national food security mission

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National Food Security Mission. Retrospect and Prospects. Presentation by Mission Director to the 6 th Meeting of General Council of NFSM. Context. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


National Food Security National Food Security MissionMission

Retrospect and Prospects

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 1

Presentation by Mission Directorto the 6th Meeting of General Council of NFSM

“We need a second green revolution in Agriculture. We

can tackle the problem of rising food prices only by

increasing agriculture production and productivity.

We also need to increase agriculture production to

implement a food security law. We will accelerate

our efforts in this direction in the 12th plan”.

Hon’ble Prime Minister in his address to the nation on Independence Day (15th August, 2011)


April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 2

RetrospectLearning from the implementation in past four years

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 3

10/1/2007 3/31/2012

1/1/2008 1/1/2009 1/1/2010 1/1/2011 1/1/2012

10/1/2007 - 3/31/2009Estabishing Mission

4/1/2009 - 3/31/2010Drought

4/1/2010 - 3/31/2012Pulses Focus and RKVY support

31/3/08Mid Course Corrections

27/12/08Building Capacity

31/5/10Pulses program in clusters

1/4/10A3P, ISOPOM merged with NFSM

30/4/10Eastern India Program

15/7/11Wheat, Rice, food grains targets exceeded

2/5/11Millets program

National Food Security MissionKey Milestones

1/10/092/3 rd NFSM Districts affected


Krishi Karman Awards

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 4

Big impetus from 2010-11

Fund Releases Fund Releases Rs in CroresRs in Crores

Crop Year Total

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Rice 84.95 363.77 313.51 290.94 239.37 1292.54Wheat 208.19 232.23 317.98 261.36 1.18 1020.94Pulses 105.59 287.29 387.67 727.76 215.58 1723.89

Total 398.73 883.29 1019.16 1280.06 456.13 4037.37

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 5

Total Plan outlay 4882 crores

State wise Fund positionState wise Fund position as on 31 as on 31stst July 2011 (in crores) July 2011 (in crores)

state Releases %release exp %expU.P 717 19 619 86Maharashtra 407 11 337 83AP 404 11 345 85M.P 348 9 303 87Orissa 242 6 199 82Bihar 236 6 213 90Karnataka 203 5 157 77Rajasthan 194 5 152 78WB 182 5 178 98Punjab 172 5 166 96Chattisgarh 160 4 117 73Assam 142 4 109 77TN 133 4 108 81Haryana 99 3 95 97Gujarat 59 2 52 89Jharkhand 31 1 21 67Kerala 7 0 7 100Total 3735 100 3181 85

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 6

Production TargetsProduction Targets2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Demand 71.19 72.72 74.26 75.8 77.36Target 77.8 78.8 79.8 81.8 83.8

Achievement 75.81 78.57 80.68 80.98 85.93

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 7

In million tons

Demand 90.91 92.87 94.83 96.81 98.79Target 94.35 96.35 98.35 100.35 103.35

Achievement 93.35 96.69 99.18 89.31 95.32

Demand 16.77 17.51 18.29 19.08 19.91Target 14.7 15.2 15.4 15.7 16.2

Achievement 14.20 14.76 14.57 14.77 18.09




Very Good Kharif Crop Prospects in 2011-12, rice target likely to be achieved with marginal shortfall in Kharif Pulses

Drought and Price RiseDrought and Price RiseInfrastructure and Asset building activities

◦Farm ponds, Plastic lining of ponds, Shallow tube wells, dug wells, pumps

Focused work◦Promoting critical inputs

IPM and INM based ‘practices centered’ approach◦Adopting Cluster approach

Assured reach to all the farmers big or small Ease of operations and monitoring

◦Mechanization as service Ridge furrow planting Seed Drills/drum seeders/deep ploughing

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 8

RKVY-Crop SupportRKVY-Crop SupportSectors 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 TotalMICRO/MINOR IRRIGATION 211 1193 3988 1477 501 7370CROP DEVELOPMENT 43 90 157 2111 371 2773SEED 122 534 581 734 68 2039AGRICULTURE MECHANISATION 57 487 219 618 133 1513FERTILISERS AND INM 30 141 485 285 88 1028NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 122 179 311 324 67 1004EXTENSION 52 138 116 470 45 821ORGANIC FARMING / BIO FERTILISER 22 273 142 168 7 613INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT 11 55 28 97 11 202Grand Total 671 3090 6026 6285 1289 17362

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 9

Amount in crores

Expansion of NFSMExpansion of NFSM

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 10

All Districts for Rice in Eastern Region

All Pulses Districts

From 2010-11 Outlay for food crops increased from 4882 crores to 9500 crores with support of RKVY


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April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 12

ProspectsBuilding on the strengths and addressing the weaknesses in the 12th Plan

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 13

Direction in 12Direction in 12thth Plan Plan

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 14

Next StepsNext StepsBroad Tentative Time line for implementation

◦Discussion with Selected States by September end◦Submission of Revised Scheme and Cost estimates

to Planning Commission by October end◦Approval of EFC by January 2012◦Cabinet approval and preparation of Operational

Guidelines by March 2012◦Implementation of revised Scheme from April 2012

About 30,000 crores to cover additional crops, rising input costs and building climate resilience for sustainable agriculture

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 15

Sum upSum upFood Security will continue to be the core

agenda of India as it is classified globally as a High Risk Country on the ‘Food Security Risk Index’.

National Food Security Mission in the revamped mode in the 12th Plan could be geared up to orient it towards building institutions and partnerships while attaining the targets of production set for food crops

April 22, 2023Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 16

Thank you

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