national institute of mental health - autism spectrum disorder

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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The National Institute of Mental Health

The National Institute of Mental Health

Autism Spectrum DisorderBy: Elizabeth EstesBy Elizabeth Estes

Why I Chose This Disorder

My new brother in law has it

I used to baby sit a kid with it

I will be working for PAI, and work with kids on various areas on this spectrum.

Characteristics of ASD

Social problems, low communication skills

Repetitive behaviors

Limited interests or activities

Symptoms of Restriction/Repetitive behaviors

Symptoms of Social Communication/Interaction

STRENGTHS of Autism!

Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder

Diagnosing young children in two steps

Step 1: General Development screening during checkups

Step 2: Additional Evaluation

Testing Cognitive skills, language skills, and age-appropriate skills

Risk Factors

Boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls

Having a sibling with ASD increases the chances

Parent's being older

Other genetic conditions

Treatment and Therapy


Group Therapy

No cure

Why is this information important?

Increasing in numbers!

Knowing the risks

1 out of 68 children have some form of Autism


Who Collected the Information??

National Institute of Mental Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Research method used to gather this information


Treatment information

Clinical Trials

How this info is kept up to date?

Continued clinical trials

More information from ongoing research

Keeping record of doctor diagnoses

Things I learned

Some children with autism are completely non verbal, and some are able to speak very well.

Asperger's is no longer considered a diagnosis, it is just another form of autism, although the term is still widely used.

The symptoms of autism are very different from child to child, with the exception of a few.

My question

What is the cause of increasing number of diagnoses? Is it the ability to diagnose at an earlier age, or are more children having this disorder?

How to answer my question

The theory of vaccinations causing autism has been debunked.

The only way to answer my question is to wait for more information to become available, and determine the difference of the before and after. If there is a significant increase in diagnoses, then the number of people with the disorder is increasing, if it is not significant, then it may just be the better ability to diagnose.



Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2016, March). Retrieved from

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