

Ransome, Robert (1795-1864) British engineer who constructed instruments for Airy to use at Greenwich:


Raskin, N.N. (fl. 1970) Soviet historian of science: 85.

Reichenbach, Georg, v. (1772-1826) German instrument maker, developed transit circle for Bessel: 28, 37-8,

45, 46, 53, 70, 73.

Renz, F.F. (d. 1942) astronomer at Pulkovo from late 19th century: 224.

Repsold, Adolf (1806-1871) son of J.G. Repsold: 70, 73, 85.

Repsold, Georg (fl. 1820) son of J.G. Repsold: 70, 73, S5.

Repsold, Johann Adolf (1838-1919) grandson of J.G. Repsold: 70, 196-7, 201-2, 204-5, 215, 223.

Repsold, Johann Georg (1771-1830) German instrument maker, founder of the family firm: 30, 37, 70.

Repsold, Oscar Philip (1846-1919) grandson of J.G. Repsold: 70.

Ristenpart, Friedrich Wilhelm (1868-1918) assistant at Karlsruhe Observatory 1891-98, later worked at

Santiago and Kiel: 227.

Romberg, Hermann Karl Friedrich (1836-1898) German astronomer who worked at Pulkovo: 222.

Rtlmer, Ole (also Roemer, 1664-1710) Danish astronomer, first to determine a realistic value for the velocity

of light: 24, E6

Rosenius, Capt. (fl. 1830) Russian officer involved in the survey of Finland: 38.

Rosse, Lord (William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, 1800-1867) builder of 6-foot telescope at Birr Castle in

Ireland, whose son founded the firm that came to be known as Grubb-Parsons: 127, 136.

Sabler, Georg Thomas (1810-1864) early student of Wilhelm Struve and one of the original astronomers at

Pulkovo: 39, 41, 76, 89, 168.

Savarius, Felix (also Savary, 1797-1841) first (in 1827) to derive the orbit of a binary system on the

assumption that it was determined by the stars' mutual gravitation: 119.

Sawitsch, Alexis (1810-1883) early student of Wilhelm Struve, later astronomer at St Petersburg

Observatory: 4.1, 78, 209.

Schaeberle, John Martin (1853-1924) German-born U.S. astronomer at the Lick Observatory: 184.

SchiapareUi, Giovanni Virginio (1835-1910) Italian astronomer with a particular interest in planetary

astronomy; he spent some time at Pulkovo and was Director of Milan Observatory from 1862 to

1900: 169-70, 202, 224, 226.

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich v. (1759-1805) German poet: H'1.

Schtlnfeld, Eduard (1828-1921) successor to Argelander as Director of '3onn Observatory: 204, 223-4.


Schrllter, Johann Hieronymous (1745-1816) lawyer and German amateur astronomer who founded Lilienthal

Observatory: friend of the Herschel family: 30.

Schubert, Friedrich Theophilus (1758-1825) astronomer, author of 19th-century text-book: 19.

Schubert, Theodor Friedrich v. (1789-1865) General, Russian military surveyor: 63, 78.

Schulz, Sigurd (fl. 1930) biographer of Danish artist C.A. Jensen: 104.

Schumacher, Lt. Christian Andreas (1810-1854) nephew of H.C. Schumacher, briefly assistant at PulkoYo,

later to Alexander Y. Humboldt: 76.

Schumacher, Heinrich Christian (1780-1850) astronomer in Altona, founder of the Astronomische

Nachrichten: 10, 15-18, 29, 31-2, 37, 46, 67, 70, 76, 85, 89 passim, 103, 109, 121, 124, 133, 135-6.

Schwarz, Ludwig (1822-1894) Director of Dorpat Observatory 1872 -1894: 225.

Schwarzschild, Karl (1873-1916) German astronomer, died of wounds sustained in the First World War: 154.

Seeliger, Hugo Y. (1849-1924) German astronomer, Director of Gotha and Munich observatories, worked on

stellar statistics: 154.

Shapley, Harlow (18:;5-1972) Director of Harvard Observatory 1921-1952: 154.

Simms, William (1793-1860) British instrument maker, partner of Troughton: 62.

Smyslov, Capt. Petr Mikhailovich (1827-1891) Russian officer and geodesist at PulkoYo, Director of Vilnius

Observatory 1866-1882: 102, 168.

Smyth, Charles Piazzi (1819-1900) Astronomer Royal for Scotland 1845-88: 35, 39, 59, 68, 70, 76, 101-105,

109, 181.

Smyth, William Henry (1788-1865) British Admiral and astronomer, father of C.P. Smyth: 59, 101, 104.

Sokolovskaya, Z.K. (fl. 1980) Soviet historian of science: 125, 127.

Sondoff, (fl. 1890) mentioned by Otto Struve as the new Vice-Director of Pulkovo Observatory: 224.

South, Sir James (1785-1867) British observer of double stars: 51, 59-62, 85.

Stalin, Josef (1879-1953) ruler of the Soviet Union from 1924: 235.

Stanislas, St. (c. 1030-1079) patron saint of Poland and of Russian order of chivalry: 97.

Steinheil, Carl August (1832-1893) German astronomer and optician, one of first to make silver-on-glass

mirrors: 70, 117.

Stokes, Sir George Gabriel (1819-1903) British physicist and mathematician, particularly remembered for

Stokes' law governing motion of bodies in viscous fluids: 216-17.

Stone, Edward James (1831-1897) H.M. Astronomer at Cape of Good Hope 1870-79: 19l.

Struve, Abel (nee Struven, 1719-1762, grandmother): l.

Struve, Adolf (1809-1894, nephew): 63, 69, 163.

Struve, Alexandra (1826-28, daughter): 59.

Struve, Alexandra: see Kossmann, Alexandra.

Struve, Alfred (1817-1834, son): 37, 63, 242.

Struve, Alfred (1845-1916, grandson) son of Otto: 163, 178, 193, 201, 229, 240, 242.

Struve, Anna: see Cremers, Anna.

Struve, Bernhard (1827-1889, son) Governor of Perm and Astrakan: 59, 69, 98, 237.

Struve, Berta (1868-1939, great-niece): 232.

Struve, Charlotte: see DI\llen, Charlotte.

Struve, Christiane: see Henop, Christiane.

Struve, Conrad (1821-1893, son) physician and landowner: 37, 69, 98.

Struve, Conrad (d. 1849, grandson) died in infancy: 98.

Struve, Conradine (nee Wall, 1795-1857, sister-in-law): 58, 62, 69.

Struve, Elizabeth (fl. 1900, great-granddaughter) Hermann's daughter: 232, 237.

Struve, Emilie (nee Wall, 1796-1834, first wife): 30-31, 37, 42, 44, 58 passim, 66, 158.

Struve, Emilie (nee Dyrssen, 1823-1868, daughter-in-law) Otto's first wife: 62, 169, 177.

Struve, Emilie (1834-1912, daughter): 63, 69, 98, 106, 156, 162.

Struve, Emma (nee Jankowsky, 1839-1902, daughter-in-law) Otto's second wife: 178-9,224-5,230-31.

Struve, Ernst (1796-1822, brother) physician: 31, 39, 59 92.

Struve, Ernst (1841-1912, son) engineer: 72.


Struve, Eva (1873-1954, granddaughter) Otto's daughter by second marriage: 31, 179, 193, 224 passim.

Struve, Friedrich (1836-1837, son) died in infancy: 72.

Struve, Georg Otto Hermann (1886-1933, great-grandson) German satronomer: 139, 210, 225, 232, 240,


Struve, Georg Wilhelm (1844-1913, grandson) Otto's eldest son: 90, 92, 177-8, 197, 227, 242.


Struve, Gleb (1898-1985, great-grandson) Russian writer, Professor of Slavonic languages at the University of

California, Berkeley: 239.

Struve, Gustav (1816-1828, son): 37, 59.

Struve, Gustav {1832-1834, son}: 62, 69.

Struve, Hedwig (1874-1963, great-niece): 232.

Struve, Heinrich (1822-1908, son) distinguished chemist: 58, 69, 98-9.

Struve, Hermann (1819-1894, nephew) son of Ludwig (senior), father of Berta, Hedwig and Olga: 63, 213

Struve, (Karl) Hermann (1855-1920, grandson) son of Otto, Director of Kllnigsberg Observatory (1895-1904)

and of Berlin Observatory (1904-1920): 139, 154, 178, 189, 193, 197 passim, 210, 21S, 215, 219

passim, 235 passim.

Struve, Hinrich (1743-1, uncle): 1,9.

Struve, Jacob (1755-1841, father) mathematician, classical scholar, Rector of the Christianeum: Hf., 62-3, 73,

132, 210, 213, 232, 235.

Struve, Johann (1700-1778, grandfather): 1, 2.

Struve, Johanna (nee Bartels, 1807-1867, second wife): 70, 72, 97, 107, 158-60, 162, 164, 177, 227.

Struve, Karl (1785-1839, brother) writer and gymnasium teacher: 6, 10, 14, 16,31,37,59,63,73.

Struve, Karl (also called Kyrill, 1835-1907, son) Russian ambassador successively to Tokyo, Washington and

The Hague: 72, 97-8, 156, 189, 200, 202-3, 219, 240.

Struve, Ludwig (1795-1828, brother) physician, Professor of medicine at Dorpat University: 20, 30-1, 58-9,


Struve, (Gustav) Ludwig (1858-1920, grandson) Otto's son, Director of Kharkov Observatory 1897-1919: 141,

154, 178, 201-2, 204, 213, 224 passim, 235 passim.

Struve, Maria Emerentia (nee Wiese, 1764-1847, mother): Sf C., 62, 92, 132.

Struve, Marie (1842-1914, granddaughter) Otto's daughter: 98, 178.

Struve, Marquard (fl. 1565, possible ancestor) farm-owner near Horst: 1.

Struve, Nikolai (1842-1917, son) gymnasium teacher and family historian: 72, 107, 162, 171.

Struve, Olga: see Lindhagen, Olga.

Struve, Olga (nee Struve, 1864-1919, great-niece) daughter of the older Hermann, wife of the astronomer

Hermann: 213, 232, 237.

Struve, Otto (1897-1963, great-grandson) distinguished American astronomer, Director of Yerkes

Observatory and of others: 9, 128, 154, 179,217,231,238-40,243.

Struve, Paul (1838-1839, son): 72.

Struve, Peter (1870-1944, grandson) political activist, sometime member of the Duma, advisor to White-

Russian commanders: 67, 237, 239.

Struve, Reinhardt (1919-1943, great-great-grandson): 240.

Struve, Theodor (1816-1884, nephew) classical scholar: 59, 62-S.

Struve, Therese (1856-1880, granddaughter) Otto's daughter: 193, 201.

Struve, Wilfried (b. 1914, great-great-grandson): 232, 240.

Struve, Wilhelmine (nee Sparvardt, 1789-1834, sister-in-law) the elder Karl's wife: 14.

Svanberg, Jllns (1771-1851) Swedish astronomer and surveyor: 37, 39.

Talmage, Charles George (1840-1886) English astronomer employed at Royal Observatory and various

private observatories: 183-4.

Taylor, James Bayard (1825-1878) American writer who married a daughter of the astronomer Hansen (q.v.),

secretary of U.S. legation in St Petersburg: 171.

Tebbutt, John (1834-1916) Australian amateur astronomer: 195.


Tenner, Gen. Karl Ivanovich (1783-1860) Russian officer and geodetic surveyor who collaborated with

Wilhelm Struve: 36, 38-9, 41.

Thon, (fl. 1830) Russian architect who submitted plans for Pulkovo Observatory: 69.

Tisserand, Felix (1845-1896) French mathematical astronomer, Director of Paris Observatory from 1892: 223,


Titriumov (fl. 1866) Russian painter: 161.

Tolstoy, Count Dmitri Andreyevich (1823-1889) Russian statesman, minister to Alexander III: 215, 223.

Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolayevich (1828-1910) famous novelist: 10, 215.

Tomaschek, Olga (fl. 1960, great-granddaughter) family historian: 241.

Troughton, Edward (1753-1836) English instrument maker, partner of Simms; 33, 41, 45, 47, 61, 62.

Trumpler, Robert Julius (1886-1956) Swiss-born U.S. astronomer who provided convincing evidence of

interstellar absorption: 149.

Turner, Herbert Hall (1861-1930) British astronomer, Savilian Professor of astronomy at the University of

Oxford: 216.

Utzschneider, Joseph v. (1763-1840) German industrialist, financer of Guinand and, later, Fraunhofer: 45, 46,


Uvarov, Sergei Semenovich (1786-1855) Russian statesman, Minister of Public Instruction 1833-1849,

President of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences 1818-1855: 68-9, 72, 78,97, 133, 145

Vaillant, Jean Baptiste Philibert (1790-1872) Marshal of France and French war minister: 156.

Valentiner, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Johannes (1845-1931) Director of Mannheim Observatory from 1875,

supervised its move to Karlsruhe and Heidelberg: 227.

Victoria, (1819-1901) Queen of Great Britain from 1837: 67, 133.

Vogel, Hermann Carl (1841-1907) German pioneer in astronomical spectroscopy: 187, 223-4.

Vogue, Eugene Melchior Vicomte de (1848-1910) French literary man: 109-10.

Volkonsky, Prince Petr Mikhailovich (1776-1852) Russian military commander: 37.

Voss, Leopold (fl. 1860) bookseller in Leipzig: 73.

Wagner, August (1828-1866) astronomer at Pulkovo: 168, 171.

Walbeck, Henric Johan (1793-1822) astronomer at Abo: 37.

Wanach, Bernhard Karl (1867-1928) astronomer, born in Kurland, spending some years in Pulkovo, later

became a geodesist in Potsdam: 224-5.

Weisse, Maximilian (b. 1798) astronomer, Director of Cracow Observatory: 147-8.

Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm (1816-1897) famous German mathematician: 193.

Wesselovsky, Constantin (b. 1819) permanent secretary of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences: 223.

Wetzer, (fl. 1839) technician, assistant to Pohrt (q.v.): 77.

Wiese, Anna (h. 1769, aunt): 10.

Wiese, Betty: see Gaspari, Betty.

Wiese, Johann Heinrich Ludwig (1726-1804, grandfather) Pastor to court of Peter III, later in northern

Germany: 3-6.

Wild, Heinrich (1833-1902) Swiss-born physicist and meteriologist, Director of St Petersburg Observatory,

1865-1896: 223.

Wilhelm II (1859-1941) German Kaiser from 1888 to 1918: 243.

Williams, Karl (b. 1776) student under Pfaff at Dorpat: 18.

Winnecke, Friedrich August Theodor (1835-1897) Vice-Director of Pulkovo 1864-65, Director of Strasbourg

Observatory 1872-82, connected to Struve family by marriage: 105, 156, 168 passim, 188, 193, 202,


Wisniewsky, Vincent de (d.1785-1855) Professor of astronomy at St Petersburg: 68.

Wittram, Theodor Friedrich Gottlieb (1854-1915) astronomer at Pulkovo towards end of 19th century, later

at the Nikolai Academy of the Russian general staff: 224.


W~hler, Friedrich (1800-1882) one of the founders of modern organic chemistry, student of Berzelius: 98.

Wolstedt, Frederick (b. 1813) Director of Helsingfors Observatory, married to a niece of Wilhelm Struve: 39,


Wrangel, Baron Petr Nicholaievich (1818-1928) White Russian general: 239.

Wrangel, Baron Wilhelm (1192-1812) student of Wilhelm Struve's at Dorpat: 46, 68, 131.

Yaroslav the Wise (980-1054) Grand Prince of Kiev from 1019: 13.

Zach, Baron Francis Xavier v. (1154-1832) Austrian military surveyor who later (1806) became Director of

the Seeberg Observatory (Gotha): 18.


Aberration (chromatic) 26, (of hght) 24, 113,

175-6, 181, (spherical) 26

Abo Observatory 37

Absorption of starhght 148-50, 153-4-

Academy of SCiences (St Petersburg) 17,36,39,

58 passim, 66-7, 78, 85 90, 125 145

156, 173, 175, 215, 219-23, 226, (U S

NatIOnal) 204, 239

Almanac, Nautical 59,211

Altona Observatory 37, 133

Arc du M~rldlen 35 paSSim, 136, 1::'9, 156, 159

Arcturus 117

Astronomical Journal 89

Astronomical photography 185, 213ff

Astronomlsche Gesellschaft 166, 173,200-201,


Astronomlsche Nachrlchten 10, 89, 92, 121-3,


Aurora Boreahs 173-4

Beobachtungsk!lppchen, 242

Berhn Observatory 29, 151, 231, 235, 240

Bmary stars see double stars

Bonn Observatory 122 136, 224

Cape of Good Hope Observatory 123, 168

Carte du Clel 215ff, 219, 223, 227, 229

Castor 45, 118

Catalogus Novus 51ff, 117-8, 131, 135, 147

o Centaurl 123

Chivalry, orders of 97, 195

Cholera 97-8, 188

Chrlstlaneum 2-3, 6, 8-9, 73

Cmcmnatl Observatory 177

Clock-drives (for telescopes) 28, 47, 99

Comets 10, 18, 121 135, 139 40, 213, 214, 220

Copenhagen Observatory 10

61 Cygm 56-7, 115 passim

Deneb (0 Cygm) 123

DommlOn Astrophysical Observatory, VictOria,

B C 48, 55, 80, 132

Double stars 25,28,47,49, 51ff ,95,102,131,

147,160, (artificial) 173, 181, 200, 233

Etudes d'astronomle stellalre 55, 131, 145ff

Galaxy (Milky Way) 145 passim

Gold Medal (of the R AS) 58, US 1~9 140-43,

231, 239

Gotha (Seeberg) Observatory 30, 37, 216

G3ttmgen Observatory 37

Great Refractor, the 46, 46ff , 67, 73, 77, 95, 115,

117, 139, 207

Greenwich Observatory 59, 90, 93, 133, 136, 163,

211 3 217

Harvard Observatory 196, 199

Heidelberg Observatory (KBmgstuhl) 227, 229

Hehometer &9,94, 123, 127

Helsmgfors 0 bservatory 77, 92

InternatIOnal Astronomical Umon 215, 217, 239

Jupiter 210

Kazan Observatory 77

Kepler's manuscripts 85, 86

Kharkov Observatory 77, 225, 239

Kle\ Observatory 77

K3mg"berg Observatory 3D, 37, 147, 226ff

Lick Observatory 177, 184, 198, 201, 203, 226


Llhenthal Observatory 30

Longitude measurements 63, 132ff, 188-9

a Lyrae see Vega

Mannhelm Observatory 31-2, 227

Mars (canals on) 226, (parallax of) 174, 184, 189,

(satelhtes of) 210

McDonald Observatory (Texas) 239

Mensurae Mlcrometrlcae 58, 116-7, 119, 121, 124

125, 131

Micrometer 28-9, 94, 121, 210

Milan Observatorv 202

Mmor planets 101, 189, 199

Mltau Observatory 77


Nahonal RadIO Observatory (Greenbank, USA)


Neptune (discovery of) 59, 90, 135ff , (satellite

of) 99, 139, 210

Nice Observatory 202, 214-5

Nlcolayev Observatory 68, 77

NutatIOn 113, 175

Observatory see under place names, Dorpat,

Pulkovo, etc

OccultatIOns 76, 104, 225

Olbers' paradox 148-50

70 OphlUChl 54-5, 57, 118-9

OrIOn nebula 99, 183

Parallax (stellar or annual) 23, 24, 113ff, 146,

152, (solar) 115-6, 184ff

ParIS Observatory 34,36,59,174,187-8,235

Pleiades 76, 104, 147, 214

Posltlones mediae 58, 131, 136

PrecessIOn 113-4, 140ff

Prime meridian 210-11

Prime verhcal (verhcal circle) 70, 81, 83, 89, 94-

5,99, 175-6

Procyon 147, 181ff

Proper motIOn 114, 117-8, 120, 140ff, 181

Pulkovo Observatory 20 paSSim, 35, 68 passim,

89ff, 124, 131, 145, 156 paSSim, 209-12,

215, 219ff , 224-5, 235, 240, 243

Railways 73, 89, 107-9

Regulus 203

Royal Astronomical Society 10, 35, 38, 41, 58,

125, 139 140-1, 152-3, 173, 183, 231,


RUSSian revolutIOn 237ff

St Petersburg Observatory 66-7, 77

Saturn 49, (rmgs of) 99-101, (satelhtes of) 210,

224, 231, 240

ScorplO-Centaurus group 58

Smus 120, 147, 149, 181, 183

Southern Cross 57

Stellar masses 118-9

Strasbourg Observatory 171, 216, 225

Surveys (arc of meridian) 35 paSSim, (Black and

Caspian Seas) 41, (Lapland) 37, 39-40,

Llvland) 33-4, 36, (parallel of latitude)


Telescopes (refractors) 26ff, 45 46-7,61 paSSim,

102, (15-mch Pulkovo) 80, 89, 95, 99,

102, 139, 182-4, 197, 214-5, (30-mch

Pulkovo) 191, 196ff, 209-10, 219-20,

224, (see also Great Refractor),

(reflectors) 26ff, 47ff , 66, 68, 148

TeutOniC Knights 13 14

TranSit mstruments 18-19, 28, 45, 68, 73, 77,

81-2, 89, 94, 115-6

Union Observatory, Johannesburg 240-1

University (Berlm) 240, (Cambridge, England)

133, 136, (Chicago) 239, (Columbia,

NY) 177, (Dorpat) 10, 13, 17,37-8,58,

61, 64, 67, 73 paSSim, 136, 224,

(GlIttmgen) 2, 10, (Grelfswald) 32,

(Heidelberg) 214, 240, (Kazan) 71,

(Klel) 2, 6, 30, (Oxford) 133,

(St Andrews) 150, (Straobourg) 171

Uranus (discovery of) 25, 59, (Satelhtes of) 1~9


US Naval Observatory 196,198-9,204,210

Vega 58,117-8, 120ff, 127

VelOCity of hght 24

Venus, transit of 175, 184ff ,203,209

War (Napoleonic) 8,9, 16ff, 23, 26, 31, 113, 242,

(Crimean) 79, (RUS80-Turkish) 196,

(World War I) 13, 179, 237ff , (World

War II) 13, 179,243, (Franco-Prusslan)

171, (Spanish-American) 200

Yerkes Observatory 239

top related