natural crystals and gemstones suppliers

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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The ancient scriptures say that there are only 2 most powerful forces in this universe which are mainly known as 'Love' & 'Fear'.

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To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

The energy of Love:

• Fills our mind & body with beautiful healing energy

• Expands our heart centers

• Connects us to everyone & everything in this universe to bring us closer

• Makes us embodiment of love and peace

• Heals us & Helps us Move forward with Joy and positive experiences

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

• While the other strongest energy of Fear:

• Creates negative experiences

• Separates us and creates distance

• Destroys our Mental peace of mind

• Creates Diseases and other imbalances in our mind, body & soul

• Makes us feel Angry, Irritated, Confused & we often become paralyzed mentally to move forward and change our circumstances

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• Now with the help of Modern science we can understand everything in terms of Frequencies and vibration. Einstein proved in this equation that 'Matter and Energy are inter-convertible'. So even love and Fear can actually be measured by certain subtle energy measuring gadgets.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

• There are some crystals & gemstones describedin the ancient Indian vedic 'Ratnavidya' whichvibrate to a frequency similar to the frequency oflove and when you wear these crystals afterproperly cleansing, energizing and programmingthem then this crystals begin to help your energyfield raise its own energy from the level of 'Fear'to that of 'Love'. This is how you start noticingchanges in your life and your attitude aftermaking use of these crystals and gemstones.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

• Some of the crystals which can be used for Attracting orIncreasing the vibration of 'Love' in your life arementioned below. These crystals balance and activateyour chakra's to help you bring in more healing energieswhich can improve various aspects of your life connectedto the various aspects of your relationship for example:Communication problems that arise from the throatchakra are most of the time the prime reason for themisunderstanding in the relationship and damages theheart chakra of a person suffering from it.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

• These crystals can be used alone but they work best when they are combined with compatible stones which amplify the energies and helps you see the results faster.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

Crystals for Love:

• Rose Quartz is the universal stone of love and healing. It can be worn or kept in pocket to attract love, new friends, new relationship or harmonize your existing relationships. It is often called the 'Lover's stone'. Specially used at the time when you have hard time letting go of the previous relationships.

• Rhodocrosite helps you more attractive energetically.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

• Rhodonite helps you become aware of the aspects of love and at the same time increases your self worth to help you develop good self esteem.

• Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli and Blue lace agate to resolve communication problems.

• Angelite to bring in divine intervention to help you resolve your issues.

• Moonstone to help you strengthen your emotional connection with your lover.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

Healing Crystals

• You can check out the crystal healing kits which are special combination of energized crystals & gemstones for specific purposes to help you become more attractive energetically to help you become more attractive energetically. They are available on our web store on the homepage.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; PleaseVisit: www.

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